Best Exercises For Men Over 50

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If you are a man over 50 looking for an exercise routine that fits your needs, well then look no fur...
Video Transcript:
if you're a man over 50 and you've given up on sustaining any kind of exercise routine well i'm going to tell you something forget about the past whatever exercise routines you were on or that you weren't doing because what i'm about to teach you in this video will change how you exercise if you're a man over fit [Applause] [Music] hey there i'm coach tyler and if you're a man over 50 then this video is going to show you the five exercises that you can do from the comfort of your own home that you should be
doing to improve your posture increase your strength and increase your muscle tone all at the same time and i'm not just going to give you the exercises i'm going to tell you how to put them together into a routine that you can use to get amazing results so let's jump over to the first part where we touch on the five exercises that all men over 50 should be doing this is one of the best exercises for men over 50 and it's called the hindu push-up now the reason why the hindu push-up is so good is
because so many men want to work their chest and they want to work their arms but what do they do they do the bench press and they do curls and you know what happens over time as you bench more and your chest gets tight and you curl more and your arms get tight well this happens and your posture gets worse and worse and you can't extend your spine so if you want great arms and a great chest but still a flexible spine that allows you to move your body then the hindu push-up is your exercise
here's how to do it with perfect form all right you're going to start on the ground in what's called a downward dog position right here the most important thing is not bringing your heels to the ground but rather bringing your head between your shoulders this is going to give you that upper back flexibility that's so important for guys so press your fingertips forward try to bring your head through your arms as much as possible and try to bring your belly button towards your thighs now from there lock the legs try to drop your heels as
much as you can you'll feel a deep calf stretch now bend your elbows and go as deep as you can i like to go until my nose is basically grazing the ground and coming to the bottom of a push-up position now squeeze your glutes tight extend your hips and come into this upward dog position so don't let your thighs rest everything is active the whole time now you're going to exhale here and you're going to inhale as you come through so once it gets a little faster you can get a nice motion going right so
exhale inhale exhale just an amazing exercise for your chest for your arms for your full body and for flexible at the same time now that's too hard you can do an easier variation or you just go from the downward dog position to the upward dog position without bending your arms that's a fantastic variation and if you want to do a harder variation you can do a dive bomber push-up where you bend your elbows and you come like this and instead of just going back to the start you bend your elbows again come down to that
push-up position and then press your fingertips forward back into that downward dog position so give this exercise a shot make sure you do it with perfect form and it will build the chest and the arms that you really want along with the flexibility that you really need tabletop lifts are one of the best exercises for men over 50 and the reason why is because men have such tight shoulders and i don't want you to have tight shoulders right so the tabletop lift forces you to put your arms behind your body and really stretch the front
side of your shoulders and your chest which is so critical for a man especially over 50 especially if you have that tight upper body in addition to that it's going to work your spinal rectors which is going to help prevent back pain and give you a stronger core and your glutes at the same time which is going to make everything easier for you so here's how to do the tabletop lift with perfect form and a couple variations to make it a little bit harder and a little bit easier all right so to start you're gonna
come down into a seated position on the ground you're gonna point your fingertips backwards behind you and you're gonna place your hands flat on the ground from there you're gonna dig your heels into the ground okay and you're gonna try to lift your hips to the sky as much as you possibly can keep your head in a nice straight line between your tailbone and there so you don't have to look up you don't have to look down just keep everything in one straight line okay so dig those heels in try to lift those hips up
like this boom as high up as you can try to squeeze your butt muscles try to really extend those shoulders so don't shrug your shoulders forward like this right pull them back and down like this keep those hips high and how you do this exercise is just come down tap your butt repeat drag the heels and repeat four reps now if this is too hard or if you're not flexible enough that's totally okay simply just come halfway up just lift your butt come halfway up you feel that big stretch in your shoulders hold it for
a second come back down rest for a second and repeat now if that's too easy you can straighten your legs and instead of bending your knees you can drive your heels to the ground and come into what's called a reverse plank position really try to extend the hips and the arms as much as possible in this position and you're gonna feel all the muscles of your lower back the backs of your arms and even your shoulders working extra hard if you try this more advanced variation so make sure you do tabletop lifts it's going to
