I've been to all 50 countries in Europe bour most of them three or more times and in this video I'm going to rank each Nation starting from my favorite it is the best city in Europe one of the best in the world all the way down to my least favorite and yes right now I in the beautiful city of keev [Music] Ukraine the criteria for my ranking is overall friendliness GE affordability Cuisine that is very good nightlife natural beauty historical wonders I was not expecting to see this in Sicily and most importantly the ability to
not have to go out of your way to have an authentic cultural experience it's unbelievable all right let's begin with my favorite country in Europe and where I am reporting to you right now to kick off this video Let's Go number one the Czech Republic here I am in Oldtown Square in Prague it's literally my favorite place on the planet look at this it is so beautiful medieval architecture incredible churches the oldest functioning astronomical clock tower in the world and it just doesn't get any better than this even though I've spent a year of my
life in this city I still have the goosebumps every time I'm here I love it yes this is the very City that I studied abroad in in 2012 when I was a junior in college but I've just fallen in love with this city and this country and let me tell you why there are many cities around this country that are stunningly beautiful like pilson where they brew the famous pills and urel beer there's a city in the north called lies which is near the mountains by the Poland border there's a town called olotes in the
East and berno also in the East and all the little Czech towns and Villages are so cool because you're in Bohemia that's actually what the region is called like the song Bohemian rap city by Queen but what's really cool about Czech Republic is you're right on the border of Eastern Europe and Western Europe so you still get that Eastern European flare and culture and and my parents generation the ones who grew up in the' 70s and ' 80s and even '90s they grew up in communism so they have a different outlook on life and it
wasn't so happy go-lucky for them growing up and that's maybe why you think Czech people don't smile so much at you on the streets and you think that they're rude but actually they're super friendly and super cool once you get to know them thanks man y but the way the society runs in Prague it's super safe super clean you have that like Western European Comfort a little bit here but I still have the grunge of Eastern Europe so there's graffiti on the wall some of the street signs are ripped off it's way way way more
affordable than Western Europe for example if you drive an hour from here you're already in Dres in Germany and it's way cheaper in the Czech Republic than it is in Western Europe beer is still cheaper than water here even though it has gotten quite pricey over the last few years so we just sat down at a restaurant here in Prague and I ordered this beer which was $2 for a half liter and this tiny little water in a glass can is $3 the chzech public is loaded with beautiful Parks cafes restaurants bars it's amazing for
NTI this is so awesome it's familyfriendly all the streets have this Cobblestone like everywhere in Prague it's so cool they're like pieces of sand all over the city it is extremely safe here way more than other cities I've been to in Europe even pickpocketing is pretty minimal if you would ask me compared to a place like Paris or Barcelona what I love about Prague is yes it's the biggest city in Czech Republic but it's still pretty small there's about a million people here but you feel like you can know all the different areas it's not
overwhelmingly big and you can really walk around the entire old toown in just a couple hours it's really great if you like exploring by foot public transportation around this country is immaculate it's perfect always on time easy to get around you do not need to have a car if you live here if I'm being honest the one thing that's not amazing about the Czech Republic is the food is very heavy meat and potatoes and sauerkraut and cabbage but you know what you don't come here for the food you come here for the fun the beautiful
atmosphere the relaxing Vibes of Czech Republic look they're setting up a farmers market in front of me there's going to be a beautiful little Farmers Market here also my favorite small town in Europe is in southern Czech it's called chesy Crum it is beautiful and Charming just like it is here over the vava river with Charles bridge in the distance one of the oldest bridges in the world I just freaking love this country so much number two Serbia I cannot tell you how good it feels to be back in Serbia after 7 years also staying
in Eastern Europe but this time the capital of the Balkan region and former Yugoslavia Serbia is amazing I've been there maybe seven or eight times I love the people they're so outgoing in nature they're friendly they're kind of like Spanish people they're very loud very nationalistic very proud of their country Bel Belgrade is amazing it is not very touristry so you have these beautiful medieval castles and Charming Old Town streets restaurants bars a lot of them you have to yourself cuz there's just not many tourists there there's a beautiful Fortress in Belgrade right where the
Dano and the Sava rivers meet each other but even getting out of Belgrade there's a town in the South called Niche which is beautiful up in the north there's a town called sord which is actually where yic is from the best basketball player in the world right now there's a town in the north called novisad where they have an amazing music festival in the summer called exit which I really want to go to and all around Serbia you really just can feel the energy the pulse of this country unlike others it's so amazing if you
want to go out make some friends hang out I mean play sports also Novak jokovic the best tennis player of all time is from Serbia oh it so it's a tiny country but has such a big impact on global Sports which is cool if you like sports like I do the food in Serbia is pretty good if you like meat they have chapi Chi which are these like thick meatball things they drink this yogurt thing that they also drink in turkey the drink it in Turkey it's called like Aron there but the one in Serbia
is more it's saltier and it definitely is an acquired taste I always like to tell people that Belgrade feels like a mini Berlin with graffiti on the walls which ironically I'm walking on this street in Prague right now feels like the East Gallery wall where the Berlin Wall is covered in murals but Belgrade has that Vibe the music scene's amazing it's hipster I don't know how else to explain it you just got to go there yourself and feel it it feels different and the rest of Europe and not to mention there's beautiful Orthodox Churches everywhere
it's really a dream and I always want to be back in Serbia and I hope that if there's one takeaway from this video it would be to visit Eastern Europe in general it's just fantastic number three Spain Spain is just as good as it gets and I freaking love this country let me tell you why so of course the big cities of Barcelona Madrid are amazing and you have to visit and they should not be overlooked it doesn't get any better than this but the beauty of Spain for me is the South and the north
the southern region is called andalia which is so beautiful you have towns like Granada Sevilla Cordoba we are out here in southern Spain and and there's this amazing little town of these cave homes carved into the mountain you guys have to see this to believe it one of the most beautiful mosques I've ever seen is in Cordoba there's this moish architecture which comes from Morocco it's really close to the border of Morocco you just have to cross the small sea right there right now I'm inside the msk in Cordova Spain which is one of the
coolest buildings I've ever seen in this architecture the people of Spain just like serbians are really loud and friendly and passionate seriously like if you've ever met a Spaniard before you know that they're Spanish because they're just loud they want to be heard say that and what is this as I pass under trial's bridge we learn more I actually took my dad on our annual father-son golf trip in Andalusia we had an absolute blast that's right in the hall Papa very good player thank you it is literally every golfer's dream to be down down there
the road trip was beautiful the food was incredible the hon the seafood the Tapas but then you got to go up north to the northern coast of Spain where I just took my team on an incredible road trip which I do every year to celebrate the growth of the channel we started in San Sebastian in the bass County which was absolutely stunning The Wine the food the ocean the seafood the views The Cliffs and then we drove the whole northern coast of Spain all the way to a town in Galia which is on the Northwestern
part of the country to a town called vgo which I don't think I've ever seen a more Charming town in my life than vgo Spain put that town on your radar it will not disappoint man on this walk right now around prag I'm finding all these little squares and little Alleyways that I've never found before it's pretty awesome but Spain has it all it's a huge country it has great Vibes all around if you like ocean you got it if you want mountains you got it if you like to drink go out and party you
like sangaria the fruity wine that comes from there it's all in Spain and it's all Fantastical why am I doing this with my hands all of a sudden number four Iceland we got it if you like natural beauty then Iceland is your spot wow pretty cool holy it's one of the most beautiful countries in the world and the best to road trip it starting in rovic the capital city which is quite nice there are a lot of beautiful things to do in that City and is definitely worth visiting like the beautiful Church which looks quite
different than this one the Blue Lagoon which is is a place that you just detox for a while it's a geothermal hot bath which there's a lot of those around Iceland the Blue Lagoon is just the most famous one oh man that burning sensation of being so hot fantastic oh this is so cool man oh my God I feel like we're going to be here for at least 30 minutes one of the coolest experiences of my life was playing golf at the northernmost golf course in the world where it was light outside 24/7 in the
summer let's go but I recommend you to get in a car and drive south to a little town called Vick on the southern coast there's black sand beaches down there it's a totally different vibe and feel than rovic it's way more remote and just driving through Iceland you will see volcanoes you will see beautiful Rolling Hills you'll see ocean Cliffs and Views like you've never seen and the people of iand there's only a couple hundred thousand of them in the whole country and they're super friendly there's a town in the west called sticky salour which
