✨Chosen Ones✨ YOU ARE ABOUT TO BE A MILLIONAIRE 🎉 ITS HERE ! Law of Assumption

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Cosmic Harmony
✨Chosen Ones✨ YOU ARE ABOUT TO BE A MILLIONAIRE 🎉 ITS HERE ! Law of Assumption You might be surpr...
Video Transcript:
you might be surprised by what I'm about to share with you today but I want you to stay with me because this message is not just a coincidence it's a direct sign from the universe you've attracted this video for a reason and that reason is that you're on the verge of a major Financial breakthrough this is not just another motivational message it's a law of assumption Rampage designed to help you fully embody the reality that you are about to become a millionaire Yes you heard me right you are about to be a millionaire and the
moment you decide that it is done it will manifest into your life the law of assumption states that whatever you assume to be true will manifest in your reality it's a powerful law that has transformed the lives of so many and now it's your turn the reason this video has appeared in your life at this very moment is because you are receptive to the millionaire reality that you desire this Rampage is here to help saturate your mind with the truth of your ideal life the more you take in this new conditioning the more it will
materialize the universe has already heard your request and it's now guiding you to align your thoughts emotions and beliefs with that millionaire status you've been dreaming of before we dive into the steps to make this shift I want you to remember that this is your journey if you are truly a chosen one if you know deep inside that this message is for you then you're going to stay till the end because your transformation depends on it if you're not chosen you might click off and miss the energy that's here for you for the chosen ones
like And subscribe to Cosmic Harmony leave a comment with 77t to send a signal to the universe and replay this video as many times as you need to fully absorb the energy the more you engage the more powerful the effect will be now let's get into the Journey of how you are going to become a milliona starting right now chapter 1 you are already a millionaire the first thing you need to understand chosen one is that you are already a millionaire not in some distant future not after a sequence of events or some magical turning
point right now in this very moment this is the core principle of the law of assumption we don't manifest what we want we manifest what we believe to be true so if deep down you believe that you're working toward becoming a millionaire that's exactly where you'll stay in a Perpetual state of working toward but if you shift your assumption and fully embrace the idea that you are already a millionaire that becomes the reality you will inevitably manifest let's dig a little deeper into how this works the universe doesn't operate according to the linear timelines and
limitations we've been taught it doesn't care about the specific sequence of events you think needs to unfold for your wealth to come into being the universe only responds to your energy and your assumptions about what is true so if you're walking through life thinking I'm on my way to becoming wealthy that's the energy you project and guess what the universe will keep you in that constant state of striving but not arriving now imagine what happens when you shift your energy when you walk through life life knowing I am a millionaire and it is already done
everything changes you begin to emit a different frequency a frequency that says you've already arrived and that frequency draws in Opportunities connections circumstances and resources that align with the millionaire lifestyle you now embody the power is in your hands and it starts with your mindset the moment you start thinking and acting as if it's already yours the Universe has no choice but to match your vibration right now I want you to pause and truly absorb this you didn't find this video by accident the fact that you're watching this is proof that your energy is already
shifting whether you realized it or not you've aligned yourself with the vibration of abundance and the universe is responding to that alignment by delivering this message directly to you this is your sign your already living in the frequency of a millionaire the next step is to fully claim it to own it and to live from that space every day say to yourself right now I am a millionaire it is done close your eyes and feel the energy of that statement sink into your being here's the thing you don't need to know the how just yet
the details the logistics the timeline none of that is your responsibility that's the universe's job your only job is to shift your belief to make the assumption that you already are what you desire to be from there the universe will work out the details in ways you might never have imagined and let me give you a little secret that accelerates this process even further the more you saturate your mind with this belief the faster it will materialize into your physical reality this is where repetition comes in replay this video over and over allow the words
to condition your subconscious mind the law of assumption Works through consistent focus and repetitive belief the more you listen to this the more your mind accepts it as truth and the more your life will begin to reflect that truth trust the process and most importantly trust yourself it is already done you are already a millionaire let the this be your new mantra a mantra that you carry with you throughout your day I am a millionaire it is done feel it believe it live as though it's already your reality because it is the more you allow
this thought to sink in the more you will notice subtle shifts in your life opportunities will begin to show up people with the right connections will cross your path you'll find yourself in the right places at the right times this is the power of the law of assumption what you believe is what you receive and right now the universe is inviting you to fully step into your millionaire identity it's here waiting for you to claim it chapter 2 embodying the millionaire mindset now that you've declared yourself a millionaire the next step is to embody that
