My Wife Cheated w/ My Daughter's Boyfriend. I Got Epic Revenge & Filed For Divorce. Sad Audio Story

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#redditstories #redditrelationship #aita My Wife Cheated w/ My Daughter's Boyfriend. I Got Epic Re...
Video Transcript:
[Music] before that moment life had already thrown its challenges my way I grew up in a small town working through college and getting by as best I could hard work never intimidated me but I always felt like something was missing marriage followed not out of love before that moment life had already thrown its challenges my way I grew up in a small town working through college and getting by as best I could hard work never intimidated me but I always felt like something was missing marriage followed not out of love but more out of obligation
and that slowly drained whatever passion I once had for life every day became a checklist a job a house and eventually a divorce the divorce wasn't a shock I was stuck in a dead-end job doing the bare minimum and my relationship at home wasn't any better my wife at the time Sheila became increasingly distant and one day I came home to find the house completely emptied she had moved in with her lover and from there my life began to fall apart the next few years were a blur of trying to piece together a life that
had never been solid from the start which brings me to a typical morning in Honolulu sitting at Starbucks sipping my usual Frappuccino a daily routine the Baristas Knew by heart the air was warm like it always is in Hawaii and I felt the familiar tension between enjoying the moment and being haunted by my past I I reflected on the 5 years since Sheila left me and how much my life had changed since then I get a few dirty looks from people in line when one of the girls brings my drink over with a cheerful good
morning Mr Mitchell maybe the tip helps with that it was a typical Hawaiian day clear skies with temperatures in the mid 70s and a mild Breeze from the West off the ocean actually that's a silly thing to say Hawaii is in the middle of the Pacific so the wind's always from the ocean no matter which direction it's blowing I sat outside at my small table under a palm tree which provided just enough shade to protect me from the Sun my driver Keanu and I enjoyed the peace and quiet I was trying to read The Wall
Street Journal while Keanu was busy checking his eyelids for light leaks but today my mind kept drifting back over the Last 5 Years yep it's been 5 years since Sheila divorced me and ran off with her lover back then I was living in Western New York working as a tech for a big manufacturing company I wasn't the best employee to be honest I was below average I didn't try very hard and wasn't exactly ambitious whenever I finished a task I'd just wait for the next one instead of seeking out more work I'd usually hide out
just like normal one day after finishing my assigned task I was browsing the web when my supervisor came into my cubicle the department manager wants to see you he said it was an unusual request and I felt a bit uneasy we walked to the elevators together when we arrived at the manager's office his secretary Margaret asked asked us to wait I believe Mr Martin is on the phone heun see you shortly she said that shortly turned into a 30-minute wait the longest 30 minutes of my life when we were finally called in we weren't even
offered a seat Jim he started you've been with us for he paused to check the papers on his desk 15 years I regret to inform you that we no longer need your services you'll get a Year's Severance in any acred vacation in your next paycheck and that was that I was fired what the hell was I going to do now I was too old to start over what would I tell Sheila I packed up my things in a days I don't remember much about the next few hours but I ended up in a bar Downing
my third or fourth double when the bartender suggested I'd had enough I drove home carefully no point in getting a DWI I thought I pulled into the garage but drove right through the back wall I figured Sheila must have had some work done to shorten the garage the noise should have brought her out out but it didn't when I got to the door it was unlocked I opened it to find an empty kitchen the table chairs and even the appliances were gone my first thought was we've been robbed I stumbled into the living room everything
was gone the room was as bare as the day we bought the house my foggy brain didn't register the pile of my stuff in the middle of the room I climbed the stairs to the bedroom and found the same emptiness well not entirely empty all my clothes were in a pile on the floor FL and the pile smelled bad I soon realized the stench was urine the closer I got the worse it smelled in my drunken State I vomited right on top of the pile I went back downstairs and curled up on the carpet I
can't say I fell asleep I think I just passed out when I woke up the next morning I had the worst hangover ever my head pounded my mouth tasted awful and my body was stiff from sleeping on the floor I stumbled to the garage and noticed my wife's car was gone I made my way back to the kitchen thinking maybe some coffee would help but there was none she took that too it took a few minutes for my brain to fully wake up before I noticed the note on the counter I picked it up and
started reading Jim we've been married for almost 14 years in that time you've turned out to be a loser you're not a good husband provider or lover you're selfish and only care about your own needs I've moved in with my lover and will be contacting a lawyer to start divorce proceedings Sheila well I guess I knew knew how the rest of the day would go Sheila worked as a legal secretary for a big Law Firm I suspected she was upgrading to one of the attorneys and planned to use the firm to take me down thank
