hi guys I'm at here and in this video I'll pretend to be a beginner in the gym who bring the fake dumbells in the gym what what are you talking about can I show you how to do no warm up this is be the warmup it's good it's good more like this just enjoy the Moment Like This just slowly please like this this video will be the craziest reactions from the whole last month so guys enjoy this video don't forget to subscribe likes comments and here we [Music] go hello sorry by the way [Music] sorry
you working out here yes oh it's that problem I will just just want to put a little bit more sorry guys I just stay there and like you technique can be little bit better because like it's just little bit wrong I I I just want to say what are you talking about what technique teque yeah show me I gu is more than enough uh I just want a little bit for me for for warm up warm up warm up I'm not a like trainer or coach but I just saw the Instagram and there is like
reals or with technique what do you mean it's too heavy for you oh no it's like a bit heavy no it's not heavy I will just you see that yes like regular bar I don't know yep stay stay oh I'm I'm sorry I I I just want to put like extra weight little bit looks not bad it's for no no not for you for me just one set with you I forgot to ask you sorry sorry you want a warm up what what no warm up you go no this is will be the warmup well
it's no problem [Music] yeah but there I just want to say there was like not like like this more like this I think you need to change first change what like in jeans or something you know just one step and I will go and leave the area sure the weight is a bit heavy the weight heavy yeah I I don't see it now I remember yes I will show you so the the guys was doing like [Music] like it's good it's good it's good no no it's good it's good it's good no no guys just
enjoy the moments just enjoy don't don't call it's good [Music] [Applause] oh that's what I'm talking about just one set guys and we'll [Music] [Applause] [Music] go I'm sorry guys no but it look like I just I don't I don't know yes and one more like this yes yeah you're doing like this like this it's not problem if I will do deadlift as well yeah like this yeah he doing like his arm and that's you need stretch your back more and that's [Music] it I saw this super set in Tik Tok that's why like sorry
for the bothering by by the way I will go good yeah yeah good good like huh are you okay yeah now we'll be the warm up warm up I will put it back no worries it's just like Drop set yeah I can leave it thank you I will go to the bench press I'm sorry but not [Applause] [Music] to you can come I was always ready you can take me but please no not today not [Music] today honestly guys maybe you'll be shocked but I don't like workouts I hate all of these training programs where
you should train five or six times per week four exercise 10 reps two hours in the gym per session and all of these arms they it doesn't work like this guys if your goal same as mine all what you need is three workouts per week 1 and 1 half hour per session and the most important right training periodization Hercules or Vikings for sure in that time they didn't train six time per weeks and for sure they don't make some arms work out or cows work out and my strategy is the same I don't want to
be big bodybuilder or big powerlifter my goal it's Vikings and Gass conditions and that's what anat do and all of this you can find in my personal website mad.com doesn't matter if you are man or woman you train at home or you visit the gym we have unique training programs for everyone but guys it's not just training program it's not basic split no it's Unique power building training split which I use and more than 30,000 people already tried it and the results is incredible so guys join the link in description and be one of the
30,000 of people who already changed their life let's go EX 2 [Music] insane Honestly by the way guys can I have picture with your weights I never saw the weights like this sorry guys just the one question why you do too much loud dropping the we yeah CrossFit bro we just talk to me when I'm finished we just doing some CrossFit okay can we continue yeah you can but if you don't mind guys can I show you how to do like slowly do you know how much is that on this one I don't I it
show me you want yeah guys by the way can I do with you like this who sets if you want yeah I told to my girlfriend like I'm strong and going to the gym but I'm not going I'm first time not your way yeah it's not mine but but please just a picture I will just like this will stay like this like this I think from there my better yeah I'm 1 2 three and like this okay like this uh how better to stay because I don't like this come on come on come come on
but when when you do it looks like easy but got to warm up first but it's not like I'm strong it will be like strong like this you want to warm up warm up yeah warm up use the ladies bar first no no we are man we we will use this one you mean like like [Music] this I just want to do how it will be realistic she should believe like I LIF like lift yeah like hold I do like give it a rest today what do you think no like's I'll just try one more
