the relationship between you and your dog is a powerful one but is it as strong as possible some dogs form such strong bonds with their owners that it leaves everyone else in awe this is known as imprinting while all dogs love their humans in their own way an imprinted dog takes that love to the next level but what does this rare Bond look like could your dog have imprinted on you without you even realizing it in this video we'll uncover the nine signs that your dog sees you as their ultimate soulmate including some dog owner
habits they tolerate only if their bond with you is strong enough before we dive in make sure to subscribe to our Channel and join a community of dog lovers who are just as obsessed with their pups as you are number one allowing snoot boops a dog's nose isn't just for sniffing it's also perfect for booping long or short the snoot is something every dog owner finds irresistible at some point we all give in and just have to gently tap a finger on that inquisitive nose it's a way to show your affection and establish a deeper
bond between you so why does your dog pull away don't they enjoy it many dogs don't like having their nose touched at all considering how sensitive their noses are this is understandable maybe your nails are too long or your new hand lotion smells too strongly whatever the reason some dogs just don't like like it which is why it's always an honor when your dog lets you boop their snoot While most dogs will tolerate the action imprinted dogs are even more likely to allow this show of affection you might find they enjoy it so much they
return the favor and Boop you wherever they can reach number two it's all in the hugs no matter how much you want to hug your dog it's not always a good idea most animals hate feeling trapped and for your dog being wrapped in your arms is uncomfortable and scary your dog might allow you to hug them especially if they're familiar with the action but they'll likely squirm away a few seconds later leaving you feeling bereft imprinted dogs are a lot more tolerant of your strange habits than other canines your adoring Pooch just wants to make
you happy if that means sitting still while you get your hugging fix that's what they'll do they might not be comfortable doing it so remember to show your appreciation by not clinging too long but your imprinted dog will be content knowing they've made you happy being close to you is an extra special bonus number three making eye contact one of the most powerful forms of body language is eye contact and it's something humans rely on a lot most dogs however see holding eye contact as a challenge or a threat it's something that tells them they're
in danger especially in sit situations where they don't know the person or the other dog if they imprint on you your dog will be more likely to happily make and hold eye contact with you this isn't because they're issuing a challenge to your leadership though it's because they have such a powerful Bond of trust and safety with you that there's nowhere else they'd rather be while all dogs learn their humans are always there for them imprinted dogs take it a step further they will look to you for directions and situations they're unsure about or happily
stare at you all day just to make sure you're nearby number four stealing your dirty laundry laundry is one of those chores we all wish we could skip but no needs to be done imprinted dogs would prefer you skip washing your clothes altogether while we cringe at our smelly socks and can't wear a shirt too long before it gets grimy dogs love the smelliness why wouldn't they when the clothes you wear most always smell like you dogs rely on their noses all the time smell is how they learn about the world around them and settle
their nerves if they get scared your scent is one of their favorites especially if they've imprinted on you if you keep finding your dirty socks or your favorite jumper on your dog's bed the chances are they've stolen it to bask in your scent it helps them feel close to you even when you're away number five following in your footsteps some dogs will follow you everywhere even if you're only walking to the other side of the room many are content to let you do something alone they'll just keep one Beady eye on you from their cozy
spot on the sofa imprinted dogs have such a strong bond with their owners that they never want to leave your side you thought you'd be able to go to the bathroom in peace the scratching and whining at the closed door says otherwise this behavior is adorable and gives you all day access to Canine cuddles and boops but it has its downsides too your imprinted dog can be so reliant on your presence that they become anxious or fearful when you're gone number six seeking your companionship maybe you have a less cuddly canine who's imprinted on you
they might not want to cuddle up close like velcro dogs but they'll certainly want to stay nearby this includes seeking you out if you're in another room of the house you leave them napping peacefully in the sitting room for a few minutes only to turn around and find them curled up in the bathroom doorway watching as you brush your teeth or they might bring you their favorite toys throughout the day regardless of what chores you're supposed to be getting on with if any of your family members wonder why your dog never asks to play with
them yet said dog is always bringing you their tug toy it's a good sign that that you're the one they've imprinted on number seven listening to your commands training isn't easy especially when dogs have a mind of their own a lot of dogs prefer to do their own thing because it's more interesting than what you're asking of them what do you mean they can't jump up at new people how are they supposed to properly show their excitement imprinted dogs are much more likely to listen to you not because other canines have selective hearing or at
least they pretend to but because your devoted puppy gets a rush from pleasing you their nose might be telling them something exciting is under that leaf pile but your smile when they come bounding up to you at the sound of their name is well worth the sacrifice number eight sleeping with you it might be confusing when your dog turns down their comfortable brand new bed in favor of your worn out mattress but it shows how strong your bond is as pack animals dogs are naturally more comfortable sleeping with other dogs and people they feel closest
to can you blame them after all there's a sense of security and coziness when you take a nap with someone you love dogs who imprint on you will frequently choose to sleep with you over staying on their bed alone not because they don't like their bed they're pretty sure it's lovely but it doesn't smell like you it definitely doesn't give them ear scratch es or keep them safe like you can even if you're just sitting on the couch trying to get some work done you'll likely find your dog curled up between your feet or trying
to push your laptop off your lap with their nose number nine monkey SE monkeyd the highest form of flattery is imitation toddlers are well known for copying the mannerisms of their parents but did you know dogs do it too imprinted dogs Focus so much on you and your habits that they eventually start showing the behavior themselves they might start yawning whenever you do or they'll stretch when they get up just because you did it first some dogs have even been known to copy their owners when they're injured they'll adopt a phantom limp as a way
to show solidarity while it might be worrying for us our imprinted Pooch is just trying to support you and demonstrate how strong their adoration for you is dogs put up with a lot of strange behavior from us whether they've imprinted on you or not but did you know there are some things you do that they can't forgive they might even believe you don't love them check out this video to learn what habits your dog finds inexcusable