How to Design Your Life Using “Reverse Goal Setting” (GAME-CHANGING)

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Clark Kegley
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oh you see that we good breaking out the chart what's up guys I want to talk to you today about how you can design your dream life now most people over complicate the hell out of this or worse they design it based on their past and the momentum if you want to create a future the best way to do it is to wipe the Slate clean if you could start over today what would your dream life look like moreover how can you get excited and have fun with this right I think we get so serious
with having a vision and you got One Life to Live that we forget these processes are supposed to be fun and enjoyable when I did the exercises like this 10 years ago I thought it was crazy the stuff I was putting down I put things like I want to be a rock star and aand and tour the world I want to have a YouTube channel that reaches millions of people I want to have a seven figure business even though I was 30 Grand in debt in my mom's basement all of those and more came true
and I'd say conservatively 70% of everything I put down on this exercise has come true I'm not saying that's a brag or that I have some superhero ability that you don't have I'm saying that because I want you to wipe the Slate clean of what you think is possible I want you to just Channel excitement a beginner's mind and really most importantly do this exercise now this exercise we have three steps for you and we have three different Graphics I'll walk you through that's it step one reimagining what's possible for you you're going to ask
yourself the simple question what is the most badass life I can think of for you right like what is the holy I can't believe this is my life version of where you want to be one this is what I call reverse goal setting what do I mean it's thinking with the end in mind not thinking from where you are today go from the outside in in other words what do you want someday and how does that break down into your 531 1 month now goal when you do this this is what people mean by having
a vision for your life some alternative angles of this is what excites you like what do you say oh man I can't wait to blank and when I answered this it was things like well I would be free from a 9 to5 like someone breathing down your neck telling you what to do there wasn't any ceiling to the amount of money I could make I had creative freedom I love to teach so I would be learning and getting paid to share learn and grow and help people uh freedom from a schedule like if I have
a daughter I can go to her softball game on Wednesday at 2 p.m. I'm there I don't have to ask for permission to get that off so like those were the kinds of things I put in here now if you're like Clark I'm stuck I don't know what the most exciting life is another angle who has the most badass life you can think of this is what we call modeling businesses model after other business models um athletes model after professionals who have it all figured out similarly you can model yourself after what other people who
inspire you are doing you see Role Models everywhere online uh when you're consuming content uh in your life at work look at what these people are doing and say like why do I like that who has something I already want when I did this I saw people that had online fitness businesses people like Vince Domani Sean croxton and again this is early 2010 like before internet marketing and uh content creation was huge so it was very unique and I'm saying wow these people aren't speaking one to one they're speaking one to many they have the
freedom the lifestyle everything that checked off that I told you I wanted earlier and then I realized I couldn't stick to a diet and that's a pretty hard gig to have if you're got a binge eating problem I pivoted to something more that I loved which is what we're doing now so many people get jealous and this is something I never understood is when they see people successful instead of getting in inspired they say oh man they have XYZ advantages or they're only successful because of their looks that's loser mindset okay do not ever say
that wipe that slate clean when you see someone better in a better position than you I want you to flip it to getting inspired I used to say why not me I would see someone like I was in my mom's basement I was 30 Grand in debt it sucked and I would see someone who wasn't or crushing it and I'd be like man why not not me as soon as I flipped that question with the intention behind it to not why not me victim to why the not me Creator mindset inspired mindset like wow that's
proof that it's possible same question different intention who has the most badass life you can think of instead of Why Not Me say why not me step number two reject not to be confused with my nickname in high school I get that this can be hard to think about what you want so an easier way to do this kind of a hack is to go negative what is your idea of hell like you wake up 5 years from now and you're thinking oh my God I cannot believe I let it get this bad I'm giving
