Your Victory is Near | God Says | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message | God Say

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God's Message Now
Your Victory is Near | God Says | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message | God Say ▬▬▬...
Video Transcript:
my beloved child do not ignore my voice as it lovingly reassures you do not fear I am with you you are not alone you will prevail even though it seems everything is against you your Victory is near don't close this video don't leave this page this isn't just coincidence if you're hearing this message it's because your time has come I'm ready to reveal something Supernatural to you deep down your soul knows it your spirit senses it you are on the verge of experiencing a powerful and extraordinary Miracle with simple and genuine faith I can perform
miracles in your life this is something I urge you to listen to understand Embrace and accept with love I know you're in a tough spot but take it easy because I'm already working in your favor you might feel confused the noise in your mind might drown out the gentle voice of my Holy Spirit don't block your ears don't let the frustration from your mistakes overwhelm you don't be harsh on yourself forgive yourself I know you once felt strong but now you feel your strength fading I know you're tired you feel weak but my power is
made perfect in your weakness now I want you to stand up confront this situation boldly and pay close attention to what I am about to say do not fear those who lurk in the shadows with cowardly intentions let these words rekindle the flame of my love in your heart you will learn to face challenges and tough situations you will climb walls defeat armies and stand strong in battle like a mighty warrior do not be disturbed by those those who gossip and accuse you nor by the storms that appear on the horizon I am your God
and I am with you I am your father and my deepest desire is to protect you like a precious child you are shielded by my arm and no problem or enemy is too great for I will grant you Victory you will succeed for I am the master of gold and silver the provider of your needs I lift up the humble and righteous but I bring down the deceitful and abusive who threaten my flock victory is yours I am your source of strength run to me in the midst of the storm I am your rock of
Salvation your Refuge your God do not think that this situation will end your happiness or steal the success that awaits you you have devoted yourself to your family and approached me with your faith ignited feel it your heart leaps with joy my power is already working miracles in your life because of your faithfulness and your active genuine Faith do not worry you have taken the step and I am here for you you have called out and I am answering I will grant you many more years filled with wisdom and you will use them to spread
my light to those still in darkness know that when you pray I listen wait in your heart for my response give me the chance to change your outlook and accept my truth I am your path your life your strength in my word there is power I want you to grasp what I'm telling you when you hear my voice and nourish yourself with these words of love I am the answer to your problems in my hands I hold the key to your Liberation today I bestow upon you the Breath of Life that ends your despair Forever
This Sacred Love lights up every part of your being wiping away your past and the mistakes that have caused you pain I have transformed your heart you are never alone Not For a Moment have I left your side now I want you to see these conflicts for what they truly are steps on your path to maturity and success I won't let you fall back keep keep your eyes on me for good things are ahead I've given you a new life so don't return to your old ways of isolation fear or the times before you knew
me you will overcome your enemies and those terrible feelings of hopelessness and loneliness will no longer trouble you always remember I'm with you you can handle any challenge you will be so courageous that you will climb mountains no matter their height you will master your emotions and even in the toughest times you will stay calm and composed never losing your cool in the face of adversity rest now and remember that I never leave or forget any of my children because their names are inscribed on my heart my promise to you was sealed with my great
sacrifice never forget it I love you eternally in this beautiful moment as I speak and you listen feel my immense love for you I show you my Supernatural affection and assure you that I am always with you day or night whether things are going well or not I am here safeguarding you sending Provisions in perfect timing with beautiful details breathing my Divine breath into your life filling you with peace even amidst your struggles wherever you are you can find me this moment when you call out and I respond is just as important to me I
send you the morning sun the dawn's Breeze my love wraps you in Divine warmth giving you the strength to walk confidently to transform your path of pain into a path of prosperity so you believe in my eternal pledge that nothing and no one will ever snatch you from my hand I'm aware of the hardships you faced I know your present and your past today stand firm in my promises recognizing that I have kept you upright and you're alive you have a future and a destiny because you are mine do not let your experiences and feelings
pull you away from me today I have chosen to speak to confirm my presence in your life and all the promises that will lead you to Lush pastures and calm Waters of peace let every doubt be removed from your heart do not let fear and worry creep back in I am bringing changes to your home your future your character your dreams and your plans trust in me and let me work in your life let me be your guide and show you New Paths come without fear approach with full confidence I want to lift your burdens
and wash away away every negative emotion that drains your life stop struggling alone stop fighting with your own strength dive into the river of my spirit and rest in peace give me your hand nothing bad will happen to you even if today you find yourself deep in your troubles I will rescue you and lift you up you won't be defeated no one will see you fall I'll ensure you're safe and I will save you from those who come against you I want your life to overflow with joy and love so evident that everyone can see
it Embrace everything your heart desires and let the world see that you are my cherished child allow me the joy of bringing you out of the darkness you're in and guiding you onto Paths of Peace away from the Sorrows of this world remember if I'm reminding you of my promises today it's because of my love for you I want the best for you choose to change the things that bring you down my paths will lead you on a journey specially prepared to restore what you've lost remember I gave my life on the cross for you