give you that better posture it's going to stretch the chest and shoulders it's going to make you feel significantly better one of the biggest problems men over 50 have when choosing exercises is that men over 50 hurt their backs and there's a reason for that men over 50 do not know how to properly hinge the hip and extend the hips right this is because for so long we don't work on our glutes and we don't work on our posture throughout that movement so if you want to work your backside your spinal rectors your posture even
your glutes to give you more strength and more core strength at the same time than frog deadlifts are the exercise for you so to start bring your feet slightly outside of hip width with toes turned outward from there you're going to put 90 percent of the weight on your heels as you push your butt back towards the wall almost like you're trying to knock somebody over behind you now make sure that your spine stays one long piece from your tailbone to the top of your head so what that means is don't round your back as
you come down all right so let's give it a shot 90 on the heels push your butt back okay to bend those knees a little bit come down as far as you can keeping your back flat for some of you that means hands to the ground which is awesome for some of you that means hands to your shin for some of you that might mean hands to your knees any depth is fine what's most important is that you keep your back flat and you don't round your back at the bottom position now go a little
bit faster and try to do a few reps with perfect form inhale as you go down exhale as you come up remember weight on the heels butt back and extend those hips at the top full extension squeeze your butt at the top position and even squeeze your core a little bit now if you did this exercise for two or three reps you might think yourself ah that's not too bad but if you do 20 or 30 reps and you do two or three times around well now you've got an exercise that's really going to work
your backside while also improving your posture strengthening your core and helping you understand how to move properly so you can avoid injuring your lower back now if that's too hard remember just reduce the range of motion come down as far as you can and go back up right and if that's too easy well you can add a little hop to the top where you come down touch your fingers to the ground stand up and give it a hop and the faster you go on that one the more it's gonna burn fat and get your heart
rate through the roof at the same time so if you want to work on that proper hip hinge that core strength working on your glutes and getting your heart rate through the roof at the same time do frog deadlifts i promise you won't regret it did you know that most workouts are not created for you in fact if you go to a group training class or if you go to your local gym you're gonna get advice that's cookie cutter advice well guess what everybody's different everybody's got different levels of flexibility strength and cardiovascular conditioning and
so you need a workout program that is created for you which is exactly what we've done we've created a system that uniquely customizes every single exercise in your workout to your individual skill level so if you want to check it out go ahead and click the link below the video and take our new client assessment where we'll customize a workout just for you if you're a guy then i'll bet that you want nice arms and a nice chest am i right well if you're over 50 then i'll bet you you're pretty tight in those areas
too well i'm going to show you an exercise that's great for men over 50 that's not only going to build big strong arms but also a nice chest while improving your flexibility at the same time this is called the chair dip all right and why the chair dip is so great is because so many people focus on their biceps when they're doing curls and things like that thinking that's gonna make their arms bigger but there's only two heads of the bicep and there's three heads of the tricep and the three heads of the tricep working
mean that you can actually get bigger arms faster if you work the triceps more instead of the biceps so here's how to do the chair dip with perfect form and i'll show you a simple variation and a little bit harder variation to make it easier for you all right to start you'll need a chair and what you're going to do is put your hands right by your hips with your fingertips facing straight forward you're going to press your palms into the chair you're going to bring your feet a little bit forward like this and i'm
going to start you out with bent knees if it's hard to do bent knees you can also spread the legs a little bit wider which makes a little bit easier but from here i want you to pull your shoulder blades back and push your hands down so you should always have this posture right here so never slump forward never shugged up like this always good posture in that position now from there keep that position in your upper body your upper back come down as deep as you can if you can tap your butt on the
ground great if you can't that's fine and extend up and really lock the arms at the top position and feel those triceps working at the top position okay inhale as you go down exhale as you go up making sure that shoulder position stays good the whole time okay now if that's too easy hard for you then you can make it a little bit easier by bringing your feet a little bit closer and bending your knees a little bit more and you don't even have to go all the way down you can just do a little
squat like this and back up you're still going to work your flexibility of your chest you're still going to work those arms it's going to still be a great exercise if that is too easy for you and the first exercise is too easy for you make it harder by going straight legs and making your legs together and going all the way down to the bottom position keeping those shoulder blades back and all the way up that's gonna make it significantly hard so remember if you want nice arms and a nice chest while also getting the
