5 Horrific Allegedly TRUE Paranormal Stories

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Mr. Nightmare
These are 5 allegedy true horror stories focusing on people's experiences with the paranormal. List...
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[Music] when I was 21 years old I worked the maintenance and custodial position at the nearby daycare down the block my job entailed disposing of trash moving and setting up furniture for special events performing preventative maintenance keeping supplies organized maintaining and cleaning the facility caring for equipment and overall maintaining a safe environment which included reporting suspicious activity that may lead to child abuse or mistreatment some days I'd even be the one both opening and closing the facility it was a pretty demanding job since it was just me and one older guy who was more or
less my boss most of the time i' be the one to lock up the place as he would go home earlier the daycare building is on the grounds of a Catholic school and church though I'm pretty sure the daycare was open to anybody regardless of religion the older worker who I'll just refer to as Bob was leaving early this one day it must have been a Friday because he always left early on Fridays he told me the things I needed to get done before cleaning up start with the usual clean up the classrooms and also
pack the rest of the Thanksgiving decorations from the classrooms back into the crates bring them down to the basement and then start bringing the Christmas crates upstairs these crates contain decorations that would be used all over the building from the lobby to the hallways to the classrooms the Child Care staff would be the ones to do the actual decorating but it was my job to clean up all of it and bring the crates up and downstairs since it was now after Thanksgiving it was time for Christmas decorations to be brought up all the kids and
staff were gone by this point it was dark out between 6:00 and 7:00 I was the only one left in the building so I locked all the doors while I continued my work I went down to the basement which was used mostly for storage since it was cold out and we were past outdoor play season all the outdoor toys that were usually in the courtyard play area were downstairs in the basement this included but wasn't limited to plastic slides and those toy cars that kids would move themselves in with their feet the basement consisted of
a hallway which passed the boiler room and the hot water heaters and at the end of the hallway was the storage room this room always had a creepy vibe to it mostly because of the lighting or lack thereof there was no direct overhead lighting down there it was just too sketchy dim lights in the corners and then the small light from the hallway the basement ceiling also wasn't High I had to slightly Crouch to avoid hitting my head in certain spots it was like a hybrid of a basement and a crawl space but then again
I'm 63 so to Shorter people this wasn't an issue the basement had a bunch of small windows that would make it decently bright down there during the daytime but obviously at this point it was dark so I would use a flashlight I brought the Thanksgiving containers down one by one putting them near to the front of the basement just because I was lazy and wanted to go home and likely start the weekend I was lugging one of the Christmas containers up the stairs and through the hallway when I heard a kid's voice and then laughing
it was very muffled but I definitely knew what I heard I stopped pushing the container and started looking around the place I checked every classroom then the indoor playroom then the art room then the bathrooms every room I could think of there were no kids in there I kept hearing that muffled voice every once in a while though the one place I didn't check was the basement I walked back to the basement door and looked down the stairs waiting I heard a noise come from down there the realization that there was a kid down there
dawned on me and so I ran down the stairs yelling Who's down there thinking one of the kids snuck down there I got to the bottom and ran the basement hallway to the storage room I saw one of the toy cars moving for like a second before coming to a halt it was 100% as if it had just been been pushed I stood in place and looked around the room I didn't see any kids that could have just pushed that car I said anyone down here multiple times it was dead silent the silence was actually
deafening I started actually looking inside the boxes in containers thinking a kid could be hiding in one of them but halfway through I started realizing there was no way a kid could close any of these containers or boxes on top of themselves at this moment I felt like I was alone but that I also wasn't I can't explain it and then right behind me I heard something plastic drop to the floor there was no draft whatsoever down in that basement I didn't even turn to see what it was I just fled to the upstairs without
looking back I stopped at the top of the stairs again and when I heard what I could only describe as a child's whisper down there I slammed the door shut I didn't know what else to do except call Bob and in short he said if I think there's a kid down there that I need to call the police the scary thing is I didn't think there was a kid down there but I still called 911 I just couldn't leave without confirming and I was right that there were no kids down there because with the help
of a couple police officers when we looked down there there was nothing but a bunch of boxes and containers full of supplies and decorations I also couldn't find anything on the floor that could have made that plastic sound dropping on the floor given the fact that there was nowhere else to hide down there and no one reported their kids missing the cops could do nothing except leave I could tell the cops felt like I wasted their time but I was too Disturbed to be embarrassed of the police call I quit right before Christmas before I
ever had to go back down to that basement [Music] again this happened not too long ago I live alone in my apartment I'd like to get it out of the way that I don't take any medication nor am I diagnosed with anything that would impair my awareness or cause me to hallucinate this night was a onetime incident that I can't explain and I really hope it stays a onetime incident I had a long day at work I work as a construction worker in the city and I go to the gym four to 5 days a
week on top of it so depending on the projects we're working on at work when I get home I'm ready to collapse on a couch after work in the gym one night I stopped for food on the way home because there was no way on Earth I was about to cook I was shot I got home home and plopped the Chipotle I just bought on the ottoman in my living room and I just laid out on the couch as I ate This was later in the week so I was already tiring out I demolished the
