Scary Stories For A Rainy, Bitter, And Eerie Night

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Be. Busta
This video features true scary horror stories sure to scare you. The scary stories that feature on t...
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for context I live in a very small trailer court and directly next to us is a railway that goes across the whole state and leads to a Wally World if you head down for like 20 minutes now I was a teenager in eighth grade at the time with no car or Transportation other than a bike the railroad tracks go in a straight line directly leading to Walmart so if I were to bike to the Walmart it takes me about the same time as if I walk straight down the tracks so more often than not I
would walk as I was never really a big fan of riding bikes as I have had back issues since a young age now on this date in particular I decided to head to Walmart for dumb kid stuff shortly before the sun was about to set basically I went to the store and got distracted just looking around bought some food and drink and some trading cards but left as the sun was going down it's about a 20 to 25 minute walk home and I decided to head down the tracks again at about a 10-minute mark it
was getting very dark and I was a generally fearful and anxious child due to my autism I was scared of the dark until at least about 14 and a half and would often have nightmares or see things that weren't there in my closet or dark Corners Etc so as it became too dark to see I was getting extremely nervous and hyperv Vigilant 5 minutes later I could have sworn that I was hearing footsteps crunching in the Rocks lining these tracks that weren't mine I stopped a few times to listen and confirmed that someone was walking
towards me from a significant distance away I couldn't see them at this point because of the darkness and like of lighting across the railroad tracks I had no phone or flashlight of any kind either I started freaking out internally at first I didn't know what to do but as the sound of the footsteps got closer I decided to call out and let them know that I was coming towards them I stopped as I did this and said something along the lines of is someone there well I know that this might seem silly as an adult
I was used to my brain playing tricks on me in the darkness and at first I was convinced I was hearing things and there was no response at this point the footsteps were getting closer but still difficult to distinguish over my own so so I stopped the footsteps they continued for a brief moment and then they stopped too I called out again and I said hello is anyone there no response again I was still prepubescent and I had a child's voice at the time and I feel like any reasonable adult would have responded and said
yes or yeah I'm just walking or whatever as I had genuine noticeable fear in my voice after I received no response response again I told myself that I was just imagining it and continued on my journey at this point being just under 15 minutes from my house and then I heard them again footsteps coming closer as soon as I started walking fear took over now and I started yelling and making whooping sounds thinking that it might be some sort of an animal I yelled things like I know you're there and I have a knife which
was total BS but I thought that it might encourage this person to respond but still nothing a few times as I was speaking I would hear the footstep stop again finally about 3 or 5 minutes later stopping multiple times and hearing these footsteps stop sorry I can't give a super specific time frame I was in total fight or flight mode scared out of my mind so it gets a little hazy from here but I start seeing this guy materialize out of the darkness he had on Blue Jeans a dark Hood with a hood completely masking
his face from a distance I was instantly relieved for whatever reason relieved to know that I wasn't crazy maybe I don't know and began verbal vomiting to this guy that I was just scared and I didn't know that he was on the tracks he again didn't respond though and this was before like mainstream Bluetooth audio and all that and I didn't see any headphone cables even when I passed him so it wasn't like he was just like ignoring me because he was listening to music or or something but because he didn't respond I was eyeing
him weily as he approached and we locked eyes at one point and I will never forget the chill that ran down my spine he was staring at me coldly and blankly with a menacing look in his eyes like he was thinking about what to do he had his hand shoved in his pockets and as I was passing him he looked like he was going to pull something out with his right hand I was a very scrawny kid and even though I did have back problem S I was pretty quick still I would just hurt from
running for too long but from then on going down the tracks I was at full Sprint and everything from this point on is just genuinely a blur I know I tripped and fell twice as well as soaked myself in mud when I tried to get across the small ditch separating the track from the trailer park but eventually I got home I never told my mom and I never walked on those tracks at night again after that but the track s they're on an elevated Hill next to the trailers and you can either walk a minute
in the wrong direction to get on it at the main road that I live on or you can cut through this one small spot where some people had put a board down for that exact purpose to get across the ditch and onto the tracks the board it was broken in half and partially submerged so it was kind of like you had to sort of jump and land on the board with one foot and then kick off to the other side the ditch it's maybe about 3 ft across so it's not a huge jump but it
always has nasty standing water in it once you get on the tracks there's a super long stretch with absolutely no way off too other than private property of a factory the railway delivers Goods to which you can get in trouble for trespassing on obviously but then there's a junction about 20 minutes down and another 5 minutes from there which is where this Walmart is due to this I couldn't just get off the tracks when I ran away I had to get to the ditch before I would be able to which all is to say that
really I had to run from this guy because there was nowhere else to [Music] go I recently had an unexplainable experience that I really don't know whether to classify as paranormal creepy or just really weird because it feels like it sort of hits on all of them I guess to preface this I'm a biologist and I'm skeptical of the Paranormal and other cryptic Notions but keep an open mind that anything could be possible but unless there is definitive proof from others or myself of such things I won't believe such things are reality with that said
here's what happened so my colleagues and I were staying at a BNB in a rural part of Louisiana for a business trip and on my final day there there I decided to explore the property of the owners the property is a 26 acre plot of land and the owners are also biologist and have created numerous trails and naturalist exhibits around the property that people will often explore something my colleagues and I were trying to do during our trip was to get to the creek that is on the property it turns out it's far behind the
house through dense Woods I would say about 3/4 of a mile behind the house and half a mile through a dense forest after my C workers tried and couldn't find the creek due to a number of reasons fire ant mounds mosquitoes and simply not finding it I thought that I would try and find it to give me something to do I'm very experienced in the outdoors and bushwacking is nothing new to me really and I knew that I would likely find it with enough time and determination I asked the owners the best way to get
to the creek and they gave me a trail to go on but said that it would be unlikely for me to get to it because of down trees from Hurricane Laura which turned out to be the case in the end regardless though I followed the trail they described which ends at what I can best describe as an insect observation station It's a cotton fabric attached to two poles and a light on the top so people can go and see the insects attracted to it after this station it's immediately woods with small Barbed fences that you
hop over to start your journey anyway long story short I get through the woods and found the creek after traversing down logs and walking through wetlands and bushes and this is where things got weird so after I get to the creek I noticed a storm coming in overhead that I knew it was time to go back I start my way back and that was when I heard it a voice very briefly but I absolutely knew it was somebody talking I couldn't make out what was said but I froze and closed my eyes to focus on
hearing but heard nothing no twig snapping no voices rustling nothing but I knew something wasn't right and I quickly started making my way back to the point at where I had come in which was easier said than done in the end but on my way back I heard something else a giggle and again I stopped closed my eyes and didn't hear anything again I am now over this situation though and feeling completely uneasy I focused on getting back to the insect station I get back and hop the fence to the trail and almost immediately I
just got Goosebumps all over my entire body uncontrollably as if I was freezing I continued back to the house weily and luckily didn't hear or see anything and went back inside and went to sleep end of story however to add to this all my colleague mentioned earlier when they went back there that they had heard twig snapping with a weight of a human they called out to whatever was out there but they got no response and didn't hear anything else they two are pretty experienced in the outdoors but I thought that it could have been
a deer so I didn't give it much thought but now I don't know about that I don't know what I experienced and I don't know if I can say it's paranormal but I would really appreciate if people could provide insights because I just don't know what to think of [Music] it this started just like any other afternoon I had just come home from the gym and I had just eaten when my friend called me and asked if I wanted to take a ride on my motorcycle this is something that we do a lot where we
just sort of head out and drive around with good music and Good Vibes and since it was really hot and a nice day it couldn't fit any better really so I grabbed my helmet keys and I headed to him at first we drove around a bit and just sort of vibed to some white girl music and lived life in the heat as I was running low on fuel we were about to head back when he suddenly pointed out a seemingly normal gravel path leading into the forest as we had nothing better to do we started
to descend the trail which was pretty steep it was so steep that my friend had to jump off for a bit while I drove up when we reached more plain grounds we decided that I should drive forward a bit just to see if there was anything to see or if it was just a dead end or some random house or something I started to drive ahead a bit and was first met by a wavy sort of grally path for a while until there on the left side was an opening in the trees revealing a trail
which had quite fresh tire marks I thought that that was a bit odd but thought nothing of it really and I just continued forward when suddenly on the trail in front of me maybe 10 ft away I saw a man standing by a car as the road curved the site was sort of blocked so he couldn't see me but I could see out of his shape and some details that he was there he looked to be in his 30s I would guess and we a black cap and gray zip up I at this point started
to think that maybe we were on private property however there were no signs at all indicating that I however decided to turn around in any case and head back to my friend so that we could go before the man by the car would manage to drive out after unknowingly not knowing that we were there and maybe spot us on the way out I drove back to my friend who was a little bit tired having to walk up with his helmet on and I told him about the guy that was further up the road we were
just sort of standing there talking about following the trail into the woods on the left by foot when we saw the headlights of a car approaching from where the car had been at that point we just sort of kned out of there and he practically jumped onto my motorcycle and we drove away as we were heading back down the trail the car approached us rapidly and was soon right on my tail we both felt that it was time to go and I pulled out onto the main road just to have the car copy our turn
I saw a smaller road that I had taken before that led to a bicycle path which I took us down on and as we looked back we could see the car come to a complete stop on the road before slowly driving away I know that this incident by itself may not be that disturbing and it really isn't I guess and was just a bit of fun I suppose but the disturbing part of it is that we wanted to see the end of the road without having to go back again again so we looked it up
on Google Earth and what we found there is the really disturbing part we found the road but when we looked at the pictures which must have been old because of the photos there were like multiple houses on the side of the road and which looked to be in really good shape with newly mowed grass and a caravan park next to it and all that obviously that was now not the case but the situation however was pretty odd as there was a lot of trash on the ground and what looked to be clothes spread around on
the ground next to the gravel path something even weirder was that when I clicked along the path to see the end of the road it was all blurred out and you couldn't see what was hidden behind it I could show the pictures I guess from Google Earth right now but since I didn't get any pictures of the road when we were there I would really have no proof or anything however me and my friend did return this week and we tried to get some pictures of where the houses were on Google Earth Earth and what
lies at the end of the road there was a bit of a hasty change in plans and me and my friend and another guy decided to head back to the place again today instead I probably should have taken the advice of some people on being wary of returning but something weird is definitely going on over there it's almost like the forest and the path change and the road had different paths this time the biggest problem is that there is a cabin there now too and I just cannot wrap my head around that when we were
there last time we stood right where it was today and it's not new it looks like it had been there for ages it is well kept though which is strange a new roadblock had appeared blocking the path to the final part of the trail as well we took the car there this time and we had to walk the last bit since we couldn't get past the barrier and as we walked I had a really weird odd sort of deja vu feeling and I couldn't could have sworn that I looked over my shoulder at least 10
times at the end of the path an anonymous looking building surrounded by a giant fence was there next to the building was a camouflaged radar and must have been connected to the building you did not wanting to reveal myself and to not get into trouble with a higher power I refrained from photographing the building but there was a defense department sign stating that doing so was highly illegal and I didn't want to risk anything over scary story we kned out of there pretty fast though before returning to the roadblock and we investigated the cabin that
appeared out of seemingly nowhere my friend went forward and looked in through the window as I had an eerie feeling about the whole thing he looked for a second and then he took off running I obviously followed suit and he just said to get into the car quickly as we drove off he explained that the inside looked fake and Too Fake fixed and that he also saw a cup of coffee sitting on a table he said that something was really off about it and that it sort of looked staged was his words in any case
