ladies and gentlemen it's currently January of 2025 and something new has rocked the world and that's something new is named deep seek now I'm not going to pretend to know a lot about Ai and chat Bots and all these types of things so I'm going to give you my perspective of what this is it's basically a uh much cheaper way to do everything that chat gbt has sort of done over the last few years deep seek uh is a project uh from China and it has removed $1 trillion from the tech stock market over the
last few days here at the time of recording so I did what any sensible person would do when such a thing happens buy Nvidia stock no this is not Financial advice uh I challenged deep seek to a chess match you see on this channel I have played almost every chess bot in the world and chatbot we recently did the chatbot CH championships so I have to play deep seek and that's what I'm going to do in today's video and then maybe I will pair it against stockfish maybe I'll pair it against chat gbt and we
can see who wins also very quick reminder uh this next part is for people who ever got one of my courses before on Chesley you should have gotten an email in your inbox if you never signed up for the new platform which looks like this that is because you've got a few days left to claim a substantial discount as a member of the previous platform for anybody that doesn't know uh my new educational platform is an all access uh subscription pass and you get access to over 50 courses with many more arriving every single month
and the site is improving many of you have signed up for the very first time but some of you had courses on the previous platform which you keep forever and you get a good discount uh so check your inbox uh for that email all right and if you didn't get one find a way to get in touch now for everybody else sit back relax and enjoy your non-stop flight uh to Gotham versus deep seek deep seek given The Grandmaster title and has the Chinese flag and I am an international master and I'm from the United
States here we go deep seek open the game with Pawn 2 E4 very good move and I thought well I don't really know how good my opponent is right I know that it's been able to accomplish so many things that an AI can do at the fraction of the cost but can it play chess and so I challenged it in the most confrontational way possible an opening known as the Sicilian Defense striking back at the center by utilizing a flank pawn and ready to develop my knight right that's how we want to play in chess
this video might hit the YouTube algorithm some of you watching this might be watching one of your first chest videos ever welcome my name is Levy I'm a balding 29-year-old man uh from New York City and I will uh the self-proclaimed internet chess teacher let's put it this way uh White NOW plays night to F3 In the Sicilian Defense the most common way for white to play is to Target the center like this make a trade put the Knight there and then bring out the rest of the pieces beginners if you're watching you kind of
want to move pawns Knights Bishops and get Kings to safety all right because Kings kind of suck now I played the move E6 there are many different Sicilian defenses uh D6 is the KN or Sicilian Knight C6 is just Knight C6 there are many many you know branches that we sort of setting into the ground uh deep seek play D4 here which is open Sicilian I captured on D4 and it played Knight takes D4 which is exactly normal now again I have no idea what to expect I don't know how good this thing is uh
I have no clue uh when it's going to try to do some illegal things I played nc6 here uh this is the taiana variation and at this point deep seek was doing what uh most Chad Bots do it was trying to tell me exactly what I was doing it was like ah Knight C6 you are playing the timeon of Sicilian Defense this is a very sharp and tactical system which relies on Queens side counterplay in the forms of queen and I was like yo yo yo relax I didn't ask plus ratio Queen C7 uh and
um I skipped a move no I didn't skip a move what am I talking about Knight C3 and queen C7 I verbally skipped a move I said Queen C7 but that move had not happened yet so this position has been reached many many many many times now Bishop 2 E3 now at this point generally black plays a pawn to A6 a knight to F6 a bishop to B4 and then sort of castles now I kind of you know I don't know how good my opponent is so I was like I'm going to go Bishop B4
it's not the best move but it's a natural move you pin the Knight to the king the Knight cannot move that's what that's called for anybody watching this that doesn't know what the heck I'm talking about but I sound funny Bishop on B4 is pinning the Knight to the king uh and notice it is very common in chess for two pieces to stare at each other and actually it would be bad for either side to make the first move unlike in dating make the first move unless you haven't showered Queen D2 so blocking a pin
right you've got you've got this blockade here and now I played Knight F6 targeting the pawn in the center of the board and deep seek made a mistake and I was very happy to see this I've got a pin here on the Knight and now that means that that Knight is no longer really defending that pawn in the center of the board so I grabbed it with Knight takes E4 and now I have an advantage I have an advantage because the queen is under attack and the Knight cannot take the Knight because then I would
be winning the queen so I was very happy here I was like ah caught him C uh I almost called it seed geek uh deep seek that's very tough to say cuz seek is a deep anyway um deep seek um is under pressure already and it must have thought that I was just an idiot because it played Knight takes E4 and the reason why this is jumping up is because it thinks it's White's move but it is actually my move and I grab the queen and now I am winning because I'm going to get a
queen and a pawn for a knight and a bishop and actually here it moves the king into the center of the board so I'm doing well uh I have uh I have an extra queen and the way you win with an extra Queen is like this you don't lose your queen you keep your queen safe you make trades because the more trades you make the less pieces are on your opponent's side of the board to do damage with uh it's also good to protect your king and then you're going to have to bring these pawns