and rose again with power to show the world my greatness and that nothing is impossible for me avoid those who lead you astray and wish to harm you they want to see you lose the blessings I have for you they want you defeated without peace or purpose but with me they can't make you stumble because I am with you caring for you and giving you my love forever once you commit to following me with certainty and determination nothing can separate you from my presence your past mistakes won't matter in your new life because I have
forgiven you you have nothing to be ashamed of Don't Look Back to what I have already forgotten live a new present without fear of moving forward I invite you to pray every morning to bless your day if you ever feel weak or scared I'll be there to renew your faith strength and hope when you face problems tell me what's happening I'll help you find Solutions and show you the path forward my love for you is endless right now you can feel it I destroy all works of evil every illness pain and chain of misery and
poverty with my power I'm here to help with everything you need you will prosper it is my will that all good things that come into your hands be multiplied and blessed believe in me fully also believe in my forgiveness if you seek complete blessings ignore the accusations ignore criticisms and slander don't let the the envious words of others ruin your promising future instead of being filled with fear and anxiety feel my hand on your heart be filled with joy peace hope faith and confidence I will bring joy into your life and put songs of praise
on your lips your life will be different your blessing is from heaven and abundance will flow to your home you will be free from Every Chain of debt and mistakes that harm your finances it might seem like you're going through tough times but listen to me believe my words and now look around with the eyes of faith my dear child be aware of the open doors and opportunities that come your way value and treat well those you encounter on your journey I bring many special people into your life to assist you just as I do
be kind be considerate treat everyone with respect because I plan to bless you and use you in ways you can't yet imagine in tough times you will rise you will shine with the power of my light and you will be a witness to others let me share a secret many of my children hear these words but not all truly believe some choose not to accept what I offer they come up with excuses preferring to believe those who would keep them Bound in misery and sin in pain and sadness and they reject my blessings my words
my promises but I urge you to trust me more it's better that you do don't waste your time doubting don't miss out on the blessings I place directly into your hands yet I know you're different I've seen it many times you believe in me and I love you deeply for it receive my blessings now as you read these words feel my presence sense my love filling you up feel the Embrace I offer you bringing you strength tenderness and Supernatural peace stop worrying stop tormenting yourself I have matters well in hand and I will take care
of them rest trust believe in me with the innocence of a child and never doubt what I am about to do in your life I will transform your life I will dispel your loneliness I will heal your soul wiping away forever the scars of past pains that still bleed and prevent you from receiving all the blessings I have for you my daughter my son recognized the worth I assigned to you on the cross I shed my blood so you could be free from the bondage of sin and on that cross I nailed the record of
your errors so that your past no longer haunts your mind or steals your peace you are incredibly precious to me your value is beyond what words can describe but if you listen carefully you will hear my Divine voice wherever you are whether it's day or night in your dreams as you walk during your daily chores at home while you rest or even in the midst of your busiest days at work I will communicate with you beyond words in a supernatural way I will make you feel the love I have for you and help you understand
your significance to me everything I am doing in your life is to make you understand and feel how deeply I have loved you how I will continue to move Heaven and Earth to fulfill letter by letter the purpose I have designed for you you are unique and special my angels protect you and keep you from stumbling your enemy fears your prayers evil forces Retreat when you praise me the gratitude that flows from your heart is not only a powerful weapon but also an instrument of worship The Melody of your praise reaches my throne in heaven
I've endowed you with authority your presence shines when you confront your challenges with faith and confidence you are strong and courageous your troubles dissipate with each new morning if only you understood the value the power the supernatural gift I have given you how much I have loved you from the beginning of time I know you are starting to feel it gradually you are realizing and just as I love you you will also love your family and everyone around you this holy affection flows this Divine love pours over you like a Cascade of Living Water and
if you want to receive more share it treat others with love you will see how your life continues to fill with immense Joy I bless you with love and power I bless your character everything you possess and the place you call home surrounding it with blessings before you start your day take a moment to come and receive my blessing I know you need it and I give it to you with joy head out full of strength wisdom and intelligence with a heart brimming with joy standing firm in my word and your faith so that nothing
and no one can shake you I bless your comings and goings I watch over you as you walk and my angels surround you protecting you from dangers and threats there's a lot you can't see with your natural eyes but don't worry worry don't get distracted keep your eyes on the goals you've set think carefully about my words your life can change and my power can transform everything in your home from today refuse to tolerate nonsense arrogance lies and slander things that you know offend me don't pollute your mind with things that weaken your faith or
fill it with harmful ideas that bring no good I enrich your character I drench you with the oil of Joy I bless your morning prayers and your thankful Spirit I'm preparing new blessings for you you don't need to chase them they will come in my perfect timing focus on what truly matters so you'll be even more blessed put me first in your life love me with all your mind and heart value yourself highly you are not a product of chance you are my child I want you to represent me wherever you go treat everyone kindly
speak to them with love and patience as if I were speaking through you but most importantly love and take care of your family try to understand them pray with them and if they don't yet know me tell them about who I am talk about my death on the cross and my resurrection speak boldly about the Miracles I've done in your life as as you share I bless you you love me and I see your effort to seek me more and more for this I will bless you I don't dwell on your past or the times