we took off in the car and we headed out onto the main road again but I'm in a right now and I don't know if I want to return or if I should stay away from there we also investigated a bit around the house and found a couple of footprints from a boot and some other things and like I said I'm just torn right now so does anyone have an explanation for what this could be or is it just something weird happening if you have any theories as to what this all could be then I
would genuinely love to know also this is going to sound a bit like a rant and it very much is but I'm sitting here now and don't know where to go with this so I looked close at Google Earth images and there's a whole house in its lawn has been wiped off of the radar the house we found was one of three all in similarity to the one that we found and everything just seems wrong about this place I get a bit agitated and panicked when I look at the map because it's just so wrong
and it just doesn't look right everything is different and I I think I need to go back to find the other houses and this time I'm determined to get some pictures [Music] this story is from my childhood and look I know that this is a strange one but I'm just wondering if anyone has heard of anything like this before so when I was 16 me and my friend we went out to a park one day it was a cold snowy day so we did what any rational teen would do and ventured under into a sewer
pipe where it was nice and warm and we walked a ways into this pipe it was quite notorious for my friend group did a little bit of graffiti in one of the Gres where light Shone through then walk back to sit at the entrance together and talk it was around this time that we heard a grating of metal against concrete you would naturally assume at this point that it's a manhole being very very slowly dragged across the street and open for somebody else to come in we heard this mentioned it and for the most part
ignored it The Sounds they continued though like metal against concrete eventually I catch something out of my peripheral my friend is already focused on that direction too and when I look I first see the water in the pipe splashing I'm curious because it's the dead of winter I mean why would they move it like that violently and up is what I mean when I focus my eyes that was when I see a hand and an arm bleached as white as paper moving back and forth splashing the water up and down this was the water where
we just were where we graffitied and now a a being was there supposedly just out of nowhere wider than any human I'd ever seen anorexic and hidden by a shadow I ask if he sees and he says yes he sees a bleached white arm splashing the water where we were and that was all it took for me to zip the heck out of there quickly he followed in tow not soon after outside the pipe he hesitates though and wonders if we should go back in because he hasn't seen something like that before and wonders what
it was I refused though and we eventually just continued with our day later in the week I attempted to rationalize everything maybe all that Hubb about Metal against concrete was the garbage man or a mailman and her eyes were just playing tricks on us my parents eventually informed me that they don't come out on Sundays though they would not have been in the neighborhood I tell this story to other friends in town and they recount seeing a creature of the same make bleached white anorexic limbs with circumstances beyond anything normal including flashes of light and
screams in the forest nearby Etc sometimes I wonder what did I see that day should we have gone back and if we did what would we have seen if anyone has any Intel or some sort of lore or anything then I would love to hear it anything similar I would genuinely love to know honestly though I've sort of come to terms with the fact that I probably will just never [Music] know all right a 41-year-old female live in Montana and a few years ago I was forced to relocate after my landlord decided to rent to
her son the community that I had lived in for 11 and 1/2 years has become incredibly expensive 7 187,000 median home price unfortunately I was forced to relocate to another city and because of the unexpected move and Associated costs I moved in with a roommate my roommate left eventually to pursue a better job prospect about 3 months after I'd moved in our unit was a Triplex so there were two gentlemen that inhabited the other units I was never added to the lease as the property manager required a full deposit and I was just not in
a financially healthy spot at the time I remained in the unit for 1 and a half years on my own paying the rent and the utilities eventually I became very good friends with the man in the unit closest to mine his name was Devon 52 and male Devon was a disabled veteran in recovery and I also am a veteran so he held a bit of a soft SWAT in my heart we shared meals hung out and discussed all of life's mysteries and would look out for one another Devon had gone to treatment for 6 weeks
and I had watched his cat while he was gone too afip developed over the course of one and a half years Devon had expressed romantic interest however right from the beginning I clearly informed Devon that I didn't share those feelings and we would never be more than just good friends Devon seemed to be lonely which made sense however I'm a person who requires a lone time to recharge my batteries I set strict boundaries for Devon as he wanted to hang out all the time I would catch him walking through the front yard multiple times a
day to get the mail which I believed was to see if I was outside so that he could stop the chat when I would leave in the morning to go to work Devon was always outside to tell me that I looked nice and to have a good day and I eventually told him that that all made me feel a bit uncomfortable and he should just send a text letting me know if he wanted to hang out sometime and wait for a response there were a couple of times I yelled at him for sort of overstepping
my boundaries the first I had just got home and pulled into my garage I was on a phone call and had stayed in the car and Devon looked through the garage window to see if I was home I was annoyed but didn't really think too much of it the second though I was getting dressed in my room in the summer so the window was cracked I felt like this was safe as the window was not in a place that anyone could be walking by as it was on my patio at the back of the home
but I caught Devon peeking through and I completely lost it I let Devon know that under no uncertain terms his behavior was inap appropriate and that if he didn't respect my boundaries we would no longer be friends last year while I was still in the home I had asked Deon to watch my dog for a couple of days so I could go to a family event out of state Devon was happy to help and I was genuinely very appreciative not long after I returned I started to notice strange things in my home though but I
really just thought that it was me like for instance I would be fairly certain that I had locked my door in the morning when I had left for work but when I returned it would be unlocked I would be sure that I'd shut off all the lights but when I got home in the evening one would be on I really just thought that it was absent-mindedness but fast forward a couple of months and my mom became sick with cancer my sister watched my dog while I went to tend to my mom my sister reached out
to me and she asked if anyone else had a key to my apartment I let her know that she had the only spare key but asked why obviously similarly she had experienced the same issues with lights and locks I had not shared my concerns with my sister prior to her communicating hers with me as I really just doubted my own sanity while I was out of town I received a text message from Devon asking if I had a potato that he could borrow I let him know that I was out of state with my mom
who was sick Devon didn't reply which was sort of out of character but I had noticed a change in Devon's effect he was more reserved than ever and less friendly towards me I thought it probably had to do with my firm adherence to my boundaries which was fine by me I mean he didn't have to like them but he had to respect them but when I got back to town one night I stayed over at my sister's house after helping her move as mentioned above I was struggling financially so I would carefully budget and plan
my weekly meals the morning before my sister's move I had placed three pieces of bacon into a Ziploc bag to be used later for a BLT when I returned the following morning much to my disbelief there were only two pieces of bacon I held the bag in my hands knowing that there had been three and it was at this point that I no longer doubted myself I called my sister and let her know that someone had been getting into my house I always keep the place locked and the only logical thing that could have happened
is Devon made a copy of my key when he had watched my dog in the fall my sister reminded me about the potato text and the potato in the counter basket was now gone I had enough information to be pretty certain that my neighbor had violated my trust and was no no friend at all however I still wasn't afraid of him I guess as I mentioned he's a disabled vet and was somewhat feeble and sort of sickly I wasn't scared of a confrontation but I immediately went to the hardware store and purchased a camera that
streams to your phone once the motion detector has been activated I placed it facing the side door where Devon would enter it also had two-way audio capability so my plan was that when Devon deci started to enter my home again I would see it and say over the camera something to the effect of get out of my house put the key you copied on the counter and never try to speak with me again or I'll contact law enforcement as I said I was not on the leas and didn't want to be homeless so I couldn't
turn to the property manager for help and Devon knew that too now in the evenings I started placing a jug of cat litter and a kitchen chair in front of the door that I knew Devon was AC accessing the apartment from but I never expected that he would attempt to come in while I was at home and really he had only taken a piece of uncooked bacon and a potato at this point laying on the couch one night watching TV I thought that I had heard something sliding on the floor in the laundry room where
the door was but I knew that there was no way that he would come in while I was home my cat was running around playing so I decided that it was probably just her and I was being paranoid because of all that had happened the next morning while changing my laundry I noticed that the litter and chair had been pushed 3 to 4 in I checked the sensitivity of the camera and I found that I was able to replicate by slowly opening the door like that which means that Devon had tried to come into my
home while I was there but why that morning I took bear spray into the shower with me while my knees knocked genuinely I was terrified I felt vulnerable and violated Devon knew that I knew now also and he knew that I had placed a barrier in front of that door after that morning he was never outside in the morning again nor did he walk through the yard to get his mail I obtained a firearm for protection and I did make a police report the police officer was annoyed with me as I did not want him
to approach Devon as all Devon would need to do is report me to the property manager and I would be homeless I'm grateful that whatever he was up to was apparently thwarted that night but the fact that he tried to come in while he knew that I was home it genuinely gives me the heie jeebies I do wonder if he went through my underwear watched me while I slept at at any point since my situation has greatly improved now I ended up moving out shortly after to take care of my mom I got my own
place again a few months ago and I will never put my trust in another neighbor for a pet house sitting ever again it still blows my mind that I had some guy stealing from me and likely stalking me too I guess this story just solidifies that one should always trust their gut there were so many times that a red flag was screaming at me and I just thought that I was being crazy and stupidly I ignored [Music] it today I was listening to some scary stories and it made me remember this event at the time
of this story I was 14 and as well as being younger I had developed crippling anxiety and depression all I'll say is that I was and still am very Vigilant about my surroundings now on this day I planned to stay the night at a friend's house I had never stayed at her place before it was always mine for you to understand this story I do need to explain the layout of this house it was located on a sloped Hill and when you drove down a steep Road the first part of the house you would see
was big and expansive on honestly it looked a bit like an old mansion if you continue driving down you would be met with two semiarom and the other one was a bedroom and a small bathroom and kitchen there were no doors inside just a piece of cloth or beads to separate the bathroom entrance from the kitchen my friend's room was the bedroom and her mom lived in the other section with the bathroom or kitchen the landlord of the prop he lived in the main house the big mansion it was located in the middle of the
woods and when I say that I don't mean it lightly I mean all you could see was expansive Australian Forest Australian rainforests are incredibly dance too and if you tried to walk through you would most likely receive some type of bite at some point whether that be a spider an ant a leech Etc so I'll cut to the first thing it happened me and my friend we had walked into her mom's flat I forget why but I think we were either hungry or I was asking how to get reception because there was none of the
time and called out for her mom she was in the bathroom and as we walked past a small window I heard yeah coming from outside I turned to my friend and she looked at me the same way that I did we were really confused if her was in the bathroom that was right in front of us why did we hear a male voice coming from right outside we brushed this off so as not to scare ourselves and continued having fun in my friend's room for a little more context the landlord used half of her room
as storage and blocked off the back section of the room with a tall shelf and a divider there was a huge glass sliding door at the front of her room too and in the blocked off back section there was another door you couldn't get to that door unless she squeezed through a section outside now skipping forward a little bit to night time me and my friend had to go to the bathroom so we sinked out of her room and walked to her mom's flat her mom was fast asleep now we used the bathroom as quietly
as we could and then we exited as we were making the small walk back to my friend's room we saw something out in the woods a pair of eyes looking looking directly at us from behind a tree we paniced and froze I pulled out my phone and took a photo before we sprinted back into her room locking the glass door behind us and drawing the curtains it's not a reach to say that we were already freaking out we looked at the photo and sure enough when I brighten the image there was what looked to be
a man staring at us from the dark woods obviously we were extremely scared but I called my mother who was about an hour away and she just sort of dis missed us and so after that we were obviously scared but it was a little comforting anyway after a while we relaxed and chalked it up to our imagination Playing Tricks on us we pulled out my laptop and put on a movie I forget which movie we watched but it was some cheesy romcom I think and maybe 20 or 30 minutes into the movie we froze and
