Love Yourself Enough To Let Go.

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Love yourself enough to let go of that person, that habit, and that old version of yourself. Many of...
Video Transcript:
you have to love yourself enough to let go now obviously when you hear that you probably jump towards a relationship or you're thinking about a friendship but sometimes that can even apply to our own self sometimes that can apply to our old habits or our old ways of living life you know sometimes I think we get too comfortable being where we are and not realizing that we're really bringing our own suffering to our own lives and we have the ability to change that you know in the past I used to catch myself settling in places
out of obligation like whether in friendships whether it was just in my old ways or whether it was just what I was comfortable with you know certain friends just always being there it it made me feel obligated to keep them around or it was like I I felt this like I owed them loyalty and this can relate even to my video about outgrowing people but sometimes it gets to a point where it's like I wouldn't be showing love to myself to allow myself to remain in the situation some instances you're going to be disrespecting yourself
and some in is you're going to be causing your own chaos causing your own suffering and you know you sometimes have to make that hard decision you know showing love to yourself showing yourself selflove sometimes comes with you having to make tough decisions that come with tough results sometimes that means having to let go of people sometimes that means having to let uh sacrifice certain things that you've always had in your life sometimes that means having to change something in the way you've always done something you know I think a lot of US settle in
certain situations out of comfort out of of familiarity out of that obligation to stay loyal to it and you know it really brings us no value to our life in fact a lot of the times if it's meant to be let go of it's usually bringing more chaos into our life than it is peace you know because as you just like kind of grow up in life things change people change situations change and they aren't always going to remain the same or be as they were and so in that change sometimes things like no longer
are for you or sometimes things become even better for you you know when you recognize things that are just no longer for you you have to have enough self- Lov to like be willing to let it go you know I think a lot of us we get attached to to things so easily to people to habits to ways of living our life it's no different from growing up and just maturing you know sometimes as you grow you just let go of certain things because you understand that living that type of life just no longer serves
you it's not a good way to live your life it brings you nothing it adds no value to you as a person and so the same thing with people you know as people change as people start making certain decisions sometimes people stay the same you know sometimes people aren't willing to let go of their old selves and so you know they might be a 21y old with the mindset of a 15year old and you know having that in your life sometimes just gets old and it's like I love myself too much to have you in
my life either holding me back or just like bringing all this negativity into my life you know although you've been in my life for so long you know I have enough self-respect I have enough love for myself to remove you or let go of you and allow you to not choose me allow you to not want to change allow you to you know make whatever decision you want and then make the decision that's best for me based off of that and you know I want to bring this back to relationships because I know that's what
a lot of you guys clicked on this for but you know even in relationships like sometimes we tolerate so much and we Overlook so much in order to keep certain people around you know I've done that before and you more than likely done that before where you've overlooked red flags you've allowed people to cross that respect bound you you've allowed people to not meet your standards or not be the person who you need them to be and constantly validate their excuses over and over and over again you know you're always seeing the good in them
rather than the reality of what the situation is you know you find all these different ways to keep people around even if it's bringing you suffering even if it's bringing you constant chaos and you know sometimes you have to get to a point where you love yourself too much to remain in that situation you know when I was at my rock bottom Point as I've said in past uh previous videos like I got to a point where I got tired sometimes you have to get to a point where you're tired of constantly giving people chances
constantly waiting for people to change constantly uh waiting for people to be a person of their word constantly waiting for people to um grow up and stuff like that you know sometimes you have to get to a point where you get tired of allowing yourself to stay in the situation or allowing yourself to keep this person in your life and give them excuse after excuse validation after validation to stay around and stuff like that you know you have to get to a point where it's like you realize the impact it's having on you and that
you deserve better as a person you know one of the most important things of knowing your value and knowing your worth is that you understand what you deserve as a person you understand what you want for yourself you understand who you want to be why you're trying to become that person you understand what you need in your life in order to get you there and so when people are like continuously like holding you back or they're continuously putting you in this mindset that keeps you from making progress to where you're trying to be or they
uh seemingly just like bring you down in some way shape or form in life you know they're just bringing some type of negative to your life more than they are positive you know you have to love yourself enough to let go of that situation even if you still have love for that person you know I got love for a lot of people that I have haven't talked to a months and it's not again like a thing that's personal sometimes it's not even a thing of like you you quote unquote did something to me it's sometimes
just like an understanding that you just no longer fit in my life you know I love myself too much to keep you around and like hold me back in a way not that you're obligated to grow me as a person or obligated to like give me something it's just sometimes like being around certain people just like feels like a heavy weight it either always puts you in a negative mind mindset or it's holding you back in some way shape or form whether that person's lazy and their energy just kind of rubbing off on you in
a different way you know I love myself too much to allow myself to just normalize that environment or normalize being in the situation as if like I don't want better for myself you know I wouldn't be doing myself a favor to just keep you around just because I feel obligated to stay loyal to you and you know the same applies to yourself you know when you've been living your life a certain way and you've seen the results it get you whether that's constantly being surrounded around toxic people whether that's you not getting the finances you