God we didn't have kids I was pretty mad so I looked for the house phones they were all gone at least I still had my company cell phone they hadn't asked for that back yet as one last Act of defiance I called the bank and reported my wallet stolen a helpful woman Froze all my credit cards checking and savings accounts the debit card was blocked too I hung up with a smile on my face Sheila was going to be furious when she couldn't use any of our joint cards I packed what I could into my
car she had taken all the luggage I couldn't even find a garbage bag she took everything one reason someplace else was my favorite bar was because it was owned by my best friend since childhood the only person I trusted completely so I headed there for advice bartenders give the best advice and my friend had an ex-wife so he might know a good divorce attorney I also had to figure out how to hide my final check from Sheila I didn't want her to get it when I walked into the bar Martin poured me a double after
last night I figured you needed one he said with sympathy I downed it in one gulp he looked shocked I wasn't the type to drink that fast so I told him everything starting from when I left the bar the night before by the time I finished I had the name of his divorce lawyer a place to stay in the apartment above the bar and an IOU for the amount of my severance check Martin agreed to include the check in one of his deposits and give me the money as I needed it time passed and so
did the divorce a year later I found myself divorced and living in a small one-bedroom apartment in a sketchy neighborhood my dear wife had hired a shark of a lawyer she worked for the firm after all and she cleaned me out she got the house the investment account and our checking and savings accounts she almost got alimony but since I had no job or money the judge took pity on me and waved it lucky for me no one asked about the severance check it might seem like like Sheila made out well but the house was
underwater on the mortgage the savings account had less than a th000 bucks the checking account was drained by monthly bills and the 401K had barely $2,000 best of all most of the credit cards were maxed out Sheila must have gone on a spree before the divorce was Final I think she planned on leaving me with the debt but since I had no income the judge stuck her with the bills it took a week to wipe the smile off my face eventually I had to get a job I ended up working as a janitor for the
school district pulling night shifts my days were spent either on my computer or hanging out at my friend's bar guess what I did with all my free time there I was well on my way to becoming a heavy drinker one morning I found a Powerball ticket in my pocket I didn't remember buying it but I knew the bar sold them I tossed it on my desk and went to the bathroom after taking a shower and Brewing some coffee I noticed the ticket again once my PC booted up I checked the numbers on the Powerball website
I triple checked the ticket the numbers match there was only one winner and the jackpot was $250 million yep Millions I quickly signed the back of the ticket next I called my divorce lawyer it was Sunday so I got his answering machine a couple of hours later he called back apparently he didn't have much going on that day either I won I told him we set up a meeting for Monday the next day we spent hours discussing trusts Investments Tax Strategies and most importantly how to make sure my ex didn't get any of the money
it took almost a month to set up all the accounts and finalize everything two weeks later I was looking at property in Hawaii I wanted a luxury place on one of the Hills near Hawaii Kai a suburb of Honolulu it took almost a year to get the house just how I wanted it now I'm finally settled in and enjoying the good life my favorite memory from this time was when I got a call from my lawyer apparently my ex-wife had heard about my lottery win and wanted to talk my lawyer shut her down immediately that's
when I knew I'd pick the right guy so there I was sipping my frap and lost in thought when I got that strange feeling of being watched I was about to alert my driver but then I looked around and noticed a little girl maybe five or six staring at me she had long dark hair and the most beautiful blue eyes I'd ever seen but they were full of sadness she was clutching a small doll and holding a blanket to her nose she tugged at my heart and all I wanted to do was hug her and
take her problems away I gave her my friendly a smile I didn't want to scare her at the same time I scanned the area for a parent surely no responsible parent would let a child wander around like this but I saw no one I signaled one of the counter girls and using some improvised gestures asked her who is she she asked the others but they all just Shrugged by then a few women sitting nearby had noticed when I looked at them they all shook their heads no one knew the girl she started to tear up
so I gave her a soft smile and handed her my clean handkerchief she took it but just stood there holding it I gently wiped her tears away and in return she gave me a small smile and handed back the now dirty hanky a couple of the women came over to talk to the little girl one pulled out her phone and called emergency I heard her tell the operator about a lost child after she hung up she turned to me and said 5 minutes the little girl began making soft noises so I ran my fingers through
her hair and gave her a gentle kiss on the top of of her head she looked up at me and said graia BBY it had been 20 years but I recognized the phrase she was speaking Italian thank you Grandpa back in the late ' 80s I'd been stationed in Italy with the US Army and learned quite a bit of the language if you wanted to get anywhere with the local women speaking Italian was essential and now this little girl was speaking Italian Bella cowo ILO n a Jim I said which means hi beautiful my name
