He Gained A Powerful System And Sacrifice Millions Of Lives To Becomes The Strongest - Manhwa Recap

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AniRay Manhwa Recap
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Video Transcript:
this is a world where every person has a chance to become a god according to the degree of divine power people here are divided into demigods true Gods elders and higher Gods every person having reached the age of 18 can awaken the realm of the Gods and find their Irreplaceable representative there is also a gradation of ranks among the representatives the more talented a person is the more potential his representative may have potential that will allow him to develop to the highest level will the main character a man who awakened the Divine realm but got
a representative of the lower level of worthless Locust be able to rewrite his fate in such conditions now the main character was at school but a local bully pestered him Jean bin stood in front of his desk and calling him a brat exclaimed is he really tired of living how dare he argue with him he always gets what he wants if he does not give up the divine power points voluntarily then he gives his word that his realm of gods will be destroyed this guy Jang Ben is an arrogant school bully who was mistakenly gifted
with incredible power by the heavens his God Realm contains the power of an orc Army of 5,000 Han Wu exclaimed in response that he could try if he dared and this weakling is the protagonist Han Wu or rather the guy whose body he found himself in grew up with the most inferior representative namely a locust and here the question arises why would a weakling like him dare to answer back to a powerful idiot who was unfairly gifted by Fate it all start started yesterday he came to this wonderful world where anyone can become a God
Only Yesterday only when he came here he found himself in the body of a pathetic spineless scumbag who on his 18th birthday awakened the God Realm with a locust representative when he visited his grandfather in the hospital he said that his parents were lost in the chaotic sea of stars of the Imperial Academy but they should be alive he was almost certain of it if we get the chance he should try to find them a girl named chinwan also started pestering him saying that if he was willing to become her slave and feed her Thunder
Gods his locusts every day she would guarantee that he would be able to graduate from school and get a high school diploma let him think carefully about her offer and the school bully Jang Ben started extorting 100 points of divine power from him threatening to destroy his Divine realm apparently the difficulty of this game was cranked up to hellish W from the start his only representatives are locusts and with that he won't be able to enter the Imperial Academy let alone find his parents he approached the capsule saying that he needed to deal with this
annoying Jang bin first he wasn't going to just stand there and watch him ruin his life he climbed into the capsule and put on his helmet thinking that since he was in this world he should at least try to fix the situation he was in simply giving up would be disrespectful to what had brought him here the system reported that the connection to the God real had begun he successfully connected and his eyes widened seeing green fields and mountains in front of him he looked down in Surprise and saw locusts wondering if these were his
Representatives a bunch of locusts resting on the grass a status window opened in front of him displaying information about him and his God Realm he had a unique talent called Heaven's chosen son and he also had the Divine ability of accelerating growth and sacrificing life he currently had one Divinity point and zero divine power points the power of faith is 200,000 the level of the God's sphere is the first now in his sphere there are 800,000 adult locusts 160,000 young ones and 20 million eggs MC thought and said that if you believe the memories of
this body then before he did not have the talent of the chosen Son Of Heaven nor the ability to sacrifice life so it appeared after his transfer he opened the description of talents the description of his talent chosen son says that he is a person who was chosen by the heavens themselves possessing great luck for each level achieved he gets one unique ability sacrifice of life is an ability that allows you to sacrifice the life of a creature once a day and receive a product equal in value to the value of the life of this
creature the product itself is randomly generated after the sacrifice of Life the main character looked at the first talent and said that this must be his cheat which he received when he was transferred to this world but the unique ability of sacrifice of life he probably received thanks to becoming a Divine being this is not bad at all maybe with these cheats he will still be able to fulfill his Grand father's last wish but that's only if he manages to survive the encounter with Jang bin tomoro he thoughtfully looked down at the representative description window
and saw that the locusts have the talent of reproduction the degree of faith is Fanatics they obey the orders of their God there are three classifications of Believers devout Fanatics Saints he can get one point of Faith per day reproduction 300 individuals per day the life cycle is 90 days 15 days egg Stage 15 days juvenile stage 45 days adult Stage 15 days old stage and then Han thought his Representatives have the talent of reproduction their life cycle is 90 days he can speed up their growth by using the talent of sacrificing life one day
in the real world is equal to 100 days in the world of the God's realm which means that in one day in the real world several generations of locusts will have time to change a realization came to his mind and he said that he would have to take a risk and make a big bet if he wins he will instantly become a master if he loses he will lose everything and turn into a complete non-entity the next morning he went to school and Chang came into the classroom she immediately went to MC's place and asked
has he thought about her offer is he ready to become her slave if he accepts her offer then she promises that no one will lay a finger on him until the end of the school year he replied that he refuses not expecting this she exclaimed in Surprise did he even understand what he just said without her protection he would simply be eaten alive he replied that perhaps she was right and he would indeed be eaten alive before he could leave here however he would still prefer to refuse even weaklings like him had some dignity he
really appreciated the fact that she cared about him so much but he had already made up his mind if she had nothing else to say then she could go she turned around and walked away from his seat in displeasure and lastly said that he would regret his decision after that he said sighed heavily and Jang bin and his friends immediately approached him asking if he had asked for the 100 points of divine power in front of him one of his friends told him not to be stupid and not to make them strain themselves the second
demanded that he hand over the points quickly or they would destroy his pathetic Gods fear the protagonist looked at them tiredly but suddenly Jang bin put his hand on his shoulder and he got angry telling him to put it away the bully asked irritably was he really tired of living how dare he argue with him if he didn't give up his divine power points voluntarily then he gave his word that he would destroy his God's sphar hanu frowned and told him to try if he dared hearing this JN bin was confused and wondered in Surprise
what was wrong with him today usually he was afraid to even raise his head but now this he turned his gaze to Chin schwang thinking that he was definitely not doing here his friends started to set him up for a fight and one of them said that he had never seen what a destroyed God's sphere looked like another guy happily said that his locusts greatly reduced the average strength of their class so let him quickly deal with him and force him to leave the school it is said that Jang Bin's orc Army is among the
top 60 representatives in the school they would be interested to see it Jang bin smiled and took out a card from his inner pocket telling Han Wu not to say later that he didn't give him a chance he chose death himself he even felt sorry for wasting 10 power points on a piece of trash like him he used an invasion card which cost1 divine power points it generates a portal between the Realms through which you can invade the enemy's God Realm MC became nervous and then gasped loudly feeling himself being sucked into the portal a
second later he found himself in a rocky area and seeing a huge gate in front of him he asked what is this the gate opened and behind it appeared many Silhouettes with glittering red eyes they were Jang B Orcs meanwhile he himself was floating in the sky in the form of a deity and ordered his subjects to smash his enemy pale Locust Army and destroyed the world of his God Realm the Orcs clenched their fists and raised them up shouting loudly meanwhile everyone outside was watching this through the live broadcast one of them said that
it seemed like the orc Army had increased by at least a thousand more he thinks he is now at least in the top 50 of the school another guy asked in Surprise what top 50 is he talking about doesn't he see that every one of his Orcs is armed with an iron weapon they are already in the top 30 another guy told them to look there is some kind of unusual creature standing in front of his orc Army one of the disciples was surprised and said that he already has an unusual creature now Han Wu
doesn't even have a ghost of a chance chinan who was standing in the middle of the crowd sighed in displeasure and the protagonist meanwhile summoned self-detonating locusts and ordered them to attack his enemies meanwhile the disciples saw that the locusts had acquired a different color one of them asked what kind of red insect is this should locusts be like this this one of them said in surprise that it was a self-detonating locust but he only had ordinary insects in the God Realm when did he manage to do this and in such large numbers the GU
standing next to him asked so what if they were Elite they were locusts and they still are they don't stand a chance against the Orcs so they shouldn't count much from this trash meanwhile the Orcs ran to attack and the locusts rushed towards them upon Collision the insects exploded and a huge column of flame Rose into the sky and MC looked at this with a smile the day before he used his ability leaving 1 million adults to reproduce and the rest to be sacrificed the locusts were immediately burned in the sacrificial fire that Rose into
the sky like a tornado and the system reported several options for what he could obtain option one he can obtain 10,000 Goblin Warriors once this is an unusual creature option two the spring of Life produces life-giving water which better nourishes his creatures and has a beneficial effect on the envir environment of his God Realm option three the first level sacred artifact the heart of explosion after placing the heart into his God Realm there is a certain chance that individuals with the ability to cause explosions will be born among his Representatives looking at the first option
he thought that it was a very tempting offer thanks to this option he would be able to easily cope with tomorrow's problems however this is a one-time summoning so in the end he will remain the same weakling the spring of life is what will help his representatives of all into stronger creatures however this would take time and the battle would be tomorrow so it would not suit him he chose the third option which would suit him best the reward effect was aimed at his main Representatives so it would not disappear after a while if of
course he was lucky and everything worked out a red Crystal appeared above his hand which he immediately smashed and then threw an insect with all his might causing an explosion looking at the Raging Flames he was glad and thought that he was lucky the Orcs would survive the explosion but if he increased their number something might work out he needed to experiment with this at present the entire Battlefield was filled with dust and smoke the students asked what was going on there when the dust settled orc corpses appeared on the field but some of them
still survived the protagonist summoned the Locust again and sent the insects to the enemy and Chin schwang meanwhile said with a smile that it had become a little more interesting seeing the Locust inevitably approaching the the orc froze in place and at the same time his deity ordered the surviving Orcs to quickly return to their home God Realm hanu asked with a smile did he decide to run away but it was too late he stretched out his hand and ordered his representatives to catch up with them if necessary let them invade xang Bin's God Realm
a huge swarm of locusts flew through the gate and several powerful explosions were heard Jang beenin called out to MC in displeasure and told him to immediately order his insects to leave his realm meanwhile the locusts blew up the Orcs And Jang bin said that he admitted defeat so let him remove his insects from his domain and leave his Orcs alone hanu asked why is this didn't he threaten to destroy his realm he thinks it would be only fair if he destroys his realm in retaliation his opponent became nervous and said that he didn't dare
if he did that his parents would destroy him his father was a demigod and his mother would become a demigod there was no way he could handle them the protagonist didn't let him speak and ordered the Locust to destroy his orb they could not hold back the insects flew towards the gate and Jang bin tearfully asked him see to stop he had lost he promised that he would never bother him again and would fulfill any of his conditions just let him stop them the protagonist replied that he didn't want anything from him he just wanted
him to suffer the Fate he wanted to bestow upon Him suddenly a Stern male voice sounded behind him saying that this was enough let him stop it was TTI in he ordered Han Wu to stop and said that he had already won so there was no point in going that far Jang bin called out to the teacher and asked him to stop this man man but MC didn't listen and didn't stop the locusts and in the meantime they started to C Jang Bin's God Realm at that moment he himself felt pain and asked the teacher
to help him after which teacher luu called out to Han Wu and told him not to pretend that he didn't hear him he replied that he heard him perfectly well let him ask him a question what is he doing here he replied that he was their home room teacher he was the one responsible for them so it was only natural that he decided to stop this madness MC said that he would ask him another question then where was he when Jang bin and the others bullied him and extorted God points from him why didn't he
intervene L lean thought that he was a real idiot for not understanding this would he expose himself for a piece of trash like him Jang Bin's parents were demigods he replied that they would talk about it after he stopped doing this the protagonist said that he would ask him one last question if it were him in Jang Bin's place would he have intervened in the fight the teacher was confused and remained silent and Han Wu accepting this answer said that he thought so his Locust blew up the core inside the God Realm and the portal
inside began to collapse and Jang bin screamed loudly meanwhile the protagonist turned to the teacher and asked him to leave his domain immediately the live broadcast ended and all the students were shocked by what had happened Jan bin who was sitting on the floor cursed quietly and said that he really did it at this moment The Home Room teacher entered the classroom and ordered Han Wu to come to him immediately not seeing him in the classroom he exclaimed where is that insolent man one of the students replied that he seemed to have gone home the
teacher clenched his fist in Rage and said that he would definitely get him expelled meanwhile inside the MC God's sphere he stood in the middle of a deserted field and said that it was time to take stock assist system window appeared in front of him which reported the number of his Representatives now in his sphere there are 18,19 self-detonating locusts and 4,506 43 ordinary individuals looking at this the protagonist decided that he would have to start breeding individuals they will still be useful to him and now he will attach the fragment of the core of
the Jang Ben God sphere which he received after the battle to his core a red Crystal appeared above his hand and the attachment began from from which the area of his Gods sphere increased to 260 square km fertile lands are 100 sare km mines 20 Forest 40 deserts 60 and mountains 40 he also received the core of the second level Divine city of first level sacred artifact the orc Hammer he now has 820 Orcs and several pieces of Iron Equipment Han Wu said that it was not bad it would be enough for him to last
until he graduated he remembered what his enemy had said about his parents and and thought that he would not be able to cope if two demigods came out against him at once and judging by teacher's Behavior the school would not protect him he would have to rely on his own strength he decided to exchange the iron Hammer thinking that maybe someone would offer him something more useful in exchange a second later a system notification appeared in front of him and he asked so fast the system reported that someone had responded to his exchange request he
was offered One Flame lava Crystal he said that these crystals seemed to increase the representatives resistance to fire this can also increase the power of the explosion he agreed to The Exchange saying that it would significantly strengthen his locusts after that a red Crystal floated above him in the air and a new type of locust called magma Locus appeared the power of faith is 1/5 of a point per day they reproduce up to 20 individuals per day the life cycle is 250 days the protagonist picked up a locust from the ground then threw it aside
and seeing a powerful explosion said that now the explosive power of these babies can be compared to the power of some hand grenade magma also flies apart from the explosion the damage and radius of Destruction are impressive he can consider that he now has a bunch of fragmentation grenades meanwhile John gang John Bin's father came to the deputy director's office and said discontentedly that the core of his son's God's sphere was destroyed and now it cannot be restored in any way and their school still has not given him an explanation the vice principal named Su
said that as far as she knew the one who had been invading another students God Realm was his son who had been bullying some students for a long time he didn't want to listen to her and asked in a rage so she was saying that his son was the only one to blame for this so neither the school nor the teachers had anything to do with this right his wife said that she thought that the student who had destroyed her son's cor should be punished the schools should at least expel him meanwhile the protagonist decided
to use his growth acceleration skilled to make as many magma locusts as possible but before he could do anything vice principal Sue called him and he frowned thinking that this was to be expected he answered the call and she said that she needed to talk to him about something recently his classmate Jang Bin's parents had visited and they had demanded that he be expelled she recalled their conversation earlier how the student mother had furiously demanded that MC be expelled the deputy replied that as she had said before they had already found out that Jang bin
was the the one who had provoked this conflict and had invaded Han Wu's God Realm first he had to accept this challenge it was just self-defense so they had no reason to expel him Mrs du exclaimed so their school would continue to cover up for the idiot who had destroyed his own classmates God Realm Deputy Su calmly replied that she seemed to be missing something Han Wu had always been an obedient diligent student and they had a refutable evidence of their son's bullying Mrs du told her to stop spouting such nonsense let them just say
whether they would expel him or not Sue apologized and said that they would not expel him JN gang said that he could accept the fact that the school would not expel that student however as a father he simply cannot leave things like this if they do not Grant him one small request then he will no longer worry about the reputation of their school after telling hanu about this conversation she said that in the end Jang Bin's father proposed to send a Detachment of a thousand of his Representatives against him he knows no longer cares about
