[Applause] amen how many are ready for [Applause] Rapture I wasn't talking about the message I was talking about the [Music] [Applause] event do you do you see the clipping for the message was greater than the clipping for the event and rightly so it should be like that that the book of First Corinthians First Corinthians [Music] ah this is the greatest event on our calendar of all the other things or other events in the Bible this this one has no prophecy that needs to happen before it happens this is a definite one that needs to happen
now and we're going to deal with it it might be 20 minutes 30 minutes pray for me I intend to make this very very very short oh my God are you excited one Corinthians one Corinthians one Corinthians chapter number 15 verse number 50 5 the Rapture here it is now this I say bre that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God neither do corruption inherit incorruption then verse number 51 behold the word behold is awaken to this reality H I show you a mystery notice what the Bible is saying he saying I'm showing
you a mystery meaning to say this is not something for everybody it's something for those who have exercised themselves in the spirit and are aware of spiritual virtues and things and happenings and events so he says behold I'm showing you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall be changed in a moment in a twinkling of an eye and the Greek word for the twinkling of an eye is the word atom indivisible time scale that if you put it there you can't say uh half an atom I understand they are sub atoms now
but understand this in a moment in a twinkling of an eye at the last Trump for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised Incorruptible and we shall be changed uh first Thessalonians chapter number four first Thessalonians chapter number four we start from verse number 15 I want you to see it before you sit down viewers all over the world this is important for this we say unto you by the word of the Lord that we which are alive and remain unto the coming notice here say we which are alive and remain yeah
this unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep the ones that are dead M for the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of an archangel and with the Trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first repeat now let's go with a voice of this is the place where they Watch Tower or the Jehovah's Witnesses who never witnessed anything believe that Jesus is an archangel because he will descend with the voice of an archangel h ah so Pastor Patrick preaches with the voice
of you angel and I saw Israel like sheep with no Shepherd draw an Israelite you draw a sheep anyway we have to digress then which we those which are what alive one do you remember verse number 15 the ones which are alive and remain keep those words very important and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep then which were alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air so shall we ever be with the Lord now imagine before
I get to this into deep with the Rapture message understand what the scriptures are saying and understand the objections the objections are Rapture is a myth because most of our Christian brothers and sisters have never understood the Bible unless they are looking in the concordance or rather they look in the search engine of their Bible and then they write Rapture and then they don't see any result because the word rapture doesn't exist in the Bible so they think it doesn't exist see if you come to this church you have actually sworn by everything in your
family that you understand a little bit of intelligency oh yeah you see when we came here we were around 800 and we went to 1,000 2,000 3,000 what was happening intelligent people were recognizing that oh there's a church for intelligent people [Applause] [Music] so we're not going to just give you some information brother are you Rapture Ready this is this is this is good your response is a little bit fake sit down we're coming with this thing so here I deal with objections the objections are just as objections are put forward that there is nothing
called a homosexual in the sense that God is not against homosexuals and lesbians because there is no word called homosexual so you invent a word in the 20th century and once you find it in the Bible that was written hundreds and hundreds years ago but if you get to the Book of Romans which is actually the epitom of rather the main subject where you find the word loisi meaning the conclusive ively I say this it's called loisi so he uses the word loisi to say this is the conclusion of Grace and inside the book of
Romans he says you cannot be gay he says are you getting this likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman so there is a natural use of the woman Bend in their last one toward another men with men you say there is nothing God homosexual in the Bible you wanted to say likewise they were homosexuals when you invented the word just recently so when we look at the word rapture we are looking at the word Harel and the word Harel means to be caught up it means to be taken in the nick
of time are you flowing to be taken in in the nick of time to prevent you from getting into danger the other negative definition of that herel is to abduct so the Bible says we shall be abducted I know you're not getting me and I'm about to finish then which we will alive and remain shall be appled shall be caught up so it will be just one day and this event is near and I'll prove to you it is very near and as we go with this series I'll tell you the exact time and I
know because of course we have a brilliant singer here who sang a nice song Nobody Knows the day the day not known unto men they are not know n to men even Jesus doesn't know I'm here to submit that is a brilliant song but I'm opposing it today by scripture you will see she sing scripture but she was representing another crowd not us yes I will Pro in a few minutes you get it so just be singing to the song dancing ah so one day we just be sitting like this in your house doing this
and the Bible says two shall be waking in the field one shall be taken and one will be left so you'll be on the same bed with your wife and you look you say honey and only nothing only clothes will be left how do we know only clothes will be left because the Bible tells us that when Jesus was raptured clothes were left but there is also Phillip who was raptured and clothes were not left so we have no proof actually that clothes will be left when you raptured because the word caught up when Philip
was caught up from one location it is the same Wordle he left and went into the air and appeared in another town that was a Rapture when Jesus resurrected and went to heaven it was also a cutup it was a Rapture so now we know put it up there so you can see ah and was caught up which shall all be what caught up together with them in the clouds so we know it is not happening here it will be in there if you don't like the clouds emphasis eded to meet the Lord in the
air if your a is here so most Christians have never gotten deep to the point of understanding what this Bible is saying when he talks about Rapture Rapture is an event where most Christians will be left here I'm going to do a video in a few days time where I direct you and leave it open on YouTube on what to do if you are left behind because I'm not going to be here so at I'm trying to tell you my people that when that event happens just go on YouTube and say what to do if
I have missed the Rapture I'm going to make it very short 10 minutes look at you I'm going to my people they're not getting [Applause] this and in that moment it will be so difficult out when the Rapture happens to survive because the Bible says in that moment even the lion will be looking for death you will meet a lion and say lion please eat me up the lion will say m I'm in deep problems myself I need someone to eat me they say you will go to the mountain and say fall on me and
the mountain will refuse it is not a good situation if God himself is so scared for you that he says the only way I can make this person survive is if I abduct he used the word to abduct to rescue is a rescue mission my people will not be able to stand this one do you understand that there are angels right now who are bigger than the devil the devil is nobody the Bible says when we shall see him even the book of Isaiah says we shall see him we shall narrowly look at him narrowly
means we we will be straining to see and say is this the thing that tend the world upside down the devil when you say God will say come come come come Sarah come here John send here you see all the drinking and the smoking all the crazy things you were doing it was that devil you say which one say is say he standing they say look at this show it up they one 2 3 go they that see thee mm MH consider analyze and say Hey you are lying to us this can't be the devil
it will be so small see that moment I know I'm talking about the Rapture right now but that moment will tell you how can I be broke when the devil is this little how can I be sick if the devil is this little how can I be in trouble despressed if the devil is this [Applause] little I know your idea of the devil you think he's so [Music] big sit down now it says the day of the Lord shall be a man who flees from a lion and a beer meet him a bear will just
a bear in front of you like a man who leans against a wall and a scorpion stings him there is no running away for the day of the Lord and the day of the Lord is seven years just in case you think it's one afternoon so when you are left behind you have seven years of punishment where you have Locus with hair like women teeth like lion's teeth and they are permitted to bite you for five months and not kill you they are even told you don't kill them just in pain for 5 months wherever
you are I wish you could understand this now let's deal with this issue but the those who desire the day of the Lord to what end is it for the day of the Lord is darkness and not light you you you standing there and being funny but let's go back let's go back to you shall be caught up because some of you want to know who will go let me show you caught up and what verse number 15 I want you to see it again for this we say unto you by the word of the