paused it there were footsteps footsteps crunching on the dry leaves right outside of her room we listened in horror as the footsteps moved through the tight alley that led to the back door we both moved slowly standing on the bed to look over the room divider our eyes were locked on the back door and after a moment of complete silence it turned the door knob wiggled slowly before it became faster the door couldn't be opened as it was jammed against objects that were in storage and then it stopped no more noise we were crying holding
each other in our arms trying to stay as quiet as we could then the footsteps slowly crunched on the leaves in the opposite direction back to the front of her room we both didn't hesitate now and I reached for my phone we called the police and after trying to explain the situation to the operator on the other end in tears the whole time she told us a unit was being dispatched and to stay where we were but then as we were still crying and hyperventilating we heard a phone ringing it sounded like an old landline
phone one with harsh and loud beeping it was coming from the landlord's Mansion we waited silently listening to the drawn out ringing of his phone after what felt like at least 2 minutes it stopped and we heard his voice as he talked to the operator at this time we both noticed another thing fingerprints on her window these windows were slated glass that you could open and shut with a lever whoever left these Prince they reached up cup their hand around the top of the glass and dragged their fingers on the dust because it definitely wasn't
there before soon the landlord walked to her mother's unit and had told her that the police called him he seemed extremely upset and told her that he made sure that they didn't send a unit her mother came to to her room and we explained the situation both the landlord and her mother didn't seem to be bothered by the fact that a man just tried to enter our room after that I couldn't stay the night and neither could my friend we were too scared to spend another minute there so I called my mom and she came
to get us at around 11:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m. we dropped my friend back the next day and when we got there her mother told us something that I don't think that I can pass up as coincidence you see the night that it happened it was raining and there was a pretty strong wind but nothing strong enough to do this next to her mother's unit she had a pole that held beads and fairy lights and all that during the night right after me and her were picked up it had been knocked down keep in mind
this pole was literally embedded into the cement and tied to other items with zip tires as well so like I said there was no way that could have been the wind I mean that pole was pretty darn sturdy I am still unsure of an explanation to all of this I mean it may have been her landlord right I'm not too sure about that it also could have been just a a random man either way I'm absolutely certain that there was somebody out there that night I'm a 25-year-old person renting a four-bedroom house one of my
roommates is my boyfriend and the other is my best friend of 10 years her name is Tracy we've been looking for a new roommate and because of the way that this situation turned out we have determined that I'm no longer allowed to be in charge of looking for roommates because I am not judgmental enough and I am known to just ignore red flags I'll start from the beginning though which is the house showing so our new prospective roommate showed up for the house showing and introduced himself he definitely seemed strange at first but I wrote
it off as him just sort of being eccentric the main red flag was that at some point he randomly said something to the effect of and I will not bring meth into your house because I'm not on meth I hate drugs and I see them as a Scourge on this entire country I didn't ask so I was immediately weirded out but my my boyfriend and the roommate who was moving out also met the guy and they both thought that apart from that he seemed pretty normal he didn't look like a stereotypical methhead by any means
his skin was clear and he was kind of chubby we thought that maybe he thought I was a methhead because I look a little bit scary I have green hair a one G septum and six facial piercings in addition my roommate who was moving out turned out to be hiding a cat which made the house stink like cat we which I've been told is what meth smells like also the town that this guy was coming from is known for meth and crack and he seemed to be explicitly trying to get away from that town so
I thought that maybe he was afraid of ending up in a situation where he was living with drug addicts and was trying to sus us out that way and so giving him the benefit of the doubt was my first mistake me and Tracy we were both sort of wigged out about the entire thing but we were kind of desperate for a roommate and all of the other people responding to my listing either were not great fits or were even sketchier than this guy so in the end we let him move in now skip to the
move in date he brings an old man to help move his stuff he then proceeds to make the old man move all of his things by himself up the stairs while he sits there including a refrigerator by himself the new guy signs the lease and immediately after signing the lease he informs us that he did not introduce himself using his real name and proceeds to tell us his real name this man was not transgender so the only reason that I can think of is for why he initially gave us a fake name is probably so
that he could avoid having us run a background check after this I had to go to work though throughout my shift though Tracy sends me a message that the guy is weird but her response are sort of vague and I didn't find out what happened until I got home but here's what she told me so the new guy he goes to the bar after signing the lease and comes back after being kicked out before 9:00 p.m. the bar that he went to is a biker bar that is notorious for being pretty Rowdy honestly it's pretty
hard to get kicked out of there too I mean you pretty much have to be doing something pretty heinous or you have to have been like creeping on a woman there in order to to get kicked out in any case when he comes back he is completely drunk but the men there must have been intimidated by me is what he said sounds to me more like he was creeping before this I told the new guy that our landlord is coming up the next day to fix some things in the house but when the new guy
came home Tracy reminded him that our landlord was coming the next day and he became extremely angry to the point that he was flailing arms and she thought that he was going to start breaking things Tracy was so uncomfortable that she almost went to go and wake up my boyfriend in the other room eventually the new guy did calm down however and so she just left it at that now there's this bean bag that we have next to my couch and Tracy was sitting on the bean bag with her leg sort of slung over the
armrest of the couch at first the new guy sat on the couch he begins to read off poetry that he wrote for her and entire hour and a half before all of which is literally just streams of Consciousness about how he wants all junkies to die afterwards he starts telling her how beautiful she is over and over and literally lays his head down between her legs she's trying to ignore him and obviously trying to get him off her and he won't stop asking her if she fell asleep every time she moves he gets a little
bit closer then he starts inviting her to his room for a beer eventually she just gets up and goes to her room at 11:00 p.m. but this man he had effectively harassed her for like two entire hours I thought that that was everything but then she tells me that she sent the guy's picture to her mom who then sent his picture to everyone she knows because she's from the town that he was previously living in and it turned out that he had been stalking Tracy's Aunt for an entire year and that he's banned from the
bar that she works at because he goes there and threatens to kidnap her she literally has to be escorted out not only by workers but the customers escort her to her car sometimes so obviously we tell our landlord luckily our lease hadn't been finalized yet so he agreed to kick him out I called my mom to come over and Tracy calls her brother for backup just in case things go south our landlord shows up and essentially tells him that he needs to leave and doesn't let the new guy get a word in the new guy
starts getting agitated though and then aggressive so we called the cops and several officers showed up told the guy that he had no legal standing as there was no lease he introduced himself to us with a fake name obviously and he hadn't been there for a full 24 hours and that he had to get out the guy had to beg his sister to pick him up and she was so unwilling to do it that she didn't agree until he offered to pay her $200 mind you it's only a 20-minute ride to where he was going
he left most of his stuff on our porch when we went into his room it smelled like cigarette smoke and there was an empty pack on the floor including not one or two but seven empty Dr Pepper cans and garbage and crusty socks everywhere the entire situation had me so stressed out that I didn't even notice that he had also left a pair of shorts that he at peton in the middle of the House's main hallway and that was also the first thing you see when you walk into the house they were there for the
entire day allegedly even when he knew that the landlord was coming they were still sitting there when he left as well and I picked them up with a glove and put them on the porch for him to retrieve at some point but who knows if or when he will retrieve his things because he came back earlier touched his things like he was going to take them and then just immediately left all I have to say after all of this is that I'm really relieved that we caught this before the lease was finalized because this easily
could have turned into a situation where me and Tracy had been sexually assaulted or perhaps even [Music] worse I've only told a few people about this incident that took place in the late 80s I'm not looking for an explanation nor can I offer any proof I just want to share what my friend and I experienced in the Autumn of 1987 so I grew up in one of the northernmost States in New England about 2 hours away from the White Mountains and 45 minutes from our state's mea Coastline in a small workingclass City General Electric and
a Tannery were two of the largest employers I think it was early October the leaves started to change but still on the trees local fairs underway and cool enough to rock my HS varsity jacket I worked full-time and was saving up for my first car a 76 twodo Chevy Nova funed with a Pink Floyd tapestry to cover the huge tear in the back seat my friend Joe and I worked in the same restaurant and an older cook would buy us hard-earned Libations and give us a ride home really he would justop drop us off at
a cemetery that was midway point between our two houses and a great place for underage drinking we were dropped off there with a four pack of botles and James wine coolers to split between us it's an old large Cemetery with Rolling Hills moss covered headstones and large maple trees too I grew up playing hide-and seek and having BB gun wars there in fact I even taught an army buddy how to drive stick in that Cemetery it was never a scary or haunted place to me at all even after the weirdest experience of my young life
took place there I still thought of it fondly now there was a gazebo where we would sit and drink beers wine coolers it was open aired with half walls and benches to sit on while we chatted and drank all we had between us was that one four pack so we were not drunk or under the influence of anything else but we began hearing footsteps coming in our Direction they sounded like somebody was walking on leaves it later occurred to me that that was the first thing that was odd is the leaves were still on the
trees and the cemetery was pretty well maintained cops Joe hissed and I answered kids the footsteps they came closer we couched below the half wall facing each other the smiles on our faces growing more and more nervous until they disappeared all together the footsteps came at a measured Pace no the sound accompanied them no jingling of keys No fabric brushing against each other and there was also no beam of a flashlight flitting about the footsteps kept coming though I could see my mounting fear echoed in Joe's face but before we crouched down we tried to
see who was walking toward us and we really couldn't but that was to be expected to be honest it was a moonless night with little ambient light available with our eyes wide and mouths a gape the footsteps came all the way up to the other side of that half wall and stopped Joe visibly sagged and I began to shake as neither one of us had the courage to look up at what had to be surely someone peering down at us the footsteps they then began to recede and we popped up immediately to see who it
was and when we did there was nobody there literally nobody I mean we could hear or sort of see what the footsteps were coming from but there just wasn't anybody making them it was dark but it wasn't pitch black and we surely would have seen someone there we definitely would have at least seen the silhouette of a person out there ducking behind tombstones we followed the steps a little ways down the hill until they stopped and at that we took that as our cue to leave and we both sprinted home the next day at school
we allowed that it was weird and well that was that we didn't tell anyone and we just sort of went on with our lives like I said we weren't drunk or stoned neither of us have been diagnosed with schizophrenia and being outside like that I seriously doubt it was a carbon monoxide problem really I just have no explanation for this and I don't expect anyone else to either the 80s were a magical time and I guess some days they just contained a little more magic than [Music] others when I was in primary school we used
to go on school trips to a place called Marin's Hill in SAR UK Marin's Hill is an Adventure Center that mainly caters to schools they have activities like climbing orientering canoeing Etc and they had dorms to stay as well we usually went for like 4 or 5 days the place sits on 45 acres of land and there's really no reason to be there other than the above I believe they also have a part for adults for team building trips and stuff like that but they're certainly not together so we'd only ever see employees or sometimes
kids from a different School while there and one evening we were camping out for the night a margin's Hill employee led us to the camping area at about 7 p.m. helped show us all how to set up our tents and start a fire and then left for the night leaving us in the care of two of our teachers from school we had a fire going and we're all sitting around it on logs that were placed around the fire area we were singing songs and talking and just being kids as it got darker after a while
a couple of us heard the sound of somebody approaching but I didn't think too much of it probably just an employee checking in suddenly though this G appears out of the darkness and loudly says you shouldn't be here everyone whips their head around to see who it was and this guy was just sort of standing there he's a big guy looked homeless in that he had a big scraggly beard and hair but he's wearing a suit with Wellington Boots and is holding a plastic bag but one of our teachers says to the guy it's okay
we're booked in for a few days we're from this school the guy looks around for a few seconds like he's checking behind himself and then repeats you shouldn't be here but louder the male teacher that was with us jumps up and positions himself between the guy and us kids very quickly and repeats that we are supposed to be here and asks the man who he is while at the same time grabbing him by the arm to sort of lead him away the strange guy pulls his arm away aggressively then walks off real quickly without saying