is Jim her eyes lit up and she smiled widely hugging me even tighter Bella I asked her meaning what's your name beautiful she responded Bella I tried a few more times to get a different answer but all she would say was Bella so I shifted gears aqua water I asked she smiled a little so I took her hand and we walked into Starbucks as we looked at the drink cooler one of the Baristas made her a small caramel frappuccino after just one sip Bella was hooked she smiled at the the Barista and said gratzi we
returned to my table and Bella sat beside me sipping her treat slowly I noticed a Honolulu police cruiser pull up so I waved at the officers they came over and I explained that Bella seemed either lost or abandoned one officer tried speaking to her in English but it wasn't working his frustration was clear and that's when his partner saw the smile on my face do you know why she's not talking to us the officer asked me I nodded she only speaks at Italian my Italian is Rusty it's been 20 years but I've managed a bit
do you have anyone who speaks the language at that moment Bella tugged on my shirt and whispered B I understood bathroom I asked looking at one of the women nearby I asked her to help Bella but Bella wouldn't go alone so the three of us went together I waited in the hall and Bella called out a couple of times just to make sure I was still there when we got back the police told me they couldn't find anyone who spoke at Italian so they called Child Protective Services CPS and a case worker was on the
way 2 hours later after having lunch with the officers and Bella at McDonald's she knew exactly what she wanted we returned to Starbucks a furious caseworker was waiting for us immediately yelling at the officers why did you make me wait so long you wasted my time she shouted the officers weren't having any of her attitude and soon a shouting match broke out Bella was scared so I took her away from the noise the case were worker saw me and screamed he's stealing that child stop him I pulled out my phone and made some calls I
had been a major donor to the governor's campaign and I figured it was time to cash in on that favor I explained who I was and the situation to one of the governor's AIDS the reply was simple I'll take care of it about 5 minutes later the case worker's phone rang she answered it rudely clearly ready to yell but suddenly went quiet I could hear her saying yes sir yes sir repeatedly while she was still on the call an unmarked police car arrived I recognized the man who got out it was the chief of police
he briefly spoke with the officers before walking over to the case worker hang up the phone get in your car and leave that's an order if you don't comply I'll have you arrested he said the case worker quickly left the chief then approached my table with the two officers and introduced himself did either of my officers treat you poorly or act discourteously during your interactions he asked no sir they were polite and helpful they've been trying to find a translator to help communicate with the girl I responded the two Patrol officers smiled at me the
chief sat down and we began discussing little Bella the officers returned to their patrol duties while we brainstormed what to do with my new little friend we decided that Bella would stay with me until her parents or relatives were found and they would continue to look for an Italian translator my driver had gone back to my house to do some yard work so I called to arrange for a pickup the rest of the afternoon would be spent shopping for a wardrobe of little girl clothes for Bella we headed to Alamo Moana mall for a busy
afternoon of shopping and I asked my driver's wife olani who was also my housekeeper to come along and help pick out clothes for Bella Keanu and anani arrived about 15 minutes later on the ride to the mall anani asked me all about Bella once we got there the girls visited all the children's stores while Keanu and I made multiple trips to the car carrying bags if I recall correctly we went to the Disney Store Gap Kids jimy Janie and Jack and The Children's Place we didn't buy something at every store but we certainly tried my
American Express card got quite the workout Bella and Alani became fast friends they chatted the whole time neither understanding the other but that didn't matter they spoke the universal language of women shopping I don't recall which store it was but both of them stopped to stare at little girls bedroom furniture sets we didn't go inside thankfully but I had a feeling we'd be back by the time we finished shopping it was too late to cook dinner I was elected to treat everyone so I suggested anti pastos on South bitania Street in downtown Honolulu I thought
maybe someone there would speak Italian or could direct me to someone who did after all it was an Italian restaurant though no one there spoke Italian the owner promised to keep an ear out for a native speaker he was fourth generation Italian and most of his Italian speaking relatives had long since passed but the food was great and Bella loved her Pizza eating almost the whole thing it was getting late as we left the restaurant we hadn't even hit the freeway before both Bella and elani were sound asleep in the back seat shopping really does
wear you out when we got home keano and I unloaded the bags into one of the spare bedrooms Alani and I settled Bella into the room next to mine dressing her in a pair of Disney pajamas and helping her get cleaned up for bed after Keanu and Alani left I decided to have a small drink before heading to bed as I sat on the Leni gazing at the stars I heard a small voice call Poppy I went inside to find Bella huddled in a corner softly crying it broke my heart I picked her up and