actually went on a cruise ship that continued onwards to Greenland it was a small town of about 3,000 people but really really nice the best salmon I've ever tasted in my life was there and it's just the epitome of what I love and enjoy about Scandinavia is all found in Iceland the language is crazy you won't understand anything the signs are all like fq z75 it might as well be in Arabic or in Mandarin because I really have a hard time grasping Ito gar gigar but everybody speaks English so there's no communication barrier you'll absolutely
love your time in Iceland if you want to try a bizarre food you could try fermented shark I thought it was the worst thing I've ever tried in my life and I've tried almost everything the smell I can taste it on my lips right now disgusting but other than that the cuisine is lovely everything is delicate and safe and clean and fancy it's a very fancy country it's very eco-friendly to travel there it's like a minimalistic lifestyle you just jump in a car go around you don't have to bring all these things with you you
just want to go enjoy nature there are beautiful fjords to check out which are these like tall Little Mountain things that come straight out of the water and you can only find them in a few countries in the world and of course the Northern Lights it's one of the best places on Earth to see the Northern Lights I've sadly failed every time if you've seen the northern lights let me know in the comments down below where because I'm dying to see [Music] them number five Ukraine yes that's right I'm in Ukraine right now I'm in
the beautiful city of laviv I've actually been here for the last week traveling around the country documenting my experiences I was actually here 9 years ago how cool is that building so this is my second time in Ukraine very different these days with the war which I'll get into in a little bit but all I got to say is this country is so charming and beautiful and different than the rest of Europe first of all it's massive it's actually the largest country in Europe it's like 1,500 km or something from west to east the people
are amazing they're beautiful things are Charming here like where I am in the west it feels like Prague the city is super unique and beautiful cobblestone streets you have the buildings with the blocks like this there's little artsy things on every corner it's just like a freaking dream here of course you have the capital city of Kei which has the most majestic temples and churches and Gardens behind me is St Sophia's Cathedral it's the oldest cathedral in East Eastern Europe such a special moment and surreal to actually be back here absolutely incredible it's like a
freaking Hidden Gem there it's more beautiful than almost any other City I've been to in Eastern Europe it's also really really affordable in Ukraine not even because of the war it was actually really cheap When I Was Here 9 years ago so things are extremely affordable if you want to go out to get food if you want to go out to the bar and speaking of bars there's a lot of nightlife here and I want to say even during the war it's been amazing to meet people and see how resilient they are they've all had
friends and family that have lost limbs or lost their lives the people are really trying to move on and we're really just trying to get past these dark days and it's been really humbling and emotional to travel Ukraine during these days and I will have a video coming out soon on my YouTube channel which is going to share real stories as I experien them in real time here in Ukraine because it's so big there's so many different areas to explore we have the Carpathian Mountains which is actually the same mountain range that goes through Transylvania
and Romania and it's also the mountains that originally split Europe and Asia so there's a lot of culture there there's a lot of beautiful Villages there's a lot of cool castles which actually we just went to one ear today we're here at Autumn so you can see the trees it just started to change colors pretty awesome it's a beautiful little village here you have people selling homemade stuff that they cook literally in their backyard and it's a very very nice life out here the point is all around Ukraine is beautiful nature you have hikes you
have outdoor sports even beaches on the Black Sea I've never been to Odessa but I've heard amazing things about it you have Chernobyl which is a place I've always wanted to go maybe I'll make it there someday and yeah Ukraine it's a very very special country I've actually raved about it since I came 9 years ago and uh it's it's really a pleasure to be here again and and I wish and hope the best for the future of this country and I really really hope that the war will stop because war is just absolutely terrible
for anyone number six is Portugal I'm going to sit down and enjoy this one because Portugal is that special so of course you have Lisbon the capital city I've been there maybe six seven times I love the look of these Portuguese churches so beautiful I recently went to Porto I took my team on a road trip through Northern Spain and down the northern coast of PTO pug and I really love Porto it's like a mini version of lisman it's quaint a lot of beautiful cafes and churches and it's just like a hip Cool vibe I
actually like PTO maybe even more than Livin but the best part about Portugal is the algard which is a region in the southern coast took my dad on a golf trip down there Nice Shot yes Eagle we had an absolute blast talk about some of the best seafood I've ever had great sorts of wines sangaria oh really really friendly and warm people what's up bro you're one of my favorite dude in my opinion they're similar to the Spaniard and and in that they're just very loving and you know they give you kisses on the cheeks
when you see them and they're just they're just cool people to be around like you want to be around Portuguese people be happy be happy the country is pretty small but they've obviously had a lot of influence on the world through colonization Brazil cap ver Guinea basau mosm Beek Angola a lot of countries around the world world speak Portuguese whether or not that's a good thing or a bad thing that's not the point the point is Portugal is awesome they have great fruits in fact here's a random fact in Iran the word for orange is
Portugal because the Portuguese were able to bring really fresh oranges by boat to Iran way back in the day I think that's a really cool little fun fact if you have a sweet tooth you have to try pastel danata which is a famous pastry that's made in Lisbon the famous shop where the original one comes from there's always a long line out the door so you could probably try it so if you want to wait you can wait for it or you could try it somewhere else it's also really affordable in Portugal that's why a
lot of young entrepreneurs and Tech and crypto people are moving to Portugal because of the lifestyle and it's very cheap yes it uses the Euro but it's way more affordable than almost any other country in western Europe and I will always love Portugal and I can't wait to go back number seven is Romania just the nearby country to Ukraine as I just mentioned the Carpathia mountains actually go down into Romania into a beautiful region called Transylvania where you can find Dracula's castle I am Dracula a bunch of other really historical monuments there's a town called
barel which is my favorite in Romania it's tucked away in the mountains and there's another really really beautiful Village called sayaa which you have to visit of course Bucharest is the buston capital city and there's a lot of really cool development there it's really beautiful and there's hardly any tourist also very affordable there's a lot of it and Tech out there a lot of people are super smart coders and so there's a lot of coffee shops a lot of really really fast Wi-Fi which is amazing and in general Romania has a lot of Rich folklore
and medieval castles dark stories a lot of people who are interested in dark tourism like to go there for its haunted Vibes and medieval structures on every corner I got lost in the Villages there and I found a lot of really unique Traditions there was a beer drinking Festival that I went to there was a cheese making exhibition people dressed up in Romanian outfits singing songs it's very festive I just really love Eastern Europe I think that'll be one of the main themes in this video I just feel very alive there and I feel very
uplifted to see how people are living their lives out here in Eastern Europe food I will say is decent it's not really the best food I've ever had in in Eastern Europe although Ukraine and Romania if we mix them together between Bor and between dumplings and between a lot of the cottage cheeses and jams that you can find honey raspberries grapes it's pretty good in that regard but there's not really like internationally known dishes that you have to try from one of these two countries next on my list in Romania is a western town called
timora which is just like a 2-hour drive from Belgrade I want to check that place out and yeah I don't know guys if you come in the Autumn season which is where it is now you can see the trees changing colors and all the tourists are gone from these places and the general they just not touristy at all they're super enjoyable I could not Rave more about Romania Ukraine and all these countries in this part of Europe hey guys just want to take a quick second and thank s for sponsoring this video s is a
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Drew binsky at checkout all right now let's get back to the story number eight the Netherlands we are going to move out west to one of the most beautiful countries in Europe a small country country that has a massive impact on the world did you know that New York was at one point or almost called New Amsterdam because of Dutch colonizers Indonesia Madagascar these countries have a lot of Dutch words and Dutch influence which you would never believe the reason Madagascar is because a lot of the people that live there are actually ethnically from Indonesia
which have traces back to Netherlands I love the open-mindedness of Dutch people they're tall they're really accepting to the world doesn't matter if you're black white asian wherever you come from seram that's actually a a Dutch speaking country in South America people are really cool they're genuine they like to go out and have fun they love parties a lot of my favorite DJs in the world come from the Netherlands or Holland I want to make something straight guys Holland is just part of the Netherlands it's like there's North Holland and South Holland obviously Amsterdam and
reram the two biggest cities are in the region of Holland but the country of Netherlands is much bigger than Holland you have amazing cities like Kinder DJ which is where the windmills are it's the UNESCO site you have beautiful canals of utre which is actually the most bike friendly place in the world and it's my favorite city in the Netherlands because it's like Amsterdam but way smaller it's a university of town so there's a lot of students and it's just really amazing with no tourists and it's way cheaper as well in the south and east
