get ready for another thinking English session word detective number two what are these jumbled words and what do they have in common begin with the first word that has the asterisk you have five seconds and the word is snake second word word you have five seconds and the word is crocodile third word you have five seconds and the word is shark the fourth word is spider the fifth word is giraffe and the last word is Dolphin let's go to the next group again you have five seconds for each word beginning with the first word the
first word is computer the second word is dishwasher the third word is television the fourth word is washing machine the fifth word is fridge and the last word is hair dryer let's continue to the next section which is a little bit different in this section what do you get when I read out the missing letters money you must pay for something cost to prepare food cook the most expensive way to travel in a town taxi cat's favorite drink milk let's go on 5 Seconds for each one dust dirt part of your face nose a continent
Asia a water sport surf now we go to another part put the jumbled letters in order then read out the letters in the boxes so the five boxes will have five letters and they will form an entirely new secret word you have five seconds for each word and the first word is dirty the second word is our the third word is chair the fourth word is sing and the last word is yacht and of course you know a yacht is a very very expensive boat for rich people and the five letters form the word t
o a s t toast you have five seconds to do each word the first word is maths the second word is Moon the third word is knife the fourth word is go and the last word is heavy and the magic word is s SM i l e smile let's go to the next section two letters are missing to make three words 10 seconds for each group let's do the first group the first group is ex explain example exam you now have 10 seconds to do the second group and the second group is VI visit violin
Village and the third group you have 10 seconds last two letters and the two letters are PE grape envelope hope now the last three letters of the first word and the first three letters of the second word so which letters are missing from each word 10 seconds to do the first group s i n cousin and single do the second group you have 10 seconds am exam ambulance now try the third group you have 10 seconds CH Church Channel let's try another group 10 seconds to do the first group a d bread address three letters
to do the second group 10 seconds t r sister terrible and two letters for the third group and the two letters are e l and the words are hostile elephant let's go to the last section can you find the jumbled word words and rearrange the letters there is one word that the letters are jumbled and you need to find that word and unjumble it to make the sentence correct you have 10 seconds my sister has just started learning to play the violin 10 seconds for this everyone took took a picture of the Eiffel Tower and
they all looked the same 10 seconds the postman delivered two letters this morning 10 seconds my cousin looks like me he has curly hair and green eyes 10 seconds eating crisps and chocolate all day is not very healthy and the last one 10 seconds the Olympics will begin the day after tomorrow so this is the end of word Detective 2 hope you're learning to think in English by