the result of invading his God Realm he said that this will calm him down she is sorry but this is all their school could do he would not make any big concessions however she wants to warn you that even a thousand representatives of a demigod is a terrifying Force the strength of his Representatives is comparable to 50,000 relatively strong representatives of some high school student will he be able to handle this the protagonist thanked her for her help and said that he will come to school tomorrow and settle everything after ending the call he said
that apparently one explosive Locust will not be enough for him he will have to speed up a little after that he used the sacrifice ability again and took 4 bill8 million lives a powerful explosion occurred in his God's sphere after which he was offered three options he can get a first level sacred artifact to bloody demonic eye after absorbing it by the core of the God's sphere there will be a certain chance of the birth of Representatives with a bloody eye the bloody eye improves the wearer's dynamic Vision at the sight of blood and enters
a Berserker State the second option he can get a first level Crystal a fireball after absorbing the crystal by the core of the god sphere there will be a certain chance of the birth of Representatives who own the initial Fireball skill if a hero type representative is born he can Master the highest technique of the Fireball the third option he can get the emperor of the wind sword a heroic type of Representatives of the wind sword after looking through all the options he said that for so many lives this is very good he chose the
third option after which an old man appeared in front of him who was the emperor of the wind sword he has the skill warwind of the first basic level Fury of the second level storm slash of the third level and iron sword style of the fifth level the last skill is created by himself it is impossible to estimate the degree of faith is fanatic the power of faith is 500,000 points per day life expectancy is 800 years at the moment he has already lived for 100 and 50 years the emperor addressed Han Wu as a
respected guide and said that he needed a sword he replied that this was no problem after which he opened a trading network with the thought that because he had been doing nothing but accelerating the reproduction of his Locust for the past two days they began to give him 100 million Faith power per day in the end it began to gather in one point and transform into divine power points if you take into account the points he received for selling excess lands it will come to 54 divine power points in the trading Network he began to
examine various weapons and noticed the Whirlwind sword the equipment is divided into four categories ordinary equipment made of pure materials without infusion of energy sacred equipment real masterpieces created from rare materials using the power of Faith often have some effects divine power equipment in the process of forging this equipment crystals of divine power were used for tempering often this type of equipment has its own soul which developed on its own Divine equipment items that represent the power and authority of the Gods naturally only these same Gods could Master them he bought sacred equipment the sword
of the Whirlwind and then handed it to the old man to try out the sword he swung it several times releasing a shock wave outward then turned to the God and said that he needed three more such swords so that he could release his true power from this the main character was very surprised and thought that this was as much as 150 points of divine power does he think these points grow on trees but tomorrow he would have to fight Jan gang's thousand strong Army and demigods should not be underestimated he would still have to
try his luck with these thoughts he opened the system window to contact someone meanwhile chinan was meditating in her God Realm and did not pay attention to the birds that circled around her and landed on her body she was very focused she remembered a moment from her childhood one day she fell into the river and Han Wu came running to her rescue after pulling her to the shore he gave her artificial respiration and thanks to this she woke up because of these thoughts she could not continue meditating and opened her eyes saying that he was
an idiot he would die because of his own stupidity her grandfather was a true God and there were 23 demigods in her family with her protection he would have nothing to fear suddenly a system window appeared in front of her telling her that Han Wu was calling she answered the call and asked if he had changed his mind and decided to become her slave after all he replied that he just wanted to borrow some of her divine power she asked back if she would lend it to him so what how was he going to repay
the debt with his trash Representatives he shouldn't think that he had become much stronger just because he defeated Jan bin his self-destructing locusts barely reached the criteria of an elite type creature and weren't of much value he replied that she should just forget about it then he said goodbye to her and ended the call and she clutched her head wondering why such sarcastic words had come out of her mouth again that's not what she had wanted to say at all she was sure that he had gotten it all wrong now she called him and he
asked her what was the matter she crossed her arms over her chest and asked with a displeased expression how much he needed to borrow let him drop his account number after that the main character bought the missing weapon and the emperor armed himself with four Swords at once MC called out to him with displeasure and said that he spent all his savings on it and also got into debt he will have to work it all off the next day he came to school and his classmates were surprised asking if he is not afraid that the
army of the demigod will trample his sphere of gods the other disciple laughed and said that he must be completely crazy his friend agreed and said that they would see if he could remain calm when the demigod Army began to destroy his realm after listening to them chatter about him hanu thought that it seemed like everyone expected him to fail but that was not surprising chinan walked up to him and asked so he borrowed her divine power points in the hopes of competing with a demigod she advised him not to waste his strength even a
demigod Army of a thousand was not something he could handle right now he closed his eyes and replied with a smile that he had no other choice she replied that this was nonsense he had a choice if he agreed to become her slave she would ask the family to calm this JN gang down his family only had one demigod while hers had one true God and 23 demigods he dared not disobey them he turned away from her and said that he appre appreciated her concern but his answer would not change he sat down at his
desk and ended the conversation by saying that he needed to prepare for battle after that she walked away from him and his classmate began to insult him and ask why chin schwang was so worried about this trash he was definitely going to die today soon the teacher entered the classroom with Jang Bin's parents and stood behind the teacher's desk pointed his finger at Han Wu and said that it was him Mrs du became angry and calling him a little freak exclaimed how dare he encroach on her son's God Realm her husband grabbed her by the
shoulders and asked her to calm down there was no need to break their agreement with the school the teacher called out to his student with displeasure and told him to get up let him not keep Shang gang waiting he replied with a smile that he would rather wait for Deputy Su lulan started to get angry and asked does he think the deputy has nothing better to do he alone will be enough as a spectator of this battle so let him stop acting like he's something and that's it at this moment the deputy director entered the
classroom and asked why he was making so much noise he immediately calmed down and awkwardly scratched the back of his head apologizing to her for bothering her with such a trivial matter he was just trying to teach his students a few useful lessons she crossed her arms over her chest and displeased told him not to forget that he was a teacher first and not some demigods mut is everything clear to him jean gang said that since Deputy Sue was already here it was time for them to begin sum turned to Han Wu and asked if
he was ready he confirmed her words with a confident smile after which Jang gang took out an invasion card and said that they would begin then the protagonist was teleported to another space and immediately saw thousands of red dyed wolves coming out of the portal in front of his eyes a huge werewolf was leading this Army meanwhile the students were watching all of this from the outside one of them told the others to look his entire wolf Cavalry was made up of only Elite types of creatures and the leader of his army seemed to be
something beyond the elite the wolf Cavalry was a combination of green Orcs And wild wolves and they were all equipped with highquality gear Han Wu had no chance meanwhile JN gang's Army stopped in front of MC and lined up and he himself said that he would make him get what he did to his son even if he didn't think he could leave alive Su meanwhile looked very surprised and thought that the wolf Cavalry was made up of two types of Representatives but one orc Rider and one wolf in the realm of God count as one
enemy unit there are clearly more than a thousand of them he is so sneaky chin schwang also noticed this and told her that this is a scam his army has 2,000 Representatives meanwhile jean gang ordered his Cavalry to attack and thousands of wolves rushed forward and the protagonist released his locusts to meet them one of the disciples said that he had almost 7 million Elite type locusts another guy asked didn't he only have about 20,000 left yesterday how could he get 7 million in one day even for locusts with their increased reproduction this is a
terrifying number the guy standing next to him said that even the weakest Elite type creatures if they have enough numbers can become a formidable Force but it was bad luck that the battle was scheduled for the very next day these 7 million will not do anything against the wolf Cavalry meanwhile the Orcs riding on wolves entered the battle and when they collided with the locusts everything began to explode one of the students said that he had already used up a lot of his self-detonating locusts and the wolves and Orcs didn't care at all they only
got off with minor injuries Tulu said that if it weren't for his stubbornness and thickheaded he would have been able to show off his talent in the future it's a shame that their school will have to say goodbye to such talent one of the students noticed something behind him and asked what is this meanwhile clouds of black smoke appeared above the Wolves after which magma Locus flew out on MC's orders not knowing what to do the wolves and Orcs remained in place and growled and then the Locust collided with them and many explosions occurred one
of the students exclaimed what the hell is this the explosive power of this species is significantly higher than ordinary self-detonating locusts and they also spray lava is this also an elite type of creature sum turned to the students and asked if there was anyone with sensory abilities among them can anyone see the information about this species one of them confirmed her words and used his ability to say that his assessment showed that it was a magma Locust an elite type of creature hearing this the vice director was very happy and jean gang meanwhile told hanu
not to even dream that some insects could destroy his wolf Cavalry he ordered his subjects to use all their strength and the Werewolf leading the Army roared loudly after that all the Wolves began to Howl at his command releasing an icy fog at the enemy which began to contain the explosions and soon calmed down the fire one of the disciples said that a demigod is a demigod he cannot be defeated by such tricks even Elite types of demigod creatures have a very wide range of skills and abilities another disciple said that Han Wu had less
than half a million self-detonating locusts left and the magma ones were completely exhausted meanwhile Jang gang said that he was showing him what despair was once he reached his sphere he would be kicked out of school then he would have no patrons left to protect him from his wrath his army rushed to attack and he ordered them to destroy his core ignoring the protagonist the Wolves ran past him and headed for his sphere realizing that this was the end Su looked down in disappointment and Chin schwang turned away but suddenly someone told them to look
at Han Wu's sphere there was someone standing there she immediately returned her attention to the live broadcast meanwhile an old man stood by the huge Crystal meeting the wolf Cavalry he stood confidently in place and did not move ready to fight one of the students said that he was holding Whirlwind swords in his hands one of which is worth 50 points of divine power another guy said in surprise that this is a whole 200 points where did he get so much he thought hanu was an orphan and what kind of creature is this Su replied
with a smile this is a representative of the Winds sword race such creatures below the elite type are not born the disciple asked does this change anything jeang gang also has a lot of unusual types and he also has a wolf Captain whose strength is even slightly Superior to what the unusual types can have the captain can deal with this wind sword and at this time the rest of the wolves and Orcs will simply go and Destroy Han Wu's God Realm or is he wrong she remained silent and thought that he was certainly right but
the fluctuations of power emitted by the wind sword did not resemble those emitted by Elite types of creatures he was most likely a hero meanwhile Jang gang looked at the sword emperor in Surprise thinking that he had trained for decades and still could only raise one hero type creature and this brat had already done it now he was just a high school graduate how could he have a hero he ordered his army to capture him but not kill him he would take this creature for himself let them destroy the boy's core and bring him a
hero the old man's eyes sparkled brightly in the meantime and he let out a dissatisfied sigh the Orcs riding on wolves had already managed to approach him and screamed loudly but the sword Emperor quickly repelled the attack using the third level storm cut skill swinging two pairs of hands he easily killed them with his other skills suddenly one of the Orcs screamed loudly releasing an icy wind from his mouth from which the emperor's feet froze after that the orc raised his sword up indicating that it was time to attack and the Wolves headed towards the
wind sword meanwhile he raised all four hands to the sky and used the iron sword style a globe began to emanate from his swords which swirled into a Vortex of wind above his head after which it intensified several times and he attacked emitting a powerful shock wave from himself meanwhile the disciples were were very surprised and one of them said that this was too much the battlefield became quiet and the old man looked at the corpse of the wolf in front of him John gang cursed loudly and ordered the wolf Cavalry General to raise this
place to the ground hearing the order the werewolf headed towards the core of hano's Realm already preparing to attack but suddenly the director's Voice Was Heard asking the demigod if he really thought of breaking his word hearing this Jang gang looked up at him in Surprise and then excitedly replied that it was not so he would not dare he waved his hand and ordered the wolf Cavalry to retreat and the principal turned his gaze to the student of his school who was being protected by the sword Emperor and said that it was not bad thus
the battle ended and the protagonist returned to the real world the vice principal said that he did well but he shouldn't relax just because he was lucky enough to have a hero life form let him not think that heroes are invincible with his current level it will be difficult for him to even break into the top three he ignored it and said that he had a small favor to ask of her she asked what was the matter he replied with a serious expression that he wanted to change classes his hom room teacher was very surprised
and nervously waved his hands saying that he admitted that he hadn't given him much of his time in the past but that would change from now on he would do his best to make him one of the best and naturally he will make sure that he gets all the resources he needs to develop let him give him another chance he smiled nervously and thought that if he continues to develop at the same pace he will definitely be able to enter some prestigious Academy perhaps he will even compete for a place in the top Academy in
that case he as a teacher will be generously rewarded he can't miss such an opportunity but the protagonist was adamant and still said that he wanted to change classes sumay frowned with displeasure and replied that he couldn't just change classes like that because there were many school rules however if he really wanted to he could try to pass the test that the school itself prepared if if he passed it he would be able to transfer to another class he immediately agreed to this after which chin schwang abruptly stood up from her seat and told the
deputy that she also wanted to change classes and was ready to take the test llean became nervous and said that if she was not satisfied with something in her studies she could tell him her teacher there was no need to act so rashly they could talk about it after class she replied that she had no complaints she just wanted to change classes a guy named Jang song Who was sitting next to her raised his hand and said that he would also like to apply the teacher called up to him with displeasure and exclaimed that he
was the class monitor why did he suddenly decide to change classes he replied that he was grateful to him for all these years of teaching but he had good reasons for doing so he looked at chinan with a loving gaze and thought that he would follow her and one day she would definitely be his the vice principal said that they would have everything ready by tomorrow she walked to the exit and asked teacher Lou to follow her time passed the sun was already beginning to set hanu went outside and xinwang followed him asking where he
got the heroic type creature from he replied that it had nothing to do with her she exclaimed that it was not so he owed her 150 points of divine power and if he could not return them he would become her slave therefore she had the right to know where he got the hero from he said that he would repay her he could even give her Five Points as interest right now but he would not tell her anything about the hero that was not how it worked after these words he moved to his God sphere and
she looking at the portal that appeared cursed loudly meanwhile MC was already inside and looked at how many representatives he had he had 1 billion ordinary locusts 1 million self-detonating ones and 30,000 magma ones he said that he would not be able to gather a large army in a couple of days tomorrow's test would be difficult for him the sword Emperor appeared in front of him and said that the white wolves and Riders hid in the minds of their world should he get rid of them he frowned thinking that he knew that some of the
wolf Valaria did not have time to escape with Jang gang and hid somewhere in his Divine realm they cannot be Left Alive they may start to destroy his other Representatives however it would be a waste to Simply kill them he ordered him to capture them but not kill them he needed them alive hearing the order he went to search and after two hours he dragged them to his God after looking at them he decided to sacrifice 24 wolves and a billion ordinary locusts after which a tornado swirled around him the system gave him three options
to choose from an alpha mechanism a level one artifact a smelting furnace blueprint which allows you to create a large furnace capable of producing sacred type equipment and he also got three observation towers which provides visibility and prevents sudden attacks by the enemy MC said that the alpha mechanism is of course good but will he be able to control it through his brainless Locust and a furnace how will the Loc make anything in them an observation tower what will he even be able to see from such a small height among the three options there is
not a single one worthwhile he remembered that he had a couple of hundred Orcs left which he received after defeating Jang bin and he wondered what they were doing now widening his eyes he activated the Falcon eye and saw what the Orcs were doing now they were digging or and building a city and seeing that the deity was watching them they thanked him for giving them a wonderful life after that Han will remember remember that after the victory he ordered them to mine the clan and said that apparently this clan was originally predisposed to mining