carried her out to my chair on the Leni she cuddled in my lap and soon she was back asleep we spent the night in the lounge chair I was stiff the next morning but it was worth it Alani woke us up asking what we wanted for breakfast I looked at Bella and said man you eat she jumped up grabbed elani's hand and they headed to the kitchen shortly after Bella proudly brought me a cup of coffee chatting away as if I understood everything she said I helped her set the cup on the table to avoid
spills and she stood there watching me intently I realized she was waiting for me to take a sip I did and with great enthusiasm I said perfetto she beamed from ear to ear I noticed elani standing in the doorway watching with a smile way to go boss now go take a shower while Bella and I make breakfast she said one thing my mother taught me always listen when a woman gives you an order so I headed for the bathroom as I was finishing up I heard Bella's little voice call Poppy Prima colion breakfast when I
opened the door there she was waiting for me she took my hand and led me to the kitchen where the table was set with my finest China the silverware was placed halfhazard but I gave her a big thumbs up for that I got a smile and a hug after breakfast I started making calls pulling in favors and using other forms of persuasion to find a translator as much as I was getting attached to Bella I knew there had to be someone out there looking for her she was too special a little girl to be lost
forever let me pause and describe my estate when I bought the property there was a small guest house behind the main house since I didn't have any in-laws I rented it out to vacationers on a monthly basis the estate was part of a gated compound with top-notch security so I charged a high rent because of the location and privacy I usually attracted famous people who wanted to stay under the radar by current tenants had arrived the night before all I knew about them was that it was a husband wife and their small child the wife
was the bread winner with a high-profile job on national news as Bella and I were enjoying breakfast I Heard a Voice say excuse me could I borrow some milk for coffee and our child's cereal I knew there wouldn't be any food left in the guest house between renters we always threw everything out because of the humidity I smiled and replied no but why don't you all join us for breakfast I'm sure there's nothing to eat over there and we have plenty of food after a bit of hesitation he agreed and went back to fetch his
wife and child when they returned we introduced ourselves and sat down to enjoy one of Ali's wonderful meals I took the opportunity to explain Bella's situation hoping they might know someone who spoke Italian Unfortunately they didn't but the news anchor was clearly intrigued by the story we were all enjoying coffee for my curig and Alani had brought out a selection of drinks coffees teas and hot chocolates for the kids my guests had fun exploring the choices suddenly my house phone rang Alan answered then handed it to me after a brief conversation good morning I said
a formal voice responded please hold for the Ambassador then I was placed on hold a moment later a man with a pleasant voice and a slight Italian accent came on the line Mr Douglas I am the ambassador to the United States from Italy I understand you have found the the child of one of our citizens yes sir I replied and I explained how Bella had been found and what we'd done so far he listened quietly until I finished then asked to speak to her I handed the phone to Bella Pronto she said for the next
half hour she listened and occasionally responded with a Ci or some rapid Italian that I couldn't follow finally she gave me back the phone the Ambassador summarized their conversation Bella didn't know her real name parents or even her birthday she'd been kept by her Steelers in small rooms chained up since infancy her food was placed in metal bowls on the floor and she was only allowed to wear the shift she was found in she had only ever been called girl The Only Name she knew the Ambassador said they were sending a representative to investigate her
background further he added that they had looked into my background and decided that Bella would stay with me until her situation was resolved the representative would arrive in 3 days and stay with us during the inves ation Bella and I were both agreeable to the plan I spent the next hour answering questions from everyone at the table when they finally finished the chief of police showed up I filled him in on the morning's events somehow it was decided that Bella needed a proper little girl's bed guess who got volunteered to buy one Keanu brought the
car around while Alani dressed Bella our renters decided to join us at the mall though I suspected the husband wasn't thrilled about spending his vacation day shopping with little effort I convinced him to spend the day at the golf course instead we all fit comfortably into my Bentley I drove us to alamana mall while Keanu dropped the husband off at the golf course Bella recognized them all and when I told her we were getting her a bed she cried tears of joy she practically dragged me to the store where she'd seen the pink bedroom set
the day before Alamo Moana is a big mall but Bella navigated it like a pro leading us straight to the store without a single Wrong Turn I'm convinced she'll be a Fant fantastic Shopper when she grows up though Bella didn't fully grasp all the nuances of shopping yet she was learning quickly all she knew was that she wanted the pink bed and the giant teddy bear that came with it I handed Alani my gold card and she and Bella went off with the sales lady to pick out sheets pillows and everything else to make Bella's