mindset every single day it's one thing to say I am a millionaire but you must begin to think act and feel as though it's already your reality this is where the law of assumption truly begins to work in your favor you're not just affirming it you're living it breathing it and aligning your entire being with that assumption remember it's not enough to Simply wish for wealth you have to walk through life as though the wealth is already here so what does embodying the millionaire mindset look like first it's about stepping into a place of confidence
and certainty millionaires don't constantly question their success or worry about money they trust that they are abundant and that abundance flows naturally to them from now on you must let go of any doubts or fears you've had about money those thoughts only lower your vibration and pull you away from the frequency of abundance instead shift into a space of certainty knowing that you are financially free and that more wealth is always on its way every thought you think every action you take should be aligned with this truth when you make decisions ask yourself what would
the millionaire version of me do would you hesitate or would you make bold choices that align with your abundant Future Would You focus on lack or would you see opportunities for growth and expansion in every situation the more you think and act from this place of certainty the more your external reality will reflect the internal changes you've made and let's not forget about how you feel your emotions are powerful indicators of your vibration if you find yourself feeling stressed or anxious about money remind yourself that these feelings don't align with the millionaire you truly are
instead cultivate feelings of gratitude joy and excitement for the wealth that is already yours gratitude is especially powerful because it signals to the universe that you appreciate what you already have and in turn the universe delivers more for you to be grateful for each day take a moment to Envision yourself living the millionaire lifestyle picture the Financial Freedom you now have the experiences you can enjoy and the peace of mind that comes with knowing that you are abundantly supported the clearer your vision the more power it holds when you can vividly see your yourself as
a millionaire in your mind your energy shifts and the universe begins rearranging itself to make that Vision a reality but here's the key he embodying the millionaire mindset is not a one-time practice it's a Daily Commitment you must consistently remind yourself that you are already wealthy replay this video as often as you need to keep your mind focused on this truth Let It Be Your guide your reminder that abundance is not something you're striving for or it's something you already possess with every repetition your mind will become more saturated with this belief and your reality
will begin to transform it is already done chapter 3 releasing limiting beliefs as you step fully into your millionaire identity one of the most critical parts of this transformation is releasing the limiting beliefs that have held you back in the past these limiting beliefs are deeply ingrained subconscious patterns often so subtle that you don't even realize how much they control your life they whisper things like I can't be a millionaire I'm not good with money or wealth is for other people not me these beliefs act like invisible chains keeping you Tethered to a reality of
lack and limitation but now Chosen One the time has come to break free from these mental constraints and claim the abundance that is rightfully yours these Limited beliefs didn't arise out of nowhere they often stem from childhood societal conditioning or past experiences that shaped your view of money and success perhaps you grew up in a household where money was always scarce and you absorbed the belief that Financial Security is difficult to achieve maybe you were taught that wealthy people were greedy or corrupt leading you to associate wealth with negative attributes or perhaps your own past
Financial struggles have reinforced the idea that wealth is something you have to fight for something that's Out Of Reach for you but chosen one it's crucial to understand that these beliefs are not absolute truths they are just stories you've been telling yourself for years and as with any story you have the power to rewrite it the first step in releasing these limiting beliefs is awareness pay attention to your thoughts and emotions when you think about wealth abundance or even just money in general do you feel a sense of unease or discomfort do negative thoughts rise
to the surface telling you that financial success isn't possible for you these thoughts are the voice of your limiting beliefs they've been running in the background shaping your perception of reality without you even knowing it but now it's time to bring these beliefs to the Forefront examine them and dismantle them one by one once you've identified your limiting beliefs the next step is to challenge them ask yourself is this really true when you hear that in a voice saying I'll never be wealthy stop and ask says who these beliefs may feel true because they've been
with you for so long but in reality they are just assumptions you've adopted based on past conditioning the truth is the universe is abundant and there is no limit to the wealth that can float to you the only thing standing between you and that wealth is the belief that there's something holding you back next replace those limiting beliefs with empowering ones this step is crucial because nature abhor a vacuum when you remove a belief you must fill that space with a new more positive belief so instead of thinking I can't be a millionaire start affirming
I am a millionaire and I deserve to live a life of abundance AB an instead of thinking money is hard to come by begin to say money flows to me easily and effortlessly and don't just say these affirmations once repeat them often the more you saturate your mind with these empowering beliefs the more they will take root in your subconscious and soon enough they will become your new reality it also helpful to visualize the version of yourself who already holds these empowering beliefs imagine how it feels to move through life knowing that you are a