you failed or succeeded I want your heart as you come today convinced that you need me and that you can't go on carrying burdens that drag your soul down into despair I seek your repentance it's time to change direction and not look back right now I lift you up I offer my hand to lead you on a good path in Freedom on the horizon the light of my truth shines I am waiting for you with open arms to envelop you with my grace to forgive your mistakes and to offer you a new and Grand opportunity
I want you to live in my love to renew your health and strength I want you to decide to stay in this word which will give you emotional stability and the fortitude to face the coming years remember this moment etch into your heart the day and the hour you receive this message the overwhelming emotion marking the start of a new chapter in your life today marks the beginning of a life filled with Miracles and wonders all written by the power of my blood and sealed by my resurrection you will uncover new dreams and reconnect with
my eternal purpose for you doors are opening and the destiny I have planned for your family and for you will unfold despite the current challenges in your home I'm actively working in their hearts shaping each one as a Potter molds clay even those around you who Heir today can be transformed your character the way you speak your outlook on the future your spiritual maturity your entire being will be renewed tomorrow you'll awaken with thoughts of me and a heart brimming with excitement you'll focus on the victories I grant you today and leave behind the failures
and defeats of the past you will treat others with patience and kindness speaking gently without raising your voice or causing pain with harsh words Joy Harmony and peace will flourish in your home but I urge you to entrust your concerns and worries to me do not let anxiety overwhelm you or anger rob you of the happiness you long for today I instill in you the faith and resolve to overcome any symptoms of illness and to eagerly anticipate your healing Follow The Sound Advice of the doctors I have placed in your path I will guide them
to use their knowledge wisely and health will return to your body I will perform the miracle you seek in my perfect timing but for now do your part immerse yourself in these promises listen to my words and remain diligent in your faith every day take up the task of sharing these words with those who need them bless as many as you can even amid your own struggles extend your hand to help bless and support decide to do so now as you show mercy and assist others you will witness my powerful Glory revealed before your very
eyes welcome to a new spiritual level prepare for a supernatural life for miracles you've never seen or heard which will manifest in you and your family you will receive provision and abundance your home will overflow with blessings there will be no place for misery disease will not enter your home nor will tragedy strike at your door give me your heart my son my daughter always remember this your life your total commitment your unwavering loyalty your dedication to believe in me and follow me to the end to act with Mercy to practice Justice to approach my
presence with humility as you are doing now now I wait for you come let us talk again again tomorrow call out to me in faith for miracles and wonders you've yet to experience I will reveal them to you you aren't just imagining this these words you hear confirming many things are also a significant miracle today I've instilled in your heart the certainty that you are not to be despised or abandoned feel it again I love you you are immensely important and valuable to me do not disregard my voice do not leave this page or close
this video because I have something very important to tell you today something you need to know I am speaking directly to you your soul knows it your spirit feels it the emotion enveloping you confirms that this is no coincidence you are hearing these words because I love you and I know precisely what your heart needs I urge you to listen understand accept and embrace what I am telling you do not fret about the challenges you currently face for I have inscribed my purposes in your soul though you cannot fully explain it I have instilled within
you the knowledge of your actions and your path heed this word that will guide you every morning and enhance your intelligence it will help you use your wisdom and bolster your confidence even further I'm making you strong this is what you asked for now accept it receive it you were once weak today you're brave and tomorrow you will be a conqueror my dear child victory is yours you just need to follow my words Faithfully stand up and put in the effort Act Like A Champion move forward like a Victorious Warrior do not fear the barking
dogs do not be scared of enemies working in the shadows who is with you who loves you your heavenly father this is all you need to know to March towards your Victory without fear or hesitation I will guide you be your Shepherd and your source of strength When Storms approach run to me you will have nothing to fear I light this spark in your heart because you have much life ahead of you you have lost life and health but I will restore them to you I will extend your days with wisdom and you will use
your years to help others and spread my light to those walking in darkness you will plant wise words in your family you will speak of me share your testimony and tell the world that there is a miracle waiting for anyone who asks of me these words reignite the flame of my love love in your heart stop worrying today you will receive surprising news great and good opportunities but remember there will also be obstacles to overcome and situations to face therefore you must learn to trust because behind apparent problems hides the greatest blessing you can imagine
I am your father I have plans of prosperity for you stop complaining and do not let anyone fill your mind with negativity give me the chance to change how you think when you pray know that I'm listening to everything you tell me wait for my response in your heart I want you to understand that when you hear my voice and nourish yourself with these words I write with love I have the power to cleanse all impurity from your soul making your spirit new radiant and res resilient like a diamond this Divine love illuminates every part
of your life erasing the mistakes of your past that have tormented you clear your mind of negative thoughts I give you strength and the power to overcome all the problems that are weighing you down you are never alone I never abandon you not even for a moment recognize your difficulties for what they truly are steps on your path to Victory [Music] I will not let you go back to your past to your loneliness to your fears to those days without me you will overcome all your enemies and they will no longer trouble you painful feelings
of Despair and loneliness will fade away feel it your heart leaps for Joy my power is already working miracles in your life because of your faith steeped in my wisdom and grounded in my word a faith that no one can shatter so now you will conquer any adversity you will be courageous you will climb the highest mountains before you you will master your emotions your soul will remain calm even in the toughest situations you will not lose your drive or motivation speak with patience and love Proclaim my word talk about the Miracles I perform in