if you don't don't mind you ready pict why don't make picture picture pleas like this oh like this that's what I said guys arms day but but today I have only right arm day and tomorrow will be the left arm left on my blessing like I'm falling the is back tell me I'm I'm going through call pression all I wanted infection and he just touch it like this you want with me but you dropping the way I don't want to because I War you [Music] said good for picture or no no because it's for my
girlfriend arm day but only like right [Laughter] arm thank you good job you make it you make it already you're we I make it yeah you live the like professional I'm sorry it's just advice guys I'm just a customer like okay bro I'll try thank thank you by by the way go you now your girlfriend will be have you see she will give me after this picture and I just saw this in Tik Tac or Facebook that is like another technique and I just try it and works well thank you bro this is my trainer
trainer they they dropping qu too much I know man you want to show them how to do it I already showed them you did it's good did you did you so no I've seen you video videos though videos which videos I'm sure you some videos If youting what youting Maybe I'm Wrong Man maybe wrong maybe wrong I thought it was really okay it's not me he's joking by the way he's not my trainer from [Music] this thank you for the pictures this I will send you [Music] her I'm Sorry by the way oh I will
go to the next point Thank you guys enjoy here [Music] sorry arms nice nice same arm day today if you don't mind like we can do together sorry guys I I just want question who bring the fake dumbles in the gym what is it you or uh fake fake dumb I mean fake not fake don't you see that I'm because I mean like I don't know the technique and the yes you don't know the technique it's better to start in lightweight okay just let me bring [Music] something this is the real dream this is if
it's real why you laughing like I mean if it's real what the sound is this this is dumble man Weir you hear this like plastic or no the plastic dumes right go ahead then go ahead why why just talking you need to try that M sorry can I do with you by the way I mean is it okay if I'll do with you just one set you can take empty bar empty bar empty bar no no I want like this if you don't mind is okay will hurt I feel like for me more comfortable like
this I mean is it okay no not okay I want some cereals no it's fine I'll just so guys this first the sound the [Music] first and like this I mean I mean the all of dumbles here is like is like not real you can do like even biceps or something and it's like oh oh it's fine what is like this arms today as well like this I mean it just feels more comfortable because I don't know the techniques how to do this is it good or not if you don't mind I will do that
de like super s that's what I said I want just something serious for today's workout so you are next or This is 40 yes 40 or that's what I'm talking [Music] about and I will put it back so just sorry for the bothering amazing I just take one minute but I need just warm up before my workout this why how do you do that oh you heard it's like like plastic how how how do you do that man only this one is real BR 40 Rony Coleman can cannot car 40 in one arm but I
I do this two arm you look see Man actually you're like wow from where this all coming I'm look like plastic you mean no try yeah yeah is the fake I was doing squatches that how how did you do that because I don't with ar arm like no like this arm one like this minutes what is this minutes thank you alarm that you you like biceps don't know guys see they can see us and me and you you are taking video and yeah I'm sorry for this I'm sorry I'm sorry it was like small prank
we can upload this it's not problem for you where on your page YouTube it will be YouTube YouTube yeah as you see here from where you came like this like why why why there is a jeans this who you like I just I came from my mother you came from nowhere taking theg 40 40 but it's fake you can [Music] try no no I'm joking just one more time here's a lot of fake dumbles be careful the 44 what you what you did is the fake fake but you're talking that Ser I'm just trying to
Del [Applause] [Music] I'm sorry guys by the way I should go and yeah and the hair is fake as well and the beard and the beard now real yeah beer is real thank you so guys thank you for your watching hope you enjoyed this video and big thanks power building training program for for Anatolia power and hope you enjoyed this as well guys link will be in the description and we'll see you in the next video is the heaviest map in the world right now you can see few videos few pictures it's crazy heavy even
for me but not that's why next video will be a very very let's go