Master Your FREQUENCY to Master Your Reality

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Katie Clarke
We can only perceive a reality that resonates with our frequency. When you master your frequency you...
Video Transcript:
you may have heard before that you have to match the frequency of that which you desire you have to become an energetic match to your desire in order for it to be called into your life because energy attracts like energy if you've been in this space for a while this is probably something you've heard of but you might not understand what even that means what is a frequency and really the key part that took me a long time to figure out and a part that I think is missed in all of the content all of
the books everything the point that nobody seems to get to is how to actually get to that frequency how to actually change your frequency what happens when you go about trying to change your frequency cuz it's not as easy as saying I have the frequency of a millionaire and waking up in the morning and just affirming to yourself I'm a millionaire and then you become a millionaire if you've tried to change your life or anything in your life in a dramatic way if you're trying to change yourself your reality your business whatever it is you
will realize as you go down this path that it's not easy and we're going to break down today the actual ins and outs the mechanisms of what's happening and how you can stay on the path how the things that you need to be aware of when you're going down this path and the things that you need to do so you can shift quickly to the frequency of that which you desire first of all everything in the universe is Just Energy you may have heard that before but literally everything is energy every atom of every phys
physical thing vibrates okay and each vibration is at a different level that's called The Frequency so all a frequency is is a level of vibration if it's a high frequency it's a fast it's vibrating fast if it's a low frequency it's vibrating slope okay that's the easiest way to put that so these lines are different levels of vibration or different frequencies and everything that exists in the universe has a frequency that it vibrates at you have a frequency I have a frequency the planet has a frequency the door handle has a frequency a rock has
a frequency and the frequency of the thing is what determines how it exists in the world frequency vibration and energy is the fabric of our reality it supersedes time it supersedes everything energy frequency and vibration are the building blocks of everything in reality and everything beyond what we can actually even begin to perceive so we know this the level that you're at currently in reality so you can think of we're going to just narrow it down to human experiences and you can think of all of these different experiences throughout the human Collective are all on
different frequencies right so you can have someone here down here who is homeless in despair lots of Shame very low frequency existence low frequency emotions so homeless low and then you can have hope here enlightened wealthy um extremely abundant this person is operating at a really really high level in their Human Experience but everything of every kind exists everything already exists is what I'm trying to get at you don't have to create anything it's already in reality all you have to do is tune to that frequency like a radio like you're tuning a radio you
tune to the right frequency and all of a sudden you're it's like you put the glasses on to see that version of reality you can see it now this is why sometimes in life certain things seem insurmountable to you okay so let's say you've had a really long day um something comes up and all you can see is the problems all you can see is the stress you think about it you just get more stress you're in Despair and you don't you cannot find a solution but you go to sleep you get some good news
in the morning your frequency changes so you go from despair which is down here I'm going to pop the frequency thing up on the screen you go from despair which is down here and now when you woke up in the morning and you got that good news your frequency has shifted to uh acceptance to maybe courage whatever now you can see solutions that were not visible to you when you were in a lower frequency when your frequency raises your perception expands you can see higher frequency you can perceive and experience higher frequency Peoples Peoples you
can see and experience higher frequency people places events Solutions everything opportunities when your frequency is higher so everything starts with you it's your frequency that matters overall you can detach from your job you can detach from the people around you you can detach from everything you think is the problem because your frequency is actually what has created everything in your life so if you get the frequency right your reality will follow that's just the law of the universe that's how it works so the level that you're at in reality let's say you're here okay your
level which is your frequency where you're at so you can just think of reality like a big map and the place that you've landed the experiences you're having the feelings you're feeling the opportunities coming to you the income that you're making you've landed there because of your frequency and your frequency is created by your Paradigm your Paradigm is what's in your subconscious mind and your subconscious mind is what kind of streams your conscious thoughts to you all the time so if you're wondering why some people and this is the big thing that caught me for
