Africa You've Been Lied To!!! The Truth About Jesus, The Bible & Jews

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Something Nice with Dinano
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everything I say has nothing to do with my  personal feelings imma give you Bible are you Jewish we're the real Jews we're not Jewish  the the suffix ish at the end of a word means something like in terms like it like if I say  meet me around five-ish yeah yeah you know I get that so when they say they're Jewish they're  letting you know they're not the biblical Jews they were established in 1948 they are frauds  phonies Jesus Christ called them the devil [Music] but after we've done this you'll understand why we  are doing it towards the end of today's interview on something nice with dinano thank you for being  here with us let's just do this I'm gonna ask you to close your eyes so close your eyes imagine  something I want to give you three things to imagine and then I want you to describe down  in the comments what you imagined in your brain when I mentioned these words imagine a car what are you seeing what image are  you seeing in your brain remember your eyes are closed imagine a car what  image are you seeing in your brain imagine a house put it into words what are you seeing now God imagine God what  are you seeing in your brain once again welcome to something  nice with dinano write what you saw on the comments below be as descriptive  as possible as we delve into today's podcast you will learn new things you will  gain new understanding and I urge you to carry on reading and finding out about these  things let's get to it this is an interview that I've been looking forward to for the longest  time I have the leaders of Israel United in Christ Bishop Nathaniel and Deacon Malachi I would  say introduce yourselves but just give us a short introduction of who you are as a  person will start with the bishop and then we'll come to you Deacon welcome to South  Africa I've been watching your your videos very interesting okay things that you talk about  I'm hoping I want to delve into those things but without wasting any time please introduce  yourself you can choose to look at me during the introduction okay or at the camera but during  the interview you can just look at me all right ambition Nathaniel of Israel United in Christ  who was founded back in 2003. um many people call us an organization however it is an organized  Nation where unlike any other group you've ever seen before we are gathering our people which have  been scattered during the sub-Saharan slave trade and the transatlantic slave trade our forgotten  Brothers our forgotten sisters as Christ commanded Us in Matthew 15 24. he said go unto the laws  he said I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the House of Israel our people are the true  Israelites and that's what we teach and no other group out there knows what we know go ahead Deacon  what are you going to say Malachi I'm one of the deacons of Israel United in Christ uh I'm just I'm  an assistant to the bishop and I'm just be happy I'm just happy to be come to come to South Africa  and to spread the gospel you know I shouldn't say another group because it could be misunderstood  there are other Israelites out there teaching but I mean these other these churches out here  all churches are false all religions are false man-made including Israel United in Christ no  of course not okay what are you are you we're a nation nation building now we have the name  because you have to function in society they would you ever have to have organization but Christ is  coming back for the 12 tribes of Israel which our people here in South Africa are part of they have  not been taught that they've been worshiping the devil all their lives the white so-called white  man I'm sorry if I offend anyone but that is the truth and we are here to liberate their souls  and their minds through the teaching of Christ it looks like offending seems to be something you do  a lot of when I picked up on you one of the videos that came up on YouTube no I'm not saying I think  you're offensive right but the algorithms and and other people out there might be thinking right  beep it's fine we can do that we can always edit I saw you supporting an American basketball  player Kyrie Irving I think he plays for the Brooklyn Nets or he used to play he used to play  what was what was that support about and I think it's related to something that's been happening  in in South Africa recently what was that March about or that protest the March or protest as you  call it um was about him having the right to tweet a video regarding the Israelites okay he just  tweeted he'd even give his opinion he didn't see if he was four though he was against he just  tweeted it and all hell broke loose on him you know they he didn't have the right to speak he  couldn't say this he couldn't say that and it was really trying to break the brother down in terms  of what his personal beliefs were okay so that's what the March was about and we went out there  Jewish people went to protest against him the very same day the very same hour they saw us got  scared and left so-called Jewish people yes okay Caucasian people okay are you Jewish we're the  real Jews we're not Jewish the the suffix ish at the end of a word means something like in terms  like it like if I say meet me around five-ish yeah yeah you know I get that so when I say  they're Jewish they're letting you know they're not the biblical Jews they were established  in 1948 they are frauds phonies Jesus Christ called them the devil how did that come about  though because I'm very interested in that history that whole nation of Israel that was established  in 1948 can you give us a historical yes virtual background on that state of Israel that is being  led by Netanyahu recently yes yes been there came out came back what is that all about the nation  of Israel that was established in 1948.
