Daredevil Born Again Trailer Breakdown Wonder Man & Ironheart | Marvel Studios Look Ahead!

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Daredevil Born Again trailer breakdown & Easter Eggs by New Rockstars! Download Game of Thrones Lege...
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welcome back to new rock stars I'm Eric Boss and Marvel Studios unveiled a trailer for its upcoming Disney plus slate in 2025 which includes trailer footage and release dates for what if season 3 coming December 22nd of this year your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man coming January 29th 2025 Daredevil Born Again March 4th 2025 iron har June 24th 2025 eyes of wakanda August 6th 2025 Marvel Zombies October 2025 and Wonderman December 2025 I'm going to break down this full promo every we know about each of these series and details that you might have missed from this very
limited footage so it turns out this trailer was actually edited by friend of the channel Andrew hegley who also edited the first teaser for black panther wakana forever that released in July 2022 and a number of trailers that you've loved from Marvel and Disney over the years and he did a really good job here just getting us hyped for each of these titles a lot of which some of us weren't really thinking that much about we actually start in the TVA from Deadpool and Wolverine which this promo reveals is coming to Disney Plus on November
12th Mr Paradox leads Deadpool to the TVA wall but now the screens are filled with Disney plus and we hear the light switch snap sound effect that we associated with paradox's SNAP in the movie I brought you here to offer you an opportunity walk with me H this just tells me that hegley is on the same page of the rest of us well done my man the fact that the TVA video wall is being likened with Disney plus content is kind of a meta move right it reminds me of She-Hulk crashing through the thumbnail images
of the Disney Plus homepage as well as the AI robot Kevin who who's in the Marvel Vault of the Disney lot and our various theories that Kevin could be kind of an in Universe extension of the TVA the top three screens now show Ry Williams Iron Heart in her Iron Man inspired suit Daredevil Matt Murdoch and Wonderman Simon Williams played by Yaya Abdul matine II the bottom row of screens shows Wade Wilson unmasked then Peter Parker from your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man then some characters from The Eyes of wakanda then some black and white footage that
looks like Josh Gad who will be playing a small role in Wonderman then an overhead shot of Murdoch and the legal team walking out of a courthouse from born again and then white tiger from born again and then Wolverine from his let's go moment and then Wilson Fisk from born again when he's making his mayoral candidate speech then there's a closeup shot of Matt Murdoch's broken red frame glasses that he picks up after laying out some guy then a quick shot of Ry Williams and a friend I think that's Alden Aron Reich as Joe muty
uncovering her armored suit a top a car and that cover is a Cubbies flag as the series will be set in Chicago then we see Yaya as Simon William Wonderman at a Hollywood Premiere he's standing in front of the historic Fox Brewing theater in Westwood you may have remembered this from Quinton Tarantino Once Upon a Time in Hollywood where Margaret Robbie as Sharon Tate goes to see herself in a film and tantino couldn't help but you know make the feet the star of the shot but Simon is wearing his iconic red jacket with the high
collar and the sunglasses and the turtleneck as he appears in the comics I'll talk more about Simon Williams in a bit but he's a stunt man and an actor in Hollywood one of the West Coast Avengers brother to Eric Williams aka the Grim Reaper characters in the comics who have an interesting connection with vision but anyway we'll get back to him this opening section also teases Spider-Man from your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man Riri flying in her armored suit another quick shot of Alden arri as Joe mutti and iron har the Daredevil Born Again villain Muse then
this older man showing a collection of art on his wall probably related to Wonderman we see images of white vision from Wanda Vision as well as Ultron and then on the right side of screen that's the xenomorph egg from the alien poster and then I believe that's a blue na'vi among the collage of concept art and we should note that both both alien and Avatar are Disney properties technically now we also see Wilson Fisk and Bessa toasting in a private dinner before the rabbit in a snowstorm painting that got stained in blood in the final
fight in Daredevil season 3 and Anthony Ramos says Parker Robbins the Hood from Iron har an antagonist who might might get his powers from Sasha Baron Cohen as Mesto ah we'll see okay let's go Title by title and actually break them down like they're their own miniature trailer starting with Daredevil Born Again Play the clip it's been some time hasn't it you've come up in the world I could say the same about you I wonder if your darker half would agree exactly what kind of a lawyer are you a really good one and there's also
a bit more Daredevil footage at the end of this trailer play that clip we have a long road ahead of us much to do okay so Daredevil born again is something of a continuation of the Netflix Daredevil series series which in season 3 featured Wilson Fisk using a daredevil doppelganger Ben Point xter Bullseye and Matt Murdoch and Wilson Fisk having a very bloody fight that ended with both Fisk and Vanessa in custody now Wilson Fisk is running for mayor he appeared in Hawkeye as the big boss of the tracksuit Mafia and the boss to Eleanor
