If you PUT THIS in Your HOUSE You Will NEVER Have DEBTS And BAD LUCK Again | Buddhist Stories

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Video Transcript:
Place clothes on the locations I will indicate below and say goodbye to debts and bad luck have you ever dreamed of getting rid of debts and living a fulfilling life if so now is the time to take the first step to make that dream a reality believe in your ability to transform your reality and bid farewell to scarcity can you imagine money flowing to you as if by Magic get ready because we're going to reveal three powerful techniques these are not only to increase your income but also to protect your home and strengthen your Financial
Health share your finical condition and universe blessing in comments box since ancient times biblical wisdom has taught us that good should be our Natural State while evil is a conscious choice in other words if we don't strive to attract positivity a good life should be our innate Destiny but what is a good life it's the fullness of abundance Prosperity health and love that should be the norm the foundation upon which we build our existence however reality doesn't always align with this ideal evil in its various forms insists on manifesting but we cannot be passive the
key to achieving a good life is in our hands through the Power of Choice choice we can cultivate good and ward off the negativities around us remember a good life is not just a distant Dream It's a natural state we can reach through our actions and choices take control of your destiny and build the life you've always desired evil is our creation shaped by our beliefs and thoughts that imbue our life with negativity but remember you're not destined for this Darkness you're simply conditioned to it and the great news is that you have the power
to reprogram your destiny that's why this video is so important don't ignore it if you want to attract abundance Prosperity health and love into your life now is the time to join us subscribe to our Channel and don't miss any of our videos designed to guide you on this journey share in the comments if you believe in the power of a prosperous and Abundant Life now get ready to receive valuable advice that will help you reprogram your mind and achieve your goals open your heart to the infinite possibilities the universe has to offer remember you
always have the ability to achieve everything you desire your destiny awaits you ready to be discovered you have the key to unlock the doors of your dreams and make your greatest aspirations a reality today our journey takes us into the world of money energy everything in the cosmos is energy vibrating at specific frequencies and that energy has the power to attract its counterparts including financial prosperity just as every element of the universe has its own vibration we too emit a unique frequency the key to attracting abundance into your life lies in aligning your vibration with
the frequency of prosperity by using effective techniques and tools you can raise your vibration and connect with the energy of money this paves the way for a constant flow of resources in your life in the universe there is a fundamental law that governs the interaction between all things the law of vibration this law states that everything vibrates at a specific frequency and similar energies attract while different ones repel The Law of Attraction teaches us that we draw into our life lives what vibrates at the same frequency as us in other words our thoughts feelings and
beliefs emit a vibration that attracts corresponding experiences and events what does this mean for you by understanding the law of vibration and attraction you can transform your financial Reality by raising your vibration and aligning it with the frequency of abundance you open the doors to an un limited flow of prosperity and wealth the vibration of abundance is the opposite of negative vibrations like scarcity fear doubts and insecurities about the future feelings like Envy towards the rich and successful push us further away from the energy of abundance and prosperity everything in the universe emits unique vibrations
the energy of abundance manifests in emotions of Happiness gratitude hope and confidence in our potential to thrive on the other hand fear uncertainty and insecurity emit lower vibrations that repel the energy of abundance engaging in gossip and criticism inadvertently Keeps Us in the vibration of scarcity keeping abundance away from our lives this destructive cycle though challenging to break is not insurmountable to attract Prosperity we must break this pattern and enter into a positive cycle are you ready to free yourself from this scarcity pattern and attract the prosperity you crave if so share with us in
the comments I am transcending scarcity and embracing abundance the negative cycle plunges us into negativity while the positive cycle propels us upward through constructive emotions allowing emotions like sadness anger gossip and envy to control our minds is like building a wall that blocks our path to True abundance it's like swimming against the current in a constant and exhausting struggle you might argue I've seen people get rich by acting unethically it's true perhaps they achieve temporary wealth but that doesn't build the solid and authentic abundance you deserve you have the choice to nurture positive thoughts and
emotions creating a firm path to True abundance or you can allow negative em tions to dominate you getting trapped in a cycle of lack and disillusionment which path do you prefer to take abundance flows like a constant River it's within reach of everyone but it's crucial to cultivate a positive mindset to access it it's vital to understand that a fulfilling and prosperous life only materializes with positive thoughts and emotions if we don't consciously strive to nurture the positive our minds tend to lean towards the negative it's like an internal battle where we must choose which
