Worst TikTok Mom Loves To Date Killers In Prison & Makes Daughters Call Them “Daddy”

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[Music] bada bing badao have you ever heard of the Russian sleep experiment it's a fake fictional story it's a creepy pasta where five subjects they're prisoners of War they're given the option you can take part in our sleep study where you will be awake for 30 full days you don't get an inkling of sleep for 30 days a month and if you survive if you make it to the end you can be free we're not going to hold you prison anymore you can walk out of here and nobody is going to hurt you it's a
singular month in exchange for the rest of your life why would you not take it the experimenters the researchers they develop this special gas that's going to prevent the subjects from falling asleep and the first 5 days everything goes well they hardly complain they're like this is the best thing ever we're going to be free in 25 days after the first 5 days the subjects start exhibiting severe paranoia they stop talking to each other their only companions in the entire study they turn on each other they start whispering into the microphones for their researchers they
believe if they turn on their fellow subjects they can win the trust of the experimenters that are testing on them and guarantee their freedom 9 days in one of the subjects does not stop screaming for 3 hours straight he is screaming until he tears his vocal cords and long story short by the halfway mark all of the windows that the experimenters are looking into they're covered in feces they tell the subjects on the intercom we are opening the ch chamber to test the microphone step away from the door and lie flat on the floor or
you will be shot compliance will earn one of you your immediate Freedom they just hear a singular voice call back out to them we no longer want to be freed by the end of it the researchers go in and they got to get the subjects out they find once they open the door the subjects have started tearing off their own flesh consuming it the researchers are providing the medical care that's needed to save them but in the end the subjects they all want to go back back into that chamber they all want more of that
stimulant gas the same thing that ruined them turned them into these violent zombie like creatures they want that gas they don't want to sleep so the experimenters ask why would you possibly want something that destroyed you they say well I must remain awake it's an addicting idea the theory the concept of what happens to humans if they don't sleep there are content creators that have been trying to replicate that feeling Tik Tock live being one of the platforms it's called Disturbed sleep live streams this is a whole niche of Tik Tok live streams a camera
is set up and it's live streaming a tiny little bunker esque room with a tiny bed there are neon lights typically everywhere it's not the type of environment that you're going to catch some good quality sleep you have the live streamer on the bed and then there's this board behind them and this live streamer I mean their eyes are closed they're acting like nobody else is in the room with them it feels oddly claim that they want are they sleeping or are they sitting there they're sleeping they're laying down eyes closed so how did that
balloon pop up once you donate it's all automated what yeah I don't know if someone is there helping huh okay yeah and they make money you get your own little Russian sleep experiment you get to torture these live streamers and Humanity becomes less appealing for aliens to save this is the Tik Tok live streaming world it is like an internet's No Man's Land I mean sometimes it's fine like sometimes you get those packaging videos or like the crystal Scoops or the live harvesting pearls from oysters I don't know how good that is but you get
those other times you go on there and it just progressively gets weirder there are people pretending to be robots saying if you donate x amount I will slap myself in the face there's this one guy who's on live he makes these card houses like you know you stack the cards and he just starts crying begging viewers not to donate which is confusing and of course reverse psychologies is everyone into donating because they want to know what's going to happen if they donate and he's just sobbing like someone is holding him at gunpoint some people sit
there and they tell you the fate of the rest of your life for a small Galaxy donation of $9 I mean it is the place to breed insanity and as of recently a woman named Ash Travino becomes one of the more perverse additions to Tik Tok live Ash trino is a 36-year-old woman from Texas who is very clearly doing well for herself on these Tik Tok live streams she claims that the most that she's ever made in a single live stream one sitting sitting there for 2 and 1 half hours she received $112,000 in donations
$112,000 and her content is not even that stimulating like if you're swiping through Tik Tok live you see a man sleeping next to a giant air balloon puppet you see a man crying on life These are going to capture your attention she just sits there at her makeup desk on the phone talking to her boyfriend and you're just listening to them talk you listen to their conversation like a little fly on the wall I mean one of her many boyfriends one of them is named Francisco and the live stream is set up to face her
she's got him on speaker phone on a separate phone and she's all giggly she's like a little girl in love She's 36 though so I guess a woman in love she puts the phone up to the live stream 2.3k people watching you right now Francisco you just hear his voice he says I'm just saying I'm not going to share advice like if you want to take the time of your day to actually get to know me you would it take the time of your day to actually get to know me no I don't need them
to like you I don't need them to like you sir oh my God guys he's innocent and I don't care what y'all say what y'all think he's innocent and y'all are going to see that and when he becomes what they commenting yeah they were like oh he's not innocent he's dumb this and that oh they said he's innocent but he's in jail oh my God they said honestly rip to those who lost their lives and her viewers as Trevino's viewers they start turning on her asking her why would any of this be funny why is
this funny to you why are you laughing and she responds angrily why is it funny because you guys are sitting there posting it on my stuff that's why it's funny because y'all are making it seem like some men is guilty of that when he has nothing to do with that so that's why it's so funny because y'all are blaming somebody that's innocent like y'all don't even know the whole freaking story bro y'all see what y'all hear and what y'all read and it's not even the truth like I don't care I don't care which has people
begging the question what did he do what is he innocent of March 28th 2018 9:30 p.m. the King County Sheriffs are called to this apartment complex it's a big apartment complex it's one of those where you have multiple different units multiple different buildings and Facilities and the police they know why they're called to the apartment but even when they get there physically it's like every single resident came out of their unit and now they're just running they're scrambling people are running every which way the entire apartment complex feels like all hell has broken loose the
police go straight to the place where everybody is running away from they go straight there they're going in the opposite direction they get to the side of the apartment complex and on the pavement they find two B IES laying there soaked in blood two teenage girls 13-year-old Elizabeth hores and 19-year-old Avana Cortez and now the question that police have is why would anybody want to kill two teenage girls especially one that's 13 this doesn't even make any sense what kind of people have it out for them in 13-year-old Elizabeth's bag they find a black can
of spray paint and above her body they see all of this graffiti they're called like gang tags you mark your territory essentially street gangs will by graffitiing their symbols their names their street names their gang names their acronyms and it has been reported that Elizabeth 13-year-old Elizabeth was part of the Southside Locos it's a street gang and I say was a part of very Loosely because she's 13 I barely knew what I was doing at 13 the last thing that I had the mental capacity to do is pledge my loyalty and Life to a gang
but apparently she had seen that arrival from an opposing gang their rival Street gang was moving into their apartment complex and prior to moving in they had come in and graffitied their name ulk all over the apartment complex so as the rival gang member she goes and she just starts Crossing it out she crosses out their acronyms crosses out their names and that is perceived to be a direct threat somebody sees her doing this now you're going to think if you see a little 13-year-old girl graffiting on the side of the wall even if you're
a part of the opposing gang I don't know aren't there codes of conduct don't harm children would you not just think to yourself what has this 13-year-old gotten into joining a gang but no she is shot and killed along with her Avana Cortez who just happened to be there that day she had nothing to do with the graffiti Elizabeth is shot in the back of the head and the back of the left thigh Evana is shot four times to her stomach leg and left ear they are both pronounced dead at the hospital so he lives
there and he just walked out in an open fire in a car yeah wow that is Francisco and that is what he is in jail for this is the person that tick tocker if you can even call her that Viral train wreck asht Travino is dating and is live streaming talking to on the phone while he's in prison for these crimes she said they said I RP to the people who lost their lives and she's [Laughter] cackling she claims that he's innocent but is he really 19 shell casings were found at the crime scene and
Francisco's DNA was found on those shell casings in Francisco's apartment they find a revolver a 9mm magazine matching the shell casings left at the crime scene they find a laser site for a handgun to help aim they find Loose ammo as well as writing that confirmed Francisco's gang affiliation they find messages and photos referencing the double homicide on his phone in one video that Francisco takes he is at the memorial for both of his victims this is days after the murder allegedly saying Man shows you the repercussions when you with a Gman you already know
what it is ulk his gang name it is believed that he sent this video to fellow gang members on Snapchat they also found messages from another gang member to Francisco sending a picture of Elizabeth with the words rip little one to which Francisco's account responds that 13-year-old but another aspect to this case that makes people feel like yeah sure but he's definitely guilty he's got quite a list of crimes that he's been convicted for aside from the double homicide tampering with evidence he tried to intimidate a minor to take the fall for a gun that
was found in his car he has two convictions for assault one of which took place in the jail the reason that he assaulted a fellow inmate is apparently a guy walks into the unit turn turns out he's part of the rival gang and without any provocation Francisco takes off his jail slippers and just starts jumping on this man punching kicking him throwing him onto the ground out of nowhere aside from that the four assault cases uh the witness tempering case Francisco is already in prison for another murder that he has been convicted of of another
rival gang member so he murdered three people yes he is connected to three separate murders four assault cases say one case of tampering with a witness the prosecutors wrote this about him given the defendant's brutal course of conduct and disregard for human life the defendant clearly presents a substantial likelihood of danger to the entire Community he is in prison but somehow that is exactly what Tik tocker Ash Travino wants in a romantic partner she likes to date men in prison that are accused of doing heinous things and documents all of this on her Tik Tok
live streams netizens are getting involved in real time to try and call the authorities to get her children taken away from her and her prison boyfriends they want to save her kids from her her being Ash Travino the now Infamous inmate Hopper [Music] we would like to thank today's sponsors who have made it possible for rotten mango to support the Palestine children's Relief Fund they are a volunteer-based and provide free medical care and humanitarian Aid to thousands of injured abused and abandoned children this episode's Partnerships have also made it possible to support rot mingo's growing
team we'd also like to thank you guys for your continued support as we work on our mission to be worthy Advocates as always full show notes are available at Rotten mango podcast.com a few disclaimers for today's case there are heavy mentions of dvsa potential CA or potential neglect I also want to make it very clear that the two minor daughters involved have already been through a lot publicly we are going to be doing everything in our power to keep them Anonymous and of course use just initials regardless of if their info is already all the
way out there it's also important to note that all the allegations regarding the Travino family especially Ash Travino are claims that Ashley herself has publicly admitted to or done on camera though at the time ofil no charges have been made or pressed against asht Travino the only quote unquote guilty parties would be the people mentioned who are previously incarcerated any and all opinions commentary and theories are nzen based and not personal we're just trying to report on all online sentiment and aspects surrounding this case I will have to say that I embarked on this brain
rotting Journey that is Ash Trevino's lore believing that it was going to be an episode from my other podcast moral of the story which I'm going to link below a lot of you guys have been messaging me that it's the the perfect cleanser if you will almost for mental health after some of these recent RM cases but the more that I started jumping into the Rabid holes of court documents of her boyfriends two things occurred I believe that she is a danger to her children and perhaps even society and two I feel like she has
laid eggs in my brain I feel like my IQ has dropped at least 10 points after listening to her live streams so with that being said let's get started in the past few weeks the internet has colle itively banned together to get a CPS case opened on a Tik tocker named Ash Travino Ash Travino is I want to say she is constantly live streaming it's like being a CCTV camera on her phone just a wall camera a fly on the wall how old are her kids she is 36 she has two daughters that are 16
and 13 and she believes that the internet is unjustly trying to get them taken away from her Ashley addresses this in a live stream saying really trying to get my kids taken from me and it's not going to happen do you know how many CPS cases I've had on me in the last 4 months and I still have custody with my kids like you do understand when you call CPS you have to have actual proof that they're they're in an unfit condition right you do understand that right for those of y'all that love to call
CPS on me y'all do understand you have to have proof that my kids are in arm's way my kids are this my kids are that my kid y'all really have to have proof so here is the list of proof that cens have gathered against Ash Travino did she just brag about she had 20 cases on her and nothing has happened that's her biggest Flex biggest accomplishment is evading CPS falling through the cracks of CPS in the state of Texas one of the main things CPS workers are looking for is kitchen and food availability the guidelines
are along the lines of kitchen should have healthy readily available food CPS looks for balanced food options like fruits vegetables Dairy and proteins to ensure proper child Nutri ntion which some neens are pointing out that it seems like the entirety of the food consumption that Ash eats I mean there are Fitness gurus who have done 40 minute videos on asht Trevino's diet just critiquing the way she eats her main conception is hot Cheeto and bean dip bean dip cuz I'm the bean dip Queen Ashley does these massive grocery hauls that nens have been dubbing the