Lord which we who are alive and remain this is the word this is the word when people hear alive and remain they're talking about since we are talking about asleep meaning the dead people so the Bible is saying the dead will resurrect first wherever they are they resurrect and go into the air and us who are alive and remain problem that's wrong because he puts two things alive and remain he should have said those who are dead and us will remain he says alive and remain until you read The Word Alive and you understand it
from the context is written and he repeats it twice The Word Alive means vibrant fire it means let me read it again for those you understand let's go to verse number 17 so that I read it in context then which those of us Christians who are not just Christians coming to church who are not just holy who are not just people who don't sin but people who don't sin and are vibrant are vigorous they are on fire every day they don't waste the message I talk to somebody now they are all over the place looking
for ways to demonstrate the power of God those ones are the ones taken not just a Christian who is not sinning so the question then is are you on fire enough to be up men of God I don't sin I'm very good God says no problem you don't sin but you're not on fire man of God I don't even drink but you're not on fire men of God I don't woman but you are not on fire men of God I I am not even bad person I come to church I talk to people nicely are
you on fire those who are alive who have Vigor power fire these ones don't waste the message every moment they are looking at somebody they want them to come to the knowledge of Christ every time they are somewhere they want somebody to know something so you are on fire consistently you are the one who will go that's why the Bible says you are neither cold nor a hot you are lukewarm that means you can simply be a Christian doing all the Bible is say for you to do but are you fiery are you on fire
doing it and I know you you saying it'll happen one day in the buy and [Music] by Matthew 24 verse number 34 verily I say unto you this generation shall not pass now hear this now there is of course a generation as in there are two types of generations in layman's stms there are two types of generations one generation is 40 years coming from a racial side of it then one generation is 100 years and we understand for sure that Israel got independence and around 1948 8 1949 there how many remember so if Jesus said
this generation that will see the Fig Tree which is Israel Gathering his leaves that generation will not go until I come so if you C you let 1948 you add 100 years you get to 248 no I didn't not go there I did not say Jesus is coming back in 194 in 2048 he said the generation that will see this Israel becoming a nation will not go I will come back in that let me go there just walk like I'm just like you're not you didn't hear me and then I'll go back there cuz I
can see you're not getting it but you're you're calculating and I'll tell you the problem with that you see 1948 1949 there Israel is starting to call people is called the Aliyah the Gathering of God's people they now bringing them to Israel and God already prophesied that this generation that will see this so if you take 40 years we already going past 40 years but if you take the other part of what a generation means which is about 100 years you put 100 years on top of 1948 1948 you get to thank you so Jesus
is saying anyone who survives this who is in this timeline ah he is not saying a person who survives he says a generation that means if somebody is going to be born in 2015 2030 let's say Jesus is not returned at that time he's in the generation that he has to see Jesus come back now understand this you go like but Prophet from where back it has always been like this people have been expecting Jesus to come back and didn't come back what happened because Jesus said behold I show you a mystery so if he's
saying I am showing you a mystery it is difficult for us to decod what mystery is until we hear the words of Jesus Jesus said it this way that when the Holy Ghost comes he will get you through the Mysteries so you are able to decode correctly so we have to go back on the day when the Holy Ghost came and hear the words of Peter and he says these words just as the prophet of Joel the prophets of Joel in the last days ah so he was saying today is when we Mark the last
days no no no no you are not getting so we know when to calculate the last days from when Peter stood and said just as Prophet Joel said in the last days I shall pour out my spirit this is what is happening so we know where to calculate the last days but when do we calculate the last of the last days [Music] ah because the word that appears there is the word escos and the word escos is where we get the word eschatology meaning the end of the world studies of the end of the world
is called eschatology because in Greek it's escos escato simply means like if you have a sheep and you have a docking area where the sheep goes and docks and can't go further so when you hear the end of the world you are hearing the dock where the ship when it gets there it can't move any further so the Bible is telling you eschatology is when the christom ship ends and can't move further where God says you can't move from here but you see one thing let's go let's go let's go this generation shall not pass
till all how many all you know what let me tell you something I'll let you in on a secret I read the Hebrew I read the Greek and I spent some months learning the Hebrew language and I checked that word all it means all trust me 20 more minutes verily I say unto you this generation shall not pass till all these things be fulfilled Heaven and Earth shall pass pass away but my words shall not pass away hear this here he is our great singer but of that day and hour knoweth no man no not
the angels of heaven but my father only wow so she's saying the correct thing he is where you miss it because everyone in the chur yes the Bible says no one knows the hour no one knows the day so if I say to you Jesus is coming in 2024 I just chose not to give a an example of a future de we'll be on in trouble right now somebody be writing with their will for that day and hour knoweth no man JY J me 2024 that's last day so I'm using that example in 2024 the
Lord is coming that that's that's an example okay this is 2025 I'm talking this I'm saying this now January to December so I've told you 365 days Jesus might come or he definitely coming did I tell you the day did I tell you the hour bingo let me tell you what he's not saying what is conspicuously absent but of that day and hour knowth no men the scripture does not say the year see see see see it never said you won't know the year you won't know the day not the month so that means a
person can get zero in on the year and zero in on the month only the day and the hour you won't know but is it talking to us first Thessalonians chapter number five no one knows today the day is not known unto men the hour is not known unto men me th the night he's coming like what like a thief when in the night so he affects the people that are in the night right he's coming like a thief is in the scripture he's coming like a thief in the night that means something it tells
us that it has affects people in the night because he's a thief a Rober can do it anytime but Jesus is not coming like a robber he's coming like a thief verse number one but of the times and Seasons let me go back but of the year and the season brothers and sisters you have no need that I write unto you why why is he saying it because no one knows the day let's go for ye yourself know perfectly the [Music] day for yourself know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh like a
thief in the night watch this watch this no no no no no no go back we are still on two you see like a thief where in the night verse number three watch this watch this watch this for when he shall say peace and safety then sudden destruction cometh upon them now you see now that tells you when you hear people say there is a war there is this is the end times shut up the Bible saying there will be quiet peace when you think everything is not working let's just wait a minute sit down
wait a minute then it says cometh upon who upon us upon them he's not talking to us upon them as a thief where verse number two as a thief where in the please say night verse number three for when they shall say peace and sery then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travail upon a woman with a child they shall not Escape oh they shall what verse number four read it but ye Brethren are not in the night are not in darkness so Jesus is coming to the people who are in darkness and the people
in the darkness don't know when he comes but we are of the light we are in the [Applause] day I can see you not getting it so the Bible never said a Christian will not know the times it says you know perfectly that Christ will come as a thief in the night but you're not of the night you are of the day so you [Music] don't now hear this that that day should overtake you as a Thief read all of you read it 1 2 3 but ye Brethren are not in darkness that the day
should overtake you as a thief verse number two because you didn't get it for yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night verse number four but ye Brethren are not in the dark that the day will overtake you as a thief so so the thief comes when they don't know but us we know when he is maybe you didn't get this woo I wish I could talk to somebody now so sit down let me tell you something as much as Jerusalem is the bride of Christ and
not the church and I repeat this not the church and I've given you scriptures over and over again and I get it from the church you are coming from the told you that you are the bride of Christ nonsense it's really nonsensical I wish I could tell you something better than nonsensical go go unnecessary repetitions of a Preacher there a ramping of a preacher that he picked up and pocketed there is not actually any evidence okay ah are you getting this I want to show you something Revelation chapter number 21 verse number one I'll get
to verse number 10 so don't worry about it you you you have heard that the church is the bride of Christ right and we are the body do you know that that where that confusion comes from it comes from the idea that when Paul is writing he's writing as it as it were that there is a relationship between the church and Christ as a relationship between a man and H and a woman we're talking about perfect marriage here I could see some people go like hey we in trouble if it's like that where you have
