WheyProtein concentrate, isolate, hydrolysate, 3W, 5W and what is the difference between each of them? And not only that, which one is best for each type of person and which is the best WheyProtein for you? Or rather, do you need to take WheyProtein?
I'll explain everything in this video and this is the only video about WheyProtein that you need to watch on the internet. Come on, let's start with this one. This is WheyProtein Concentrate.
Basically, it comes with 70% to 80% protein. This one is the first one that is, let's say, produced in the chain process. To give you an idea, WheyProtein is extracted from the noblest part of milk, called whey.
So, the industry takes this milk, extracts the whey, concentrates this whey, removing all the water from it and the result is this one. In other words, a high concentration of protein, but as it is the first process, there is also the famous lactose, which is nothing more than milk sugar. I'll talk more about it in a moment so you can understand in depth whether you can consume this one that has lactose or not.
This one has a little fat, specifically 2 grams of total fat, in a dose that will provide you with 23 grams of protein. It is highly recommended for people who, firstly, are not lactose intolerant, so they can consume it without any problems, there is no problem with that. And also with people who are not on that super restrictive diet.
Because if it has 2 grams of fat per serving, I don't know if that will make a difference in some people's diets. I don't think so. Carbohydrate, it has 4.
2 grams. I don't think it will make a huge difference to anyone's diet. For a long time it was believed that an athlete in the final stages, that is, in an extreme phase of definition to reduce fat, could not consume this WheyProtein precisely because of its amount of carbohydrates and amount of fat.
But then I'll ask you, are you serious? Will 4 grams of carbohydrates in a dose of WheyProtein make a difference in your diet? I'll tell you no.
And I'll also tell you that I prepared for my last championships by taking concentrated WheyProtein. Features that are very interesting about this WheyProtein. First, the cost, it is the cheapest of all.
Exactly because he is the first in the chain. In other words, first thing, you got the protein, concentrated it, it's ready, that's it. And then you will find prices on the market, of course, they vary a lot from brand to brand, mainly, and are around R$200.
This one from Growth, you can find it for R$119. 70. Another very interesting characteristic, the fact that it has a little bit of carbohydrates and fat, makes it tastier.
So, if you prefer a WheyProtein that has a better flavor, this one is quite interesting. So this is the simplest WheyProtein, then? Yes, this is the simplest one.
I know people think. . .
Yes ! ! !
It's the simplest WheyProtein. It's the simplest WheyProtein, it's the cheapest WheyProtein. And really, very few people, in my opinion, shouldn't take it.
We'll talk more about this. And I'll also tell you in this video whether it makes sense for you to use WheyProtein or not. And I'll tell you right now that it might not.
So let's do the following. Here you understand WheyProtein concentrate. Now let's take this exact product and put it through another filtering process.
This process involves removing a little more lactose, which is the sugar in milk, and removing the fat. If I do this, I will have in my hands exactly the WheyProtein isolate. And the name itself is super suggestive, right?
It is WheyProtein isolate. Because it isolates the protein from these other things. From carbohydrate, which is milk sugar, and from fat.
The big difference with isolated WheyProtein is this. People who are lactose intolerant, it is interesting to consume this one. Because what happens is the following, our intestine, basically, will absorb what we call monosaccharides.
Which are basically three. Glucose, fructose and galactose. If I take a glucose, if I link it to a galactose, I will have a lactose molecule.
So, when I talk about lactose, it is actually the combination of glucose and galactose. Our intestines will not absorb it this way. He needs them to be loose so he can absorb them.
And here, it goes through a process where our body releases an enzyme called lactase. The suffix 'ase' indicates that it is an enzyme, which helps break down substances. This enzyme breaks this bond and releases these monosaccharides, and then our body can absorb it.
A person who has this lactase, will be able to break it down. A person who does not have lactase, cannot do so, thus causing this bond to go down to the intestine, not being absorbed, generating gas, and may even cause diarrhea. If you are lactose intolerant for exactly this reason, this one is the best option, because it has a very small amount of milk sugar lactose.
But I still tell you one thing, if your lactose intolerance is very great, it's not even worth taking this one. Don't worry, we'll talk more about this later. Another interesting thing about this WheyProtein is that it has, on average, 90% protein.
Exactly because he removed that carbohydrate, removed that fat, there was more protein. And you will notice that it dissolves much more easily in water. Do you understand?
I use this one at home and I don't even mix the cocktail. I put the water in the glass, put it in and stir it with a spoon. And it dissolves practically as if it were chocolate milk.