side to feed constantly lamenting focusing on what we lack and feeding negative thoughts trap us in scarcity this negative energy repels abundance and keeps us in a cycle of lack on the contrary gratitude is the key that opens the doors to Prosperity by being grateful for the good in our lives even if it's small we raise our vibration and attract more reasons to feel grateful it's a virtuous cycle that leads us towards true abundance the entry into abundance is unlocked by freeing ourselves from negativity and choosing to vibrate at a positive frequency even if we
don't have a clear vision of our life goals we can take the first step on this transformative Journey many start this quest with without complete certainty about what they want to achieve but with the determination to create a flow of prosperity in their lives whatever your passion career or occupation when uncertainty about purpose is present focusing on generating income and cultivating happiness is an excellent starting point following this path money begins to flow in surprising ways opening doors to Opportunities and achievements over time the journey becomes clearer and reveals life's purpose however for this Revelation
to occur it is crucial to break free from negativity just as a plant needs fertile soil to grow abundance needs a positive environment to flourish I emphasize this because all abundance rituals I'll share require a positive mental state if you find yourself in a moment of negativity it's vital to break this cycle before engaging in any practice if sadness overwhelms you seek activities that change your emotional state for example a cold bath can dissipate negative energy and alter your hormones fostering a sense of well-being if you are immersed in sadness Melancholy or excessive concerns about
the past or future self-awareness is key to transformation the ritual I am about to share goes beyond simple repetitive actions its true power lies in the Deep connection with our being on the Journey of self-discovery that leads us to understand who we truly are to definitively break the negative cycle it is essential to know our values beliefs goals and purposes continually reflecting on our own path opens the doors to an abundant prosperous and happy life many people live immersed in negativity uncertain about the future simply because they do not know themselves enough we can only
change this by deepening our self-awareness the abundance rituals I'll share are like seeds planted in fertile soil to flourish and bear fruit it's crucial that you are vibrating at a positive frequency it's like tuning a radio to the frequency of prosperity these rituals amplify the energy you already possess if you are vibrating at a low frequency the ritual ual can amplify that negativity generating unwanted results clove birds are powerful allies to protect us from negative energies and attract Good Vibrations their fragrances and energetic properties contribute to creating a positive environment conducive to abundance although you
may face difficulties it's important to recognize that feeling Envy or jealousy towards others will not lead you to Prosperity these emotions distance you from abundance and trap you in negativity sometimes a small advancement in your life is enough to attract envious glances around you people may wish for your success but not more than their own understand this as you begin to thrive and achieve your goals you may see some preferring to remain in mediocrity while looking enviously at those who Thrive rapidly attributing their success to luck what they don't understand is that Prosperity is not
an exclusive privilege but a potential we all carry within success is not the result of luck but of hard work and the application of universal principles as mentioned in the bible know the truth and the truth will set you free you who seek abundance do you know this truth success is built with effort dedication and the application of of proven principles those who view success as a product of luck Overlook the reality of constant work and perseverance they cling to the idea that Prosperity is random and unattainable for most but you and I know the
truth success is not a matter of luck but of Conquest it is the natural reward for those who strive persist and pursue what they desire clove buds powerful allies on the path to abundance create a protective shield around you and amplify the energy of prosperity before embarking on abundance rituals it's important to connect with the pure and vibrant energy of nature allow the elements to revitalize you and lead you to a state of positivity and receptivity walk Barefoot in the forest or on the beach feel the softness of the sand or the moisture of the
earth under your feet breathe in deeply the pure air absorbing the Vitality of nature Embrace a sturdy tree feeling its strength and ancestral wisdom the goal is to be in the best possible vibration to attract even more abundance into your life if you are ready to attract Prosperity money and abundance into your life it's time to apply powerful rituals with clove Buds and the sword of St George this plant also known as mother-in-law's tongue or snake plant is recognized for its protective properties and easy cultivation making it an ideal companion on the path to abundance
clove buds are famous for their magical and energetic properties used for centuries in prosperity rituals their intoxicating Aroma and purifying properties create an environment conducive to attracting positive energies and opening paths to financial success the sword of St George acts as a protective shield against negative energies and low frequency vibrations helping to ward off envy and other negative influences that can block your Prosperity with optimism and Faith take three cloves symbols of growth and prosperity in various cultures plant them carefully in the soil that nourishes the sword of St George a powerful Guardian against negative
energies the number three present in this ritual holds profound meaning from Biblical tradition to the Visionary mind of Nicola Tesla it represents creation manifestation and expansion by uniting the cloves with the sword of St George you create a powerful symbol of protection and attraction of abundance and wealth placing the plant at the entrance of your home establishes a guardian of prosperity a shield against negative Energies and a magnet to attract abundance the sword of St George with its upright leaves repels negative vibrations and creates an environment conducive for prosperity to flourish it is a simple