a long time if you're wondering why some people can just decide to change their life they can just say a few affirmations and they find it quite easy they can make a vision board and it kind of just happens for them it's not as difficult it's because they don't have a strong Paradigm ruling them that goes against what they want okay so you can have a strong Paradigm but if that it's that's fine if that Paradigm is in line with what you're trying to bring into your reality let's say for example you have two people
this is actually an example that I've experienced so um me my mindset around money income and finances has been something that I've always had to work on quite a bit and I've met people who they can kind of just it just works out for them they just can manifest a change in their inome they can manifest more money they can manifest more opportunities I feel like I've always had to work really hard at that and I was beating myself up thinking why why why why well it's because I grew up with a parent who had
a very very negative Paradigm about money it was incessant I was always told what the worries were I was always told there wasn't enough I was always told money doesn't grow on trees I was always told all these things that were so disempowering and it was repetitive it was constant and I I got those into my subconscious mind as you do as a child because your brain is like a sponge you don't have rational reasoning at that point to be able to be like no I don't accept this you just accept it cuz that's what
you do you're a child this is the other thing the subconscious mind is uh just a sponge so especially when we're younger we don't have the conscious mind to kind of guard the subconscious mind okay so we take everything in when we're young and we never go through a bit of a sorting process and say well I want this I don't want this I'll take this I'll take that because we don't really consciously hear what's in there but we see it in our behavior and we see it in what's in front of us in reality
and so everything in your reality as hard as this is to believe it's a byproduct of what's in your subconscious Paradigm I know and it's a pain in the ass to hear that because you're like well I don't know what's in there you do if you look at your life you can see it so if you're just like I keep attracting toxic Partners this is a problem that I had for a long time I was attracting narcissistic Partners right and I kept being like Oh men or this men or that wo was me and in
my last relationship that was like this I had to stop and say this is me this is coming from me I'm making these choices and it's coming from something in my brain something in my subconscious Paradigm that I learned when I was young and that it's my responsibility to unlearn okay so we won't get into that today but you get where I'm going with this your Paradigm dictates your thoughts your behaviors um your emotions okay and that's what creates your vibration that's what creates your frequency and you attract the same frequency to that which you
are in your reality events people circumstances things places opportunities you attract that which resonates with that which you are and so Paradigm is the key you can think of it like you're running a program in your mind in the background that you're not thinking about ever consciously you're running a program that's been built into you for a really really long time and if you want to change your frequency you have to De reprogram that system that's running behind the scenes that's how you change your frequency and how you start to reprogram that that's the trick
okay this is this is the part that people struggle with you're currently operating at a certain level of Consciousness from your Paradigm and people try to act outside that level of Consciousness but they're limited by their Paradigm so this is why you can logically know what you have to do you can know the things that you need to do to be successful you can know the traits that you need to have to be successful but your Paradigm stops you your level of Consciousness is capped at a certain point so you cannot operate outside that level
of Consciousness you have to raise your level of Consciousness first and the action will follow so how you do do that okay so you're currently here this is your current level of Consciousness this is your desired level of Consciousness and the only way in my experience to shift you need something that unfortunately is in short supply these days in this modern world you need your attention you need your attention spach you need to focus you need to become very aware of your attention your energy and your emotions that's it that's how you start to shift
this and the reason it's been so difficult for so many people to get their head around this is because the most painful thing for us to do in this modern world is to pay attention to something for a long time we have no attention span anymore we're scrolling and we're scrolling and we have dopamine fixes all day long so you hear the advice you hear you need to visualize right and you should visualize you should use your imagination you should be tuning into the frequency of that which you desire as much as you can but
you cannot it's actually really hard when you sit down and you try to visualize you'll see how difficult it is you might be in it for a minute but rhy you might be in it for a minute or so but you start to kind of think okay well what am I going to have for dinner was somebody knocking at the door earlier I need to make that phone call like your brain constantly is jumping from one thing to the next to the next to the next and so you're not going to like what I have
to tell you but if you really want to shift your frequency to your new frequency to the frequency of your desire you have to train your mind to focus on that frequency and only that frequency so you have to become completely detached from this what's currently going on in your life right now and focused Sol on this that doesn't exist physically for you yet and that is hard to do because we're trained to place excess importance on the physical plane that's how we're brought up in the world that's how Society teaches us we put all