okay when you examine history like around 1917 uh  they established something called the Balfour Declaration where they wanted a Homeland these  people which were the Kazarian Empire then that's the term they they were the quezons that includes  Ukraine Poland Russia that is the Ukraine that is the Kazar Empire they converted to what's called  today Judaism being Jewish okay uh and that was back during the 700s they had converted um they  along with the Roman Catholic Church enslaved our people in uh beginning 1441 they began they began  to enslave us and colonize us from that point on um from 1970 I mentioned that Belfort Balfour  Declaration they needed a Homeland they started World War One World War II after World War II  the League of Nations allotted them the land of Israel why because the true Israelites we'd  been scattered already scattered throughout the continent of Africa scattered throughout  India scattered throughout Iran Iraq America Canada South America the Caribbean we've been  scattered they've destroyed our race our people so now they were established now I'm going to  show you so I'm going to read something to you Revelation 2 9 because I said a statement okay I  said this is going to be a serious Bible study I hope you've got your Bibles I've got my Bible  I made a statement I said Jesus Christ called them the devil now some of you may be watching  said oh he's a racist racist no everything I say has nothing to do with my personal feelings I'm  Gonna Give You Bible now during the time of Jesus Christ you had converts there Caucasian Romans  who converted to Judaism such as Herod Agrippa Bernice there were many people that had converted  to Judaism they were Caucasian they were not the real Jews though watch this Revelation 2 verse  I'll start at verse 8 because it's talking to the real Israelites in Smyrna Revelation 2 verse eight  that's the last chapter of the Bible that's right and unto the angel of the church in Smyrna  right these things saved the first and the last which was dead and is alive verse 9. this is  Christ speaking I Know Thy Works in Tribulation and poverty but Thou Art Rich so he's speaking  to us we are impoverished we have gone through tribulation we have many works you with me now win  verse 9 okay okay and I know the blasphemy of them would say they are Jews and are not but of the  synagogue of Satan who is Christ speaking about Herod Agrippa Bernice many of those Caucasians at  that time now watch what they do in verse 10. for Christ continues fear none of those things which  thou shall suffer behold the devil shall cast some of you into prison who was casting our people into  prison the people of Herod and the Roman Empire what is Christ calling them the devil it says that  you may be tried and you shall have tribulation ten days be thou faithful unto death and I will  give thee a Crown of Life all through the Bible Jesus Christ a black man warns us they are Satan  they are the devil but we're not taught this in any church on Earth every church will ignore this  and go doesn't mean that wait a minute that's what it says no it means the spiritual demons going to  come down and throw you in jail a spiritual demon comes from heaven and puts me in a jail cell  who threw Peter in prison in the book of Acts it was the white man Rome who cut off  James head in Acts 12.