red 40 haul red 40 after the chemical coloring because she will spend nearly 8 $100 at the grocery store and just come home with different variations of Hot Cheetos and sour candies which I will say not having access to healthy produce or fresh food is a big problem especially in the state of this economy and I don't think that neens should dictate what other people eat or don't eat but a few things Ashley is a mother and it's typically a natural want for parents to want to feed their kids fresh healthy meals that are nutritious
but if she does not have the financial resources that's one thing but she is spending seven $700 $800 on chips and snacks during these grocery hauls there is not a fresh Leaf in sight $700 like and she let 100 bags of chips yeah she'll read you the whole receipt she'll show you the receipt she loves showing people how much money she spends 738 which naturally aners a lot of neens a lot of neens feel like if I had $800 to blow on groceries in a single trip I would get my kids everything fresh and nutritious
I would get them so many eggs in another live stream her kids are talking about how they want Ashley to make food for them tomorrow and she's shocked she's genuinely shocked on the live stream oh you want me to cook tomorrow mhm both of you she gives both of her kids a death glare like they have asked her to sacrifice her life for a bag of tennis balls nens point out they have never seen her daughters eat a home-cooked meal ever and they suspect that her two kids are probably suffering from from a lack of
nutrition she also eats chips in a very interesting way or at least a few times she has she gets the chips in her hand and she throws it back like she's taking a shot and one comment reads she's eating chips like she's taking a damn vitamin and it's taking me out yeah but I guess one could argue I mean at least her kids are being fed right I guess the next thing CPS looks for are appropriate sleeping Arrangements this is a big one infants need safe cribs free of blankets and toys opposite children over 6
years old should typically have separate rooms and bunk beds must have safety railings for younger children when Ash is doing a live stream she's showing off her apartment she does a quick peek into her daughter's room they share a room 16 and 13 and neens are very quick to point out wait wait is that a singular air mattress on the floor for both the girls to sleep in just a singular air mattress in the room for both of her daughters to share when nens start pointing that out Ashley states that they're not staying with with
her implying it's fine because they're only here once in a while they're staying with her parents and again not being able to afford proper furniture for children is not something that parents should be ashamed of it's very difficult to provide the Necessities these days but Ashley should be ashamed she gives her daughters an air mattress not because of her lack of funds it is her gross misappropriation of those funds it's estimated that on her live streams in gifts donations alone she brings in around $1 to $2,000 in a singular day one ,000 a day she
says the most she's ever brought in in 2 and2 hours was $112,000 she's constantly on Tik Tok lives doing these hauls she shows off her new shoes she's unboxing it they're slippers they're house slippers and she says these are not Teemu trust me I wish they were and she opens up her Balenciaga slipper box and she's aggressively showing the balanciaga tag to the camera all my name brand stuff is actually name brand even even when she does a makeup haul she's insufferable she says I only spent $395 at Ulta I was just putting things in
the bag I wasn't even looking at the prices I literally thought that I was going to spend $11,000 but no I only spent like $400 she says things like $3,000 is like dirt to me because I don't need it it's trash but if y'all need it I'll throw it to you she gets herself the newest iPhone in pink because of course Miss Ashley trino is a pretty little princess she goes to purchase a Louis Vuitton purse and I'm not entirely sure why she chooses this purse but it's um quite literally a carry-on bag she just
buys a giant sized duffel bag but uses it as a purse and she just always has it like on the crook of her elbow and she just starts carrying around a Louis Vuitton travel bag to the point where it has sparked a trend on Tik Tok where people say I'm Ash Travino and I'm showing you my outfit for the day and they're hooking on literal suitcases to the crook of their elbows cuz it's just the most is it like a tote bat or no it's a duffel with the two short handles yeah the Louis Vuitton
duffel actual duffel bag yes an actual duffel bag it's like the size of her she said she paid $33,000 I guess she paid that much to look ridiculous there's also a clip of her where she's seen out shopping and she has this little Louis Vuitton bag and it it's not a purse it's the actual shopping bag indicating that she just got out of the store and when she sees somebody recording her she places it straight in front of her and starts swinging it around it is the strangest thing she says I kid you not I
already bought two Louis purses over $6,000 within a month couple weeks sunglasses from Louie my apartment I'm telling you it's good money she's talking about Tik Tok lives she brags about spending $327 at the Cheesecake Factory for two people which I will be real with you the Cheesecake Factory is not cheap but it's also not that expensive that is crazy mhm but she can't afford beds for her kids her explanation to neens and I don't know if she's going to have a chance to explain this to CPS workers or if they're even going to ask
but I digress she explains for sure but now that I know that they fixed up their room you see the LED lights um they fixed up their room they brought their kahan's back for my mom's house cuz they had their vanity stuff over there they brought everything back so now I'm going to buy them a bed for Christmas but I'm gonna get it before Christmas but I don't know if I should get them bung beds because they're older or if I should get them one bed to share that's crazy yeah she says additionally this excuse
is brought up that she's just not sure which bed to get them and that's the reason that she's stalling from purchasing a bed but she continues to spend so much money she spends I would assume thousands of dollars every single week on door Dash uers and airbnbs as well as alcohol like she's going going living at different airbnbs yes she just loves to go to different airbnbs and just party with 19-year-olds that she meets on Tik Tok this is a 36-year-old woman this is oddly infuriating but it's not just material Goods that she's purchasing at
one point Ashley leaves her kids at home to go to Disneyland she lives in Texas so she flies to Disney which Disney adults great do your thing but also if you have children and you love Disney I can't imagine not wanting to experience it with them when nans call her out on this like this is so weird you've got two girls and you go to Disney by yourself I didn't take them to Disney I've said this before if you were not on that live I'm sorry you weren't there but I did not take them to
Disney because my kids do not fly what do you mean when she said that they don't fly they don't like to get on an airplane which is not true her kids have Tik Tok accounts and one of them debunked her literally saying I don't know why she said that like I have I fly like I I'm not scared of airplanes this is so weird and also if the reason that she doesn't take them is because of school why doesn't she just take them when they're on break it's not like she has to go Monday through
Wednesday she could go on the weekend or during spring break but the bragging never ends Ashley trino even casually brags about getting a BMW she just is in a BMW one day she's sitting there eating in and out live streaming and she's showing her face so she's sitting in the driver's seat eating in and out and she goes y'all I'm eating in and out and then she takes time to reverse the camera to show the steering wheel and she's at okay okay I got a BMW and it suits me sun roof and it's nice like
it has an LED light over here and over here on the dash as well did she buy a BMW or is she so clearly she can afford a bed she also makes fun of her friends for flying Spirit while she flies first class it is expected by CPS that parents provide a safe environment for their children interactions between family members are evaluated to identify nurturing relationships or potential signs of emotional or physical abuse in another live stream Ashley is on live while she's on the phone with her daughter she asks her daughter do you want
lip fillers which her daughters even if they were of age they're 13 and 16 I wouldn't feel comfortable with my mom asking me that I would feel pretty insecure do you want lip filler no my lips are actually really big they're not that big baby okay but they're big enough for me they're not that big I guess they are no they're not why are you being a hater let me see they look like the same size as yours no they don't mom yes they do and no they don't she's FaceTiming her daughter and smirking on
the camera at her own daughter's lips and she's scoffing in a separate live stream she's on FaceTime again with her daughter and her daughter says my nose is so perfect this is a little taken out of cont text and I'll explain but it has gone viral my nose is so perfect no your nose is not perfect your nose either bye now to be fair this is because her daughter did get a nose piercing and this is the FaceTime where she reveals it to her mom so she does have some right I guess to be angry
but not really because she's not mothering them well anyway regardless but neens don't think that makes this any better this is the same woman that on live stream she called her own two daughters slurs while laughing such as uh slurs targeted towards the Mexican community in another clip she's talking to her kids and they're arguing I have an A+ in every class no you don't no you don't no you're not you're not you're probably barely going to pass anyway literally to which comments read who needs enemies when you have a mom like ash Travino but
it's not even just the emotional abuse because there are so many different pillars on how you take care of children you can't even just physically provide the ne Necessities you have to emotionally be there and physically be there for them her younger daughter E has to go to the hospital one day they already made it back home she's on live stream and Ashley instead of taking her jumps on another Tik Tok live and says guys this is my sickly baby that's the one that I have to go take to the hospital and go get tested
in a couple weeks I'm not going to explain nothing else cuz she doesn't want me to Mere minutes later I don't even think 10 minutes have passed she says if y'all want me me to tell you about my baby girl's Health go ahead and send the galaxies galaxies being $15 donations on Tik Tok cuz there's tears to the donations if yall want me to tell y about my baby girl's Health go ahead and send the galaxies she's willing to sell her daughter's medical history for the highest bitter in another moment that might end up in
a CPS file somewhere Ashley's live streaming she's walking into her room dancing dancing to her song called Noo-noo we're going to get into that one of her daughters is throwing up in the hallway she tells her mom mom just threw up Mom just threw up you just threw up why up you're lying let me she turns around and keeps dancing mom I threw up why are you dancing she yes Alexa stop bro I was jamming neisens are commenting the fact that her first instinct is to accuse her of lying she treats her daughters like they're
just roommates in their own home like there's no relationship between them for Thanksgiving for example Ashley drives her kids these are the neens are compiling on Reddit all the things that they want to send to CPS they're like Mass reporting her to CPS for Thanksgiving Ashley drives her kids 8 hours to El Paso Texas where she's going to stay with who she calls her Tia Tia meaning auntie in Spanish but this is not Ashley's Auntie this is not the kids Dia this is a random person that Ashley has met on the internet that she calls
Auntie she's not been invited to her own parents Thanksgiving so she's going to a random person that she met online to her home bringing her kids all the way to El Paso Texas on Thanksgiving leaving them sick and alone in the Airbnb she's like go order door dash for Thanksgiving I'm going to go get drunk at the bars and she's live streaming all of this wait I'm so sorry it's Thanksgiving they're going to the stranger's house yeah and then so she rented an Airbnb in El Paso Texas and she goes to El Paso to meet
up with her auntie that is a stranger that she meets online she brings her kids throws them into the Airbnb and it's like here Order door Dash cuz I'm about to go out with the Auntie that I met on Tik Tok and a bunch of her friends oh on Thanksgiving she's like just order whatever you want but it's it's already not a good look but it gets worse while she's posting in El Paso because she does not understand that live streaming does not mean that you have to stream the entirety of your life she starts
posting about being in El Paso another Creator on Tik Tok sees this and posts a Tik Tok where she is tying her hair up into a messy bun and she says when you find out Ashley trino is in El Paso indicating she's trying to fight Ashley Travino Ash a full mother of two starts mocking the Creator on her live stream she's like when you find out Ash trino is in El Paso I'm in El Paso and I'm your baby daddy what are you going to do she proceeds to tell the girl then pull up then
and gives out the very specific bar that she will be visiting later that night she begs the Creator to pull up because the Creator is g h e t t o and they're in the rich neighborhood and the cops are going to take care of her Ashley is live streaming at the bar and I'm not entirely sure why she looks so surprised when the Creator that she has been taunting the entire night does indeed show up to the bar since she's pretty much given out her GPS coordinates and everything she's just sitting there while the
other Creator is saying you asked me to pull up you asked me to pull up and now you don't want to say anything you ask me to pull up the situation escalates to some mediocre hair pulling before everybody is kicked out of the establishment the other Creator goes on live to talk about what happened and she says this is me I was like so you tell me to pull up you tell me to pull up and Ash starts getting up so I went and I grabbed her hair I snatched that bro tell me why her
hair feels like grass bro I grabbed it and it ripped off Ash is later live streaming brushing her hair with her fingers saying I don't even have my bobby pin anymore I think she took it I really do think she took it like for an autograph or something because I don't have it anymore you would have thought like a that didn't like me was going to swing she would have swung at the okay this pulls my hair like it's the first reaction this does and I'm like she pulled my hair and this is fat as
this is really fat she's saying all of this in the car while the stranger that she met on Tik Tok the Auntie is driving but now to some extent this auntie is intoxicated they were live streaming in the bar where viewers clearly see her drinking so now the drinking and driving is being live documented when they get back to the auntie's house the kids end up coming there and E the younger daughter is not feeling well she feels sick she wants to throw up on top of that she's likely stressed and freaking out or at
least anxious about the bar fight that Ashley got into because she tells Ashley I saw the video of what happened at the bar like I was watching the live and if you're wondering how do I know all of this it's because Ashley is still live streaming right now at the auntie's house and when they're at the Tia's house when the night is over the Tia's ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend come over and a whole fight breaks out Ashley is live streaming you can't see too much the cameraman is not doing their job because they're in