the church just talking to God anyhow I'm not listening do you like that would you do that to Christ why would you that to your husband I'm leaving uhuh imagine if the church would say that to Jesus I'm leing what do you think Jesus would say say try try it you'll be back and I saw a new Heaven and a new Earth for the first Heaven and the first Earth were passed away and there was no more sea when I was young I not even visited the beach and I'm hearing there is no more sea
I said God how can that be exciting there is no here this and I John saw what the what the Holy City Jerusalem coming down from God out of Heaven prepared as a bride adored for a husband let's go verse number three mhm 1 2 3 let's read now let's go to verse number seven he that overcometh shall inherit all things and I will be his God and he shall be my son mhm but the fearful and unbelieving and the Abominable and murderers and W mongers Sorcerers idolators and all liars then your neighbor say all
liars shall have their part in the lake which bth with fire and brimstone which is the second death one 2 3 read it and there came unto me one of the seven angels that means all the seven angels understood one reality and one Angel stepped out from the many angels and went to John and said listen my brother it had said seven virus full of seven last plagues and talked with me and please stay in that on that scripture and talked with me saying what one 2 3 come hither I will show you the bride
keep it there the Lim's wife please do you want to know the Lim's wife do you think your pastor is better than the seven angels come is my pastor come no you you stay I want the one who looks like an angel come here it's a joke now so this is my pastor who tells me the church is the bride of Christ then an angel arrives he says no sir let me show you the real bride who should I listen here I should listen to who cuz the whole book is being revealed build By Angels
now I leave the angel who is saying it I go with my pastor I might like my pastor I might love him but here I'm going with scriptures thank you thank you now hear this are you getting this come hi what will I show you I will show you the what so he's showing us of Christ then he says and I will show you what the lamps wife emphasis you can't go wrong if you think I'm wrong to say the bride I'm talking about the wife number 10 and he carried me away in the spirit
to a great and high mountain and showed me the Church of God huh Jerusalem all right yeah bride of Christ including men thank you do you know this is the scripture that is actually used by gay people yes to say the Bride of God is consisting of all men and women so why would he refuse lesbians and gays because one preacher messed up the interpretation very s simple I will show you the bride the Lamb's wife boom Jerusalem comes out now I know I know know if you if you're new here you'll be like h
no it can't be true follow the scripture shut up when the Bible is talking Isaiah 6 verse number one cuz I know you I know what you're thinking right now I know what you're thinking hell are you are you flowing are you flowing let's go to genes Galatians 4 verse number 25 ah are you here are you here as a matter of fact let's go to 20 so you get it imagine if you're going to be left behind because when we tell you you come to church you don't join nothing and most of our singers
here think it's a profession it's a career they'll be sitting there going in the spirit but it's simply emotions because they want to record an album on there is no Ministry of a singer called a minister tell them zero should they be paid no what are we paying you to attend service when you say pray all of us are praying are you not praying what what are we paying you so why should we pay a singer because she's saying to the Lord Papa [Applause] you are singing for your own God hallelujah how great are [Applause]
[Music] you come on so what are we paying the ashers now because without the ashers the musician come move from the back to the front the ashers have to what of the protoc who [Music] are the whole church has just become a big business just as arar has become a big bedroom any forget about that [Applause] [Music] come back to the Rapture please come back come back to the Rapture so you had gone said we are back am I ministering to you that a person who comes to church and ministers in your church should not
be paid I didn't say that I'm saying 100% you should not [Applause] [Music] pay especially the one who charges and tells you 5,000 even preachers shouldn't be paid why are you telling me you want $5,000 to come to my church 5,000 20,000 no but here is the flip side I don't want you to miss if this musician Right comes to the church you as a brother to that sister consider your expenses consider she could be in that Branch where she's always consider that and if you do not appreciate them for being in your church at
that time you are not worthy to be visited [Music] [Applause] no you did not get what I just said how can I leave wagadu to come to your church I could be in my designated Branch that's why I tell musicians these musicians find yourself in a certain area and say this is where I am saving the Lord from and this I'm serving the lord but if I am to leave my duty this Sunday to go to another church I might need transport and I don't have it so whosoever calls you to say come to mui
come to manikan come to Britain I'm like my brother you just keep quiet don't say nothing if they don't introduce that there is an air ticket you have to sleep this location then they're not interested because you might not have the money but if you you have the money go Bless the people they you'll be so shocked that if you do it out of worshiping God and blessing the people of God the people you are blessing wait to say brother brother just you find find something you know thank you so much for for what you're
doing but the pastor should also reward the person who has come compensate their from their for their loss and the love that they' have shown so it's both sides oh the worker is worth his wages I get it but while is the worker is worth his wages the worker should have a moment where he realizes or she realizes that whatever I'm doing is not just work is also worshiping my god when does worship become a work it might be when I leave my designated area to go to a certain location and I have to have
expenses paid and I just don't have that type of and if I have it I might want to use it there and I've not planned it so you see I get it Papa said you should not pay them you missed the other part but anyway let's go read it I desire to be present with you now to change my voice mm for I stand in doubt of you H tell me ye that desire to be under the law are you here do you not hear the law for it is written that Abraham had two sons
one by a bornt woman the other by a free woman let's he the wives but he he who was born of the born woman was born after the flesh but he of the free woman was by promise which things are an example and allegory for these are two covenants the one from Mount Si hear me well if Israel is the bride what are we to God the children of God so if we are children we are now looking for our mother the one from Mount Si which genter to bondage we up there read with me
which is Ager let's go for Ager is what Mount Si in Arabia don't be told by anyone that Mount Si is near Egypt is a lie is in Saudi Arabia the Bible tells you and lot of Christians are visiting wrong Mount Si they cry when they get there say mhm you are in the spirit right they in the emotions they even see Visions just hallucinations the Bible is telling you where Mount Si is you are busy going to the wrong location because the preacher told you is here I went to Israel with the team there
and every time they would get to a place and say this is way Jesus went up to heaven I never entered I was standing away like this very far and the T guide came to me and said uh say do do you not want to go in there I said that's not where it happened he said what are you what are you saying I said here where I'm standing that's where it happened so my people enter after they leave I say you were in the wrong location come here he said you know what we know
he's here but we are told to tell them it's there 100% said we know what you are saying is the correct one then they went to location they said this is Jesus grave I did not enter I was Turing a far off he came to me say what's wrong I said it's not here he said where is it I pointed he said that's correct I had not researched anything I was just coming by the spirit of the Lord let's read we're about to we about to get there this are guys is m in Arabia and
answer is to Jerusalem what whoa who answer is to who to who which now is and is in bondage with their children h but Jerusalem which is above is free which is the mother of us all let me let me read it another way so you understand but Jerusalem which will come down as the Book of Revelation say which is above mhm is the wife of our father I don't know about you you want share a husband with your mother the Bible is already located who is our mother now I know your problem now Revelation
Revelation needs some things to die off Isaiah 6 verse number one in the year King oah died I also saw the Lord do you see what it says there are things you need to kill Revelations you need to kill for another revelation that is higher than the Revelation you had to come to you some things just need to go some people need to move from your company for you to to get your or go out to see on ah this is just this part two maybe we're going to deal with the actual time oh it'll
be it will get quiet it will get quiet I know you are just waiting for Things Are about happen ah this one is not waiting for anything to happen this is ready any moment it can happen while we're preaching now I know you were at your house relaxed like this high and lifted up and his pray filled the temple it says when King wasia died I saw the Lord for you to be able to see a revelation you need something to die Isaiah 62 verse number one 62 verse number one watch this I know what