magnet for wealth that opportunities and financial success come to you effortlessly visualize yourself living in your millionaire reality feel the excitement the freedom the peace that comes with having all your financial needs met this visualization combined with your affirmations will help reinforce your new belief system and accelerate the manifestation of your wealth remember chosen one your beliefs are The Architects of your reality if you continue to hold on to beliefs rooted in lack fear or limitation that is the reality you will experience but if you shift your beliefs to align with abundance prosperity and Financial
Freedom your external world will reflect that shift this is the essence of the law of assumption whatever you assume to be true will become true in your reality so it's time to assume that wealth is already yours let go of the old outdated stories that no longer serve you and embrace the truth that you are a Millionaire right now it's not in some distant future it's already here waiting for you to claim it but here's the most important part releasing limiting beliefs is not a one-time event it's a continuous process of self-awareness and realignment every
time you notice a negative thought or belief creeping back in gently remind yourself of the truth you are abundant deserving and wealth is your natural state the more you practice this the easier it will become to maintain your new empowering beliefs and the faster your millionaire reality will materialize so chosen one take a deep breath and release the chains that have been holding you back you are no longer bound by the limitations of the past you are free to step into the fullness of of your millionaire identity replay this video let these truths sink deep
into your subconscious and watch as your external world begins to shift in response the abundance you seek is already seeking you all you have to do is let go of the beliefs that say otherwise and embrace the truth of who you really are it is already done chapter four aligning with the energy of wealth to fully manifest your millionaire status it's crucial to align yourself with the energy of wealth this means more than just thinking about wealth it's about tuning into the frequency of abundance on a deep energetic level everything in the universe including money
is energy just like tuning a radio to the right station you must adjust your frequency to match the vibration of wealth in order to attract it into your life so how do you do this it all starts with your thoughts feelings and actions because each one of these carries a specific energy every thought you have vibrates at a certain frequency and thoughts of lack and scarcity resonate at a much lower vibration than thoughts of abundance and prosperity for example when you catch yourself thinking I don't have enough money is hard to come by or I
can't afford that you are tuning into the frequency of lack by doing this you are essentially reinforcing the reality of Financial struggle and blocking the flow of abundance from coming to you but when you shift your mindset to more empowering beliefs such as I have more than enough money flows to me easily and effortlessly or I am wealthy you begin to tune into the higher frequency of abundance this simple yet powerful shift changes everything your feelings are just as important as your thoughts if not more so because they directly affect your vibration how do you
feel when you think about money or wealth if you feel anxious worried or stressed when thinking about money those negative emotions are lowering your vibration you are vibrating at a frequency that is not aligned with abundance which makes it difficult for wealth to manifest in your life but if you can shift into feelings of gratitude excitement and joy when you think about money you'll begin to align yourself with the energy of wealth gratitude in particular particular is one of the most powerful emotions to raise your vibration when you feel grateful for what you already have
no matter how small it might seem you send out a powerful signal to the universe that you are ready to receive more think about it how can the universe give you more when you are not even grateful for what you have now gratitude acts as a magnet for more blessings it transforms your perspective and allows you to see that wealth is already all around you when you start to focus on all the ways in which you are already abundant whether it's the food on your table the roof over your head or the opportunities that keep
coming your way you shift into a state of receiving and when you're in this state the universe response by sending even more abundance your way now let's talk about your actions aligning with the energy of wealth is not just about thinking or feeling it's about how you move through the world your actions must be congruent with the belief that you are already wealthy this doesn't mean spending recklessly or pretending to have more money than you do instead it means making choices from a place of abundance not from a place of fear lack or scarcity for
instance when you make decisions about money ask yourself what would the wealthy version of me do this could mean investing in yourself through education self-care or personal development or it might mean making bold moves toward your financial goals with confidence and trust that the universe will support you another example is how you manage the money you already have are you treating your current finances with respect and care or are you avoiding them out of fear or neglect the way you handle your finances now sends a message to the universe about how you will handle more
wealth in the future if you treat your money with respect respect and gratitude even when it's a small amount you are showing the universe that you are ready for more on the other hand if you ignore your finances overspend or operate from a place of lack you are sending out a signal that you are not yet aligned with abundance the key here is to start acting as if you are already wealthy this might mean saying no to things that drain your energy or money or it could mean taking bold steps that scare you but are
