Scary Comp. V94

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in the following video a nurse working at a hospital decides to go inside a room where many doctors and nurses are afraid to be in the room in question is located on a floor that according to rumors is haunted it isn't known if the rumors are true but apparently after what was captured it may be the case that something truly strange is happening on this floor on March 9th of 2021 a nurse known as Chen Richardson pays a visit to the floor in question on this floor there's a hidden room that for some reason is
blocked off from access so one night chenade decides to enter this room she had gained access by asking a custodian to open it for her but little did she know this was a bad idea the following is her video watch so everybody wants to see what's behind the door so I'm back and I'm going to show you what's finally behind this door okay all right so one more time this is everything that's wrote on the door behind this door in this hospital and it's been a long so I'm going to go inside feel scared um
it happens quickly but in case you missed it here it is again [Music] [Laughter] it now makes sense as to why chenet had suddenly shut the door out of instinct she had backed away upon seeing what looks like a face staring at Chen from a distance its disembodied head seemingly stays in place without moving an inch or at least it seems like that because apparently viewers claimed that the head can be seen moving for just a bit she wasn't exactly sure what she'd seen but whatever it was it prompted a sudden urge within her to
leave the space immediately it was only after watching the video that she saw what it was not much chelse is known about this incident or what occurred afterwards but until there's an update this incident remains a [Music] mystery on July 28th of 2024 a seran video was shared among many residents of a town where something quite peculiar had taken place it happened right outside someone's house at around 700 p.m. those who live here had thankfully caught the event on camera via surveillance footage but the video itself is just part of the reason why neighbors are
concerned whatever happened here had sent someone to the hospital it was immediately after knowing this that residents of this neighborhood became terrified the following is what was captured watch [Music] [Music] it was immediately after being knocked out by something that two people presumably friends or relatives come over to assist the man accompanying them as a dog that for some reason heads over to the spot where the object had seemingly flown from it isn't clear why the dog had gone there first but viewers think that maybe it was seeing something no one else could although quite
strange it's what occurred before that's most baffling what looks like a flying object appears to strike the man from inside the house now it's worth noting that he's okay but he did need a couple of stitches afterwards but strangely he doesn't recall what happened this whole incident is a blur to him as the impact was intense not much else is known about this occurrence except that it took place in Colombia but like most videos I'll let you come up with your own conclusions just what exactly was caught on camera it's night time in the following
footage when a baby monitor inside a child's crib captures something that its parents have been worried about it was all caught on the night of October 23rd of 2023 suffice to say their concerns have intensified after seeing what what was captured even worse is that after this incident their oldest child who's only a year older did this now before showing the clip it's worth noting that they were being babysat by a relative who recorded the whole incident take a look sh cheyen [Music] [Music] now what's concerning about this is that the parents have seen this
behavior before in the house they used to live in the house in question is where this footage took place and it's what happens in it that made them move out living in their old home their children used to stare at things that didn't appear to be there sometimes they would start crying after staring at nothing something was upsetting them but the parents weren't sure what exactly that was until they saw this after watching countless recordings from the baby monitor inside their youngest child's crib one video caught their attention the following is that video watch [Music]
it's for this reason among others that the family has moved out of this house they believe that what was captured had been the spirit or entity that's been upsetting their children replaying the footage one can tell that this black shadowy mass is anything but a person the way it Glides past the crib and the fact that it flies towards the ceiling suggests that this was something else whatever this might have been the parents hope that it hasn't made its way into their new home if so then they don't know what else to do for now
the family continues to share videos of Paranormal happenings from their past home in the hopes that someone could explain what's happening and see if anything must be done to keep them safe in the following video a teenage boy and his family are taking taking a tour of a new house they had just moved [Music] into the family in this footage hasn't had the chance to check out their new home until now so naturally out of excitement they bring a camera to record this moment but unbeknownst to them the special occasion would suddenly turn creepy it
