Jesus Explained the Secret to Being Resilient and Strong in Life

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Jesus Explained the Secret to Being Resilient and Strong in Life
Video Transcript:
there are times when we feel like our strength is running out that the struggles and challenges of life are just too heavy to bear in these moments we seek a source of strength and resilience to help us keep going the good news is that Jesus has already taught us the secret to being strong and resilient even in the face of the greatest adversities throughout his life and Ministry Jesus not only spoke about strength and resilience but he showed us through his actions how we can find that inner fortitude from the calmest moments to the darkest
ones he left us with profound lessons that reveal where the true source of our strength lies today we will explore six Powerful Secrets that Jesus has left for us to be strong and resilient in any circumstance each of these secrets Is Anchored in his own experiences and teachings showing us the way to overcome come with faith trust and obedience to God the first secret is to trust in God at all times from the very beginning of his ministry Jesus showed us that true strength comes from complete trust in God especially in the most challenging situations
one example that illustrates this is when he was led by the spirit Into the Wilderness to be tempted by the devil in Matthew 41-1 we see that after fasting for for 40 days and 40 nights Jesus became hungry something any human would experience in that moment of vulnerability the devil tried to use human weaknesses to divert Jesus suggesting he turns stones into bread but Jesus response was clear and direct it is written man shall not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God Matthew 1 14:4 the this response
was not just theoretical teaching it was a practical demonstration that trust in God must be greater than any physical or material need even in the face of hunger which is a basic necessity Jesus did not place his trust in what was visible but in the word of God this teaches us that in our moments of greatest fragility that's when we should trust God the most when it seems like there is no way out when the solution is beyond what we can see or control trusting in God is what strengthens us this same principle applies in
many other instances in jesus' life when facing storms both literal and figurative his trust was firmly grounded in the sovereignty of God another significant example is in John 6:38 where Jesus makes it clear that he didn't come to do his own will but the will of the father who sent him this shows us that in addition to trusting in God it's essential to live according to his will even when that means surrendering our own desires still in the wilderness the devil took Jesus to the highest point of the temple and tempted him again this time
suggesting he throw himself down because the Angels would save him once again Jesus responded with the word of God it is also written do not not put the Lord your God to the test Matthew 4:7 Jesus didn't use his divine power to prove his identity he didn't need to because his trust in the father was already complete this shows us that we don't need physical proof or signs to trust that God is in control he always knows what's best for us and acts at the right time trusting in God is one of the most important
pillars for developing strength and resilience sometimes we want to take control of situations solve everything with our own strength but that's not the way Jesus taught us trusting is placing control in God's hands and believing that he has the best for us even if we can't see it at the moment when we Face tribulations there's always the temptation to seek quick Solutions or rely on our own wisdom but as Jesus taught us in the wilderness true strength lies in wai in on the Lord Isaiah 40:31 reminds us but those who hope in the Lord will
renew their strength they will soar on wings like eagles they will run and not grow weary they will walk and not be faint this means that trusting in God gives us renewed strength a strength that doesn't come from us but from him throughout the Bible we see examples of people who even in the midst of their greatest difficulties trusted in God and as a result were strengthened and empowered to face adversity David for instance faced Giants not because he was strong in himself but because he trusted in the God who guided him in 1st Samuel
17:45 when David confronts Goliath he declares you come against me with sword and Spear and Javelin but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty the god of the armies of Israel whom you have defied David's confidence wasn't in his abilities or his weapons but in God and it was this trust that led him to Victory the same principle applies to our daily lives when we Face Giants whether they are financial problems illnesses emotional crises or other challenges we must remember that our strength doesn't come from our ability to solve these situations
but from our trust in God Proverbs 3:5-6 teaches us trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight this verse calls us to place all our trust in the Lord in every aspect of our lives and he will guide us on the right path trusting in God also means accepting that we won't always understand everything he does or allows in our lives there are times when God's ways seem incomprehensible to us but it's in those moments
that trust must be even stronger Jesus showed us this in various situations when Lazarus died many questioned why Jesus hadn't healed him before his death but Jesus trusting in God's plan said in John 11:4 this sickness will not end in death no it is for God's glory so that God son may be glorified through it and at the right moment Lazarus was raised from the dead demonstrating that trust in God's timing and plans always results in something greater than we can imagine finally it's important to remember that trusting in God is a continuous process it's
