You're Going to Laugh Again | Joel Osteen | Miracle Channel

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In this episode, Joel Osteen encourages you to hold on to hope when you're in a season of heartache ...
Video Transcript:
God is yet going to fill your mouth with laughter he's still going to bring you home with armloads of blessings not the same way you were but stronger healthier promoted at a new level of your destiny I'd like to start with something funny and I heard about these three men a Baptist a Catholic and a charismatic they died on the same day and went to heaven St Peter met him at the Pearly Gates said I'm so sorry men but your rooms are not available yet he didn't know what to do so he decided to call
Satan and see if he would keep them for a little while Satan reluctantly agreed few hours later Satan called back said Peter you have to come get these guys the Baptist man is saving everyone Catholic man is forgiving everyone and the charismatic has already raised enough money for air conditioning say it like you mean it this is my Bible I am what it says I am I have what it says I have I can do what it says I can do today I will be taught the word of God I boldly confess my mind is
alert my heart is receptive I will never be the same in Jesus name God bless you I want to talk to you today about you're going to laugh again we all go through seasons of struggle and Seasons where we're dealing with an illness loss of a loved one a relationship didn't work out we don't understand doesn't seem fair it's easy to think that the Suffering The Struggle the Weeping is the way it's always going to be I met a young couple they were in town for treatment at the medical center and he had just been
diagnosed with a very serious illness as they held their little children they wept and wept so devastated but God never promised that we wouldn't have seasons of weeping seasons of struggle but Jesus said in Luke 6 blessed are those who weep now for in due time you will laugh the promise God makes us is the suffering is only a season the Weeping is not how your story ends you're going to laugh again God sees what you're going through he knows what wasn't fair the Lonely Nights the pain the heartache the scripture says he's collected all
of your tears you may have felt alone but he's been right there with you the good news is he's not going to leave you in suffering it's not going to leave you brokenhearted weighed down with burdens for Peter says after you have suffered a little while not your whole life not the next 20 years but after a little while it goes on to say God himself will strengthen you establish you and put you back on your feet you may be in a season of suffering season of struggle you feel stuck in your health your marriage
your finances seems like it's never going to get better no God himself is about to step in and do what only he can do when you see how he restores you how he pays you back for what was unfair how he brings you out better your mourning is going to be turned to dancing your sorrow turned to Joy that weeping turned to laughter don't believe those lies that you'll always be lonely you'll always mourn that loss always be brokenhearted over that child no your time is coming the psalmist said weeping may endure for a night
but joy is coming in the morning notice weeping may endure May means it's not certain it's questionable but here's the promise Joy is coming not maybe not hope so there's a good chance the most high God says joy is on the way you're going to laugh again you're going to dream again you're going to love again you're going to see God's blessing in such a way that all you can do is laugh laugh in amazement laugh in gratitude laugh at the goodness of God this is what what happened to the Israelites they had been living
in Jerusalem when King Nebuchadnezzar came and attacked the city he captured them put them in chains took them to Babylon here they were enjoying life raising their children going to work everything changed now they were in this season of suffering being mistreated wondering God where are you why is this happening year went by they prayed for Freedom believed they'd be released but nothing 2 years three years years four years finally they accepted it this suffering is our destiny being mistreated taking advantage of we just have to get used to it says in Psalm 37 they
went down to the rivers in Babylon and wept as they remembered Jerusalem as they thought about what used to be the joy they used to have all they could do was Weep the Babylonians asked them to sing the songs of Jerusalem let us hear those joyful Melodies we've heard about the Israelites said how can we sing we're in mourning we're captive our hearts are heavy the pain is too real the suffering too great they hung up their hearts on the willow trees put away their instruments they were in a season of weeping and sometimes we
think it's weak to weep come on be strong get it together but God made us to feel things there are times the pressure is so great the loss so heavy the disappointment so discouraging we don't think we can go on that's why he said weeping may endure for a night you may go through a season of weeping something that's breaking your heart feels too much to carry weeping is not a lack of faith doesn't mean you're not Tough Enough it means that your heart is working it means that you care deeply one time David came
back home and saw that his City had been attacked and all the wives and children had been kidnapped the scripture says he wept until he could could not weep anymore now David was a warrior he' killed a lion and a bear with his hands he had defeated Goliath he was this strong feared courageous leader but there were times he felt so overcome so heavy that he wept that's the way the Israelites were there was nothing they could do they were slaves the Babylonians were bigger stronger had more people more equipment looked like the suffering the