Herod did that but people cannot connect the dots why  because we've been colonized by religion the religions of our oppressor the religion of our  colonizer the religion of our former slave master Bishop I get it when you say Rome but when  you take it further and say Caucasian I would go further and also challenge you there's no  Caucasian in the Bible we're going to get that's my understanding so I'm gonna get okay that's  lectured and and taught here so how do you get to that point where you say this means Caucasian  this devil that is spoken about in Revelation means Caucasian okay watch this we're getting  deep even you know oh yes we'll give y'all some history that's not been taught in South Africa  we're going to go to Genesis is it being taught in the U. S oh yes we're teaching it it's only been  there for 20 years in the United States yes where else has it been oh well now it's in India no no  before 2003 where did this knowledge come from oh America oh and we had Elders before us who passed  okay okay toward us okay but there's been a media blackout on this truth okay why because it's  like you word you they say it's so offensive to everyone remember Christ said You shall be hated  of all Nations when he said that he meant that thing why do you think they crucified Christ and  beheaded James was he they're going I love you I just love you were they doing that that doesn't  get your head cut off it your head gets cut off when you start to teach where the Israelites  God's chosen people we're going to rule and dominate this world interestingly enough I'm just  thinking of something like you're talking someone had mentioned that in most movies where Christ  is shown he's already seen and smiling but Christ had his his moments of rage and he used to condemn  a lot of things that's the people were doing back in the day and unfortunately in the media we  don't seem to see a lot of that happening in these depictions of Christ yes so I think I  get what you think when I'm thinking about that thing I had heard earlier when they had  came when Judas Iscariot got the soldiers to come arrest Christ when you read John 19 it says  Christ made all the those soldiers fall to the ground boom letting them know he could kill them  right there they show that no movie you'll never seen that see that depicted of Christ because  in Luke 19 it says Christ was an austere man domineering he that's how he was he a hard face he  was he was really rough that's how he was but he also had a soft Cycles children came to him okay  so he had but you never see that rough or still inside of Christ in any movie you see you see  hey can I get I can say the word homosexual right I don't know Google can you say can you say can I  yeah yeah dude they portray him as an effeminate I can say that word effeminate man Caucasian man  which is not biblical yeah the Bible describes Jesus Christ what his physical characteristics  before we turn people off let's go to that description of Christ's appearance in the Bible I  think that's where we should start because that's very important very good yeah so let's start  with that I'm gonna go to Revelation chapter one I'm gonna reverse one then I'm gonna for time's  sake I'm gonna jump to the point okay so you saying you're reading from Revelation Revelation  chapter when I read it the revelation of Jesus Christ which God given to him to show unto his  servant things which much shortly come to pass and he said and and signified by his Angel unto  his servant John verse 11. jump to verse 11 saying I am Alpha and Omega the first and the last and  what that said write it in a book I want to pause it there see what he says what thou seeest write  in a book what you are seeing right in the book right now let's jump down because because they  are reading the King James version so it will have these uh strange terms so I'll just keep  translating so that you get to understand what it is but feel free to open your Bible at home and  just follow along whatever version you choose but they are reading from the King James version yes  jump to verse 14.
verse 14. King James a Caucasian man no his head and his hairs were white like whoa  as white as snow so the first thing you want to look at it says Christ had white wool hair when  you which verse is this now verse 14 14 okay wool is afro here let me say it again wool is afro hair  it is not straight thin hair well if you look at a sheep or a lamb that has wool it is like black  people's hair it is wool it is thick it is crispy it is nappy okay we don't his eyes his head in  his hair were white like who as was that snow in his eyes wears a flame of fire when it says his  eyes as a flame of fire when you read Genesis 49 verse 12 it says Jesus Christ's eyes Moses  prophesied messiah's eyes shall be read with wine okay so that's what it's making reference to  really okay so you say which which verses now that you just made reference 49 verse 12. Moses  said regarding Messiah his eyes shall be read with wine what does that mean meaning huh was he  a drunkard no no when you read Matthew 11 19 for example remember the Pharisees call Christ  a glutton and a drunkard okay remember they call him that a wine bibber okay let me get it  because you you may not yeah so let's let's not rush through it let's educate each other all right  because that's that's the main point of this this this interview yes sir okay get Genesis 49 first I  gave Matthew 11 19.