want whether that's you not getting the grades you want whether that's not you not seeing the results you want to see for yourself you know sometimes you have to get to a point where it's like I'm tired of doing the same old same old you know that could be the time you wake up that could be just how you're living your life on a day-to-day basis that could be a habit such as you smoking or you drinking or you constantly avoiding your problems or you constantly not speaking up for yourself or you constantly not validating
your own feelings or validating giving yourself Val for who you are in this moment you know sometimes you have to realize like I love myself too much to allow myself to remain in the situation continuously getting the same results over and over that I'm tired of getting that don't match or align with the results I want to see for myself and so I love myself too much to stay in the situation to the point that I have to make a change you know like I'm going to make a change for my better because I deserve
that better you know I don't deserve to remain in the situation that I know I'm capable of getting more out of you know you know sometimes it takes you feeling the impact of you getting a specific result to actually spark that change and actually spark you wanting to receive better for yourself or get better for yourself you know a lot of people don't have motivation until something drastic happens to them that makes them realize like the impact or the the negative benefits to their life of remaining in the same spot that they've always been you
know some people finally need that wake up calling that makes them mature that makes them start taking their life seriously you know that's why it's so important that you recognize your own power that you have over your life you know there's a lot of things out of our control but there's also so much that's in our control such as our habits such as the choices we decide to make on a daily basis such as the type of people we decide to surround ourselves around and you know our us setting our goals and actually taking the
action to achieve those goals you know all these different things are within our own choices you know we have to structure our daily routine to actually help us progress into the person who we ultimately want to be in the end or the person we're trying to become but you know we have to make that choice for ourselves you know I think a lot of us wait for life to come to us to the point that we we are waiting for an opportunity to prevent or present itself we're waiting for a reason to change we're waiting
for a reason to show us the action or confirm our idea or like validate us in a way to say hey that's a good idea or hey that's a good vision for yourself you know sometimes you have to make change within yourself off your own intuition because you understand that remaining Where You Are car is going to do nothing for you it provides no value to you it doesn't help you as a person and you know I understand it because it's easier said than done you know it's not easy to just create change overnight it's
not easy to just let people go instantly it's not easy to just forget somebody and you know that's why you have to remain consistent that's also why you have to understand your why behind your decisions you know when you leave certain people or you let certain things go because you understand how it's affecting you negatively that has to remain your why you have to constantly remind yourself of why you're making the change why you need to stay consistent why you're doing what you're doing regardless of if you feel like going back to your old ways
or if you feel like staying in your comfort zone you have to become clear on that why you know I'm leaving this person because they bring more chaos into my life than they do peace they make me not feel loved they make me not feel wanted they make me not feel like I have support around me or I I'm getting rid of this habit because I understand that it it's only making avoid my problems rather than handle my problems you know it's just a coping mechanism rather than an actual solution to the problem itself or
it's it's being bad on my health you know when you understand the why behind your decisions you have to allow that to be the reason you make the choices that you make moving forward and you know sometimes we're going to fall back into our old ways and that's okay but again you just have to keep going keep going consistency building better habits your habits over time will lead you into who you become you know your habits are like a it's like a chart and if you read Atomic habits you probably already know this know this
analogy but you know where you end up in life is a reflection of the habits and the choices that you continuously stacked over and over and over again so if you're making those choices eventually as as the days go by two years down the road you're going to see the impact and the results of you consistently making those choices but if you consistently decide to remain where you're at it's Flatline and two years down the road you're going to look back on your life and going be I haven't made any progress in the last 2
years and so that's why it's so important that you make changes within your life and understand why you're making those changes because you never want to get to a point where it's like you're remaining the same and you're not reaching your own full potential or getting yourself in a situation that you know you deserve better out of you know that's going to look different for so many of y'all because some of y'all need to get tired of being in that relationship some of y'all need to get tired of living paycheck the paycheck some of y'all
need to get tired of your own inconsistency holding you back from your own full potential some of y'all need get uh get tired of being overweight like that's just the reality as harsh as some of those things may seem you know some of y'all need to get tired of constantly depending on other people to validate you you know as harsh as that seems like sometimes that's what you need to hear sometimes what that's what you have to realize about yourself and where you need to make change because you can't allow yourself to just remain and
normalize those things I think a lot of us get to a point where we just normalize things and accept them as we are accept ourselves as who we are and think that we are AR capable of becoming more or we get we get to a point where it's like we don't feel like going through the challenges or making the mistakes or overcoming the failures of what it takes to become something better than who we are now you know in order to improve yourself it requires you to actually put in effort put an energy and want
to improve yourself but I think a lot of us get to a point where it's like we're tired of improving because we don't want to deal with the different feelings and ups and downs of that journey of trying to improve yourself but again that's where the love for yourself has to come in because you have to love yourself enough to not allow yourself to remain the same you have to love yourself enough to want to reach your full potential to want to put yourself in situations you actually deserve to want to become the person who
you ideally want to be and not just settle for a place that you're capable of getting more out of but I appreciate you guys for tuning to the video hope you learned a thing or two be sure to join up on the Discord as well as sign up for oneone coaching down in the description I'll catch you guys in the next video peace
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