you saying you say oh there's no way you are telling the truth no I'm not telling the truth in the sense of me telling it the Bible told the truth that Jerusalem is the wife I know where I'm going with this Rapture issue on this issue so stick stick to this now hear this you know what he says and you know what your argument is saying so you mean say the whole God made the land for Zion's sake for Israel's sake will I not hold my peace and for Jerusalem's sake I will not rest until
the righteousness thereof go forth is brightness and the Salvation thereof is a lamp that bth and the Gentiles shall see the righteousness and all Kings thy glory and thou sht be called by a new name which the mouth of the Lord shall name you see any new name in a minute thou shall also be a crown of the glory in the hand of the Lord and Royal diadem in the hand of thy God for thou shall no more be forsaken neither shall thy land any more be desolate we're talking about Jerusalem but thou shall be
called what hebba the new name he spoke of and thy land Shall be Called bu this is Jerusalem why is it going to change name for the Lord will marry it who is the wife oh let's read it because you didn't for the Lord delighted in thee and your land shall be married to who to the Lord so the Book of Revelation now tells you Jes Jesus is coming down with the lane with the with a new city and that new city is Jerusalem and it is his wife and you you fitted yourself in there
I'm the bride of Christ is a church no you're not I don't care how you like it so the Jews make up Jerusalem so the Jews and the land are the bride not you I can hear arguments no but the Bible says the church is like the it's like I've told you this before it's like I say the way Angel moves with Pastor Patrick it's like a marriage they don't leave each other it's like this one finishes this one sentence whatever you hear from Pastor Patrick Prophet they said it whatever you hear from Prophet Pastor
Patrick will agree he didn't say we are married but the relationship looks like a marriage so when you hear an example coming in it is an example to show you the type of relationship and a bond that ties the two that it looks like a marriage you getting the point so here it is when a man come come because your wife is here wife stand there can we have what can we have you are the [Music] father so why he's the [Music] father forget that that now what happens in Israel what used to happen in
the time of the writing of this scripture would be the men would go and find a girlfriend hold hand [Music] relax and puts a ring to say I've now betrothed you you are now mine I haven't married you yet then leave yeah and then he would go to build a house if you go to Israel you'll find that the first floor most of the houses the first floor is the the the ground floor is complete the second floor is not yet complete that's how they do it they used to do it way back so that
this son would finish the top floor with his wife because Israel has got a small land so they build going up so you have a son and you say my son when you find a wife you finish that upstairs you leave there so the father and the mother downstairs absess so he finds the wife comes back to complete the absess finishes it and he's told my woman I will come back this year the year is determined is actually told by him but you will say it'll be anytime in 2024 anytime so she knows they know
that she's engaged the husband we don't know the day we don't know the hour but it's 2024 so he's that's why there were five virgins that were ready and you are not hearing what I'm talking about you remember the S of the foolish versions they were not ready when the husband came why because the woman was never told the day and the hour they were only told the year so when he starts coming back he finishes and takes his friends with him and brings with his friends the when they get to the streets where the
woman stays they blow the trumpet right that trumpet goes off the woman knows my husband is back and she's already ready wearing the real clothes that that's the whole thing Jesus is talking about the marriage allegory so the church has to stay ready he can come any day thank you I know if you are you following so when people hear and the last trumpet shall sound they don't get it but the Jews are like marriage and notice what he says he says and will be taken into the heavens and we stay there for seven years
this seven years is how long it would take for Jesus to see us one on one it will take seven years one on one Nash you step forward there will be no $100 $200 for one on one all those who are charging me 111 for prophecy they angry right now no one on one 100 if you want to see him one100 no Teresa here's where you don't want to hear but is he going to tell me nonsense the Bible says it this way we have passed from judgment to life we don't go through the Judgment
you are thinking of it is a waste of resources we have already entered and when we arrive what God begins to say is on the 15th you got born again and I like the way you won 50 people to Christ and those 51 this one and well done good and faithful servant that's all we don't go through the Judgment that they talk about to judge us for our sins that one is for a person who is not [Music] [Applause] entering I know for they pass from judgment to life I know what you with thinking they
told you the preachers have told you that you you arrive then you see a movie it will be 4K all your sins you're going to see them going like a movie and everyone will be watching that's what you did that day imagine if your sin was sleeping with someone and there is a camera there and every other Christian is waiting like this all your relatives and your pastors and your brothers now you are removing your triset ah in heaven some people have some very very crooked mindsets now you are naked H and your pastor says
Ah when we were saying come for music practice this is where you were are you rupt ready I said are you rupt ready and if you are become vibrant be on fire everywhere you go you are on fire you know what to do you are on [Applause] fire now I say now second real Michael second real second real yes go to the second scene Mel Praises emotions is end like this and the second real comes and you look around look around the pastor is not in his office you get in there offering gabri goes like
oh [Applause] oh now you see how stupid that is right God verily verily verily verily I say unto you that you who heareth my word believes on him that has sent me at everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation go to NIV but is passed from Death To Life m 1 2 3 verily verily I say unto you whosoever hears my word believes him who sent me as eternal life we will not [Music] [Applause] be okay okay okay okay okay okay I'm being thanked by some generals here say man of God you have helped
us oh my God are you getting this second Peter 2 verse number [Music] four you see if you don't read the scriptures everyone will lie to you because the church is full of people that have dedicated to put beg the law on top of Grace they want you to stand in front of people yeah says even the conversation of a man shall save even the children hear me that means little babies can go to hell the ones with no free choice the Bible says the parents themselves that conversation can lead their own children to so
if my stay with my wife can cause my children to be Saed that means my conversation can cause my children to be damned no matter what age and I know you don't like to hear that that's why it's so important to win souls even these parents that have got kids that thing you know because you little B oh cute pumpkin you're looking at a demon going to hell as long as you yourself you're not born again by reason of your life with Christ this child is bound together with you in a covenant ask Leah Leah
was on her menis set on the gos of the own father and God took that as a blood Covenant the god that she was sitting on see I was with my son Prophet Elijah and said something very important you know and I commented him on how he had improved on his delivery of the message but there's something powerful he said come stand here stand face that side in face face side you see now here come now see this is your great grandfather your grandfather and your father okay so when you are the son of this
man praying against generational cases you're praying against your grandfather and your great-grandfather and your own father this is the amazing part the amazing part is in the four generations to come when those children are praying they are praying against you so if you don't follow the things we say now if you don't say the things follow the things we say now and don't get married your children's children will be praying against is your spirit when they say the spirit of lack of marriage they mean you sit down sit down sit down sit down are you
are you getting what I'm saying anyway let's go back to Rapture we're about to finish are you here for if God SP not the angels that sinned but cast them down to Hell and deliver them into chains of Darkness to be reserved un judgment it means they are devils right now listen the devil is simply a musician my brothers and sisters over there if the devil was in church now he'll be sitting among you he's not here so don't worry but if the devil was in church you would be right there sitting with them because
he's a what he's not as powerful as you think he is he's a musician that's who he is but the Bible says there are deep demons arrested chained right now who could have messed your life up but those bad boys were chained so that they don't bother you and they are going to be released and as we're talking right now the Bible says they were put and dropped intoh frus and I think I showed you the pictures of river Euphrates and the Bible literally tells us that when it dries up those angels will be released
and now it's gone there it is yes I'm talking to you now that's river Euphrates nothing is there and right now the people that went there underneath one day will bring some of the sound that they had underneath and underneath there caves that were under so now water is gone now so in the caves they couldn't enter because their Morning Sounds o in there you think we we we this thing is just a joke the Bible says we have not followed cunningly devised faes old women's Terrors no once upon a time I remember one of