heartache the Weeping was permanent how could they ever break free but here's the key God has already scheduled a time to end the suffering he's already set the time to end the heartache to bring you out of what's held you captive to turn around what's causing the tears after the Israelites had suffered a little while after they'd gone through that season of weeping God himself said I'm coming down to do something about it God is not going to let someone continue to mistreat you to keep you at a disadvantage where that burden that heaviness becomes
permanent you may not be able to do anything about it it's too much for you but it's not too much for our God one touch of his favor and things will shift chains will break that child will turn around that addiction will be broken that sickness will come to an end the scripture says God turned the Captivity of the Israelites God freed them God is about to turn some things in your your life turn problems around turn loneliness around turn finances around turn your health around the Israelites were weeping it's not like they had this
great faith they were super strong they were discouraged they had accepted the Suffering The Struggle the hardship was their Destiny but God is so merciful he's not going to let the suffering continue you may go through seasons of weeping seasons of Sorrow it's not fair you don't understand but it's only a season it's not permanent well Joel I don't see how my situation could ever work out with what I've been through with what I'm up against now how could I ever be happy again you're looking at it in the natural but God is Supernatural he
is not going to leave you in a broken place a wounded place a lonely place he wouldn't have allowed the suffering if he wasn't going to bring you out better the suffering is a setup for God to show out in your life he turns mourning into dancing sorrow into Joy the greater the adversity the greater The Joy the greater the suffering the greater the blessing the message translation says the suffering is not forever it won't be long before our great God will have you put together and back on your feet he has the final say
yes he does you may be in a season of struggle God is saying it won't be long till I have you back on your feet it won't be long till your health turns around won't be long till that child gets back on course till that situation in your marriage resolved now it may look like the enemy has won like with the Israelites he has you captive it seems permanent the good news is God has the final say he's in control not just of your life he's in control of your circumstances nothing can stand against him
when it's your time doors will open free Freedom will come healing will show up the good breaks will find you the scripture says when God turned the Captivity of the Israelites it was like a dream their mouth was filled with laughter and their lips with songs of Joy imagine the Israelites back home in Jerusalem laughing with their families singing songs of Joy these were the same people that earlier thought the suffering was permanent the same ones that were sitting by the rivers in Babylon weeping and weeping thinking they had seen their best days now they're
not only free not just back home but they're filled with laughter their Joy is overflowing that's the way our God is he's not going to just bring you out he's going to make the enemy pay all the suffering sadness heartache God's going to pay you back with more joy you're going to be happier than you've ever been you're going to laugh more than you've ever laughed like with them when you see what God does it's going to be like a dream you're going to be amazed at how God restores you re-energizes you takes you where
you never thought possible when my father passed that was the biggest challenge that I ever faced I didn't see that coming and I went through that season of Sorrow miss my father and a season of suffering trying to learn how to minister and figure out who I was how to overcome negative voices many nights I'd get up at 3:00 in the morning to write my messages not sure if I would finish in time was stressful had times I felt overwhelmed but I've learned in those seasons of suffering seasons of struggle something is happening on the
inside of us there's a strength a perseverance a resolve that's being developed if we have the right attitude we're learning to trust God in a greater way even when we feel weak when we don't think we have the faith God is using that struggle in ways that we can't see it's not working against you it's working for you it's getting you prepared for something amazing that's coming and after I had suffered a little while not my whole life God turned things in my favor I can say like the Israelites it's been like a dream I
never imagined where God was taking me but here's the point when you're in the suffering in the struggle in the mourning you can't see what God is about to do most of the time God God doesn't show you what's in store all you can see is more the same the Babylonians are bigger there's no way I can get out no way I can get well no way I'll be happy after this breakup don't let the size of the Babylonians fool you don't let those bad breaks what you've been through convince you that the suffering is
permanent in just a little while our great God is not only going to show up not only turn it around but he's going to fill your mouth with laughter that means no more heartache no more suffering no more loneliness God is about to do a new thing he saying you've suffered long enough you put up with the trouble the heartache the sorrow those tears of sadness are coming to an end you're going to see tears of joy tears of gratitude tears of Thanksgiving amazed at the goodness of God there was a young woman that came