yet highly effective ritual make sure to place the plant at the entrance to act as a guardian repelling obstacles and attracting Financial opportunities with the first step taken and the guardian of prosperity in place it's time to strengthen the money energy in your home let's move on to the second ritual but before that I'll share a powerful secret to further increase the money and abundance energy in your life so pay attention until the end to not miss this valuable advice for this ritual you'll need only three cloves symbols of prosperity and abundance in various cultures
place them strategically inside where you keep your savings whether in a box piggy bank or specific money compartment these little Guardians will act as amplifiers of money energy attracting positive energies of abundance and creating a conducive environment to multiply your resources with the first steps taken and the energy of prosperity expanding in your home it's time to further strengthen that vibration with a powerful amulet for this third ritual you'll need a fabri brick pouch choose a pouch in yellow as this color intensifies the energy of abundance and prosperity avoid black which is associated with mourning
and negativity you'll also need a coin or bill in circulation choose money in use avoiding old or worthless coins or bills finally add three cloves symbols of creation and prosperity in various cultures once the pouch is carefully closed you'll have a powerful energy amulet to attract prosperity and abundance into your life carry it with you everywhere whether in your bag wallet or pocket as a constant reminder of your connection to wealth and success it will be your amulet a magnet of prosperity a symbol of power every time you see or touch it visualize the energy
of abundance flowing towards you intensifying your faith and improving your results Imagine The Amulet acting as a magnet attracting lucrative opportunities innovative ideas and people who can help you achieve your financial goals its constant presence will keep you motivated and focused on your goals helping you make wise decisions and overcome challenges with more resilience for you who are seeking the key to unlimited abundance I'll reveal an ancestral secret used by the brightest Minds in the world this simple yet incredibly powerful secret is being revealed for the first time on the internet this ritual serves as
a constant reminder of your ability to attract abundance and prosperity acting as a powerful Catalyst to manifest wealth in your life you'll need a transparent glass pure water and three cloves but this is no ordinary ritual each clove becomes a portal for the manifestation of of your deepest desires driven by the powerful energy of the Moon choose the ideal phase perform the ritual during the waxing or full moon phase when lunar energy is at its peak enhancing the strength and light of your desires let's begin this ritual is called transforming water into abundance step one
prepare the elixir in a quiet and peaceful place fill the transparent glass with pure water add the cloves to the water one by one step two as you add the first clove declare with conviction I am Fortune abundance comes to me visualize the energy of prosperity flowing towards you multiplying in all areas of your life step three as you add the second clove affirm with devotion I am love imagine love flooding your being enriching your relationships and creating an atmosphere of peace and Harmony in your life last step as you place the third clove Proclaim
with fullness I am an unlimited being I am Health feel vitality and Universal well-being permeating Your Body Mind and Spirit energizing every cell of your being by performing this ritual with faith and optimism you'll be invoking the three vital spheres of existence wealth love and health after charging the water with cloves and your powerful affirmations you'll be ready to take the next step in this Enchanted ritual first place the glass in a place of power either by your bed to strengthen the energy of abundance while you sleep or on your sacred altar connecting it with
your faith and spirituality let it rest for a night to absorb lunar energy and amplify your desires second share this energy with your home and work after its night under the luna light place the glass at the entrance of your home protecting and attracting abundance for all residents if you prefer Place another glass at the entrance of your workplace to radiate prosperity in your career and professional projects third offer gratitude and renewal to Nature renew the water and cloves weekly to to keep the energy fresh and active during this renewal you can repeat your affirmations
with faith and conviction show your gratitude by offering the water at the base of a lush tree do it with a strong intention visualizing abundance and prosperity returning to your life multiplied repeat this ritual periodically keeping the energy of abundance flowing in your life perform the ritual in each lunar cycle or as you feel the need this simple practice has the power to create an energetic field of positivity Prosperity love and health around the most important places in your life helping materialize a full and abundant existence if you truly desire a change in your life
start now don't wait for a specific date the time to change is today remember you are unique special and valuable do not doubt the path you have chosen persist in your dreams even if they seem distant on the horizon it's never too late you are destined to shine knowing you are unstoppable within you the seeds of greatness await to sprout under the sun's glow don't give up recognize the truth and feel your Unstoppable strength life will restore all that has been lost and you are closer than ever to a grand future feel Unstoppable the path
away awaits you if this message has inspired you I invite you to follow our Channel where I reveal more powerful rituals to attract abundance into your life share your thought in comments box thank you
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