would be at this house they recently called home where something very strange happens the following is their footage take a look [Music] let me just take it let me just take this off oh no no I can't take this off I can't take it off my fing suck oh he got the ca where is it we could throw in this house man I know we can that's the good at acting now you want to go in there's scream that's the attic well you want to go in there I want to see what's out of nowhere
the sound of a screaming child is heard from somewhere inside the house realizing that no one else was home except an older relative they bolt out as fast as possible knowing that what just happened was not normal either a child from outside the house had screamed or as viewers believe something else was captured listening closely the scream seems to have come from inside the house but strangely there hadn't been another child inside if no other kid was present then who was heard on camera with no further updates or videos from this family it remains unknown
as to who or even what had spooked them on the rocky Cliffs of an Oceanside a very peculiar video was taken the video itself starts off by showing a scenic view of the ocean but apparently it wouldn't just be the ocean that astounds the person recording but rather something else they hadn't noticed what was captured until much later and they were left even more spooked after learning that this place has had many people pass away specifically from jumping off Nicole the person who took this explains what she captured take a look rewatching this video I
took of the ocean and I just now realized I captured a voice clearly it's not my voice look at mate that's the ocean a voice clear as day heard on camera no one else had been round which rules out the possibility of this being said by someone close even weirder is that the voice sounds staticky giving it a robotic quality the from Australian to that of a pirate's voice viewers believe that this may have been the spirit of someone who unfortunately passed away on this spot just like Nicole they too might have been enjoying the
view but whether ghost or not the voice alone is quite strange and continues to baffle Nicole to this day now the following video comes from Isabelle Riley who no doubt believes that she may have evidence of something that can't be explained the video she's made shows this evidence which was captured by her boss who later shared it with her according to her boss he was at a restaurant in New Orleans known as antoan now at this restaurant there's a huge wine seller with hundreds if not thousands of wine bottles worth millions so out of curiosity
he checks out but if only he knew what was down there he wouldn't have gone while being in the cellar he snaps a couple of photos some of which show the owner of the restaurant who was giving him a tour in one photo we see the restaurant owner on his laptop who apparently was placing bids for more wine during an online auction the boss takes a few more photos and then leaves the restaurant before calling it a day the next morning he's on his phone looking at his camera roll when he notices something odd in
one of the pictures that he took Isabelle presents those images take a look so this is the first picture that he showed me from the wine seller you can see this guy who is on his laptop at auction doing whatever and here is the next picture that he took um so we all see that that is a full body Apparition looks like a woman in this like black Victorian dress and when I was showed this I genuinely had full body chills that's is insane I have never seen anything like this and I need to not
be alone in seeing this because holy unlike anything Isabelle has ever seen a seemingly full-bodied Apparition appears clear as day in the pic a cursed image is what some believe this might be others however have no idea what was captured if only two people had been in the cellar then who was the third person and why do they appear to be dressed in clothes that seem to have come from the 1800s they or it were nowhere in sight when the photo was taken it's for this reason that Isabelle's boss is certain that something ghostly was
caught whether a ghost or something else viewers can't help but feel immensely uneasy when looking at this pick they don't know why but something about it disturbs them while isabe has yet to figure out what was captured viewers are certain that this was paranormal but as always let me know your thoughts on this one on a Thursday night somewhere in Florida two friends decide to record themselves at a slumber party when something pretty creepy is captured both friends hadn't noticed anything peculiar in the video until one of their moms had seen the footage this is
my daughter and her friend please watch closely between them one else was up in my home Heather the mother in question is baffled by this footage given that it took place inside her home where other strange things have happened before occasionally she would catch her dog looking at something that doesn't appear to be there and other times she would see her cat staring at a space that's completely empty now although she thinks there might be an explanation for both common occurrences she can't say the same for the following incident this footage is unlike anything she's
ever seen it's late at night when this is captured this is my daughter and her friend please watch closely between them no one else was up in my home look between them right I'm a crochet [Music] C what was meant to be a fun little video has turned into a scene out of a horror movie without realizing it both friends had caught something moving in the background it appears briefly for just a split second before exiting from view whether a person or something else no one had noticed it until the video was sent to Isabelle's