another word though a bit later all of the kids are in their tents two to a tent the teachers are still sat outside probably enjoying some child's free time when we hear some shouting and it sounded to me like go go get out a few of us opened our tents and I could just about see the same guy standing there in the darkness our teacher is already right by the guy at that point and shouts at him to leave but the guy is just sort of looking at him so the teacher starts to gently push
him back away from us and is saying something to the guy while doing so they disappear into the darkness of the surrounding area for maybe 30 seconds then my teacher comes back and with a look of urgency says we're going back to the dorms right now no idea what was said but my teacher's whole demeanor had changed suddenly we all leave our tents bitched and we walk the 10 minutes or so back to the dorms by torch light once we're in the dorm the teachers go off to speak to an employee and about 15 minutes
later we see a police car pull up by the reception area and the police talk to my teacher that guy had absolutely no reason to be on that 45 acres of land looking back he probably had mental health issues but man did he scare us and thinking back on it all it still makes me feel a little bit uneasy [Music] this happened a few years ago so some details may not be the clearest in my head but I'll try to recall this event in its fullest form so first let me set up the layout of
where it happened my upstairs hallway has five rooms connected to it in order from the stairs it goes my sister's room the bathroom the office master bedroom and then my room at the very end the stairs lead down to the kitchen and share a wall with the bathroom so you can hear anyone on the stairs quite easily in addition to this it's not a new house so you can hear pretty much everything because thin walls loud floors and doors and all that now what Happened One Night was that I had woken up at around midnight
or 1:00 a.m. because I needed to go to the bathroom at some point with the standard amount of grumbling because I didn't want to leave the warmth of my bed I got up and walked down down the hallway to the bathroom everything was perfectly normal until I went to go and wash my hands a sound on the stairs made me pause because it didn't sound like one of the cats they're fat and old and have a very distinct way of going up and down the stairs I listen though as quick light footsteps ran up the
stairs and around the corner to come down the hallway they ran up and down the hallway twice before stopping in front of the bathroom door which I couldn't have been more than 3 ft away from they breathed loudly in and out a few times then they ran back down the hall and down the steps into the kitchen where they stopped making noise I would have been able to hear them if they continued I was rightly freaked out because the sounds that I had heard were very clearly made from a little kid of which there were
none in my house the footsteps were too close together light and way too quick to be anyone in the house messing with me and in order to move that fast anyone who lived there would have had to have made at least twice as much noise and the only one capable of running as fast as what I'd heard would have been my sister but again she couldn't have done it that quietly I ended up waiting for about 2 hours in that bathroom before finally coming back out and booking it to my room any perpetrators would have
been heard if they had tried to return to their room or if they were anywhere awake because our house is very quiet at night but I heard nothing after that night no footsteps no breathing no activity the next morning too I asked each of my family members individually and separately so they couldn't talk to each other between my interrogations if they had gotten up at all last night or if they had heard anything last night too none of them good liars and I know when they're telling the truth so when they all said that they
slept through the night genuinely I believe [Music] them so we moved into this house 5 and 1/2 years ago I'd never experienced anything paranormal before honestly I was a hardcore skeptic it was around 18 months later that I began to experience disturbing paranormal events I cannot explain no matter how much science I read no too I do not have a history of hallucinations or schizophrenia or anything I wasn't smoking weed at the time nor on any other drugs I was also in my mid-20s at the time the first incident was on a November night at
about 10:50 p.m. almost all events happen between 10:51 to 2:00 a.m. but primarily between 11: to 1 for some context I'd spent the last hour playing Among Us and studying from a Spanish textbook I would listen to relaxing Jazz sometimes and drink some Jack Daniels I wasn't drunk by any means but I went to pee my mind was focused on how clever funny the games were and how I couldn't wait to get back to what I was doing and when I pulled my trousers up a noise caught my attention it was an Alberta Bassam shampoo
bottle about 1/3 or just under full between the Taps on the sink it is a standard British porcelain sink close to the toilet but to touch the bottle I would need to extend my arm bending my elbow and that night there was no one nowhere near close enough for contact but the bottle it rocked far to the left to the right unnaturally and repeated this motion about five times before it came to a standstill in its original position it wasn't a small wobble by any means too it was a slow intentional Rock side to side
the bottle should not have been able to rock so far for either side either without falling over but my bathroom is Tiny I couldn't touch to the bottle let alone cause it to rock the way that it did the window was closed so there was no Breeze and anybody else in the room I tried to replicate it another time by blowing hard on the bottle flapping my arms and holding myself in the same position as when it happened happened but I couldn't touch or move the bottle at all even with the generous leeway I couldn't
touch that bottle and in short it wasn't me and genuinely it ruined by night because this incident absolutely terrified me a couple of days later I was in the same bathroom washing my hands at about the same time at night when I experienced a sudden and intense Sensation that something Sinister was behind me and staring at me I looked up at the mirror and couldn't see anything behind me but I just felt like something was there I was too afraid to move I finished washing my hands after a minute or so and when the feeling
began to fade I quickly left the bathroom but this became a regular occurrence particularly in the kitchen in the bathroom I felt something there or that something was watching me and sort of attempting to to interact with me too the presence was somewhat imposing and dark I could never see it but I just felt like it was there my partner didn't believe me when I told him about these incidents and would go to bed before me so he never witnessed them at first I believe this presence was a man and for a while thought that
it might have been the deceased elderly man who used to live here he was placed in a care home age 95 and was known know as a nasty horrible old man the man passed away at some point I'm not sure when but it was either during the incidents or towards the end of them additionally we had a living room carpet and as these incidents increased in frequency I began to hear something plucking at the carpet in the corner by the door when I moved the curtain there was nothing ever there and the noise always stopped
but this is where my partner comes in because he set up later occasionally and he heard the noise too mind you I didn't prompt him I heard it and remained quiet until he picked up on it and I told him that that was the noise that I was hearing he went to investigate and he couldn't see anything and this is what made him suspicious too now we have a rabbit but we checked on him he was in his cage eating in the next room while the noises happened and unless unless he could teleport pluck the
carpet before our eyes while invisible and teleport back into his cage then it definitely wasn't him since then I lifted the floor to see if anything could have plucked the carpet from beneath the floorboards but the floorboards are locked tight and honestly it would have been impossible to touch the underside of the carpet or underlay or whatever this may be my mind manifesting fear too but I also began to have horrible dreams about an old man with Beady shiny black eyes a partially bald head and white hair in a forest I recognized the layout from
a forest far away in my hometown that I used to ride a horse in these dreams were disturbing to say the least and the men were not like Ordinary People I felt they were trying to toy with me before they killed me and one night I woke up to feel someone standing over me and another I woke up and briefly glimpsed black riding all over the wall on the landing and when I blinked it vanished I was honestly terrified and often felt something on the landing or in the room too I had no history of
sleep paralysis before moving to this house my partner told me that he believed that whatever it was enjoyed scaring me and was feeding on my fear I tried after this to not to be afraid and to confront it which honestly worked to some degree in the end but one of the worst incidents was when I knew the man was there I felt him standing about 2 ft away from my computer chair he liked to stand over me and sometimes breathe on me while I was gaming I was playing World of Warcraft I remember exactly what
I was doing I knew that he was trying to get my attention and so I ignored him I forced myself to calm down then he moved closer and and I heard a huff as though someone breathed heavily through their mouth only inches from my ear I took my headset off and looked around but the presence had disappeared probably into the kitchen I felt like he wanted me to follow him so I did my attention was guided out of the window as though he was leading me there I went to the window and looked out and
I swear to you that I saw a shape out there that looked like an adult male of about 6 ft wearing a gray hoodie and gloves standing near My Back Fence as though he had just climbed over could I have been mistaken yes for sure but I tried to run from the window and ended up in a freeze mode by the kitchen door because for some reason I just couldn't move I tried so hard to get away because I thought this man was going to break into my house and attack me or something I don't
know know where the man was but after about 2 minutes I finally made it into the living room two more and I went back to check the man and the real man were both gone a strange part of me believed though that the man chased the real figure off in fact I felt as though he had tried to save me that night and I guess I became more sympathetic to him there was another incident though which could be explained otherwi wise but my partner wasn't convinced we had a small children's desk with two wooden chairs
behind us we stacked the chairs on the table while our daughter was upstairs while we were on the computers the chairs just suddenly came crashing to the floor mind you they were not precariously stacked or anything the doors were open and there was a bit of a breeze but there's just no way the wind would have been able to knock over the small wooden chairs to the floor like that this also happened in broad daylight in the late afternoon now over time this saw began to fade I feared the man less I often felt his
presence in the kitchen standing far too close to me one time I even felt a sudden icy blow down the left side of my neck our house is cold and drafty so although I convinced myself that it was him it could have been something else I admit my nightmares though they began to disappear I would hear him sometimes walking upstairs and I sensed him go into my daughter's bedroom just to look at her he never did anything in there but my partner also experienced something going on in the house on several occasions but he is
still somewhat of a skeptic eventually though everything just stopped one day but after the man disappeared we had issues with like animal footsteps on the stairs a worrying it was weird and creepy it sort of sounded like a cat running up and down I guess the first time it happened we couldn't see anything the plucking noise continued and it was around this time our house rabbit for some reason jumped out of his cage and we had at least two to three incidences where he bolted up the stairs and went into our bedroom he was running
about and this was really abnormal for him of course we blamed him and locked his cage tightly so he couldn't escape but the noise continued my ex was also woken by the noise one night and investigated them only to find the rabbit in his cage and the noises continuing the noises in the incidences have stopped for quite some time now thankfully the house now feels at peace but honestly that was a deeply terrifying event that actually ruined my life and made me feel really unsafe in my own home at at night I'm still not completely
sure what it was all about or what it all was but that's why I'm here what do you think that it could have been this is the weirdest thing that has ever happened to me so a couple of years back I matched with a girl on Tinder from the same city she offered that I would come over and watch a movie at her place everything was going pretty well until she put on the movie it was weird it was like I couldn't focus on the movie because it was in black and white who would put
on a movie in black and white right but anyway all I could do was think about how I was going to get her upstairs to her room so that we could hook up I'm a terrible person I know but in any case we were sitting on what I call an L couch in her living room where we were watching this movie The Edge of the couch where I was sitting was in the corner of the room hard to explain but basically where I was sitting was the corner of the room with only walls behind me
and I was being quite patient and didn't push her too much but there came a point where I had had enough and was about to ask her if we can go upstairs but before I could even move my lips someone or something yelled in my ear to get out genuinely it sounded like a male and extremely sort of demonic before anyone questions my sanity too or if I was under the influence or anything both are out of the question I've never had this happen to me and I could feel the vibration on my eardrum from
The Voice as if somebody had cut their hands and yelled in your ear anyway naturally when this happened I got up and questioned everything did you hear that is there anyone else in the house she claimed that she didn't hear anything and sort of smiled at me and played it off that I was just nervous I was starting to get uncomfortable and I could feel the energy of the room shifting and I was genuinely ready to leave without hooking up or anything until she asked me if I wanted to go upstairs I was obviously still
stunned and confused and asked her straight up if she has ever encountered anything paranormal in this house she said no but then continued to tell me a really horrible story about how one of her C cousins was murdered chopped up and pieces of her were sent to the family or her house being one of them and I mean it's kind of wild right but still that wouldn't explain the male voice that I heard because her cousin was allegedly a young female still a little scared and confused I should have left but she was pretty and
now inviting me to go upstairs to her room but this is where things get just really scary for me because I know myself and would never do this but anyways when we got to her room she invited me to take a shower with her at this point I knew that we were going to hook up and was eager to get it over with and leave normally I would have joined her in the shower but for some reason I was still on edge and checking over my shoulder every second like a weirdo I told her that