your life so that everyone around you understands that I am a god of love a faithful father who Forgives I do not forsake my children or forget any of them because their names are engraved in my heart my Covenant with you was sealed with a great sacrifice now it is time to rise up my dear Child live life fully go out there and Conquer your worries embrace your blessings I want you to personally witness the love I have for you a love that grows stronger with each passing moment my promises are steadfast my word always
comes to fruition those blessings you've eagerly awaited are almost within your grasp I am faithful I have heard your prayers and I see your steadfastness standing strong in your faith grateful amidst life's challenges I assure you the blessing you've been waiting for is on its way soon it will be placed in your hands and all your anxiety will melt away your distress and worry will disappear forever you've trusted in my word and from the moment I heard your desperate cries I set in motion the answer your heart yearns for many grow impatient expecting immediate answers
but I am thoughtful in my responses I prepare you first cultivating wisdom and Readiness so that the blessing I give enhances your life rather than becoming a burden often you ask for what you think you need but I provide much more considering your future and your family ensuring that my blessings bring joy and peace I have made a covenant with you inscribe my laws in your heart and mind and I have forgiven your sins choosing to remember them no more I remind you that in my presence there is Solace and at my altar there is
healing and endless strength for those who faithfully and patiently await my promise banish bitter complaints from your heart and cast out doubt from your mind do not heed those who mock your faith if weariness and anxiety revisit you simply call out to me and I will endow you with perseverance and patience stabilizing your emotions I will grant you the wisdom to hold your tongue preventing words that could offend I shower blessings upon you with all the love and tenderness a parent shows a child be thankful and never approach me with arrogance or demand while many
disrespect me I remain patient lovingly waiting for them to return for it is a dreadful fate for anyone who harms one of my little ones I understand your frustration when things don't go as planned you pray and though I answer challenges and adversaries arise obstacles appear and it seems my response is delayed but I will open your spiritual eyes to see that your blessing is nearer than you think merely obscured by temporary obstacles step forward boldly discarding any doubts or fears that hold you back if you desire blessings you must be willing to endure trials
I want to see courage in your heart and your response when expectations aren't met immediately will you still wait joyfully without complaint or will bitterness take root causing you to squander your efforts as others might I call on you to be strong to love me with all your heart and with all the strength of your mind my dear child even if my responses are delayed and you must wait I want you to show that unbreakable Spirit I've placed within you I want to see your character strong and precious more valuable than diamonds show your loyalty
to me don't betray your beliefs or compromise your integrity for short-term gains do not resort to dishonesty do not steal or lie to escape troubles or to quickly resolve your problems true victory in the spiritual realm are won this way and your long- awaited blessing will indeed come wait with faith do not let doubt halt your patience ignore the foolish do not seek advice from those who do not believe from scoffers remember these words hold them close to your heart with love I am faithful and I ask for your loyalty in return return here every
morning morning fill yourself with words that strengthen your faith and bring you peace do not be afraid I love you your blessing is near open your arms wide and be ready to receive your blessing your answer is just at the door pay attention to this message my words are meant to reach deep into your heart let them take root in your soul and you shall feel my heavenly rain falling upon you today I see that your heart is troubled and heavy talk to me so I can help you sort through the issues that disrupt your
peace don't rush into decisions or act impulsively Let My Words and wisdom guide you toward choices that bring peace allowing sadness and anger to control your actions leads only to poor outcomes in this moment I bring you a message of blessing your wait is over help is on the way you have remained faithful during times of little so now I will give you much I have seen your faithfulness during times of scarcity I've watched as you believed even while tears streak your face I will provide the healing you seek I'm your provider your lord your
father feed on my words dive into my scriptures there you will find the answers you seek the advice you need it costs nothing to spend a few moments each day reading my word remember where there's a will there's a time don't look for me only in moments of trouble or during trials seek me when things are going well you cannot imagine how much it Delights me to hear from you and each morning you spend a few moments to talk about your dreams or your day I am patient I will wait for you as long as
it takes always here for you with open arms every time you come to me sincerely repentant I'll be here to embrace you just believe I know you're tired and burdened by your current trials so receive this Divine encouragement I send from Heaven A Heavenly support to strengthen your character trust that I will listen to whatever you need to share I'll take that burden off your shoulders lighten your load and give you the rest you seek you will rise again but this time you will do so holding my hand continue on the path I've laid out
for you a path of blessing that will lift you to a new spiritual level we share a special relationship one of a father and child you you can come to me anytime you need advice or help even if you've stumbled and the path seems dim come confidently I won't be angered by your past actions the best thing you can do after a fall is to talk with me and return to my ways I will restore you I will purify you like crystal clear water my beloved child whenever you falter pray to me with genuine repentance
and know that I will listen for I am always attuned to the prayers of the penitent I do not turn away those who come to me seeking forgiveness especially those who are sincere and desire a true change in their lives present your troubles to me and let me uplift and restore you if you place everything in my powerful hands I can assist and transform you and your circumstances give me a chance to change your life and start a new in my love I want to heal you and mend what hurts trust me when I say