bishop and the Father Figure to Maya Lopez Ekko Maya shot him in the eye at the end of that show but he returned in the Echo series with kind of like a cybernetic eye implant and new tech that allowed him to communicate one-on-one without the need of an intermediary and echo's post credit scene Fisk decided to run for mayor of New York City in this shot a supporter behind Fisk wears a blue hat with yellow letters Fisk can fix it we also see a shot of John Bernthal because Frank Castle Punisher is also returning for
the series an overhead shot shows a group of lawyers walking through the courthouse Lobby and you can see Matt with his Cane on the right there then the shot of Matt Murdoch and Wilson visk sitting across from each other for coffee in a diner facing off in a public nonviolent setting now that Fisk has to kind of just like play the part of a peacemaker during this campaign we don't think it'll last long Vanessa and Fisk and Fisk is wearing an all-white tuxedo make the Splashy entrance at a charity function it looks like through a
door that looks heavily fortified like a vault door of some kind now if you are into backstabbing faction building and double crossing it can be tough to get your fixed day today unless of course you play Game of Thrones Legends Game of Thrones Legends is a match 3 RPG featuring epic team based player versus environment and player versus player battles with Collectibles and up upgradable Champions the battles are such a satisfying mix of matching puzzles Combos and the special abilities each character has it's one of those games where you get in the zone it's super
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bar oh come on don't do this to josies then some shots of Matt opening his box to his batons the Daredevil leaping off a balcony with the city skyline behind him that kind of looks like it might not be VFX but rather like either a matte painting or a miniature practical backdrop there's just something about this that looks very like Tim Burton's Batman to me and I really love the lighting of the shot then we see dared ofal fighting m M and Muse's Hideout you can actually see Muse's art on the walls it looks like
a rendition of muse a rendition of the white tiger mask and then a Punisher skull you can see paint cans everywhere Muse is wearing a hat and a white mask and suspenders so Muse is from Charles Soul's Daredevil run in 2016 a serial killer and an artist inspired somewhat by Banky a killer who terrifies people with horrifying street art that in some cases uses the blood and remains of the people he has killed we get a closeup of muse later he looks great in this he's got Inky tear stains on the mask but they left
his eyes practical and we still don't know who's playing Muse but they really cast an actor with just some like crazy bloodshot eyes that look great we also see Daredevil fighting Muse in a different location lassoing him with his cable extensions with the batons the action and stunts of the Daredevil footage just makes me so excited for the show and yes new rock stars will be picking back up with our road to Born Again rewatch series starting in 2025 where we're going to go back through Daredevil seasons one 2 and three as well as the
Punisher seasons and Defenders Yousef Khan father to Kamala Khan from M Marvel and the Marvels appears in this series as someone Matt helps out feels like part of the plan of this series will be to expand the street level of the MCU with shows like this and further connections to Hawkeye and Miz Marvel and perhaps a future Young Avengers series that we definitely need Joe lock Wiccan to be in the later section shows part of Wilson fisk's campaign speech he wears an American flag lapel pin but then another red pin beneath it that might be
like an apple for the Big Apple he having trouble making out what that is okay on to your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man coming January 29th this animated series formerly Spider-Man freshman year it's coming from Jeff traml and we just see a few quick shots of this with this version of Peter Parker voiced by Hudson Thames who also voices him and what if season 3 his practical suit uses web shooters with hoses running to tanks in the backpack and I love how when he FPS there is an impact ring representing a kind of residual Misty spray from
the thwip the animation just looks really great here but let's move on to iron har coming June 24th roll the clip I'm want to build something undeniable anyone who's ever accomplished anything I iconic in life I had to do some questionable things to get it done so this Iron Heart footage shows Dominique Thorne returning as Ry Williams after black panther wakand forever we see her in her workshop at MIT and we know that Jim rash's School administrator from MIT is going to be here and that Riri might get kicked out we also see some shots
of her welding somewhat evoking Tony Stark in the cave with the box of scraps we see her bulky I think that's her model one armor that she's doing in the lab using I assume School resources to do and I love this shot of the final piece of it just the boot has separate thrusters that assembles onto her foot it looks so good it's kind of like Tony Stark's Mark 42 armor from Iron Man 3 which I would argue was his messiest but also his most experimental and creative period I love the design detail that she
can extend the length of her arm by having her hand in the forearm of the armor and her fingers can mechanically puppet the fingers of the armor so this armor is like more of an exoskeleton as opposed to just a suit that she wears and matches her height form Anthony Ramos plays Parker Robbins the hood who looks like he is doing some kind of spiritual ritual here and has some interesting tattoos on his shoulder and arm Sasha Baron Cohen is reportedly playing Mesto in the series now the hood gets his powers from doramu in the