more and creating something and Jang been spat on all this and made ordinary Warriors out of them he continued to observe and said that they really did have a talent for this perhaps he could turn them into equipment manufacturers then the furnace might come in handy he put the structure in front of them and said that he would give them a smelting furnace and hoped that they would live up to his expectations the Orcs were very happy and exclaimed that God had given them a furnace they would not let him down meanwhile the teachers of
the school called a meeting teacher llean turned to his colleagues and said that he thought they all already knew that the school was going to hold tests for promotion to another class for Han Wu chinan and Jang xalo the school entrusted them with preparing the tests what do they think about this one of the teachers asked what is there to think about they are very grateful to him for such a gift after all three of the best students in his class will come to one of them at once tach said with displeasure that he will
say it directly he does not care what kind of tests they prepare for chin shuang and seong but he demands that the difficulty of the test for Han will be raised to the highest they must somehow punish the student who does not respect his teacher he has never crossed them and supported them in every way so he asked them to give in to him this time while waiting for an answer he thought that Sue May almost ate him alive yesterday because of the sudden transfer of these three because of this the performance of his class
for the semester has noticeably dropped so he is obliged to put Han Wu in his place the other teachers agreed to his proposal saying that they will never forgive themselves if they cannot thank him for his kindness the day of the test came when all the students gathered in the classroom he handed out tests to three of them seong received a level one test he must defend against a thousand Intruders and Chin schwang received the same but hanu was clearly Amazed by his assignment in order to move to another class he must defend against 10
10,000 Intruders this is a level 10 test Su asked the teacher if he didn't think he was too biased towards the student he replied that this was the decision of all the teachers not his personal decision the protagonist said that everything was fine the teacher just wanted him to demonstrate his abilities to the new teacher he stepped aside and his Home Room teacher displeased told him not to be so self-confident chin schwang approached her old friend and said that her offer still stood if he agreed to become her slave no one else in this school
would dare to bully him he thanked her for her concern and said that they would see each other after the tests she frowned with displeasure and said that he was ungrateful calong meanwhile smirked and mentally told Han Wu that he was an idiot he was digging his own grave soon the test began an army of goblins appeared in the protagonist God Realm and the students who were watching this asked can they see it Han Wu's difficulty is much higher than those two another student asked who asked him to anger the teacher now he is paying
for his Pride MC meanwhile cursed loudly and began to curse teacher Lou saying that there are red goblins with excellent fire resistance and there are so many of them L lean meanwhile smirked and said that it was his own fault for turning his back on him an army with 10,000 red goblins will simply sweep away his locusts and quickly reach his core one of The Observers of the battle congratulated him on his victory in advance and he replied that this was not a victory but a useful lesson there can be no enmity between teachers and
students Han Wu will soon understand this himself Su without taking her eyes off the screen with concern encouraged Han Wu and in the meantime he ordered his army to attack seeing this the Goblins touched their chests igniting fire in their hands and then swung them throwing Fireballs upon Collision the Fireballs began to explode and Han who thought that ordinary locusts did not affect them at all realizing this he ordered the self-detonating Locust to join the battle and the Goblins were frightened seeing the insects quick approaching them after this many explosions occurred which killed 400 Red
goblins at this time seong and Chin schwang came out of the capsules and one of the students told the others to look they had already completed their tests chin schwang went to the deputy and she told her that it seemed like Han Wu would have a hard time this time she thought that she knew it in the end locusts are still locusts trash among other Representatives no matter how hard he pumped them they still can't compare to the others meanwhile the magma Locust entered the battle he was able to kill 3,000 red goblins with shrapnel
explosions but the rest were already at his core one of the disciples said that this time he was definitely finished even his hero couldn't handle 6,000 red goblins at once chwang became worried and said that this was some kind of Madness the red goblins were going to destroy his Divine core sum contacted MC and told him to just admit defeat there was nothing shameful in it he fought with dignity she was sure that he would be able to master this test with time he confidently replied that he had already made his decision and she couldn't
dissuade him he would fight until his last representative besides he hadn't lost yet at this time the sword Emperor used his storm slash and swung his sword several times releasing a shock wave but the monsters screamed loudly in response and raised their hands to the sky releasing many streams of flame and directed them straight at the old man many explosions occurred and one of the disciples said that even a hero has a hard time let them just look at this Han Wu is definitely finished the emperor found himself under incessant fire and it was difficult
for him to resist seeing this teacher L was happy and said that this would be his last lesson for him let him remember this well because soon he will be left without his Divine sphere the guy standing next to him surprised told him to look at the screen meanwhile an Army Of Orcs arrived on the battlefield which was determined one of them raised an axe up and shouted that they would protect their God seeing them the Goblins were very scared after which the main orc ordered to kill them and his brothers rushed into battle one
of the students asked in Surprise is this Jang bin Orcs by any chance the guy next to him asked where did he get such talent from at this rate he will be in the top 10 by the end of the year at this time the Orcs finally dealt with all the goblins and Han Wu was very happy saying that they tried hard chin schwang and the vice principal were happy about his victory and and teacher Lou gritted his teeth and cursed after that different teachers began to call the three students to their classes one of
them called out to chinwan and asked her to transfer to his class he would provide her with all the necessary resources to quickly cultivate her Thunder Gods another teacher turned to calong and said that he had a secret technique for cultivating demonic Representatives he would get it if he transferred to his class another teacher turned to hanu asking him to transfer to his class and said that he would provide him with a very formidable army Of Orcs seong ignored them and turned his gaze to his lover thinking that where she goes he will go too
Han Wu turned to Vice Chief Sue and asked if he could find out why his test was harder than the others she replied that all the teachers were working together to set the difficulty of the tests apparently there were more of those who thought this level of difficulty was right the protagonist grinned and asked is that so can he see the list of those who voted she handed him the decision of the teachers councel and the teachers who voted to increase the difficulty realized that hanu would not choose them now and began to curse llean
finding those who voted against hanu thanked them for it and asked if he could find out what to expect from transferring to their classes one of them said that today he had clearly demonstrated his ability to strengthen orc creatures to them so he decided that if he joined his class he would provide him with an orc Army of at least 10,000 individuals was such a formidable army he would be among the top 10 of their school in no time after this he might even think about entering a good Academy the second teacher named tianan said
that he believed that the main thing for each of them was to improve and strengthen their main Representatives he had several special Methods at hand that could be useful for improving insector types if he joined his class he would help him achieve the emergence of all types of locusts hearing this MC immediately made a decision and said that he would like to join his class after him chin schwang wanted to join his class and then calong also wanted to join join tion win was very happy and thought that at this rate he would become the
best teacher this year three talented students at once decided to transfer to his class it couldn't be better he handed them the building cards and said that they were small gifts hanu got the second level building card The Hive it occupies one square kilometer and produces 1 million insects per year effect takes over all the effects that he applied to his other insectoid Representatives the protagonist was delighted and thought that this card was literally made for him if he places The Hive in his God sphere the insect's born will immediately receive the effects of the
explosion heart and the fiery lava Crystal it turns out that this card will allow him to get 1 million magma locusts per year as a sign of gratitude he bowed to the teacher and he told him not to rush to thank him let him show his gratitude better through good results after that sum turned to the other teachers and said that she thought that this could end their tests for today however she wanted to remind him that there would be important exams in a week the success of which would determine the ratio of resources distributed
among the classes let them prepare their students well after some time hanu was already in his God Realm currently in his realm there were 2,400,000 common locusts 5,000 self-detonating locusts 300 magma locusts 52 Red orc blacksmiths and one representative of the heroic life formed the wind sword Emperor looking at this he said that it looked sad he was afraid that if he had to take the exam tomorrow he would end up at the very bottom of the school rankings he urgently needed to multiply the magma Locust as much as possible and improve the other types
he finally noticed that some red Orcs had appeared in his realm and he suddenly Rose into the air deciding that he had to see it with his own eyes he flew to the place where the red orc was right now and saw the description of this creature this is an elite type of creature that evolved from ordinary Orcs after a bloody battle the creature has a talent for forging and fiery blood the level of faith is fanatic it gives 20,000 Faith power per day reproduction one individual per year the life cycle is 80 years five
of which are infancy 10 years of Youth 55 years of maturity and 10 years of old age the talent for forging increases the level of understanding in the field of blacksmithing and fiery blood significantly increases resistance to high temperatures and facilitates the development of skills related to the attribute of fire after reading the description MC thought so the Orcs eles were able to evolve into an elite type of creatures this is simply amazing it would be great if they became its main representatives in that case he could use the growth acceleration ability on them and
significantly increase their numbers 4 days later he finally waited for the ordinary Locust to breed to 7 B300 million individuals and said that this should be enough it was time to begin his favorite sacrifice having swirled the locusts in a fiery tornado he sacrificed their lives and received a reward for this having quickly glanced at the proposed options he was very happy the first option gives him a sacred broken artifact of the second level the law of gluttony the main representatives of the Divine realm receive the ability of gluty as soon as the energy they
consume increases by 10,000 times they evolve into creatures of the type above the artifact is broken Works only on the ordinary type of creatures the second option the hero template the creature that received the template functions up to the heroic type of creatures the third option gives a little Divinity the main character's eyes lit up with admiration and he said that these are such wonderful options his eyes are already running wide the law of gluttony will be able to turn all of his normal locusts into Elite creatures but right now he just doesn't have enough
locusts to evolve the hero template sounds much better compared to the first option the heroic creature type has tremendous power a little bit of divinity is about 100 billion Faith points or 1 million divine power points it's like winning the lottery he chose the first option saying that he doesn't need to be too greedy he needs to start using the full potential of his primary Representatives he doesn't have much normal locusts left so he'll have to grow them in a hive first 3 days later when he entered his Gods sphere he was very surprised and
said that he never would have thought that his locusts could grow to such enormous sizes approaching the insect that had grown to the size of a horse he named it a magma Locus plus sometime later at school before he even sit down at his seat xinwang approached him with her favorite question would he like to become her slave he didn't have the support of a rich family or the necessary resources at this rate it would be hard for him to stand out even among the children of demigods he had improved his Locust well but they
would soon reach their ceiling they had too little potential did he understand that his Orcs were good too but in the end they weren't his main Representatives he replied that he was still grateful to her for caring but she should stop asking him the same question she would see everything for herself during the exam she sighed in displeasure and said that he was so stubborn after which she began to say something furiously to him while seong watched her attentively and gritted his teeth mentally telling Han Wu that one day he would make him disappear from
his beloved sight their home room teacher said that this exam is very important to all of them as their results will determine whether their class will receive the school's resources and equipment so he asked them to give it their all the school School holds sacred artifacts additional lands for their Realms cor shards Legions of various creatures and other useful materials in their hands however they will only receive them if they can perform well in the exam now he asked them to familiarize themselves with the rules of the exam the exam consists of two stages the
selection stage and the ranking stage during the selection stage all students are put through tests of the same difficulty level those who can handle it receive one point and move on while those who cannot will be expelled after completing the first stage students who pass the second stage can choose between refusing the ranking test or agreeing to it the second stage involves defending against endless waves of Invaders advancing on their God Realm with each wave repelled their class would gain one point and their personal ranking will increase hanu asked do they expel people from school
right away that's pretty cruel then the rewards must be really worth it after that they showed the rewards the students who are in the top 100 are given a random card of basic resources land for the Divine realm worth 100 points of divine power if the student is in the top 50 he will receive one sacred artifact of the first level and if in the top 30 then one reproduction card this allows you to increase the reproduction speed of creatures by five times the duration of 10 years inside the realm if the student is in
the top 20 he will receive one first level building called the temple which spreads a first level sacred Aura within a radius of 100 m accelerating the recovery of wounded creatures if the student is in the top 10 he will receive one Divine weapon worth up to 100,000 points of divine power the weapon style is chosen by the students themselves if the student is in the top five he will receive one Elite seed this allows his being to feel the power of an elite type which increases the propensity to evolve into an elite type the
students in the top three places will receive one additional level of their core and the one who ranks first will receive one point of divinity hanu was very happy and said that for such a reward he can do anything after that their teacher said that the exam was beginning the first stage is about to begin so let them prepare for the test he started the countdown and when the time was up hanu teleported to the God Realm and leading his army ordered them all to prepare for battle seeing the lizard headed monsters in front of
him he exclaimed that these were demonic Golems isn't this too much for the first stage although they are considered normal types of creatures their strength is close to Elites tough scales Strong Limbs this monster is not an easy opponent but fortunately they are too slow he pointed his hand forward and ordered 50,000 locusts to move forward and Destroy them with their lava a hail of fire from the locusts fell on the golems and they screamed loudly and the protagonist laughed and said that it smelled like he was at a barbecue he wondered if he could
feed them to the locusts he called out to the red orc blacksmiths and ordered them to drag their bodies here after 10 minutes the Locust ate the monsters leaving only their bones and the protagonist asked so he can still feed them to them this is no longer an exam but home delivery of food he hopes that everything will continue in The Same Spirit meanwhile the teachers were observing the exams teacher Lu said discontentedly that another student was expelled from the exam and he had high hopes for him teacher tion said that 20 students from his
class have already been expelled almost a third of the entire class their colleagues said that things are even worse in his class half of them have already passed do they think the school went a bit overboard by raising the difficulty level of the exam so much Su said that today their principal and his deputies are fighting the Abyssal demon Invaders In the Borderland she thinks he had his reasons for choosing demonic Golems as their students opponents for today's exam it's not for them demigods to talk about such things tition one saw his student on the
screen and happily said that he had a good idea his Locust just started devouring those Dem golems and they seem to be doing just fine have they ever heard of creatures that could just eat the Flesh of demons ignoring their toxins another teacher asked in Surprise do they ignore the toxins contained in demons bodies he had never heard of such a thing it was urgent to study it llean asked what's so unusual about that the fact that they were immune to toxins didn't change the fact that locusts were just trash in terms of strength and
power it was just luck his colleague replied that luck was also part of of strength so he shouldn't forget that this type of locust that Han Wu had bred was very strong and useful let him see for himself locusts had already become an elite type of creature and in terms of their potential they were at the very bottom of the list of creatures that could transition from a normal type to an elite type teacher L told him not to make him laugh these creatures weren't even comparable to normal goblins in terms of strength teacher tion
said that he felt that he was being too one-sided he shouldn't just compare the Locust short with the advantages of other creatures which one did he think reproduced faster locusts or goblins Lon crossed his arms and replied that he wasn't going to argue with him about that he has a student in his class Lu Mo whose main representatives are goblins they better see which of the two ends up in the final ranking tionn agreed and said that something told him that he didn't just start this let him talk teacher Lou turned to the teachers and
said that he would give the other colleagues a five-star Divinity rating if they witnessed their argument teacher tition agreed and his colleague smirked thinking that he was a complete idiot luo was his nephew so naturally he had given him far more resources than he should have could he boast the same towards hanu soon the system reported that 430 students had passed the selection round of the exam and 300 students had decided to participate in the ranking round Lu Lian asked did 130 of them simply refuse they were all worthless cowards his colleague said that he
