Update Your Home Without Renovating

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Nick Lewis
Today, I am giving you the inside scoop on how to update your home without renovating. These simple ...
Video Transcript:
hi everyone it's Nick welcome welcome back to my channel okay in this video today we are going to be talking about updating your home without renovating how to update your home without doing an entire renovation because Renovations suck okay they are not fun they're they're not good okay like they're no one enjoys if you have to live in your home while you've renovated especially if it's the kitchen especially if it's your only bathroom it's sometimes just feels like a fate worse than death honestly they are just absolutely awful until you've made chili in an instant
pot in your bathroom because for 6 months because you're were renovating your kitchen and it did not go according to plan you don't feel you don't know the pain of renovating you think you want one but you don't or maybe you know you don't want it cuz you don't want to spend the time you don't want to renovate because you can't afford it no shame in that I get it you know if you don't want to renovate how do you still update your space and that's what we're going to be touching on this video because
I think there's some really great easy not always easy but better easier than going through renovation ways to update your space and make it beautiful and fabulous and that's what we're going to talk about in this video so let's get going first real quick I'm just going to say what you're we're not talking about you're not getting new cabinets okay we're not you're not you're not taking down walls okay we're not ripping out those carpets we're not ripping out your hardwood floors or your whatever you're not changing out your flooring okay we're not changing out
your countertops we're not doing you're not getting a new bathtub out of this but that's okay those are the things that I would personally say would be covered under a like full renovation and that's not what this video is about we're also not talking about like changing your furniture because I feel like that's really obvious like if you need a video to tell you that like come on like just take just change out your nasty old furniture if you feel like you want to update it you don't need a video to tell you that decor
items kind of out of scope of this video we're talking about those fixed elements and what to do about them without doing the entire renovation thing that's the point of this video so that's a good place to start okay my first tip for you all is going to be to update your doors so doors I think are just such a really they're they're really like people don't talk about them enough we don't talk about doors as much as we probably should this is what goes in my head you guys this is what I think about
is people don't talk about doors enough this so many problems in the world but no one's talking about doors listen that was sarcasm by the way before you come at me in the comments I know there's bigger problems in the world but let's talk about doors for a second you can paint them you can apply moldings to them you can swap them out if you've got some vinyl Hol core ones that maybe just aren't so great like if you ping if you like knock on them and they sort of like feel really Hollow those are
Hollow core doors not as great for sound absorption they just sort of feel a bit cheap and flimsy getting a solid core is always going to be a massive upgrade but those would probably be filed a little bit more into something a little bit more extensive but I think painting doors or applying moldings to doors is just such sort of an easy way to sort of update and again people don't really think about their doors very much because I guess it's just people think about what's in the room and then the other room and they
never think about that transition and it's so important to do it because it's just such an easy thing and think about it it's something that you deal with every day you're you're opening doors all the time in that place and you don't really think about it but you can definitely update them I think a beautifully painted door or one that's got some gorgeous trim on them is just a really simple easy upgrade and honestly quite cost effective as well also bonus sub out the hardware we're going to talk about Hardware in a second but I
have to mention it with the context of doors as well which is you know those little peeling door handles the ones that like Rattle and they're just like no okay those are an easy upgrade it's not an extensive renovation and again you touch it you feel it you use it every single day Make It Count okay next up on my list is going to be to cover those eyes sores okay so without doing an entire renovation right that's the point of the video we are going to have to resort to covering some of these things
so yes there's some things that you can swap out fairly easily like the door handles I just mentioned but for other things is a little bit more difficult so instead of doing a whole Renault just cover the ugly cover the ugly things right so even putting things like curtains Overexposed cupboards can be a really great way so let's say you've got sort of some cheap oven shelving things and you've got maybe some built-ins that just aren't really kind of doing anything for you anymore and you're like ah do I take it out and do a