not something we do once and it's done with each new challenge each new difficulty we are called to renew our trust in him in Philippians 4:6-7 Paul exhorts us to not be anxious about anything but to present Everything To God In Prayer and petition with Thanksgiving and then the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard our hearts and Minds in Christ Jesus this teaches us that by fully trusting in God we experience a peace that goes beyond circumstances a peace that comes from him and strengthens us to face any situation the second secret
is to pray constantly Jesus left us a clear example that prayer is essential for being strong and resilient it wasn't just something he taught his disciples but something he intensely practiced in his own life from the start of his ministry we see Jesus withdrawing to pray at crucial moments a significant example is his prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane one of the most intense and emotional moments of his journey in Matthew 26: 36-46 knowing what was to come Jesus withdrew to pray taking Peter James and John with him there he expressed his anguish to the
father saying my soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death Matthew 26:38 what this moment teaches us is that in the midst of life's most difficult situations prayer is what connects us directly to God and and strengthens us Jesus prayed three times in that Garden showing that prayer isn't a one-time event but something continuous his persistence in prayer reflects the importance of maintaining a constant dialogue with God especially in moments of Anguish and uncertainty he not only asked the father to take the cup of suffering from him if possible but also surrendered his
will saying yet not as I will but as you will Matthew 2639 this total surrender is an example of how prayer helps us align our hearts with God's will even when that will involve challenges this episode in Gethsemane also shows us that prayer is a source of spiritual strength while Jesus prayed the disciples with him fell asleep despite his request for them to keep watch and pray this shows us that without prayer it's easy to succumb to fatigue and weakness but prayer renews us after praying Jesus was ready to face what was coming while his
disciples who did not pray were confused and lost when confronted with the situation another powerful example of the importance of prayer in jesus' life is when he spent the night in prayer before choosing his 12 disciples in Luke 6213 we read that one of those days Jesus went out to a mountain side to pray and spent the night praying to God when morning came he called his disciples to him and chose 12 of them this moment shows that even in important life decisions Jesus fully trusted the direction the father would give him through prayer he
didn't make the decision hastily or based on his own wisdom but sought God's Guidance just as Jesus taught us prayer should not be limited to moments of distress but should be part of our entire lives the Apostle Paul reminds us of this in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 where he exalts us to pray without ceasing this means that our lives should be permeated with an attitude of prayer a continuous conversation with god it's not necessary to always be in a specific place or special position to pray we can pray as we walk work and face our daily
challenges prayer keeps us connected to God and this connection is what strengthens us and gives us resilience to face trials at another point in Jesus life we see how he often withdrew to pray in solitary places Luke 5:116 records that Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed this habit of seeking Solitude to be alone with the father shows that prayer is also a moment of personal renewal and strengthening even in the midst of his his intense Mission surrounded by crowds and many people needing his help Jesus always found time to withdraw and pray this
teaches us that in the midst of our responsibilities and daily activities it's essential to set aside moments of quiet to pray reflect and listen to God's voice prayer not only strengthens us but also gives us Clarity and discernment Jesus demonstrated this when he prayed before for making important decisions as we saw in the example of choosing the disciples this teaches us that when we Face moments of uncertainty instead of trusting in our own ability to discern what's best we should seek God's guidance through prayer prayer opens our spiritual eyes and allows us to see beyond
the immediate circumstances another significant moment in jesus' life related to prayer is in Luke 11:1 when one of the disciples after seeing him pray asked Lord teach us to pray just as John taught his disciples this request shows that Jesus's own disciples recognized the importance of prayer in his life and wanted to learn to pray as he did it was in this context that Jesus taught the famous Lord's Prayer which serves as a model for all of us the Lord's Prayer teaches us to rever God seek his his will ask for daily provision and plead
for forgiveness and protection this prayer summarizes the Essential Elements of an effective prayer life additionally Jesus also gave us the parable of the unjust judge to teach about the importance of persistence in Prayer in Luke 1818 Jesus tells the story of a widow who persistently asked a judge for justice even though he neither feared God nor cared about people although the judge initially ignored her requests he eventually gave in because of her persistence Jesus used this Parable to teach that we should always pray and never give up he concludes by saying listen to what the