my teachers you would come bobbing his head like this and we could just see him through the Windows like this you know like and you start teaching before he enters early in the 16th century were you there early in the 19th century a man called traveled nors in search of souls his father and then he Enders he said who did I say was the father of sh you you were outside and you'll be beating up everyone I recently saw him in m movie said you the other side of me that was not born again wanted
to grab him by the throat you I wanted to say you just that I pass the history thing are you getting what I'm trying to say let's go back so now God did not spare the angels all right it means God had a certain understanding of how dangerous these Angels were they didn't keep their estate but he reserved them to judgment most of you here don't understand is because these were already judged the Devil Himself has a plan and this is his plan his plan is since there is a heaven created for Angels for uh
Christians and there is a hell created for me and my demons what I need to do is to lie to as many Christians as possible since I cannot be saved anymore so that when God looks over to hell he sees all of his gener Christians over there and he say only two or four Christians and he changes his mind and serves me too he didn't get it the devil knows he cannot be saved anymore so all he wants is to get as many people this is why the devil understands the concept of my body my
choice yet on vaccinations your body our choice then abortion comes your choice because he wants to touch the thing that God said let the little children come to me ah why would you say those words he's trying to say to you little children don't just walk walk and decide they his oh they just breathe and they are his children no they come to him have you made it a point to leave because the Rapture is near this is where the problem is the Bible did not say stop what you're doing it says be on fire
let people see you are a Christian you can't be moving around here way back there I preached the message called I need a prostitute maybe it's because I was living in the in the Avenues those in those days my brother was in The Avenues there and you'd walk and you see one thing about a a prostitute a prostitute is a person who is very business-minded what causes a prostitute to be so referenced in the Bible that even Jesus said Beware even prostitutes will get to heaven before you behold that publicans and Hots go into the
kingdom of God before you this is not a recommendation for you to be a prostitute say I I'm just a prostitute I just want to go first but what I'm trying to tell you is is even the great grandmother of Jesus Rahab was a prostitute a prostitute of not to the point that when the whole city was cordoned she went and built her house on the wall she knew the gate would be closed at 6 and she needed clients from outside the town and God said I'll come through that prostitute when Jesus went to another
town the Bible says the temple if you go there and you are shown the well you would know where the temple is the temple was close by maybe 300 M Jesus didn't go there he went to the well to meet a prostitute and the Bible says he arrived there first he didn't go there and there was a prostitute he arrived and waited for the prostitute to come it seems as if there is an affinity to prostitute because there is a character of a prostitute that a Christian ought to gain a prostitute would stand in this
corner and wait for cast to arrive if this corner is not working the prostitute goes to another corner it's only in Christianity where people are dumb enough that if a church is not working they stay there no no let me go here because I can tell you're not hearing me I know you're getting it no I was born in this church you were not born in the church you were born in the hospital [Applause] my father was born in this I was also born in this church only in our church way back when we were
in the show grounds there where people were actually born in church people came with overdue pregnancies and we prayed for them on live TV and a baby comes out now that one can claim I was born in church not you I was born in the Roman Catholic Church I cannot leave you can if you were B there if you were B there Come Rain Come Thunder a pro will be staying there in the corner there let rain come if she or he have not paid their rent they will remain there no water will make them
wear a coat up today no because because it disturbs the product they are selling now you Christians the moment you leave the church now you will hide your Bible and now your Bible is on your phone now so that people won't see you are too Christian a fake one you can't even carry a real Bible you afraid they will say no she's too no one loves me I think they think I'm too much of a Christian but guess what as a Christian you now we a skap that ends where it starts the one that looks
here you took from the taer before you completed the whole process like I need to go to church now give me that no no no I need to put the no I need to go now now every time you come here before you pick up something you go you will be left behind you now you have to you you you I I keep telling you even our men now they have to wear a tank top you wonder why were you going to the gym any excuse for that six speec to show you are looking for
that six speec to come out if a pastor is in like that with six speec it'll be like next week on Saturday we have a physical education class here then Saturday you come say by Sunday we we used to call that CV right CV day just come wearing whatever you want to wear then following Sunday we're wearing Church t-shirt the round neck one and you look for size 10 I have one of my people around that I work with in the office and around that one doesn't know his real size and we've tried to convince
him that you are four x x x not for x I says no I'm just I'm I'm medium no no you are not medium I have no problem with you being big or anything but wear what fits you I'm not about wearing things now I'm trying to show you where the whole process has gone to where there is nothing now that in is in you to be vibrant you hide your Bible which is the product you are selling because somebody somebody somebody told me say this this man is saying I'm preaching too much I can
see when somebody brings a boyfriend to church and I pass by or the boyfriend brings the girlfriend to church and I pass by and I begin to Shake in the spirit you can tell the the the boyriend like don't ever fall here don't fall don't tie it you are not on fire I'm looking for people on fire on fire for God on fire for the gospel who don't waste the message wherever you are found I'm about to finish I know my time sit down sit down sit down I know my time now Pastor Chris or
he man my father was sitting some Partners here was sitting down in his in his study area and they came to him and said pastor sister so and so who lives here at the church is dead he said what saidia he dead so we have already send them to the moery what do you mean mean they have tested said they've tested the person is dead said oh my god with his team there they are telling him how they want to proceed with the funeral and the family da da all these things that they are saying
and he says wait a minute let's pray they've gone to the hospital they've tested and the person is dead they willing the person to the m and the family wants to do a quick funeral and bury he said don't don't let them not bury for now he sat down and said father Lord Jesus you taught us how to pray because you intended to answer see I can tell I'm in the wrong location Ah that's a Man on Fire you taught us how to pray why if you did not intend to answer I'm telling you here
I want to teach you to drive so you sit at home oh there should be some driving involved after you teach me he says you said here is how you will pray because you intended to answer then he looked up and said father Lord Jesus you might not need this woman on Earth but I need what a prayer man what a prayer I know you don't need this woman anymore here but I is one of those things that turn me on in my spirit I look at it and say God use me again Use Me
Now use me forever how most of you don't don't know what I'm talking about I wish I could have you ever looked at the world recently any time of your time you look at the world you see one thing that is the pridest of the all the proudest of them all do you know the proudest of the of all these things is a grave the proudest is the grave you look at it you can't do nothing to it no one is coming out you visit your mother's grave your uncle you think they will hear you
because you have arrived it will remain there looking at you proud even the preacher will arrive there and say ashes to ashes dust to dust because he knows he can't do nothing then there is St Patrick who said bring me my staff my walking stick let's go to the Grave 6 months dead he said clear the top of the grave the clear he signed his name with his staff St Patrick he said dig it [Music] up I I'm not worried about the the whole event of somebody saying dig it up I'm worried about the people
who are brave enough to take the shovel and the pick and the coffin is brought to the top says open it he will speak and the person sees back ladies and begins to speak he says ask him what you want today finish everything you want they finished discussing says now drops Bon into the coffin buries the person what takes a person the audacity to say open the casket dig up the grave six months h Jesus said greater signs than these shall you do because I go to my father we have had weeks and weeks years
I believe over 10 years right over 10 years over 10 years with my sister's son gone disappeared I think you remember LJ gone disappeared gone just a few months back my wife receives a vision and she comes say I just received a vision here that this man was sitting somewhere sick but he's alive so I'm going to create prayer points and give to the sister so they pray and she distributed every she still hears it right there in her phone with a debt she send them all the messages with dead stem I was was Monday
Monday I think we're going to chinoi and we're going to Choi and we begin to talk about one of my friends class former classmates with Pastor Lloyd here and we're talking about how he disappeared and God showed me if you go to this shop as you get into the carac you will see a car and you will lower the window and wave that's the friend I said I'm going to that shop and they are getting the car moves up with the correct number plate even the car even the color we finished talking about that story