whole big thing maybe just covering them up with some curtains it can look really cute assuming that it fits your design style Le a little bit more traditional a little bit more rustic in a way but I think it could be really fun and really beautiful and it's just such a simple thing that is not that difficult necessarily to do but you can kind of bring new life into those spaces into those areas of the home that you didn't really know what to do with and you were like well I can't afford giant new built-ins
so doing something like this to something really old can actually be a nice neat way to update it we also giving you some extra space for sort of some private en closed storage without necessarily having to reinvest an entire new Cabinetry even things like if you've got some ugly old vents that you might have sitting around maybe they're in the flooring maybe they're in the wall vents whatever it might be think about swapping those out they are are relatively cheap to do and sometimes people are hanging on to those ones from 1983 and maybe it
could just be a really simple thing if it's started out white but now it looks nicotine beige I'm going to call it that's going to be the Benjamin more color code nicotine beige might be time should just refresh it you know like give it a magic give it a solid try with the Magic Eraser but if it's it's not a miracle worker okay it's not actually magic so maybe try to swap those out if they're not working for you anymore so I think it's just really great to just sort of Identify some of those areas
of the home that are not particularly attractive that are maybe looking really dated but they're still maybe useful right things that you might actually need different panels and whatever that you might actually need in your home but you don't necessarily have the budget or the patience to necessarily do an entire revamp try to cover them up there's lots of really ingenious ways on the internet for you to find different sort of places that you can cover up some of those ugly things that aren't so attractive anymore okay next up on my list is going to
be paint and peel and stick o we're getting controversial with the peel and stick we'll get that in a second okay let's talk about paint paint paint paint paint paint is your friend paint is I will say besides cleaning paint is the cheapest way for you to refresh and DIY a space Not Just walls although walls are a big part of it okay walls we can do ceilings we can do cupboards we can do trim we can do Furniture but preferably not like vintagey stuff that's actually beautiful just leave that the way that it is
please for all all of our sakes otherwise that makes me cry but if you've got like beautiful wood furniture maybe not but you know in the end though if you got some Old Pine furniture or something go for it get out that bucket of Benjamin Mo and and and make something happen you know like there's so many ways that you can update a home with paint I really think it's just underutilized because people maybe just go like you know it just feels like a real hassle but it's super DIY friendly even I can do it
and I don't do much so you know if I can do it you can do it so find ways that you can just sort of paint in you know new walls new cabinet tree you know you might have some old dated Cabinetry in the kitchen you might have an old vanity in the bathroom and you might think H I really want to renovate because I just want all these new beautiful gorgeous cabinets that I see on Instagram all the time and I feel you but it's just not for you cuz that's why you're watching this
video and not those other ones okay so consider painting consider painting those old ones and honestly you'll get a good enough version listen I'm not going to say paint is Magic none of these tips in here are magic but you know it will do a solid job at getting you four fifths of the way there and sometimes that's just what you need because you might not have 80 grand to blow on a renovation right but you might have a few hundred bucks for some pain okay and then we're also going to talk about peel and
stick in the spirit of it's not a miracle let me say it again it's not a miracle you can't pretend that it's the same as tile I'm not going to lie to you and say that it is it's not the same as going to a tile shop and picking out some gorgeous handmade morocc and tile that's been flown in to an saxs herself if she is a real person I don't know flew in and delivered you your tile to you you know it's not the same it's not the same it's a vinyl Subway tiw that
you bought on Amazon peel and stick right like that's that's the reality once you've embraced the reality though who cares who cares at that point it is what it is it can do a really great job of covering up something ugly sometimes you know people are really snobby about peel and stick whether that's talking about peel and stick floor tile in the bathroom in the kitchen peel and stick backsplash maybe you're doing peel and stick wallpaper right you want to really mix it up maybe paint's just not enough for you and you're looking for ways
to do peel and stick wallpaper I love all these options again so long as we're honest about what it is it's not the same as going to a tile shop and getting a person to come in and tile all your stuff it's not the same as an entire renovation it's not the same as a slab marble backsplash in your kitchen okay it's not the same but now that we've embraced that have fun with it because you know what if you've got some old glass Mosaic tiles that are just really not doing anything for you because
you did that in 2004 and it was super trendy at the time GH now you got this guy on the internet telling you they're dated and you're like what do I do you know what if you don't want to go and take them all out and do a whole kitchen Renault cuz who wants to then go ahead and just get some peel and stick it's going to be good enough it's going to look better it's going to look better and sometimes better is better than nothing yeah that's true okay next up on my list is