our importance on everything around us not realizing that it's the internal world that has to shift you need to make time to call your energy and your attention back from all these cheap DOP mean fixes everything that's zapping your energy outside you because you're feeding the machine of this current reality with your attention and your energy okay so I want you to remember this you pay your way into a certain reality okay a certain version of events you pay into that with your emotions with your attention that's how you're paying in you're literally you're taking
your energy out in for in the form of your emotions in the form of your attention you're taking it out and you're paying in to stay in this reality the more and more you give that currency of yours in the forms of emotions and attention and so if you want to move to a new reality one that's different you need to change where you're putting your emotions and your attention those are how you access that's how you pay to get access to a new reality with your energy through your emotions and your attention I don't
think you realize how much actual life force Creative Energy is in US we are creative beings we are God energy in a body we can create whatever we desire unfortunately the way Society has set things up we have really Zapped those resources because we're watching you know binge watching TV or we're scrolling for hours on social media or we're just paying too much attention to everything around us when none of it matters none of it matters what matters is your internal State okay and you don't realize the power that you have to create what you
want as soon as you tune back into yourself and you call your energy back from everything around you call it back I was watching a video a few days ago it was um someone was saying we if you were to take the actual energy in our bodies right you could charge I don't want to get this wrong you could basically power up a really Hightech like developed City for a week you could run your human power bank the energy that you have within you could run a fully developed pop wellp populated city I'm butchering this
but you get my point for a week that's how much energy you have the amount of energy you have actually in your body in terms of like electrical supply is worth around $85 billion in terms of like electricity or whatever so you have it all like it's all inside you you're just letting it leak out to everything that doesn't matter and the more you keep feeding into what you do not want the more that what you do not want will persist you're feeding it you're literally taking your energy and you're going here you go oh
that is so bad oh I'm going to complain I'm going to complain I don't like this I don't like that what was me you're feeding it to continue to exist for you in your life unsubscribe from this reality literally everything that you don't want in the in your new reality unsubscribe from it now in this reality that's how you get their fast think was never said you should fall asleep uh to your wish fulfilled right and he really is an advocate for creating really strong visualizations using your manifestation to live in the feeling of the
frequency of what you desire to live in your desire basically before it happens because your brain doesn't know the difference between something that's real and what's imagined but the problem is we're all so fried that we do know the difference because the imagined version is shaky and when you're going to bed at night and you're trying to visualize your new life what's happening is okay you can visualize for a little while you're on a beach you're you know you've got your new Gucci bag you're living the dream you've got your new man on your side
whatever it is but then you get a little bit tired and your attention starts to lack because your attention span is crap because you've spent all day giving it away to things that don't matter so you all of a sudden you're thinking about something else something that's familiar to you why because that is what's already in your subconscious your brain your body will try to just default you to neural Pathways that you're used to using all the time that's why your attention and your focus needs to be super strong for this to actually work so
especially as you're getting tired especially as you're falling asleep your brain is very malleable okay that is how you get into your subconscious but you need to focus on it and you can't focus on it if you don't train your attention if you don't train your mind to do that it's you have to repeat it you have to try every day to visualize you have to try every day to steal your mind meditate literally treat it like you're exercising your mind because within a week you'll be able to do it better within two weeks it
will be something that's actually fun and enjoyable for you your brain changes you actually get more physically you get more uh gray matter in your the front of your brain which is like all the good parts basically of your brain emotional regulation those parts of your brain grow when you meditate and you practice consistently doing this thing focusing on bringing your attention back when you can control your attention and you can control your emotions you can control your reality okay and you need to break the habit of your brain defaul to your old subconscious Paradigm