unjust judge says and will not God bring about Justice for his chosen ones who cry out to him Day and Night Luke 1867 this Parable teaches us that persistent prayer is powerful and that God in his time will answer our pleas therefore prayer is not just a religious practice it's a relationship with God it strengthens us gives us resilience and keeps us connected to the father in all circumstances Jesus showed us through his life that prayer is the secret to remaining steadfast even in the face of the greatest adversities the Third Secret is serving others
Jesus taught us that true strength and resilience often come through serving others in many situations he showed that the path to Greatness is not in being served but in serving a clear example of this attitude from Jesus is when he washed his disciples feet in John 13117 during the Last Supper Jesus did something that surprised everyone he the master and Lord got up took a tow knelt before his disciples and began washing their feet Peter initially refused because he didn't understand why Jesus himself was doing such a humble task however Jesus explained the importance of
that act in John 13:1 14:15 Jesus said now that I your lord and teacher have washed your feet you also should wash one another's feet I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you here Jesus shows us that serving others is not a sign of weakness but of inner strength and confidence in our identity in God even though he was the son of God he did not feel diminished by performing this humble act on the contrary he demonstrated that true greatness lies in serving serving others is an act
of love that strengthens us spiritually because it shifts our Focus away from our own difficulties and puts us in a position of empathy and compassion for others in Mark 10:45 Jesus stated for even the son of man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many this verse highlights that Jesus mission from the very beginning was marked by service he did not seek status recognition or Comfort but dedicated his life for the good of others more over serving teaches us to develop resilience that goes beyond
ourselves when we focus on helping someone we find strength even when we feel weak this is because by attending to others needs we are renewed through the very act of giving the Apostle Paul reminds us of this in Galatians 6:9-10 where he writes let us not become weary in doing good for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up therefore as we have opportunity let us do good to all people especially to those who belong to the family of Believers Jesus himself on various occasions demonstrated that service is
a way to fulfill God's purpose on earth when he fed the crowd of 5,000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish as narrated in Matthew 14321 he not only performed a miracle but also taught us the p power of serving the needs of others even when resources seem limited Jesus could have sent the crowd away but he chose to serve trusting that God would provide what was needed to feed everyone present another important point is that serving others helps us develop humility in Philippians 2 3-4 Paul urges us do nothing out of selfish
ambition or vain conceit rather in humility value others above yourselves not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others by serving we learn to prioritize the needs of others above our own and this strengthens us emotionally and spiritually because our lives begin to reflect Christ's love in a practical way Jesus also left us the example that service should be done without expecting anything in return in Luke to 635 he teaches us to love our enemies and do good without expecting anything back this is resilience in its purest form
continuing to do good even when there is no recognition or immediate reward this attitude strengthens us internally because it frees us from the need for approval and validation from others focusing solely on pleasing God service also prepares us to face life's adversities with greater courage when we are accustomed to putting ourselves at others disposal we practice an act of surrender in Matthew 2535 to 40 Jesus teaches us that by feeding the hungry giving drink to the Thirsty welcoming strangers and clothing the needy we are actually serving Christ himself he said truly I tell you whatever
you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine you did for me m Matthew 25:40 this shows us that serving others is also a way to deeply connect with Jesus strengthening our spirit and our faith when Jesus called his disciples he invited them to a life of service in Matthew 20 2628 he said whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant and whoever wants to be first must be your slave just as the son of man did not come to be served but to serve and to give
his life as a ransom for many Jesus makes it clear that the path to True greatness lies in service by living out this principle we find a source of strength that the world cannot offer this strength does not come from recognition or power but from the simple Act of blessing others furthermore serving helps us develop a long-term Vision by investing our time and energy to help others we are planting seeds that we may not see the fruits of immediately but Jesus reminds us that sincere service will always be rewarded by God in Hebrews 6:10 it
is written God is Not unjust he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them this gives us the assurance that our effort to serve is not in vain and that God in his time will bring the reward therefore serving others is one of the most powerful ways to be strong and resilient in life it shifts us from a stance of self- protection and teaches us to live selflessly just as Jesus did through service we find purpose spiritual growth and the strength
to face the challenges that come our way the fourth secret is having faith in difficult times Jesus in his journey on Earth left many examples of how faith is essential to navigate the most adverse situations during moments of uncertainty and tribulation he always demonstrated that faith in God is what sustains us one episode that clearly illustrates this is the occasion when he and his disciples crossed the Sea of Galilee in Matthew 8:23 to 27 we read that Jesus was in the boat with his disciples when a great storm arose the the wind and the waves