you have Brea and einhoven which have been many many times they're just chill spots I mean all these towns in Netherlands have beautiful canals running through them just Charming people I just can't tell you how enjoyable it is to walk around the Netherlands like I'm just filing the whole time for no reason like any day that you're walking around Amsterdam is just a great day the layout of the city is awesome I whenever I tell people I love the Netherlands they're like oh you like smoking weed actually I don't like smoking weed and I like
the Netherlands for every reason apart from smoking weed who cares if there's weed shops it's just the open-mindedness of the people there's a great beer selection the food is actually pretty good that looks amazing wow they have great sandwiches they have great hot dogs wieners really tasty there's actually a um a fast food place called feibo febo and you basically put a euro into this like microwave box looking compartment or thing it's like you're getting a soda from a vending machine but you turn the knob and then like a burger comes out so I thought
that's pretty fun and they also have a food called bitter balling which is like this fried ball of I don't even know what's in it but it's delicious great cheeses in the Netherlands everyone speaks perfect English and the biking culture man if the cities are like built for biking and where I currently live in Prague it's like a terrible City for biking cuz there's no bike Lanes in Amsterdam literally every city every single part of the Netherlands is extremely bike friendly so if you do go there get on a bike and explore you'll love it
I just arrived safely in country number nine Austria I'm in beautiful salsburg and as you can see it is an absolute Gem of a day look at this perfect weather absolutely stunning out here what's significant about Austria for me is that I'm Austrian my grandfather was born here so I have a really cool connection to this country it's so beautiful and it's really underrated and overlooked by its neighbors Germany Italy and Switzerland because there's so much here you have the Alps you have amazing food hello schnitzel it's the birthplace of classical music Bak toen Mozart
and it's very charming and believe it or not people here actually speak German there's no such thing as Austrian language the language is called German but it's really cool it's really beautiful and as you can see like you can't really go wrong with coming to Austria it's one of those places that you visit and you realize okay this place is special I'm going to come back and back again some of my favorite spots in Austria are inbrook which is the gateway to Austrian Alps really good skiing up there beautiful Town high up in the mountains
of course we have the big bustling city of Vienna with tons of palaces great food welcome to Vienna we are at the Stefan plats right there is the Stefan D the main Church of Australia the city is thriving there's another small town called Lind which is stunning and actually there's a place on the border of Lenin called f I went there in 2015 it was really special and of course you can't beat salsburg Austria wins that leads me into country number 10 Italy bonj Italy there's so much to say about Italy a lot of people
would tell me to put this as number one and Italy is so good it's hard to keep out of the top 10 we're here in the plaza de compo the biggest Square here in town it's just so Charming such an amazing place oh wow Venice is probably my least favorite place in Italy it's a human Zoo there's too much going on there too many people walking around you know my first time going to Italy I went to Florence and Rome so those two cities really have a special place in my heart I've been back many
many times since then you know they say that Rome is a walking mum and it really is you just walk around and you see things like this I really enjoy Northern Italy so Lake KO the whole area up there is so stunning it's just an hour and a half drive from Milan and it's a totally different world it's clean here fresh air you have cobblestone streets really really nice scenery surprisingly the lake is a lot clearer than I thought see these ducks you can see the ground I also really like the island of Sicily which
is technically part of Italy part of the beauty of traveling to a place like Sicily is getting lost it's way more rugged and rundown you got polaro beautiful Church SL Duomo here unbelievable it's really kind of where like the mafia was started and invented so you kind of have those vibes out there those who want respect give respect Sicilian food is great I'm going to go as far as saying this is one of the best street food snacks in Europe Sicilian rice ball yeah and you have these ancient Roman ruins in that are unmissable W
check this out I was not expecting to see this in Sicily soon I want a road trip the boot of Italy there's a lot to see down there Balan is the fashion capital of the world there's so much going on in this country and it's so big that you always got to keep going back and visit and I felt like this was obvious enough that I didn't have to tell you this but Italian food is fantastic and it goes Way Beyond Pizza Pasta and Wine Country number 11 is Slovenia one of the most beautiful places
in the world is Lake bled right now I'm at Lake bled in Slovenia and it's really known for having this 17th century church right in the middle on this island you can see it behind me it is so cool it's so pristine the nature here is incredible I love it so much that I've actually been three times and I've taken my family there cuz it's just so awesome the capital city of Lana actually has like the most coffee shops per capita than any city in Europe it's awesome you can just sit along the river like
this you can have your coffee you just hang out it's a beautiful beautiful place they love sports there Luca donic one of my favorite basketball players is Slovenia and so you'll see people playing basketball and sports all over the place it's very outdoorsy very natury and a place that you really just can't miss on your next Euro trip because it's easy to miss it's such a small place but you'll absolutely love it if you go there and uh Slovenia is just highly highly highly recommended from me also the people are really Charming the first time
I ever couch DED was in Slovenia and I was with a really sweet couple that I'll never forget how they treated me just super super respectful super kind and that's really something special cuz I'll never forget it all right I am back in the car to head to a country that's coming up in a few minutes from now but for now we're going to talk about country number 12 Switzerland Switzerland's a special place because there's no Swiss language it's three languages actually four but the main three are Swiss German Swiss French and swiss Italian depending
on the region of swisserland that you're in yes there is actually one Swiss language which few people speak and it's actually really interesting but for the most part you get those three languages and it's cool because it's sectioned off in three different places close to the countries that speak the languages I've been as Switzerland four or five times and every single time I go back I always say this is the most beautiful place in the world Switzerland is just outrageously stunning woo you can't imagine training through Switzerland and seeing the Alps beautiful green Rolling Hills
it looks like a Dr Seuss book it's perfect all the streets are beautiful some of my favorite places are lucern in the South it's really nice down there Lugano which is also in the Italian speaking part of Switzerland on a beautiful Lake I'm now walking next to Lake Lugano which is obviously the huge Lake here it kind of looks like Lake Como in Italy and it's very nearby look how the town is built on the mountain right there that's pretty stunning that's something you don't see every day you have interlocking which is like the Outdoor
Sports capital of the world it's where I went bungee jumping from 150 M High which was epic the big cities of Zurich burn and interlocking are actually quite nice they're really expensive keep in mind Switzerland is one of the most expensive countries in the world I think like $30 for a pizza pie but it is totally worth it because the experiences that you can have in Switzerland are just fantastic the air is pure there's water coming from the ground everywhere cuz it's so delicious like the spring water in Switzerland even from the the tap water
is like the cleanest in the world and it's so freaking good and they also produce a lot of really cool Niche things like watches and army knives and chocolate all right country number 13 is [Music] Norway the beautiful Scandinavian country that has just a population of a few million people but it's a huge place it goes all the way up almost to the North Pole you have spard which is a little island many hours north of the Mainland by plain it's really cool up there just want to say that it's 1:00 in the morning and
this is like the only time in my life that I've been able to film a video when it's complete daylight there's like Norwegian settlements there's Russian settlements there's polar bears wow there's like nobody around look I'm in the center of the entire place not of soul in sight all these weird buildings around me oh man this is so Eerie this has to be one of the most bizarre settlements in the entire world and longar Bin which is the capital of swart is the northern most biggish town or city in the world which is pretty cool
and I highly recommend visiting sard but on the mainland you have Osa of course which is a beautiful capital city also really expensive so we came to this food market everything is like more than $20 each I just paid $25 for a 3 minute right Norway and Switzerland are like the two most expensive cities in Europe so if you are on a tight budget you might want to reconsider visiting these two countries at least until you have money saved up in the future that's what I'm talking about those kind of low prices is so tiny
look good one of the most beautiful places in Norway are the fjords in the West in a little town called beran which has the best salmon I've ever had in my entire life and you can take a boat tour of the fjords FJ o r d it's actually a Norwegian word but there are fjords all over the world like in Chile New Zealand but the ones in Norway are simply the best I like Norwegian people a lot they're cool they're fun they're friendly they speak wonderful English like American accent English it's kind of crazy like
they're like perfect English in Norway this is how you do it you break one you take it out and better than kiat that's for sure you also have some cool towns called tunheim and trunzo farther in the north which I visited both quaint little walking streets colorful buildings cobblestones it's like a freaking Paradise in Norway and it's a country that I'm always going to go back to in the future country number 14 is [Music] turkey I know what some of you guys are thinking turkeyy is mostly in Asia but when you consider the biggest city
in Turkey being mostly in Europe I'm going to consider this country in Europe for the purposes of this video at least turkey is great there are so many different experiences to have in the country it's a great road trip Nation the roads are really clean like you see here on the Autobon turkey is this really fascinating Cross of like European and Middle Eastern and Asian cultures cuz it's literally right in the middle and it's a big place so there's a lot to see we are now in the sumela monastery way up in the mountains and