and I went quiet and they were reminding me just now I went quiet and began to talk about this man who went and I said you know when it's a relative like this said if it's a relative like this it would just it just happen they will just appear on their own when time is right for them to appear this is Monday Monday just yesterday I don't know what time what time was it 11:00 p.m. 11:00 p.m. I was at the stouse there in a meeting with the head of said and as I was in
there I get a text can you go on I to answer there he has been found [Applause] but do you understand it took a vision it took discussion to speak something but if she was afraid to say this is what I saw you ought to be vibrant enough this is the reason why you say oh my God I thought about it I could have told you I thought about him last week because you were not brave enough to come out and say this is what I saw because everyone was saying he's dead it takes a
vibrant Christian to move to the other side and say yeah yeah yeah I know what I'm talking about Pastor Chris stood there and said father for me you don't need this missing here but for me I need it in previous the previous week he had checked his TV station and this woman was presenting well he said we got an asset here this is a good presenter of all the people we have had this is the best few days later did he said God you heard me say it I know you don't need this woman here
on Earth but I need her he raised his hands and began to decree life person is dead they already planning A call came in Pastor the body has moved the body is now warm I know you didn't hear what I said that's the Vibrance we are talking about the fire we are discussing the Vigor we are discussing what type of person are you with no fire whatsoever when are you gaining your power when are you regaining your power when are you seeing it it says in the moment in a twinkling of an high God is
coming for vibrant Christians vibrant Christians ladies and Gentlemen The Rapture is happening any moment from now oh my man of God now now I'm scared I have to go and pray it's not about praying it's about living the Christian Life Christianity is not going to church though it includes includes going to church every Sunday Christianity is not crying to God though it includes it Christianity is not worshiping God though it is part of it Christianity is God Divinity working itself out of the human form where it is being revealed that as you walk they say
that's a man of God that's a man of God that's a woman of God and Men of God and woman of God doesn't mean to say people who are prayerful who are pastors no no no no it simply means the life of God is working outward of the body that is being used by God so God revealed through your body what type of Life do you want what type of life you want they talk about a a location in another location they where a Christian see you don't need to be Roman Catholic so this lady
was pretending to be Roman Catholic and someh some of these people who were killing people were merciful about about you know Christians so they said if you a Christian will save you so person comes in they will ask a Christian question and kill that one if they don't know how to answer a simple Christian question so this person had been in church for years but was not vibrant and God D they said okay what do we say father son and what he said the father son and the [Music] mama you are a suspect let me
tell you something so that you don't miss it when we deal with the millennial Millennial reign of Christ is when Jesus comes back remember he's not coming for this is not the second coming as you read the scriptures he's coming in the clouds and we shall meet him in the clouds so he's not coming down here the second coming which is called the paria is when he comes with us back here but what you do not realize is all this life you are living tell your neighbor all this life you are living is an interview
for the job you will do after the life you're living now is an interview when God looks at you and a simple problem makes you cry simple issue way back they say this one you said I would be so irritated I'll be like why would anyone say that about me why I would I would be not cry but I would be so now I laugh I laugh uh I once asked the head of said how does they feel with this one saying this this one saying this he said I don't even know they're saying that
but if I know and I read what they are saying I just said this one is foolish this one is intelligent this one is close to foolishness said then I laugh because I know what they're saying is a lie I want a life to live where you definitely know this one is playing nonsense this life sit down this life will be so unbearable when the Rapture happens this is where that triple six comes in Christians will not be there so I know some of you are like oh my God so there's going to be triple
six oh my God triple six I can't handle that one if you're a Christian you're not going to be here I don't know if you're getting this what do you think it is noce again I want you to see something that you might have missed was it 1 Corinthians 15:50 51 15 51 I know you missed that 51 behold I show you a mystery we shall not all sleep 52 in a moment read it 1 to three in a moment in the twinkling of an eye and the last trumpet see it's written there but you
missed it he says last did you hear the first one so what do you why do you think you will hear the second what do you think this last one you get did you hear the second last so why are you so confident that the last Trum I told you you're not vibrant when was the second last before this one did you hear the one before this one you did when you got born again that thing that caused you to follow that was a [Applause] trumpet that's why you can be standing with your friend like
this and you you are an Evangelistic thing is happening there and he says those who want to be born again come and you bet the angel goes Lloyd stays the and he's wondering that preacher said nothing see this Lloyd I was in the same classroom with him all the songs we were singing for football was because of him the guy sinned perfectly oh this one s s they think is a joker no you remember we used to sing football songs all of them had him and his Shenanigans in the songs maybe you don't understand this
guy got even fired from primary school you see you ought to be something else to be fired from primary school primary school they said we don't want this kind of nonsense here put put your video here yeah that's what you want to see clens for him [Music] please same school he was fired for shenan Gans I was fired for being prayerful 100% he can tell you we were at a Roman Catholic School and every time from Roman Catholic Church I would go near the SE places where nobody used to get to and KNE there and
pray so we then had a Bible study which was a Pentecostal Bible study at a Roman Catholic school and you would go around 3:00 a.m. at times to go and pray there now when we come here you meet us here you think we just let me tell you something tell your neighbor overnight success happens it just takes years ask so many people we have so many people here that I went to school with same class how many we have pastors from the same class in the same church saying you're my father how many do you
know how classmates will never believe you ah look at you are you getting this I remember was we're in the same class I think we were three um we three guys that are in this church some of them are leaders two pastors one is not a pastor know in the same uh car with him there and the and we had my son there was the found of a church and when we were now talking and this I said oh papa when you used to do this when you used to do this he said women used
to do this used to do that he said yeah at school said ah he told you the story I said no we were in the same class with him he cried he started crying I said what's wrong with you he said my own classmates will never believe I'm a man of God I said son if I was not a prophet I would not have believed it myself he lit I'm I'm not talking about just no literally cried see if a man can be believed by his own classmates are you here I have relatives here they're
not receiving money from me so don't think they come because oh there is money no they're here sitting there if I tell you some of them be like this this one is my relative is this you like never cuz you never see them in front here except one of my sister did that one time came from there just came halfway in the service sing through the and came to the front and we like move hey she said do you know me I said sing sing a good song they sing a I said you was s
the back there delayed you didn't come on time you come to the front because you are who the sister of you Angel no sister here no sister at home I'm Prophet ah no baby I am my Lord at my house look at this at people are like even mine you're lying some of you are still praying are you vibrant enough this is what need when we say get into see there are many people here who just came to church no Department zero after this service you're going yeah just come here to warm our chairs nothing
no one says you know what I need to be vibrant for God no what department are you in ah you know just want to you know yes so you have no Department ah you know it's life have you seen if I fire a pastor here they leave church cuz they were never a son because what causes you to be enraged that I chose to fire you do you think you control me like no know this position is secure that guy is my favorite guy I'm your favorite guy you but the reality is there is a
position of authority where I'm doing God's work yes if somebody's promoted to another place someone gets angry why that's not the Vibrance we are talking about let me give you this free speech it will be one line if you see a man who wants a position in church so much they have no control at home they don't control their wife they are also just trying to find a location where they can exercise Authority you did not listen to that song right so at work the foran is in control at home Julie is in control so