that's the key to all of this that's Lally how you do it and like it's not some big ordeal you just decide that you're committed to this you decide decide that you're going to unsubscribe from everything going on now by unsubscribing with your emotions and your attention you decide to subscribe to a new reality a new self a new character you make the decision to be committed you make the decision to keep your word you make the decision to show up every day and do your meditations you make the decision to show up every day
and visualize script whatever tools you want to use whatever's going to get you in the mood you make the decision that no matter what's going on in your day you get that done because that is going to propel you into your new reality and you can't keep waiting until tomorrow you can't keep pushing it off because the longer you do the longer you'll stay where you are so it's all just a decision maybe up until this point you haven't been very committed maybe you've been very flaky maybe you haven't been disciplined maybe you've just been
sacking off doing the bare minimum maybe you've never meditated before you've just been I'm bad at meditation I'm bad at visualizing I'm bad at journaling do you know how many times I've heard that you have decided that you're bad at that so you can decide that you're good at it you can decide that you are consistent at it it's a decision this self that exists right now this character that you've been playing up until this point is only ever self is is just series of choices you made a decision that about what you like you
made a decision about what you don't like you made decisions about what you do and what you don't do you've made decisions about what you're capable of and what you're not all it's ever been is decisions your characteristics you decided at one point or another I'm shy I'm introverted or I'm extroverted and your subconscious created a reality that matched that and so you get to decide at this point and I encourage you to decide right now before you end this video decide who you want to be now who do you need to be for your
dreams to come true and decide to become that person and this is why things like self uh like meditations and visualizations this is why they work so well and some of them are very uh esoteric and you know you imagine in your mind's eye your higher self walking towards you and they have a message for you it's you know it's not actually that you're like physically seeing your higher self it's that you're getting into your subconscious right and you're asking your subconscious because your subconscious holds all the answers by the way your subconscious is the
Dark Room of your life of your Creations you have billion dollar ideas in your subconscious you have everything you need for fulfillment in your subconscious everything you could ever need all the ideas will come out of your subconscious if you do what I'm telling you to do in this video but basically when you're doing like these higher self visualization meditations what you're doing is you're just asking your subconscious you're setting your subconscious kind of on this path and you're saying right if I were to be the best version of myself what would I look like
what would I say and what would I tell this version of me now and that's why those exercises are really good to do so decide decide like you're watching this video cuz you're probably not happy with where you are right now so decide to go all in on who you want to be all in forget everything else and this is what will happen when you go down this path and this is the other part I need you to keep in mind I need you to keep this in mind cuz this is the Trap I'm actually
going to write something else here okay I showed you the lines earlier right so this is kind of the level that you operate on within reality your frequency gives you access to this within reality so from here these are maybe your good days these are maybe your worst days but you don't really break below here and you don't really break above here so this is why like you see people who win the lotto right they win the lottery and even though all of a sudden they have this abundance their frequency is not of abundance and
sooner or later for a lot of people it's sooner they shoot up here in terms of what the reality is but the universe does not like things to come out of balance you must be a match energetically vibrationally to your frequency must match your reality so if you're still vibrating at this frequency even though you've won this money somehow you're going to find a way to waste it and you see this all the time with lottery winners they get all this money and it's like the worst thing that ever happened to them because they just
Splurge it it's because your frequency does not match your reality and the universe will bring you right back down to that frequency you cannot experience anything outside of your level of Consciousness in reality not for long it'll come back into balance eventually so you're within these these parameters so maybe these are your good days or your good months we'll keep it in terms of money cuz that's easy to kind of quantify so let's say 1 month down at the very bottom here one month you made uh $11,000 and then up here your best one so
far has been $4,000 right and you cannot break above four no matter what you do no matter how hard you work you seem to just not be able to break above four because when you reach the ceilings or the limits the the bottom what's the what's the word that the floor or the ceiling the floor or the ceiling yeah of your frequency you'll hit a point of resistance energetically in the universe cuz it wants to keep you in balance it wants to keep you in equilibrium and when you push Beyond a certain point of frequency