were so strong that the boat seemed about to sink meanwhile Jesus slept peacefully desperate the disciples woke him saying Lord save us we're going to drown Matthew 8:25 Jesus upon waking up rebuked them for their lack of faith before calming the storm why are you so afraid you of little faith Matthew 8:26 then he got up and with a simple word commanded the wind and the sea to calm and there was great peace this moment teaches us that in times of greatest distress when everything around us seems to be falling apart faith is what keeps
us grounded even when circumstances are frightening and fear tries to overwhelm us Jesus calls us to trust in God for he is in control even when we cannot see an immediate solution for Jesus Faith was not just an abstract feeling or something to talk about during peaceful times it was an active trust in God's goodness and power regardless of the situation another powerful example of how Jesus connected Faith with resilience in the face of challenges is in the episode where he healed the woman with the issue of blood in Mark 5:25 to 34 we find
the story of a woman who had suffered from an illness for 12 years she had spent all she had on on treatments without success but upon hearing about Jesus she decided that if she could just touch his clothes she would be healed with faith she approached him in the crowd and touched the edge of His Garment immediately she was healed Jesus realizing that he had been touched said to her daughter your faith has healed you go in peace and be freed from your suffering Mark 5:34 this story teaches us that even in situations that seem
impossible Faith brings us into direct contact with God's power that woman despite years of suffering did not lose her faith she believed that with a simple Act of trust she could receive healing and that's exactly what happened Faith therefore is a force that pushes us beyond our limitations and helps us find strength in God's power to face what seems insurmountable Jesus also teaches us that faith is powerful even when it seems small in Matthew 17:20 he says if you have faith as small as a mustard seed you can say to this mountain move from here
to there and it will move nothing will be impossible for you the comparison with a mustard seed is significant because this seed is extremely small yet it grows to become one of the largest plants in the garden this teaches us that it's not the size of our faith that matters but in whom we place that Faith even the smallest amount of faith when placed in God can move mountains so when we Face difficulties even if our faith seems fragile we must remember that God is powerful to act and that gives us strength to keep moving
forward moreover faith in difficult times not only helps us overcome challenges but also brings us peace amidst the storm in John 14:27 Jesus said to his disciples peace I leave with you my peace I give you I do not give to you as the world gives do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid the peace that Jesus offers does not depend on external circumstances but comes from trust in God when we have faith we can experience that peace even when everything around us seems chaotic it is faith that allows us to
rest in the assurance that God is with us that he has a plan and that nothing is beyond his control Jesus often praised those who showed great faith even in times of great suffering one example of this is in Matthew 15228 when a Canaanite woman whose daughter was possessed by an evil spirit came to Jesus begging for help initially Jesus did not respond and the disciples asked him to send her away but the woman persisted showing unwavering Faith Jesus finally said to Heroman you have great faith your request is granted Matthew 15:28 and her daughter
was healed at that moment this story shows us that even when it seems like God is silent or distant our faith must remain firm This Woman's persistence in seeking jesus' help even in the face of obstacles is a clear example of resilience rooted in faith faith also allows us to see beyond present difficulties and look to the future with hope the author of Hebrews reminds us of this in Hebrews 11:1 where we read now Faith is confidence in what we hope for and Assurance about what we do not see even when we cannot see the
solution Faith gives us the certainty that God is working on our behalf when we trust in him we can face any situation with courage knowing that he is with us every step of the way thus faith is not just a refuge in times of difficulty it is also the force that propels us forward when Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead as described in John 11144 he asked Martha lazarus's sister an important question I am the resurrection and the life the one who believes in me will live even though they die and whoever lives by believing
in me will never die do you believe this John 11:25-26 Martha replied affirmatively showing her faith and Jesus in response to that trust brought her brother back to life this passage teaches us that even in the face of death faith in Jesus is what sustains us and gives us hope therefore faith is the foundation of resilience it allows us to face life storms with confidence Keeps Us grounded when everything around us seems to be crumbling and gives us the assurance that no matter what we Face God is in control just as Jesus demonstrated in his
life Faith does not remove challenges but equips us to go through them with strength and peace the fifth secret is to forgive wholeheartedly Jesus taught us through his words and actions that forgiveness is one of the greatest demonstrations of spiritual strength and resilience forgiving is neither simple nor easy especially when we've been deeply hurt however Jesus showed us through his own life that forgiveness is essential to live in peace and harmony with God and others one of the most powerful examples of forgiveness was when while on the cross he he prayed for those who crucified