Chipotle and I definitely could have eaten more but I was honestly so tired that I actually fell asleep on the couch while watching TV I woke up a few hours later realizing it was like 11:00 at night I was so comfortable on the couch under the blanket honestly that I didn't want to get up but I realized I left my contacts in so I went to to the bathroom to take them out and at that point I went to my bedroom to just go to sleep in my actual bed walking to my room I heard
my name called from the living room all I could think was what the actual [ __ ] it was a female's voice I turned back around and went into the living room I flicked on the light but the room was too blurry I said who was that Mom no answer I had to go get my glasses for my room if I wanted to see I made my way my nightstand and grabbed my glasses and then went back out to the living room I was the only breathing soul in here my apartment isn't huge it's just
the kitchen and living room which are one space then my bedroom and a bathroom not many places to look and not many places to hide but there also shouldn't have been anyone in my apartment I called my mom just to confirm she wasn't here and I apparently woke her up with my phone call so that answered that I chalked it up to a brain fart moment because clearly no one no one was in here and so I went to bed it wasn't as easy to fall asleep this time because now all I was thinking about
was how I just heard a voice say my name it was when I was finally seemingly starting to fall asleep that I heard a female voice say my name again from inside the bedroom I flipped over on my back and looked across the room all I could see was this big tall human-shaped Mass a few feet in front of my bed I could see the long hair of a woman and I could barely see what I must must have imagined to be distorted facial features and let out a harrowing scream as I fumbled for the
light switch or my glasses I knocked over the lamp as I finally found the switch to turn it on and now there was nothing at the end of my bed I put on my glasses and searched every nook and cranny of the room under the bed the closets and the dresser then I checked the rest of the apartment I can sa matter of factly that there was no one but me in this apartment I felt like I was losing my mind the only way I managed to go to sleep that night in that apartment was
convincing myself I had hallucinated these things because of my lack of sleep or overworking myself when I tell people about this I downplay it saying yeah I hallucinated this one time I don't go into detail about how real it all was because then some people get doubtful or think I was on drugs it was without a doubt the scariest most surreal moment of my life hallucination or not I'm 27 years old living with my brother James in a house we share never had anything severely strange or abnormal happened to me in my life but there
was this one week that I experienced this strange series of events it started on what I thought would be a normal night like any other I was in the kitchen washing the dishes before getting ready for bed suddenly a plastic cup came crashing to the floor and the sound of it made me jump and spin around from the sink I saw the blue plastic cup bounce a few times then fall dead on the floor this was one of the cups that sits up top the cabinet I knew it had to have been sitting upright though
I had no idea what kind of force could have knocked it off the cabinet it made no logical sense I picked it up and put it back on the cabinet that wasn't the last strange event that night though while in bed with the blind shut there was suddenly a strange very faint glow in my room it came through the blinds I flipped over onto my side and tried to peek under the crack at the bottom of the blinds but I couldn't see anything honestly as weird as it was I was so comfortable in bed and
was too lazy to go lift the blinds I dismissed the light as something like a street light having a new bulb or something I know a little ridiculous but at the time I had no reason to suspect anything paranormal the next day I was home alone when James was at work it was a dark stormy day and the house was constantly rumbling from the thunder so when I heard a cup fall from the kitchen I Associated it with the Thunder I went to the kitchen to pick it up and realized it was the same blue
plastic cup IID carefully put back on the cabinet yesterday there was no way Thunder could have knocked it down from where it was I put it on the counter and stood there confused and a bit shaken looking around the kitchen not knowing what what to think as I was standing in the kitchen I heard a Creek in the floor above me the room above me was actually my bedroom I went to the stairs and called up for James but I instantly remembered he wasn't home maybe it was the Thunder shaking the whole house but still
I had to check my room just for peace of mind I went up the stairs to my room and turned on the lights given that all the rooms in the house were dark due to the weather my room is square shaped with two big closets the room was clear as were the closets so I shut the light and went back downstairs that night when James got home I had to discussion with him about the strange events that had been taking place he said he hadn't been aware of any of it still nothing that happened up
until that point was extremely unusual for the rest of the night things were normal and I fell asleep with ease I awoke at some off hour in the night it was still dark I checked my phone it was 2: in the morning I rolled back on my side and shut my eyes when I heard the distinct sound of a finger tapping on a window I could feel my heart in my throat I didn't know why someone would be knocking at my window but I didn't want to see who could be out there but for some
reason it took me that long to realize I was on the second floor of the house therefore nobody could be on the outside of my window I pushed the sheets off my body and fli to face the window window there was no one standing there on the inside though so I lifted the Blind and there was no one outside either still I knew that I heard what I heard and I knew I hadn't been imagining or dreaming it I ran to my brother's room and started freaking out I don't know whether he believed me or
not quite frankly I don't think I'd believe me if I hadn't experienced it I slept in the living room that night and it's been 3 weeks now without any paranormal incidents I never believed in the super natural until this [Music] happened I once took a road trip from New Hampshire to Florida I had to stop at a hotel to sleep overnight when I was about halfway there it was some old somewhat dilapidated hotel that rested off the highway on a quiet Road there were like two cars in the parking lot so there were definitely not