room feel like hers everything was scheduled for delivery and set up by 5:00 p.m. Bella would be sleeping in her very own pink princess bed that night we were a happy Bunch so we stopped at the food court for some junk food and ice cream Bella was overwhelmed she had never seen anything like the food court she wanted to try everything but Alani ever the health food Enthusiast quickly put a stop to that still Bella managed to sneak in a bit of junk food she was just too Charming to resist at 300 p.m. we arrived
home to find a large furniture truck already waiting Bella's new bedroom set had arrived the movers had most of the items off the truck setting them in front of the garage waiting for us Bella was so excited that she walked right up to the biggest mover and started speaking to him in Italian soon they were walking hand in hand into the house with Bella leading the way she took him directly to the bedroom next to mine pointing at the existing furniture and mimicking how they should move it into the hall and then into the empty
room next door the movers loved it before long Bella was in charge directing the movers who were happy to follow her lead by 6 p.m. everything was set up just as Bella wanted I walked the movers out to their truck and handed each of them $100 as a tip at first they tried to refuse saying Bella was a joy to work with and the tip wasn't necessary but I insisted and they eventually accepted back inside Bella Alani and my renter began organizing Bella's clothes and belongings into the drawers and storage spaces although we had bought
what seemed like a lot of clothes the drawers still looked quite empty once everything was put away I realized more shopping trips were in my future I sent Keanu to pick up food and retrieve the golfer while Bella gave me a tour of her new room the giant teddy bear was placed in the center of her bed holding her little doll in its arms Bella walked over to the bed pointed to the Big Bear and said poppy then she pointed to the doll and said Bella that simple gesture moved me to tears Bella reached into
her dress pocket and pulled out the handkerchief I had given her the day before she came over pulled me down to her level and gently wiped my tears away that night I wore pajamas to bed knowing I might have a visitor in the middle of the night sure enough I did this time though Bella wasn't scared she just wanted to cuddle later that week I received an email from the Italian Embassy giving me the flight number and arrival time for Bella's tutor Miss Gina Castillo Keanu and I waited in the arrival Lounge when Gina came
through the gate she was stunning dark hair olive skin dark eyes and about 5' 6 in tall I'm not great at guessing a woman's weight but she had a perfect figure and the business suit she wore only enhanced her looks wow I muttered trying to hide my surprise we exchanged the usual greetings and after everyone was introduced Gina squatted down to introduce herself to Bella in Italian they chatted for a good 5 minutes when Gina stood up Bella was holding her hand I felt a slight Pang of jealousy but Bella quickly pulled Gina over to
me and took my hand as well we left the airport with Bella walking between us holding both of our hands at baggage claim Gina pointed out two small bags I thought not much luggage and hoped she was having more scent later when we got home Keanu took her bags to one of the spare rooms while Bella gave Gina a grand tour proudly showing off her pink bedroom the afternoon was busy Bella and Gina talked non-stop even through dinner they disappeared into the back of the house and about an hour later they reappeared Bella was in
her pajamas and Gina wore a long house coat both looked fresh and clean Bella kissed me good night and said something to Gina in Italian Gina laughed and turned to me Bella wants to know if you're still going to tuck her in or if you'll be tucking me in instead she teased I must have looked shocked because Bella said something else and Gina laughed again Bella also wants to know if it's still okay to climb into bed with you if she gets scared or if I'll be upset about it she seems to think wekk be
sleeping together Gina explained clearly amused by the situation I was stunned trying to think of what to say while Gina just smiled after tucking Bella into her new bed I went looking for Gina and found her on the Leni sipping a glass of wine I poured myself a strong Crown Royal on the rocks and joined her we need to talk I said Gina gave me a serious look absolutely she replied I've learned a lot about Bella today I'm angry I said she chuckled I was just teasing earlier you need to relax first of all Bella
has never had any formal education or maternal bonding she's essentially raised herself her language skills are similar to a four-year-olds she's never been taught basic hygiene and she's never received affection in her entire life I nodded as I processed what she was saying well her language didn't seem that far off I figured she was around five or six Gina shook her head sorry but based on what I can tell she's closer to 10 or 11 Gina went on to explain her qualifications as a child philologist educated in Rome and Switzerland Bella was essentially a blank
slate and we had the opportunity to help shape her into a productive member of society I was determined to help Bella thinks of this place as hers too Gina noted Youk need to be careful how you refer to it around her I was still trying to process her age but Gina kept going next I'll begin teaching her English as her English improves I want you to start reading to her at bedtime it will help her learn the language and also help her understand affection we need to mimic the early bonding experiences children usually have I
can do that I said feeling proud the next step is to model affection between adults handholding simple kisses hugs and touches she added it sounds like you've set up a lot of work for us I said how long will you be staying and does your husband or boyfriend mind I asked hoping I wasn't crossing a line she smiled I don't have anyone in my life right now as for how long we'll see get some rest and make sure Bella joins you if she gets lonely she added I must have looked confused so she clarified Not