the middle of the fight eventually Ashley decides to call the police but she's still live streaming she does not turn it off she does not mute her phone she goes on to tell the police that they need to hurry and come and here is the address she says her Auntie's full residential home address on the live stream she boxes this Auntie's place of residence but also the place that she brought her children to the police leave and the auntie and all of them go back to Ashley's rented Airbnb cuz they don't feel safe there anymore
which side note this is actually where a viral Tik Tok clip is formed Ash Travino calls her private parts her Noo-noo and she has this whole song about it and people have this running joke that her Noo-noo her private spots are quite smelly they don't smell good and there's this one clip that's been taken out of context why did she call call a Noo-noo I have no clue okay yeah and she um she's asking her auntie does it smell yeah does it smell does it smell does it smell in there does it smell does it
smell does it smell did it smell did it smell and she's asking her like 10 times while she's on live stream did it smell like did it smell the context of this is she was vaping in the bathroom and she didn't want her kids to know that she was vaping in the bathroom but that doesn't even make sense because there in a different life she was caught giving her kids her Vape to use what so I don't know why she's asking if it smelled if she was insinuating something else and then was trying to cover
it up with this whole Vape story but it's become this whole internet meme with a life of its own of did it smell did it smell did it smell no but did it smell so the group of them they're now back at Ashley's Airbnb and the daughters are there Ashley is live streaming and she's standing there chowing down on fries and you just hear the auntie talking to her because a physical fight broke out to uh I don't know the extent but it seems like to some extent there was domestic violence this is the auntie's
ex-boyfriend that came and a physical altercation took place between him and the auntie and the Auntie she's dry heaving because it's pretty clear that from the perspective of the live stream she was harmed physically to some level she tells Ashley I don't know how much abuse I told you about but I never told my daughter about it it is so ridiculous because Ashley continues chowing down on the fries that someone even comments and back to the food we go the El Paso incident it becomes dubbed that in the asht trino lore is just this incredibly
idiotic and unsafe situation the drinking and driving obviously but also the fact that Ashley is egging a stranger to come and fight her even though her kids are in town she doxes her auntie she confronts stranger at the bar I mean there's so much going on and it's just flat out dumb but the most mind-numbing thing the most mind-numbing part of all of this is this isn't even the first time that somebody pulls up to fight Ashley she has been through this whole Rodeo before Ashley has started getting herself into altercations with other Tik tokers
one of them being a Creator by the name of Tampa Bay who has taken the initiative to create a gofund me to support her travel fees to go to Ashley's home to physically assault her and pull up which I like to mind my own business most of the time I don't know the first thing about Tampa Bay but I do know that Ashley should understand that whatever she is doing online is going to come back to her kids there are creators out there that are wanting to find Ashley's home and confront her her home where
her kids often stay it's a dangerous situation overall Ashley would even tell Tampa Bay pull up to my house then pull up Tampa Bay said she was going to come in 5 weeks I'll be waiting Tampa Bay does in fact pull up thankfully the kids are fine well fine in that situation but Ashley has repeatedly doxed her home address with no regard for her kids safety there have been incidents where the girls the children have noticed strange cars driving around scoping out their house and naturally they get very concerned they get very anxious very worried
they call the police the two daughters and Ashley are home Ashley is home the the guardian is home the police arrive they have to take a report Ashley lets her two girls talk to the police officer while she stands there pointing her finger in the air holding a her phone she's in the midst of a very intense Cutthroat Tik Tok battle this is how she signals donate donate so you know Tik Tok battles you see the lifeline go up and you're trying to get donations to beat the other Creator you're to keep doing some tapping
motion to indicate like donate donate donate this is her favorite thing to tap in the air and that means donate to me donate to me and she's tapping I mean nothing not even her safety her children's safety is going to get in the way of her getting those freaking galaxies she go goes out to the front to get a view of the cop car she's showing this in the back the officer and she's Whispering double it double it double it double it double it double it come on come on double it double it double it
is she Whispering or yeah but I'm I'm sure the officer can hear her what the [ __ ] yeah in another clip she tells the live that her daughter has a burn and she asks what can I put on their burn she's on the phone with her friend who says I really think you should take your daughter to urgent care if it's bad can you send me a picture of it then I'm going to have to get a freaking Uber okay okay just because you have to get an Uber doesn't mean you shouldn't take her
to the freaking urgent care I know but I have to get up early tomorrow so now she is physically neglecting her children as well but it does get worse when one is watching an asht trino live stream there's always one thing that gets brought up used seen just peeking from the side somewhere like a little stalker and it's her adult device specifically one that is shaped like a rose I'm just going to call it the rose the haunted Rose and when she is confronted with the fact that she just has them laying in around in
a home where she has a 13 and 16-year-old daughter I mean why why not put it in a drawer like a normal person she's asked on live why do people support you when you have toys in front of your minor kids and she screams do they use them they still touch them asking what should we name these so to give you some context there was an incident that this Creator is referring to from a separate Liv stream Ashley is she's charging the haunted Rose and I guess one of her kids spots it and it's like
what is this that's charging e why is that thing charging can you leave my rose alone bro leave my rose alone she needs me in a little bit and the daughter asks what's her name who the rose what's her name oh I haven't named her yet what should we name her we should name her H she says her name her own name the daughter says her own name cuz she's 16 she doesn't know what's going on and the mom says ew I don't want to name her that Ashley just has this strange belief that is
so untethered from reality that if she says something during a live stream it just goes floating Into The Ether it can never be used against her she admits to her viewers on live that she used to have this crazy animosity towards her eldest daughter she says she can't she didn't even like the fact that her children's father always paid more attention to their daughter than to her that is wild because it's a leral child that needs a lot of attention and care to fully develop into a functioning human being and that is the responsibility of
both parents but to Ashley this is rather unacceptable one of the seven deadly sins if you ask her she claims that she would get so upset that she would grab her daughter H by the hair and yank her to the ground and she's saying all of this proudly literally has been through like the bottom of her life like I'm telling you whenever we lived with her dad I used to pull her by the hair because I was so mad at her like I feel like he loved her more than he loved me and so like
I took my anger out on her and she doesn't even like hate me for that like she doesn't even remember that neens are threatening if not already calling dialing CPS on Ashley for that clip alone they're commenting about how crazy this is that she's jealous of her own child Ashley decides to then further address the situation on a separate live stream clarifying by the way she's doing her makeup while clarifying this very serious allegation and the beauty blender she is using is the biggest makeup sponge I've ever seen with my own two eyes it's the
size of a dish sponge but that's neither here nor there she continues she states was I hit as a kid yes I was always hit as a kid that's why I wouldn't hit my kids I never abuse my daughter you guys what I said was I would get mad at her yes I would I pulled her hair yeah but I never abused her I never hit my kids you guys that's one thing you'all need to understand the only reason that I pulled her hair was because she ran from me and I tried to grab her
and instead I grabbed her hair I never abuse my kids I never hit my kids if you ask my kids if I hit them I don't hit them that's why they don't listen to me and this was when she was little this was a long time ago I don't care y'all can sit there and call me an abuser call me what you want but at the end of the day my kids know I never abuse them they never have bruises on them if anything I bribe my kids with money but then on a separate live
stream she'll also admit that she almost went to jail she says how did the glass break so I I'm I'm implying I'm deducing that there was some broken glass and everybody was asking her about it she said I threw the glass I broke my phone too my phone's broke right now 2 days ago me and my daughter got into it and she threw a chair at me and my leg is bruised she put her hands on me and I already told her stop putting your hands on me bro this is not the first time she's
done that we can somewhat decipher that she threw her phone in some sort of glass object and she does even more alarming stuff these are all the things that people are trying to report to CPS Ashley is on the phone with a romantic interest of hers he's on speaker phone and Ashley has her daughter right next to her the guy asks her hey can I ask you a question can I take it to my CRI sure go ahead just don't [ __ ] take advantage of my daughter wait what you say just don't make me
a grandma what yeah exactly okay it's just reminds me very much of Jennifer SoDo yeah why are you even saying that what are you why are you bringing up Woody Allen right now yeah yeah yeah later on a live stream she says it's like one of my kids she meets a guy she likes him hypothetically this is what she's saying hypothetically she wants to do something the guy asks her how old are you she says I'm 18 I'm 17 she's 15 at this point Guy believes it and then I find out honestly if I find
out my daughter is doing something I'm not going to sit there and call it cops I was her age once I was doing it so but the alarming stuff comes in by the types of people that she decides to surround herself and indirectly put in her daughter's paths she goes on a live stream to talk about writing to Chris Watts the infamous killer who killed his wife and his two kids her friend tells her that he's evil that he killed his wife and kids and Ashley responds well maybe he killed his wife because he's not
happy here we go and said that the episode on Chris Watts on some sort of crime show made her fall asleep what does that imply like it it's just rude what do you mean three people lost their lives and you're falling asleep on the couch just turn it off why are you saying this what's happening right now do you know what an inmate Hopper is it's someone who likes to date inmates and will jump from One inmate to another typically I would imagine they themselves are not an inmate so they're instead of on hinge they're
exclusively finding romantic Partners on WR a prisoner.com and Ashley trino gets known on Tik Tok for being an inmate Hopper but it really all starts with this very awkward moment when she live streams herself picking up her boyfriend of 9 months from jail while he's being released wait is this the one that happen no that was a separate person who likes to sleep with inmates when they get out or she slept with one inmate and it was connected to Wade Wilson cuz she was like Wade Wilson Hi and then we c yeah yeah yeah yeah
it's like a thing it's a thing yes she brings him to this hotel room there's a giant heart on the hotel bed made out of roses she has a whole snack basket picked out for him and he's just walking in and the whole live stream is uncomfortably awkward he's ignoring her he doesn't seem excited to be there he doesn't even look excited to be a free man it almost appears by some nzen perspectives that the prospect of him getting into bed with Ashley trino he'd rather go back into his cell and the energy the visuals
are just off and and people are commenting I remember when my ex came out of jail he literally could not stop touching me non-stop he would not stop holding me he would not stop paying attention to me Jesse showed no interest in her this is so sad it is pretty clear that Jesse was likely using her for commissary funds when he was in prison even when they live stream together he looks like he wants to keep a safe 6 feet social distancing space between them but before you even feel a tiny moded sympathy for Ashley
she also gets upset when Jesse wants to see his own children because she doesn't want his child's mother in his life within 3 days of Jesse being out she's calling him her husband people are confronting her about the fact that he has his baby mother's child's mother's face tattooed on him and they tell her hey are you not upset they're just trying to start drama okay they're egging her on the nison they're like are you not upset you don't want your face tattooed on Jesse and she gets very defensive I'm good I don't need a
tattoo to symbolize what I am to my husband as long as I know where I stand with my husband we're fine but she gets his Tik Tock handle tattooed on her not even his name the Tik Tock handle like at Rotten mango imagine you tattooing that um wait she tattooed it on her body yes his Tik Tok handle what the relationship lasts somewhere in the ballpark of eight business days before Ashley is on live stream ranting clapping her hands as if we are the ones to blame for this she says and that's what what irritates
me y'all think you know him y'all don't bro I was with him for 9 months holding him down and he's talked so much crap about me the tears that I have to hold back when I see him look he's requesting again to be in my Liv stream he's requesting again Jesse is not a nice person Jesse is a really mean ugly person y'all don't know what I've had to endure the last two weeks okay I'm not wanting to bash him he's not a nice person Jesse let all these females make him feel like he was
just the luckiest man out there he was just using me for a clout because without Ashley Jesse is not nothing without Ashley there is no Jesse I made Jesse she's 36 later in a video she responds why did you guys break up so she's like reading the comments why did you guys break up because of social media a lot of females were in his inbox I just didn't have the trust I would tell him I wish he was back in prison because I trusted him in prison because nobody knew who he was nobody was writing
to him he wasn't calling them you know when he came out I let him have social media I gave him a little cheap phone I told him make a Tik Tok I said make a Tik Tok babe and that was my biggest mistake was to let him get involved in the social media life how many followers does she have it's hard to say because she keeps getting her accounts deleted really yeah I think she's like on her sixth account because of like yeah I mean cuz she'll just people report her and yeah and then she'll
just completely flash her entire bare chest on a live stream on Tik Tok huh there are also some very strange moments in this whole relationship Saga with Jesse Ashley goes on live where her daughters are her moderators I don't know if they were her moderators for every single life but the fact that they are her moderators and they have frequently said like Mom don't do this mom don't say this they'll come into the room sometimes while she's live streaming to say stop doing this so it's pretty clear that they know what she's doing on live