so show you I can't even keep up but for your benefit we'll put the scriptures  on screen so that you see and you can read along read it this is 49 verse 12 his eyes shall  be read with wine and his teeth white with milk right so they're talking about the coming  Messiah okay now I'm in Matthew 11 19 Christ speaking the son of man talking about himself  came eating and drinking and they say Behold a man gluttonous and a wine bibber they call  him a wine never okay so now when we go back to Revelation and it makes reference to and  his eyes shall be what they say his eyes shall be wed Revelation Revelation uh 14. his eyes  were as a female as a flame of fire right on and his feet like unto fine brass do you  know what color brass is yeah we had a lot of breasts at home this is brass it's like  brown yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah he's his feet and his feet onto fine breasts as if the  burn and the furnace if I take this brown brass and burn it it gets black yes so you mean we're  the only group on Earth that ever read this Ellen G white Reddit Willem Miller Reddit Joseph Smith  ready all these Christian leaders that established the religions that our people follow read that  and they've despised that and said no no we're not never teach the slaves this thank you why is  a black Christ is it black oh yes that's black why the black Christ such a controversial issue  and an offensive issue because in order to not only for Caucasians even for black people yes in  order to rule Us in order to dominate us they had to give us their image because if they taught to  Slaves you have a king and he looks like you and he's coming back what will we do we would unite  we would Revolt they said you could never teach them this never always give them slave religion  that's what you've got throughout South Africa that's what you got in America that's what you got  in Jamaica Haiti worldwide every religion is false was Christ a Jew yes he was a Jew all the Jews  are black in the Bible is a Jew person an African person from the continent of Africa yes from  the because the land of Israel listen on I need all your listeners listen to what I'm about to  say yeah the land of Israel is Northeast Africa I'm gonna say it again the land of Israel is  Northeast Africa remember we walked from Egypt to the land of Canaan we walked yeah when  that's why Christ came to hide in Egypt right and he walked they walked his family  walked they didn't say huh no they didn't see it today you have to sail why do you have to  sail today what did America do with Egypt and Britain what did they do back in 1859 what did  America do with yes what did they do in Egypt they built the Suez Canal okay and they divided  Egypt from Israel a huge Ravine and connecting the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea so now you can  no longer walk so now over it made it easier to say oh well on the other side of that water is the  Middle East so now when you think of Christ or the Jews you think either white people or Arabs you  don't think black people if it was connected you would always they're black but now they just they  disconnected it you're gonna see the Witchcraft wait yes why did the slaves from Israel that way  in Egypt in captivity in the Bible have to cross the Red Sea if they could have walked in dry land  when you look there there's a pathway where Moses took them they had to cross the Red Sea but  there was a path to walk God didn't lead them that way he wanted to show his power he led them  through the Red Sea okay that's what he did at least we've got that Clarity yes sir how is this  message being received because it's it for someone who doesn't know for someone who's hearing it for  the first time I've read this this verse in the Bible the Revelation and I think it's also found  in Isaiah if I'm not mistaken you you correct me because I think Daniel chapter 10 verse 5 and  6 it gives a description of Jesus oh is it yes nothing from Isaiah okay then I'm wrong so Daniel  maybe we can also look at the one from Daniel yes then why is it an issue when we are told that  Christ is a black African man I just if it is I told you why people are white people offended  number one and then the weak people amongst us who are fearful they can never accept it okay like  in like I'll give you an example Deuteronomy 7 and 6. let me show you this is what not been taught  to our people in South Africa okay or throughout the world Deuteronomy chapter 7 and 7 verse 6. 