you permission to go crazy there what do you not want bit of a story on this I had a buddy who I'm friends with now who after college got a job in corporate and he goes in and then the first week he meets this guy who's been working there for 40 years the only thing he wanted to talk to him about was his college experience he's like oh man you just graduated college no way college is the best days man and now you're here you get to do this for the rest of your life that
was the tone of every comment he said he said it was the most depressing thing like this guy who's 40 years ahead of me keeps talking about what I just went through and how much he misses it and that was when he woke up to saying oh man that's me you in 40 years if I don't change something and I'm not putting this in here saying like you have to be an entrepreneur corporate can be fine for a lot of people there's a lot of structure in there but for him that was his idea of
saying what do I not want well I just encountered it and that I I can't do that here's where you are and you're looking out and you're saying whoa if it got to there I would not be satisfied I would be like that is we we are in trouble now let's add a little Theory from psychology here here there's two primary goals that you can set the first is approach goals and that's what we just did like what do I want what's exciting I want a promotion at work I want to find someone to share
my life with in a relationship I want uh more energy to play with my kids those are all approach goals those are very good but then there's a second type equally as motivational this is avoid goals so what are you running from not to I don't want to be broke I don't want to die early from chronic health problems I don't want to end up alone you're like oh that's heavy but that's what's in our subconscious and we're not making either of these approach or avoid wrong that's silly because we all have both of these
we're tapping into the motivation from each and if you can really do this that's where you get what I call your authentic drive so many times with goal setting I see this a lot where people they'll put on their sheet of paper things that sound really really good and altruistic but they don't have any juice behind them I'm going to disrupt the blood diamond industry you know I'm a free every Orc in captivity that ends with me sounds good we're all on the same page but if it's not deeply authentic to you we're just adding
fluff to our goals and now when you look at a list they're not going to inspire you my point is the authentic Drive is using both approach and avoid goals so like if really in your bones you feel that you do not want to be enslaved to a corporate system and you dread going into work for someone else that's a better goal to find motivation from even though it's quote unquote negative it's authentic if your goal is to get shredded to have more energy great but if it's to get shredded to impress the opposite sex
and increase your dating life that's going to motivate you 10 times more than a nice fluffy goal like I want to get my cholesterol levels down that's what we're talking about here okay so we're not judging you you're not judging yourself you're saying what's authentic and that's why we're doing approach and avoid goals now here's the thing obviously you could make the argument oh well you know avoid goals are lower vibration and you know I'm a high conscious being why would I suit myself down the point is that as you evolve and get closer to
it your goals evolve and change as well there's many things I thought I wanted someday that you know 5 years into it I'm like oh maybe I don't actually want that a lot of these around money and finances the point is that things you want evolve as you evolve if you want 11 questions that really help with this I'll link down below our free guide for YouTube Subs these are my favorite 11 journaling questions to change your life uh it's what I asked when I was in my mom's basement and I put them in a
nice document that you can fill out and answer you'll also be on our email list to get all the cool updates and whatnot now step number three and we'll fill in some of these together this one has a lot more of a conceptual concept it's to reframe this process what is the closest win for you what is the closest next thing that you can do to bridge yourself out to your vision that you created so I'll break this down for you up here we have the what I call the 1.0 U and then where you
want to be is the 2.0 U okay so this is you 50 lbs out of shape this is you shredded with your dream body this is you unfulfilled at a job this is you working for yourself waking up every day super excited and energized whatever that state is for you got it most people go wrong because they think okay here's where I am there's where I want to be move you you hear people talk like well I'm trying to lose 50 lbs oh yeah I'm going to lose 20 lbs or oh I'm going to work
for myself so I can be a millionaire so we set the bar so far out that we forget that you're not losing 50 lb you're losing 10 20 30 40 and then you arrive at 50 every step along Ong the way is a goal 1 2 3 4 and then where you want to be this is called chunking and I love this because everything you can break down in two steps referencing our chart we have the now well that's a series of one month one year 3 five and then where you want to be that's