down for prayer with her husband and she was expecting her first child 12 weeks pregnant but she lost the baby this was her sixth miscarriage she had not carried a child this long and she had hoped that this would be the one but unfortunately it didn't happen as she was telling me these big tears were streaming down her cheeks her husband weeping beside her the pain is real the Heartbreak is heavy the beauty of our God is he can feel what we feel when Jesus saw Mary and Martha Weeping at the death of their brother
brother the scripture says Jesus wept what's interesting is he already knew he was going to raise Lazarus he already knew it was going to have a good outcome but he was moved by Mary and Martha's tears he could feel their heartbreak their sorrow he begin to weep with them there are times when life throws us such a blow all we can do is weep but know this When You Weep God weeps when your heartbroken God feels it when you don't think you can go on you feel overwhelmed God is right there with you the scripture
says he's close to the Brokenhearted I told that couple what I'm telling you you may be weeping now but joy is coming being heartbroken is not how your story ends I love what Jesus Promised blessed are those who weep for in due time you will laugh it seems like he would say you're blessed when the problem turns around not When You Weep you're blessed when you're promoted you're blessed when the healing comes but he said When You Weep when your heart is broken when the load seems too heavy you're blessed because he's about to step
in and turn things around he's about to make up for what you've lost he's about to pay you back for the trouble those tears are painful but God's about to fill your mouth with laughter when you're in those suffering Seasons those weeping Seasons those seasons of struggle you need to keep this promise in your spirit I may be weeping now but I know Joy is coming these may be tears of sadness but I know I'm going to laugh again we prayed and the couple went back to their seat two years later they came to the
reception after the service she had the biggest smile her husband was beaming from ear to ear they were each holding a 9-month-old baby they had twin girls those same tears were flowing down their faces but but this time they were tears of joy they were tears of gratefulness she said we are so happy we were believing for one child we never dreamed God would give us too that's the way God is he's going to pay you back for the suffering he's going to take what was meant for harm and turn it to your advantage and
I can't promise you that you won't have suffering you won't have tears things that are not fair burdens you don't deserve but I can promise you that God feels what you feel that he's right there with you and that the suffering is not permanent there will be a time when the suffering is gone and you have the baby you have the promise you have the healing you have the victory you're not just out of the hardship but you're amazed at what God has done Psalm 126 says those who went off with heavy hearts will come
home laughing with armloads of blessings yes we all have times where our hearts are heavy go through a loss bad medical report being mistreated on the job can feel like a dead end it'll never change now look at the rest of the scripture your heart may be heavy but you're going to come home laughing how with armloads of blessings that tells me God is going to make the enemy pay for the trouble he's going to bring you out better than you were before that young couple standing in front of me were holding two babies that
was literally armloads of blessings you may have something heavy on you today like you're carrying sorrow carrying pain God's about to do an exchange instead of carrying the pain not being able to have the children how about carrying two babies instead of carrying the sorrow how about carrying Joy instead of carrying the hurt from the breakup carrying the loneliness how about someone great walking into your life now you're laughing now you're dreaming now you're living a Victorious Life That's how good God is you go out out with a heavy heart and you come back laughing
loaded down with blessings with peace with favor with victory in the scripture job went through a season of suffering there was a lot of pain and heartache and he had done nothing wrong job was a good man the scripture says he was blameless had Integrity that he stayed away from Evil everything was going great then the bottom fell out lost his business lost his children lost his health sometimes when it rains it PS Wars thoughts will try to convince you that the suffering is permanent it's too bad it's been too long no way it could
work out now but God won't let you get in a problem that he can't bring you out of the enemy is not in control of your life God is Satan had to ask God for permission to test Joe he didn't just come put all this trouble on him there's a bloodline around your life that the enemy cannot cross without God's permission that's why we can stay in peace even in times of trouble sometimes it's simply a test how are we going to respond in the suffering seasons in the seasons of struggle when it's not fair
we're doing the right thing but the wrong thing has happened job was so distraught that he tore his robe in grief and sat down among the ashes after all the heartache all the loss he was overwhelmed you can't just pray this away have enough Faith so it doesn't affect you it's okay to feel things it's not a lack of faith to say God my heart is heavy I'm grieving I don't think I can go on when Jesus was on his way to be crucified he fell down under the weight of the Cross he couldn't carry