Me Bella in the following weeks Gina fit seamlessly into the household she and Bella were inseparable like two parts of a hole wherever Bella was Gina wasn't far behind Gina was patient always teaching Bella blending Italian and English in a smooth Rhythm soon Bella began answering more in English the next surprise came when the UPS driver delivered several boxes full of school books Gina had arranged for homeschooling but was eager to learn diving into the lessons with excitement Gina set up a little classroom in one of the spare rooms and they spent at least 4
hours each morning on Bella's education after lunch they did girl things as they called it and sometimes continued lessons before dinner when Gina wasn't available I stepped in as the teacher Bella would diligently ask questions in English and under Gina's strict orders I answered only in English Bella would sit with her Italian English dictionary flipping through pages trying to understand my my responses the more she flipped the more I knew I had confused her but every day her comprehension grew and my pride in her progress deepened two months flew by and I was truly impressed
by Bella's Improvement Gina was an amazing teacher one morning during breakfast I got a call from Washington DC it was the Italian Ambassador it turned out that we had become the talk of morning news shows my renter the news anchor had done a feature on child steings with Bella as the focal point there were clips of Bella smiling holding hands with Gina and me and footage of her at Starbucks in the mall the Ambassador and I talked at length mostly about Bella's safety despite all efforts the Italian government couldn't locate any family for her no
parents no siblings nothing Bella was essentially an orphan unless someone adopted her she would be sent to an Italian orphanage I didn't hesitate I'll adopt her I said without a second thought the Ambassador chuckled I knew you would but I had to ask he promised to handle the necessary arrangements but his next question caught me off guard what about Gina once you adopt Bella her role will end she's attached to the Embassy I was stunned Bella would be devastated if Gina left could we get her a work visa I could hire her as a tutor
I suggested the truth was I enjoyed having Gina around she was more than just a tutor she had become a vital part of the household and if I was being honest I felt a growing connection between us the Ambassador said talk to her and let me know that night after after Bella went to bed Gina and I had our first serious conversation I told her about my decision to adopt Bella I expected her to be happy but instead she exploded you're a good man Jim but you're an idiot she yelled her Italian temper flaring do
you even understand the responsibility of adopting her you can't just make such a huge decision without considering the consequences she paced clearly angry I stood there speechless I just want to give her a family a real chance at life she stopped and softened her tone I know your heart's in the right place but this isn't just about you or Bella it's about her future and we need to make sure it's the right decision for her we talked late into the night going over every aspect ultimately we agreed the decision should be Bella's she had to
choose me or it wouldn't work for the next month Gina was distant I felt like I was walking on eggshells unsure if I had ruined everything then one morning when Keanu and I returned from grabbing coffee Gina and Bella were waiting at the door Bella ran to me hugging me tightly while Gina wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me you're a wonderful man Gina said softly the Ambassador called the papers are being FedEx papers I asked confused don't act dumb she smiled I know you've been planning everything adopting Bella and arranging my Visa
so I can stay that night I had two precious girls in my bed Bella was in her usual spot and Gina was spooned against my back I slept better than I had in years the next morning I woke up to the feel of Gina pressed against me it was a great way to wake up and I could have stayed like that all day but Bella was curled up behind me so I had to move carefully as I slipped out of bed I heard both of them grumbling in unison I went to the bathroom shaved and
got in the shower halfway through I felt a draft Gina had pulled back the curtain smirking playfully not bad she teased before leaving I started to respond but then I heard Bella's voice outside I made a mental note to research summer camps for Bella so Gina and I could have some alone time but it turned out there weren't any overnight camps nearby the next couple of years flew by Bella started calling Gina and me mommy and daddy without us even noticing when it began Gina moved into my bedroom permanently and Bella stopped coming to our
room at night our little family was becoming more solid Bella began attending school with kids her age and fit in effortlessly she made easily and soon our house became the go-to spot for her friends every weekend at least a couple of her friends stayed over Alani loved it since her grandchildren lived in California Bella and her friends became like her own grandkids one time I asked Alani if taking care of so many kids was too much for her big mistake I quickly learned Hawaiian women have tempers and are very skilled with knives one Sunday Bella
sat on my lap and looked up at me with her big blue eyes poppy when are you going to ask Mommy to marry you she asked you know she loves you and you love her besides I want a baby sister or brother before you're too old her words floored me but after a moment I realized she was right you're right Bella I said pulling her close how about you help me pick out a ring her eyes lit up and she eagerly nodded the next afternoon after school we went ring shopping Bella had a list of