going to be to upgrade pulls and knobs so I talked about that with the doors earlier worth repeating here think about it there are actually lots of different places in your home that you probably have little poles and knobs and things that you don't even realize we're talking about on media consoles we're talking about in the kitchen on your kitchen cabinet tree you know that old nasty stuff that you've had on there for a long time I mean I don't want to assume someone did say in the comments when they were like why do you
assume that I have all this cheap nasty stuff and I was like I don't know I'm just working with the lowest common denominator maybe you're fabulous in which case good for you but let's say you maybe do have stuff that's a little bit dated and been hanging on for about 35 years swap them out it's super easy it's not that hard just get your little fill up screwdriver in the back there and you can just pop those things off pop new ones on you are good to go and you know what if you don't want
to go and buy brand new ones then feel free to spray paint the old ones listen is it the same no it's not magic it's spray paint what did you expect a can is like $7 okay like but it's going to give New Life to things that we're looking a little nasty and it's going to make it look 10 times better than it did I can tell you that all with a can of spray paint so door handles you know if You' got stuff for again you got in your doors obviously where else could you
put them oh those little like U like robe hooks you got in your bathroom you know change those out if those have been there for a long time in fact any of your bathroom accessories cannot be swapped out even faucets are not necessarily that difficult although we are starting to get into renovation territory when you're starting to take apart your kitchen sink so maybe not but there's so many different knobs and pulley and little things around your home that just go a long way to just swap them out those electrical outlet little panels go ahead
and upgrade those you don't need to do an entire renovation to do that so take those little spaces in your home you got all those little Metals sitting around give them a quick refresh okay next up on my list is going to be to upgrade your lighting so in the spirit of talking about Metals right we talked about those poles we talked about those things okay fine don't forget the lighting lighting is such an easy relatively easy I mean you might have to hire an electrician if you're not very good and you electric yourself don't
sue me okay I didn't say you should do it yourself I'm going to tell you to hire an electrician because if you kill yourself that's all of a sudden going to be like people are going to be like why did he get out his own electrical oh cuz you heard some stupid YouTuber tell him listen hire an electrician don't hurt yourself okay but possibly depending on your situation you might be able to do it yourself but again you didn't hear for me yeah swap out your lighting okay there's lots of nasty lighting out there we've
talked about the boobs but there's so many other lighting fixtures out there that are also not that great because I think people hold on to lighting for a really long time because they just think of lighting especially that in the center of the room is there sort of a really like functional piece and it's kind of like doors I mentioned earlier right it's these functional pieces the electrical outlets the the bent things these are the things that people don't think about because you just use them but you don't necessarily think of them as pretty you
know like if your couch is not looking great people like I need a new couch but they don't often times think they need a new light a new electrical you know panel a new you know vent cover or whatever for their living room like it's that type of stuff that we tend to forget about it sort of Fades in the background but it's those things that make a massive difference so lighting more floor lamps I think more desk lamps more task lamps more accent lighting like lots of different lighting fixtures in general I think is
a good idea so you have a comprehensive lighting plan that's important please see my 177,000 videos I've done on lighting but swapping out lighting is relatively easy again hire an electrician don't sue me but I do think that it's an easyish way to be able to upgrade your space you don't have to do an entire renovation you don't have to swap out all mass it's it's a lot easier to change a light in the center of your room than it is to change out your counter tops right so it's such an easy way to refresh
your space give it a little bit of Sparkle give it a little bit of light such a fabulous way of making your space feel great without necessarily having to commit to 6 months of your life for a giant renovation and tens of thousands of dollars that you may or probably maybe not have cuz who just has that lying around you know Renovations are expensive and this stuff is easier so try this first before you commit to something like a huge massive Rena okay so that's it for me today guys hope you enjoy this video I'm
going to like link here to a renovation mistakes video that I did forever ago about my own renovation and the mistakes that I've made I feel like no one watched that video but I think it's actually pretty good so go check out that one cuz it's about how to the the mistakes I've made and I have made several I'll see you in that video thanks a lot bye
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