it anymore here he's the son of God yet in his human body he didn't have the strength God didn't say son what's wrong with you you need to be stronger tougher no God sent a man named Simon to carry it for him sometimes you can't carry the weight of what you're under you can't carry the pressure job was honest he sat down said God I can't take it anymore he started complaining he said why was I born you should have let me die at Birth God I hate my life he didn't hold anything back one
thing I love about God is he's merciful he doesn't hold things against us if we had to perform perfectly never complain always have strong unwavering Faith none of us would have a chance God knows when the pressure is so strong the weight so heavy that you can't carry it by yourself job finally got past all the doubt the fear the self-pity he looked up and said I know my redeemer lives God even if you slay me I'm still going to trust you while job was sitting in the ashes boils all over his body going through
loss and heartache God said I will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy I'm sure job thought God are you kidding you're telling me with all my trouble that I'm going to laugh again that I'm going to be happy that I'm still going to enjoy my life that's the promise all through the scripture weeping endures for a night but joy is coming after you've suffered a little while God will step in and put you back on your feet that's what happened with job God not only healed him not only
restored what he'd lost but he gave him twice what he had before he came out out with twice the cattle twice the Sheep had twice the children like the Israelites he went out with a heavy heart but he came back full of joy with armloads of blessings the scripture says after this challenge job lived 140 years saw his children and grandchildren down to four generations he died an old man having lived a long good life some Scholars say that whole trial lasted less than a year what Decades of his life it was just a season
and all of us are going to have some of these seasons of suffering seasons of struggle Seasons when it's not fair like job you'll be tempted to get bitter blame God give up on your dreams but you have to remember God is still on the throne the enemy didn't take control of your life God is yet going to fill your mouth with laughter he's still going to bring you home with armloads of blessings not the same way you were but stronger healthier promoted at a new level of your destiny I talked to a young woman
from Africa her dream was to get her doctorate so she could become a professor she finished her Masters and was studying for her final exams to get into the doctorate program but her landlord told her she had to move out of her apartment he broke the lease without any warning and she had to move into the dorm was right in the middle of her main exams and threw things off to where she couldn't stud study she ended up getting turned down for the program she was so discouraged mad at herself mad at the landlord she
had applied to 16 different universities and was turned down by each one every door closed looked like her dream had died and she told how she was heartbroken how it felt unfair she was in a season of struggle a season of weeping for a time like job she sat down among the ashes she thought it just wasn't meant to be she had applied to this very prestigious University in Italy they liked her but they had 12 people on the waiting list in front of her two weeks before school started they emailed back and said we've
never done this but we're going to open a position just for you when she arrived they informed her that out of hundreds of doctorate students she had been chosen as one of the six to be enrolled in the advanced study program that meant she not only had a full scholarship but she didn't have to live in the dorm she would have her own executive apartment in a beautiful neighborhood by the university she was so excited she said this was more than I ever imagined God knows how to pay you back for the wrongs he knows
how to turn your sorrow into Joy she went out with a heavy heart but she came back laughing with armloads of blessings the suffering is a setup it's positioning you for something greater it's going to feel unfair overwhelming why is this happening God knows what he's doing he may not asend it but he's going to use it to move you into your purpose God told Abraham and Sarah that they were going to have a baby but they were both way too old Sarah had been bearing her whole life Sarah heard this promise but it was
so far out she laughed in disbelief she said How could an old woman like me have a child years went by sign no sign of a baby I can imagine Sarah seeing other women having children laughing playing she thought God why won't it happen for me she finally accepted that it wasn't meant to be but just because you give up doesn't mean God gives up at 90 years old Against All Odds Sarah got pregnant and gave birth to a son she named him Isaac which means laughter she said in Genesis God has brought me laughter
and and all who hear about this will laugh with me she laughed the first time in doubt thinking there's no way she thought she was done but her next laugh was in amazement you may have had disappointments and things haven't worked out you're in that suffering season you think the struggle the Weeping is the way it's always going to be know like God did for Sarah you're going to laugh again it's not too late you haven't had too many bad breaks God sees what you've been through through he sees what wasn't fair and he is
yet going to fill your mouth with laughter I believe and declare That season of struggle is coming to an end the suffering season has run its course you're going to feel that heaviness lift off of you you're about to come into armloads of blessings something that you cannot explain the goodness of God in Jesus name and if you receive it can you say Amen
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