Here you will not find such a strong, present flavor as in the concentrate. Normally, isolates do not have a wide range of flavors. While we can find 20 flavors in this concentrate on the Growth website, this one has far fewer than that.
The fact that it is isolated means that it will be absorbed at a slightly faster rate than the concentrate. But look guys, any type of WheyProtein will be absorbed super quickly. And the fact that it is absorbed faster, it will give you greater comfort in your stomach.
But this is also very individual from person to person. There are people who take it concentrated and feel great, while others feel that it is a bit heavy in their stomach. The price of this guy is also, on the Growth website, you will find him for R$188.
00. One important thing, okay? We are making this video in November 2024.
Pay attention to the date of this video, okay? This one, a 30 gram dose, will provide you with 26 grams of protein. As for carbohydrates, remember I told you there were about 4 grams in the concentrate?
So, here are only 2. Understand, it's not that it's zero carb. It's not that it's lactose-free.
It has a much smaller quantity. That's why I said that if you are completely lactose intolerant, you can't smell it without feeling sick, this guy isn't the one for you. And when we talk about fat, it is zero fat.
Now, let's do the following. Imagine you are not satisfied. You are an insatiable person.
You want more. And then you take this one here, which is already isolated, it's already amazing, but you put it through a process that makes the proteins even smaller. One important thing for you to understand is that when we talk about a protein, we are talking about a set of amino acids, peptides, etc.
It's like, imagine a cookie. Now, when you pass it through another process, it's as if you crushed this cookie and left it in smaller particles. That is, it leaves smaller peptides.
And this is a process that we call. . .
of hydrolysis. Basically, hydrolysis is done in our stomach to break these foods down into smaller particles for our intestines to absorb. And that's exactly why this WheyProtein is called hydrolyzed.
You can even call it pre-digested. Because, think about it, if it comes after having gone through the same process that your stomach does to digest food, it's as if it had already been digested. Do you understand?
So he's already been through someone else's belly? No. He went through the same process, only chemically.
And even after going through this process, a very strong characteristic of this WheyProtein is that it has a bitter residual taste. Because it went through another process and significantly modified the entire structure itself. And because of that, it is the most expensive of all.
He is the most worked on, he has gone through more processes. And to give you an idea, this one on the Growth website costs R$216. 00.
But its main features. It will also provide you with an average of 90% protein. A 30-gram serving of this guy provides 27 grams of protein specifically.
As for carbohydrates, 0. 6%. is very, very little.
People with strong lactose intolerances are recommended for this one. And the amount of fat, if we didn't already have fat in the isolate, this one will also be very low. But look, I'm looking at the packaging here, even in the nutritional table, it's showing 0.
5, while the isolate is showing zero. And because it has gone through all these processes, etc. , it is already pre-digested, it is a WheyProtein that is super fast to absorb.
It basically doesn't even stop in your stomach, it just goes straight through. This makes it widely used in hospitalized patients. And it is widely used in infant milk formulas.
You know those canned ones you see in the pharmacy? If it is milk for a baby whose stomach is still developing, it is important that it is pre-digested, so that it is absorbed super quickly. And here you won't find a great diversity of flavors either, no.
Generally the most common ones there, chocolate, strawberry, vanilla, the natural flavor. And if the isolate dissolves very easily in water, imagine that this one here, very, very easily you can dilute it. Why the absorption speed, what will it help me absorb it faster?
Great question. When we think, the concentrate, it takes longer. Isolate is faster.
The hydrolysate is super fast. But the concentrate, which is the slowest, is already very fast. So if you take WheyProtein and think, no, I'm going to take the hydrolyzed one because I want to absorb it faster.
Look, you've got the biggest nonsense in your head. Because the concentrate is already fast. But then, let me answer you specifically what you asked.
It makes no difference at all. For a while, we believed that the absorption window existed, it was practically a magical thing, right? I finished training and took it, because the body absorbed more.
And indeed, there is a bit of that. But really, for your body, it doesn't matter whether this protein is absorbed quickly or more slowly. What really matters is that you give him the specific amount of protein he needs.
And I'll tell you this information now. But, before I even bring that up, I need to tell you about the other WheyProtein that also exists. Which is basically the following.
Imagine you took these three WheyProtein, mixed them up, mixed everything up here. And then you will have the 3W. It's three WheyProtein.
This type of WheyProtein is a mixture of all three. And here I want you to be very careful about one thing. It's actually something you need to look at in several products, not just WheyProtein.
In Brazil, in the nutritional table, just below the table, in this case here at Growth, you will find the list of ingredients. If I take it here, hydrolyzed, it exists there. Hydrolyzed WheyProtein and emulsifier lecithin.