him in Luke 23:34 he said father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing even in the midst of extreme pain and Injustice Jesus chose to forgive this act teaches us that forgiveness does not depend on the circumstances or the severity of the offense but is a reflection of the grace that God extends to us forgiving someone who has deeply hurt us requires strength and above all trust in God Jesus showed us that forgiving is not a sign of weakness but rather of spiritual power when we choose to forgive we are telling
God that we trust his Justice and do not seek revenge or Harbor resentment in Matthew 6:14-15 Jesus teaches for if you forgive other people when they sin against you your heavenly father will also forgive you but if you do not forgive others their sins your father will not forgive your sins this verse shows us that forgiveness is a two-way street as we forgive we are also forgiven furthermore forgiveness sets us free when we do not forgive we become prisoners of resentment hurt and bitterness these emotions corrode our inner peace and weaken us spiritually forgiveness on
the other hand frees us from these chains and allows us to live fully and in peace with God in Matthew 18: 2122 Peter asked Jesus how many times he should forgive his brother suggesting seven times as a generous number but Jesus replied I tell you not seven times but 77 times this teaches us that forgiveness must be continuous something we do repeatedly Without Limits we must not hold grudges or or limit our forgiveness to a set number of offenses a powerful example of forgiveness in the Bible is the story of Joseph the son of Jacob
who was betrayed by his own Brothers they sold him into slavery and Joseph suffered years of Injustice in Egypt yet when Joseph became governor and his brothers came to him for help he forgave them wholeheartedly in Genesis 50:20 Joseph said to his brothers you intended to harm me but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done the saving of many lives Joseph's forgiveness was deep and sincere and his forgiving attitude brought reconciliation to his family this shows us that forgiveness can transform even the most difficult situations into something God uses for
good Jesus also taught us that forgiveness must be accompanied by action in Matthew 52324 he instructs us to seek reconciliation with others before offering anything at the altar therefore if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you leave your gift there in front of the altar first go and be reconciled to them then come and offer your gift this shows us that forgiveness is so important that before we offer anything to God we should make every effort to be at peace with those around
us forgiveness is more than an internal decision it involves an active attitude of reconciliation forgiving gives us the strength to move forward without carrying the burden of resentment when teaching the Lord's Prayer Jesus included forgiveness as a fundamental part of our relationship with God and with others in Matthew 6:12 we pray and for forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors this reminds us that forgiveness is an ongoing practice in our life of Faith something we must do regularly just as we expect God to forgive us in addition to freeing us from
hurts and resentments forgiveness empowers us to love more deeply in Colossians 3:13 Paul reminds us bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against some someone forgive as the Lord forgave you this teaches us that just as God forgives us daily we must extend the same Grace to others strengthening our relationships and promoting Peace by forgiving our hearts are transformed and molded to be like Christ who forgives us infinitely forgiveness also requires humility many times we are tempted to hold on to Pride and resentment waiting for the other
person to repent or apologize but Jesus calls us to forgive regardless of the other person's attitude he teaches that forgiveness is a personal and spiritual choice that does not depend on the offender's attitude or repentance this requires us to relinquish our right to retaliate and submit to God's will trusting that he is just and knows how to deal with all the issues in our hearts an important aspect of forgiveness is that it does not mean forgetting or ignoring what happened forgiving is not justifying or minimizing the offense but releasing both the other person and ourselves
from the chains of hurt in Ephesians 43132 Paul exhorts us get rid of all bitterness rage and anger brawling and slander along with every form of malice be kind and compassionate to one another forgiving each other just as in Christ God forgave you this teaches us that forgiveness is part of the process of freeing ourselves from negative emotions that erode our souls by forgiving we are freed from these burdens that prevent us from moving forward with joy and peace therefore forgiveness is a path to strength and resilience when we choose to forgive even in the
most difficult situations we follow jesus' example and draw closer to God forgiving is not just an act of kindness but an essential step for our spiritual and emotional health forgiveness restores us frees us and empowers us to live with a lighter heart aligned with God's will the sixth and final secret is accepting God's will throughout his ministry Jesus demonstrated that true spiritual strength and resilience come from complete surrender to God's will he didn't just preach about the importance of doing the father's will but he lived it out in every decision and action even when that