comics I'm just waiting to see how memphisto fits in the series tonally we also see riri's model one helmet clamping onto her face with this Clank sound effect and I just love the way her armor looks in the series the fact that we see multiple pieces of it coming together like in the original 2008 Iron Man it's a big visual improvement from the you know kind of plasticky robotic body of iron heart's armor and black panther W kind of forever we will see at least one other suit on the show armor that is more an
expression of rir Personality decorated with her art and has those streaks of red in it she uses this armor to smash a truck and then fly through a tunnel that's transporting a car on a track later we even see her dancing in it I'm super pumped for this show now we are getting what if season 3 way earlier than I expected coming December 22nd 2024 that's 7 weeks from now folks I'm assuming they're going to do another holiday release I'm not crazy about one episode a day like they did last year it'd be I'd much
rather prefer one a week but whatever they're going to do what they're going to do in these shots we see Nick Fury with Scrolls also shuni and a kind of western cowboy get up but I think the standout shot here is a Gundam Captain America and I think we can assume from other trailer shots that this is Sam Wilson then Marvel zombies coming October 2025 battle they will sing about for ages [Applause] so Marvel Zombies based on the Robert Kirkman run of the comics looks like it'll explore a zombie covered Marvel Earth that was established
in what if season 1 episode 5 which ended in wakanda with zombie Thanos having the Infinity Stones we see here a zombie AO and I think that might be zombie Wanda maxoff because they all have red eyes I'm thinking she might be controlling these zombies the coolest detail here is blade as moonnight yeah it's not yet clear if Mersa Ali is voicing blade but it seems like Marvel Zombies is going to continue to expand that whole what if hypothetical concept or what if this person was this person okay let's move on to the Wonderman shots
you can slate whenever you're ready Simon Williams reading for Wonderman I was born to play this character and we both have a lot of writing on this you better not mess this up I know so Yaya Abdul matine plays Simon Williams a stuntman and actor working in Hollywood joining him on the series is Ben Kingsley coming back as Trevor Slattery from Iron Man 3 who later appeared in shuni as win wo's Court Jester ated Harris plays Simon's agent Neil San and Demetrius gross plays Simon's brother Eric Williams aka the Grim Reaper from Marvel Comics both
characters do have complicated backstories that connect a vision Dustin Daniel keton directed the first two episodes he previously directed shuni and was going to be attached to the fifth Avengers film now will be directing the fourth Spider-Man film it seems like this series is going to explore like an action forward side of the film and TV industry kind of like HBO's Barry or the Fall Guy both the Ryan Gosling movie and the 80s TV series with a bit of superhero wish fulfillment thrown in there now in the comics Simon Williams is the son of a
rich industrialist rival to Stark Industries he ends up falling in with Baron Zemo during the masters of evil period and Zemo offers to make an ionp powerered superhero who attacks The Avengers but later Ultron will use Simon Williams brain waves and the time spent with the Avengers to complete vision's synthoid form using the body of the original Human Torch in this show it seems like Wonderman is a fictional character in a TV series that Simon is auditioning for and will desperately do anything to his body to be perfect for this part my theory is that
someone in the industry might have recorded or witnessed the W division sitcom hex broadcast from Westview New Jersey and thought hey this might actually make a good TV show might even be that guy with all the concept art that we saw earlier Simon is an actor auditioning for that role and he may end up making the choice to like irradiate his body out of desperation to get the part now we should remember that there's also a Vision Quest series that's on the way maybe coming 2026 that's going to feature the white Vision form who escaped
from West viw and the return of Ultron and that show is being described as part three of the W division Trilogy with Agatha Wonderman could be like a spin-off of that as Marvel Studios seeks to establish the West Coast Avengers Wonderman was originally described as a Marvel Spotlight series now it seems to be a firmly Marvel television series Spotlight so far seems to have just been a category made for echko and Echo alone and if that's the case that's kind of a bummer and in this wonderand footage there's a chase scene pass a movie theater
looks like the Marquees shows Some Like It Hot that's a 1959 Billy Wilder comedy with the all-time best clo line oh I'm a man well nobody's perfect there's also some brief shots of eyes of wakanda coming in August 2025 only four episodes but the animation just looks so good the series will explore the wakandans through history on different missions to recover vibranium artifacts from different regions of the world before they used for evil purposes which of these series are you most excited for comment down below with your thoughts follow me at EA And subscribe to
all three channels of the new rockstars Network for breakdowns and news coverage of everything you love thanks for watching and I'll see you next time bye [Music]
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