they're watching she states to be honest you guys it's just going to give Jesse more clout just kidding he has an 8 in I mean the first day we did it like what five or six times if I can remember maybe a little bit more the first day the first weekend was pretty wild I literally could feel him like up here and I would tell him like it hurts like she goes into graphic detail describing the width I guess in a separate live she's asked was there passion to be honest yeah yeah it's crazy though
because for like two weeks it was still good after the second week the first day we did it like five or six times I can't even remember maybe a little more the first day the first weekend was pretty wild I would tell him like it hurts it hurts everywhere everything and then she would just nod licking her lips and every single time we didn't use protection and he never pulled out meanwhile Jesse is on a separate live stream where he claims that he had to put a blanket to cover Ashley Trina's entire body and face
because he could not get excited for activities without that you're kidding me yeah no I'm not that's crazy did you like put like a bag over her head when you guys you know okay so I I put the blanket I put the blanket all all over all over her just I just wanted to see that if if I seen anything else it wasn't going to work out you know what I'm saying the top comments are mind you this is my phone mind you I just woke up soon after their breakup Ashley starts hinting at the
fact that she might be pregnant and hinting is a severe understatement she might as well have tattooed it on her potentially pregnant she tells her viewers I was ulating the day after he or the day he came home we can all be your baby daddy you want to be my baby daddy no I already told Jesse that if I'm pregnant I told him on the way to Irving I said um on the way to Irving I told him I said look if I'm pregnant oh because I told him I said I start my period in
3 days and he's like what are you telling me I said I'm just saying I start my period in 3 days and he's like what are you what are you telling me Ashley and I was like no I'm just saying like just in case you know something happens and I'm pregnant I don't need you to be there for me I said I can raise this baby on my own I've raised two of them on my own I don't need you to be here to raise my baby people are so confused by this people started putting
the dates together and Ashley's digital footprint has likely accelerated climate change by at least 24 months she is live streaming every single waking moment of her day which is not a great thing to do if you don't want to get caught in your own lies people are running through the timelines to point out wait if she was pregnant then she had her period on this State then she would have known that she was pregnant if she missed her period but those days that she would have known that she was pregnant or potentially pregnant she was
just drinking and live streaming all the time when she's confronted with this neisens are very upset because that's a very serious thing to do is drink while potentially pregnant and she says she's drinking because she's not a th% confident that she's pregnant when you can just take a pregnancy test she says that she merely has a suspicion that she's pregnant but she didn't take a test yet it is the very accurate very true intellectual theory that if you don't know it does not exist she says once I find out for sure that I'm pregnant I'm
not drinking I am off of it for 9 months but she's also very upset that her viewers care about her drinking alcohol and potentially being pregnant she says I'm not going to answer yes or no if I'm pregnant that's not what I'm going to do you're going to have to wait y'all are not anybody important to me to for me to just sit here and say no I'm not pregnant yes I'm pregnant y'all are not important to me I don't even know you very quickly the new found pregnancy becomes Ashley's entire personality she streams y'all
I have never been so scared to bring a baby into this world cuz when I brought them too I was with their dad me and their dad were married each time they were planned this one was planned too but I'm not with Jesse no more and I'm scared I'm scared wait is she pregnant or we don't know she's just like crying about it yeah in another live stream though she complains today my has been killing the [ __ ] out of me like I totally said said girl I feel like I'm about to start my
period And I just got off my period And everyone's like how would you just get off your period if you're potentially pregnant eventually the story becomes too ridiculous to sell I mean at some point even the trees in your backyard are going to start putting two and two together like none of this is making any sense and ultimately she addresses the pregnancy situation by saying were you ever pregnant yes unfortunately I was but the stress gets to you so unfortunately I was and I was very sad but I was happy at the same time hinting
at the fact that she had she suffered from a miscarriage from the stress the comments read she reminds me of one of those high school girls that would say that they're pregnant for attention and then end up quote losing the baby but later on Jesse explains in a live stream that Ashley terminated the pregnancy or at least that's what he thought that she did not suffer from a miscarriage to which Ashley responds on live nobody was supposed to know that I had an abortion and he literally just told everybody that I had an abortion but
I had an abortion because I didn't want to have his baby hey Daddy I absolutely believe in my freedom of choice as a woman but I think the difference between having it be a choice versus having a miscarriage or completely separate things especially in this situation she originally claimed that she lost her baby due to stress and that is not a choice neens were obviously sympathizing with her after that and even had she said I made the choice to do this because I don't think I'm going to be a fit parent to a newborn right
now I I mean I guess it depends on everybody's beliefs but I think that's perfectly normal but netizens were obviously sympathizing with her donating so much more to her because they thought that she had suffered this very traumatic thing that a lot of netizens can relate to but it was a lie in another clip she says he's just mad cuz I aborted our baby I never wanted to have his kid anyways I'm literally glad I got rid of our baby I didn't want nothing from me what makes this even worse is the fact that in
a separate live stream this is when she was telling the whole world and everybody's mother that she might be pregnant she says if I'm pregnant I'm keeping the baby I already told my kids I told them you know there's a possibility so she's getting her minor children emotionally and potentially just mentally involved in this mhm with Jesse's relationship with asht trino that's where she really starts gaining a lot of Tik Tock Fame but people find out this is not her first relationship with an inmate in fact there was a previous one that she documented heavily
through Instagram by the name of Isaiah Gonzalez this was her previous husband that was in prison she'd introduced her children to them she had brought her two very young daughters at this point the eldest was about 10 years old when she brings them to prison to meet this prison her that she has now decided to marry how do we know about this she has documented it all over Instagram and then slowly starts talking about it on live so through her Instagram we find out that she's posting pictures of the girls visiting Isaiah Gonzalez and she
writes we had a great visit today and so blessed that both of our girls were able to go see Daddy this is the part that is so sick and twisted this is not the girl's biological father but she almost convinces them or maybe she's telling them to call him daddy or is convincing them that this is their new Daddy I don't know she writes you can see the happiness on his face our first family picture only one more glass visit until he gets to hug us all which I'm not sure you should be taking your
children to prison to hug random inmates but she even introduces Isaiah as the youngest's daddy to the world she keeps doing this she's saying like this is E's Daddy but he's not he's not biologically her dad he's not her dad anything MH she posts more pictures of them meeting in prison they're holding up hand Hearts she's hashtagging it going Gonzales because she's trying to marry him and his last name is Gonzalez and like ma'am this is not a reality show she'll # love on lockdown my heart is in Iowa Park which is where his prison
is located but should her heart not be at home with her own two children she posts another one where Isaiah is holding e their youngest her youngest daughter in his arms physically during visitation she captions it today we had the best visit with with my husband and her Daddy it's always hard leaving him behind again this is not e biological father let alone her daddy her dad this is just some random inmate love all the time we get with him and his smile says it all just a daddy and his baby girl it's sad when
she runs back for one more hug before we leave but their bond is unbreakable I do want to preface this by saying I think with the way America likes to incarcerate people for just pretty much everything there are people in prison for possessing weed there are people in jail for allegedly being involved in an incident involving the United Healthcare CEO there are a lot of reasons that people are incarcerated that a lot of people might not necessarily think they should be incarcerated for I think that for a lot of inmates having a strong support system
outside of prison waiting for them when they get out it does help rehabilitate them again I'm talking for drug possession charges things of that nature health insurance fraud related charges involving massive healthcare companies things of that nature I think it's important for these people to have support and I have lot of respect for their partners and families that give them that while they're still being part of society and having to deal with the stigma of having a loved one in prison however finding inmates to date because you like the idea of being a prison wife
is beyond my level of comprehension Ashley posts on Instagram August of 2019 she post two pictures captioning life had us in different paths but just know he makes me happy and he asked me to marry him and I said yes I am future Mrs Gonzales she goes on this whole rant for those of y'all that know y'all know LOL And for those of who don't know now y'all do people are going to judge us but like we say screw what y'all think I have been here for him and plan to continue that throughout his entire
Journey that God has given us yes he is away from me but these years will go by so fast and I can't wait to become Mrs Gonzalez if y'all don't like us being together then feel free to delete me but he wanted me to let everybody know that he is mine and I am his and for those of y'all that don't know he asked me to marry him and got the blessings we needed to move forward with that by the way don't let those hate letters think it's going to stop us soon being a prison
wife becomes her whole DNA profile she posts I'm a prison wife my relationship is based on letters time-restricted phone calls and visits that are few and far between I'm judged for staying with a man that I could never imagine leaving I go to bed alone every night and hold it down on the outside while he comes home I never know when he'll be involved in a riot or moved far away from me despite all of this he is worth the wait so do we know what was his we're about to get there yeah she shows
off sending 120 pictures which I can only imagine they're x-rated pictures she likes to say things like being a prison wife is expensive and I'm realizing that now because not only do I have my own bills I still help him he doesn't ask me for money though it's just one thing that if I do it's because I want to I feel like it's my responsibility as a prison wife which side note a lot of inmates have stated that when it comes to picking up a pen pal if they have a choice they do not go
for the girls that are aesthetically conventionally the most attractive they will go for the ones that they believe are the most desperate the one that is craving a compliment dying for attention because that is who is going to put money in their commissary it's like a job you want minimum effort maximum Financial reward they sit there write letters it takes time but the inmates have time and they get taken care of through financial ways I don't think um Ash travo will agree with this sentiment yeah she might think that she is love of their life
the Apple to their eyes they're all peas in a pot and if you send pictures like Ash trino has sent a 120 plus pictures in one go to be exact they will 99% of the time pass around those pictures it is said that they have no respect for any of these I mean maybe if maybe an inmate was with their partner before going to jail they perhaps don't want to share those pictures but they will pass around pictures having an amazing product or service is a massive part about owning a business I stalk some of
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Road wearing a black dress and a white flower crown writing there is going to be a long road ahead of us in this journey but with God we will get through it right here in these picss I'm walking that road alone hence why she's on the road and to give her some credit it the road is empty I'm walking that road alone but even though he wasn't there physically he's still here with me in this pick this life isn't for everyone but it is for me # missus Gonzalez #m my life is behind those walls
this is where things start to escalate on a live stream Ashley is telling the story of how she first met Isaiah because people start bringing it up they're like okay so Jesse was not your first prison boyfriend her your first inmate boyfriend so who is Isaiah that we found on your Instagram and she says well everyone's wondering why this is happen oh by the way it is speculated that for all of her prison boyfriends she's met some of them through WR a prisoner websites where you can see pictures of prisoners and decide if you want
to be their pen pal or not but those who know how the prison system works they speculate that she is pretty well known in certain prisons that she will talk to an inmate they will recommend her to other fellow inmates they'll say hey talk to this girl cuz she's going to put some money in your Comm and she for the lack of better phrasing gets passed around as in her number and contact information gets passed around to other inmates but with Isaiah she says I actually knew him before he went to prison she says my
prison wife life started in 2019 I reconnected with an old childhood friend okay we she says okay a lot she also says just kidding a lot when she's definitely not just kidding so um my prison wife life started in 2019 I reconnected with an old childhood friend okay yes I am 6 years older than this man um he is still currently serving time in TDC so we um reconnected back in March of 2019 we wrote snow mail letters up until August 2019 then I set the phone up for this man on our first phone call
he asked me to marry him I liked him so I said yes you know and I've known him for years so after 10 years of not seeing each other he puts me on his visitation list I come to go visit him I drive almost 3 hours and then we start the marriage process um we get married in November of 2019 but mind you I was visiting this man every weekend up until um 2020 then Co hits and they shut visits down completely in March I knew him since 20 um since he was 11 I knew
him since I was he was 11 and I was like 15 or 16 maybe younger cuz I was like 15 so he had to have been like nine when I first met him they used to go to our church um so um I remember telling his mom cuz I always thought he was a cute little boy you know but I was older and I was already dating the kid's dad so I couldn't be with him you know wait she said I was dating the kid's dad yeah they were high school sweethearts so she was dating
someone age appropriate cuz she's 15 he was like 15 I think he was around the same age as her and she was interested in a 99-year-old boy oh yeah which is very alarming wait I'm so sorry what is dad someone's dad mean the kids dad so she has two daughters their biological father is her high school sweetheart that she started dating when she was 15 but she's saying when I was 15 I was dating the kid's father you know my kid's father not his dad you know but he was nine and I couldn't be with