will involved pain suffering or challenges that seemed impossible to Bear one of the most profound moments where Jesus teaches us to accept God's will is in the Garden of Gethsemane in Luke 22:42 shortly before his arrest and crucifixion Jesus prayed father if you are willing take this cup from me yet not my will but yours be done this prayer of Jesus reflects the tension between the human desire to avoid suffering and the obedience to God's will he didn't ignore the fact that the path ahead would be difficult and painful but even so he chose to
submit to what the father had planned by saying not my will but yours Jesus teaches us that true resilience lies in trusting that God's plans are perfect even when we don't fully understand stand them or when they seem contrary to our desires accepting God's will requires total surrender and deep trust in his purpose another example of how accepting God's will strengthens us is found in the story of Abraham in Genesis 22 1-19 God asked Abraham to do something seemingly incomprehensible to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice Abraham did not question or resist God's command
even in the face of such a painful task he obeyed trusting that God had a plan even if he couldn't see or understand it at the time at the last moment God intervened and provided a ram for the sacrifice showing Abraham that his faith and obedience were not in vain this story teaches us that by accepting God's will even when it seems difficult we are empowered to see his provision and Care in our lives accepting God's will also involves letting go of our own plans and expectations in Proverbs 169 we read in their hearts humans
plan their course but the Lord establishes their steps this reminds us that no matter how much we plan and try to control situations it is God who directs our steps sometimes our plans are disrupted our desires are not fulfilled and things don't happen as we imagined in these situations Jesus teaches us to trust that God's ways are higher and wiser than ours what may seem like a loss or a temporary failure is often part of a bigger and more perfect plan that God has for us acceptance of God's will is not passive it requires action
and Faith when Jesus called Peter to walk on water in Matthew 14: 2233 he challenged him to trust completely in his word and power Peter began to walk but when he looked at the wind and waves around him he became afraid and started to sink Jesus rescued him and asked why did you doubt this episode teaches us that accepting God's will also means keeping our focus on him even when the circumstances around us seem threatening if we take our eyes off Jesus and focus on the difficulties we begin to falter but when we trust fully
in his will we are strengthened to continue no matter the storms we Face another important aspect of accepting God's will is recognizing that often he calls us to wait in Psalm 27:14 we are encouraged to wait for the Lord be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord waiting can be one of the hardest challenges when we are going through moments of uncertainty or pain we want quick answers and Immediate Solutions but God in his wisdom often asks us to wait this waiting is not empty but is a time of growth maturity and spiritual
strengthening while we wait we are called to trust that God is working in our lives even when we cannot see what he is doing the story of job is also a powerful example of how accepting God's will strength us job faced immense losses his health his family and his possessions yet he continued to trust in God in the midst of his suffering job said the lord gave and the Lord has taken away May the name of the Lord be praised job 1:21 this acceptance of God's sovereignty in all things both good and bad shows the
depth of job's Faith he knew that regardless of the circumstances God was in control and his plan was greater than any temporary pain in the end God restored everything job had lost but the greatest gift was the spiritual growth and unshakable faith that he developed by accepting God's will in every stage of his life Jesus also taught us to pray for God's will in our lives in the Lord's Prayer he instructed us to say your kingdom come your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven Matthew 6:10 this shows us that as we
seek God's will in our lives we are aligning ourselves with his kingdom and his greater purpose we don't pray for our own desires to be fulfilled but for God's plans to be accomplished in us and through us this surrender strengthens us because we know that God's plans are always for our good and for his glory as it says in Romans 8:28 and we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him who have been called according to his purpose finally accepting God's will is an ongoing Act of Faith in
every new season of life in every challenge or unexpected change we are called to renew this trust Jesus showed us that even when God's will seems difficult to Bear it always brings forth the fruits of Peace joy and restoration when we accept God's will we find true resilience because we are no longer fighting against circumstances but trusting that God is in control of everything we have reached the end of this reflection on the secrets Jesus left us to be strong and resilient in life we have seen how trusting in God praying constantly serving others having
faith in difficult times forgiving from the heart and accepting God's will are the P that sustain us in any circumstance these teachings are not just words but powerful truths that when applied to our lives transform the way we Face daily challenges if this message spoke to your heart I invite you to subscribe to the channel to continue receiving Reflections that will help you grow spiritually and live closer to God don't forget to like and share this video with someone you know who also needs these words of encouragement together we can spread the Light of Christ
and strengthen each other in faith may God bless your life and give you the strength needed to face any situation see you in the next video [Music]
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