should shouldn't talk about their students like that the difficulty level of this exam was indeed higher than usual so there was nothing shameful about it the other teacher said that it was even for the best they could only teach those students who could overcome their fear and survive this difficult battle meanwhile the second stage of the exam began an army of skeletons came out of the gate and the teachers were very surprised asking isn't it too easy MC disappointedly said that they must be kidding he has more than 1 billion starving locusts here and they
offer them to GW their bones but there is nowhere to go he ordered his army to eat them and a huge swarm of locust circled in the sky the skeletons looked up to the sky and the fight began 2 hours later hanu was already bored and said that it would be enough for a snack a new wave came the skeleton Warriors came out of the gate again and the protagonists began to undermine them with locusts looking at the crack inside which the skeletons were bathing in fire he said that if the lava continues to accumulate
then these skeletons will not even be able to get close to him in addition this process can be sightly accelerated he called out to the red Orcs and ordered them to pour molten metal from the great smelter over them they obeyed his order and walked up to the very edge of the crack starting to pour hot metal from the barrels looking at the blazing fire below the protagonist said that this was great now the skeletons would die immediately after they emerged from the portal he didn't even have to do anything he was so smart one
of the teachers asked in Surprise how he came up with this tion when proudly replied that it was all about proper training teacher Lou asked him with displeasure if he had relaxed too much after all it was only the Seventh Wave and his disciple luo had also already reached the seventh meanwhile luo stood in his sphere and looked at the enemy skeletons along with his Goblin Army behind him were 13 first level ballista Towers nine first level lightning towers and 12 Fireball Towers the teachers looked at this and exclaimed in Surprise how much did he
spend on all this L laan wondered who else among them idiots had invested as much of their students resources that's right no one L OS simply had to take first place in this exam suddenly one of the teachers told the others to look at chin schwang sphere and he immediately turned his gaze to the screen in her sphere there was a flock of elite Thunder Gods consisting of 300,000 individuals and 100 ordinary were giants the only structures in her sphere were 100 lightning Towers the teach teacher said that the daughter of theq family was very
strong before he thought that she was in the top three in the school but now it seemed that she was the best another teacher agreed with him and said that it was useless to even compare her with others their colleagues said that even he a demigod did not have as many creatures in his Arsenal as she did luon became angry because of this and began to curse Han Wu in his mind soon the 10th wave ended there were 18 surviving students left the next wave will be radically different from all the previous ones so they
need to be prepared for anything the students prepared themselves and from the gate into their spheres a single Monster entered one of the teachers exclaimed in surprise that this was a hero type creature a Bone Collector appeared in front of the students who had the skills of manipulating bones and fusing bones as soon as he took his first steps in the sphere he immediately found the bones and lifted them with magic after which he took out a staff and began to spin it in the air connecting the bones and turning them into the skeleton of
a monster The Collector waved both hands and ordered the monster to go forward and kill them all after which the bone giant rushed to attack he slammed his hand on the ground slapping the student Army and then stomped his foot causing an explosion the teachers were worried and said that not even 3 minutes had passed and already eight students had dropped out this was too difficult for them teacher L said that something was wrong why was the bone Giant in the Han Wu realm so small he obviously cheated somehow meanwhile the bone Giant in the
MC realm was barely holding on to the Rocks trying not to fall into the fire tion one asked isn't it obvious this was because most of the skeleton warriors were drowned in the magma that Han Wu created naturally The Bone Collector simply did not have enough materials to create a bone giant at this time the emperor entered the battle and using the iron sword style cut the bone giant into several pieces the protagonist yawned widely and the system reported that he successfully withstood the 11th wave teacher Lou became angry and indignantly exclaimed that he definitely
cheated them somehow he did not believe it he must have somehow found out about the monsters that were going to appear in the exam in advance teacher tion asked did he have any proof of this he asked back did he think he was covering for his student right let him be careful with this he might as well report it to the right people it's clear without proof everyone saw what hanwu did to the skeleton Warriors no one in their right mind would be cleaning up the body parts of dam DED monsters unless of course that
someone knew that in the future there would be a Bone Collector who would use them his colleague told him to stop talking nonsense and he replied that it was not nonsense he had reason to suspect Han Wu the schools should look into this and give him a severe punishment Su replied that it was absolutely impossible the principal was personally handling the monsters in the exam even she didn't know the details of the upcoming exam if Han would really had received any information about this then it would mean that the information had leaked from the headmaster's
side did he really think that their powerful Headmaster would make such a mistake L Leon became nervous and replied that he hadn't even thought about it apparently this student was just very lucky it was just so unfair to the other students so he became indignant the vice Headmaster looked at him with displeasure and said that he as a demigod should understand how absurd he had just said each person cultivates their own God Realm as they wish there can be no talk of of any justice in this matter Only the strongest survive if hanu didn't break
any rules and Achieve these results through his own work then he deserved it by the way do he think it would be fair for him to take advantage of his position to provide his nephew luo with resources at the expense of the other students in his class or is it fair for chin schang whose family spent Millions to strengthen her God Realm to participate in this exam hearing this teacher tition called him an idiot and said that now he understood why he proposed that bet to him there is a saying he who digs a hole
for others will fall into it himself his disciple Han Wu had already passed the 11th wave but his nephew had just begun now they would see who would win meanwhile Lu Mo who was left alone with the bone giant said that this seemed to be his limit he loudly announced that he gave up and teacher tion said that his nephew had failed he had won the bet he wouldn't back out in front of so many witnesses right where are his five Divinity points llean sended him a card and told him not to spend the points
yet he would definitely return them soon an hour later the 13th wave passed three students remained Han Wu chin shuang and hang f one of the teachers looked at the table and said that now they just had to figure out who would take what place when the 14th wave came and an army of skeletons appeared in front of hang Fay he raised his hand and said that he surrendered on the 16th wave chin schwang also surrendered Su was very happy and said that Han Wu took first first place meanwhile the protagonist continued the 20th wave
and was still full of strength as were his locusts he ordered the magma Locust to move forward and the insects exploded upon contact with the monsters from the bones of the Fallen comrades a bone giant rose again but the sword Emperor immediately attacked him not allowing him to take a step after 15 minutes silence finally reigned in the realm of the Gods the system reported that the 20th wave of the invasion had been successfully repelled the 21st wave would begin soon the next wave would be much more difficult than the previous ones let him be
prepared he frowned and asked another wave he thought the 20th would be the last bright Sparks began to come out of the portal inside the gate and the protagonist looked up in surprise at the monster that appeared asking what kind of giant it was a majestic woman appeared in front of him sitting on a throne upon seeing her the teachers exclaimed in surprise that it was the skeleton lady MC said that he didn't expect to see a Lord type creature here he was afraid that he wouldn't have enough strength to deal with this huge thing
he raised his hand and said that he gave up which surprised the skeleton lady very much she began to be pulled back into the portal and she spread her arms out to the sides saying that she wouldn't let him leave so easily the gate was about to pull her back in but she continued to resist it and screamed in Rage after which she waved her hand throwing a bone at hanu it flew past him at high speed and exploded upon impact with the ground and he turned around and exclaimed what the hell is going on
here after that the gate closed and the protagonist returned to the real world the system reported that he took first place Deon win's class scored a total of 252 points beating another class that took second place by 20 points Lan's class scored a total of 192 points and took eighth place seeing this teacher L got angry and said that he should have taken first place his colleague looked at him with a satisfied smile and the other teachers were very upset and one of them said that he did not want to be fired everyone immediately congratulated
MC on first place and he laughed happily saying that now all the rewards are his an hour later he received many cards as a reward he received one unit of iron ore land worth 100 divine power points a level one sacred artifact exchange card the first level card that the temple gives and a Divine rank weapon that can be exchanged but the cost should not be more than $100 th000 divine power points he also received one Elite seed which turns ordinary creatures into Elite ones he received a Divine core enhancement card and one Divinity Point
as well as one reproduction card when the students saw his rewards they were very surprised and said that this guy is now a real rich man meanwhile the protagonist thought about it and said that he needed to think about how to use all this wisely his Home Room teacher told him not to worry he would help him choose the best options Han Wu was happy and thought that he could be relied on after that he entered his God Realm the card with lands for the realm was successfully exchanged for 20 square kilm of dense forest
terrain the sacred artifact exchange card was successfully exchanged for a first level sacred artifact a poisonous fog Pearl the Divine core level increased by one and the construction of the first level Temple was also completed he decided to use the exchange card and was presented with different options among which was the Whirlwind sword he thought about about it and said that the card could only be exchanged for one Divine rank weapon four Swords would be enough for his hero so he would not take the fifth for now he needed to look for something like a
hammer for the red orc blacksmith he found a war hammer called Purgatory worth 99,999 divine power points created from the core of a lord type Purgatory Hydra minimum requirements for use a heroic type of creature with the fire attribute after reading the conditions he said that he would not be able to use it right now he would have to wait until the red Orcs had a hero he decided not to be upset and said that he had gotten it for free anyway another hour later all the students gathered in the classroom and their home room
teacher said that the main exam was a very difficult test after which in his opinion Only the Strong remained and he would like to ask the top three of this exam to come to the board Han Wu chin schwang and another guy came to the board and the teacher said that Han Wu had achieved the highest result so he would receive 100 class points he could also choose any of the treasures provided to the class the protagonist thought that he was now even curious about what was in the class treasury a system window with a
list of items appeared in front of him giant fists Life Spring Iron Mine core Frost rocket level two skill Goblin Nest level two construction and the elite liger creature type the protagonist chose Life Spring and his teacher thought that this was a wise choice he did not pursue momentary strength and decided to start by developing his strengths he had great potential after a while a student named suu came to their class and congratulated the protagonist on how well he did let him quickly sell him the Divinity point he received he will give 105 million divine
power points for it right now Han Wu looked at him with displeasure and thought who the hell is he to order him around like that so he even added 5 million points on top of the normal price there's definitely something wrong here he asked why does he need it he asked back what's the difference let him agree 105 million will be his in a second this amount is enough for him to change his main representative and change his fate MC frowned and refused his offer but he continued to ask him about it saying that to
be honest Divinity is what his grandfather needs he lacks just a little bit to become a true God if he sells him one point of divinity not only will he get millions but he will also become his debtor hearing this Han Wu thought about it 100 5 million is a huge amount with this amount of energy he will be able to increase the number of locusts that fit in his sphere tens of times and also acquire a dtor he was about to agree but suddenly a message came on his phone chin schwang who apparently overheard
their conversation wrote to him that she could buy a Divinity point from him for 150 million did he agree to this he was very surprised by such an amount and wondered how much money her family had she wrote a new message in which she asked if he really thought that one Divinity point was only worth 100 million he should have at least done some research before starting to trade Divinity Divinity can indeed be obtained by compressing 100 million points of divine power which is created by condensing the faith points of his beings such a Divinity
would indeed cost a little more than 100 million such a price is due to the fact that when another God tries to absorb this Divinity there is a chance of failure this is all because such a Divinity will have the faith of another God does he understand this that is why his divinity point is worth at least 145 million which is not available on the market at the moment after reading this MC thought that everything became clear to him now it turns out that suu was simply trying to rob him immediately after that he turned
to his classmate and discontentedly told him to get out of here and he walked away saying that he cannot be arrogant just because he took first place on the exam after that 150 million divine power was credited to the protagonist's account and he was very happy saying that now he was literally swimming in money after some time in his realm of gods he looked at the newly erected City and said that he thought the temple should be built in the red orc settlement he built a temple there and placed a life-giving spring in the desert
hoping that over time this land would also become fertile the people of the red Orcs knelt before him and thanked him with all their hearts he placed a hammer in front of them and ordered them to raise their heads he did not come empty-handed he brought a Divine artifact for them the battle Hammer of purgatory he showed them the seed and said with a smile that he also brought this he handed it to one of the Orcs and said that he would be Stow this Elite seed upon him which would raise his potential he hoped
that one day he would become a hero and lift this Hammer after that he soared into the sky and the Orcs wished him a long life the protagonist looked at the poison Mist Pearl in his hand and said that he listened to the teacher advice and took it but why does he need it after these words his teacher immediately contacted him and asked if he wanted to talk to him about something he replied that he wanted to say that during today's exam he and teacher Lou had a bet on something in the end he outdid
his nephew and won him five Divinity points he decided that it would be fair to share some of the winnings with him he showed him two items and said that this was a card that was worth about 150 million Divinity points he thinks that he himself understands the value of this card so he better tell him about the second option this is a trophy he received during the battle in the outside world this is an egg created by the insect King himself the Heavenly demon they have already killed it without damaging the egg itself however
this thing even though it is dead can still produce a huge amount of demonic energy every day which can eventually turn his Locus into low-level Heavenly demons from the beginning he told him that he should prioritize cultivating his core beings and this egg will help him do that after listening to him the protagonist thought that teacher Lou and the others thought of him as nothing because locusts are a very weak type of being but teacher tion is different instead of mocking him he gave him an opportunity that will allow him to turn his low-level locusts
into Heavenly demon Beatles of course they are not comparable to Chin shang's natural Elite Thunder sparrows but at least they will be equal to ordinary beings like goblins and Orcs the teacher told him to remember that he can choose one of these rewards he replied with a confident smile that he would choose the egg then and he said that he had no doubt about it by the way the poison attribute goes very well with demon cultivation so he could pour the power of the poison Miss Pearl into his core right now the result would definitely
surprise him Han Wu thanked him and said that he would try to live up to his expectations after a short pause he asked if he knew where he could buy a large amount of cheap meat he didn't care about the quality the main thing was the quantity it was just that it was too expensive in ordinary stores tonan was surprised and said that if he wanted to feed the locusts he didn't advise him to buy meat in store it was too expensive and of little use the director had recently Taken part in a battle with
an Abyssal demon there were still a huge number of demonic Golem corpses lying on the battlefield so he would ask him about it MC thanked him and ended the call then began to walk through the forest thinking that the effect of the gluttony artifact was too strong his locusts were literally sweeping away everything in their path the power of His core was not enough to feed them he urgently needed to find Alternatives he placed the egg at the roots of a tree and said that he thought if he placed it near a century old tree
the process of secreting demonic energy would go faster perhaps it would even satisfy the hunger of his locusts a little 2 days later he returned to this place and saw how the egg had grown into the trunk of the tree he said that it looked like one Locust had already managed to eat its fill of demonic energy he can't wait to see what will come out of it he wondered how many days they develop suddenly the egg cracked and he excitedly said that it was hatching a Heavenly demon Beetle a normal type creature with a
talent called cruelty crawled out of the egg the degree of Faith fanatic gives one point of Faith power per day the life cycle is 200 days 30 of which are the larel stage 150 days the adult stage and 20 old the main character was delighted and said that it was hard for him to believe that this was an ordinary type this Beetle was 100 times stronger than his Locust but there was no breeding Point apparently Beetle demons would only appear after absorbing the energy of the egg if he understood correctly then the energy released by
the egg in one day would be enough to transform 200,000 locusts noticing that the insect had sharply doubled in size he said that apparently the effect worked on them too it turns out that the transformation of beetle demons into an Elite Form would not take much time he decided that now it was time for him to use the pearl of poisonous fog and threw it into the air after which the color of the insect changed and he exclaimed in Surprise the creature had already become Elite this is a poisonous demon and bull Beetle meanwhile the