flexibility that you need do chair dips if you're a man and you're over 50 then i bet anything that you have tight hips you probably have tight hamstrings too so this exercise is a killer exercise for men over 50 to develop strength and flexibility in their lower body all at the same time it's called the bootstrapper and here's how to do it with perfect form okay to start you're gonna need to figure out how far forward you can bend so bring your legs with your toes slightly outside of hip width and slightly turned outward in
a squat position from there come down as far as you can don't worry about keeping your back flat you can just round your back and wherever you end up is where i want you to put your hands and grab your legs so if it's on your shins fine ankle's fine and if it's on the ground even better if you can grab your toes like this even better the lower you can get the better it is for this exercise so from there you're going to pull with your arms like you're trying to do a row and
you're going to pull your butt down into the bottom position as low as you can get and mess around with the feet position try to find the spot where you feel the most flexible and when you get down to the bottom pull the shoulder blades back tall to the top of your head and try to see if you can sit in this position for just a sec now press into the feet and really really still pulling up on the arms come down and see how close you can bring your head and your chest towards your
legs and again doesn't matter how deep you are i don't care if you're up here and you're going squat like this and extend down like that it's still a start and over time what you want to do is work your hands down towards your toes now from there you're going to inhale as you go down and if you need to you can exhale here get a little more depth exhale as you come up on each position and just move back and forth between position to position over and over again such an amazing exercise for opening
up the hips stretching the hamstrings the lower back and creating strength all at the same time do bootstrappers i promise it's one of the best exercises for men over 50. all right now that you know the five exercises that every man over 50 should do to increase your flexibility improve your posture increase your core strength build a little bit more muscle tone i'm going to tell you how to put these together into a routine that you can use to get amazing results i'm also going to give you some other tips along the way so stay
tuned because you're going to want to know how to put these five exercises into the routine that's going to help you get the results you're after here's three tips for men over 50 who want to see better results from your workouts first after your workout make sure you stay active move your body stretch do a little yoga men have a tendency to just focus on exercise and not enough on moving their body functionally or creating flexibility so prioritize this even five to ten minutes every single day doing a few simple stretches can make a huge
difference on your overall results and your flexibility at the same time next make sure you consume enough protein when you work out hard you need protein to rebuild your muscles plus there's a ton of benefits that protein provides including reducing your hunger cravings for the foods that you should avoid if you want to lean up so make sure you eat protein at every single meal and finally your body cannot recover if you don't get a good night's sleep so don't just grin and bear it and try to get by with four or five hours a
night you're not going to see the results after if you do that try to aim for seven and a half hours at minimum every single night that's going to help you recover faster and get you better results from your workouts bonus tips all right just to review the five exercises that you're putting into routine are hindu push-ups tabletop lifts frog deadlifts chair dips and bootstrappers now how do you put this together into a simple routine that you can use well simply go from exercise to exercise with a little bit of work followed by a little
bit of rest a simple thing you can try is doing 30 seconds of work followed by 15 seconds of rest so what that looks like is 30 seconds of hindu push-ups 15 seconds of rest 30 seconds of tabletop lifts 15 seconds of rest and so on and so on through the frog deadlifts chair dips and bootstrappers and then bring it back around at the top to the hindu push-ups and do that for three full rounds this workout will be incredibly short really easy to apply and if you follow along to it just three days a
week you're not only going to improve your posture increase your flexibility but you're going to build that muscle tone that you're after as well which will give you the confidence to finally be happy in your body again so follow along to that routine try to make progress on each exercise getting a few more reps every single time you do this workout and if you can try to make the exercises a little bit harder each time by doing the variations that i showed you in the previous part of this video okay now that you have a
routine of five simple movements that you know how to do with perfect form i'm grateful that you let me be part of your fitness journey at this point in your life because it's so important to stay active and whether that means going hard with some jump squats or taking it slow and strong with some system stands from your couch i want to emphasize that the important thing is to be doing something active so long as it's not hurting your body if any of this was useful i'd suggest you check out this next video core exercises
for seniors where you can learn more unique movement varieties that will be a great fit for your body which you can use to mix up your weekly exercise routine so click right here go check that out and we'll see you there
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