him you know and she says once I got married you know I used to always tell his mom she used to tell Isaiah's mom mhm you know because he grew up quick I would tell his mom like I'm going to be your daughter-in-law one day I'm going to be your daughter-in-law one day and she's like no you're not my son is too young for you and then in 2019 I reconnected with her son imprison yeah which is incredibly creepy but she clarifies okay Isaiah was a minor when we first met but I didn't date him
when he was a minor I'm not sure how she thought that sentence would help her case nevertheless she gets three tattoos of Isaiah on her one of their wedding date on her finger Isaiah on one wrist Gonzales on the other wrist and these tattoos are huge it would be more inconspicuous for her to wear five Apple watches on one hand it's that aggressively noticeable top or bottom on top and it's just like massive cursive the whole wrist and within 5 months she announces her divorce but one thing that has always gotten to people is that
Ashley explains that Isaiah went into prison at 15 and he won't be eligible for parole until 2032 and if he doesn't get parole he's not going to be released until 20 55 so people are like that's a that's a very long time for a 15-year-old to get sentenced 40 years for a 15-year-old to get senten whatever he did must be really bad because he was 15 so they start looking into his criminal history one count of aggravated robbery one count arson and one count of murder sentenced to 45 years in prison when Isaiah was 15
years old he was involved in a very very well meticulously planned robbery that ends in a man's murder his friend Reuben was working at an Exxon gas station when Muhammad his boss decides he's going to go make a night bank deposit he's going to take G cash from the gas station and deposit it at the bank Reuben texts his friends two other people and Isaiah so three people they're in a car waiting for Muhammad they catch him on the road and they stop him they rob him of all his cash they know exactly which route
he takes which bank he was going to how much he has this is all a very wellth thought out plan meticulously done they pull up to stop him and one of the friends ends up shooting him they kill him they drag his body into the woods they set mohamad's car on fire and they leave Eric is the one who fired the shots he takes $4,000 Isaiah takes home $1,000 from this robbery and they promptly spend it on whilst bragging to everybody about killing Muhammad Muhammad has a wife and 7 kids he has six daughters and
a son but sure I guess that's hilarious how is that hilarious why would it be hilarious they're laughing to everyone they know they just think it's so funny he was sentenced to 45 years in prison in 2011 sure he was 15 but I mean we all knew better at 15 this is not a situation where I don't think anyone can confidently say he was so young he didn't know what he was doing unless you're Ashley Travino but Ashley is posting on Instagram a word vomit collage second look Saturday meet Isaiah he was given a 45e
sentence at 16 years old over the past 10 years he earned his GED OSHA electrical level one construction craft skills construction site safety Corp all level certifications in that period he has also gotten married and become a wonderful stepdad to two beautiful daughters he loves spending every weekend with his family during visitation at the all red unit he is involved in working as a supply clerk Isaiah is also a talented artist who wants to continue his craft by opening up his own business once he returns to the Free World Isaiah plans on pursuing additional Collegiate
degrees Isaiah believes that God will bring him home sooner than his release date Isaiah is ready for the day when he can be given a second look she posts so blessed my husband was chosen to be the second look person today let's pray we can bring him home soon I will continue to do what's needed for him as a wife and will always be his voice love my husband so much # let's bring him home # proud prison wife # my husband's biggest supporter he's a killer the worst part is Ashley is very proud of
all of this she Tik Tok live battles with someone talking about her inmate hopping ways and the other Creator says that is a lot how many inmates have you been with like 26 you said it's it's like 30 now probably 26 in The Last 5 Years that is a lot and she's nodding and smiling like it's something that everyone should do and they ask her let me ask you a question why do you prefer inmates I prefer inmates because I feel like if you're going to get hurt it's better to get hurt while they're incarcerated
than out here in the Free World because like I just said earlier my ex Jesse when he actually left and we broke up that one hurt I still feel hurt to this day she likes the fact that they have no options yeah in another Creator battle she straight up asks the other Creator you haven't heard Ashley the inmate Hopper I actually married someone who was incarcerated in 2019 we actually knew each other from out here though and he's actually younger than me so we reconnected I became his and wife and that's where I met a
lot of people that I talk to still and it just went from there when we separated I went with another one and it just went on okay let me ask you have you ever been with somebody that's not incarcerated besides the father to your children which they're broken up clearly and she's shaking her head no it it just doesn't pan out for you or you just don't want it if they're not inmates so my actual last relationship out here in the Free World was in 2018 and we lived together and everything and then I started
getting inmates and I've had like guys here and there in between but I don't know to say my last relationship out here in the Free World is already such a wild sentence to utter she will be on the phone with inmates during her live streams just spewing words out of her mouth you're my 30th inmate did I tell did I not tell you that you really are I swear I've been with 30 inmates now I'm in like a prison sister wife relationship you're my 30th inmate did I not I tell you that I'm not with
no one just you but I've already married to you're stupid I mean now I'm in a prison sister wife relationship cuz I guess the prisoner the other prisoner she's talking to has a wife what she will call them the conversation is like brief I'm assuming CU they can't talk all day long right no but sometimes it's I mean it's not brief and it's not like 5 minutes it's like 10 15 sometimes more and this is highly not allowed by most prison facility standards you cannot be live streaming a prisoner's calls like that you have to
get proper permission right and she's just doing it yeah she's saying this while her daughters are in the house the doors are wide open and their friends are over and likely they're watching her on her live stream wow sometimes if the prisoners don't do as she says she'll get very aggressive with them it's okay cuz I I got other options I'm going to tell Lexi to send me somebody else anyways you were the wrong option you ain't nothing remember you're incarcerated that's crazy who's Lexi it's a friend that knows a lot of inmates she says
that she will be open and fine with dating an inmate that has charges of essay on a child that's fine for her she also she say she will date a yeah p e d o yeah a PDF file I guess is how everyone is referencing it mhm wow she also she has this moment where she talks about how murder charges and Essay charges are not that crazy because every single person she's been with has had those charges and that doesn't mean that they happened she asks her viewers how do you know were you there were
you there every single person I've been with has had those charges were you there we are now entering the belly of the Beast so let's go through and recap all of her relationships her very first relationship were her very first prominent relationship she marries her high school sweetheart she has two children with him the two daughters that are now 15 and 13 they end up divorcing when their kids are six and 3 years old this is in 2015 they've been together for about a decade and suddenly Ashley is posting onto Instagram OMG found this pick
from prom of 2006 my high school sweetheart but now soon to be ex-husband I will always care about him and he don't even know that # prom 06 # my junior year his senior year # I know get out of my feelings # he done moved on which implies that perhaps they're getting a divorce and that perhaps # he done moved on is oddly specific and pretty indicative that maybe he cheated on her or left her or didn't want anything to do with her anymore even later when the divorce is finalized she posts a pouty
selfy writing this was my last pick of me being his insert last name LOL my divorce was finally finalized after 9 years of marriage and 2 years of separation # divorce final #g goodbye # hello Garcia I guess her original maiden name # Bittersweet moment but the reason that the two get divorced is because that she cheats on him allegedly with a man in prison so I will say that it seems the children's father is the only redeeming man in this story at least as of right now after the divorce he focuses on his career
is able to remarry purchase a home while supporting the children financially by paying Ashley child support every month it said that he was also very involved in the girls lives up until about a few years ago and it appears that he couldn't see the as much not by his own choice but it seems perhaps Ashley was making it very difficult for him 2 years ago in 2023 the children's father ends up passing away from leukemia and Ashley does everything in her power to gain sympathy from this this must be traumatic for her she's known and
been in this relationship with this man for the greater part of her young adult life they were high school sweethearts but now she does have two children they don't have their father anymore it's really up to her to be supportive mother so that they can grieve and it's very hard to take her emotions seriously when she tries so hard to make it about herself she states that she's not going to his funeral but it's speculated that it's because she wasn't welcom there she tries to make it seem like she's just emotionally not able to she
tells everybody that she might take a mental health break and she will be back when she'll be back is unclear may it be sooner may it be later maybe it be never right well she does come back the very next day because galaxies don't just send them elves Into The Ether she does not however pass up the chance to not make this all about her she says things like that could have been me he didn't have to go he wasn't doing anything he didn't have to die that could have been me I don't know how
that applies he did pass from leukemia I'm not sure why she's even saying stuff like this but it wasn't and I feel that for my baby so much I really do and again this is after her kids have asked her repeatedly to not talk about their father on live because they're grieving they don't want to hear this they don't want this business out there it breaks my heart when my babies just say I wish my dad was here I wish my dad was here way satisfied thank you for the hand heart cuz she gets a
donation everything does happen for a reason so she's reading someone's comment that says everything happens for a reason everything does happen for a reason I'm a firm believer in that this is a pretty Niche pet peeve with mine that I don't even know if I should be saying but when someone passes away and people try to tell each other everything happens for a reason I do understand the intention behind it and in certain situations maybe it's acceptable but it's this weird feeling of this person's death is to further the plot for everybody else type of
energy what do you mean everything happens for a reason it's just kind of I don't find it to be the most sensitive thing to say when someone has a passing in their life especially the way Ashley says it she said says everything happens for a reason everything does happen for a reason I'm a firm believer in that firm believer and that's why I'm saying maybe it took this tragedy for me to open my eyes up and to see what the pain my babies would feel not only with one parent gone but with two no someone
did not pass away from leukemia for your character development that's not even a coherent sentence Ashley but she tries further to make this about her and I genuinely think that she thinks that this man's death is just part of her character development character Arc and she has no character Arc it is just a Perpetual decline nevertheless she says whilst kind of creepily smiling the other day I tried to leave because I got mad and H my daughter runs after me and she sits in my car and she's like you're not going nowhere unless I go
with you I already lost my dad I'm not losing you Mom you guys my babies are going through it like they are so scared she's like I'm not losing you I've already lost my dad mom it's just opened up my eyes now that then little girls need me but then to make matters worse while everybody is attending the funeral that she was not invited to probably because of who she is as a person and the things that she says and how she treats her kids and probably how she treated her late husband she is on
live streaming dancing to songs that have lyrics like my baby daddy baby daddy while his funeral is happening Ashley then goes on to state that she's been with 30 different inmates so these are a few notable relationships that she has been in in no particular order you have Isaiah the one that was convicted of murder of Muhammad the manager of the gas station and father of seven kids Ashley brings her kids to see him she convinces them at least briefly to call him daddy for whatever reason those to they end up breaking up things don't
go well she starts posting on Instagram I have went to visit for 20 weekends straight not missing one since I got on the visitation list since August 24 2019 but this weekend I'm not going to cuz I chose not to some things change and I honestly don't know if it'll come back from this it's hard when you're not at fault but I'm going to do and continue to do what's needed for me and be the best mom I can for my girls then she dramatically post getting a divorce isn't always a bad thing never wanted
to do it again but here I am and I know I will come out stronger than before my babies need me fixing myself back up after being broken down to my lowest by someone who was supposed to love me apparently their relationship came to an end according to Ashley when Isaiah heard rumors in prison that weren't true she claims rumors that she was talking to other inmates when they were briefly on a break he asked her promise me if we break up which where are your priorities you weirdo he says promise me if we break
up you'll never be with another incarcerated guy her next prison boyfriend is noi Travino noi was arrested in 2015 for stabbing a man outside of a nightclub they get married in 2022 she's still married to him because she doesn't want to pay a $400 something dollar fee to finalize their divorce Noy is the one that initiated the divorce from behind Prison Walls and she's been married this whole time that she's been dating everybody else calling people her husband and that's where she gets the last name Travino that is crazy so right now she's married yes
to noi trino another murderer her daughter H says the guy is awful she knows this because Ashley took them her kids to see the man in prison at one point it appears that she was dating another inmate and the speculation okay so we don't really know much about this inmate she never really spoke about him in great depth however she wore a necklace that would have his name and it seemed like he was an inmate and the specul was that she she's getting her makeup done one day on live stream there's two girls with her
that are doing her makeup and hair and she is on her phone so she's got a phone live streaming her and then she's scrolling on her phone and she gets some sort of text message some sort of news and it's speculated that she discovered news on the live stream that her boyfriend in jail was involved in some sort of jail fight and was probably hospitalized she just starts sobbing wailing oh no and just wailing and I do believe this is a sad situation and prison violence is a conversation that I think needs to be had