I would wait on her bed for her now I remember sitting on her bed and just sort of looking around the room but the next thing that I know is that it's morning which means that apparently I passed out on the bed before she even got back into the room obviously that is very odd I was waiting to hook up and leave no intentions of sleeping over at all and no drugs or alcohol involved whatsoever I couldn't remember how I felt asleep which to me is just incredible when I woke up in the morning she
also acted like nothing had happened she said that I was sleeping like a baby and she didn't want to wake me up I don't know I feel like whatever was there that night was protecting her or didn't want me to have sex with her it was so weird and I would like to hear anyone's thoughts on what this could have been this is the only time that something like this has ever happened to me and like I said I get it it's a weird one this happened in India in the mid90s I was staying in
an average mid-budget hotel in goam India I went out for the night bumped into a couple of lads from Birmingham earlier in the night and went back to my hotel about midnight now next to my hotel was a small lean to type Food Shack for want of a better a description I called in for a last drink before bed and I was surprised to see the two Birmingham chaps from earlier what brought you here I asked uh the taxi driver recommended it to us they said anyway there was only the three of us in there
and suddenly I was aware of another person on a table Sat by himself who I hadn't seen come in I introduced myself and asked him what his name was they call me the doctor he replied oh man we've got some dodgy fantasist I thought go on then indulge me why do they call you the doctor I asked because I sought people out from Bad trips is what he said me being puzzled and looking around couldn't see any beneficiary of his so-called special skills so I asked him who he was sorting he gestured at the waiter
a Jamaican man who had served us and seemed pretty normal and healthy to me really so I thought that that he was just some Walter MTI sort of type character but it didn't matter to me as I was off to bed in a minute anyway he then rolls a joint in front of me and invites me and the two Birmingham guys to take some I think I've only tried once or twice in my life so I decline he's pretty persistent though so I think ah what the heck what harm can two or three drawers do
to me anyway I take about three drawers along with the two Birmingham lads who by this time are all sitting at the same table and within about 60 seconds my brain has gone to complete mus and my eyes are spinning like Sorcerers my last abiding memory in the restaurant my last abiding memory in the restaurant is this guy looking into my eyes wagging his index finger at me and saying that's why they call me the doctor my mind is absolutely gone I don't know if I'm or the other two guys are being set up to
be robbed or worse and I realized that I've only got seconds to act I just got to go for a pee I managed to water out before staggering out of the place my legs like Bambi on ice and stumbling into my hotel just yards away that night I lay awake from Midnight until 6:00 a.m. completely hallucinating I've never taken anything before like acid or whatever but that's what I imagined that it would be like I never did meet the two Birmingham guys again so I really don't know what transpired after I left I do sometimes
think about them and I really do hope that they made it out [Music] okay this took place about 5 years ago in the house that I'm currently living in my friend and I we were waiting in my living room for my dad because he was ride to another friend's place we were both 15 at the time so we didn't have our licenses yet he eventually poked his head around the corner to let us know that he was ready we both got up and walked around the corner to then enter my kitchen which leads to my
back door and as we entered the kitchen and turned towards the back we both saw the side of my dad going around the corner to my back door to the back left side of my kitchen from where we were standing there is an entryway with three short steps that goes down to a small landing area area where you can access the basement or the door to my backyard we followed right behind him but as we turned the corner he just was not there the back door was still shut and locked which meant that the only
way that he could have gone was the basement I thought that this was very strange because he would have had to have sprinted down those steps in order to get out of our sight in that short of time frame but neither of us heard any commotion at this point I was weirded out but figured that he was just pulling some sort of a joke on us I began calling down the steps to him for a good 15 seconds with no response at this point my friend and I were starting to get slightly annoyed because our
buddy had been waiting on us for a good amount of time I turned to look at my friend with a confused expression when all of a sudden we heard my dad begin to whistle from the living room where we had just come from we both sprinted up the short Landing through my kitchen and into the living room where we found my dad I instantly started freaking out asking him how he was able to get from the back landing area back to our living room so quickly and he explained that he never entered the kitchen after
calling us but instead turned the other way to my mom's office to let her know that we were leaving but my friend and I both clearly saw my dad and to this day it is still one of the creepiest things that has ever happened to me The Apparition it was crystal clear not foggy or transparent like the way Hollywood makes ghosts look and was an exact replica of my dad I want to take you back to 2009 our family we had been looking for a new house for a while now and near a busy h
Highway stood this beautiful house two stories big front and backyard three spacious bedrooms and so on some strange stuff did occur relatively early on like computers booting on by itself or water starting to run by itself but the real horror began when my older sister decided to make a Ouija board essentially draw one herself in a piece of paper and use a glass to communicate my younger sister got scared when she found out what was happening and kicked the Ouija paperboard away and well soon after everything got a lot worse my sisters shared the biggest
bedroom at the end of their room was a sort of very little closet room where they Place boxes and such the door was always closed but it refused to stay closed after that and I mean no matter what it kept opening my dad eventually had grown annoyed of it and he put something in between the door and the wall so that it would stay closed at one point everyone was in their bed and I would hear the chairs downstairs sliding across the ground I swear on everything too that everyone was in bed as I was
the last one to leave the living room and not soon after that same night I would hear this awful sound as if something was in the walls and flooring just tearing it apart it was so loud and I remember hiding under my blankets because I was terrified another time we were all in the living room and my mom had some small figurines on the table we were watching TV with the dog on the couch when suddenly one of the figures goes flying across the room as if somebody had just thrown it my mom jokingly said
hey hey no need to get aggressive she and dad always believed in the Paranormal and just joked about it one morning my sister hysterically ran to my parents room and she swore that the eating utensils started moving by themselves our dog started becoming more wary and aggressive not towards us but to furniture and doors weirdly especially the basement at one point my parents screamed at night and I went to check they sat there in shock I think and I asked what was wrong and they claimed that there stood a black figure in the corner of
the room things kept happening too we heard piano and violin sounds in the Attic we didn't own any instruments though my parents at one point saw a black shadow move across the wall towards the window and disappear my posters were ripped off of the wall on multiple occasions plushies in my sister's room would sometimes lay in a circle and that caused my mom to call Dad hysterically here my dad told me recently that in that house at one time he woke up with my mom's hand around his neck as she stared at him with a
smile and was laughing silently before she just disappeared my mom said that she often saw the figure a humanoid fully black figure with a veil she often had scratches and bite marks too in Winter of 2010 the boiler in the house broke and we just simply moved everything kept going wrong and when we moved I started getting like attacks I would often have scratches that I had first brushed off as to me to scratching myself on my sleep deep but one time I came home and greeted my mom and made like a hissing sound from
pain I lifted up my jacket and hoodie and clear as day there were three brand new scratch marks they were on my hips just bleeding I remember at one point I put some coins on my bed I don't remember why I walked to the living room to ask my parents something and as I turned around I hear a sort of clanging noise because one of the coins somehow got thrown towards me now there's a lot more that I could go on with but I'll stop here as I don't want this to get too long stuff
like this still happens at times too and unfortunately in 2012 my sister middle child passed away due to a brain hemorrhage and weirdly when she died everything sort of calmed down a bit maybe she's protecting us or something I really do hope so but if you have any questions or want any additional stuff then please do feel free to ask in the comments below there's plenty more for me to talk about but like I said I'll leave it [Music] here I started this back in September last year but I never got around to sharing it
I am now though due to an uncomfortable situation again so I have to get some context out of the way first let me start off by saying that I live in an apartment complex by a golf course or country club on the edge of town since not many people live in this area it can get pretty quiet at night too the complex is built partially into a small hill at the end of the road with my apartment being on the back corner of the building on the ground floor so the bottom of the windows in
the living room and both bedrooms start literally a few inches above the ground outside there is a sort of small trail behind my apartment building that goes through a small wooded patch I don't have much of a view since my living room windows face a good 15 to 20 foot patch of grass before a tree line separating it from a few houses on the next street over but this story it has been ongoing for the last couple of months not entirely sure if this is just parano or coincidental too last summer my family moved into
a house on on the next street over a couple of houses down from my apartment I've only seen one middle-aged man and a dog so far but I was taking my shihu highly outside one day while he was out in his backyard just standing with his arms crossed swaying side to side it was sort of like an NPC character in 2000s video games waiting to be interacted with the dumpster shed area is in view of his backyard too we made eye contact so I sort of awkwardly waved and then just looked at my phone while
Harley did her business but I could tell from my peripheral vision that he didn't look away from us we have the same breed of dogs so I just assumed that he was probably thinking of letting them meet sometime but I wondered why he didn't have his dog outside with him at this moment in the end I just went back inside quickly after Harley was done now my younger brother lives in the same complex as I do but on the second floor and he told me that every now and then he'd see that man take his
dog out into his backyard but cross the tree line into the complex yard he would Circle the building slowly a little too close to the building before going back into his house in September of last year my boyfriend at the time and I split up the night that I told him to leave I went to a friend's house to vent I didn't want to leave Harley home alone too long so after about an hour or so I came back to my apartment I knocked out on the couch while I had a black screen Rain Sound
video on YouTube on I woke up at around 2:00 a.m. to Harley going absolutely crazy though barking and growling the other couch is right under the main window in my living room Harley had climbed up the couch and was barking at the window between the curtains I get up to get her down and to be quiet when my stomach dropped when I realized something the curtains are on the thinner side and I can normally faintly see the street lights from the next street over through the curtains I started getting a little bit nervous realizing that
there was a black mass blocking some of the lights above where Harley was standing I grabbed the remote to shut the TV off while I was getting closer to the window the TV turns off in the sort of style of retro TVs where the picture sort of closes in on itself when I turned it off the flash animation on the TV illuminated the room briefly and it was enough that I was able to make out the form of someone dressed in black or dark clothes crouched down looking into my window in the flash they probably
saw me too because they ran away quickly here I picked up Harley and ran to the kitchen to grab a knife and went to my room and I locked the door I texted my ex asking if he was outside of the window just then and he replied no and asked what was happening I didn't believe him though because he's never a awake that late and told him that I was about to call the police so to just tell me the truth and all that but he told me that I should call them either way and
sent me his live location showing that he was at his friend's house over an hour away I called the police and let them know that I had seen someone outside of my window they came and looked around finding nothing obviously an officer did tell me though that they would keep somebody in the area so to just call back if anything else happened over the next couple of weeks around the same time 2 or 3:00 a.m. each night Harley would freak out at the window by the time that I would get there I couldn't see anyone
outside though fast forward now to May of 2024 this last week I went through my storage closet and found some of my ex's things I was out with some friends tonight when he came to pick them up he ended up texting me to come home so that we could talk about something important I get home and I notice that he has a sort of puzzled look on his face I asked what couldn't have been just texted to me and he told me that while he was loading his stuff in his truck he took Harley out
quick and he was approached by an older lady that lives on the second floor now the dumpster is at the end of the parking lot and if you turn right you'll face the side of the building in the general area outside of my living room window there's a few Big Trees keeping the area back there pretty dark even during the summer it's pretty much deeply shaded and she said that as she was taking her trash out she heard a twig snap or something like that and looked in the direction that it came from she said
that she saw a man outside of my window not just walking around he was up close peering into my living room one hand up on the window trying to block the light so that he could see and his phone in the other hand pointing inside of my apartment she yelled out asking him what the heck he was doing but he just acted like he didn't hear her and walked away slowly in the opposite direction she said that it would have been one thing if he was just walking through the yard and sort of glanced over