school principal looked at the huge pile of corpses in front of him in shock and wondered how did this happen and what should he do with this mountain of demon corpses now even if he manages to seal them inide card sooner or later the divine power of it will run out and a huge pile of corpses will once again pour out into the world poisoning the environment suddenly teacher tion called him and asked is he on some business he awkwardly greeted him and apologized for distracting him but he had one question one of his disciples
would like to buy the corpses of the Abyss demons from him he asked in Surprise why does he need the corpses he replied that he was going to use the corpses as food for his creatures its main representative is Locust which at the main exam already demonstrated to them that it can eat the corpses of demons without any consequences the principle asked is this by any chance the genius who defeated the demigod a couple of days ago he never thought that his Locust could be so useful it was a Pity that the Locust simply wouldn't
survive in the abyss they could have saved their divine power points and simply released his creatures right onto the scene he handed the card to the teacher and said that there were a million demon corpses inside and that he should pass it on to him and say that there was no need to pay the next day ton one called him again and awkwardly said that he wanted to tell him that yesterday's demon corpses had already run out and his student asked if he could arrange a regular supply of these corpses for him the director was
very surprised by this and the teacher seeing his reaction said that he had told him that it would be too impudent of him the director didn't let him finish and asked him to wait after which he cleared his throat and said that he should pass it on to him that it was a one-time action now they were talking about a regular Supply he can't throw his divine power points around like that so for every hundred corpses he'll have to give him 10,000 divine power points 5 minutes later the teacher called him again and told him
that his student agreed and said that he wanted to start with 1 million divine power points a few days later the Locust multiplied again and MC thought that the time had come he sacrificed billions of lives after which the system gave him three options to choose from by choosing the first option he can get five giant Warriors an elite type of creatures the second option third level skill crystals poisonous explosion after fusing the crystal with its core its creatures can Master the basic technique of poisonous explosion also heroic types of creatures can Master this technique
raising it to the ultimate technique of poisonous explosion the third option disintegration mechanism this allows you to split matter and extract Pure Energy the protagonist was happy and said that these are pretty good options for sacrificing 12 billion Elite creatures even the first option doesn't seem that bad to him everyone knows that giant Warriors are a very formidable Force even from one such giant you can get at least 10 million points of divine power despite this he decided to carefully study the other options and said that poisonous explosion is a perfect match for his bug
demons and poisonous fog artifacts however right now his third level course simply won't be able to accommodate this Crystal so the second option is useless to him at the moment he chose the third option with the thought that if he understood everything correctly the Decay mechanism will split the materials and give him energy crystals they say that such crystals are needed for the development of creatures that rely on Magic and they are very expensive now he will be able to earn money without doing anything a huge mechanism appeared in front of him and he threw
iron or into it and after 5 hours he took out an iron Crystal from the mechanism he took it in his hands and asked disappointedly is this the crystal that is usually used in forging equipment as food for some special races if he remembered correctly each of the crystals was worth five points of divine power this was certainly not what he expected but it was still good in the long run he could really make good money from this suddenly a strange voice sounded in his head addressing him as a great God and saying that while
they were working they were attacked by unknown Undead three of their workers were injured and their leader armed with the hammer he had given them was trying to hold off the enemy alone they were begging him to save their people the red Orcs Han Wu was surprised and thought that it seemed like the temple was broadcasting the pleas of its creatures to him but how did the undead get into his God Realm he frowned using the Hawkeye skill and then saw that the red orc was fighting a skeleton taking a closer look he wondered why
the skeleton was giving off the aura of the monster from the exam the skeleton continued to resist the Orcs attacks and MC said with a smile that he was strong he asked the system to give him information about him and it reported that the identification attempt had failed the creature was not his follower so he could not reveal information about him he got angry and called out to the sword Emperor ordering him to go there quickly immediately after his words the old man appeared on the battlefield and as soon as he noticed the skeleton he
immediately chopped it into several pieces the bones scattered on the ground Shook and then reunited into a single skeleton meanwhile the protagonist himself arrived on the battlefield and ordered the skeleton to submit to him and believe in him only then will he be able to reincarnate but in response the monster only hit him but was unable to cause any harm hanu said that he was so naive as long as the core of his Divine realm existed there was no way he could hurt him he turned to his subjects and ordered them to continue chopping him
up until he surrendered 3 days later the skeleton along with his comrades knelt before the deity and said that they wanted to submit to him MC patted his head with a smile and praised him asking now he will be able to see information about him right the system showed the information it is a lord type creature but at the moment it is weakened incomplete and sealed has a talent called Crystal bones and Resurrection Faith level devout gives 1 million Faith power points per day A New Day Has Come Han Wu returned to school and the
H room teacher asked are they ready for the next exam he will say it directly this exam will greatly increase the gap between them since the result will determine which Academy they will enter MC began to listen to him more carefully and thought that before his death his grandfather asked him to find his parents in the chaotic sea of stars of the Imperial Academy from all appearances this Academy is one of the best educational institutions in this world tonan said that this time their test will be in dimension c79 3826 the abyss of demons They
will receive the details of the exam immediately after they are transported there they have his hour to prepare so let them spend this time usefully one of the students said that in the abyss everything is said to be shrouded in a demonic Aura there was a good chance that the creatures they sent would be infected with that aura and turned into uncontrollable demons no one but demons and Undead could last longer than an hour there he had also heard that there were crazy Undead wandering around around there that would attack any living creature who even
thought of holding an exam there another student asked if anyone had a demonic representative he wouldn't mind working with that person as a partner sealon was very happy and thought that this was perfect for him it was his time to shine he would see how han Wu would get out of this suddenly an unfamiliar number called him and he walked out of the classroom after answering the call teacher L greeted him and he asked in surprise if he wanted something from him he replied that he wanted him to help him get rid of a certain
person seong asked if he was talking about Han Wu he didn't even have to continue he had been planning to do that himself Lu lion said that it was not for nothing that he considered him his best disciple if he did not fail he could count on a good reward he pointed his finger at the creature card and said that for now he could take this small gift he was sure that it would help him a lot in the exam as a gift from him seong received a demon dragon and exclaimed this is an elite
type of creature that is not inferior in strength to heroic ones soon the exam began and everyone arrived in the abyss of demons the conditions of the exam first the student can choose his Incarnation and summon creatures however if his Divine appearance dies then the student himself will die secondly they can only summon their creatures once a day the number of summoned Representatives is 100 thirdly the final ranking of the student will be based on the points earned on the exam tasks the tasks themselves are listed below the first task is to destroy the skeleton
Camp a huge Camp of demon Golems has appeared in the valley of demons let them get rid of 90% of the demon Army and destroy the banner of their Camp hint there are 8 to 10,000 creatures in the demon Camp types of inhabited creatures normal and Elite as a reward for the task They will receive 60 points and one random sacred artifact of the first level MC did not read the second task and the system asked him to choose in which incarnation of his creature he wants to appear in this Dimension he can choose to
Incarnate Locust red orc blacksmith Whirlwind sword skeleton lord the protagonist chose the fourth option thinking that it was obvious the undead are the only type of creatures that will not be susceptible to the destructive effects of demonic Aura streams of dark energy swirled around him and he was scared and then he looked down and saw that he had completely turned into a skeleton he looked around and said that the abyss of demons is a real Paradise for the undead and demons he pointed his finger forward and summoned 100 locusts but they were immediately swallowed by
the Demonic Aura Han Wu said that he thought so ordinary Locust simply would not survive here but it was worth a try he summoned his new demonic insects and said that he was counting on them moving forward through the abyss they came across demonic fruits and he pointed his finger at them telling the insects to collect them while they were busy doing this he suddenly felt someone's presence behind him and turned around to see the undead slowly walking towards them he prepared for battle and said that he was just about to test the power of
the skeleton lord after 10 minutes a huge pile of corpses had accumulated behind him and he crossed his arms over his chest saying that they were weak at this time his insects returned to him along with the fruits and he said that they had collected so many things and the system only rated it at 20 points but he definitely doesn't intend to fight demigods for 100 points he doesn't think he has a chance against them let's decide that he needs even more fruits he ordered the insects to focus on collecting a day later he looked
at the thick deck of cards in his hand and laughed saying that he had cleared out all the trees with demonic fruits now no one would be able to complete the 49th task without his help a plan matured in his head and he wrote in the class chat asking if anyone wanted to buy from him a 100 demonic fruits needed to complete the 49th task he agreed to an exchange one of the students wrote that this was a real scam how was this even allowed another student asked him what he even understood about this it
was just profitable he would take one fruit now he was ready to pay 50 points of divine power another student said that he would also take and pay 50 points teacher tition warned that they could only trade and exchange resources that they had minded in this Dimension after three warnings they would be disqualified after reading the message he said that it was not bad it turns out that he had obtained a universal currency of this Dimension meanwhile seong also read the chat and said with a Smur that he was an idiot he didn't even have
to look for him this time he would definitely finish him off taking on a demonic form he and his pack of wolves began to wait for him a few hours Later Han Wu noticed that everyone around him was rising in the rankings on the list his representatives were too weak to fight strong monsters but if he didn't start taking difficult tasks he would very quickly end up at the bottom of the rankings what should he do just then a squad of skeletons appeared behind him they looked up in Surprise and then the main one with
bright eyes screamed Han Wu walked up to them surrounding himself with an aura of dark magic he didn't know if he could subdue the local Undead with the Incarnation of the skeleton lord but it was worth a try they turned around and tensed up when he asked if they recognized him the entire Squad immediately fell to their knees and bowed each monster was an ordinary skeleton they have strong bones a strong degree of Faith giving 500 Faith power per day Han Wu was very surprised what it really worked before he could even say anything he
already had a small devout Squad of skeleton Warriors he told his followers to stand up and lead him to their Camp they raised their heads and looked at him an hour later Han Wu stood in a dark scary place an entire Army bowed to him and at their head was a huge Skeleton on a giant wolf this is an elite type skeleton Knight talents are Iron Bones and summoning Undead strong faith gives 50,000 Faith power per day the protagonist was shocked he happily thought that now now he has a real army of the undead the
skeleton Knight told his Lord that he was once a member of the first Legion of skeletons however after the battle with the Demonic Golems his Squad had to separate from the main Army of skeletons he had to establish his own Camp there the Golem invasions are becoming more and more violent so he had to send his Warriors to squeak demonic fruits that can strengthen their bodies hanu thought if they are now his followers then it really would not hurt to somehow strengthen them the next day hanu was in 178th place and continued to descend he
realized that there is no point in postponing any longer in front of him stood a giant wolf and a skeleton Knight who knelt down hanu handed him a demonic fruit he said that he would give him the fruits he had managed to collect he should distributed himself among his Squad members 10 minutes later an army of evil skeletons stood in front of him he said that their target was the lair of the Demonic Golems now they were starting they walked forward among the rocks hanu thought the quest said that there were 8 to 10,000 creatures
in the demon Camp he only had 1,000 skeletons it would not work to go into direct conflict he would have to act cunningly he turned to them and told one of the skeletons to lure 10 demons to them the skeletons stood at the entrance completely alone then screams were heard a small Squad of evil demons was running towards him they stopped abruptly and were shocked many skeletons appeared in front of them at the same time they began to cover themselves with their hands when the skeletons attacked and wave their weapons hanu looked at the cloud
of dust that covered the scene of the fight he said it was convenient that after the Demonic Golems died they could be turned into skeleton Warriors they killed enemies and built up their own Army that's why he loved the undead in just an hour Han Wu's skeleton army already numbered 7,000 Warriors he stood in front of the cave with his army and was very confident he said that now there were 3,000 creatures left in the demon Lair it was time for a large- scale battle after that he stretched out his hand forward and shouted for
everyone to go to battle after 3 hours the skeleton presented him with a beautiful sphere and called him his Lord the protagonist smiled and said that they did a great job the task was completed Han Wu received 60 points and immediately Rose sharply in the ranking to 108th Place the creepy wolf felt someone's aura seong said that this is bad where is this Han W even going he looked at the ranking and asked in Surprise did he get 60 points apparently he had cleared out the demon Golem's Lair well he had exceeded his expectations the
bastard but that was his last achievement in life because he was going to die soon there was a large army at the entrance to the lair seong asked in Surprise skeletons did he secretly acquire 10 skeleton Warriors he was very cunning wanted to use them to rank higher in the exam he could not dream of such a thing he shouted for his hell hounds to attack they began to run in a pack opening their mouths and growling loudly when when they approached Han Wu turned around but the skeletons blocked him they shouted that they needed
to protect the Lord and attack the hellhounds but they also confidently and viciously attacked sealon said that this was only the second day of their stay in the demon abyss and Han Wu had already managed to gather a large army he asked what will happen in a few days then even he will not be able to deal with him he must kill him now he took the form of a dragon and screamed loudly opening his mouth his body was enveloped in Fire magic at this time the skeleton Knight was fighting the hell dog and seong
himself approached ton Wu he asked why seong attacked him and his creatures if he remembered correctly there was never any feud between them but seong screamed angrily he may think that he just doesn't like him and die after that he began to scream loudly waving his claws and Han Wu tried to resist the shock wave of his scream suddenly a claw touched him and the excited skeletons began to call out to him seong thought that he had already killed Han Wu and flew away saying that he would not waste time on trash like them the
angry skeletons bared their teeth and growled and Han who woke up and clutched his chest he said it's lucky that the skeleton lord has the talent of Resurrection he ordered the skeletons not to stand still and gather all their troops they are leaving the protagonist frowned angrily and said that seong had decided his own fate their next meeting would result in his death he a scoundrel after a while seong looked at the ranking Kings and asked what why is Han Wu still not on the list of those eliminated he looked at the system panel in
shock and screamed this is terrible he is not dead he flew up and screamed that he will still kill him even if he has to waste his precious time when he came to his lair among the rocks he saw emptiness then he ordered the Demonic dogs to start searching immediately not to miss a single Undead at this time hanu stood in front of his army and raised a brightly shining Crystal he said that he would bestow them with a stone Crystal he thought that due to seongun's sudden attack he only had 5,000 skeleton Warriors left
they needed to be strengthened urgently it seemed that he would need a lot more Stone crystals his skeletons began to shine leveling up hanu looked at the system panel and said besides his ranking is not very good with this result he will never be able to enter the Imperial Academy his task was to clear the lair of Fallen demons as a reward he would receive 80 points a level two skill Crystal a chain Fireball he said that Fallen demons are the main inhabitants of the demon Abyss Dimension but other than toxic fumes and some cunning
they have nothing if they were rated at 80 points then there should be at least a million of them in the lair well this is excellent fod for expanding the undead Army he told his army that they will go to the lair of Fallen demons two months later the teachers gathered in the meeting room to discuss the first teacher said that a student from his class Juan feay was able to make an army of 100,000 demon goblins he has earned 3,200 points in total and has firmly established himself in first place in the ranking of
participants which has met his expectations as for second place it is currently occupied by luo who was also able to find a way to evolve his goblins into demonic ons at the moment he has 3,10 points if he puts in some effort he might even be able to compete for first place the second teacher asked by the way how is teacher tenanan student hanu doing he took first place in the exam but now he is nowhere to be seen teacher L said displeased that he warned him this guy took first place just because of luck
in his class he was always at the very bottom and suddenly blinded teacher tiam when mistook him for a treasure he turned around and said that he asked you not to forget that he is a teacher such words are unacceptable towards students Mr Lou asked what is he doing wrong this guy is a waste of time and resources of their school the other disciples would become much stronger if they received the first place of rewards from the last exam he thought it was hard to say whether this boy would come out of the test alive