the only place you need is arguments in a church meeting argument so that they said that guy that guy he talks he you don't talk with him when he gets home be vibrant if we say you are a toilet cleaner clean that toilet with Vigor m fire fire fire [Music] fire we used to clean the same toilets we were there if you want to be a teacher first be taught you want to be a manager first be managed if you want to prophesy first allow yourself to submit to a prophecy ah man of God how
can you prophesy me like that in front of everyone should have told me in secret because you are who CU you who exactly where are you from I pray just like brother Bram when he got to Heaven he first saw a group of people thousands of them coming to kneel before him hugging him celebrating you saved me you're the one who brought the message to me he says no I've never been to Country like this and they started explaining that you want a soul called this and that person won this person to Christ and this
one won this person to Christ and that person told me about Jesus Christ so it's you imagine the chain you think you one only one person God is saying everyone that person one is your credit but look at you I pray that you will be Rapture Ready I pray you'll be Rapture Ready I said I pray you will be Rapture Ready in the name of Jesus begin to pray wherever you are begin to pray begin to pray that everything from now you are going to be on fire when it's Ministry you're on fire when it's
singing you're on fire when he worship you're on fire begin to pray I can hear your voice I can hear your voice for [Music] for for [Music] signs and wonders our God is here God is [Music] here we are signs and God is here God is here say we [Music] are God is here our God is here say we are swiming [Applause] [Music] God is here God is here say God is here God is here God is here God is God is God is how God is it how God is is God is God is
God is God is sh the sh in theere God [Music] is God is in the the around there's heing in this room God is there's a sh in the sh sh the God is here God is here God is here there's a move in the in the move in the God is God is there's a in the in the is here God is God is here God is we God is here God is how God is he how God is he God is we say God is God is God God is God is s [Music]
[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] God is here God is here God is God is God is we say God is he God is soig is oh God is here God is here God [Music] is [Music] is the the the is here God is here is here there's a move the around the is there a sh there sh atmosphere there's a move in the atmosphere Prophet yes nine m nine years of blindness Prophet you have just prayed for him the blindness is God prophet he is able to even see the light give Jesus a shout of Praise
[Music] somebody God is there ising in the ATM in theing in the in the yes Prophet yes thank you so much sir our brother here when he came he was complaining that the doctor told him that he'll be complete blind and there was insensitivity to light when we were using our light pen before there was no sensitivity but soon after the ministration we tested with yellow light and white light there is sensitivity to light and he can see the light give Jesus a shout of Praise somebody in the atere God is here God is here
say there is healing in the ATM heing in the at healing in the atos heing in the at God is here say that is here God is here one more time there is healing in the ATM there healing in the at healing is in the up big turn around God is here say oh oh [Applause] [Applause] one more quickly because of time [Applause] [Music] uh even you that's the same you IND in the realm of the [Music] [Applause] spirit it is as though your family is not set right yes Prophet that even if we talk
about a family real family is really messed up father this is a joke let me explain what I mean [Music] [Music] yeah because in the realm of the spirit it is an unsettled home yes Prophet that your prayer has always been to have settled location yes and then your cry that I see you crying is for your children to grow up and become something yes that's my prayer Papa that's my prayer how old is this person how old just give me the years please 19 19 I'm looking at this now this is which month is
this ah because the problem is starting in December yes and I'm seeing the girl Wayward Wayward Wayward having this friend and that friend and this friend and you were warning and said don't don't have real friends not this now I'm seeing 1 2 3 almost 3 weeks four weeks there that's true gone she's gone now yes you don't even know where she is I don't know where she [Music] [Applause] is I'm coming I'm telling you where she [Music] is thank you Prophet thank you my father because in the real of the spirit is not even
a joke now because this is 19 yes 18 17 16 15 it happened yes Prophet same location yes papa you get what I said on the when she was 15 she disappeared again just like this one okay okay Prophet you are you hearing what I'm saying he want R away Prophet she she she ran away before R away Prophet yes papa 8:15 how do you go back to 15 16 17 18 19 I decree and declare you see my sister God is ministering to me even your finances yes is's about to shift it yeah I
receive thank you right now you have nothing thank you things are difficult for you yes papa so in sha when you have a small location to put your food we call that Sai then when you have a bigger one is called Dura so when people say you have started with a dur the one who starts with the [Applause] [Music] everybody let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] everybody everybody 1 two got Jesus the [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] one more [Applause] [Music] [Music] c 1 [Music] 2 somebody
scream [Applause] [Music] [Music] to to many [Music] are you ready are you ready with 1 [Music] [Applause] 2us [Music] Hallelujah I'm got to [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallu Hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Prophet is happening Prophet all the way from South Africa I got a sister to testify the brother was sick for six months suffering from hydr Prophet which means there was water in the testicles Prophet she came she did not come to Zimbabwe but connected on Miracle TV as you praying for viewers that were watching all over the world Prophet instantly the brother was here in
Zimbabwe mondoro received his healing the testicles called the healing prophet he went to the doctors and got cleared noral pain noral sickness Prophet give Jesus a sh of Praise say small small things are for [Music] others say small things are for others other Small Things Are we have got a video of the brother hey hey he we don't need a picture no it's just it's just appreciating okay okay yes yes let's have the is the sister and that's the brother Prophet me I got healed from swollen feet and high blood pressure these days I'm now
feeling okay and I would like to thank God praise the Lord [Applause] [Music] I thought they were about to take the we had to remove that part Prophet those that are interested they can see me after [Applause] service small small things are for other [Music] go are you good [Music] [Applause] [Music] my Jesus God of prophet if people remember this young man we testified y last week he was a aloh addict Prophet years last week and you prayed for him he went out and he was vomiting alcohol now he came with his crew Prophet they
are saying that we have never seen such an anointing but they have known him for this is the crew these are coming to testify Prophet Not only was he delivered he was suffering from acids is the guy that was using hers remember proper yes and he's here to say that I can take in any fizy drink any time I'm completely healed and my health has improved Propet this is his first week in 13 years without alcohol Prophet praise the Lord setle my today today today setle matter [Music] me look at the of everybody say I've
got Jesus Hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] praise the Lord praise the Lord so my sister don't worry it is already happening all the years you've been waiting for for something stable in your family yes so that you can have something stable so you break the C in your family yes because because everyone nothing they have men but they have no formal formalities like there is a wedding certificate yes and this is over 10 years now you yes and my over 10 years now yes what how many years now 10 years 10 years yes and this person
just living he's living and it's not a marriage just someone who was there now I decree and declare no wait God said I should ask you whether you want him to stay you want a new thing take a minute I'll come back I'll collect the answer [Music] SLE my matter today the god of me SLE my today today today SLE my today settle my sle my today today [Applause] Hallelujah my today today today my god of today today set my set my my got Jesus Hallelujah [Music] Hallelujah my matter today today today SLE my matter
today SLE my matter my matter today go of my matter today set my my [Music] [Music] my got Jes [Music] Hallelujah set my today today today today God of my today today today SLE my one more time we say I'm got Jesus the the winning for Hallelujah get your braa get your [Music] praful somebody get your PR get Jesus because of time uhuh uhuh you people even all I'm doing now I was supposed to finish at three you need to be vibrant I'm telling you be vibrant be g g m by G by fire it
will be well may the Antion you came here for be in the name of Jesus Amen I receive in Jesus name in every location you want to be be in that location I receive [Music] yes father let it be well let it be well in the mighty name of Jesus so my brother over there you already cored you don't need a confirmation all right thank you Prophet thank you Prophet [Music] [Applause] you make your calling sure walk withth that calling because it is in these moments where a lot of accusations will come amen that can
even stop a new work thank you where you thought you entered you will start from there amen I receive I receive Propet please one be patient with him patience it will happen thank you Pap it will happen you will smile just my prayer thank you you will smile thank you Pap all right and take care of a good good because this is the issue you heard what I said again [Applause] now so this one is like you are kidding me yes it's mine the anointing is in the bones whenever the anointing comes upon a person