mother it was shortly thereafter that both girls became aware of this mysterious figure while it is incertain as to what was captured they can't help but think that something otherworldly was present during that night this one continues to remain a mystery now this next video was recorded by SEC security guard who was on duty during the night of October 30th of 2012 the quality of the video may not be the greatest but it's what happens in it that definitely makes up for it the guard who took this was Disturbed to say the least although where
they work is well known for strange happenings the parking structure of a coas Rican mall is the last place they would think of as being haunted but this isn't surprising as many visitors of this mall have caught footage of something strange in the parking lot it's really the reason why most people don't like parking here at night even to this day security guards are hesitant to patrol the parking lot at night as stories and videos like this have left them pretty spooked the year is 2012 and on this night a security guard sees that one
of the cameras inside the parking lot is sensing motion the space is entirely empty so there shouldn't be any movement going on not sure what's happening the guard calls someone to check the space But as they check this happens [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] as seen on video the parking structure is devoid of any visitors during this time if no one had been there then what exactly had set off the sensor on the camera it only appears to be going off at this exact spot and it was already going
off before the guard had arrived well after a few seconds it becom apparent as to what was being picked up by the camera a dark shadow-like figure that appears out of nowhere in a stealthy manner the shadow inches closer and closer to the unsuspecting guard before suddenly Vanishing in an instant although taken in 2012 visitors continued to report strange occurrences within this parking lot and no doubt believe that the San Pedro Mall in Costa Rica is haunted through and through now this next video comes from a woman named Kel who in 2020 caught footage of
something she can't explain to this day the majority of her videos consist of her in front of a camera while doing tarot card readings she's been doing this for quite some time now but among all her videos one in particular stands out from the rest it was while doing a tarot card reading that kelse captured [Music] this I keep hearing stop the music just stopped weird anyway I keep hearing stop and the fan just turned on okay that's the message I'm getting in order for you to go where you need to go you need to
stop where you are now and let Spirit take over with the four of Wands card I'm definitely seeing there's a union there's somebody waiting for you on the other side in love but you also have opportunities coming in um you're like your spiritual journey your spiritual journey about to take a whole new level whole new turn because you've been patient for so long if you look at the let's see if I can get close if you look at the eight of Pentacles you to kelse this occurrence doesn't phase her considering that this has happened many
times before it was just then that she was able to get it on camera despite the music stopping on Q and The Fan suddenly turning on only seconds later kelse does not think this was merely a coincidence but rather someone or something trying to communicate with her everything that went on during this moment according to her was a sign but of course like all videos you be the judge was something Supernatural at work here or might there be something to explain [Music] this if you caught something creepy on camera or if there's any ghost videos
you'd like me to check out and including the next compilation you can send them over to scary videos 444 that being said let's get back to the [Music] video in this last video a woman named Rosana is lying in bed when the most disturbing thing is caught on camera now although she was terrified to the point of being paralyzed by fear she tries her best to film this incident and for good reason getting this on camera would be the best evidence she's had so far in trying to prove that something isn't right with her
apartment her place Is Not What It Seems and it's for this reason that her children can't live with her things at home have gotten so bad that she fears further safety including her cats in one video rosanna's cat does this [Music] [Music] hey hey rosanna's choice to keep her family away from this place is mainly due to this and many other occurrences but as of recent Something's Happened that's fully convinced her to keep not just the family away but also herself it's late at night when this is captured [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Applause] now Ranna
states that during this moment she had seen a shadowy figure appear right behind the door soon after she began to black out as though she was intoxicated the entirety of this incident is without a doubt pretty freaky but while it Still Remains inconclusive on what occurred that night Rosanna is certain that she won't be staying here for long until she has the funds to find another place Rosanna will continue to own the strange apartment and presumably capture more evidence of these happenings but as always let me know your thoughts on this one thanks for watching
and I hope you enjoyed also if you haven't already done so please subscribe and make sure to hit the Bell icon so you don't miss any uploads in the future also be sure to check out the official Tik Tok account for this channel that being said until next time
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