but a lot of netizens have chosen the right to withhold sympathy till later because I mean considering the types of people she dates we don't know if this is a child essayer we don't know if this is a killer a mass murder we don't know anything but her friends just tell her it's like this very strange moment they're Fanning her face she's crying she's getting her makeup done still and they say no don't cry you're a bad bch don't cry I know I know it's okay a try not to cry so much then you have
Eli Eli was in prison for strangling a woman he's also free and constantly on Tik Tok live streams now he was in prison for strangling a woman and also breaking his child's femur he broke his 2-year-old daughter's femur his whole excuse for that is that he didn't mean to break his daughter's femur but they have a bone condition in their family he says quote it makes our bones more easy to break so understand that it's not a regular bone that's the little detail that people are forgetting I up it was a mistake I intoxicated but
I sat in the hospital all week for her he slammed a truck door on his daughter's leg Yeah the femur is the hardest bone in the body to break so I don't believe for one second that they have any sort of bone condition and even if they do this is no excuse it is the longest strongest and heaviest bone that supports and can support up to 30 times the body weight of the person it typically requires significant Force such as a severe Trauma from a car accident to break the femur and Ashley exposes that while
they were in a flirtatious relationship cuz they're constantly live stream battling they're flirting on camera this is all public information like he's free now he's free and they're constantly live streaming on Tik Tok together they're meeting up they're doing all these things and then Ashley she gets into these fights with her boyfriends exposes them or starts rumors about them and I say rumors cuz we'll get into that but Ashley exposes that he Eli sent her a text message that if she doesn't respond quickly it's about to be a DV situation which he was in prison
for strangling a woman he's also accused of being an essayer by multiple women and somehow Ashley well I guess not somehow I would expect nothing less from her she still has a cordial relationship here and there with Eli they always have this like on and off flirtatious relationship on live streams they get upset with each other for just the most random things that are not serious they don't get upset with each other for essaying people child neglect breaking daughter's femur neglecting daughters nothing they go and they get upset because Eli will go on live stream
and say that Ashley Travino is built like a juice box she's a very boxy body shape but it is very strange to me that they are not upset with each other for the little crimes that some of them are committing then most notably you have her relationship with Francisco and that is a huge part of the discourse primarily for how heinous the crimes he committed were but also because the two teenage girls he killed were 19 and 13 one of her daughters is 13 what's especially alarming is that after Ashley live streamed with him either
he himself with a Contraband phone in prison or somebody else made a Tik Tok account for him I don't know which option is worse which by the way he's also in another open case where he gave a prison guard $5,000 to smuggle in 100 pills ofl and one pound of vitamines of they were all caught so he has another case he might have a phone that's what I'm trying to say I don't know if it's a fan account I don't know if it's his phone posting his own Tik Tok fan edits I don't know which
one is worse but there are videos of him talking on the phone in prison with very specific songs playing some lyrics read I don't know why but I fell in love with breaking the law and it's romanticizing prison life and breaking the law her relationship with murder Francisco comes to an end not because he killed two young girls well and then another so three one of them almost the same age as Ashley's own children it comes to its fateful demise because Ashley would constantly show him on her live streams when they were video chatting letting
him speak to her viewers talking about his victims laughing that he was innocent making fun of his victims which is clearly she's not allowed to be live streaming their calls he has his video call privileges revoked for 90 days and that appears to be the extent Dent of Ashley's undying love for criminals triple homicide debatable 90 days without video chats is an unspeakable break in their relationship that is a deal breaker it cannot be then you have as Trevino's more recent relationship with someone that she jokes is going to be her daughter's new stepdad this
guy his name is Santos he's out in the Free World if you will the allegation is that Ashley's oldest daughter who was 15 when this took place had shown her mom the guy's account of this random small tick tocker and was like I kind of have a crush on this guy look at him he's kind of cute isn't he mom which would be a normal healthy thing for a girl her age to do just show her mom her internet Crush that is what it is just that an internet Crush but Ashley instantly goes and starts
flirting with Santos she will go on lives with Santos this random man that she's never met prior to this didn't even know existed until allegedly her daughter was like hey isn't this guy kind of cute I kind of have a crush on him so he's not an em he's just a Tik tocker yes but he has been accused of some heinous things as well okay yeah so double whammy just talking about how she's going to breastfeed Santos telling him she's going to breastfeed him on live stream while she grabs her chest and is like jiggling
her chest around her daughter walks into the room seeing this whole interaction and asks another person on the live stream some random Creator Ashley is asking are you jealous because Santos is going to have all of this and she proceeds to get up and bend over she tells Santos you have to put body oil all over my body Santos even asks Ashley's daughter how do you feel that your Mom stole your crush to which her daughter claps back Santos how do you feel about being bald being bald yeah he's balding oh and Ashley just sits
there why would you ask her that why would you ask her that but does that stop her from publicly doing this and humiliating herself and indirectly her daughter although I don't think that her daughter should feel humiliated I think that everyone on the Internet is very well aware that she is her own person and her mom does not reflect her own personality but Ashley tells her viewers I've seen his peeee and he's already seen my Noo-noo okay I've already seen his peeee and he's already seen my Noo-noo okay this is where the word Noo-noo is
born her private parts she also releases a song where she's like you want to know how it smell as Santos know it smell well yeah I can't are they still talking right now on and off not really yeah she goes on to apologize briefly for her actions on the live stream she say first and foremost I want to apologize for my actions the other day I know I shouldn't have done the things that I did out of alcohol I did there's no excuse but yeah so I'm just going through that right now it really opened
up my eyes so I apologize to anyone that followed me liked me and then stopped liking me after that I run to alcohol for everything so I really apologize from the bottom of my heart but she she do just flirting with this guy so weirdly in front of her kids and saying all these things but she's not sorry because she continues quote unquote dating this guy afterwards when Santos calls she'll smile show the live stream Santos on the caller ID pick up the phone hey Daddy ma'am you look old enough to be his mother what
do you mean hey Daddy how old is he we'll get into that he looks in his young 20s okay yeah the whole thing is bizarre and her relationship with her daughters is very alarming because the fact that this is her daughter's alleged crush and she feels comfortable doing this and she's almost rubbing it taunting it in her daughter's own face and people have pointed out that anytime they do Tik Tok battles cuz sometimes her eldest daughter will do a Tik Tok battle with her own mother anytime her daughter wins the Tik Tok battle Ashley looks
genuinely upset genuinely upset so now with this going on Ashley and Santos finally make arrangements to meet each other originally the plan was for Ashley to fly to LA to see Santos that ends up falling through the new plan is Santos will come see Ashley in Texas for 3 days Ashley is eagerly waiting for Santos who is just not showing up for 3 days he stands her up he just keeps standing her up and this is a boy that she has never met in person before she has no established romantic connection with him but she
is publicly wiping her tears with a crumpled up tissue because he's not showing up to see her and she made him a whole brisket bro I [ __ ] hate him she never cooks for her kids but she cooked him a brisket and he didn't show up for her brisket and she tells her viewers I'm Still Human at the end of the day you guys it doesn't matter what happens in my life I'm still freaking human inevitably because fate is sick and twisted Santos does end up making his way over to Texas to stay with
Ashley her daughters are home this is her daughter that initially showed her the Crush right and now her mom is lude to him like a piece of gum Ashley is latching onto him like a koala it is the strangest sight to see her behavior reminds me of like a middle school relationship where someone is so deeply insecure and must show you that they're in a relationship and they have the emotional maturity of a brussel sprout so they just think that if they're physically touching someone the world will believe that they're in love this is life
stream yeah how does that noo feel just kidding m I are yall jealous cuz I'm in the same room as him or what moreover throughout the entire life she just keeps calling Santos her husband whilst biting her lip and staring deeply into the camera she also has this flirting look anytime she's flirting with someone she woo this is her signature look she bites her lip Squints her eyes and then flares her nostrils it's like her m call yeah but nothing compares to what is about to happen Ashley is going on her very first date with
Santos her daughter's Crush she hires a makeup artist puts on what I can only describe to be a long maxi dress that is not casual it reminds me of someone might wear the prom and they head to a club where they get seats in the back of the club and they order stakes and all of this is being live streamed and there is just loud music playing the base of the music itself is enough to cook the steak to a medium well she's asking Santos to cut her own steak because she's dainty and frail and
he's just there talking and messaging other girls whilst there's music just bumping at the club how do we know that she's live streaming it how do we know he's messaging other girls he's literally other girls are on Tik Tok live being like Santos just messaged me to show up and I'm like I'm not going to show up yeah wow but then later in the live stream she says it was honestly like a dream come true you know like even though we were just friends or whatever he made it special this is unfortunately the very Grim
beginning of the Santos Saga he will constantly be a reoccurring part of asht Trevino's problematic world and it's pretty obvious that he's just here for the fame if you can even call it that and the money but that should not take away from how uncomfortable their relationship is she will be live streaming Santos they'll be doing the Tik Tok battles she'll show him the haunted rose look what I have charging yeah Char oh you don't need that when you at me I need it for tonight though oh yeah you're going to definitely that tonight I
don't have you tonight all I have is a FaceTime yeah all you can use right now we're on live we can't I know I mean but then she starts biting her lips and looking weirdly at the camera and some people believe that she's using it under the table there are allegations that she has done this before using her haunted Rose to haunt the entire internet allegedly there are two clipss of her where she has gone on live once she just flat out left the screen and you can hear things that sound like her using the
haunted Rose and being haunted another time allegedly she pretends to forget that she's on live and starts using it now these are things that I can very well see her do however I don't know because there have been a lot of clips that have been taken out of context I can't be a th% sure on which the context is for these clips if they've been edited or altered but don't think it would really change the implications of what is all of this is doing to her daughter's upbringing but if it is true in one live
where it's alleged that she was using the haunted being haunted she was playing the song How to Save a Life the where did I go wrong How to Save a Life by the fry and if this is not edited it sounds like she is having fun to the beat of How To Save A Life oh which nens describes as quote diabolical then there is the infamous flashing live stream she is live stream battling Santos and for whatever reason she decides that she is going to start rubbing her whole chest very seductively or what I imagine
she believes to be seductively just fully rubbing like she's needing dough needing a pizza dough while staring into the camera biting her lips flaring her nostrils her usual mating sign she even tries licking her own chest and she just does this for over a minute until fully her whole chest is out of her shirt on a Tik Tok live stream wow she flashes a 19-year-old boy on a live stream Santos is 19 years old Ashley is 36 years old she's flashing him while her kids and likely other kids online are watching She's double his age
yes people find out through Ashley's live streams that SOS is 19 he had claimed to everybody that he was 22 he works as a club promoter and in most of Ashley's live streams he's getting drunk so everybody just assumed that he's at least 21 22 because he does look very young especially when next to Ashley not that 35 or 36 is old but she looks much older than her age the most popular nzen comment is that is a harsh 35 saying she she aged pretty hard now during a live stream netizens that did some digging
into Santos uncovered that he is not 22 that he's actually 19 they did some digging and they're like wait that guy is 19 what's what's your age Santos I'm 19 I could box him so the age finally comes out he's 19 and people are spamming in the live stream like wait we just discovered he's 19 he's not 22 he can't be a club promoter he's not supposed to be drinking he's 19 and he becomes super emotional about the situation because he feels like his whole life is ruined he starts crying on the live stream and
Ashley is hugging him this is the same woman that refuses to take her daughter to urgent care with a burn who doesn't care that her daughter is throwing up or sick or anything she's hugging him and he just wants to be alone and she's like sh no no no it's okay it's okay she's doting on him and he's just like leave me the alone stop I got you I told you that I told you I got you I got you I got you B I got you I got you stop she says in a live
stream I don't even want to talk about it because right now I don't even have my kids y'all can hear it's quiet you know coming home and like seeing this empty house it's sad you know it brings me back to when I didn't have them they were not taken from me because I know there's going to be rumors circulating no my kids are not taken from me but she says that with all the backlash of everybody finding out and she finding out she says she didn't know Santos was 19 she is just in a bad
place and now everybody wants her kids taken away from her because Santos was provided alcohol because she assumed he was over 21 mhm and all this drama is unfolding and she's just very upset about it the thing with Santos is he has allegations against him for us a I don't know if any criminal charges were filed it does not appear to be but that doesn't really mean anything because a lot of the times they don't want to file criminal charges for essay and I say they as in the police but there are a lot of