at my window but he was apparently full on pressing his face against the glass looking in and recording allegedly my blood instantly ran cold and I got goosebumps I have since then bought a ring camera which is honestly something I should have done a long time ago but I'll update if anything else happens so please do wish me luck so me and my husband decided to go to a lookout spot that is known for paranormal it's called do lights it's known for colored orbs that will fly around in the sky with no particular pattern and
they are apparently all different colors as well and I've seen them twice scientists have come and can't find any explanation for them but that's not what this is about this place is deep in a wooded area and on top of a mountain that you can see from Miles when you get to the top where the lookout is it's about a 45 minute to an hour drive from our home we left a little after 11:00 p.m. and it was a pretty clear night that night well but by the time that we reached our destination at the
top a huge storm had come out of pretty much nowhere it was lightning and thundering and raining really hard as well it had been my idea to go there but as soon as my husband turned off the truck I was stuck with a fear I began to cry and told him that I wanted to go he asked me why and I just kept telling him that I didn't know why but I didn't want to be there anymore so we started to drive back down the winding dirt road about halfway down the mountain lightning struck it
was so close that I jumped to the floorboard of the truck and my husband threw on the brakes I said what the heck he said that the lightning nearly hit the truck at that point I climbed back up onto my seat as he began moving again and I spotted something glowing red about maybe 15 ft into the woods I couldn't pull my eyes away because it felt like it was looking at us too it was completely black except for its red eyes it had something similar to pointing bat-like earss and wings that were tucked behind
on its back but you could see them over its shoulder its pointy Wings it was about 3 and a2t tall and was in mid stride when we spotted it it was the feeling that it brought with it that was so scary I felt heavy thick Darkness like the whole world had gone dark black sort of feeling and that's the the only way to explain it like nothing I'd ever felt before or afterward it felt like something was poking around in my head as well and I now realized that whatever it was I think it was
trying to read my thoughts but couldn't and was slightly annoyed by that I really don't know how else to explain that feeling as well but my eyes and its eyes were still locked it was only a few seconds but it seemed like time just wasn't even moving as we continued driving past neither one of us me or my husband said anything for a few seconds quietly without looking at my husband though I whispered did you see that he looked at me and said you saw it too I said yes and then he looked at me
and said what the heck was that we were driving fast now trying to get out of these woods and away from that mountain I said that it was a demon I think and my husband doesn't much believe in things like that but he said that he never wanted to think or talk about it ever again it scared him and I could tell he doesn't get scared by much but he just didn't know what it was I guess and his words were it was nothing good and not from this world we've talked about it every now
and then and we even thought about it later it was just a few seconds after that lightning had almost struck our truck as well and that had to be somehow connected to it it was too weird for the lightning and then for a second later that thing to appear like that mid stride in the woods it wasn't just coincidence is what I'm getting at I'm pretty firmly committed too that it was a demon because the feelings that surrounded it were dark and turned everything dark around it as well I just want to know though what
demon it would be I guess I've looked for years now online and never found anything that looked like it I'm also thinking that those pointy ears were actually black horns and maybe not ears at all it didn't have any features on its face just the eyes glowing red pointy Wings folded back and all black it had two legs obviously because it was walking on them it was about 3 and 1/2 ft tall but it was absolutely terrifying it's it seemed intelligent too because it saw us and it was thinking just like we were I could
tell by its eyes I don't know how I know that but I just do and maybe it told me in a way that it just popped into my mind or whatever whatever the case it seemed just as intelligent as we are actually perhaps even smarter than we are I suppose but anyway could anyone else please tell me if they know about this creature maybe the place is do light and I think it might be a place for things to pass through easier like a portal or something if you know anything else that might be helpful
as well then please do let me know I'm truly very curious to find out why we came across this thing and if it came through with the lightning or something I know that this all sounds crazy but if you've been through something like this then you know how just disconcerting it really is [Music] this happened last winter a fog starts setting in my city at the time of sunset and it gets really dark pretty quickly here now my university has a policy of not interfering in anything that happens outside even if it's right outside the
gate in front of the guards and all that and a few days before my staredown there was some talk going around about a student's phone getting snatched right outside of UN or whatever one day though me and my boyfriend were sitting in the car outside right beside the college wall and around 20 M away from the college gate he wanted to use the restroom and asked me to come inside with him but I was like uh no I'm just too tired and you go when I'll wait here so he went leaving his phone with me
I was using my phone sitting inside on the full brightness setting when suddenly a bike beeline towards the car the two men sitting on it had those ski masks on and started tapping the car window on the driver's side with a gun it's important to note that the passenger side where I was sitting was right beside a gutter so they couldn't come too close to me they backed off and again came forward tapping the window looking at me through the windshield and motioning for me to roll down the window but honestly I was way too
stunned to do anything and eventually they just drove away when they saw other people approaching when they saw other people approaching all I wanted to do was save my boyfriend's phone which was under my thigh so mission accomplished I guess but sometimes I wonder if those people hadn't have showed up when they did what might have actually happened as a Muslim we believe that those entities that anyone ENC counters such as ghosts Poltergeist apparitions Etc they're all Jin and some of them just uh they're to scare people for the sake of pranking others though are
absolutely evil and might literally harm you like scratching or perhaps even worse with that said a long time ago I was staying at a relative's house he was my uncle he had a wife and two kids and they had a decent house nothing big or anything but keep in mind that the apartment is on the ground floor and you might hear kids playing or yelling outside they keep the window open quite often as well but anyway I was there alone at some point and they had gone out to the mall with my mother I didn't
want to join because it would have been boring to join them so I decided to stay and just play video games that day and the night started pretty fine some time passed though and that was when I started hearing some noises my kids talking I brushed it off though as I thought that it could have been some of the kids outside as I mentioned before but I kept hearing it louder and louder and I went to check the window but there wasn't a single person outside so I decided to shut the window and go back
to my game some time passed and I started hearing children talking and yelling this time though it was a little bit louder again as if someone was inside the house at that I got startled and I began to check around only to find absolutely nothing when I sat down again and I went back to playing the noises started up again this time it was getting louder and louder as well and I had a headset back then and I put it on it was connected to the monitor so that I could hear the game the noises
became so loud that even with the headset on I could still hear it and mind you I was completely terrified at this point and just like that the noises just stopped all of a sudden and it was then that I felt someone pulling the back of my shirt up I jumped up like I've never jumped before and I just ran out of the house from that day on too I never went back to that house again and when I open the door I found my father outside of the house about to ring the door he
looked at my face and asked what was wrong I told him the story but he didn't believe me however he told me not to bring that up to my relatives so I wouldn't be disrespectful when I saw my mother I told her the story and by the look on her face I could tell that she believed every word that I had said because later I found out that my relatives used to do sances in this house and even his wife and children used to experience stuff too needless to say that was one of the most
terrifying experiences that I have ever had and since then I tried my best to never get scared of encounters like that I've had other experiences after that such as noises and Taps and similar stuff but I learned that if you pay them no mind and you don't show any fear that eventually they just leave you alone anyway I hope you enjoyed my story and it's certainly something that's sticks with me I really hope too that nothing like this ever happens again I lived in a haunted house at a really early age though despite this My
Memory Remains fresh of most of these encounters we were there for a year so I must have been three or four during this I lived with my older brother older than me by 3 years younger sister younger by 3 years so just a baby at that time mother and father the house looked overgrown thin Vines grew on the walls large bushes in front of the windows and it was fenced in the front with a large gate circling the backyard the hauntings though they started pretty quickly my mom for instance would hear heavy boot Stomps up
the stairs despite nobody being there my father would get locked out of the house despite nobody being inside and my brother would hear doors opening but I definitely got the worst of it I was looking out of my window watching my mother go to work she had a double shift and my dad wasn't the best of dads to put it lightly but I stared until I noticed a large pitch black snake following her to her car the snake looked to be double her in length despite its slithering thus curling its body my mother is 5'8
which makes the snake probably around 11t long but it had followed her for a couple of minutes until she had gotten into her car then it slithered back into the bushes near my window I looked down to see it looking right at me despite this though I would still go outside and play like other kids playing in the backyard till dusk my brother and I were playing separately my brother loving Sports ran around throwing a football whereas I played with one of my toy animals the one toin specific was a big T-Rex that I had
the T-Rex looked like one of the older Renditions before Jurassic Park upright with its tail drag in the ground and as the sun set further our mother called us inside for dinner so we went inside and I noticed that I had left my toy and went to go and get it it was dark to the point where I couldn't really make out the noticeable color but not too dark so as I couldn't see outlines and the detail of objects and all that and I noticed the T-Rex chilling right by the tree where I had left
it I went to go and pick it up only for it to crumble because it was dirt in the shape of the T-Rex I got freaked out at that and I ran back inside now notice earlier that I said that I can remember most of these encounters but the reason why I point this out is because my father said that he'd often see me sitting in the corner of my room or in the front of a blank screen he'd ask me what I was doing and I would simply say that the old man told me
to I have no recollection of these happening but my father swears up and down that this happened more than a few times but this last one was definitely the most horrific so waking up in the middle of the night I heard footsteps luckily my TV was on so I still had some light but thinking that it was my dad I got up to go to see him but when I opened the door there was just an old man standing there he looked down at me and honestly looked corpse-like I freaked out and I bang on
my mother's bedroom door she opened it and I hollered about how there was an ugly man in the house she took it as someone actually breaking in and she picked me up with one hand and had a bat in the other and basically ran around the house turning every light on and cussing loud enough to worry some of our neighbors but in the end we never found anyone in the house I still very much remember though looking at that guy and he was real like as real as my mom was and I just cannot explain
it anyways those are my encounters from this place that I've always found the scariest and the ones that have always stuck with me the most so I don't believe in ghosts or paranormal stuff I think that most of the stuff that you read online or you hear about is fictional or made up but with that said here is my experience from working at an elder care so my shift always ended 11:00 p.m. so at 10:30 p.m. the corridors are always silent and dark everyone has asleep and we're just sitting in our office and sipping some
tea me and my colleague we have motion detectors in every room installed and they're connected to our working phones and we can see live feed from the phones as well all of a sudden though at 10:35 I get a notification of movement in a patient's room I was only 19 and I told my other colleague that there is no way in heck that I'm going in there to check it out on my own [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so I was there for three nights it was my first time in Venice and I loved it
I was there with friends but due to our poor planning all four of us stayed in different hotels I chose one near the station which was an intimate Hotel ran by a religious family it was a classic old Villa facing a canal and the place had a chapel as well a garden and full of religious merch and decorations throughout my room was on the second floor you had to climb three sets of stairs and on the top you were met with a marble Square lobby with a round table in the middle there were four rooms
around this Lobby and the rest of the rooms continued on two corridors that stretched on either side of the lobby my room was one of the rooms attached to this Lobby a single room that looked over the canal it was a simple small room composed of a single bed with a cross above the head a basin and a wardrobe it was a cheap and cheerful hotel and I slept like a baby the first two nights I was there but on my third and final night I had trouble getting to sleep and the loud neighbor who
was watching videos didn't help but I had to bang on their wall around 1:00 a.m. after which they stopped and I fell asleep but I remember feeling uneasy and agitated that night for some reason I eventually woke up sometime around 3:30 to 4:30 which wasn't unusual for me as I don't sleep that well but that was when I heard a group of loud wailing people in the building it echoed into my room via the hall at this point I remember thinking that the source of this noise was either coming from the stairs or the bottom