read that for that art and holy people unto the Lord thy God the Lord that God has chosen thee  to be a special people unto himself above all people that are upon the face of the Earth do you  hear what the Bible says we are a special people we are a holy people above all people on  the Earth it did not say equal to it did not say beneath either it said Above So  now imagine you teach that to the slaves everyone now not only a white people mad our own  people with we could never imagine that we are a special people we want to be equal and not when  we say equal to we mean beneath yeah there's no such thing as equality worldwide think about it  in America they teach us multiculturalism you got to learn about all nations but we learn primarily  about White Society uh then uh Arab and Chinese and when we talk about black people it's way at  the bottom it's maybe for 30 minutes and that's it that's that's not equality when you look at  economic system the resources are here in Africa America with the IMF and the World Bank says okay  yes you have the resources in South Africa you got diamonds but your money's garbage because we're  saying your money is nothing eight of your dollars how many what is it 85 equals the one no it's 1 to  19. one to nineteen and nobody says wait a minute gold we have to die the dark side we have  everything here why is our money garbage in yours is the top notch that's the devil IMF  World Bank they control everything okay look I'm not concerned about how the West so-called  Caucasian people are receiving that message I'm sure they're not comfortable with it but what are  the rest of our people saying about this message I hope people are waking up by the droves by the  thousands of people are waking up this so they say that Israel United in Christ is the largest  Israelite congregation in the world and we are and it's growing it's becoming a like I said this  is not just a the word church means assembly this is a nation being regathered being re-built  because we were destroyed coding the Psalms 83 we were destroyed as a people okay when we when  Israel was destroyed when you read Luke don't get Luke 21 verse 24 let me show you something I got  to show you something okay I remember an interview I had with a menu you say you've met Bishop  Joshua maponga we're also talking about this black people being captive being moved in ships  and boats to foreign lands he read the scripture I think it was in Isaiah could be wrong maybe  you might know it and I asked him how would you then say these are black people he says there's no  other Nation or group of people they were moved in boats to foreign land in captivity right it must  be us so his thinking is already there yeah so I think your meeting was Guided by the Holy Spirit  yes it would be interesting to see what comes out of that yes sir read that for me 21. now this is  Jesus Christ speaking of what would happen to the real black Jews that were that had remained in  Israel at that time right and they shall fall by the edge of the sword and shall be led away  captive unto all nations in Jerusalem shall be shutting down of the Gentiles until the times of  the Gentiles be fulfilled so Jesus Christ said the real Jews would be led away captive into all  nations and the Gentiles would take over Jerusalem why would people read that in church and go oh  those are the juices please please please they can read read this one again read it again yeah  yeah please I need to emphasize this one in this shall fall by the edge of this sword and shall  be led away captive into all nations in Jerusalem shall be trotting down of the Gentiles until the  time of the Gentiles be fulfilled I want to read it in a more understandable mine is both King  James and new living's translation what's the scripture from 21 24 Luke 21 Luke 21 24.
oh man  I haven't done this in a while opening my Bible Luke 21 24. there is more prayers say that God I  haven't opened my Bible no no no my church is a Bible reading Church yeah I'm just one of those  people that doesn't make time to read the Bible so it's not a organizational thing it's a personal  Thing Luke 21 verse but I know what you're saying you're right a lot of so-called Christian people  go to church and Trust the minister the bishop the pastor whoever to read what Christ says instead of  them searching the scriptures which is one of the things that Christ advised or the Bible advises us  to do okay so it's Luke 21 verse Luke 21 verse 24. I'm gonna have to put your volume down a bit  every now and then because you've got a loud voice of of a reader nothing wrong with that  Luke 21 24 let me find it on my in my Bible so the Decon just read from the King James version  because that's the version they go with maybe you you'll have to explain why you you prefer  that one as I said born raised Adventist upset accepted Christ as an Adventist they also speak  for the King James even though they have their own version now the clear word but that's a story  for another day 21 24 they will be brutally killed by the sword or sent away as captives to all  the nations of the world and Jerusalem will be conquered and trampled down by the Gentiles until  the age of the Gentiles comes to an end okay let's just give context oh wow the heading on the New  Living Translation says Jesus foretells the future the future of Jerusalem yeah right that's what the  people in Israel today they are not the Jews okay I love this verse can we break it down and just  slowly go through it and not rush through because I think it's very important okay okay so it says  I'm reading from my translation okay all right don't be offended they will be brutally killed  by the sword or sent away as captives to all the nations of the world now when did this happen  that 70 the year 70 A.
D okay okay Rome which are Caucasians destroyed the black Jews that were in  the Northeast at Northeast Africa destroyed them and they were taken to all the nations of the  world those that got captured and caught they took as slaves on ships to various Nations okay  and Jerusalem will be conquered and trampled down by the Gentiles until the age of okay let's talk  about it being trampled down and conquered by the Gentiles when how did this happen it began in 70  A. D and Carries points 70 A.
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