wisdom is often misunderstood it's not an elusive quality reserved for ancient sages or mystical Figures it's grounded in everyday choices and actions those who embody wisdom may not even call themselves wise yet they navigate life with a sense of clarity and understanding that many aspire to what sets them apart is not some secret knowledge but a commitment to avoiding behaviors that bloody the Waters of true understanding these actions or non-actions to be precise paint a picture of a life lived with intentional awareness in this video we'll explore these three fundamental behaviors that wise and spiritually
ATT tuned individuals deliberately avoid equipping you with key insights to enrich your own journey toward wisdom one giving up versus Letting Go In the Journey of life we often encounter to Forks in the road that challenge our resolve one such challenge is the decision between giving up and letting go although they might seem like synonyms they are as different as night and day giving up is a retreat a forfeiture of your agency whereas letting go is an intentional release a freeing of oneself from the anchors that bind us many people mix these two actions up
equating surrendering with quitting but they are enely different practices with vastly different outcomes quitting is a trap that leads you towards stagnation it is the abandonment of Hope and aspiration the act of quitting puts you on a path toward an abyss of unrealized potential and Lost Dreams letting go on the other hand is a transformative act in the Christian tradition it aligns with the notion of the way the truth and the life a phrase meant to capture are the essence of the Divine path leading to Salvation or Heaven in Zen Buddhism this concept closely resembles
the idea of Satori a moment of profound understanding achieved through authentic presence and a quieted mind this moment is an sensation of effort but an Embrace of the current moment in all its fullness without clinging to expectations or fears this surrender is not a loss of self but rather an Avenue for higher spiritual power to flow through us it's akin to Christians speaking about surrendering to Jesus allowing the Holy Spirit to manifest his will within us for our betterment and realization of our Divine Purpose in Daoism the ancient Chinese philosophy this idea is profoundly Illustrated
the taring a fundamental text speaks directly to this in chapter 15 The Master does not aspire to fullness without aspiring without expectation he is present and welcomes everything this teaching emphasizes the importance of remaining open and unattached allowing life to unfold naturally in doing so we align ourselves with the natural order or the da and live in a state of Ru way effortless action you see davism teaches us that life is like a river it twists and turns and if we cling too tightly to the banks out of fear or uncertainty we're likely to get
stuck we end up fighting against the natural current instead of flowing with it letting go means jumping into the river surrendering to its course and using its energy to navigate through life's complexities this doesn't mean we relinquish control or disengage from life rather it means we engage with it more fully with a sense of alignment and freedom it's critical to differentiate between these two approaches in life giving up and letting go because the quality of your life depends on this Choice giving up closes doors stifles growth and culminates in a life of regret letting go
however swings doors wide open it elevates you liberates your spirit and sets you on a course toward Enlightenment however you define it when you encounter obstacles or difficulties remember never give up but always be willing to let go this is not a paradox it's the Cornerstone of spiritual wisdom and the key to unlocking a life filled with purpose joy and inner peace two living in the past or future it's a common tendency for many of us to either dwell on the past or daydream about the future picture it like standing on a narrow bridge where
one side drops into a river of past memories and the other side plunges into a stream of future possibilities the bridge itself is the present moment and it's far too easy to lean over the railing losing balance and missing what lies directly beneath our feet yet those who War the path of wisdom understand the importance of staying centered on that bridge savoring the present moments for all its worth think of the past as a closed book it's a tale that's already been told its Pages Inked and dry revisiting those pages might offer some lessons but
they shouldn't become a place where we set up camp dwelling on past errors regrets or even victories can be like walking in circles forever covering the same ground without moving forward the future on the other hand is like an Unwritten book while it's essential to have goals and plans spending too much time in the landscape of Whata ifs can cause unnecessary anxiety if you've ever found yourself unable to sleep because you're fretting about an event weeks or even months away you've experienced this firsthand it's like staring so long at the Horizon that you trip over
the rock right in front of you a famous quote from Lau a foundational figure in tosm captures this sentiment succinctly if you are depressed you are living in the past if you are anxious you are living in the future if you are at peace you are living in the present these words remind us that peace and wisdom are found not in the endless Loops of yesterday or the infinite possibilities of tomorrow but right here right now being present doesn't mean ignoring the past or neglecting to plan for the future instead it's about finding balance it's
knowing when to learn from our history and when to let go when to plan for what lies ahead when to release our grip on the steering wheel of Life imagine walking a tight trip if you lean too far in either direction toward the past or the future you'll lose your balance and fall but if you Center yourself focusing on each step as you take it you'll make it across unscathed three the Trap of knowing it all the path spiritual wisdom is not a destination but an ongoing Journey a continual unfolding it's like a river that
never stops flowing always moving always changing those who claim to know it all place a dam in their River of wisdom stalling their progress and trapping themselves in a stagnant pool imagine someone who claims to have seen every color there is to see only to refuse to look when a new shade appears in the sky they miss out on the richness that comes from being open to new experiences and perspectives in the words of confucious real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance this speaks to the profound understanding that our learning never ends