all the Jewelers on the island and insisted on visiting every single one what Bella wanted Bella got after after weeks of shopping we ended up back at the very first store we had visited the ring we chose was simple but elegant a single diamond surrounded by small birth stones representing Bella Gina and me the Jeweler even offered to add more Stones if we had more children which made Bella's face light up she approved and I paid for the ring once the ring was settled Bella took charge of planning the proposal poppy you're the best dad
but you don't understand women I'll handle the proposal she said confidently and plan she did she and Alani worked out every detail for a special dinner they chose the anniversary of the day Bella first found me at Starbucks a date that held meaning for both of us on the evening of the proposal Alani outdid herself with a delicious dinner as dessert was served Alani placed the ring box on Gina's plate Gina stared at it tears streaming down her face without even opening the box Bella being Bella broke the silence well aren't you going to open
it she asked with a grin Gina shook her head still crying and didn't move to touch the Box Bella looked at me frustrated well ask her already she demanded so I did Gina will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me not the most poetic proposal but I'm no Shakespeare then Bella chimed in say yes so you can start making me a brother or sister Gina picked up the box with Trembling Hands tears still falling and whispered yes yes yes the next three months were a whirlwind of wedding planning Gina and
Bella obsessed over every detail they chose a beautiful Park in weiki for the ceremony and even arranged for a Catholic priest to officiate the reception was set at my country club and the guest list quickly ballooned from 200 to over 400 Bella was the bridesmaid and Keanu was my best man close friends and even some of Gina's colleagues from the Italian Embassy in Washington were invited with all expenses covered Gina's family from Italy her sister brother and their families were invited as well along with a few distant cousins I ended up renting several floors of
a beach hotel for the outof town guests the cost let's just say it was better not to think about it when it came to the wedding dress I wasn't allowed to do anything except pay for it but I did join Gina and Bella to pick out tuxedos I thought it would be a quick decision how wrong I was Gina and Bella spent the entire afternoon making sure my tuxedo was perfect nearly driving the poor Taylor to a nervous breakdown with all the changes thankfully it was a simple black tuxedo with a white shirt I can't
imagine the chaos if I'd wanted something more elaborate after that Oreal I vowed to take a year-long cruise around the world when Bella got married only returning the day before the wedding to avoid the stress I simply couldn't handle it Keanu found the whole situation hilarious laughing every time he saw me I joked about firing him after the wedding which only made him laugh harder the big day finally arrived but I wasn't allowed at home for the days leading up to it instead I stayed in a hotel with Gina's relatives who turned out to be
a lively and fun group despite the language barrier my broken Italian and their broken English we bonded over my credit card then the moment came there I was standing at the makeshift altar with the priest when this stunning Vision in white started down the aisle Gina my soon to be wife looked like a dream the rest of the day went by in a blur I remember saying I do the reception all the congratulations and most vividly the wedding night that night we started trying for a baby though it took about 5 months due to Gina
being on the pill our honeymoon was a blissful 3 weeks in Italy where Gina showed me her Homeland every night felt special and I hated to leave still returning to Hawaii didn't feel too bad either it was hard to say who was more excited me Gina or Bella who helped with everything for the baby's room sent out shower invitations and attended every OB visit with Gina however Gina drew the line at the labor room only I was allowed in our son georgo Douglas was born on a beautiful May afternoon weighing 8.3 lb when Bella was
finally allowed in the room she went straight to him and said hi Georgio I'm your big sister Welcome to our home the nurse let Bella hold him briefly before handing him to Gina for feeding Bella watched intently discovering the Wonder of life and realizing her place in it the hospital stay lasted 2 days which felt like an eternity for Bella she took the day off from school and was up at dawn ready to go she supervised everything Keanu installing the baby seat organizing the diaper bag and of course selecting baby toys she even lectured keano
on driving safely reminding him you're driving my brother home I knew I'd need to give Keanu a Christmas bonus for his patience Bella had plans to show Georgio all the sights on the way home but he slept through the entire ride the first few months with a baby were as expected full of eating sleeping and diaper changes Bella spent all her free time watching Georgio and asking Gina endless questions if I wanted any time with Bella I had to carry Giorgio out of the room because she'd follow him like a magnet I'll never forget the
day Giorgio about 3 or 4 months old recognized his sister and gave her a big toothless grin from that moment Bella was hooked becoming the perfect big sister whenever Bella's friends came over they were treated to endless stories about Georgio's latest mil Stones being girls they loved it it was adorable to see them gather around during diaper changes though it was even funnier when one or two got caught in a shower during the process they'd complain of course but they adored him a year went by without any major events until one day Gina and Bella