teacher tianan bared his teeth and said if he was so sure of it then they would make another bet he would bet that hanu would take first place again in this exam teacher Lou asked what would the bets be he decided to bet 10 Divinity points would that be okay he clenched his fists resolutely and said that he didn't have 10 points now he could bet something of equal value if teacher Tian agreed then the bet would be Val valid he decided to bet his level three Divine Healing tianan said that they had agreed but
he wanted to say that Han Wu had recently taken on a task of 80 points he felt that it would soon be completed everyone knew that only tasks that could be considered practically impossible for a high school student were valued at 80 points if he can do this he will ensure an invitation to a prestigious Academy his place in the rankings will not matter demon Abyss Dimension c79 3826 the lir of Fallen demons originally a million demons lived in the lair but by now there are about 100,000 left hanu looked at the huge Arena standing
on a cliff in front of his army his strategy was working now he has over 900,000 skeleton Warriors under his command the time has come he ordered the monsters to charge and they began to Roar angrily and jump off the cliff the skeleton Knight immediately attacked several demons they screamed the wounded demons looked weily at the skeleton he asked why they didn't Just Surrender and hope for the mercy of their lord 20 minutes later hanu happily stood on the cliff with a huge skeleton flag he and the skeletons shouted Victory the skeletons used the Spell
divide and the energy of the Dead demons reached out to their hands bright magic surrounded the bodies and dried them out the skeletons absorbed their powers and changed their shape now it is an elite type skeleton resurrector the monster has strong bones can resurrect skeletons a devout degree of Faith gives 500 Faith power per day the protagonist asked in Surprise what this skeleton resurrector is stronger than even his skeleton Knight having collected the last of his energy and turned the demon into a skeleton the resurrector roared and the former demon woke up becoming Undead the
protagonist looked at this from above and said that this is great all the Warriors of his army are back in Action a skeleton Knight came up to him from behind and knelt down giving him a magic item saying that this is a trophy for a respected Lord he took this artifact and looked at the system panel this is a level one sacred artifact a staff of flame if you place this artifact in the core of the Divine sphere its main Representatives can get the initial skill Fireballs the destructiveness of the skill will depend on the
strength of the creatures themselves the item can be used as a Divine weapon hero template fragment a quarter of the whole part if you collect the entire hero template you can get a heroic type of creatures the source of the Fallen gives the race of creatures the properties of Fallen demons creatures gain resistance to negative effects and ignore the Demonic Aura of the demon Abyss the protagonist thought the source of the Fallen is a real treasure for this Dimension so later he will summon his locusts he became more confident well now he has a million
strong Army of skeleton Warriors he is not afraid of this nasty sealon he asked to show the rewards and a system window appeared in front of him he received 80 rating points his place is 401 he received a level two skill crystal chain Fireball hanu thought okay he figured this out it seems there was another task on the list to clear the lair of the local demons he needs to hurry he stood on the cliff and shouted for his army to move forward his skeletons screamed and were surrounded by dark magic even the sky darkened
3 days later the teachers looked at the system panel the ranking was updated in real time hanu completed two tasks for 80 and 70 points in a short time hanu Rose to Fourth Place the teacher said this is amazing in just 3 days hanu was able to rise from the last places to Fourth there really is a genius in teacher timin's class Mr Lou folded his arms in dissatisfaction and said what difference does it make even if he has fourth place it's not first place they heard an announcement this is a message from the first
Echelon of the fury of war after the exam is completed they are inviting Han Wu's disciple for an interview a message from Hidden Dragon Academy they invite disciple Han Wu to an interview after the exam is over a message from seconder Green Mountain Academy after the exam is over they invite disciple Han Wu to enroll in their Academy without exams dissatisfied and surprised teacher Lu told vice principal Sue that this was Unthinkable why did she report invitations frommy only for disciple Han Wu but she replied that there were no other messages yet he shouted that
he didn't believe it he was only ranked fourth how could theis not notice three other disciples who were higher in the rankings she replied that theem had an unspoken rule they only send invitations to those disciples who were able to score at least 3,000 points they also had to complete one task worth 80 points so far only Han Wu had met these requirements just now the chin schwang student had completed the 80-point quest and scored over 3,000 points and the war Fury Academy had sent her an invitation he smiled and thought he didn't care about
these invitations as long as Han hu didn't take first place he contacted seong and said that the tiam in class only had three quests left he had to get ahead of Han Wu and complete all of these quests before him and not let him get ahead he heard him and replied that he understood everything he thought he could complete the 90o quests before him the protagonist stood on a cliff and looked at the system window with a list of impossible quests the 100 Point Quest was to destroy the followers of the dark frog demigod the
90o quest was to destroy the Minotaur demon tribe another 90o Quest was to destroy the Dark Forest ents he currently has 3,480 points ranked third and is 130 points short of first place he needs to complete at least two tasks to win the exam but it looks very difficult on the other hand he can't be considered weak either 20 million skeleton Warriors two heroic creatures and 190 Elites he has a good chance well he'll deal with the demon Minotaur first there was a huge fire explosion in the demon minur tribes territory Yang in his werewolf
form laughed and said it was cool Yong should try harder he doesn't want Han Wu to get ahead does he he told him to stop talking casually if he wanted him to win he wouldn't have teamed up with Yang a giant Minotaur raised its weapon above them and roared an hour later they were still fighting and were also heavily injured they were very scared calong said that this was a nightmare they had to run away otherwise they themselves would be killed Yang said that he agreed if they couldn't complete the task even by uniting then
hanw definitely wouldn't do it but then young looked up and was shocked he asked what was this in front of them stood an army of skeletons of different sizes with an oppressive and scary Aura he asked where the undead came from what should they do now they saw that the Minotaur began to fight the skeletons they attacked in a huge crowd seong and Yan heard scary sounds and he said not to be afraid although there were many skeletons but these were ordinary skeleton Warriors they would simply break through them the protagonist screamed from the cliff
did they want to escape he would let them go so easily he ordered the Bone Collector to attack a giant skeleton Knight appeared in front of them roaring loudly he was summoned by a skeleton in a robe the evil monster hit the ground and the resurrector began to read the spell again huula a human skeleton surrounded by Magic began to fly out of the lizard's body they screamed in fear and panic they need to forget about the creatures it's time for them to save their lives a giant skeleton Knight stood in front of them and
told them to stand still and the students asked what he would do with them Han Wu stood on the skeleton's shoulder he greeted his classmates and the surprise seong asked Han Wu where did he get such a powerful Undead its main representative species was a locust but the protagonist said that only out of politeness he would not torture and mock him but would kill him quickly the monster swung its huge leg to strike and seong screamed in panic and asked to stop right in front of the frightened Yang's face the monster's leg loudly hit the
ground raising dust he said that there had never been any disagreement between them he could apologize for this misunderstanding but his death would do no good hanu said that was true but he couldn't let him go just like that either Yang cried and screamed he would give him all the treasures he had gotten from that Dimension he was just asking to let him go hanu said that they had come to an agreement and now he had to leave Yan escaped and 5 hours later the protagonist stood in front of a huge mountain defeated by the
Minotaur the remaining Warriors fell to their knees and bowed saying that they surrendered and were ready to submit to his Excellency he looked at the system window he had completed the task and received 90 points his points were now 3,570 the disciple in first place had 3,610 points he had two tasks available he thought that was great no one had yet managed to complete the second task for 90 points but then he saw that the task for 90 points had been completed he asked in Surprise what someone just completed one of the remaining tasks but
who could do that immediately a message appeared that chin schwang scored 3,580 points and Rose to second place he said that he was not surprised which meant that he would only be able to take first place if he killed the half-god Frog of Darkness he thought about it the difficulty of this task is beyond the capabilities of ordinary students but if he wants to attract the attention of the Imperial Academy he simply must rise to first place he appears Ed in front of three islands and shouted for his army to begin an invasion the teachers
said that the rest of the students had already left the dimension only the students of teacher tianan remained there in second place is chin schwang with 3,580 points and in third place is Han Wu with 3,570 points teacher tianan said jinang second place Han Wu third place and suang in seventh what are they doing there Mr L said dissatisfied just having fun don't you understand s they only have one last task left to kill the demigod none of these weak students dare to fight such a powerful creature besides if they lose they will lose everything
no one has ever completed this task in the history of their school teacher Tian said that this is exactly what they are going to do schang and the protagonist have already gone to this demigod and very soon they will all see what will come of it he unlike Mr L believes in his students at this time schwang birds were flying surrounded by her light in Magic she sent them to attack the frog monster this monster was not alone there were also explosions everywhere while the frogs were burning they screamed loudly the demigod raised his paws
up a spiral of dark magic appeared he called her a reckless woman after that he activated a protective barrier a huge Dome appeared from the ground into which lightning struck he screamed how dare she attack his tribe he will kill her and all her followers Schwan felt something was wrong she was in the form of a bird and said that it was bad she was attacked by strong magic the wounded bird began to fall down but in the air she was able to use the magic of the Divine tree of purification Schwan confidently looked forward
and spread her wings and used a lightning strike that fell on the Dome after that she created a ball of strong energy that was approaching the Dome she gathered other creatures around and told the Thunder sparrows to use a lightning strike all the birds created such balls that exuded lightning after such a powerful strike with many balls the Dome crashed and shattered into pieces she said that it worked a demigod frog appeared and told his demonic toads swallowing mountains to attack she was scared and asked what at the same moment the shadow of a giant
toad covered her the monster stood on its hind legs and began to attack with its long tongue the toad managed to grab schwang and swallow him inside she used her lightning and said that this is bad the toad is too big her lightning does not harm the monster at all if this continues she will die she saw a call from Han Wu and thought in confusion Han Wu he is calling at a terrible moment she is actually dying but then she answered he greeted her happily and said that she looks fine but where is she
schwang said irritably that it is none of his business he asked if they could team up for a while otherwise in 10 minutes there will really be nothing left of her and her sparrows she asked why she should agree at all but then she immediately changed her tone to a more friendly one and said okay but she will take take the God's body for herself and give him all the rest is that an agreement he replied that they had an agreement but she must order the Thunder sparrows to deliver him and his Elite creatures it
so happened that he was in an incredibly remote area and could not reach the battlefield Schwan ordered The Sparrows to lead them to the swamp her Army of birds began to fly forward flashing lightning hanu immediately saw them and said in surprise that they were very fast he began to wave his hand and call them and then jumped on one ordering them to fly he also said that they should not forget his skeletons his army flew on huge birds to the dark swamp where The Sparrows immediately attacked the frogs the skeletons also began to attack
other monsters but after a while Han wo saw a mountain of Bones he thought that the skeleton warriors were too weak individually they crumbled from the touch of a frog but at least there were quite a lot of Bones there he said that it was time for The Bone Collector after that a resurrector appeared on the mountain of skulls and began to spread his Aura he cast a spell and ordered them to obey the god bones shrouded in magical smoke reached out to him soon a giant skeleton night began to rise above the ground on
a swamp path frogs were sitting in a circle and raising their hands up surrounded themselves with a magical protective Circle a skeleton Knight broke through to them and began to destroy everything with his feet raising dust and trees the protagonist concentrated and ordered the skeleton resurrector the minur shaman to attack a huge bull and a skeleton ran in that direction the Minotaur powerfully hit the ground with his hammer the frogs began to fly away from the blow and scream the resurrector glowed with a dark Aura and ordered the dead to come out of the frogs
bodies and unite human skeletons flew up from the corpses they were surrounded by dark magic and a new Squad of frog Warriors stood in front of them Thunder sparrows attacked from above and incinerated the Monsters with their lightning the demigod said that he underestimated them he would have to become a little more serious he crossed his arms streams of dark magic appeared around him hanu flew high above the swamp he thought it was a terrifying spell the monster instantly killed all his skeleton Warriors what to do now he gathered all his creatures but victory was
still too far away suddenly he heard Jan Fang and was surprised he told the respected God that he wanted to fight the other monsters said they wanted it too he happily asked is this the wind sword and his red orc blacksmiths the prot an Agonist frowned and said that they were in time if the new followers can't cope then he will have to use the power of the old ones a huge portal in the form of a gate appeared from which there was a bright glow the wind sword came out and prepared all his swords
he was at the head of the orc army they began to run to attack and Shout that they would destroy them another bright portal appeared in the sky from which many explosive and magma locusts flew out they said that they made their choice he can sacrifice them to win hanu was surprised but then he made up his mind and began the sacrifice the Whirlwind took away the monsters lives he looked at the system panel and said it was unexpected that the reward would be so useful was the heavens really watching over him he received the
sacred flame of Hope a special item that dispels the darkness negative effects on creatures the item strengthens his creatures a gift from the creatures whose lives he sacrificed hanu took a large torch and said the sacred flame of Hope shall dispel the darkness in his path the Frog monsters were surprised and began to worry and he smirked and said that their time had come the shocked demigod asked how is this possible how could some pathetic artifact dispel his dark spell he does not believe it Han wolf Flew Over the swamp and his torch Shone brightly
dispelling the darkness and Magic the Frog screamed as dark magic came out of them as well he approached the monster it seemed that this toad swallowed schwang the protagonist said that it was necessary to quickly defeat this toad swallowing mountains Gian Fang and the orc jumped out of the portal in the sky saying that they obeyed the master they began to inflict slashing blows on the frog with a sword and the orc also hit him with his large Hammer the monster screamed and when the Toad's stomach was badly wounded schwang flew out and the demon
looked up she quickly created a ball of strong magic and attacked the toad was in the very center of the explosion everything around was in dust and lightning schwam with an army of sparrows and the Orcs hanwu were approaching the monster at the same time nothing could be seen at that place because of the huge fiery explosion the skeleton Knight crushed the rest of the Frog monsters with his giant legs the demigod said that he would kill these impudent Scoundrels but he failed to use dark magic he turned around and asked what hanu flew behind
him with a torch which easily dispelled his magic and schwang attacked from above burning the monster with lightning the demigod fell to the ground and dark smoke came from him they happily flew Schwan repeated that she only wanted the body of the demigod and he would take the rest for himself the protagonist and Jan Fang approached the Frog he said that he would give them everything he had in exchange for his life hanu folded his arms in displeasure and said that after he died everything that was his would go to him the demigod began to
worry and janang raised his sword then brought it down hard on the Frog after 30 minutes they stood in front of a Giant Mountain of treasures schwang told him not to worry she would not take his loot he asked is she sure she could take a few artifacts but schwang refused and said that she was good at keeping her promises everything except that Toad's body was his he put the crown on her head and said okay she can count this as interest on the debt schwang blushed and turned away proudly saying that she would accept
it then teacher tiun contacted him and said that they had done a great job the management of their school and representatives from some acmis wanted to meet him after he returned he was surprised and the teacher said that he would collect the bones of his skeletons himself he did not have to worry they walked along the corridor tianan asked them to be very polite all these people were true gods they should not be trifled with they entered the office and saw a long table with various representatives from the academies hanu wondered if these true Gods
would notice his unique talent and ability to sacrifice his life the man said they will start with schan she is a descendant of a very influential true God family right also in this exam she received the body of a demigod if he understood everything correctly then she plans to use it to create a lord type creature how many Divinity points does she have at the moment the teacher looked at him in Surprise and thought schwang is going to create a lord type creature without even becoming a demigod this is an incredible result even they the
school of leadership being demigods could not get close to such creatures after years of effort schwang replied that this is true she has four Divinity points the protagonist looked at her in Surprise and thought for points her family had to spend at least 450 million divine power such amounts he cannot even imagine the satisfied representative of the academy said in that case he wants to please her she fully meets all the requirements of their threey as soon as she creates a Lord she can immediately apply to any of theis she would be informed in advance