that's when the external shifts okay so you're going to hit resistance in the quantum in the universe because at this point the universe is going to have to spend energy right to change things physically for you when you hit this point or this point sorry when you hit this point or this point things physically will shift okay and so for you to break past that point you will hit resistance and this is why people do not succeed they don't they're not aware of this and when things are going wrong when things are just not changing
when they're set distractions and all this other it's because you're hitting the point of resistance and you're being tested because when you break through here here I want you to think of this like a pot of water okay and you're currently this is room temperature oh my God guys this is a pot are you joking I got a C in art as you can tell that is the worst thing I've ever seen I'm so sorry okay so you're a pot of water stop no okay you're not here for the art we know that and you're
on the boil though that looks like a little man I got to go you're a pot of water you're on the stove you're on the boil right um okay Katie where the you going with this right I need you to I need you to realize this at this point you're with me here so far at this point instead of instead of you shifting and breaking through to a new reality where you have a new opportunity the universe has to spend energy shifting things for you what they're going to try to do instead is just send
you more tests and more exgen in circumstances to keep you glued in this reality right they're going to try to keep you here the universe does not want you to go above or down I'm sorry I know that goes against a lot of like the positive talk and positive culture the universe doesn't want you your Paradigm doesn't want you to your self doesn't want you to cuz the self will die when you shift into this new self completely the old self will die and so the old self is clinging on because it wants to survive
and so circumstances and events will happen when you're reaching this point that will try to bring you back down and keep you in this frequency and that's how you know you're about to break through and this is the mistake that people make they think oh no everything's gone to I've been doing the work what's going on everything's falling apart that is the test we've talked about how you have a lot of energy okay you have all this Creator energy inside you when you hit this point in order the universe needs your energy basically for your
reality to shift and so it's poke poing you with these events with things falling apart with things not changing it's trying to trigger you into despair it's trying to trigger you into frustration it's trying to trigger you into being fed up it's trying to trigger You by distracting you with something else and when you say to the universe I don't buy into any of this and I'm staying committed on my path and I know my shit's coming and you give your energy again and you give that surge of energy to the new reality so your
desire even though it's trying to pull you down pull you down pull you down when you push back with your energy and you say no we're going up we're going up I don't care we're going up that energy that you give to the new reality the universe kind of catches that and it's like okay you passed the test come on through right that's how you need to think about this because it's like it's like you're a room temperature right you're here in this frequency in this frequency you are water and your room temperature yeah and
this is your boiling point so you want to get up to Boiling and this is room temperature you're living your room temperature life you're having your room temperature experiences you're being your room temperature self and you want to get up to Boiling but in order for water that's at room temperature to hit boiling it needs a massive amount of energy in the form of heat now obviously it's different for us it's not heat but you get my point you need to keep generating energy energy energy energy you hit the boiling point and and then you
give another surge of energy or heat with at this point and that is when you start to boil when something is falling apart it's about to it's literally about to come in this is the last test the universe is testing you they're testing your vibration because you've maybe been dedicated to this new vibration you've been saying yada y y x y and z but they're trying to look and see okay if they are faced with this circumstance are they going to give that energetic push in the direction of the new VI ation we need to
see that from them and then the gates will open that's how it works the last one is distractions now this is sneaky so I've had this recently I've had this actually my whole life where I've wanted to do mindset work like this and I have allowed myself every time I've kind of thought about it or gone down the path something will come up some shiny object will come up that will T me in another Direction so it'll be another opportunity that seems safer that seems more comfortable it's more my comfort zone and a lot of
times I've allowed myself to get sidetracked by that because you don't know that that's what it is you don't know it's just a distraction it's just a test okay and I've really had it recently so these opportunities in the past they've been good they've been comfortable they've been fine but really when I committed to starting this work and starting this channel I already have another business but I also was presented with another opportunity like right when I started posting more consistently and decided this is what I was going to do I was presented there was
another opportunity that I could see somebody making a lot of money from like it was something that was very very very tempting and I started thinking about it and I started going down the path but then I remembered this that's splitting my energy the energy that I need to create what I want in this world is now being split towards this other thing because the money looked nice I'm not going to lie really it was financially driven and so that was me being tested by the universe there's no other way to put it they were