aligned with your millionaire money mindset when you begin to live from the assumption that wealth is already yours your actions will naturally start to reflect that belief and as your actions align with the energy of abundance the universe will begin to mirror that back to you intangible material ways this is the law of assumption at work whatever you assume to be true the universe reflects back to you when you assume that you are wealthy and take action from that place you create a powerful r effect in your reality you become a magnet for wealth opportunities
and prosperity and everything in your life begins to shift to support your newfound abundance the more you align your thoughts feelings and actions with the energy of wealth the more wealth you will attract into your life remember Chosen One the universe is always responding to the vibration you're putting out when you align yourself fully with the frequency of wealth it's only a matter of time before that wealth materializes in your reality trust the process trust yourself and know that your wealth is already on its way to you it is done you are already a millionaire
in the energetic realm now it's time for that reality to fully manifest in the physical world keep your frequency high and watch as the universe delivers exactly what you've been aligning with chapter 5 trusting the process one of the most challenging aspects of manifesting wealth is learning to truly trust the process it's tempting to get wrapped up in the details of the how how the money will come when it will arrive and what specific actions you need to take to make it happen but here's something vital to remember the how is not your responsibility that
part belongs to the universe Your Role is to hold on to the belief that it's already done and to trust that the universe will take care of the rest this doesn't mean you should sit idly by or ignore opportunities that come your way instead it's about releasing the need to control every step and surrendering to the Divine flow when you trust the process you let go of fear doubt and the impatience that often arises when we don't see immediate results trusting the process means understanding that everything you desire is already on its way to you
or if you allow it you will be guided toward the right actions but without forcing or micromanaging the outcome doubt is one of the biggest obstacles to manifesting wealth or any other desire if you Harbor doubt that you can become a millionaire even just a sliver of it the doubt creates resistance this resistance slows down the manifestation process because it sends mixed signals to the universe on one hand you're asking for wealth on the other hand you're doubt signals that you're not fully sure it will happen but when you release that doubt and fully trust
that it is done you remove that resistance and the universe can bring your desires to you with greater speed and ease trust is a potent energy when you trust in the process you send a powerful message to the universe that you believe in its infinite power to provide for you it shows that you have faith not only in the universe's ability but in your own worthiness to receive wealth the more you trust the more you allow abundance to flow into your life without hindrance this is a key aspect of becoming a millionaire in both mindset
and reality trust that the Universe knows the best way to bring your wealth to you even if it unfolds differently than what you might expect think of it this way the path to becoming a millionaire is rarely a straight line sometimes you may take unexpected day tours meet new people or counter opportunities you never anticipated but those seemingly random occurrences are all part of the bigger plan every step no matter how small is leading you closer to your millionaire reality it might not unfold in the exact way you envisioned but rest assured chosen one it
is happening each moment you spend worrying about how delays the process but each moment you spend trusting accelerates it let go of a need to control every outcome instead take inspired action whenever it feels right and trust that the universe will fill in the gaps if an opportunity presents itself follow your intuition but don't obsess over the perfect plan sometimes what we perceive as delays or obstacles are actually redirections guiding us toward a better path one that brings even greater wealth than we originally imagined by trusting the process you open yourself your up to the
Limitless possibilities the universe has in store for you trust also means believing that the money is already on its way to you even if you can't see it yet in your bank account it's important to hold on to the inner knowing that your millionaire status is inevitable every day every interaction and every thought is bringing you closer to your desired reality the universe is orchestrating everything behind the scenes and all you need to do is remain steady in your belief that it is already done the feeling of relief that comes with trusting the process is
priceless it frees you from anxiety and allows you to enjoy the journey rather than Feeling burdened by the pressure to make everything happen on your own you are co-creating with the universe and your job is simply to hold the vision take inspired steps and Trust the process the rest will unfold in ways that often surprise you but always for your highest good so Chosen One let go of a need to figure everything out trust that your millionaire reality is already manifesting even if you can't yet see the evidence trust that the universe is aligning the
right people opportunities and resources to make your dream a reality and most importantly trust that it is done your millionaire self already exists and the path you're on is leading you straight to it keep your faith strong and watch as your millionaire reality begins to materialize right before your eyes you are closer than you think it is already done chapter 6 acting as if As you move closer to fully embodying your millionaire reality one of the most effective tools you can use is the practice of acting as if this is where the law of assumption
really becomes a powerful force in your life the idea is simple act as if your millionaire status is already true live your life as if you have already achieved the financial success you desire this is not about faking it but about energetically aligning yourself with the version of you who is already abundant when you act as if you send a powerful signal to the universe that you are ready to receive the wealth you desire you are no longer waiting for it to happen you are living it now this shifts your energy into to a place