of all the details of the training in the academy she had chosen schwang thanked him then the man frowned and said now her classmate Han Wu they had looked at his results his main representatives are locusts right he confirmed this and the teacher drew a cross in the column of the representative of the God Realm he asked at the moment he possessed one point of divinity right he said that was correct then the teacher put a cross in the column of the amount of divinity the teacher said that they had one last question left they
were very interested in this how did he obtain a heroic creature of the wind sword Emperor type and also although weakened but still the Incarnation of the skeleton Lord hanu thought apparently they do not know about his unique ability then he has no reason to reveal this information he asked if he could not answer this question the teacher answered yes but then he would have to disappoint him although he took first place in the last two exams but he does not meet the other requirements if he wants to enter one of their threey he must
maintain this Primacy in the entrance exams the deputy director was upset and said that she was sorry but she repented that the representatives of the did did not appreciate his outstanding achievements the protagonist looked at her confidently and asked her not to be upset he would show himself in the entrance exams the teacher from the academy wished him luck and waved his hand tiun took him by the shoulder and said that he admitted that the top academies have high requirements and it was normal if he could not enter but he should remember that he had
invitations from second classies hanu replied that he did not need it he wanted to enter the Imperial Academy he left the office and and schwam was already waiting for him she asked did he here after she creates a lord type creature in her realm she will be able to enter the Preparatory course of one of the best acmis he probably understands himself that there will be much more resources for development there and he wants to go to the Imperial Academy the protagonist replied that it was true he was sure that he would enter he thought
that he had to fulfill his grandfather's Last Wish and find his parents Schwan blushed with embarrassment and said that she also wanted to enter she had already made her choice a long time ago well there was still a long time before the entrance exams and she would be entering the Preparatory course of the Imperial Academy soon by the time he entered he would no longer be able to compare with her so now while she was busy with the Lord he had a chance to become her slave he should think about it he replied that he
was doing well without her two she had seen his results herself he saw no point in becoming her slave well he needed to sort out the trophies he would go Schwan blushed even more and told him to think about it she thought he was a fool but his small skeleton form looked cute in the realm of gods hanu was beautiful as always he took out a card that exuded strong streams of magic he used Divine card absorption then an information panel appeared in front of him now he has two Divinity points 3.5 million divine power
points of his own production 76 million production of other creatures he also has 79 million Faith power level three God Realm level two faulty artifact gluttony level one sacred artifact poisonous fog the representative of the God Realm is Locust 219 super Elite creatures 49 million Elite Creatures 2 billion ordinary creatures he also has other Representatives a heroic type creature the emperor of the wind sword heroic typ orc God Hammer there are also two super Elite type creatures 58 Elite type creatures he has a skeleton lord two heroic type creatures Bone Collector and skeleton resurrector in
the sphere there are also 190 bull demon Shaman creatures 14 super Elite type creatures 2589 Elite type creatures he has buildings a smelter of the first level insect nests of the second level a temple of the first level in the sphere there is a life-giving source a Decay mechanism a flame of hope he looked at the types of creatures and grinned saying that he could buy equipment for his strong creatures with all the money but the first task is the evolution of his main representative the Locust to begin with he decided to use the source
of the Fallen streams of magic appeared in his hand and then insects flew in front of him he said that now they are more tenacious stronger and have great resistance to negative effects they also have a complete disregard for demonic gor well that's what he will call them Fallen locusts another Army of locusts was shrouded in Black Magic they flew to the dark heart among these streams he said that he will strengthen the second group with the dark magic of that Frog's heart a locust monster appeared in front of him hanu said that they can
now fly stealthily and impose various negative effects on opponents then he will call them damned locusts he heard that the Orcs were asking the magnanimous God for forgiveness because their representative dropped a sacred Relic there while working with ore and the Decay mechanism they were asking for forgiveness the protagonists became worried and said what artifact we need to check everything he immediately ran to that place the God's hammer and his younger brother were kneeling in front of him the orc was worried and said that he was asking him for forgiveness asking to spare their lives
and this loser who damaged the artifact hanu went down to them he felt awkward he was forgiving them for the first time but this should be a lesson to them suddenly Flames gushed Out of the Furnace hanu saw several items at once two flame crystals a gold Crystal there was also a source of a sacred artifact that could be used to improve and repair sacred artifacts hanu was surprised and asked is this for repair if gluttony was faulty then can it be repaired he connected gluttony and the source of a sacred artifact a bright light
enveloped the space now ordinary creatures can evolve into Elite ones after fully restoring their energy 999 times the protagonist said what he saw that this indicator was a thousand before but now it is one less so if he improves gluttony he will be able to completely repair the item and use all the power but this will require a thousand sacred artifacts where can he get that many he looked at the system panel and began to search for information on the internet he wrote that he needed help he has Divine equipment which is also a sacred
artifact he found it during the battle on the outer front but it turned out to be faulty does anyone know how to repair such a thing of course he would give a reward in the comments people wrote that it is better to give up it is useless someone has already tried to repair such an item it is a waste of money and time hanu asked so there is no other choice he will have to slowly fill this scale himself but then he saw that someone had replied maybe he could be helped they could chat in
person then hanu decided to write to the user at that moment the system window showed a call screen the protagonist looked at it in Surprise and asked so quickly the person on the other side of the call asked could he really help him repair his Divine weapon Han Wu replied he would not give him 100% guarantee but his post had been lying on the forum for a long time so he had no choice but to try his method if he wanted to try then let him send him a couple of sacred artifacts that he did
not really need the person replied he would warn him right away he had a Divine application from the anti fraud organization so he should not even try to deceive him what sacred artifacts does he need if below the fourth level he will give it to him right away and if higher it will take some time the protagonist thought higher than the fourth level yes this person is incredibly Rich he said the first level is enough at the same moment a package fell from the sky for hanu who fell to the ground and screamed wow he
got so many artifacts so quickly the protagonist said in Surprise holy Heavens there are over a 100 sacred artifacts there maybe I should just disconnect from the connection and run away hanu put his hand to his head and Imagining the image of the person said no it's better not to risk it what if the antifraud rep Representatives really show up he got to work and threw gold stones into the stove a bright fire burst out and the work began 2 hours later a large number of repaired artifacts lay on the ground this is a sacred
artifact source with 109 units the protagonist looked at the system window where it was written sacred artifact source of 100 units send he said that you need to pay for the help so he will keep nine sources for himself he doesn't think he will notice hanu pressed the send button at the same moment the man called him and joyfully screamed Master he is his real savior he asked him to help him yanong and in the Divine realm this is very important the protagonist pointed to his ears and thought yanong a hostile race he laughed and
thought this name suits him hanu smiled and replied these are two big words it was not a burden to him so he will try to help explanation yuan is consonant with Yano so all the differences in the stress which cannot be explained but it is translated as a hostile race after a while teacher tion was sitting in the room and forming a flow of energy he remembered how teacher L said Here let him keep his sacred artifact of healing the third level he frowned and said but do not rush to sell it teacher tition perhaps
he will have to return it to him soon at present a call from hanlu appeared on teacher ton screen teacher answered and said a very unexpected call something happened hanu the protagonist greeted teacher tion and said no nothing happened he just wanted to know if he knew a way to get the resources needed to increase the core of the God Realm he searched the internet but found nothing teacher tion replied and it is not surprising that he did not find anything such rare resources as Divinity Divine core fragments and so on are bought up almost
instantly by large corporations ordinary people do not have a turn there he said that if he helps him defeat L lean he was share some of his collection with him the protagonist replied okay thank you teacher tion the teacher said in fact there is another way but he may not like it once he also got his hands on several high level sacred artifacts which he simply could not use due to the low level of the core then one of his well-connected seniors brought him to a place called the bloody Arena the organizers of these games
reward the winner of the arena with a fragment of the Divine core but this is a very dangerous undertaking all sorts of of people Gather in this Arena and sometimes even representatives of other civilizations drop in there is a high chance of losing a huge number of your representatives and rolling back your progress far let him think carefully before making his choice hanu looked at the system window and thought he had just spent a huge amount of resources on improving his representatives and wanted to check their current strength this is a great opportunity he replied
it is not a problem teacher tion he needs resources and he already has more than enough locusts the next day in the bloody Arena the protagonist looked around and said wow the scale of this place is really amazing teacher tion handed him a mask and told him to hold on this mask will hide his personal information from the demigods and divine beings after all this is the outside world so you should be careful there they walked up to the table and the representative asked him to fill out this registration form teacher tion folded his arms
and said the battles here are divided into three types between Divine beings between demigods and between true Gods unless the participants themselves ask for it then battles between participants of different levels are not held there is no limit to the number of creatures used but you can admit defeat only if you lose at least 50% of all your creatures but especially stubborn participants can resist until they lose absolutely all of their representatives a system window appeared in front of the protagonists informing them that they have selected an opponent for him let him prepare to move
Han asked already at that moment he began to be sucked into the portal and he asked fearfully where is he being transferred he was transferred to another space and a man appeared in front of the protagonist who said hey youngster although he cannot read information about him he does not need this to understand that he is still a beginner the guy pointed at himself and said not to worry the rat uncle takes great care of the newbies so he will lose quickly and almost painlessly the people in the stands were surprised this guy is still
very green is this his first fight per guy in his first fight he will have to face the ruthless Rats of this scumbag come on everyone has to go through this this flower who was raised in Greenhouse conditions just needs to understand the cruel rules of the outer worlds hanu frowned and thought judging by the chatter of the audience this rat is a very difficult opponent the system window asked to call his creatures the fight will begin in 3 minutes the rat raised his hand and laughed he was sure that he had never seen so
many creatures from the enemy he understands his confusion young man so he offers to surrender without resistance he promises that he will let him go right after he destroys all his Representatives the rats approached him and he laughed the protagonist sent his insects forward and asked is he trying to scare him with his numbers rat laughed and asked is he comparing his pathetic locusts with his rats let him not fool around little boy Just Surrender and Uncle rat will definitely take care of him the system when reported the start of the battle rat shouted rat
men to the gun these ones pulled the arrows and fired them upward the protagonist frowned and ordered the Fallen locusts to provide protection the sharp arrows pierced the insect's wings and nailed them to the wall rat shouted let them not stop but continu shooting further Han Wu screamed it's the turn of these damned locusts let them disorient the enemy at this moment the insects moved forward and distracted the rats and the protagonist shouted and now they the Heavenly demon Beatles let them kill all of these the insects released their Stingers towards the rats and a
voice rang out this is a crushing defeat for the rat the scoreboard showed the score Han Wu 99% of the surviving creatures rat Clan 22% of the surviving creatures the rat stretched out his hand and shouted stop let him stop enough he doesn't want to continue the fight anymore he surrenders in the arena there was a huge pile of rack corpses above which a bright Crystal was shiny hanu looked at it and said a fragment of the Divine core he touched it and said suspiciously similar to his ability to sacrifice life the voice said that
the fight was over and the winner was Han Wu let him prepare to move to the waiting area teacher tion put his hand on his shoulder and said you did well Han Wu such a confident Victory even though it was his first fight he must be happy to have received such a coveted reward huh the protagonist adjusted his mask and the teacher said since he hadn't lost even 1% of his creatures he was probably eager to clash with the next opponent in the arena he would say right away if he won the second one he
would get a Core fragment 10% larger than the previous one hanu smiled and said then continue he needs a lot of fragments 32 days later the protagonist said he won again but lost about 100 million of his Elite and even super Elite locusts he looked at the crystals of different sizes and said but how many Divine core fragments did get for 89 victories at the moment he could easily upgrade his core to level seven the protagonist thought about it but with each level the requirements for upgrading become greater to reach level eight he would need
more fragments than for upgrading all the previous levels combined teacher tion said he wanted to say that with the current strength of his creatures he could even compete with some demigod hanu looked at him and asked but would he get more fragments as a reward if he challenged such a formidable opponent teacher replied of course for defeating a demigod he would get a reward 10 times greater than what he had previously received and since he had 189 times all of this would be multiplied giving him a fragment 90 times greater than a normal core fragment
for defeating a demigod the protagonist looked down and thought the guy handed him an application form for an inter rank battle he asked is he really sure of his choice it is very risky hanu replied yes he is sure at this moment the people on the platform began to talk the brat got cocky he had heard about this brat who had been in the arena for over 30 days and apparently it went to his head since he challenged the demigods let him be shown his place he bets on the demigod the guy looked away and
said demigods have a completely different level of divine core can use highlevel sacred artifacts and have many Divine spells what was he thinking when he agreed to this The Spectator replied he thinks it's his overconfidence he checked his statistics in all this time he lost only three times times apparently this was the basis for his groundless overconfidence teacher tion looked at Han Wu and said he knows people don't really believe in him the odds are one to 100 the protagonist replied teacher tion he himself cannot bet but asks him to bet 10 million points of
divine power on him teacher tion laughed and said and he does not doubt himself at all okay he will bet another 5 million on him and his own money so that it will be more interesting to watch in case of his victory he promises to buy some Divine weapon hanu smiled and thanked the teacher he frowned and said although this did not add much motivation to him he was already looking forward to this battle the protagonist took off his mask and thought he has not yet added a single sacred artifact after upgrading the core where
to start he moved to his God Realm and standing on the mountain said he does not think that gluttony or poison will somehow help him in the upcoming battle at this moment A call came to his system window respected master has he already taken out today's portion of sacred artifact sources hanu frowned and asked by the way he said that he could get artifacts up to the fourth level right Yuan Jong replied yes master his God Realm has a whole bunch of sacred artifacts from the first to the third level if he needs any of
them he can just say so the protagonist frowned and said well then he will not refuse he needs powerful sacred artifacts of the second level preferably with the attributes of poison Earth darkness and Fire at the same time a huge package fell next to him Han Wu screamed this guy is incredibly Rich second level sacred artifact magma sphere it carries the power of the fire and Earth attributes increases the defense and resistance of creatures and also accelerates the recovery of this second level sacred artifact Shadow nail it carries the power of the darkness attribute after
absorbing the artifact into the Divine core Divine realm creatures can obtain the skill's shadow nail the shadow nail fixes the target's shadow in one place preventing it from moving Han Wu read this and said thoughtfully it's quite suitable for the Fallen Locust and the cursed Locust it should be used the two artifacts hung in the air next to each other a bright beam illuminated the surroundings and the protagonist pointed forward the huge insects moved forward and hanu said great his locusts have successfully evolved now the upcoming battle doesn't seem so hopeless anymore the system window
reported participants please return to the arena to begin the battle the protagonist pushed off the ground and headed upward The Spectators shouted loudly Mammoth Lord let him crush him let him show him what Mighty demigods are capable of Lord locusts let them hold out for at least 3 seconds otherwise he will lose the BET sang Ming stood in the arena folding his arms and saying he never thought he would be so lucky show The Arrogant newcomer his place and earn some good money at the same time this is a real gift from Heaven well young
man is he ready to part with all his creatures he is Amazed by his courage but this should not be confused with feeble-mindedness today he will show how terrible a demigod can be in Anger the protagonist looked at him and said what a talkative man he is sang Ming shouted let his glorious Legion of mammoths show themselves huge mammoths appeared behind him and he raised his hand up the spectators loudly demanded to crush him the Lord of mammoths let him crush him these are giants it's breathtaking sang Ming climbed onto the head of the giant
thunder Mammoth and said now it's his turn young man let him try to at least amuse him a little Han Wu stretched out his hand and shouted forward swarm poisonous Sky demon Beetle raised from demon eggs in a nest using poisonous fog and gluttony magma Fallen Locust raised in a nest using gluttony and a magma sphere Shadow curse Locust raised in a nest using gluttony dark curses and a shadow nail sang M frowned and said not bad for a beginner he can't wait to get started he shouted forward his Legion the protagonist waved his hand
