if this video has shown up on your feed today it might be God telling you that it's time for you to start creating so I want to share a story from about four years ago I'm at work working a shift as a Domino's pizza delivery driver and it was a day shift so it's very quiet and there are no orders on screen I'm out the back making pizza boxes on my own because that's what I had to do at the time and I'm staring at the White Tiles thinking this is so meaningless and unfulfilling and
I just had the overwhelming sense that it doesn't matter what I'm doing anybody could be doing this and the problem was this wasn't new I'd had this same for every day for probably the last 3 months so I was trying to figure out what's the problem here and I realized that the job wasn't the problem because I'm actually being quite productive I'm delivering people food that they really enjoy so that's fine the problem was this is somebody else's purpose so this is my b and I got a lot of respect for the the boss of
dominoes at the time and I'm not creating anything of my own and the thing where you get resistance is because there are a lot of hours that I'm not creating and I realized that while I'm here I'm actually being productive but it's the thought that outside of this job I'm not creating anything of value and the problem was consumption constantly consuming so that's consuming food consuming information you can be reading books feeling like it's productive but you're still consuming you're not producing anything and then the worst one of all is scrolling on social media consuming
media so you might be able to relate to this the unfulfilling kind of Soul destroying feeling that you're not adding anything to the world so after realizing this I figured out oh it's the consumption I need to start producing something so then I made a massive mistake that cost me probably another year which was I consumed more thinking I was producing something so I thought if I'm going to produce something of value I need to know more I need to get more information so I then vowed to read 100 books not thinking that's consumption I
thought that was a productive activity it isn't you're you're still consuming information so don't make this mistake if you take anything from it you're ready now whatever you need to produce you're ready now it might not be as high quality as what you see other people doing but you don't need to consume more so it took me a couple of years to realize this but in 2023 actually in December of 2022 I decided I'm not going to consume anything else or because habits are quite ingrained I'm going to try my best not to consume and
all I'm going to do is produce something of value every day and that's what I did I start producing content and I did that I've done that every day since in one form or another and it's completely changed it h it solved that problem of the unfulfillment and since then I've gained some success I've got about 300,000 followers on a Tik Tok account and I get comments all the time people encouraging me and it's um very positive comments just recently I got 100,000 views on one of my YouTube videos and the comments are very beneficial
and that's that you've helped me and that I'm having a positive impact on the world so that has come about from me creating instead of consuming I could have just scrolled kept watching stuff on Tik Tok on YouTube because I like consuming that type of content but I've produced something and it's had a positive impact so that brings fulfillment and then another positive benefit is I've made money from it now this isn't the reason why you're going to want to do it but often it can be that you you receive value to the degree that
you add value to the world that's why people that run businesses make more money than employees because they're adding more value sometimes and I made more money I've made more money in the last couple of months than I ever have and that's down to creating rather than consumption but this success has been very recent I've done this every day for over a year and it's only recently that I'm kind of seeing the fruits of my labor so the point is you might gain success but that's not why you do it you do it because you
we're created in the image of God and we are designed to be creators not consumers so you don't do it for the fruits but inevitably if you plant enough seeds trees will start to grow it's just cause and effect if you create something value is going to come back to you but one very beneficial reason why you want to do this is because you enter a positive feedback loop you create something you put it out in the world and people critique it and then you can gain some knowledge from that and Implement an improvement and
then you get better and then you help people and then you just serve the world in a better way and if you do that long enough it compounds and then you become very highly skilled and then it's inevitable that you are going to help people and receive some sort of reward for that and you know this deep down when you're scrolling on Tik Tok you know you come again like you find a funny meme and you do that like that's not fulfillment that's not enjoyment that is a dopamine hit that is going to sustain you
for all of two seconds until you scroll to the next thing and you know while you're doing it that that's not what you're here for that's not what you're designed to do come to this earth to scroll on Tik Tok at cap videos so so that's the shift you can shift from being a consumer to being a producer and it's going to bring fulfillment purpose and you're learning every iteration every time you post something or create something and it doesn't have to be content it could be something physical my journey since realizing this I've created