the chunking down personal story on this I found it in my 2016 Journal I was starting on YouTube and I said I wanted to get 10,000 subscribers I broke down that goal every every single hundred I wrote the next one and checked it off so I chunked my Big Goal into smaller goals and you check it off along the way anything has the steps that you can break into you want to run an Iron Man well you probably don't just start from day one training for an Iron Man if you're out of shape maybe your
sub goals are I want to run a 5k then a half then a full Marathon then a triathlon and then an Iron Man I know this might sound small like oh you're just going to chunk down but when I trace back how I was able to maintain motivation over 14 years of making YouTube videos and being an online business it was this it was knowing where I wanted to end up but chunking it down to what's the next immediate thing I need to get there now for this next part I want to go over tips
because you might be thinking okay well I know what I want I'm doing that I know what I don't want maybe I've chunked it down how can I reduce friction to where I am to where I want to be the first is again back to psychology there's a a concept called goal competition that when you have a goal that takes a lot of your energy like building a business that's a massive goal that's pretty much all consuming right entrepreneurs can get obsessive and uh I have stories of this I have friends of this like it's
all you think of and that's obsessive well it's very hard for you to have three or four different goals because they're competing for that same bandwidth in the same way that if you're in a house with one Wi-Fi router right you ever had like 10 people plugged in on it or 10 devices it slows the whole thing down doesn't it than if you just have one in other words this is what most people do is they say Okay dream life I'm going to have like 15 goals that I'm pursuing at once to get there but
this is the right way to do it is focus on one goal at a time and ideally this is you ever heard the concept of a keystone habit it's like the Habit that unlocks other habits so an example here if you have a drinking problem and you're trying to lose weight well the reason you binge is because you know you drink and then you get the hangries and you're hung over and so that throws off your diet so if you quit the drinking all the other habits are easier to maintain because you sleep in you
can be consistent you go to the gym Etc so quitting drinking is a keystone habit I find you have a keystone goal so for me that was uh content and and marketing and building you know getting attention and creating videos that has always been my highest priority is making sure like the lifeblood of your business is sharing valuable content and it's like a heartbeat you know it circulates everything that if you stop making videos then the whole circulation of your entire business goes Flatline and you die the second tip I want to talk to you
about habits people can over complicate habits like they have to have these systems and they have to do all these rituals and move things around in their life comes down to this asking yourself why wouldn't this work okay why wouldn't I be successful if I was doing this and that's usually like one or two big things that we're avoiding and some of the other habits can get in the way of that you want to be a music producers playing festivals why wouldn't it work well your habits probably okay if I can just produce the best
songs I can and I release one every month cuz that's going to motivate me to actually learn and I'm on the hook for something thing and every day before my job for 2 hours I'm watching tutorials I'm rebuilding songs of my favorite artists I'm trying to get it to sound exactly like them and learning all the skills like why wouldn't it work you want to lose weight okay I'm going to track everything I put in my mouth I'm going to get 10,000 steps a day no matter what why wouldn't that work you want to be
a writer okay I'm going to commit to posting one blog post a week and make it the best I can and love what I do why wouldn't that work that's the question and so habits are great but I think we can get lost in the sauce with the processes behind them you're really just trying to have the actions that answer the question why wouldn't this work so let's review for you to design your dream life it's three steps reimagine reject and reframe you're going to ask yourself what's the most badass life I can think of
you don't do what most people do which is just think small like where I am now and where I want to be in one month time or one year time that's okay but it's better to begin with the end in mind and work your way backwards if you're stuck you can ask the easy question what do I not want what do you want to reject there's approach goals and avoid goals both are important to source that authentic drive and motivation and the last point is that you reframe what is the closest win I can have
what are the chunks in between where I am and where I want to be and if you're stuck you just pursue the next one and those if planned out will build on each other it's also easier to produce one big win then go after five at once and remember to keep the time frames inspiring but not demoralizing that you're going after your first couple big wins and also more important is allow your goals to change as you evolve they grow into something deeper thanks so much love you see you in the next one stop settling
start living peace
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