forward all right the only way your peace presence is going to be felt of your queen and your Rooks and Bishop and Knight is space more space so when I saw this I was like all right easy this is going to be an easy game so I castled my king castled white already has castled and here black is just doing excellent CU these are my next few moves maybe going to trade whatever so I castled and now the problem started because here deep seek played Rook to E1 which for the UN initiated might seem like
a very you know what's the big deal it just moved its Rook to the center of the board well it moved its Rook through the bishop and once these chatbots start bending the rules all bets are off all bets are off um it it it now I'm like okay well I have to avoid trades that's my strategy when I play chat bods because they play on a seven-dimensional board the more pieces I trade the more I am losing Fighters and it's not going to work out well because I don't summon pieces back from the dead
and I don't move pieces through walls so I played A6 because I wanted to wait I wanted to wait and slowly crawl in and the thing is when you start engaging with the chatbot it starts freaking out it really doesn't like confrontation so it plays Bishop to D3 now visually White's position actually doesn't look that bad white is just down a queen which is a problem that's not really how you know you can play so I went B5 and again I'm doing this because I'm sort of trying to crawl up the side of the board
without getting into a confrontation because if I do it's going to you know electrocute me and that's going to be the end of the game now Knight to F3 retreating the knight from the center of the board and also disengaging from my knight and now even though white has this big cluster I can't really Target it with anything uh and actually white is not so far away from getting a totally reasonable position white can play Bishop C5 and know plop the Knight into D6 and maybe lock in the bishop and I got to be a
little bit careful like this is not such an easy position to play uh for most people so Knight F3 I played Bishop to B7 and what I had not been ready for uh was the following move because at you know what what um what I thought had happened a few moves prior remember when I when I took my opponent's Queen no that was an imposter that wasn't the queen that was a piece playing dress up as the Queen the queen now returns with Queen to E2 and now I am losing I am losing Because deep
seek summons a queen from another dimension and I am now not just down one piece I am down two two piece which is a new anime I'm down two pieces cuz remember I gave up my knight and my Bishop well I don't have those pieces anymore and now I'm losing okay this is a new circumstance that I was not expecting so I play Rook to C8 why well I've got to bring some pieces to the game right and I'm still trying to disengage things is you don't know you don't know what the computer is going
to do so I play Rook C8 bring the piece over here and here D seek plays the move um Pawn 2c3 I can't really explain this move but I think it it didn't like that it's King was stuck in the center so it's trying to you know walk its king to the corner where the king will be happy you really cannot play chess with a king in the center of the board it's like having your shoelaces tied together having rocks in your shoes you're just it's spiky it doesn't feel good you know we don't like
that so Pon C3 on the board and I bring my my other Rook why well I've only got five pieces left I'm not going to be able to beat this demon with my uh with my pawns so I I have an anti- chatbot strategy which is keep the pieces together and keep them solid King C2 here played if King C1 had been played I wouldn't have had this thought but King C2 was played obviously trying to run the king away probably what I should do is maybe attack with the pawns but I saw an opportunity
to play Knight to B4 check right with the pin on the Knight and the King Knight B4 the King goes back though and now my Knight's got nowhere to go under normal circumstances probably getting the bishop is a good thing which is what I did but ultimately this only works if the Rook is captur Rook is capturing the Knight because then Bishop E4 wins a piece and pins uh The Rook to the king but after Queen D3 I am simply down two horses I am just down two horses and it's really uncomfortable for me because
number one there is this move which absolutely shuts down my position this is a really brutal move for me hitting everything by the way or Knight G5 just simply going for a mate so I don't know what I'm going to do I'm not in a happy position this is not good I play F5 and I'm sort of hoping that at this point of the game with the confrontation on the board that you know deep seek is going to uh malfunction but in a way that's good for me but yes in this position deep seek plays
Pawn G3 it completely ignores the attack on the Knight on e4 completely ignores it because it wants to go Bishop F4 and now not only do I win a knight I also win a queen now I am completely winning because I get the Knight I could have taken with a pawn with a fork and then won the Knight but this this is really bad I'm pinning the queen to the King this is called an absolute pin because the queen can't move anywhere right I was like there we go now we're in business I'm going to
Wi the queen but I had absolutely no no idea what was coming my way because here deep seek does a backwards Spinning Wheel kick and kicks me straight in the face Rook takes E4 this Rook has special powers it teleported through the bishop it teleports through another Bishop that Rook does not adhere to the laws of physics teleporting through one and two walls and it takes on e4 and even though I can win The Rook after Queen takes E4 I am in big trouble I am losing this game why because here I'm down a point