of it I was initially annoyed thinking that there were a bunch of drunkards who came in after night out or whatever then it suddenly hit me that the hotel had a 12:00 a.m. curfew it was unlikely a gr group of people suddenly coming out of their rooms to cause a commotion as well eventually I came to my senses which made me more aware of this mysterious wailing it was loud almost in Despair and crescendoed over and over echoing into the lobby I eventually realized that this was or they were definitely not human it's hard to
explain but something in me Knew by the sound that whatever this was was was not alive in one form or another and humans could just not really make this noise I have never ever felt like this before and it was a strange experience but then the Wailing finally stopped I was relieved but what happened next is something that I will never forget the sound resumed but this time from the foot of my bed this thing or these things were wailing in my room at the foot of my bed very much present closer and louder I
don't know what happened after that because as soon as I heard them I just blacked out or passed out and I woke up on the floor at around 700 in the morning to my surprise I didn't feel as scared until later on in the day where I tried to recap what on Earth happened to this day I still cannot explain what this was I wasn't a paranormal Enthusiast or believer and believed I would stay this way until proven wrong I guess but I'm pretty easily spooked I suppose and always thought that I'd end up crying
or Screaming if I encounted a ghost my theory is that my body just went into extreme fear after this thing came into my room and simply shut down hence the passing out I do think about this pretty often though and and I always get chills when I think about it I'd love to hear what everyone here thinks about this though thoughts theories Etc I've never gone back to that place and I don't intend to either but if you live around there or if you've had any experience with things around there then I would love to
[Music] know this happened to me last year so I was up late working on an art project in my living room the windows wide open I lived in the first floor apartment very often to I felt as if something or someone was watching me and it knew that I knew and I got the feeling that I was not supposed to know if that makes sense it felt like someone was directly outside of my window though staring straight at me unwavering anyway it was probably a about 1: or 2 in the morning at this point when
I heard what sounded like a very distant Cry for Help from a woman this calling was so quiet that it was just barely audible that's how far away it sounded but at the same time I couldn't shake this Eerie feeling that it was actually quite close it was really confusing and I chalked it up to exhaustion and that it was probably all in my head but then just as the screaming stopped I Heard a Voice so clear so close so haunting whispered directly into my ear I could almost feel their cold breath and it said
I know you can hear me this voice although only a whisper echoed throughout the room it was so articulate as well I mean there was no mistaking that it was a message whatsoever undeniable and that whatever this thing was it was right there next to me and I could hear it every now and then I think about this and it always chills me to the Bone even a year later afterward this was like nothing I'd ever experienced in my entire life and even now I can't fully articulate the fear that shook me to my core
because of this the jure position of it all too like the distant screams were so quiet but that was the loudest whisper that I'd ever heard and I can assure you that there was absolutely nobody [Music] there I want to tell my sister's potentially paranormal story from about 4 years ago it's the most potent story that I've heard from somebody that I know personally so she was working in the cafe at Chon house in Hampshire UK a grade two listed Mana house it has a Wikipedia page if you want to check it out it was
the evening I must have been working an event or something and she was upstairs alone when the door now this is a big 300 plus year old heavy wooden door so I think we can discount the wind catching it swung open and closed again except nobody walked in what makes it creepier is that this door is key coded so there's really no way of opening it unless the code is typed in clearly this made my sister slightly nervous as she had heard that the house was haunted before but she carried on with what she was
doing on the till but then the till started working by itself buttons being pressed erratically and whatever she did she just couldn't stop it at this point she started to really panic she hates the Paranormal when the matter manager walked in she took my sister outside into the yard to try and calm her down and explain the old classic oh yes that's lady XYZ of the house and she likes to roam the floor when all the old style outdoor lights in the yard started to dim and come back again well that was the last draw
for my sister so she told the manager to heck with this handed over her apron and bolted down the long driveway back to her car in the dark I asked her but weren't you scared to run down that driveway in the dark after all of that and she replied no I just wanted to get the heck away from that place it's something that we still talk about often and whenever I think about it it always bothers [Music] me so I'd like to tell you about an experience that I had recently that honestly Disturbed me I
don't know if it was real a nightmare or something else but I cannot explain it so first of all you need to know that my bedroom and my mother's bedroom are opposite each other so from my door I can see my mother's bedroom which is at the end of the corridor what's more my window faces my door and therefore my Corridor it was the middle of the night and the moon was shining brightly that night so it was quite easy to see the bedroom in the corridor without too much difficulty during the night I woke
up and was facing my window curled up on top of myself that was when I saw a face opposite my bed that I could well describe to you it was a young man I'd say in his 20s with a fairly thin face and Hollow cheeks he had red hair short with curls on top the most terrifying thing about him though was that he was looking towards my bedroom door with a horrified look Frozen on his face I mean he didn't move an inch as if it was a painting that I was seeing but he looked
so real at that moment I had a feeling of Terror that ran through my body I was still curled up and I didn't dare move or turn around towards my door where the young man was looking my body was telling me not to move my eyes were glued to the side and I just couldn't move my body froze and I felt sick to my stomach and I had the feeling that if I moved something serious was going to happen I stayed like that for a few minutes and then at one point it was completely calm
the young man was gone and it was quiet maybe a little too quiet actually like the calm you feel when you realize what had just happened after that though I couldn't contain myself from turning back towards my Corridor and that's when I caught sight of a silhouette it was transparent but it was as if you could see the outline of its silhouette it's hard to explain but the only thing that I know is that when I looked at this thing I didn't feel at all comfortable and I was even a little bit scared after all
of that I didn't look far and went back to sleep as if nothing had happened it wasn't until the next day that I thought about it again and I spoke to my mother about it but she couldn't come up with an explanation either and that's why I'm here do you guys have any idea what this could have been so this was about 3 and 1 half years ago but I think about it pretty much every day I'll start by saying that I was not being very smart and I know that so I was in Miami
with a friend who was now my boyfriend and we were vacationing or blowing off some steam I was 28 he was 25 we are both gay and I decided to download grinder and see what was going on long story short I met a guy and went to his place for some fun we had at it and I had a good time and we had some drinks I was feeling great it was about 11:00 p.m. at night and time to wrap up and head back to the hotel I saw that it was about a mile walk
literally straight down the road so I head out and well I had taken some Aderall and was feeling a little more Reckless than I normally am and decided maybe I would hook up with somebody else I know I know but I log back on grinder and instantly connect with a really hot guy he invites me over gives me his address and also says that he could come and pick me up so I'm just standing there on the edge of this sidewalk wondering if I'm going to get picked up or call on Uber to this location
or just go home and someone pulls up in a truck and says that they're here to pick me up I'm like oh wow you came that's really nice I literally remember looking at the picture and at the guy and feeling very confident that they were the same person so I hopped in the truck instantly though I just had the weirdest feeling rush over me the truck smelled weird too first of all I don't know how to describe it but it was like the taste of licking iron maybe I was instantly turned off and felt really
weird about that though anyway he starts driving thankfully I didn't close out the grinder wrap too when he pulled up because it was so abrupt because I looked down and literally noticed that I'm getting further away from the guy that I was talking to which means that they were not the same person but this guy looked exactly like this person but the weirdest thing was that this guy looked exactly like the person's profile I remember that I just started texting and talking being like I really like your blonde hair your gray truck is really cool
is this a 2014 Chevy Silverado I just told my friends about you and have to be home by 12:00 p.m. just FYI I but we can go to my hotel they'd love to meet you if you'd like trying to make it seem like I have people waiting on me that I disclosed parts of his identity anything really this lasted about 2 to 3 minutes until eventually he just pulled over and said that he wasn't feeling like hanging out anymore I got out and he left and I got in an Uber and went home to this
day though I really do think that I was picked up by someone who saw an easy target but thankfully I was slightly resourceful in the moment enough to get me out of well whatever that [Music] was a few years back I a 23-year-old female was driving home after taking my dad to the airport for a late flight it was already dark when I left the airport and I still had a 3-hour drive home ahead of me a few hours into the drive I get recalculated to some windy Back Road highway there were no cars or
street lights and so it was a pretty dark and creepy Road as I turned to curve I noticed a black car come out of nowhere and start to ride my bumper and the blue lights the road was so dark that I had to drive for a minute to find a spot with at least a few small lights where I could pull over the officer came up to my window and asked me if I knew that my tags were expired I thought that that was kind of odd because I was driving my mom's car and she's
usually pretty on top of things like that but it was more so the way that he talked that made me uneasy I guess he was speaking pretty fast like he was in a hurry or something he's standing at my window and before he even gets my license or registration number His Radio beeps and he tells me that he has to go on another call he then practically runs back to the car and speeds off I head back home half weirded out and half thanking God that I didn't get a ticket I kind of brush it
off until I go outside to my car the next day and I find that my tags were not due to expire for at least another two months it could have been a simple mistake I get that but I couldn't help but recall how weird the whole incident was I mean he could have misread the number that's possible I guess but looking back I wonder what could have happened if he was someone with bad intentions was it just a mistake or was he a fake cop that was trying to lure people out of their car or
something from then on I always pull over only in the well populated areas and if a safe option is unavailable I call 911 to make make them aware because something tells me that there was just not something right about that whole [Music] situation this is a story of someone that I knew and had to cut ties with because well he was an absolute psycho the first half will be to add context as to why I cut him off and the second half is what makes this story really creepy so it all started about 4 years
ago when I was living in a friend's house while attending a nearby University it was myself my friend his sister and their parents roughly about 2 weeks into staying there my friend sister invited her boyfriend to live in the house too and by all accounts he was a pretty cool guy at first very sociable and full of great stories we often sat around the table for drinks or talked about life having a smoke in the garden within the first month however as he started to get comfortable cracks started to show in this veneer he would
rant about government conspiracies how he was always a wronged party he was big into like Sigma male stuff and martial arts and he did have a temper as well he had this big dog that he always kept in a cage that was extremely violent when he wasn't around the dog actually attacked his girlfriend and had to be put down that was when the guilt trips towards her began and the ranting became incessant about 2 months later he had the bright idea to live in a shipping container mainly because the parents wanted him out and dragged
his girlfriend along for the ride I'm not talking about one of those sort of chic little restoration jobs this was a rented container in a storage yard among the the outskirts of the town that we were living in he would intimidate and threaten the staff there constantly until they called the police too this of course was another conspiracy he became increasingly abusive to his girlfriend as well to the point where the family got involved to get her out of there I stuck close to them having to pretend to be on his side until we could
safely get her out they broke up which he blamed me for claiming that I was poisoning her against him to make her mine she has a new partner now and they're really happy so it was never about that we all blocked the psycho X on everything possible but he continued to harass them until eventually he disappeared or so we thought you see fast forward to last year I started to receive messages over social media from several different accounts blocking each one in term when I discovered who it was some friendly and some hostile one of
these profiles however was pretending to be someone that I knew from University we talked about life and how things were going and eventually I was invited to a house party claiming that it was a free house and plenty of people were coming I booked the time off work made my travel plans and kept talking to this friend coming up to the date of the party I mentioned it to my friend's sister and she was interested in going herself until I mentioned the address and she panicked the address in question was a property belonging to the
crazy X's father that was scheduled for sale I waited until the day of the party and called the police to check the property claiming that I suspected a Breakin and they found five people there including the X and parked at the front was a butcher's van equipped for food storage and a pretty hefty collection of knives Hammers and rope and boy am I really glad that I didn't [Music] go I live pretty far from well anyone and mostly surrounded by forests I hunt regularly and I spend a lot of time outside when not running my