like how bad do you want it how bad do you want it is money more important to you than your vision so these things will come up and you have to be aware your vision comes over all even when your circumstances are making you doubt it even when everything is falling apart even when something that looks like to be a better option or a safer option or a more financially secure option whatever it is decide what matters to you the most and stick to that go all in on your vision because all this energy that
you have will bring that into fruition all you have to do is focus it all on that one thing you don't need to be a master in five million things the the PE best people in the world who are the best at what they do they're only good at that one thing really you have some people that may be good at like two things but really if you want to be a master in whatever it is your vision is that's what you have to focus on and nothing else like anyone who's really mastered anything you
need I think Robert Green said you need like 10,000 hours to achieve Mastery in anything why are you spending 5,000 of those hours learning something else it doesn't make sense so long as this goes to caveat all of this comes with a caveat by the way and this is another thing I'm not saying you should be in so in imagin Rel ation land and so detached from this reality that you neglect your basic human needs okay you need to meet your physiological needs your needs for survival because okay you need to make sure you you
you have shelter you need to make sure you have food you need to make sure your needs are looked after in this reality that you're living in but beyond that forget everything else okay and go all in on your vision that's it because if you are trying to if you're in survival mode and you're trying to do all of this it's going to be a struggle and if you think about what's his name maso's hierarchy of needs down at the bottom you have obviously survival shelter food water air and then at the top you have
self-actualization so if you're trying to self-actualize and you don't know where your next meal is coming from you don't know how you're going to pay your rent that's going to be really hard that's going to be really really hard so and you're going to be swayed by your emotions you're going to be SED by your fear it's very difficult to visualize when you have a lack of safety and a lack of security in your reality and this is something people don't mention either you also could be storing so I had a lot of fear and
a lot of um what's the word a feeling of a lack of safety I had that in my body I had moved a lot and I was doing a lot of things and I was stressed about a lot of things a lot has gone on in my life in recent years my home situation has just been chaotic and I finally landed in this place where I am now and I hadn't realized that I hadn't released all this fear when you do that you're going to be able to visualize a lot more why because you don't
see the world as a scary place you see the world as somewhere where you're safe where you're safe to create something new so keep that in mind that was a tangent this is why it's difficult to shift this is why we can't just snap our fingers and shift we have the universe trying to keep us in equilibrium not going Beyond a certain point up or down and our self is trying to latch on so we're basically kind of addicted to being our old self we're addicted to our old frequency so this is why your intention
is always Detachment from your old frequency your old thoughts your old emotions and I want to bring one last thing in here I think this is my last point this is so important don't fall into this trap you probably want to change your life really badly okay you want things to change for you but we can all fall into a trap where that leads us to feel very unhappy with where we are right now okay and what happens is that actual vibration that you're sending out it's I'll be happy when my happiness is in the
future and all you manifest through that is a situation where you feel like your happiness is in the future so even if you get what you desire when you get there you will still be in the energetic vibration of I will be happy in the future that's how it goes so you have you see this in people who achieve a lot of success they think they're going to be happy when they get there and they're still miserable no matter what changes in the reality they're still miserable because they don't take responsibility for their own happiness
happiness is a choice it's not a future event it's a now feeling you can only feel it now the moment Everything Changes really is when you just look at your life and you say regardless of what happens today I choose to be happy when you get to a point where you feel like you have everything and you're blessed with everything that you already have and you're excited for the future but you're not overly attached to it that's when everything comes rushing towards you you don't overly want it you just know it's coming but you're happy
right now because wanting wanting wanting nothing gives you everything that's what they say and that is the truth the minute that you're sitting on your beach towel eating a pineapple thinking to yourself God life is good something good happens something changes that's all for this video guys if you have any questions leave them in the comments I've also launched my free school Community you can find that in the description I hope this video helps and I will see you in the next one
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