of receiving which accelerates the manifestation process the universe responds to your energy not your wishes so when you embody the energy of a millionaire the universe delivers experiences opportunities and circumstances that match that energy how do you act as if start by examining your daily habits and routines how would the millionaire version of you live their life would they wake up up with a sense of purpose and excitement or would they feel stressed and worried about money would they make bold decisions or would they play it safe would they invest in themselves and their future
or would they hold back out of fear take a moment to step into the mindset of your millionaire self imagine how it would feel to have all the financial Freedom you've ever wanted how would you carry yourself what choices would you make the more you can embody this energy the more you align with your desired reality every decision no matter how small should come from this place of abundance whether it's choosing to invest in a new opportunity or simply deciding to treat yourself with kindness and care act as if you are already living the millionaire
lifestyle it's also important to surround yourself with things that reinforce this millionaire mindset create an environment that reflects the the wealth you are manifesting this could mean upgrading your wardrobe organizing your home to reflect abundance or even changing the way you talk about money when you speak speak as though you are already wealthy avoid phrases like I can't afford that or if I'm broke instead replace them with empowering statements like I choose to invest in what aligns with my abundance or I am in the process of manifesting my wealth remember chosen one you are not
pretending to be a millionaire you are energetically aligning yourself with the reality that you are already wealthy the more you act as if the faster this truth will materialize in your physical world replay this video let the energy of abundance saturate your mind and trust that the universe is already working behind the scenes to bring your millionaire reality into being it is already done chapter 7 staying in alignment now that you've claimed your millionaire status embodied the mindset and aligned your actions with the energy of wealth the final step is staying in alignment manifestation is
not a one-time event it's a continuous process you must stay aligned with your desired reality even when external circumstances seem to challenge it this is where many people falter they start strong but when they don't don't see immediate results they begin to doubt and their alignment weakens but not you chosen one you are here because you are ready to stay committed to your millionaire Journey staying in alignment means maintaining the vibration of wealth regardless of what is happening around you if a bill comes in or an unexpected expense arises you don't panic or revert to
Old patterns of lack instead you stay centered in the knowing that you are about abundant and that more money is always on its way to you the key to staying in alignment is consistency you must consistently feed your mind with thoughts of abundance replay this video as often as you need to remind yourself of your millionaire identity let these words sink deep into your subconscious saturating your mind with the truth of your wealth the more you repeat this conditioning the stronger your alignment will become and the faster your reality will shift to match you new
vibration it's also important to maintain a sense of gratitude and Trust gratitude is one of the most powerful emotions for manifesting abundance when you are grateful for the wealth you already have you open the door for more to flow into your life take time each day to reflect on all the financial blessings you've received no matter how small they may seem gratitude raises your vibration and keeps you aligned with the frequency of wealth trust is equally essential you must trust that the universe is working in your favor even when you can't see the full picture
the path to becoming a millionaire may not always look the way you expect but that doesn't mean it's not happening trust that everything is unfolding in Divine timing the universe has already heard your request and it is delivering your wealth in the perfect way and at the perfect time lastly stay committed to your vision keep your focus on the reality you are creating not the one you are leaving behind it's easy to get distracted by old patterns or limiting beliefs but chosen one you have the power to stay aligned remember you are already a millionaire
the more you live from this truth the more your external world will reflect it replay this video soak in the energy and let it strengthen your alignment with the abundance that is already yours it is already done as we come to the end of this episode remember that this journey is not just about becoming a millionaire it's about fully stepping into the truth of who you are you are abundant chosen one you are aligned with the frequency of wealth and the universe is working in your favor to bring that reality into your life the fact
that you found this video is no accident it's a sign that you are ready for the next level of abundance and that your millionaire reality is already here replay this video Let It saturate your mind and keep aligning yourself with the energy of wealth the more you do the more your external world will begin to reflect the internal shift you've made stay committed stay aligned and Trust the process the universe is already delivering your wealth it is is done remember to like this video subscribe to Cosmic Harmony and leave a comment with 77 to send
a signal to the universe that you are ready to receive play this video on repeat to make the signal even more powerful and absorb all the energy from it and if you are truly a chosen one you've watched this video Until the End because you know the power that lies in fully absorbing this message your wealth is already here Chosen One it is done
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