There is a training system that divides the body into "pulling" and "pushing". Today, I'm going to give you the pulling training, and it was all created based on science. Let's take all the muscles in the body that do the work of pulling and let's put them all to work together.
From the moment you make the pulling movement, you activate these guys. The idea of setting up training in this way is to optimize the entire process. In other areas, we even call this training mounted on muscle straps.
Let's talk about the back, there will be something about the shoulder. Also, which other muscle in the arm does the work of pulling? The first exercise will be a front pulley, and it comes here exactly because 1: it is an excellent exercise for generating muscle activation, the length of the fiber is what we call medium length, the fiber in this way has a great capacity to generate force.
Here is the idea for you that it is interesting that you start training with more load and fewer repetitions, making you activate your central nervous system more, and you will already go through the first thing that will make your muscle develop, which is mechanical tension. A cool tip for you to intensify this exercise is to first bring your elbow down. It is common for people to take their elbow backwards, and this causes the muscles to not work in the best way.
When the bar is getting close to your body, you will raise your chest to meet the bar, and this will make an absurd difference in how much you can activate it. How many series to do? How long to rest between one series and another?
Calm down, I'll bring you this information. The 2nd exercise, you will do now, and still works the lats, but works in order to shorten it more. Remember I talked about fiber length?
Now it's the short length, I want you to do a unilateral bent over row. If you are already from home, Remada do Lalá. This exercise has a great capacity to shorten the fiber.
The big difference between a conventional row and the Lalá Row is that you move your hand towards your hip, and not simply pull that weight. This makes a huge difference in how much work you put into your back, how much is spent on your biceps and even your trapezius. Pay attention to this, when you do it, take your hand towards your back, and never forget to keep your posture as straight as possible, it will make a huge difference.
The fact that it's unilateral is also cool because when you add different exercises to your training, the response is greater. Having two-arm exercises and single-arm exercises are also very good. Let's start working more intensely on muscle hypoxia, which is the 2nd way to stimulate the muscle to grow, and muscle hypoxia is basically leaving that muscle without oxygen for longer.
And we have a great hypertrophic stimulus response, an increase in muscle mass with it. We've already done medium length, short length, and now we're going to stretch this guy a lot, and you're going to go back to the pulley and do it again, but now supinated and closed. With this exercise we have a great stretch of this fiber, and I want you to intensify this, because in this stretching, in this greater stretching of the fiber, we will stimulate it to grow due to the 3rd thing which is tissue damage, which science has shown every day in a way more categorical that greatly increases muscle hypertrophy.
When I talk about tissue damage, I'm basically telling you as if you were tearing the muscle. When you stretch this muscle too much and put tension on it, it's like you're literally tearing it. You cause damage to the fiber, and this will generate a whole response to rebuild this fiber, and of course, make it stronger and with more volume.
These 3 exercises completed the training of the lateral part of your back, the dorsal part. But we need to add exercise to the middle part of the back, to intensify this work, and we will add an open bent-over row , or you can do a machine row, the ones where you rest your chest there, the important thing is that it is this movement. You will direct the work for the central part of your back, because since then the other exercises have worked, but little.
Now it's time to hammer her hard. One thing that many people get wrong with this exercise is the loss of posture. As you will do there, it is intuitive until the posture closes, exactly the opposite of what you will do.
Leave that chest out, posture as tight as possible, and bring that elbow back as far as you can. When you reach the end, you still force your chest to rise, and this causes the muscles to shorten even more, muscular work goes up a lot. All these back exercises, as they involve load movement, are multi-joint exercises, I want you to rest for at least a minute and a half, and depending on the load you use, it can take up to 2 minutes.
between each series. Repetitions: in the 1st exercise, remember that I asked you to work with heavier loads? There we go for 6 repetitions, 8 repetitions, a maximum of 10, it doesn't make sense to work with more than that thinking in this strategic way that we are dealing with here.
You can work on the other exercises in a zone of 10 to 15, reaching up to 20 repetitions, following the same rest time that I gave you. We're going to continue training, and there will be different rest intervals, so don't worry, we'll talk about it. - Calm down!
- You will have worked your last exercise for the middle back, right? The hamstring has already worked a little, and we're going to add another exercise for it. In this case, I want you to do a rear delt on the machine.
It's a great exercise for the central back too, but the emphasis I want is on the back of the shoulder. It ends up fitting very well because the posterior shoulder is part of the back, and it's a muscle that pulls too, if you think about it. Do you remember the mistake I made when you were rowing with a slumped posture?
This happens a lot in this exercise too. If you're resting your chest on the bench, it's not right. Your posture will be so tight that it will only support your abdomen.
You will notice that your shoulder is left behind, your pectoral is out, and with this you can direct the work exactly to the posterior deltoid, something that if you do it any other way, in my opinion, it will harm the extent to which you can develop the posterior deltoid. Then I'm against it. Finishing this shoulder exercise, we move on to biceps.
The first exercise I want you to do is a barbell curl, and the idea, thinking that the muscle is of medium length and will generate a lot of force, work with larger loads. We go to the repetition range of 6, 8, 10 repetitions. Many people do barbell curls and move their elbows away, this is very intuitive.
Training perfectly but technically is counterintuitive. You will set up your bar, face the mirror, and place your elbow next to your body, keeping it there throughout the series. You will realize that you need to exert some effort to keep it here, because the intention to open is very strong, and look, the biceps work will surprise you when you correct this; You will now move on to an exercise that really stretches your biceps.
I want the 45° thread. You will lean your body and leave that arm behind. This causes the muscle to stretch a lot and will cause a lot of tissue damage.
There is a recent study that compared exactly this 45° curl with the Scott curl and proved that the 45° curl generated more hypertrophy in the biceps than the Scott curl. This exercise hypertrophies the biceps more because it stretches the biceps. If he stretches a lot, we will exactly intensify the stretching of the biceps.
When you come down, go down and stretch as much as you can. I need you to feel the muscle stretching at the end of the movement and then go up, it will make you increase exactly this guy's positive point. There's still one more exercise left, but before I go through it, I'll tell you that the rest between sets of all the exercises I gave you, the posterior deltoid and the two biceps, don't need to be as big as the one on the back, because they are muscles that require less than you.
1 minute intervals, at most 1 minute and a half will be enough for you to recover this guy very well and do the subsequent series in the best way you can. Now you can see that the entire training is organized intelligently, taking into account each peculiarity of the exercise so that we can extract the maximum possible from each one of them, intelligent training. If you want to know more about this, delve deeper into this issue and even have entire periodizations, I will invite you to be my student too.
Muscle 60D is just a program within our platform, everything was assembled there with my hands in an intelligent way, and of course you will find training, but not only that, entire periodizations, technical support from personal trainers, nutritionists, physiotherapists, everything on your WhatsApp. There's a link below to find out what we do. Go take a look.
And the last exercise that the vast majority of people neglect. I see very few people doing it: I'm talking about lumbar extension. There is a bench called the Roman Bench, and it basically supports your legs and leaves your torso completely out, without support, and this means that, just by adopting the initial position, you already have tension in the entire paravertebral muscles, and the lumbar muscles.
same. It will make your back more beautiful, because the lower back is also a muscle that appears, and it will also strengthen those muscles that support your spine. In this exercise, you will do 3 sets, exactly the same volume that I want you to do in all the exercises in the training.
Here, you will rest for 1 minute, it will be enough. You have one hell of a workout on your hands. And now, to complete your entire training system, you need either a pushing workout, and this will be based on science too, it includes the chest and other muscles, and of course, you won't have thin legs.
There is also leg training. Detail: it is also based on science. And then you will have training for the whole week, choose it.