returned from their annual physicals Bella was unusually quiet and they disappeared into Bella's room with a pamphlet from the doctor I suspected Gina was giving her the talk which of course dads aren't invited to they spent the whole afternoon in Bella's room but by dinner Bella seemed back to normal Gina held my hand during the meal and gave me a look that said we'll talk later that night Gina explained what they had discussed with the doctor the takeaway I was to keep my mouth shut and not embarrass Bella a week later the doctor's office called
asking us to bring Bella in for some additional tests it didn't seem like a big deal at the time we went through a series of appointments at the hospital and the lab soon after we got the diagnosis Bella had leukemia we had a family meeting with the oncologist who reassured us with phrases like we caught it early and a bone marrow transplant with a little chemotherapy will do the trick most importantly he told us Bella could live a long and productive life I was worried about finding a donor since Bella and I weren't blood rated
but her bone marrow type was common and finding a match wasn't an issue many of Bella's friends even volunteered to be tested though none of them were used it made made Bella proud when the transplant time came Gina and I practically lived at the hospital Bella received cards and letters from her classmates and thankfully the transplant was a success however the oncologist still recommended chemotherapy as a precaution Bella became a sick little girl and her hair fell out in solidarity Gina and I shaved our heads too the three of us must have looked quite a
sight Bella picked out headscarves for all of us and while hers and Gina's looked nice mine was a comical mix of strange colors and patterns they'd Snicker at me but I didn't care as long as it helped Bella one day I got a call from Bella's school they asked if I could bring her in for a homecoming rally when the day arrived Gina and I escorted Bella into the gym only to be greeted by 200 bald teenagers Bella's classmates had shaved their heads in support though weak Bella held my arm and smiled from ear to
ear as the students chanted her name she and Gina cried and as for me well my eyes started watering prob from something in the air about a year later we got the wonderful news the chemotherapy had worked and Bella was declared cancer-free just in time to start high school we were Overjoyed that night I overheard Bella telling her three-year-old brother that she would be there to help him grow up I cried my eyes out I hadn't realized until then that Bella had been contemplating end of life during her illness Bella and Giorgio became Inseparable after
that wherever one went the other followed it got to the point where Gina and I decided to enroll Georgio in preschool giving him new experiences to share with Bella when he got home their bond grew even deeper and the years flew by Gina and I also grew closer especially after going through Bella's illness together our relationship became like that of an old married couple still physical engaged once or twice a week but no longer cuddling on the couch every night Bella sophomore and Junior years passed quickly and soon we were discussing College plans Bella didn't
want to leave home so she applied to Brigham Young University Hawaii which had a gorgeous campus near the Polynesian Cultural Center during the Christmas holidays I noticed Bella wasn't her usual cheerful self I figured it was just the stress of the season and the looming College decisions but shortly after we got a call from her school Bella had collapsed and been rushed to the ER the doctors ran tests and kept her overnight the next morning her oncologist came by and ordered more tests that evening he sat us down his words were simple it's back Gina
collapsed into my arms and georgo fled the room unable to face the reality I walked over to Bella's bed and said we'll beat this again there are new treatments and you'll still graduate in the spring the doctor took my arm and shook his head no he said gently she has about 4 months there was nothing more they could do Gina collapsed again but Bella hugged me from behind and whispered just hold me Poppy we cried together my little girl and I Bella didn't make it to the 4 months the doctor predicted she passed away about
3 months later with Gina and me holding her Giorgio sat at the foot of her bed gripping her favorite teddy bear tears streaming down his face the funeral was somber with most of Bella's senior class in attendance they each carried simple white flower lays which they laid on her coffin I'll admit it I cried like a fool my little girl was gone that night I had my first dream of her I saw a little girl with beautiful eyes watching me at Starbucks and those eyes wouldn't leave me I got up grabbed a bottle from the
bar and drank until I could sleep that became my routine for months but one morning as I reached for another bottle I saw olani watching me with disapproval it helps me forget I said it eases the pain just for a while she looked at me and said you've been drunk for 6 months Gina wouldn't want this then she hit me with the hard truth your wife and son have left you they've gone back to Italy and they won't come back until you're sober it took a moment for her words to sink in but when they
did I knew she was right I decided it was time to sober up I opened another bottle telling myself I'd start tomorrow or maybe the next day but that Friday I checked into detox after that my plan was to go to Italy reclaim my family and do what Bella would have wanted her poppy to do [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
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