a lot of guests the lady at the front desk was very robotic and seemed bored with her job she seemed to fit the atmosphere of the hotel perfectly the lobby was full of tacky chairs and tables you'd expect to find put out on the curb the wallpapers were all dated and equally tacky didn't matter though I wasn't staying there for the luxury just for the night and for the convenience it was late when I checked in so when I got in the room all I did was take out my toothbrush and brush my teeth before
jumping into the hotel bed I turned out the lamp next to the bed I tried to go to sleep not looking forward to the long day of driving I had ahead of me the next day suddenly there was a knock at the door I looked at the bedside clock to be sure that it was almost midnight I went to the door and looked through the peephole apparently the peepole didn't work though because I couldn't see out into the hallway through it all I saw was black I looked down at the crack under the door but
didn't see any outlines of feet blocking the light so I opened the door just a little bit to peek into the hallway I didn't see anyone standing in front of the door I opened it fully and then peaked down both sides of the hallway it was clear so I had to suddenly question if someone in this relatively vacant Hotel was pranking me I shut the door locked it with the bolt this time went to lay back down in the bed but then it happened again a knock at the door this time I jumped out of
the bed ran to the door and check the peephole again shockingly all I saw was the empty hallway outside but it hit me this time I could actually see through the peephole I unbolted the door and opened it no one I looked down both sides of the hallway again and there was no one this was where I drew the line I grabbed the key to the room and went to the lady at the front desk I told her someone kept knocking on my door and politely asked her to check the cameras to see who it
could be she said they didn't have cameras in the hallways her reaction also wasn't what I was hoping for she seemed very calm and disconcern with what I told her her she said in a calm voice there was only one other guest in the whole building then she just stared blankly at me I'm not sure how she thought her response properly acknowledged my concern or what she expected me to say but I could tell she wouldn't be of any help with the matter so I left her and went back to my room I locked the
door with the bolt again this time I put on my headphones and put on one of those 10hour sleep relaxation videos on YouTube this would not only help me get to sleep but block out any possible future sounds from whoever was deciding to mess with me and it worked for a while at least eventually I flipped from my side to my back just looked around the room my head froze when I was staring at the corner I sat up to try to get a closer look at what I thought I was seeing I swear I
looked like a giant humanoid figure like a 10ft tall human standing right in the corner head to the ceiling when I put that image together in my head I felt a sudden Rush Rush of horror in my body I jumped across the bed to flick on the lamp but when the room lit up there was nothing in that corner of the room simply sat there with my heart beating probably 200 beats per minute I gave myself a couple minutes to calm down before shutting the light back off and laying back down on my side I
still had the headphones in my ears playing the relaxation video it helped calm me down a little bit I didn't last even 2 minutes without sitting back up and examining the room again however and there it was in the corner what looked to be a 10ft tall humanoid figure I crawled to the edge of the bed to get as close a look as I could before practically [ __ ] myself I saw what I was sure was a long arm at the side moving I dove to turn on the lamp again and the corner was
empty again I didn't stick around that time I packed up my few things in a matter of seconds and left the room I gave the key to the woman and said I'm checking out early she didn't even say a word as I stormed out that front door of the hotel I continued driving until I found another hotel where I fell fast asleep with no Supernatural [Music] disturbances as a kid I had a bedroom on the first floor money was a little tight and our mom was taking care of four kids I was the youngest so
I had the little room my room was next to the living room a small square room with wood flooring there were two big vents in the floor in this room and two opposite corners and also two vents in the ceiling my bed took up half the room like I said it was a very small room I'll keep it short and straight to the point I was 13 years old doing my homework on my bed since I didn't have a desk in my room when I heard a child's laughter I went outside my room to look
around the living room and kitchen for any of my siblings everyone seemed to be upstairs though usually in the these kinds of stories you hear people say they just chalk these kinds of things up to their imagination but that's stupid I definitely heard that laughter there's no way I imagined something so clear I continued my homework but with one ear perked up listening for any other suspicious sounds eventually enough time passed that I was able to move past it in fact it seems it was just about when I was able to get over it that
I heard it again a child's laughter or more so giggling I should say this time it went on longer it wasn't coming from outside my room it was somewhere in the room I figured one of my brothers were hiding from me I followed the sound of the laughter strangely to the corner of my room then I looked down at the vent on the floor it was coming from inside the vent I got down on my knees and pressed my ear up to the vent there was no more giggling at this point though when there was
a silence for a few seconds I lifted my ear from the vent and then put my eyes up to the vent to get a peek inside it took me a second to realize I was staring at a pair of eyes looking back up at me I shrieked like a girl and screamed for my mom she came storming into my room moments later but of course the noises were gone as were the eyes my mom thought I was going crazy due to a lack of sleep but I refused to sleep in that room so she let
me sleep in her room that night that went on for a week actually before she put her foot down I spent the next four years in that same bedroom before we moved and nothing paranormal ever happened to me since that one particular [Music] night
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