people who have said some very there are a lot of allegations out there I just don't think anyone that is connected to Ashley aside from her own children and maybe extended family members are that good of people I don't think you can be to some degree cuz a lot of people that knew her in the beginning they just knew her as like a Tik Tock troll like inmate Hopper he he haha but once a lot of these allegations and the connections with these killers have come forward a lot of Tik Tok creators have cut their
ties with Ashley so I think once you find out what she's done and to still be friendly with her is alarming mhm there's a video of Ashley live streaming and they're in an Uber heading somewhere she's in the well actually it's not an Uber her security detail is driving I don't know why she has security it's very much gen SoDo Vibes she says she needs needs security because anytime she goes out in public she's just hounded and just constantly recognized so her security is driving and it's one of those three row SUVs security is in
the very front and in the middle seat you have Ashley and her two friends and in the very last row behind Ashley you have Santos and another girl who is also a Tik Tok streamer while Ashley is live streaming dancing to music you see Santos in the back and it looks like he's shoving the girl sitting next to him shoving her head down in a way that would indicate that she is engaging in oral activities with him she does not seem to be enjoying herself I'm not accusing anyone of anything I'm just trying to describe
the video it's not exactly certain what's happening there briefly some netizens thought that initially she was doing a line of drugs but Santos being the upstanding character that he is is shoving her head down to make it appear like it's something that it's not regardless Ashley notices and her whole energy shifts because she looks very upset when she starts putting two and two together again a lot of netizens were freaking out because they didn't know what was taking place but it's definitely not a great look nens are very split on how to feel about this
now I end up finding clips and there are I mean I'm sure a lot of people have if you're really deep into the asht trino lore like I am right now and in that case I'm sending you some luck but I did find this one clip where it appears the girl in the back seat addresses the situation as in she did engage in intimate relations in a car full of people yeah I'm going to be real I did do that he deserved it he was working hard he was taking care care of us um he
was very nice to me he was doing a lot of stuff for me so I sure did what about it y'all haven't what yeah what I looked at the camera after the fact honestly I didn't even know she was like live she basically blasted me yeah she's doing it on purpose so she blames Ashley for putting this on live stream but she does claim that this did take place I will say that she is also a very questionable character she was caught on her child's father's ring camera so her baby daddy's ring camera if you
will driving to his house with her newborn baby in the middle of the night leaving the newborn baby in the car seat on the front porch ringing the doorbell and then booking it back to her car while giggling she's like he and then leaving like she's ding-dong ditching someone but it's just abandoning her own child so that she can go party and do God knows what he ends up posting that ring footage these are crazy yeah she Santos addresses the whole situation and he has a completely different story he says nothing happened in the back
seat she was just reaching over for her phone and her mouth just happened to be open clearly he thinks it's funny Ashley then goes on to have a huge falling out with Santos briefly where she claims he essayed her she says I'm getting everything together I'm getting videos I'm getting I'm getting everything I got text messages everything she says I got bruises on my arm right now I got bruises right right there I'm not under his spell no more I'm not going to play anymore I do believe that Ash trino can be a terrible person
and can be essayed I don't think that those two things are mutually exclusive but I do think that in this situation it's very hard to take the allegation seriously because she'll go and hop on a live stream with Santos after she makes these allegations and she's like you said I essayed you you said that about me no you said I essayed you you said that about me did I essay you answer this you said that about me yes or no you said that about me on your live that's all you said they continue to go
back and forth before calming down and giggle gaggling cuz while Santos is arguing he was in the midst of getting a tattoo which Ashley jokes said he should get her name tattooed on him and all is well in the morally bankrupt world that is Ash Travino until 20 hours later Ashley starts getting emotional on live because Santos had texted her that he can't do this anymore that everything the situation has just spiraled out of control in any event this sends Ashley into a full-blown orbit and she goes onto a trip with a bunch of other
ticktockers one of the attendees is a 20-year-old woman who brings along her little brother now this little brother becomes quite a controversy with Ashley this is never ending yeah she I mean there's pictures of them on this trip it's so weird it's like Ashley is their chaperone but she's walking around the mall and it's the way that she tries to act like she fits in with a bunch of teenagers when she's 36 and looks I don't know 46 no offense and they're all young TI to all young in one moment on the live she keeps
trying to kiss him on the side of the face which is very alarming and even his older sister Bri is telling her like don't do this like don't kiss my little baby brother like you're too old for him and then there's other parts of the night where she says that she wants to wear a dress for easy access indicating that she wants Bri's little brother to have easy access to her that's the problem right some rumors were going around that he was 16 which would be alarming right but he does go on live to further
state that he's actually 18 I am inclined to believe that he's 18 it does appear that he's 18 but it's still yeah crazy yeah during the night Ashley is live streaming alone with this guy she's cuddling him she's sitting right next to him he's sitting there facing the camera looking incredibly uncomfortable and she's just resting her head on his shoulder it's just so much is happening so with her talking about being interested in a 9-year-old when she was 15 her talking about being interested in Santos who is 19 when she's 36 and then this situation
it's just starting to get weird even when she talks about her daughter if he if she were to see an older man and lies about her age she wouldn't call the police all of this is starting to get very very strange I mean she is in my personal opinion a predator just like the ones that she's dated so while all all of this is going on the neens are reporting Ashley and her whole family to CPS trying to get her children in a safe place away from Ashley and she even admits it yes I've had
like 20 CPS cases they dismissed them all because you know why my kids are in good hands my kids are taking care of and she says and the other day I was laughing because whenever I was on live well before I went on live I actually saw someone else on live I'm not going to say who but she was doing the same thing that I do she was literally feeding her kids and it's like what I do and literally people in her comments were like oh my God she's such a good mom you're such a
good mom you're like the best mom and this and that and I'm like bro I do that same stuff with my kids y'all literally bash me oh you're a bad mom oh why are you doing this why are you doing it like this why are you doing it that way why are you feeding them like that my kids were older than hers and y'all are like praising this female it's because y'all don't like me but y'all like her and that's what it is that is what it is in Ash Trevino's world it is always the
viewer's fault all of this in another live stream clip she says I don't even have my kids right now so her kids are constantly wanting to stay with her parents going to their grandparents home so they're either with their grandparents it seems like they're there most of the time and then Ashley will have them sometimes and she says I don't even have my kids right now and it sucks and it's because of y'all I don't have my kids because of y'all so yeah they can come back anytime they want but I just choose not to
have them because of y'all she also cries on live stream because one of her top gifters went over to her ex-best friend hea's live stream and donated money and she's sobbing she's genuinely sobbing I'm sorry guys I had to end that live she stole one of my biggest gifters bro and I don't think that's right as a friend you should never steal your friend's gift or not when her kid needs to go to the hospital or throwing up or has a burn she's crying she's crying more than when she cried about her late husband her
ex-husband dying who are these don't donors like who's donating who's her top donor a lot of people have questions about that who are these people we don't know and I feel like there are a lot of causes out there that they could be donating to that don't include Ashley Travino huh yeah she's crying that her top gifter she says my friend hea cuz she's the one that got the money she has money her husband has a trucking company I have nothing but this if I don't make money on Tik Tok I make nothing for my
kids and they can't eat okay she's wiping tears from her eyes she stole one of my biggest gifters bro and I don't think that's right this is how I support my kids I don't have their dad's child support no more he passed away do you think that I asked God to take their dad from them no I didn't do you think I said God please take their dad no but he died her daughter then comes into the room to tell her I love you but you need to quit saying stuff about my dad okay wow
she also states that she just started her partying life she says that everyone is accusing her of being a partyer and she says no before this she was a mom and a wife she just started partying like just 5 years ago 5 years years ago just 5 years ago all of this comes to a tumultuous boil when Ashley trino decides to take her kids onto her very first podcast appearance she is going to the Bop house which is a Content house for of creators based in Miami I believe and Camille is going to interview them
she's a famous of Creator who also has her own controversies she's the one that was viral for having her brother on the podcast and asking him about it's like to have a sister who's on o Christian tell him that it's not that bad having a sister that doesn't oh it's horrible no I couldn't even go on a field trip like I got bullied so much I couldn't even go on a field trip isn't that insane and it was just a very um a lot of nens felt bad for the brother I guess I don't know
too much about camil's lore but Camille does not ease up on Ashley she asks them do you think Tik Tok changed y'all's life for the better or for the worse Ashley responds I can honestly say I've been blessed by Tik Tok because not only do I get paid with the battles I get paid with the views but if I could go back to my life before where nobody knew who I was I liked it I only had like 50 to like 100 views in my lives and now there's like thousands of people that watch me
so keep the money take away the fame literally yo just unfollow as trino make her not popular at all she hates it cancel me y want to cancel me Ashley's daughter responds I feel like I would rather go back to my old life yeah like we have money but I don't like being online publicly I'm growing up that's why I'm homeschooled too in the beginning at school people noticed my mom and I got a lot of stairs in the cafeteria so if I could I honestly would go back to my old life because being a
nobody to people because that's when I was more confident I didn't care how I looked and now since I'm public I care more about how I look and how I go out and stuff in camil's podcast she says so I always try to tell everybody that I'm always going to be the villain in their book this is Ashley she's saying I'm always going to be the villain in everybody's book she says they've already got this Persona that they have of me and that's just who I am to them I raised my kids since they were
born this is a lie she said in other live streams that her parents mainly watched her kids she says I never left their side still to this day I have never left their side she claims on the podcast that after the father of her children has passed away in 2023 she accuses his family of coming out online to quote get clout yeah what she says that his family are trying to gain clout by badmouthing her on the internet and it doesn't seem that way it seems like they're just trying to get closure and like what
are you doing stop talking about the girl's father like you don't even why are you doing this like this is so messy but she says as soon as my name started going across the internet they started coming out with certain stories oh I'm the kids dad's friends I'm the cousin I'm the aunt whatever now they're trying to get the followers they're trying to get this they're trying to get that but in reality they weren't there for my kids like they should have been camil asks them have there have been instances where your mother has expressed
feelings of jealousy towards you and how has that affected your relationship with her her eldest daughter H response um there's this video going around of my mom being jealous of me when I was little for having a better relationship with my dad than she did and it just looks like Ashley is staring her child down while she's talking where Camila has to be like the one to remind her I mean girl that's his kid that's his whole kid not you being jealous of a baby girl um like there's nothing to be jealous of meanwhile Ashley
is biting the inside of her cheek staring her daughter down her daughter continues I mean I am her daughter they say I look like her so there's nothing much different from us I have more followers than her so maybe that no way yeah yeah which Ashley then takes the mic to do her mom speech and it's something that she consistently does I would like to say that Ashley is one of those people that is not a mom she's not a good mom I personally that's my opinion but she loves the idea of being a mom
she loves loves embodying the trauma and obstacles of being a mother and motherhood she responds I'm not jealous of her I'm blessed to be able to give her the life that I've always wanted as a little girl it just doesn't make sense even the Romantic values that she's teaching her children in the podcast they briefly talk about Ashley's newest fling a man named Max one of her new boyfriends and E the younger daughter mentions oh yeah Max is nice I like him for now he seems polite so Camila is asking why is he polite like
why do you like him and E explains that one time Max was calling her mom's phone e picks up her mom's phone and tells him hey my mom's in the other room and he just tells e oh well could you have her call me back when she gets back in the room and camil is so confused like that's it that's the story just basic manners what do you mean that's why you like him and then Ashley explains previously Jesse the one that you know the prison boyfriend that she picked up from jail had called Ashley
before E had picked pied up and he flips out on Ashley screaming at her don't let your kids pick up the phone next time he did not want to interact with the kids which why would you stay with someone like that side note later Ash Travino goes on to live to say that I just found out today that Max goes both ways so it's like bro and she has this look that indicates yikes like I just found out today that Max goes both ways like yeah so it's like bro first of all I don't know
how true that information is considering the source is Ash Travino but even if it is true why is she grossed outout being by is normal being a heinous neglectful mother is Despicable what kind of sick twisted values are these but Ashley states that she and Max are going to get married cuz I guess this is before she let her homophobia run through and that he has not in fact smelled her Noo-noo because he is a Christian who is saving himself till marriage which all neens and Camila are questioning this is not that that's abnormal or