I will not disappoint you soon you will Express gratitude and your family will become a fountain of peace I will protect them with My Precious Blood my angels will watch over their comings and goings just tell me you believe I will fight your battles in my hands your Victory is certain your Triumph guaranteed get ready to act on those plans you've been thinking about and be prepared to receive the promises found in my holy scriptures your fight is already won for I battle alongside you as a mighty giant the enemy who tried to Rise Against
you to accuse and Destroy You has failed no one will accuse you or raise a hand against you you need not flee or hide remember you are with me and I am beholden to No One my will prevails in the lives of my children come closer to me do not get caught up in the world's Strife where peace is rare and forgiveness is scarce find shelter under my wings let me Shield you from the dangers that lurk you are on the right path I am preparing you for great blessings though the process may be painful
the reward will be immense look up to the sky and never doubt my power for I am actively working in your life to bring about the change you've long awaited I love you do not drift away from me with love your father come closer let me take on your burdens you are carrying too much you don't need to continue alone I am here waiting for you to come and trust me with all that weighs you you down I am here with you ready to assist with all your needs no matter how daunting your problems may
seem or how challenging the situation may be I can provide Solutions and lighten your load you no longer need to worry about the future or things beyond your control trust in me and let me lead your life let me take control for I've seen your struggles and concerns I know how they overwhelm and exhaust you that's why I want you to understand that you are not alone I am with you at every moment nothing can separate you from my love or my protection for no matter how insurmountable your problems may seem remember nothing is impossible
for me I am here to help you I don't want you to give up on your dreams or abandon your goals because of the Bur burdens you carry you don't need to worry about anything for I am with you I will assist you I promise that I will never leave you alone on this journey I will always be by your side when you need me helping you to overcome any obstacle you can rely on my love and mercy at all times remember you are my child and you mean the world to me please do not
feel embarrassed or afraid to come to me and entrust me with your problems I am here to listen and help no matter how small or large the issue may be I assure you I will support you in everything do not forget I am your strength and your rock you can trust me at all times I will always lead you on the right path and give you the strength you need to overcome any challenge I urge you not to lose heart trust in me and my unwavering love for you if you do you will find Comfort
joy peace and calmness I will always be right there beside you lightening your burdens you will never be left alone whenever you stumble I will pick you up because my love for you is deep unconditional and everlasting now is the time to give all your worries and burdens to me let me carry them let my love surround you and bring you the peace and Tranquility you desperate ly need don't worry about how I will solve your problems for I have already arranged everything my plans for you include well-being blessings and prosperity all you need to
do is trust me and follow my lead I will guide you on the right path and bring you to the places you need to be just believe in my love and have faith in my strength for that is all you need to be happy I promise you will never be abandoned and I will always be with you holding you in my arms and protecting you from all harm let me reassure you once more my child hand over all your concerns to me and let me carry your burdens I will look after you if you do
this now you will not regret it I will do something great and marvelous in your life because I love you and you are precious and important to me remember I am always here for you my son my daughter the future I have planned for you is filled with blessings victories and prosperity you may be anxious about what lies ahead feeling unprepared for the challenges that may come but I am here to comfort you with my love and to calm your anxieties you may not see me but I am here working in your favor with infinite
power I am creat a Wellspring of Living Water to quench your soul providing the peace and strength you need you were not meant to suffer or live in distress let my transformative love fill you and show you the way out of your troubles just believe in me and you will see how I can calm the fiercest storms in your life remember I am the god of the impossible the one who fills your life with good things and rescues you from evil who blesses you abundantly every day I am your lord your provider and I look
upon you with eyes of love despite your mistakes and faults I am your Shepherd guiding you along paths of righteousness where you can walk safely even though you walk through dark and challenging places you need not fear any evil for I am with you trust me completely my child I will strengthen you in your weakness lift you up in adversity and support you through the storms do not fear for in me you will find strength and the comfort you need I am your Solid Rock your protector and your salvation trust in my love and this
promise and you will see that with me by your side you can cross the deepest valleys and climb the highest mountains listen to my voice and cling to This Promise ignore the enemy's voice do not listen to his lies or fall for his traps he aims to lead you into fear and confusion to keep you from seeking my light be strong and courageous and remember my words you are my child my Valiant Warrior Victorious and brave I will cause Springs of Living Water to flow from you refreshing you in the dry Wilderness these Springs will
quench your thirst and protect you from the heat as you travel through difficult terrains my dear child dismiss any doubts Proclaim my word and you will receive healing provision and protection remember there are many blessings in heaven that I am eager to pour out on you just believe and everything you ask in my name will be granted nothing is impossible for me so do not fear the enemy's attempts to block your path with false barriers do not be afraid or discouraged when facing his lies maintain a Fearless stance stand firm in your faith and move
forward with the assurance that I am by your side I grant you the power to tear down strongholds and to overcome any evil force that comes against you my child tonight close your eyes and let me wrap you in my arms of love listen to my voice telling you that I love you that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you and that you are more than a conqueror through him don't listen to the world or the lies of the adversary believe in my words believe in my promises you will see your sadness
turn into Joy your tears into laughter and your scarcity into abundance believe wholeheartedly my child and watch as everything I tell you today unfolds into reality it's time to stop underestimating yourself and feeling guilty for past sins I have already forgiven I am a god of Mercy love and forgiveness you are not bound to the Past stop tormenting yourself do not let others make you feel worthless or without opportunity I died for you I shed my blood so that you can live in for forgiveness and with dignity you are not defined by what others say