chop zone of Northern turkey this is all just incredible nature and it's just really special to be up here some of my favorite CI ities in Turkey to visit are diaka and mtin which are both in the Eastern side in Mesopotamia where the Kurds live we're now walking through the Marcus in the old quarter of mine it's so beautiful here and you just feel like you're walking back in time when you're through these bazaars it's amazing you also have the hatai province where you can find gazan it's unbelievable Kahan marash which is the birthplace of
ice cream yep T um thank you it really is hard to explain the consistency of this ice cream it doesn't melt in your mouth you have to chew it but it's so good and literally it won't melt you can keep it outside all day and it will just stay in the comb that is Turkish ice cream for you of course you have bodam which is like the seaside capital and the beautiful beaches the capital city of Turkey Anar is kind of boring there's also a cool place in the north called trb Zone where the tea
comes from in Turkey I went to a village in the north where they whistle like birds that's how they communicate which was really cool there's beautiful hikes and lakes the oldest settlement in the world is also turkey the food is delicious that is very good kebabs This Yogurt stuff you have Turkish tea Turkish coffee they love shisha everything in Turkey is great I could keep talking about it but we got to get to the next country which is number 15 and the country that I have just crossed the border in which is Germany we're going
to pick it up from the town of Dresden shortly welcome to Dresden look how stunning this main square is super super underrated City inform L East Germany actually most of the city in dresin was completely destroyed by World War II now they hit Dresden hardest of all and it's rebuilt to be beautiful Germany as a whole is just so great I've been here maybe 20 times I have German Roots there's so much to offer here there's beaches if you want there's mountains there's skiing there's quaint little Charming towns Germany actually has the most UNESCO sitze
in the world I think they're tied with Italy something like 60 different UNESCO world heritage sites in this country so there's so much to see from small towns called quinber cheese I want a cheese to bigger places like Berlin and Munich even other towns like Augsburg and stutgart is cool it is a lovely morning here in Berlin you can see the Brandenburg gate is behind me and this city just has amazing Vibes Germany is so much more than just like beer fest which is what American tourists would come here for there's so much to offer
in this country the food is great you have sausages oh my God M excellent hot dog here in Germany you have beer I keep saying beer in every city in Europe y because I do like to drink beer ah delicious you have German pretzels you have spel which is a dish in Bavaria which is a really cool region in southern Germany which is amazing the men dressed in the leader hosen and the women dressed in the durndle but my favorite city in Germany probably hurg it's in the north it's really cool it's traditional it's where
the Beatles actually got their start in the 1960s which is really cool there's a lot of beetles history there actually a hamburger is just a burger from Hamburg you could believe that blew my mind when I first figured that out Germany's a great country to road trip everything's safe people are friendly than they can all speak really good English just get lost in the villages in the countryside go to random bakeries that's where you'll find the joy of Germany hello got to get one BR words and water thank you so [Music] much nothing and I
mean nothing is better than a sausage in Germany which leades me into number 16 Georgia from Georgia so Georgia is another one of those countries that's stuck in between Asia and Europe something is Asia something is Europe for the purpose of this video I'm going to call it Europe when I walk these streets of tii it really feels like Eastern Europe something like a cross between Prague and Kiev you have the cobblestone streets the beautiful buildings behind me and just the overall Vibe it really feels like Europe we actually have these public drinking fountains all
over the city it's cool it's grungy it's hip it's modern it kind of reminds me of Berlin which is just down the street from where I am now um in terms of the graffiti the edginess the youth walking the streets the ability for people to speak English when it comes to pop music I think that Simplicity is really key but Georgia is really cool because there's all these like Christian Orthodox Churches this place is incredible the architecture you can feel the ancient history happening inside of this place beautiful countryside with a lot of wine really
good wineries in Georgia and then the black Seas awesome there's a town K Batumi which is really beautiful it's just one of those places that you go and you just feel connected to it's a post Soviet country so it was the USSR back when Russia was one piece so the older generation speak Russian as a second language the Georgian language itself is cool it's like all these little circles and swirlies language leave it alone but yeah it's really a fantastic country if you want to travel to it's really safe it's pretty affordable and I think
it's super upand cominging you have to try Kink Kali and ketchup porri my two favorite dishes is in Georgia and go soon before it becomes overloaded with tourists number 17 is Sweden beautiful Scandinavian country in between Norway and Finland similar to the reasons why I love Norway people are so nice and respectful and cool they speak English really well you're so so welcome it's a great road trip country you could actually take a 20-minute train from Copenhagen or just cross over the bridge by car and you're in a town called mamamo which is pretty cool
in southern Sweden then you can drive up the west coast to gothenberg a great drive just a few hours we have dudoy who's scared of the water we have Diana Grandma and Grandpa and we're going to cruise around gothenberg what do you think about gothenberg Grandma very very nice and if you want to go to Stockholm which is my one of my favorite cities in Europe you could drive over there or you could fly there uh Stockholm is a city of many different Islands awesome night life I went to a club last time I was
there until like 6:00 in the morning Sweden's cool it's really clean it's expensive but it's worth it the quality of life there is amazing it's a birthplace of Ikea Peter forsberg who's a hockey player forsberg is in theore lud who's a golfer put a lot of and of course you have Swedish meatballs which are fantastic n delicious I can't say more amazing things about Sweden but you have to visit to know what it's like for yourself number 18 is Ireland what a beautiful country I've been there many many times so we're out here in kill
Kenny Ireland it's really hard not to like Ireland first off the people are incredible they're funny they're friendly sometimes it's hard to understand them even if they're speaking English yes they have their own language called gck which I can't understand a lick of but if they are speaking English sometimes sometimes you got to ask them a few times what they're saying but all jokes aside Dublin's a great place to start as you would think they love drinking beer everything there is very festive clean but the best part about Ireland is road tripping so you could
drive to Cork on the west coast all right we just got in the rental car and it's kind of funny because I'm driving on the right side of the road but I think we can handle it you could drive up to my favorite place in Ireland which is Donal County it's awesome I'm a little biased probably because I golfed all the best courses uh in dowal County all right so we're out here golfing and it's pouring rain and it's windy look at my dad's umbrella there's beautiful Cliffs called The sleevele Cliffs where you can see
incredible views over the Atlantic Ocean I'm standing here at the sleevely cliff in the Northwestern part of Ireland and as you can see it is absolutely fantastic there's more sheep than people in Ireland so you'll see a lot of beautiful nature Countryside you have really amazing medieval towns all over the place it's actually a country that I want want to go back and explore MOA because there's so many hidden gems in Ireland but all I got to say is beautiful peaceful not to be missed are the other cities of gallway and limr they're actually pretty
cool I I just drove through and stayed a couple hours in each but I just love the vibe and if you really just want to have fun in one country in Europe Ireland might be the place number 19 is Russia let's do it I know most of Russia is geographically located in Asia but two of the biggest cities of Moscow and St Petersburg are in fact very European and also geographically located in Europe so we're going to roll with it this is so magical in the snow like oh my God Russia's awesome unfortunately there's been
war in recent years and a lot of people are hating on it but if we're just talking pure culture and food and hospitality and just overall travel experience nothing political Russia is as good as it gets this is something I've always dreamed of ice skating on Lake Bol this lake is so big it's bigger than all the Great Lakes combined it's the oldest lake in the world it's ancient this is literally a dream come true right now it's beautiful they have really really good dumplings and cottage cheese I'm telling you whatever it is they do
it right in Russia and of course if you like vodka if you are a drinker then it might be a country for you one should I this all over Russia is beautiful views beautiful people it's just one of those places that you visit and you're like okay I get it now this place is super super cool so obviously the western side of Russia is very European but the farther east you go becomes really interesting into Siberia I did the Trans Siberian train for a bit I even went all the way to Vlad volto in the
Eastern tip of Russia the biggest coast of Russia believe it or not it's pretty landlocked because the northern border of Russia is all iced it's too cold other cool places to check out are irus and noo beers and of course yako which is the world's coldest city are you cold no no no and it's interesting how people in eastern Russia look Asian and some of them even speak fluent Japanese or Korean CU it's so close to those countries yes but Russia is such a big place there's so many experiences to be had and honestly now
might not be the best time but in the future if things open up and if War calms down I highly recommend a visit to Russia I think that you'll think differently about it got that get it get it country number 20 is Croatia a recent member of the shenen Zone which is like the free travel and free trade zone of Europe where you don't need a visit AC cross borders Kish is awesome it's in former Yugoslavia so the language is similar to what you'd find in Serbia people are awesome one of the coolest towns in