of material I have an extra Rook but white has an extra Knight and Bishop and two pieces are simply better than a rook more often than not white has four pieces to play with I only have three and the presence and power of my Rooks is not felt on such a board whereas these pieces are felt the bishop is going to point at my King the Knight is going to help the queen when I got here I was like oh I am busted I am probably going to lose this game so I did what any
sensible person would do and I teleported to Queen no that's not what I did I follow the rules so I played H6 to prevent anything from going to the G5 Square to make sure my King has some breathing room there is no Knight G5 and I was waiting to see what deep seek would do deep seek played a nice move here Queen G4 aligning the Queen with my king and creating a threat of Bishop takes H6 this move pins the pawn to my king So Bishop H6 is a very very nasty little move I'm losing
I play King h8 I get out of the pin the problem is that now if white just plays Bishop D4 and puts the Knight into my position I'm in severe trouble all right Bishop D4 Queen G6 threatening everything like right now Bishop D4 would probably probably be lights out I have to defend myself white is going to play Queen G6 I am almost losing for sure cuz Queen H6 is I don't even know how I'm supposed to defend this I straight up do not know what I would have had to do here probably play E5
I mean I I I don't know I really I'm not sure I don't know I'm M it no matter what honestly like Knight G5 is coming in so yeah um Queen G4 was played and I ultimately went uh King h8 and rather than playing any of those moves uh you know um after Queen G4 King h8 it went Queen H5 and I was like okay we're surviving this is fine D6 bringing the queen to defend myself there's some sacrifices of course I am totally losing rookie one played okay at this point deep seek is sort
of losing the control of the position no problem so I launch a Counterattack this is a desperate times call for desperate measure situation I am trying to open the sea file so the presence of my queen and Rook are felt now it gets closer Queen G6 now I'm really feeling the pressure so I play the move B4 because if we have a Counterattack opening up here I will get there just in time C takes B4 played a takes B4 played that doesn't work because of the queen that doesn't work because the protection is is very
very nice for the white king I'm not doing very well Rook C1 play though that's not really what I expected because after Queen D7 I think I'm doing quite okay and Rook C8 Rook C8 look the advantage for white has gone down a lot this is actually a pretty stable position that is kind of instructive no if we back up just a second this position for white was very very very good before white started opening up the position a lot and everything but after The Rook trade when when I moved away and The Rook came
down and I captured I'm actually doing quite all right here and I am getting a little bit optimistic that I have substantial enough counterplay ready to go down that side of the board but now we get pandemonium now deep seek shows me what it had been planning all along and it plays the move Queen takes H6 so I took the queen and I breathe the sigh of relief because now I am winning suddenly the dark clouds have passed I have the two most powerful pieces in the game the ace and the king versus these bozos
I'm gonna go here I'm gonna go Checkmate or I'm gonna win every single piece and I will win the game but deep seek was not done with me because here it played Bishop to G6 and you may be sitting there and wondering Levy I don't understand well first of all that's not possible but not only is this not possible I wouldn't have cared if it was possible or not deep seek played Bishop G6 and wrote To Me Checkmate great game would you like to play another no it's not I'm not going to be the little
child getting bullied in the family the little 5-year-old getting told by an older cousin oh you know the bishop goes there yeah no no so I said it's not Checkmate Queen C7 you want to see Checkmate deep seek you're going to get checkmated I played Queen C7 and I was ready for the game to end and then the skies opened up and deep seek played Queen H6 resummoning the queen for the second time the infinite Loop the ey draw part of greed brought the queen back from the heavens it's almost made not only is it
almost made it stopped my mate and I went King to G8 and now I am completely losing again why am I losing the checkmates are covered and my king is butt naked my King has absolutely no defenses here at all white can probably play something like a retreating move setting up threats on my king like this and like this probably bring the Queen back and white can either win here with a big attack on my king or White can win by trading the pieces and winning Knight and Bishop endgame versus my Rook because white has
more pawns and the bishop and the Knight are better uh than the Rook but an unexpected plot twist even happened here I played King G8 and I waited and I waited and I waited and deep seek did not make another move it told me I was sending too many messages it told me that it was having server problems it is the most popular chat bot in the world right now so I it's not unexpected so I had to ask the digital Arbiters to step in and the digital Arbiters are you do you think that deep
seek loses on time do you think we split the title like Magnus and yanomi at the 2024 World Blitz championships are we just splitting this game out of honor and respect for each other or do we need to run it back with a rematch this was a hardfought competitive game we both were moments away from checkmating the other but I sat here for an hour and deeps did not make another move you decide as always check out Chesley if you had an existing course on the previous platform you get to keep it and you get
a significant discount which you can claim in the next few days if you've never seen it you can sign up for Chesley and get a 7day free trial no card required link is in the description to that as well we have courses for beginners and immediate and advanced players and I'm doing a tour in Europe May 2025 tickets are going fast links are in the top two lines of the description I'll put them in a pin comment as well what do we do next with deep seek let me know and get out of here