you are defined by my word you are my child my warrior my most precious treasure do not be swayed by Voices That condemn you or wish you harm you were created to overcome battles and achieve victories I have chosen you to be blessed and to live abundantly today I grant you victory over every Affliction in your life over illness poverty and lack I give you power and authority to break every evil Endeavor stand up and shine with the light of my love remember you are my perfect creation made with love and Precision in every detail
you are a Victor a conqueror an heir to my eternal Kingdom walk confidently knowing I am with you and that your destiny is secure in my hands I assure you that today will be a great day a unique and special day filled with challenges and emotions trust in me and be confident in yourself because with me by your side you can achieve all that you set out to do remember my strength and my love are always with you you are never alone before you start your day put all your trust in me for I have
a wonderful plan for you do not fear the challenges that may come your way do not be in intimidated by the tests or trials because I will be there to help you overcome them keep moving forward with faith and determination I urge you to be brave to be kind and to be generous to those around you share a bit of my love and light with the world there will always be someone who needs a smile a kind word or a gesture of compassion do not give up in the face of difficulties do not not succumb
to the deceptive desires of this world focus on me and I will give you the strength and wisdom needed to conquer even the greatest obstacles trust in my plan and move forward with faith for I will always be with you in every step you take in every challenge you face remember that my love for you is steadfast in times of storm and uncertainty hold my hand tightly and let my peace fill your heart do do not fear the unknown for I know every detail of your life and have a perfect purpose for you as you
navigate this day filled with opportunities and challenges keep your eyes on me and my love that propels you forward do not let fear or doubt paralyze you in your weakness my power is made perfect trust in every step you take in every decision you make I'm working for your good and to manif EST my glory in your life remember that you are loved unconditionally that your value is immeasurable in my eyes nothing compares to the beauty of your heart stand up with courage knowing you are never alone I am your guide your protector and your
strength trust in my promise to be with you always to support and strengthen you through every Challenge and difficulty you face remember you are my child unique and wonderful with a special purpose in this life keep moving forward don't stop live today to the fullest for I am opening doors of blessing and opportunity for you to seize my desire for you is blessings peace and prosperity so don't be afraid of the challenges that might come your way don't shy away away from the tests you need to pass and don't be intimidated by approaching difficulties every
obstacle presents a chance to grow a lesson to learn and new strength to discover within yourself trust in your power your courage and your ability to overcome any adversity remember you are my most precious creation my perfect Masterpiece I have filled you with my love and wisdom so you can shine brightly in this often hopeless World shine my child for you are a being of light a reflection of my unconditional love on Earth let that light illuminate every dark corner you Encounter With Every Act of love with every encouraging word plant seeds of hope that
can transform the world around you be compassionate kind and generous go ahead today will be a wonderful day filled with chances to grow to love and to shine with the light of my presence a day where you will realize your true potential which will help you overcome any obstacle with my grace and favor always remember you are not alone in this journey my love follows you in every step you take every decision you make and every dream you pursue I will always hold you close wrapping you in my healing light Whispering words of encouragement and
strength so move forward with determination toward your goals and the Fulfillment of your dreams secure in the knowledge that my love surrounds you and my grace upholds you do not fear the unknown do not dread trials I will be your Shield your rock the strength and encouragement that lifts you up today those who wish to see you humbled will themselves be ashamed my children are my most precious Creations I care for them and never leave them alone I see that Envy surrounds you there are people who wish to see you fail but fear not for
with my powerful hand I will bring justice leave your anger with me do not give your adversaries the attention they they seek I do not Heir I know exactly what I am doing and everything I do has a Divine Purpose I'm changing everything around you stay away from the envious and Bad Company many claim to be friends but abandon you without hesitation I will never leave your side and you will soon overcome the trials you face I will grant you Eternal victory each challenge will make you wiser and more cautious each test will strengthen and
renew you defeat is not in your vocabulary when I am with you no one can stop you so believe me when I say that things will get better trust that my will shall be done do not be discouraged by what happens around you I have already told you that I will transform your surroundings change your circle of friends and bring into your life people who will bless you not curse you those who wish to see you fall and do you harm will have to watch as I Prosper you they will see how I lift you
from the Shadows just seek me in prayer and keep communicating with me Tell Me Your Troubles what happens in your daily life and I will give you the wisdom to respond to every situation let me wrap you in my arms of love and provide the affection you're searching for I will free you from your fears and break the chains of fear that haunt your mind you will achieve Victory says your heavenly father you already know that I am your God your friend someone to rely on when all doors seem closed I am your creator your
Sovereign your Shepherd leading you to rest in green and Peaceful Pastures do not not give up continue to believe in my word continue to trust in my promises I will give you the peace your soul craves heal the pain you bear within you I rekindle new dreams Reviving hopes you had let go of I am fixing things turning the winds in your favor I command you to be strong and courageous for ahead lie challenges interwoven with blessings I will remove obstacles blocking your success clearing the path I've set for you just promise me you won't