and that every encounter is a new opportunity to grow and to refine our understanding of the world and ourselves the issue of judgment often interweaves with the problem of arrogance an inflated sense of knowledge often leads to a tendency to judge others to categorize them label them and place them meatly into boxes it's as if we scal a small hill and reveling in our lofty view look down upon those we consider less knowledgeable or less enlightened but this isn't wisdom it's an illusion a trick of perspective that keeps us from seeing the endless mountain ranges
that lie beyond our limited Viewpoint humility is the soil in which wisdom grows to be humble is to recognize that we are eternally students not masters of this existence a dois proverb says the wise man is one who knows what he does not know by acknowledging our limitations we leave room for growth we allow for the possibility of change for the metamorphosis from one state of understanding to another much like the caterpillar that transforms into a butterfly leaving behind its Earthbound form to embrace the endless Sky four not being grateful navigating the path of spiritual
wisdom often means taking the less frequented Road a path that may seem strewn with obstacles and hardships but it's crucial to realize that these are not merely setbacks they are also opportunities by adopting a mindset of gratitude we transform our perspective on these so-called thorns in in our lives they cease to be mere nuisances and become instructive experiences that guide us toward growth and understanding being thankful isn't just about appreciating the good times it's about acknowledging the value in every experience including the difficult ones think of it this way even the challenging situations are like
teachers in Disguise offering us precious lessons we need to evolve this approach doesn't just Advance our spiritual growth it also leads to a richer more fulfilling life the simple Act of helping others can offer a glimpse into this truth we often feel good when we offer help not just because it's socially commendable but because deep down we know it's the right thing to do understanding that each challenge holds an opportunity is a kind of spiritual Alchemy it changes how we move through the world turning up obstacles into Stepping Stones on our path to growth this
sense of gratitude isn't merely a comforting thought it's a transformative force it unlocks New Dimensions of understanding enabling us to navigate life's complexities with a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment so when life presents you with thorns don't simply endure them embrace them see them as a teachers they are each one holding the key to a new level of understanding and a richer experience of Life adopting this perspective doesn't just make us more resilient it makes us wiser transforming not only how we view our challenges but also how we appreciate our entire Journey five the
pitfalls of ego and excess in the Quest for Spiritual wisdom two pitfalls can easily divert us from our path ego-driven actions and overindulgence these two are often intertwined feeding off each other like weeds choking a garden when the ego takes the driver's seat it not only distorts our actions but also fuels the temptation to overindulge be it in food material Pleasures or even in the words we speak the ego loves the spotlight and frows on extremes it pushes us to win at all costs not for the betterment of all but for self- glorification this need
for validation can lead us down a path of excess convincing us that more is better yet spiritual wisdom teaches us the value of moderation urging us to find a middle ground between deprivation and excess taking action from a place of compassion and understanding is the antidote to ego-driven behavior when we act not to prove ourselves but to contribute to the greater to good we find balance we eat to nourish our bodies not to fill an emotional void we speak to share and connect not to dominate conversations we partake in life's Pleasures but without losing ourselves
in them this balanced approach aligns with many spiritual teachings that promote a harmonious life in this state of equilibrium we are neither slaves to our ego nor prisoners of our desires we become like well-tuned instrument producing the melodious sounds of empathy contentment and genuine happiness six not taking responsibility taking responsibility for our actions and life circumstances is a Cornerstone of spiritual wisdom it's not about placing blame on ourselves for everything that happens rather it's about understanding our role in shaping our experiences Marcus aurelus the sto philosopher and rone Emperor gives us a compelling example to
consider in his book meditations Marcus aelius delves into the subject of responsibility in a way that's both deep and accessible one of his key points is that when we're betrayed by someone it's partly our responsibility why because we chose to place our trust in an unreliable person he invites us to consider if the person has shown themselves to be unreliable why would we expect them to be any different this teaching challenges us to re-evaluate our own decisions and expectations rather than blame others for the outcomes we face it shifts the focus from why did this
happen to me to what can I learn from this this kind of responsibility is empowering it grants us the authority to shape our own destiny offering us a path to amend past decisions and make wiser choices is moving forward the idea here isn't to carry a burden of guilt but to wield the tool of responsibility to carve out a more enlightened path for ourselves by understanding that our choices have consequences both good and bad we become more conscious decision makers we learn to trust more discerningly act more wisely and live more authentically so the next
time you find yourself blaming life or others who you're probably remember the wisdom of Marcus Aurelius taking responsibility isn't just about owning up to your actions it's about claiming the power to create a better more spiritually aligned future for yourself for a deeper dive in these Concepts check out Marcus Aurelius meditations or the TA the Ching links are in the description thank you for watching if you found value in this video please hit that like button subscribe to our Channel and share it with others on their own spiritual Journeys for more exclusive content and insights
consider joining our membership or supporting us on patreon until next time take care and goodbye