Europe is called dubnik it's a medieval town on the Adriatic Sea you can walk on the old medieval walls and the cobblestone streets like this are incredible you have to go to dubnik another cool town is called split which is nearby duck which you have to visit there's havar Island HV there's actually like hundreds of islands in Croatia which most people don't know about zagre the capital it's not the most interesting place there's some cool buildings couple good restaurants but the beauty of crotia is in the south on the coast you just have to road
trip it and really get to feel it and experience it for yourself Seafood is amazing and you should actually do Catia as part of a bigger yugos Slavic road trip where you hit all the six or seven countries that formerly made up Yugoslavia uh it's just fantastic country number 21 is Poland Poland is huge you look at the map and you Germany which is where I am now which is huge but if you just look east of it Poland is like almost as big it's eastern Europe it's way cheaper they're not even on the Euro
they use a LTI what I like about the money is every bill is small and like the lower the count the smaller it gets they have really really good food zonka which is like this pizza thing the bagel as you know today in New York actually came from Poland these little circular things I forgot the name of them but they're all over the place the beer is amazing my favorite dish in Poland is parois these little dumpling things which you have to try I can't explain how fresh this tastes I'm telling you guys progis are
the best thing about Poland in the cuisine World Warsaw is a really cool big city but you have to get to crack out it's a university town so it's very young there's a lot of bars there's a lot of restaurants a lot of cool Vibes there wa man this is cool beautiful the old Square in craco is one of the biggest in the world and it's amazing we feel good we're just like hanging out and it's beautiful here in the Oldtown Square just feeling the vibe the city is really cool I love it there's also
a city called V clo and I know I pronounce it wrong but it's really beautiful also reminds me of Prague and I soon want to go to Gans which is in the north there's a lot of World War II history there which I heard is awesome but uh soon I'll be road tripping more Poland and I'm excited to experience more of the Eastern European flavor which is which if you couldn't tell by this video already most of my countries uh that are my favorite in Europe are on the Eastern side it's just more interesting out
here and I say out here because technically I'm in East Germany right now although Germany as a whole is Western Europe but dresden's pretty Eastern Europe and it has prag vibes it was split when the Berlin wall split the two sides of Berlin or Germany into two parts this was Eastern Europe so I still consider it Eastern and I still like saying Eastern even though Germany's Western Europe all right it's time to move across Europe to a little country called the United Kingdom well technically it's not part of Europe but I still consider it Europe
and most Americans that are ignorant would consider Europe and for the purposes of this video it's Europe I'm in a tiny little town called Castle Donnington you can see there's the castle it's early quiet which is why I'm not screaming right now it's awesome to be here in England I actually just played in the pram with Sergio Garcia in the live event which was like a dream come true if anyone's a golf fan out there they'll know how insanely epic of an incredible of an experience but there's no doubt the UK is awesome it's made
up of four parts Northern Ireland Scotland Wales and [Music] England there's a lot going on there's a lot to do here it's a big country there's like 80 million people here it's where the English language is derived from so always a pleasure to be here and hear people speaking seeing what the life's all about I mean look at this this little tiny town it's so cool it's like so stereotypical British I'm just smiling cuz I haven't been in England that many times in my life I whenever I am here St an's Lane it's just awesome
so of course London is one of the coolest cities in the world it's big it's massive sh ditch is my favorite area there there's a lot going on what I don't like about London is that the bars close at like midnight I wish they stayed open later but look at this view oh my God I totally just discovered this right now whoa gave me the Goosebumps so I get the setting for a horror [Music] film but I've never been to Wales and I know all the Welsh people out there always tell me it's a country
well technically not a country by the UN so I can't count it as a country I'm actually not far from Wales maybe I'll drive there after this Scotland's awesome I've been there four times for golf trips just driving around I love Edinburgh I love Aurora and the Scottish Highlands of North the loch nest monster I will say the UK is ranked in the middle of all my European countries because I just haven't seen that much of it and I would really love to see more as I get older and can appreciate things more have a
little more money to spend for nice hotels man look at this this so epic all right that leads me into number 23 which is Hungary Hungary is amazing Lake Balaton which is right in the center of the country is beautiful it's a great getaway if you're just driving around Europe and you want a place to chill for a few days camp overnight we're on Lake baton and it's a really you know it's Sunday so there's nobody out but we're just kind of walking around seeing some cool buildings and enjoying the Hungarian Vibes I'm hungry are
you hungry I'm hungry and hungry hungry Budapest of course one of the best cities in Europe if not top 10 best in the world that is the Hungarian Parliament building it is the third largest parliament in the world spectacular views how would you describe Budapest in one word amazing historic the Jewish cord is thriving there's so much to do the ruin pubs are amazing where you can have a drink and in these like World War II bunkers wow every room in here is different it's so cool you got an amazing medieval castle district there people
are nice it's like in the shangan zone and in the EU but they use forant as their currency and like things are very different there it's the weirdest language in the world aside from Lake baton in Budapest I don't really have other recommendations in Hungary when I was driving through the country last time I got a flat tire and it was really fun to go to a random tire shop and try to get that changed but um yeah hungry is a cool place definitely add of your list and the farther east you go in Europe
as you found out already in this video the more interesting it gets culturally it's cheap and fun number 24 is Greece there are so many islands to visit in Greece please don't only go to Santorini and mikinos and noos and peros just like the touristy Islands there's so many other ones you can visit creit which is a bigger island in the Caribbean which is one of the coolest islands in the world zinos I think I pronounced that wrong is amazing I haven't been the Thessaloniki in the north I'm pronouncing all these names wrong but I've
heard is really beautiful and Greek is very Bulan like the culture the food like people are super friendly and outgoing and and I just really really like it there and I feel comfortable in Greece food is great I know it's going to be expensive but it's worth every penny you have hummus you have Falafel even though that's Mediterranean food it still kind of Blends over [Music] into church bells are ringing wow this moment is surreal right now I've actually never been outside of London in England it's the first the first time I'm like in the
countryside it's so cool anyways get on a yacht get on a sailboat go around the islands like they're so pring they're so beautiful we made it to a spot with these beautiful black Cliffs you can see behind me really really nice of course like you have history like Greek gods you have Parson the Acropolis in Athens they don't miss Athens don't skip it it's really really really cool did you get the same Goosebumps that you when you see the Coliseum or you see the Eiffel Tower Taj Mahal Great Wall of China it's that cool the
Acropolis of Athens is so beautiful and this is a very very special experience that leads me to Country number 25 Bulgaria now it's time to explore sopia the only time I went I was super sick when I was in Sophia for a few days and that wasn't so great and then I got scammed by a taxi driver which was awful really awful he rigged the meter and so he charged me like €1 and it was supposed to be like 20 and just give me a really sour taste in my mouth about Bulgaria but you know
what I have a feeling that if I go back it's going to be incredible I know the people there are Co oh my God I'm stepping on graves I just realized that that's no W the people in Bulgaria are are cool I've met many of them and I just know that it has like this Vibe and it's just pulling me to come back it's on the Black Sea so you have cities like Varna and budas which are like cool party cities on the sea which is awesome Bulgarian food is great very meat heavy very thick
soups stews lots of beer and I don't know for me like no one knows about Bulgaria and that is what makes it cool I mean everyone knows about England everyone knows about France but Bulgaria like why not give it a chance number 26 is Denmark look how Charming this place is we got Parks Ferris wheels people here with their families food this is a great Danish experience a beautiful Scandinavian country Copenhagen was one of the first cities I ever went to in Europe I just love how bike friendly it is it's so clean and safe
and neat and everyone dresses nice you know the Scandinavian Vibe with like the blonde hair on the side and collared shirts and everyone looks like they're just going out on a date every night it's funny Denmark underratedly has some the best food in the world they have these open face sandwiches that are really good they have these really nice little sausages somehow The Dana sausage is better than anywhere else that I had in Europe and Danes are super friendly they speak perfect English it's just a pleasure hanging out with them every time I'm with Danish
people it's a it's a great scene every time there's a town in northern Denmark called skan it's actually where two oceans meet I took my grandparents there and was our first time to Europe it's a nice experience and it's a part of history and I took them to Copenhagen because cuz they really wanted to go when they were 85 and that was to this day is one of the best trips I've ever taken and if you ever get the chance to travel with grandparents or parents I highly recommend you to do it I'm so happy
to be here with you we're happy that you're with us too Denmark's a really really cool country and it's also the gateway to get to Greenland which I'm trying to go back to Greenland soon so yeah really really cool place and really underrated place if you're trying to start in Europe and if you want like a fresh clean place to go with easy to Road Trip easy to get around friendly people look no further than Denmark number 27 is Slovakia right in the smack dab of Central Europe used to be one country with Czech Republic