give up that despite the difficulties you will persevere I have given you a spirit of resilience not of timidity for only the steadfast will receive my blessings I urge you to trust for everything is in my powerful hands nothing escapes my control I will send my angels to protect every step you take guard guarding your rest and shielding your loved ones the injustices that have caused you pain will end now the doors that were once closed to you are opening this very moment opportunities previously denied are now yours those who overlooked your efforts will see
your true potential bear no ill will towards those who have made your journey difficult rather pray for them they will see that you are set apart that you are different a living proof of my Supernatural power at work in the hearts of my children so keep trusting keep believing in my actions what you have lost will be returned to you manyfold what was stolen will be restored doubly enriched I will bring Justice showing through actions that your tears were not in vain instead of resentment I will bring peace where there was hatred I will plant
love where Envy dwell friendship will flourish all this will happen through my pure and unconditional love your Victory is near move forward with confidence to claim the Crown of Life remember the adversary will try to see you fall but do not waver do not give into temptation continue to trust in my words today and never deviate from the path I have laid out for you do not give your critics any satisfaction do not succumb to the provocations of the envious focus on my word focus on me the author and finisher of your faith you will
see the blessings on your efforts and all your deeds will be rewarded both in heaven and on Earth do you believe I love you Let My Words transform your life and heal your soul today I want to reach you with these words so you clearly understand how much I love you I know there have been times you've wondered if I am really with you if I hear you and if I care about what happens to you know that I deeply care about every aspect of your life in both good times and challenges I have always
been and will always be there for you from the moment you were born I have been by your side since the beginning of time I have loved all my creation without exception my love for you is infinite boundless and unconditional it transcends your actions and surpasses anything you can imagine so even if you've drifted away from me many times remember that I'm always waiting for you with open arms my love for you is so vast that I'll never judge or condemn you instead I'll welcome you with love love and forgiveness since the day you were
born I have been by your side guiding and protecting you even in moments of fear or loneliness I've been there to comfort you and give you strength in times of joy and celebration I've been right there rejoicing with you through every moment of your life I have loved and cared for you even when you might not have noticed even if you sometimes feel unworthy worth y of my love know that there's nothing you can do to make me stop loving you my love is unconditional and everlasting nothing can change that I want you to experience
my love in every aspect of your life in all that you do and Achieve I want you to understand that you are valuable unique and special every experience every challenge you faced and every success you've achieved has been part of my perfect plan for you from the moment I created you I gifted you with unique talents and abilities there's no one else in the world like you even in your darkest times when it felt like everything was against you I was right there with you illuminating your path with my word I know it wasn't always
easy to see but I never left you not even for a moment it was my love that provided you the strength to endure through the storms so I want you to stop thinking that my love for you is based on your mistakes or failures my love is bigger than any mistake you could ever make I ask only that you believe in my love so that you can fully experience the benefits of my grace and forgiveness remember I am always with you watching over every step you take every morning and every evening and every laugh and
every tear here I am there supporting you today I encourage you to trust in my eternal love to step forward knowing that I will always be there for you do not forget that you are loved beyond measure trust in my plan for your life and let my love transform you in ways you never imagined may my love fill you with peace hope and joy and let you rest assured that I am always with you loving you without conditions with me by your side no problem storm or circumstance can defeat you my deepest desire is for
you to live every day in the fullness of my love remember with every step you take every dream you chase and every challenge you face I am your strength and guide with me there's no obstacle you cannot overcome as you navigate through life know that you are never alone I am always here for you with open arms and a Heart full of forgiveness move forward with confidence knowing I have wonderful plans for you plans to prosper you and give you a life filled with joy and purpose walk in the certainty that my love will provide
you with a future full of Hope and incredible happiness I desire to make you a happy joyful and blessed person beloved Son beloved daughter today I speak directly to your heart with words of love I wish for my voice to reach deep into your soul please do not ignore my call listen to me and accept the message of Faith and Hope I have for you a message that brings healing peace and restoration to your soul today know that I have always been with you observing your highs and lows your struggles and victories I have seen
each step you take carrying the heavy burdens that weigh on you I have never been indifferent to what happens in your life I've always desired the best for you even when you've turned away from me understand that my intentions for you are always good and perfect that's why I am here today asking you to let me into your life don't resist my presence open your heart to me allow me to be the Refuge you seek when life becomes too much no matter how long you've been away or how much you've doubted my love for you
remains unchanged I am here patiently waiting knocking at the door of your heart please open up and let me into your life my greatest desire is to be your constant companion companion your guide through dark times and your source of joy and happiness let me fill you with love peace and contentment I want to heal your heart and mend the wounds of your soul but you must open your heart to me stop chasing the fleeting joys of this world stop ignoring me and delaying our meeting give me a chance to enter your heart so you
can experience the fullness of my love and grace let my presence trans form your life heal your deepest wounds and Grant you the peace you need in the midst of turmoil son-daughter you don't need to carry your worries Alone come to me when you're overwhelmed Give Me Your Troubles when You Face difficult decisions seek my guidance I am here to listen day and night ready to offer forgiveness and love remember you are valued and loved don't let guilt or regret convince you otherwise my Mercy is infinite and my grace is ever ready to embrace you