it goes to the bones that's why the Bible says it this way it is like fire shut up in my bones son of men can these bones leave and they put a body of a dead man in the grave and the bones of Elijah the bones the bones of Elisha could Resurrect The Dead the bones what was in the bones what was in the bones I was coming to help someone here but I can't help you [Music] give me that photo give me that photo please as we have as here ah don't worry you woring
thank you thank you man Pap help me should I prophesy okay help me of [Music] God I'm not thinking of Prophecy this is greater prophecy when I say don't worry thank you man of God thank you papa come here this is an example for every young man here and old men old women and old young [Music] ladies what a gentlemen this young man could have had brilliant calling upon his life and as a matter of fact money would have located him nicely but you see I've told you so many times to fear women and even
the scripture said If a woman who messes you up while is they sleep with you in the same bed kill her that was the punishment in Israel at that time very small thing very small thing this is a very small thing that has become a huge thing because what I'm seeing now what I'm seeing now is if we don't intervene it will be years because I'm seeing this and I've gone past a certain location I get to the Woman's University I come back I get to Don Brook I'm coming back as if I'm coming to
town you know these do you know this location you don't know the locations that's where he [Music] is and I'm seeing this this is not even the first time the first time I'm not talking about CH the first time how are you baby blah blah blah blah how are you nothing small story you meet your girl a girl says I love you and then one thing leads to the other you understand what I'm trying to say yes I'm trying to say sex here yes okay he's accused of rape he's accused of rape now yes v
v Vanessa Vanessa yeah yes that's what I'm trying to say Professor you want my help eh yes major all right if you're asking for my help you are asking for Jesus help I have no power of my own except Jesus I imagine if I had finished the time I went up there we might have waited for another week another service for this thing to come here I speak the same thing Pastor Chris said of this lady she has not done anything for me I don't know him but let me say it this way God you
might not need him but we need him thank you and because you answer the desires of our hearts we decree and declare favor favor in the name of Jesus a judicial review favor let me give you a prophecy for free oh this one I've already finished the story ah this one you Prophet thank you Prophet let me tell you something there is going to be a judicial review in the years to come and it will get a lot of women in jail hear me what I'm saying to you now the world is turning and the
reset button is come already that whatever years you wanted that man to go for for sleeping with you you agreed now you say you were red the Day a review is done and he SE to be clear of all the charges you will go for the 40 years he was supposed to go for it's coming and many countries are beginning to adopted as I speak in the spirit and it will come in the natural where they say ah we have found that the accusation was a lie now since we wanted to give him 20 years
it's changing fake repap cases can no longer be Cas cases anymore you just decide he has damned me so I'll say he raped me and then somebody's child someone's father someone's cousin's aunt now goes to jail because you you wanted to lie decide if you want to sleep with a person or not I don't want that's it done go home nobody then compelled me and he kept on compelling me you could have blocked him people say no means no not in the world we live in even the Bible tells us to chase women you should
remain chasable you can just be a woman who says I want to sleep with you yes ah you have to say no I love you no I'm not interested let the men also decide I'm not saying say yes immediately or say continue to say no I've got my cousin who said no for a whole year and she wanted said no my this rather said no I'm not going to do that do you love her I love him do you love him I love him you love her yes I love her that's why you saying no
because I can't just say yes yeah I have a timeline for you know for some of our cousins you just say no they are gone say you know the right way a wise woman will say no but we can keep talking I just want to finish my University I'm left with two months on my diploma you know you have no diploma whatsoever I decide in two months I've not made that decision yet but in two months time it will be well cuz I'm finishing something so that you have your time not ah I love you
yes yes right now ah men will be like this is too much but what if he a Binger do I say no are you getting it communication don't say a blanket no I [Music] will incredible Mighty God watch still stand cuz you're know incredible Mighty God you're know what you sp still stands cuz you're [Music] not to the [Music] EXT praise the Lord raise your hands wherever you are father in the name of Jesus I decree and declare by the authority of the spirit that these who are here they will go by the Rapture that
Lord you keep them vibrant on fire knowing the necessity of being a vibrant Christian and when that trumpet sound they will respond and in the mighty name of Jesus I decree and declare in this moment this minute every Rong Spirit rebellious Spirit comes under subjection in Jesus mighty name we pray amen raise your hands again viewers all over the world and our partners on Zoom I decree and declare for this that I hear and everyone watching by way of Television that this moment our offering time and our tithing time let it be a moment of
power a moment we understand this is the time where we thank you for the message for giving us direction for sheering us through your word and for giving us the Breath of Life To Be Alive now in the name of Jesus Amen and amen wherever you are just come and give your offering here we've already prayed for your offering viewers all over the world I Ado You In This Moment all over the world be part and parcel of what we are doing right now our sewing our sting be part and parcel of it now right
this minute right this minute every partner be involved every person watching be involved take your seed and say this is the [Music] seed and my seed today will be vibrant and it will create a vibrant future for me [Music] ah [Music] M hey hey [Music] s [Music] so I I tell this [Music] I want tell this let stand here cling for TI this you can see a lot of people are getting involved in this and those who are around the world this is your opportunity as well [Music] allow them allow them to move allow them
to [Music] move are you happy prophetes is [Music] here so after this tithing I will let her preach [Music] father by the authority of the spirit these that are in this place I announce a breakthrough announce a moment a season of Miracles that no one will be able to cancel in the name of Jesus this year is their year this moment is their moment this season is their season they are season for Prosperity they are season for increase they are season to gather and nobody can spoil their season to take over in Jesus mighty name
amen and amen drop it and those who are around the world the promptings you can see them it's a good warm moment [Music] oh oh [Music] you got time to check [Music] and of course who to this month is when is what February H okay who was born in February stand up if you were born in February just stand up stand up if you're not are you born in February hey were you born February sit down only February people stand [Music] up February people yes put the the queen for February let's see Angel there oh
Pastor Felix daughter today is her birthday Pastor Savanah let's happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday happy birthday to you say happy birthday to you say happy birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday oh she's here make the good Lord bless you make the good Lord bless you make make that good Lord bless make that good
Lord bless you happy birthday may the good Lord bless you may the good Lord bless you happy birthday happy birthday to Happy Birthday to happy birthday happy biry let's see again there oh you see these people have nice names Angel H your is what lufer this what is Angel listen we love you so very much and and always remember Fellowship is important when you want the Rapture to happen and it is happening best thing is surround yourself with people that matter people that love God that are determined to see God rise where is Pastor Patrick
am behind you I love Patrick love you [Applause] [Music] I love you see you again and I think we should maybe start this week or next week where we start real Thursday Services where people come here I did not say we are starting this week but we are planning we are planning let's cause things to happen all right okay are we [Music] good are you are you good I love you and you are protected on your way out you are protected on your way in the enemy will not be able to do anything to you
this whole week you are protected you are protected heavily guarded heavily defended in the name of Jesus no enemy will be able to succeed in the name of Jesus I decree and declare let events begin to take place that he will shock your enemies in the name of Jesus succeed in every way succeed in every way [Music] oh oh there are many these are many okay thank you Jus you take take this on we will give you these ones we have taken those ones they are all the same thank you are they all the same
yeah not different okay this one oh but okay okay seems the same Pastor they're different way [Music] now okay oh okay okay that's not this part that part is the same we are hearing you now we have taken two so don't worry in the realm of the spirit I saw myself move like this I'm telling you this prophecy is coming to pass what do we say to all men of God what do we say to the prophet of God you can do better what do we say to the prophet of God what an amazing service
what an amazing service thank you so much cic for blessing us thank you for being a blessing to this generation and viewers watching us all over the world we love you so much we are not out of good news we are simply out of time join us next time on our next broadcast thank you so much