when it was called Czechoslovakia until 1993 when it broke up Bros laava is a way lesser cool version of Prague but I do recommend visiting rava is a pretty cool city with a buzzing atmosphere they do have big mountains in Slovakia like 3,000 meters I think so it's some of the highest uh in Europe and I think Eastern Slovakia is cool it's a city called kosit which is like yeah there's like Gypsies and it's not like super fancy but it is cool and hip and it's just a nice place to check out and I don't
know I think it's beautiful countryside in Sakia and I like driving through and because I have such a fascination with that whole country I soak is just one of those like Middle Ground countries and here's a cool fact you could you could visit Vienna and Bros laava within a 1-hour drive they're the two closest capital cities in the world so you could have breakfast in Vienna lunch in bris laava and then you can have dinner in Budapest or Prague all three number 28 is Estonia and once again I have to keep my voice down cuz
it's really weird like shooting in Europe in general this is a side note it's like everyone kind of stares at you everyone's really private and they don't really like people that are obnoxious and they look at you funny um so Estonia going to Talen was one of the most eye openening trips ever and I went back in um 2012 when I was only one years old I took the boat from Helsinki which was awesome you can just take a 2-hour Ferry everyone's there just buying like booze and stuff cuz it's way cheaper to drink in
in Estonia than is in Finland it's a country in the Baltic region which is right near the Baltic Sea but yeah going back to Talen it's a medieval town it's got one of the most preserved medieval Vibes of any city in the world it's cool there's like this young population it's like really techy there like the head of Skype is there even though Skype is kind of dead I think there's another big Tech headquarters in Estonia but very lovely Place easy to to get around as a tiny country and the Young Generation speaks English and
it really is just one of those places that you'll visit and you're and you're like wo this is a really really cool place I can't wait to see more food is heavy they like their blueberry jams and yeah it kind of bleeds over from Russia a little bit but can't have any better things to say about Estonia and a country that I really hope to go back soon number 29 is Latvia just the next country down how do you say bye in lvia I think Lafia is super interesting there's a town called seula which is
about 30 minutes outside Ria it's like a little Resort town like an outdoorsy Town fancy Town we're standing on top of this like 13th century castle and in about an hour we're going to bungee jump from this high and I have really great memories of ladia I also wanted this really cool Lake the capitol Ria is another really cool City it's really historic there's beautiful castles like that one that I'm walking around there's a lot of like cool bar bars there cool restaurants the baltics all blend together kind of so that's why they're all kind
of pushing this in this section of the video but I have a lot of friends from laia randomly a girl on my team named Annette is from lvia and she's awesome how's life ah so beef full and amazing and yeah it's just nice to drive around La Via road trip in it's just a really cool place I think you'll be pleasantly surprised driving around the baltics it's it's really clean safe and lots going on which leads me to Country number 30 Lithuania it's about 38° outside and we're going to explore Lithuania is special to me
because I am Lithuanian my great-grandmother came from a little town where the Jews used to live outside of vus which is a capital so I actually went there and found the synagogues and it was really really special so it has a soft place in my heart I did have a bad experience in Lithuania one time trying to get the bellarus visa back in 2015 when Americans needed visa on the website it says express Visa takes one day I also called them and it said it takes one day but she told me it takes 3 days
for me and I asked her why and she pointed to my passport and said I'm American I got denied and I had to go to talian got denied and finally picked it up in Ria so I just had a really bad experience at the embassy there but that's not a reason to hate the country once again baltics region these countries are all right next to each other it's like Estonia laia Lithuania boom boom boom you can't really have a bad time there I mean it's like one of those places where the more you don't know
the better the experience is you just go with an open mind a willingness to learn meet some people experience the culture and that's it and it's just really really really Charming that way I also randomly have several Lithuanian friends that I've met over the years so that's kind of cool hope to go back there sometime soon and really get to explore more not only of vilus but of the Jewish history there and just around the country it's easy to explore by car just like super quick all right I'm going to pause here because I'm about
to travel to a nearby country for a very special music festival that I haven't been in 9 years and I'm going to continue from there see you shortly number 31 Belgium I'm here at tomorrow land the most epic music festival in the world look at this I'm St on the back of the main stage right now last time I was here was in 2015 so it's been 9 years it's so epic to be back here I love Belgian because first of all it's the home of Tomorrowland it's the coolest place in the world second of
all you have many cool places like Brugge really historic very cold it's summer but it's cold here you have Brussels which is a beautiful Capital City you have gent which is the Flemish speaking part of Belgium which is not French they actually speak Flemish which is more like Dutch and everyone's super friendly here very outgoing it's an amazing Place great road trip country you even have the coastline if you want to go drive down the coast I mean how could you go around with Belgian waffles Belgian chocolate Belgian beer it's awesome as I walk down
this hill I'm going to continue telling you about Belgium and as we hear Lincoln Park in the background it's one of those places where everybody speaks multiple languages in this country because they grow up learning English French Dutch German it's so cool for that reason BR when you come here you instantly feel comfortable with the people but I got to say my favorite place in Belgium is probably Brugge it's like a beautiful perfect little Charming town that you could spend hours and hours walking around and get lost in the side streets oh man this is
so cool as we walk to the center of the stage I'm going to tell you about number 32 Montenegro Montenegro is little balking country on the coast very Charming Couture is a beautiful city very ancient a lot of castles there hi Deana how are you having fun it's going to be really loud I hope you guys can hear me right now the capital of p is okay kind of boring but there's some really cool towns like ancient towns on the coast of Montenegro where you can like hang out with some cool Europeans and just get
a good vibe like this it's cool to be surrounded by Europeans here everyone's super cool my favorite place in Montenegro is called pasas p e r a s t there's like an ancient little castle there there's a tennis court with a beautiful view of the sea really good seafood over there it's also where Novak jokovic has a second home or a fifth home I really hope you guys can hear me right now it's freaking loud my first time in Montenegro was 2012 I was hitchhiking there when I studied abroad I remember sleeping at a really
dirty hostel and hanging out with the mon NE Mafia crazy story which I'm not going to get into right now yeah definitely get Montenegro a chance hey this is God you probably recognize it from my India videos what up bro random question just I'll explain later what do you think about Montenegro I love it it's so amazing so so underrated it's like one of the best places I've been unbelievable while I'm here I'm going to tell you about number 33 FIA and then I'm to go have fun because this place is crazy so bosia is
another Balan country you have Saro the capital city which is actually really beautiful it's a Muslim country along with Koso and Albania so we're eating lunch here in Saro and the cult to prayer is going off there's a really beautiful city called moar which is has a beautiful Bridge which like a medieval castle like a cobblestone street it's super super super beautiful there the best food there is Ki which I also have in Spain it's a country I want to explore more of like in the North there's some different places in bosia that seem amazing
and I really hope to get there okay my voice is going right now I'm G to go some fun and I'll catch you guys after Tomorrowland for number 34 all right I am back in antp the nearest city to Tomorrowland we are mid festival and it's a great time to jump into number 34 Albania all right we have officially just entered Albania new country babe Alia Alania is a strange place because in the Balkans but it's kind of like Italian culture but it's kind of like Turkish culture it's like all mixed together Turkish because it's
a Muslim country it's one of three Muslim countries in Europe predominantly Muslim that is Italian because it's right across the sea from Italy and you'll find a lot of coffee shops and really like Italian Vibes and even some people speak Italian in Albania it's really cool in the Balkans you're next to Montenegro you're next near Serbia and Koso and and Macedonia so it's a really cool mix of places in the north of Albia you have the mountains which I visited it's awesome there's a town called schoder and if you go like two hours Easter scoer
I met these ladies who are actually crossdressing as men but they're not trans and they're called beras it's super interesting story he just hear just chopping wood in half I'm not strong enough really it's just something deeply rooted in Albanian culture because male's the dominant figure of the family and if there's no male figure in the family then they become male then you have Toronto the capital which is just like a busing place it is so hot here holy walk into the city center if I don't get run over by a car we super interesting
about Albania is that there's all these bunkers like the Communist period from like several decades ago there's like hundreds of thousands of bunkers around the country and it would like there to hide in case of War it's really interesting a lot of them are abandoned some of them have been turned into hotels and art galleries and stuff this is so cool it's like an art installation this is a random bunker on the side of the road actually literally there's a gas station in front of me so we're literally on the side of the road I'm