so my child pause for a moment and reflect do not be afraid to open your heart to me for what lies ahead is for your good not harm I understand life can be daunting and challenges might seem too great but never forget I am always by your side I won't let you drown or let go of your hand During trials and struggles I will guide you towards Paths of joy happiness and prosperity just give me a chance in your life and let me be a part of every aspect of it do not Overlook my words
my son my daughter do not attempt to fill your emptiness with fleeting things as they lead only to misery and sorrow now open your heart to me and let me transform your life allow my grace to reach you and fill you with peace and joy in me you will find true and faithful love that exceeds all expectations and never leaves you please now open the doors of your heart and let me in let me be your companion in life your safe haven and your strength in weakness do not hesitate to try nor let your anxieties
keep you tied to past mistakes remember it doesn't matter how far you have strayed or how often you have faltered I am here for you offering my hand of Love waiting for you to grasp it and walk with me on this journey of Faith Love and Hope take my hand beloved Son walk with me my daughter I promise it will be the best decision you make you will enjoy the immense blessings of my love and Grace come my son come my daughter do not be disheartened everything will be all right do not look back listen
to my voice whispering in your heart how much I love you from today onward I will dwell within you to love you forgive you and prosper you do not be afraid just believe trust in my promises and you will witness miracles in your life dear son you know all my promises are certain and true and everything I tell you in my word is accurate so do not hesitate to trust them nor doubt their effectiveness believe in them and the troubles you feel will dissipate your pain will ease and nothing and no one will be able
to bring you down I will be with you ready to assist you in everything you ask for you won't have to face battles alone for I will go before you and my powerful hand will support you at all times in the midst of hardship in the dark of night in the fiercest storm I will be your Solid Rock and unwavering strength do not let doubt and fear undermine your faith maintain your confidence in me and the promises I have given you nor let life's circumstances divert you from the truth of my word remember I'm a
faithful God and every promise I have made to you is supported by my unwavering love and commitment therefore my son keep going and do not give up no matter how tough or challenging life gets know that I am with you no matter the difficulties you face remember you can rely on me for I am here to assist you you guide you and strengthen you even if you've wandered far from me in the past or if you feel lost confused and without hope do not worry my son for I'm always here ready to forgive you and
welcome you back with open arms of love and mercy so please don't let fear and despair overtake you trust in me for I have the power to calm the fiercest storms and bring peace to your troubled heart know that in every hardship every pain and every tear I'm with you holding you up with my mighty hand and renewing your strength stand up with courage and hold on to my promises knowing that in me you will find the strength to overcome and the hope to continue do not be afraid to believe in my word and do
not doubt what I tell you trust me and believe I will provide you with true happiness where the there is no room for fear or distress because I your father am working on your behalf to bring Grace and blessings into your life my son just believe believe with all your strength with all your mind and with all your heart and you will witness the transforming power of my love in your life you will see Miracles and wonders that exceed all your expectations for in the midst of the storm you will find my peace in moments
of weakness my strength in every tear my comfort and in solitude my everpresent companionship believe my son and live out the fullness of my love every day so do not fear press forward keep your faith firm in me for with every step you take and in every challenge you face I am with you silently working to show my love and power in your life do not hesitate to seek my help at any time remember I'm listening to your prayers and attentive to your needs I know when you are sad and when your strength is waning
come to me always and cast all your burdens and worries on me I will provide the peace and strength you need to keep going remember that with my help you can achieve all your goals and and complete your projects but if you ever find yourself on a dark and obstacle-filled path keep hope alive in your heart and cling to the truth of my promises in my word you will find light to illuminate your way and strength to persevere toward your destination of success and happiness speak these words aloud write them down beloved God I wait
for you with all my heart heart I'm anxious about the future I'm unsure of what to do I feel I lack the resources and there are challenges ahead that I feel unable to face but let me remind myself again that if I trust in you I must accept your peace I will control my emotions and not give into fear because if I believe in you I know who you are you are the god of the impossible you will fulfill my needs you will deliver me from Evil you are the Lord my provider you are my
God you are my shepherd you will guide my soul to Lush pastures you will lead me on Paths of righteousness I will walk safely and even as I pass through Dark Places I will fear no evil beside Peaceful Waters you show me you are my loving father you will cover me with your mercy and when the time comes that I need a miracle I will kneel down and I will receive my blessing the enemy's cries reach my ears trying to drag me into the alley of fear seeking to confuse me so that I do not
seek your light so that I embrace my fears and sink into darkness it's a daily battle but my faith is stronger and your word tells me that for every door that closes you will open another and provide a way out always you will cause Springs to rise in the desert you will quench my thirst and protect me from the Sun if I must walk through the desert I reject doubt I nourish myself on your promises I declare your word so that my being receives healing nothing is impossible for you I want you to remember that
and when the enemy Rises against you and wants to stop you with CR walls of iron do not forget that your God can break any barrier that your faith will give you the strength to overcome I hold you tightly close your eyes now and feel me hear me as I say I love you I am with you may these words touch your heart and fill you with hope and strength do not doubt them or the power they have to transform your life and all circumstances in your favor also do not hesitate to seek my help
at all times for I'm always near listening to your prayers and attentive to your needs today believe in my promises and move forward with faith toward the future I have planned for you trust in me and experience the fullness of my love and grace every day of your life amen [Music]
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