physical things I've create a digital um content it doesn't matter just create something so it's going to bring fulfillment purpose and you're of service to others so you might be thinking well I don't know what to create so here's the actionable step you want to create whatever it is you're consuming already so if you're consuming content on surfing then create content on surfing wherever you are you might not be near the beach like I am so you can't go surfing and record yourself but you can chop up videos of your favorite Surfer I think it's
big wave surfing season somewhere so chop up them videos do a voice over review each run or whatever it is there's always a a entry point that you can start at so produce something every day it doesn't matter the quality it doesn't matter what it is just produce something and there'll be a lot of resistance to this because consuming is easy it's a passive activity and you get rewarded instantly consuming takes a lot of uh producing sorry takes a lot of thought and a lot of effort and you might not get the feedback You're Expecting
so there's resistance to that and that's why it's good anything that is hard is worth doing like avoiding the palatable Foods or going to the gym whatever it is if you don't know what to con if you don't know what to produce produce what you're already consuming start small and start today don't put it off any longer create something so I'll just share a couple of Bible verses we got Proverbs 1423 all hard work brings a profit but mere talk leads only to Poverty so even when I was reading these books cuz I and these
weren't like story books these are information like what the top productivity people recommend so deep work um How to Win Friends and Influence People very three positive books it's still all talk it's not action I haven't produced anything all the time I'm reading a book I'm not producing anything that's why I'm in the process of reading this book but I'm telling you about it I'm finding a verse and I'm telling you I'm creating something even if it doesn't reach anybody I did a video it was just me reading a Bible verse I'm creating something somebody
sees it I think it got 600 views somebody sees it and it's beneficial I got positive comments I needed to hear that today beautiful produce it's not hard even if you whatever book you're reading that's consumption read it out read a passage or always um credit the auor so all hard work brings a profit but mere talk leads to poverty and I think you can uh agree that scrolling on Tik Tok is going to lead to Poverty whether that's Financial poverty or just I mean they call it brain Rock for a reason and then Ephesians
210 for we are God's workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do God's work which God prepared in advance for us so we have a responsibility to create something we're here as Servants of God that's what it means we're here to serve God and you might not know what that is yet but as soon as you start creating it will be revealed to you and it's revealed one step at a time the path unfolds as you walk it and that's what's exciting that's why it's an adventure if you scroll I mean they call it Doom scrolling
for a reason they don't call it Joy scrolling you start scrolling Tik Tok it doesn't lead anywhere it's anti-s survival it's not productive and you're created for more you're created to produce something and if you take the path and each time when a door's opened you walk through it it leads somewhere positive and it leads I mean in the Bible the phrase eternal life that's going to lead you somewhere if I post a video and it gets 10 views but one of those 10 people needs a service that I can provide then that opens a
door and you don't know what door is going to open to you so my invitation is for 2025 stop consuming and start producing and I look forward to seeing what you put out in the world hope that helps speak to you soon so I forgot to mention I wanted to bring It full circle by telling you that recently at the beginning of the year I went back to Domino's one day a week to work as a delivery driver and I didn't do this for financial reasons because I've made more money recently than I ever have
I don't need to go back to Domino's but I enjoy the job and the funny thing is when you're a Creator when you're on a purpose and putting something out into the world it it was never the job in the beginning because I was earning money it served a purpose I'm grateful for my boss and I am again cuz I'm I'm working for him again but it changes your how you view yourself and the world I guess because now I'm adding value and I feel like the time when I'm at Domino's is kind of like
rest and recuperation cuz it's not it's not an intellectual job it it doesn't take a lot of mental effort and I enjoy it and I enjoyed it then but there was something missing so yeah just to bring It full circle and it's not that I have to do it I'm only there one day a week I like the company the people are a lot of fun to be around so I just thought that was interesting that the job isn't the problem it's the phones and the consumption that's the problem so if you're sat in your
job thinking oh this is unfulfilling if you work 40 hours a week there are a lot of other hours that you could be fixing it and it's the scrolling it's the phone so be a producer