and shouted Shadow cursed locusts their turn the insects moved forward and released their Stingers it pierced near the mammoth and the audience shouted let them see the mammoth just froze what kind of ability is this it hit the shadow but it affected the body I've never seen anything like this Han Wu shouted poisonous Sky demon Beatles now they are their poisonous stings pierced the mammoth's forehead and sang Ming laughed and said it's all useless a youngster let him just put up with it yes he was able to stop his Thunder Mammoth but what's the point
his locusts even if they are super Elite can't even scratch his giant Han Wu frowned and asked is he so sure about this bright explosions rang out in front of the mammoths xang Ming thought with displeasure horror he didn't expect this does that mean he's trying to take out his strongest creature with the number of his suicide bombers it won't work he shouted let them protect the Thunder Mammoth everyone to him the mammoths moved forward and sang Ming shouted let them stop these bright flashes of explosions appeared next to the mammoth sang Ming used Beast
magic thick skin blood Aura and healing the mammoths lay down on the soft floor and raised their trunks the insects crashed into these and exploded sonang Ming folded his arms across his chest and said the fact that he forced him to use his magic already says a lot therefore he offers him to surrender in which case he will leave exactly half of his creatures alive the protagonist frowned and asked surrender why did he assume that he had already lost he screamed surrender is not in his rules hanu waved his hand and shouted forward his demon
Minotaur huge creatures came out from behind him these moved forward and screamed loudly sang mang asked in fear where did he even get the demon minotaurs the creature grabbed a pipe and hit the mammoth on the head at that moment a large portal appeared from which skeletons began to emerge the protagonist screamed skeletons their exit the Lord of skeletons sat on the large throne and next to him stood the resurrector of skeletons and the collector of Bones Han Wu sat down next to the Lord and said resurrectionists he is counting on him at this moment
the Lord frowned and the resurrectionist rushed forward it swung its staff and struck the dead Mammoth sang Ming cried out in disp pleasure terrible skeletons they are resurrecting his creatures don't let him think that a demigod is so easy to break he shouted giant War Mammoth let him activate his War stomp ability the mammoths rushed forward and began to smash the bodies of the skeletons xang Ming shouted yes Lord let him crush this overfed brat trample him the protagonist waved his hand and shouted demon minotaurs get back collector he knows what to do it stepped
forward and stomped its foot and began to collect all the parts of the skeletons sang mang looked up in fear and asked heroic type of creature and such a strong one at that xang Ming put his hand forward and said gigantism the mammoth instantly grew in size and screamed loudly The Collector got angry and grabbed the mammoth by the horns opened his mouth and spun its body it dropped the monster and rushed forward swinging its fist the elephant's trunk wrapped around the skeleton's hand and hit the ground it jumped up and screamed loudly The Collector
rushed forward and swung his arm and began to strike the mammoth the protagonist screamed now let him finish this The Collector continued to strike and grab the horn pulled it out sang mang screamed in fear no let him not give up but get up the collector grabbed the second horn and tore it off tears flowed from the mammoth's eyes hanu looked at the skeleton and said wow it was not for nothing that he ordered the collector to learn the art of close combat but this exceeded all his expectations the mammoth jumped up and swung its
trunk and rushed towards the man xang Ming shouted giant mammoths let them all attack together surround and wear him out the collector became huge again and mammoths rushed towards him it swung its leg and threw the monsters aside The Collector swung its leg and threw back several more mammoths it began to strike with its fists and then with its knees the mammoth approached the collector and hit him with its horns these began to climb up his body and sang Ming ordered to crush him until the collector himself appears and they will not dare to let
this one get away hanu waved his hand and shouted demon Minotaur let them cover the collector help this one Break Free the Minotaur rushed at the mammoths and began to strike them The Collector grabbed his robe and screamed loudly the mammoth skeletons began to rise these stopped in front of the mammoths and the battle began suddenly a voice rang out this can't be let them just look the demigod only has a tenth of all these creatures left the invasion of the evolved Locust was too deadly the newcomer actually defeated the demigod sang Ming knelt down
and said he surrenders at this moment energy began to emerge from the mammoth's bodies it gathered into a large Crystal and fell into Han Wu's hand he thought the fragment of the Divine core for defeating the demigod will be bigger at this moment a voice behind him said Mr Han Wu the leadership of their Blood arena invites him to a meeting and energy began to accumulate near the protagonist's body he was transferred to a new location and the voice said do not worry they the leadership of the Blood arena will not harm him hanu asked
is that so and what did they want from him the voice said they closely watched the progress of his performance and noticed a couple of his tricks but this does not change the fact that he was really able to defeat an opponent who was a rank higher than him he proved to them that he is worthy of becoming the heir of the Blood arena The Blood arena was originally conceived as a place to identify the owner's opponent anyone who could defeat an opponent who was Head and Shoulders above him in strength would be honored to
become this very Heir so Han Wu is he willing to accept this role hanu asked in surprise to become the heir he thought about it a huge number of people flock there every day and other races too he couldn't even imagine how much the management made from this and now he was being asked to become the heir to all this wealth there was clearly Something Fishy there Han Wu exhaled and said before making a decision he needed to know how many heirs there were in The Blood arena as well as understand what benefits and responsibilities
this status entailed a systemic image of a person appeared next to him and said he surprised them Mr hanu not everyone could detach themselves from thoughts of huge money like that since they asked with good intentions they would explain everything to them at the moment The Blood arena has 349 Heirs of these 221 are Divine beings 118 demigods nine true gods and one supreme god becoming the heir he will receive the Eternal coordinates of the Blood arena also without any artifact they will be able to teleport to any of the worlds associated with the bloody
Arena naturally you will have to pay for this 1 million points of divine power the system man said that along with this he will receive permission to build his own Arena inside his Divine sphere to train and support the evolution of his creatures it spread its arms and different directions and said and with the responsibilities everything is simple as soon as there are 500 heirs then the struggle for the title of the true Heir will begin the fights will take place in the bloodiest Arena the true air as expected will inherit the arena participation in
The Inheritance is mandatory the main character thought given the customs of the arena and the creatures that come there this inheritance will be a test for the right to possess such a treasure the contenders will be ready to fight to the last drop of blood of their creatures but now there are only 349 contenders he will become 350 and all 500 are needed perhaps by the time the required amount is collected he will have already become a supreme god the system man asked so does he agree hanu replied yes the system window reported congratulations now
he is the 350th heir of the bloody Arena suddenly an energy flow pierced the protagonist's body and he looked forward in fear he was trans transferred to another room and teacher tion said Han Wu he himself is a real treasure now they are both Rich the protagonist looked at him puzzled teacher tion put the phone in his hand and told him to hold it the protagonist looked at the screen in Surprise and wondered where so many zeros came from 1 billion teacher tion looked at him and said Han Wu let me warn you spending a
billion is not as difficult as he thinks he advises him to buy strong artifacts first the protagonist spread his arms in different directions and asked strong artifacts teacher he is still only a Divine being so he is not sure if he can use any really strong artifact teacher pointed at himself and told him not to worry so much teacher will take care of everything himself he knows one store where they will definitely be able to pick out a suitable artifact for him the protagonist thought about it in fact he was planning to do this himself
what a lucky coincidence suddenly me Ming ran into the room and shouted loudly Locust guy he finally found him Han Wu hid behind teacher tition and shouted teacher let him help teacher spread his arms out in different directions and shouted displeased as long as he is around no one will dare to harm his disciple sang Ming stopped in front of them and waved his hands and said they misunderstood him he did not even think of taking revenge on him he stretched out his hand and said he was looking for him only to establish friendly relations
with him since he considers him a capable guy his name is sang Ming a freshman at the Imperial Academy the protagonist walked towards him and shook his hand and asked a freshman at the Imperial Academy now it makes sense why he is so strong sang Ming thinks he is still a school buo which Academy is he thinking of applying to has he already passed the entrance exam hanu adjusted his hair and replied No in fact he has not entered any entrance course yet an ordinary high school student sang May's eyes widened and asked what he
poked the protagonist with his finger and asked is he making fun of him this is simply impossible Han Wu pointed his finger back and asked why would he lie to him by the way his teacher can confirm everything teacher tion cleared his throat and said he told the truth true he was invited by many universities but he decided to enroll in the Imperial Academy however the representative of this Academy was not interested in his candidacy sang replied I see and he has a Keen Eye the Imperial Academy is is the most powerful among the three
higher he put his hand on the protagonist shoulder and said that he himself was convinced of his considerable abilities so he hoped that he would still be able to become his junior he would definitely inform the academy about his very promising candidacy sang Ming thought that the leadership would still want to test him when he returned he should not waste time immediately start pumping up his main Representatives let him take full advantage of the given chance hanu asked in Surprise would he really help him sang mang turned around and laughed of course he has potential
the path to becoming a real God is long and thorny and only loyal comrades whom he trusts can make it a little easier xang Ming raised his finger up and added in addition the academy will give him a bonus in the form of resources if the candidate he proposed passes the test you can't refuse free gifts right the protagonist put his fist to his palm and thanked him brother Ming sang Ming went forward and answered now everything depends only on him he advises him to focus on breeding the hero of his main Representatives this will
make his task much easier although one should not underestimate the trials of the Imperial Academy good luck after a while on one baile Street Han Wu and the teacher came to an artifact store the protagonist read the inscription on the sign board and thought what a benol name teacher tion pushed the door and told them to go already at the entrance they were met by a girl who smiled and said welcome to their artifacts door what level of artifacts are they interested in or do they want to meet the forging Master right away after a
while the girl went forward and said to contact master and and tell him that Mr tion has arrived Han with thought about it the teacher did not even consider the assortment is this master really that good the girl pointed to the portal and asked there gentlemen the protagonist exchanged glances with the teacher and they stepped inside hanu came out of the portal and looked at the standing Master Tony he said he hopes that he has not come empty-handed tion the protagonist thought fearfully maybe it is not too late to get out of there teacher tion
cleared his throat and pointed his hand and said Master Tony in general this is his disciple the master scratched his bald head and asked old man tion's disciple then okay then first he will explain to him the rules of his store everyone is welcome there but he does not have discounts for disciples and students the protagonist frowned and thought is he serious any other store would have at least a minimal discount for disciples in fact it is not so easy for them disciples to earn this money he was able to save 1 billion only through
hard work and a bit of luck teacher tition pointed his hand forward and said Han Wu Master Tony has a sharp tongue but his heart is kind in addition he creates really highquality artifacts Master Tony smiled and said old man tion he didn't know that he could talk like a human how many years have they known each other and only now did he say something normal he frowned and thought is he the one with the sharp tongue let him remember himself he's still babbling like that in front of his student Master Tony opened the curtain
and said okay let him come in he will show him his works the protagonist followed him and found himself in a large room full of weapons the master pointed his finger down and said each of these products has its own Mark meaning that it is handmade after a while teacher tition asked Han Wu did he like any of these the protagonist remained silent in response he put his hand to his chin and thought now he first of all needs to prepare for the Imperial Academy's tests for this he will need a goo jar which costs
for Divinity and in points it is slightly less than 600 million he pointed his finger up and said he needs a two star artifact goo jar goo this is a poisonous parasite guo jar a two-star artifact the first function is goo purification allows 100,000 insects to be placed inside to conduct a goo purification ceremony insects will fight each other and the last surviving creature will evolve the highest possible level of evolution this is the heroic form the second additional function is to attract insects attracts insects from the surrounding area the radius of the function depends
on the amount of divine power invested in The Jug teacher tion looked closely at the protagonist and thought two star artifacts are not famous for their high power but The guo Jug is perfect for Han Wu an excellent choice Master Tony approached him and said that the jug would cost him four divinities or 580 million points of divine power can he handle it teacher tion put his hand on his shoulder and said Tony let him give him a discount for Old Times Sake or throw in another artifact if not he will still find a way
to recoup Master Tony remained silent in response and then took out the thing and said okay okay for 600 million he will throw in another very useful artifact the eye of identification after a while hanu came out with bags and happily said well we're done with the shopping now we can go home at that moment Master Tony asked him to wait his dear guest he came up and coughed and said recently fragments of Technology from an ancient civilization fell into his hands and he created one interesting artifact the protagonist turned around and looked at it
in Surprise the master thought it would suit him perfectly teacher tion took the thing in his hands and asked to take a look he put it to his eye and thought about it the teacher got angry and shouted with displeasure horror Tony he was treating him like a friend and he was trying to deceive him he checked this useless ball there was not a drop of energy in it and he did not notice any functions does he take him for an idiot Master Tony put his hands on his shoulders and asked him to calm down
and at least listen for a start if he understood everything correctly the Ancients called this artifact a Hungry Wolf this as he said useless ball is capable of proving Itself by absorbing other artifacts The Hungry Wolf is an artifact belonging to an ancient civilization that lived and prospered by stealing and collecting various artifacts however such artifacts are bound to their owner and cannot be used by other gods while the original one is alive after the fall of that Civilization the ruler of the Ming Dynasty began collecting their most valuable artifacts and was greatly disappointed when
he learned about the peculiarity of these then he ordered his most skilled Craftsmen to begin studying these and so so after several Generations the Craftsman finally managed to uncover The Secret of one of the artifacts they created The Hungry Wolf The Hungry Wolf is able to improve Itself by absorbing other artifacts at the same time this powerful artifact inherits the functions and effects of those it devoured dozens of civilizations declared a hunt and began to destroy the hungry wolves so that no one could take possession of such a powerful artifact in the end the Ming
Dynasty itself disappeared under the onslaught of dozens of enemies Master Tony looked at Han Wu and said dear guest he sees that he knows a lot about artifacts so he decided to offer him a Hungry Wolf he is in a good mood today so he is ready to give it to him for only one billion points of divine power what does he think the protagonist looked at him carefully and thought for 1 billion somehow too cheap for an artifact because of which several civilizations were erased at once is he trying to deceive him Master Tony
spread his hands in different directions and said but he will warn you right away The Hungry Wolf he created has shortcomings after all only part of the technology fell into his hands his artifact is also capable of improving by absorbing other artifacts but the Improvement itself will be 10 times slower than the original also his Hungry Wolf can only inherit some passive skills and is absolutely unable to retain any Divine skills teacher tion said he was right just a useless ball Master Tony pointed his finger at him and said displeased old man tion he can
insult him as much as he wants but he will not allow him to offend his children the protagonist looked at the master and said Master Tony he is willing to buy this artifact for 400 million teacher tion waved his hands and said Han Wu 400 million this is quite a large sum besides money does not grow on trees the protagonist grinned in thought in fact even with such shortcomings The Hungry Wolf is still a very useful artifact the function of devouring other artifacts can be especially useful for example if he encounters an enemy who owns
some powerful artifact he can greatly weaken him if The Hungry Wolf deals with the enemy's main weapon hanu said teacher tition he probably misunderstood him the fact is that he admires Master Tony's work he having only fragments in his hands was able to practically recreate one of the most powerful artifacts in history that's why he wants to support Master Tony in this way but honestly 400 million is all he has left and he's not sure that Master Tony would want to with his brainchild for such a pittance master Tony stroked his head and asked if
he really thought so or was he just trying to get a discount Han Wu replied he was being completely honest Master Tony smiled and said okay he'll give it up for 400 million so to speak money can't buy trust a Hungry Wolf can take it now the protagonist handed the card to the master and he took the artifact and said thank you after a while Han Wu was sitting on the floor in the house with artifacts lying in front of him everything around was covered in energy the protagonist dropped a drop of blood on it
and a clot formed in The Jug hanu smiled and thought great the GU jug recognized him as its owner suddenly a frog jumped out of the jug and hanu pointed at it and said we can begin he looked thoughtfully at the ball and asked why didn't the Hungry Wolf react in any way just don't let him tell him that he wants more blood
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