not okay but it just sounds like an excuse and perhaps he's using her for money and clout because if he is a devout Christian devout enough to abstain from premarital relations why would he be interested in Ashley oh he's in prison too or no oh oh and the podcast just goes through a lot of Ashley's wild moments like for example Ashley just has some bizarre live stream moments there are moments where she'll pull up a video of herself to sad Tik Tok sounds and she proudly shows it in the live stream like yeah I was
in pain and people are so confused they say they're commenting nens are commenting looks 45 acts 15 not the 2020 depressing Tik Tok Audios in the big 2025 I'm sorry is sadness in the room with us she also has a very unique way of flirting like I said that is constantly brought up and clipped and is viral all over Tik Tok she also loves listening to sad songs she'll stare off into the distance while playing Spotify and sad songs trying to be the main character things that I did when I was nine in the car
while my mom was driving me to Barnes & Nobles that's what she's doing at 36 years old on a Tik Tok live stream she's sitting there listening to the song get you the moon you know the song that's like cuz you are you are you are the reason I'm still hanging on and it's like if death was coming for you I'd give my life for you and the comments read and who set this up this music I am dead she's also accused of sending herself flowers while on live yeah she just acts so surprised that
she got these flowers from an anonimous Suitor of hers and neens are commenting this is me sending myself candy Valentine's Day grams in Middle School another comment reads cuz she gets a little teddy bear with the flowers the bear is even looking at us like this is a lie Yeah Ashley also used to work at a dentist office up until December of 2024 people didn't know that people thought that she was a full-time Tik Tok for the longest time because she was talking about how she worked at a dentist office there the practice was sold
to New Management that was going to come in and some of the new managers were indian-american he gave us an option to stay with the new owners or leave and I chose to leave because they were Indians and I'm not working under no Indians I'm sorry I'm just not yeah she was racist she literally on one live stream she was teaching her daughter slurs for all the races and ethnicities it was really bad yeah you can't really find one good thing about this person no but it's not true she did not quit not that it
makes her statement less racist more acceptable less deplorable nothing she actually continued working at the dentist office until December of 2024 she was fired because neens pulled clips of her doing I don't know any one of her heinous things and send it to her bosses she was let go there are allegations that she has bed bugs she's in bed live streaming one day and a bug just crawls around her on the pillow inside the pillowcase now it's unclear if it's a roach or a bed bug but it is clear that Ashley notices and she tries
to get she tries to get up she acts super nonchalant about it instead of freaking out or even addressing it later she's asked if she has bed bugs and she says on the podcast no it was like a beetle or something again what these people need to realize is I do live in a duplex I have neighbors so with that whatever they have it does transfer over but I don't have like roaches or anything no no no no she's asked could there be potential bed bugs no I haven't found any that was a beetle but
of course people take one little thing let it be a flea on your leg and they're going to say it's something else and again that's why I'm moving because my landlord I feel like for what I pay for there I can literally find a place a house somewhere I want a four-bedroom and 2 and a half bath I already have my mindset on what I want neisens disagree they argue it does not look look like a beetle not even remotely and it's just odd that instead of screaming or freaking out because if you have the
occasional bug you start screaming and freaking out but the fact that she just hides the bug from the camera and tries to play it off is very strange in the interview with Camila Camila as a joke asks her if she's ever had a fake bag because there were rumors that her LV bags were fake Ashley seems genuinely irked and she says they literally think my Lou are fake I can pull up the receipt right now if you want to see it I can log into my Louis account right now oh she got account had a
YSL account and Lou she also talks about how at their age she Ashley did not have a Gucci bag like her daughter's so she bought them a Gucci bag for hitting I believe 1 million subscriber or 1 million followers you know what I might have not had a Gucci bag but I had their dad okay I think she's trying to say she didn't need a Gucci bag because she was in love and in a happy relationship but that's really weird because why are you comparing that with your daughters but it also feels so wrong because
he recently passed away and the girls are clearly still grieving it's a very bizarre thing to say yeah meanwhile she states that some of her kids friends are not allowed to come over anymore this is in the podcast she says because quote their parents don't feel comfortable because my address is leaked then why do you feel comfortable with your kids being there mhm Camila asks Ashley straight up so you don't feel any sort of guilt or sadness that they've lost friends because of it and they've expressed that no because it's not even for that reason
to be honest I feel like some of their friends are jealous because of the life that they have Camila asks Ashley's children do you think that maybe sometimes she can exploit situations to get views I'm going to be real Yeah Ashley disagrees she says if anything she wants to protect her kids to which e brings up the time that Ashley asked for Galaxy donations if they want to know about her health conditions and Ashley says oh yeah but that was like a while back though and you weren't even in the hospital e also goes on
to State quote honestly sometimes I feel like it's weird for girls to go for younger guys but like it's weird for my mom she's 36 and she gets with people in their teens Santos he actually lied about his age he said he was 22 but he's actually 19 eventually camil sends the kids out of the room so that she can talk to Ashley alone and she says Santos was caught licking your haunted rose on live what the you doing with that and he licked your rose toy why did you do that cuz Santos is a
freak Santos sleeps with everybody did he sleep with you am I supposed to answer that truthfully yes truthfully yes did Santos sleep with you did you sleep with Santos actually so yes we have done stuff okay twice twice twice two separate occasions with a 19-year-old boy I didn't know he was 19 at the time so this is before you knew yes claimed before you literally like we did it twice and it was literally before Christmas so side note Santos addresses these allegations of being intimate with Ashley in a separate live and he says I never
hit the new no ever ever ever I I we said I want Noo-noo we made that word up joking around I never did that like you have to understand I walked into her room one time and the bean dip was right next to the Rose toy so I'm assuming she eats while she plays and I don't like that that's nasty like bro like every time I had to for Breeze everywhere I had to shove toilet paper in my nose I would never ever ever get near that Noo-noo ever and that's on arrogant he says that
that's that is crazy that's his whole Spiel so Camille starts firing off the tough questions if Tik Tok banned you tomorrow how would you make money what's your plan B I have other socials that I'm working on right now and I have other collabs coming up okay care to leak the collab that you have coming up uh a good one it's a YouTube video so just know that there's going to be like 20 guys no other crazy Revelations happen in the podcast it's just a a mess at one point Camille after H talks about how
she doesn't like her mom's newest prison husband that she's actually divorcing noi trino Camille says y'all to the girls y'all just come live with us which H says yes please but Ashley starts joking well now you have two new members Ashley might have just been saying this without realizing the implication but it's pretty bad camil is part of the Bop house which like I said is a group of of models that live in a house together to film content 18 plus content so camil is saying come live with us sounds very much like I think
we can take care of you better than your mom can just live with us cuz that sounds miserable meanwhile Ashley says you have two new members implies that they would be members of the B house which is a Content house for explicit creators and it freaks camil out like she doesn't even know what to say she's like what did this lady just say this is crazy yeah yeah yeah well only have two new members just kidding and probably the most explosive question in the entirety of the podcast is when camil asks question do the kids
have beds H responds well I don't live with my mom at your mom's house then do you have a bed no I'm going to zail you I'm going to give you money I want a bed two mattresses two them I want a headboard and two nightstands I'm going to order that before you leave this house today and I'm going to insert the clip of the receipt here and Ashley is explaining there's a whole story behind that she was trying to explain that her mom was going to go get the bed but they didn't know the
style of the bed and she couldn't go out in public and Camila's like oh cuz you're just that [ __ ] and she's like literally no like I really don't like if I go out I'm going to get noticed and if I don't have my security guard I'm not going anywhere later in the episode Ashley still brags about how much money she makes and she starts giggling and M says and her kids still don't have a bed so what's so funny Ashley she laughs even louder and she's like nothing's that funny when your kids don't
have a damn bed I'll tell you that right now now this podcast gets released and within a few days I think it's at like 7 8 million views Ashley is pretty upset about this podcast she alleges that Camille received like $60,000 for this podcast I'm not sure where that allegation is coming from I didn't see any embedded endorsements or anything of that sort I don't know if she's implying that she made $60,000 off of AD Revenue which is kind of crazy but she said that she had known if she had known that camil was going
to name the podcast the worst mom on Tik Tok she would have never sat down for the podcast she says because I'm not the world's worst mom and I'm telling you like there were times during that podcast that I wanted to quit doing it because it got so hard on me and I didn't I just said you know what you got to swallow it you got to say what you got to say so I did there were questions asked that I didn't feel comfortable with but I still answered it and like I told her and
I don't know if she put it in the podcast but I'm always going to be the villain in everybody's story I could sit here and go to church every day every Sunday give my life to God 100% and you will still see me the same way you see me right now a bad mom alcoholic whatever you want to call me fat ugly whatever y'all are still going to see me in that way even if I change my life and if you don't like me for who I am then I can't change that about you because
I probably don't like you anyways Ashley is very upset with Camille but also with her viewers she says so for those of youall that call CPS on me remember she's not in my custody right now why do you think she does live with me right now y'all are going to get my parents in trouble so when y'all want to call CPS y'all think about that it's not me getting in trouble it's my parents do y'all think I only fight battles on Tik Tok I I fight them personally every day as much as it hurts me
cuz I wish my baby lived with me it's just not good right now and that's our decision okay she also says and the irony just whooshes straight over her head she says but again Camille and the Bob house they do stuff for views you got to remember that she's an influencer she does stuff for the views because she gets paid off the views she also says that she should have asked camil for payment had she known that she was going to get that deep into it it appears that the podcast made the girls very upset
with their mother to which she goes on live to talk about it Ashley has sad music playing in the background and says no one said it would ever be easy being a mom right now is the time I wish their dad was alive and I know she acts out because he's not here no more and she hasn't cope with her dad gone so I know it still hurts her cuz she cried for him last night my mom told me she didn't get to tell him by he passed away when she wasn't there she's trying to
imply that her kids acting out against her and blocking her on Tik Tok is because they're upset that their father passed away so they're acting out in general and it has nothing to do with her being a mom there is some back and forth between Ashley and Camille which I don't think is significant compared to all of the types of people that Ashley has been dating and I think that Ashley lore could go on for four more episodes but I won't subject you to that but there has been back and forth of camil not purchasing
beds for the kids yet Ashley claims Camille is a liar she's not purchasing the beds camil is claiming I told you to send me the beds and you haven't send me the ones that they wanted so like what do you want me to do camil also states that Ashley requested to stay a night longer and charged over $1,000 at the Ritz Carlton to camil's credit card Ashley says no I have the credit card state statements it charged my card and then Camille is saying because I told you I would pay you back like I'm not
going to give you my credit card so I'm reimbursing you it's the whole thing most netizens are supporting camil others think that Camille should not have invited Ashley's daughters to the infamous Bop house a house known to be an a place where of creators collaborate and make content some netizens comment camil needs to take responsibility she is the one that invited the miners to the Bop house just to humiliate their situation more and bring up Old Wounds I would be uncomfortable too others bring up camil's past podcast with her brother saying she's not that great
of a person either but I I don't really know another one reads camil humiliated all of them she may have said all those things just to get back at Ash but those kids didn't need to be there so netizens are just kind of confused on how bad of a mom can still have a platform and keep making more accounts and more than that still have people donating mhm that doesn't make sense none of it makes sense feel like this is like a new age now you know like you someone can actually air out all of
these laies 247 and you can peek into someone's life like this and just like oh my God this is actually happening it's terrifying yeah yeah these Tik Tok live streams are so scary and people are saying that it might um I will say that a lot of people are treating the situation as a he haha L cow in Internet situation thing to the point where when I briefly heard about some of the things Ashley trino did I thought it was going to be on our Mod's Channel cuz it seemed like people were just making fun
of her making rap songs like my no-o does it stink does it smell stuff like that but it's really serious and one comment that highlights that is all the CPS cases for Gabriel Fernandez were closed let that sink in that means absolutely nothing can you imagine the horror stories these girls have since they were little and with that that is today's episode what are your thoughts on ash trino I know that I wasn't able to encapsulate all of the things that she's done cuz she's on live practically every day and she's probably on live right
now but what are your thoughts what do you think should happen to her let me know in the comments stay safe and I will see you in the next one [Music]
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