A preservative. Full stop. If I take the concentrate, I'll find concentrated WheyProtein and then there are, like, flavorings, etc.
And isolated, same thing. WheyProtein isolate yada yada yada. Why am I telling you this?
Because you can pick up a product at the market and it says this on the front of it. WheyProtein hydrolysate. But when you go to see the ingredients, there are a lot of things there.
And hydrolyzed WheyProtein has very little. Be careful with this. There are some naughty brands that do this.
They deceive people. Because in Brazil, if it has hydrolyzed WheyProtein, they can put hydrolyzed WheyProtein on the product's print. And then, when we talk about this WheyProtein here, look.
I'm going to find ingredients, important point, the first one that appears on the list is the one with the highest concentration, followed by the second and so on. WheyProtein, WheyProtein concentrate, WheyProtein isolate, hydrolyzed WheyProtein, cocoa and such, then come the things related to its flavor. I understand that this Growth WheyProtein has first concentrate, then isolate, then hydrolysate.
Most of the time, this is what happens. Laércio, why do I take this one then? What does it offer that is different from others?
A fast release due to the hydrolysate, a little slower due to the isolate and a little even slower due to the concentrate. But really. .
. However, you have to understand that there is concentration here. So there will be lactose, there will be more fat.
From the heart, many times, some people choose 3W because it has some specific flavor, some different taste. This one from Growth is chocolate. So you would find chocolate in others too.
It's more a question of taste. I find this issue of rapid and gradual release a bit of a waste of time. And this one on the Growth website is costing R$144.
00. And the important information, right? Let's see here, look.
A dose of 30 grams. Oh, guys, this is important, okay? Because sometimes you look like that.
Ah, this WheyProtein from Growth has 26 grams of protein, and there's the WheyProtein from Francisco from the Corner that has 40 grams of protein. So, you have to watch the dose. Always compare the serving size with the amount of protein it offers you.
This is something some people don't understand. So, 30 grams of serving, it offers 26 grams of protein, 2 grams of carbs and 1. 1 grams of total fats.
Now that you understand each of the WheyProteins, what it is, how it works for each person, etc. , etc. .
. Does it make sense for you to take WheyProtein? Do you need to consume WheyProtein?
Remember there was a moment here in the video where I told you that the important thing for your body is that you provide it with all the protein it needs? A person who is in the process of increasing muscle mass, The recommendation today is around 1. 6 grams of protein per kilo of weight up to 2, 2.
5 per kilo of weight. The most common is 2 grams per kilo of weight. A person on a calorie deficit diet, doing this whole process with weight loss, etc.
, can put protein up to 3, 3. 5 grams per kilo of weight. I'm telling you about the amount of protein precisely to tell you now that it doesn't really matter where that protein is coming from.
If it's coming from chicken, that's great. If it's coming from eggs, meat, fish, it's great. What matters to your body is that you provide it with the amount of protein it needs.
Why do people typically consume WheyProtein? Making it the most consumed product in the entire supplement range. This in the world.
Precisely because it is easy to consume its protein. I'm talking here about doses of 25, 26 grams of protein, 30 grams of dose. You can easily dilute it in water and drink it.
So, for you to consume this in chicken, you will need to chew an average of 150 grams of chicken. So, it takes more work and WheyProtein ends up being much more practical in everyday life too. So, it's for ease.
Guys, I'm here dressed as Growth, telling you that the Growth website is down here. These values that I gave you are gross values from the website, excluding the coupon that you will enter there, which is LALA, and you will have a discount. And I'll tell you that you might not need it.
WheyProtein will only make your life easier. And I'll take this opportunity to toot Growth's horn a bit more. , because they are WheyProteins with great cost-benefit, precisely because they come straight from the factory to your home.
And look, it's European quality standard. So you can be completely confident that you will be consuming excellent quality WheyProtein. Having said all this.
. . So, which of these do I think is interesting to consume?
If you don't have any type of lactose intolerance, this one is definitely for you. You will pay less, you will find a wide variety of flavors and you will still have a flavor of your own that is much better than the others. Now, if you have any intolerance or at least a sensitivity, this will harm you.
So, isolate is the best option. Only if you have a situation of great, great intolerance should you switch to hydrolyzed. And really, the 3W, I don't think it makes any sense.
Now that you've decided, you know which WheyProtein to take, you can't make mistakes when doing this, right? Oh, there are indeed errors. We recorded a video exactly about this.
Click on this video because it will help you a lot. And just to give you an idea, here I'm going to tell you if you can take it with water, you can take it with milk, with something else. What is the most interesting time of day to take it?
Of course, and several other things. Click there.