going to go inside this one who there's like a door here the fact that there's over a half a million bunkers in this country freaking blows my mind so weird iing people are really warm and friendly and food is good and there's beaches in the South which I really need to visit number 35 Macedonia or as I now call it North Macedonia another Balkan country I got to say Scopia the capital is one of the weirdest cities in the world there's all these statues like really nice looking real ISC statues all along the banks of
the river here there are like this bridge has like 50 statues and then this walkway has another 50 statue statue statue statue statue statue statue oh and the other Bridge has statues look at this statue statue statue statue statue statue statue statue statue statue it's a weird place it's it's a strange place and I wonder if they took all that money that they put on statues and put it to something else I don't know how needed the statues are anyways the coolest Lake in Europe is called oid it's a really clear freshwater lake you can
go diving in It cliff jumping and just have a day on the water it's really really awesome that was my favorite thing about Macedonia by far and overall it's just a really chill cool small country easy to road trip Balan Vibes good food I highly recommend Macedonia I actually think it's super underrated and it's one of my favorite Balkan countries I think I'm going to be heading back there really soon by the way how cool is this central train station in anver it's one of the oldest in Europe this little square here is very Charming
number 36 Cypress so you have North Cypress which is like Turkish Cyprus and Southern Cypress which is Greek Cyprus right now I'm standing on the Greek side of Cyprus very different there's a border that splits between the two could not be more wildly different the two different areas of Cypress but cypro people are amazing the food is great it's a vacation spot for most Europeans they go there they hang out there's beaches it's wine cheers yes but yeah if you're in the southern part you're going to feel like you're in Greece and the Norther part
you're going to feel like you're in Turkey I mean like Muslims they use Turkish L they don't drink alcohol in the North well at least not that much there's a cool castle in the north it's called tyrania and then nikosia the capital city is really cool it's lined with coffee shops everyone's like really friendly and going in Cypress it's really close to like Lebanon and Israel and Palestine it's just like right across the sea it's it's literally like a 20-minute flight so it's it's just right there but it's in the Mediterranean and it's a beautiful
spot and if you're looking for a nice vacation holiday uh you want to probably shouldn't get it by a car you want to just really have a nice time Under the Sun then uh I think Cypress might be your answer that leads me to number 37 Malta just woke up in Malta my 90th country really cool place Veta the capital city has got crazy World War II history it's like Italy it's very similar to Italy meaning there's really good gelato and pizza and the people are really outgoing and I found the seed in Malta to
be especially really clean and blue with really nice beaches and I was kind of surprised by like the marine life in in Malta you wouldn't think of it being something like gree or or on that caliber or on that level but um nice place small island unfortunately I only got to visit Veta nearby places by car what's sup guys I just got off the boat ineta the southernmost capital city in Europe and I'm going to walk around this place pretty cool so far but I would like to visit the other side of the island and
see more because malt people are amazing friendly yeah that's all I got to say for Malta number 38 is Kosovo we are just a few minutes away from the border of Kosovo which is going to be amazing our 84th country together we got to add them up I know right off the bat all the serbians are going to comment and say that Kosovo is not a country that's part of serban I don't care about politics I'm counting it as a country because a lot of un Nations give it recognition like the US the United States
formerly recognized Kosovo as a sovereign and independent nation Koso is awesome it's very similar to Serbian culture it's Balan the capital Pristina is a cool place there's a lot going on there nice people but prisen is a Hidden Gem it's on this beautiful Canal the streets are amazing everyone's like super super kind where you from go dude I'm so happy to be here man this place is awesome you like yeah bro and PR the people are beautiful there I think it's a UNESCO world heritage site for the history there's a really nice Cobblestone Bridge with
coffee shops lined up on it this is an amazing view you have a castle here the beautiful Old Town of pran and the historic Bridge wow the nature is awesome there's like waterfalls around you there's trees there's forests there's Lakes costavo is super underrated but if you do go there be careful you cannot cross the border from Serbia they won't let you through you have to go through Albania that's the best way to get into ghost it's another Muslim majority country so that's why Alban and Kosovo get along they speak the same language and they
basically are very Ser similar the culture prayer just came on which is incredible here in Kosovo one of three countries in Europe that is Muslim majority I know the serbians are going to disagree with me so please take everything with a grain of salt with an American Tourist bias number 39 is mdova I actually really like mdova a lot it's cool it's the greatest country in the world kishna is the capital it's like the least visited city and country in Europe no one really knows about it very similar to Russian they speak Russian they look
Russian they act Russian but it's a weird mix of like kind of European little bit Ukrainian Vibes because it's kind of sandwiched there on the border they have really good wine in mdova there's a place called or I'm not pronouncing it right but I went down there for the winery tour and it was fantastic m i baked all this fresh moven bread the people were super nice the babushkas or the grandmothers were super friendly and outgoing and willing to help out and Yeah malova is super interesting and in fact I like it so much that
I'm planning to go back in a few weeks in this current Euro trip I want to go back to an unrecognized country called transnistria but yeah I think for me farther east you go the more interesting you get the weirder it gets the more Soviet it feels and something that I hope to see more of because I like different things and mova is different that leads me into country number 40 bellus I just went through hell and back to get a bellus Visa but I got it similar to mdova I mean that Eastern Europe feel
the Russia feel the way bellus is different is that it's a big place and it's way more charming and beautiful Minsk is the capital just an awesome sunset tonight in Minsk right outside my hotel room I actually have blood that goes back to B Russian so somehow I'm connected to the culture there a lot of former Jews in bellus which is cool really nice city Minsk um unfortunately I only had the chance to visit mince and it's such a big country that I hope to see more of my friends yes the recently went to bellarus
and made an amazing story there and really loved it it's just like unexpectedly Charming the buildings feel like Disneyland cobblestone street it's wildly in aordable you would not believe the price is there like $3 for a 30-minute taxi ride dollar for a plate of food which of course does make it kind of nice uh when you can save money nowadays it's a little trickier to get there with less flights going in and with political tensions and uprisings but if you ever do get the chance to visit belus I do think it would be worth it
and it's really a special country special experience and something that you won't get elsewhere because from my point of view it's very similar to Russia but I actually really like Russia I think Russia is a cool country I think culturally and Cuisine wise and historically it's fascinating so definitely think it's worth a try but I think road tripping outside of Minsk would be probably the best option cuz it's a big country and you don't know everything that's there so look forward to a video coming soon from bellarus I've just made it to Country number 41
can you guess what it is France you might be wondering why it's so low on this list and well I just got to say I haven't had the best times in this country this is my second time in Paris my first time around I didn't love it so much I thought the people were snobby I thought it was really dirty my wife Deana got pickpocketed here pretty bad it was not a good situation I don't know I just felt like overall wasn't a city that I connected with I also went to Ruan in the west
I went to nce in the South which was amazing and I went to Leon which wasn't so special but I'm here again for the Olympics which is happening right now there's actually events taking place in this moment around me I'm here for a few days I'm already loving it a lot more this time around I met my buddy Thomas from yes Siri last night who's a good friend of mine I'm sure a lot of you guys know who he is he's currently living here here and took me around his neighborhood and it was fantastic and
I'm feeling The Vibes a little bit better now this time around I think what's really going to convince me into being a France lover is the nature so there's amazing beaches in the west and in the north that I have not been to there's amazing mountains of French Alps there's skiing there's a lot going on in terms of nature here that I haven't experienced I also haven't been to the small villages and stuff which I know are incredible so I think I'm going to like France more and it's going to creep up the rankings and
I know that putting it at number 41 is going to make a lot of you guys upset and please I would love to hear your thoughts if you think France is let me know it is true that the people aren't that friendly and warm and open if you speak to them in English they just kind of like look at you and like who's this guy it is true like in most of the cafes here the cafe culture is really cool everyone sitting on chairs having to smoke drinking coffee and just looking out on the street
which I think is awesome it's obviously historic here I know a place I'm definitely going to continue exploring and as I'm at these Olympic events here I'm going to keep riffing off some of the next countries because why not let's do it country number 42 is Armenia kind of stuck in between Asia and Europe but of course I'm going to call it Europe for this video cuz I want to talk about it I only went to dilon which is a resort town in the Central North I crossed the land border from Georgia it was pretty
cool I took the Marka which is like a public van busting over the Border hello everyone so I made it to Armenia this little town in the mountains and so far it's pretty sweet I had a pretty good time in Dilly John to be honest but I think in a few weeks I'm going to cross the land border from Iran into Armenia and spend more time going from south to North in Armenia it's a country that I feel like I really want to to see more I thought the people were really friendly the culture super
interesting it's really hated by its neighbors of Turkey there's been genocides and millions of Armenians have been killed D but they have a strong presence around the world I've seen Armenian quarters all over the place the food's really good it's just a country I didn't get to see enough of and I feel like I will love it a lot more when I go back and so stay tuned for more content coming soon from Armenia number 43 is Finland probably my least favorite Scandinavian country just because I was only in Helsinki and Helsinki I found to
be really expensive and boring but I know that's not a reason to judge a whole country because Finland goes way farther north than Helsinki I really want to go to lap land in the north I want to go to the Arctic Circle I want to see the communities up there I want to see reindeers and I think there's even polar bears way up North there's definitely the northern lights so I definitely got to give Finland another chance but if I'm going to compareed to Sweden or Denmark or Iceland or even Norway I got to say
I'd rank Finland at the bottom the coolest part about Helsinki was taking the boat over to T Estonia which I've already told you about and that was amazing but that was leaving Finland I ate reindeer there it was pretty good I was young and naive also but I'm looking forward to going back to Finland uh maybe this summer while I'm in Europe and and hopefully able to experience more of Finnish hospitality and culture and food and and yeah damn that building is stunning can you guys see that damn that takes us to number 44 lonstein
so as we're walking here on beautiful Shamel deana's favorite Street in the world we're going to tell you about Lenin I've been twice but I took Diana last time with our dog with our dog I actually walked across the country I spent eight hours like walking by foot for a video which was really interesting what did you think about lickstein to be honest it's actually a cute little city or I mean country it's kind of like if you get tired of Paris like people would move there had more like a retirement fight it's really relaxed
L back a lot of old people old people and we actually went shopping you bought some on shoes there yes right and what I love about there are like hole in the wall like cafes remember we sat in like one yeah it's it's it's quaint it's European B is the capital there's a nice Church there but I got to be honest it's a little boring uh it's a little boring in our age but I feel like if you in your 607s that's a beautiful we did take our dog there and he loved it because it's
clean it's also super expensive in lonstein it's similar to Switzerland because it's right next to Switzerland so there's a lot of crossover between culture language but I think it has a way nicer Vibe than Luxembourg yes which is coming up later on the list next is number 45 San Marino 6:30 a.m. and I'm just arrived in San Marino my 91st country San Marino is a tiny little country within Italy and the reason it's so low on this list is just because of lack of things to do there's a nice cable car that you can take
to get some views I recommend going at night cuz then you can see on top of the hill all the lights of San Marino but I don't know it's basically Italy to me but they're very proud of San Marino they have their own Flags everywhere I don't really have much else to say about San Marino other than I'm going to take Diana there at some point because she's sitting at 96 countries right now so we're trying to get her to 100 pretty impressive are you excited for San Marino very excited so we'll Circle back with
more San Marino tips after D's there what are what are they there's not much going on there it's like there's like a little walkway so are they being like claimed by other countries no no no it's it's it's an independent country within Italy all right that's it for San Marino number 46 is aeran today I'm going to take you around Baku it is a country in between Asia and Europe it's in the Caucasus regions but for the purposes of this story we're going to include it in Europe Baku is a capital city and it's kind
of stuck in between a want to be Dubai with all these like modern cool buildings fancy shopping malls with this like ooh you want to get a macaroon let's get some pachio ones while we're getting some macaroons I will say that the culture is kind of stuck in between central Asia and Iran so you get these like Silk Road Vibes these like Middle Eastern Fields a little bit it is a majority Muslim country people are generally really friendly there and they're really shocked to see tourists because most tourists don't go there I only went to
Baku unfortunately I wish that I went to more places in azeron I'm actually hoping to go back soon so I can visit more places I just remember that Azan was actually my H 100th country that I ever visited so I have a cool picture sitting in the lawn with this funky looking building behind me holding up a sign that says 100 like Will Chamberlain when he got 100 points in a game 100 countries feels great man let me tell you let's get two of each two blue two pachio and then I I don't want the
rose I want like this one what else about aeran um there's a cool Fortress in the old toown there they have really good kebabs shisha that's about all I got for aeran by the way don't you love Dianna's hat she looks very Parisian number 47 is Monaco a place that Diana actually wants to go can we do take out here take away inside okay hi can we get a box please of like different kinds wa okay oh we got this a cookie one M okay good worth the then okay all right back to Monaco after
paying $60 on an ice cream cookie that's a scam because you pay for the bag and eight macaroons okay all right just got to [Music] Monaco di what do you know about Monaco why do you want to go there rich people are there yeah she's right rich people are there also yeah there's like famous car racings there good restaurants but like this is one country that I spent like 15 hours in I walked all around the country and then I left actually didn't sleep in Monaco how much the hotel there super expensive a lot of
people have their yachts and sailboats it's right on the it's on the southern coast of France it's a dream vacation for rich people but if you aren't Rich then you're going to be spending $60 for macaroons like we just did they rich just look at the rich true it's a very aspiring place to go if you have money look at the juice inside of this [Music] m unfortunately for Monaco and all the countries here in the lower part of my list I don't have too much content from there because I went like 10 years ago
and I haven't returned so that's why we're just flashing photos and some other random b-roll shots that we find but yeah Monaco kind of boring while I'm standing here in front of the beautiful AK Triumph we're going to talk about country number 48 Andor Andora is actually near France in between France and Spain it's nestled in between and it's really a Nature's lover Paradise so if you like nature you should go there's mountains there's skiing there's all kinds of cool things there for me I found it really boring the biggest highlight of Andor for me
was the main shopping street with all the pedestrians and the McDonald's which I ate at which was pretty interesting McDonald's in Andora I can't really say much more about Andora just because it's so boring there's a couple monuments there's a couple little fountains it's Charming it is nice like if you're in your older age and you want to retire or you want to go on a ski trip then you should definitely go to Andora but if you're a Backpacker or a budget traveler or just someone who's looking for culture then Andor is probably a country
that you can Skip and if you think I'm wrong or if you disagree please let me know in the comments down below that's kind of the reason why I'm making this video is to share my opinions and to also hear yours as well all right that takes me into country number 4 9 Luxembourg as you can imagine it's low on this list because I also find it boring and expensive like lickstein like San Marino like Monaco there's just these small city states within Europe these small countries that are just not so filled with culture for
travelers I just think they're boring and Luxemburg is one of them I remember going there when I was 23 and I got a $15 beer for like a half a liter of beer and I was coming from Prague at the time where a half liter of beer was like $3 so I couldn't believe how expensive it was in Luxembourg it's manageable it's cool to walk around there's a cool Fortress in the downtown Luxembourg awesome view of the old city people are friendly they speak English there's actually a language called luxemburgish and I have a buddy
who speaks eight languages fluently and he's from Luxembourg so I feel like the people that are really well educated and really smart and really cultured because they're surrounded by so many other countries but I don't know not the most exciting place in the world if you ask me and that leads me to the final country on this list number 50 can you guess what it is it is the Vatican City the smallest country in the world with a population of around 8 100 residents yes they do have their own passports they have their own flag
they have their own currency it is within Rome but it is an independent country they have a seat in the UN good morning from the Vatican City Dad new country this is really cool it's amazing I love The Monuments there like it's it's fascinating like the home of the Pope you have the amazing St Peter's Basilica it's one of the most historical places in the world for Catholicism for just incredible history right now you're going to get a glimpse of the greatest Christian Church Church in the world I'm standing inside the world's biggest Basilica here
in the Vatican City St Peter's Basilica these are all hand done mosaics not paintings it is just spectacular here it's just so beautiful wow but it's so small there's no hotels there so it's impossible to stay overnight and if you try to sleep on the street like my friend did you'll get arrested and it's a place that you just visit for a few hours the lines are so brutal so please go early or buy the Fastpass tickets if you're going to take a tour but yeah I just think that the Vatican is great to visit
once and then once you see it it's like the Grand Canyon it's amazing to visit once I love it and I'm from Arizona but once you go once you don't really have to go again so that's kind of my thoughts but thank you so much for watching this video I really appreciate it if you made it all the way to the end I applaud you this video is based solely on my own personal travel experiences after visiting every country in Europe most of them three or more times would love to hear from you guys in
the comments down below if you agree or disagree with my list what would you rank higher what would you rank lower let me know in the comments down below cheers from Paris I'm going to go get some amazing dinner tonight in Paris and I'll see you guys later peace how [Music]