business it was early during the hunting season and around 3:00 in the morning I was tracking deer prints and they just stopped and an uneasy feeling filled me as something compelled me to look up and when I did in a tree was the deer or what was left of it it was gutted but not like how a human Hunter would have done it so I decided to just call it there and head back as I was making my way back to my truck I really felt uneasy though and as if I was being watched I
would periodically look back and check with my nods and caught two very big and very high up eyes looking back followed by a type of deep yell not a roar or a scream but an actual yell it didn't sound like a bear or a big cat but almost like a a very big man well as you can imagine I took off running and I didn't look back it was a 4 mile run back to my truck and I didn't stop once when I made it back and I drove off I looked in the rearview mirror
and saw again something standing silhouetted by the sunrise when I made it home I was still shaking up a bit and I decided to look over my truck now I'm a fairly big guy standing at 66 and weighing about 230 and that was when I know noticed that there were handprints bigger than my own hands on my truck doing some more investigating I checked my trail cams and found several offline and one pointed at the deer hung up in the tree now being someone who's seen a lot of horror movies and being one not to
mess with something that I canot understand I never went back to that part of the forest and eventually decided to move all together as at night I would still hear the that yell sometimes sometimes my wife would tell me that she felt like someone was watching her from the tree line as well and being a new parent I just didn't want to take any chances I still have no idea what all of that was about but I'm really glad that we [Music] moved so my family has a house that was custom built for them the
house is 15 years old and I mean there shouldn't be any Paranormal Activity right wrong I've been seeing shadow figures since 12 years old I've heard voices scratching on walls and slamming on Windows my room is three stories up so it had to be coming from inside as well but there's one experience in particular that I'll never forget I was getting ready for middle school walking through our hallway from our kitchen to the front door I saw a shadow cast by from behind me but it was still dark outside so I didn't pay too much
mind but the person must have been between me and the light from our kitchen I called out everybody's name that lives in the house but I got no response at that I ran to my mom's car and explained to her what had happened that's when she told me that she has seen them too and they're apparently only around occasionally I thought that she was joking at first until she actively started saying hey there's a shadow by the door Etc we still have what we like to call visitors some seem to be playful some wander and
some only stop by once we'll have a period of 2 to 4 months where we won't see anything they usually only stay for like one day to one week my brother considered himself an atheist until he started seeing figures as well now we're definitely both agnostic the only reason that I believe that our house is haunted is because any land that could be considered a burial ground for Native Americans might be here and who knows unfortunately we might have built our house on top of one [Music] I recently stayed the night at my childhood home
it's an old house built in the 19th century I never felt at ease in that house it's always just had a really eerie vibe to it when I was 17 my parents told me that they were able to afford this house mansion because the previous owners desperately wanted to get rid of it the reason being is that unfortunately their son had hung him himself in the Attic lots of paranormal things have happened to me in that house too but I'll give you full details of my last encounter so it happened last week I stayed the
night there because I had a football game that was close to where my parents were living I didn't feel like waking up super early so that's why I held a sleepover in my old bedroom I went to sleep fairly early around 10: p.m. or so not much later than that everything felt pretty nor normal I made sure that all the doors were locked my parents were on a wellness retreat in Germany and my brother moved out a while ago so it was just me in the house at that time I went to sleep feeling comfortable
and quite at ease even though I was cautious given the history of the house I texted some of my friends good night and that was it the comfortable feeling though suddenly wore off when I was awoken at 3:00 in the morning because I heard music playing but it was muffled I couldn't hear it clearly but my first instinct was that it was a car playing music with its windows closed parked on the street perhaps I said to myself I'll give a 10 minutes and the car will pass but the music was still playing 10 minutes
later and I felt annoyed and quite frankly a bit ticked off I had to wake up early in the morning after all and this was ruining my sleep I walked to my bedroom window to see where the music was coming from ready to throw a fit at whoever was doing it I opened my blinds open the window to look outside and that was the exact moment that my stomach dropped because there was no car nor was there anyone else outside I realized then that the music was coming from upstairs in the Attic my parents renovated
the attic 5 years ago and made it into their bedroom I knew that it had a radio on my mother's bedside she never used it though most of the time it just wasn't even plugged in because she had only one socket and she used it to charge her phone it was not a new radio by any means early 2000s I would guess my mom held on to it because it was the radio of her departed father and she just couldn't get rid of it I was freaking out out though I mean why would these kind
of encounters only happen when I was alone at home I tried calling my parents but they didn't pick up my brother didn't pick up either not surprising since it was 3:00 in the morning I realized that I would have to deal with this situation alone so I decided to open the door of my bedroom that led up to the hallway at the end of the hallway there was a circling stair that led up to the attic I opened my bedroom door for and the music suddenly became louder and I now could clearly hear which music
was playing it was dark organ music at that my stomach dropped in fact I've never felt so scared as I did then I didn't want to do this alone I had one last rescue line that I could call it was my friend Phillip he played cod with me until the early hours so he surely was still awake I called him and explained the situation he reassured me that it was probably a problem with an electric outlet that had jump started that radio or something I felt reassured by his answers and made the walk upstairs to
the attic I was with him on the phone the whole time and I stood in front of the door and I could clearly hear the music now it was so loud as well I knew that I had to get in to turn it off but I was absolutely petrified Philip reassured me that everything was going to be all right and it was just faulty wiring I kept telling myself that repeatedly that it was just faulty wiring as well eventually I mustered up the courage and I opened up the door and as soon as I did
that music immediately stopped my friend also heard it stop as well and at that I instantly ran downstairs put on all the lights and watched Trailer Park Boys until 700 in the morning the next day I played the worst football game that I had ever played we lost [Music] 7n so to start this I usually have sleep paralysis at least once every 2 weeks I've had it my whole life so I pretty much am used to it now I either close my eyes and go back to sleep or sometimes I can find it and sort
of snap out of it anyway yesterday I checked into my hotel laid out my clothes and sat my backpack down on the extra couch hotels usually have this is pretty much routine for me as well I left and grabbed dinner when I got back I noticed the TV was on I never turned it on when I first got to my hotel I didn't really think much of it and brushed it off I chilled for a while and then fell asleep by 9ish I woke up randomly at 3:00 in the morning but in sleep paralysis again
I was sleeping on my side and as soon as I opened my eyes there she was a random woman sitting on my couch so elegant looking and the perfect posture my heartbeat Rose and I locked my eyes with her for some reason I was scared I wanted to snap out of my paralysis because I genuinely thought that somebody had broken in or something but it just seemed a a little bit off this time it was just the way that she was sitting and what she was wearing I guess all white with her straight long brushed
hair looking dead straight she wasn't moving just straight up existing but not existing at the same time but this was the moment that I knew that something was very wrong but my fear grew and I thought that if I snapped out of my paralysis she would hear me you but when I say that I can snap out of it I really mean snap my body to the left or right to fully wake myself up but in the end I went with the second option I just closed my eyes and went back to sleep I woke
up at around 6:00 in the morning and it took me a minute or two to remember what I had seen just a few hours before I shot up and looked beside my bed in my bathroom just anywhere to look to see if she was hiding anywhere just because it was daytime and I was not in paralysis I was ready to kick some butt I guess but it wasn't until I saw my couch that caused my confidence to drain pretty quickly you see some of my things that I said onside the couch the day prior were
suddenly reorganized in a way where one side of the couch was pushed to the other side but neatly in a way to where someone could sit on the other side I guess I inspected the side where I saw her sitting and I could immediately tell the difference as there was still an imprint or the cushion being lower than the other which also means that it was fresh whoever she was she had been sitting there for quite some [Music] time so to begin I would appreciate any input as to what you think this could have been
whether you believe it was a person or something paranormal I would really just appreciate any input at all so on Tuesday my best friend s and her roommates T and J were talking about our old high school at some point our school was built on top of a burial ground and several students who have gone to that school there have passed away tragically unrelated to the school and well they decided to break in at 3:00 in the morning to explore what the school was like now we're 20 so we graduated only 2 years ago Jay
was scared and didn't want to go inside so she stayed in my friend's car on the driver's seat in case they all needed to leave quickly s and her other roommate T decided to jump the gate and go exploring they thought that the energy seemed kind of scary but they were too curious and kept walking they reached this one classroom in the back and that's when my friend looked inside as she said the light lights in the hallways were red and when she looked into the classroom she said that she saw a black silhouette of
a person in the classroom close to the door she said that even though she couldn't make out a face she felt that it was watching them she grabbed tea and told her calmly that they needed to leave because someone was there and they sprinted back to the car and they all left they then went to our old middle school to see what it looked like now they couldn't get get in because the gates were locked so Jay asks s if she wants to get back into the driver's seat since it's her car and S declines
Jay pulls out and leaves it's about 3:30 to 3:45 in the morning at this point as she pulls out and starts driving back to their apartment they see these two white blinding lights coming towards them they couldn't tell if it was a car since the lights were so bright but 2 seconds later they realized that it was a wrongway driver coming at them at about 80 M an hour and Jay was able to swerve around it last second as the car just zoomed straight past them without realizing luckily they saw cops pulled over on the
side of the road ahead they told the cops and they immediately dispatched someone to go follow the car and find where they were they were silent for the rest of the night because of how terrifying the experience was but the scary part is that last week a girl who just graded graduated from our high school was driving up to Maryland for Thanksgiving with her parents to visit her brother who happened to be in our grade and they swerved into the southbound lane and died in a head on collision s was telling her roommates about it
right before they left the middle school and almost died she is 100% convinced that she saw a person at the school but isn't sure if it was a real person or something else our school doesn't have late security or cleaners or anything and I'm not sure why but when she told me the story I felt a strong gut feeling that it was something else the night just felt too perfectly lined up as well I mean the whole thing was really weird I do believe that humans are scarier than anything paranormal but my gut just tells
me that she encountered something else and that the events that transpired throughout the night Were Somehow related to it but again if anyone could give any input or insights as to what this could have been then I would really appreciate it [Music] thanks I was somewhere between the age of 10 and 14 when this happened growing up I lived on a very boring Street in a middle class one-story house my bedroom faced the front Veranda which had a lot of plants on it just around the corner and down the hall from my bedroom was a
study that was used as a spare room or a computer room now I used to watch TV in that room and on this particular night it was very hot so I had opened the door open to The Veranda there was a thin fly screen with no lock which we could pull across when the door was open when I went to bed that night it was so hot that I kept my bedroom windows and curtains wide open I was having trouble sleeping and I just laid there staring at the ceiling for some time but then I
heard what sounded like someone walking around on The Veranda the ground was cement Pebbles and there was a lot of dirt from the plants there and it made a very distinct sound when you walked on it at first I assumed it was one of my parents but it was very late at night and that wouldn't have made much sense so I craned my neck to look at the window and in the dark I saw a gaunt skeletal hunched over figure slowly shuffling towards my bedroom window it made a sort of raspy sound as it shuffled
around I was fairly certain that it couldn't see me but from the way its head was moving it looked like it was searching for something now this might sound weird but despite this fairly creepy thing happening outside of my bedroom window I still felt somehow safe in the comfort of my bed inside my locked house but then I realized that I had left the study door open which meant that all that stood between well whatever the heck this thing was and my house was a thin screen door with no lock I knew that I had
to lock the door in quickly this thing was almost at my bedroom window and would soon be at the study door I slid out of bed and crawled on my stomach out of my room and down the hall to the study and as I reached the door intending to quickly close it I suddenly realized my mistake I would have to open the screen door in order to reach the door to close it from where I was laying I could see this thing hunched over and peering into my bedroom window I think it hurt or sensed
me laying there because it turned and shuffled over and bent down to where I was laying I held my breath as this thing put its face against the screen and peered in at me its raspy breath sounded like death as well in the dark I could make out a part of her face and whatever it was it looked gaunt sickly either very thin or no skin I couldn't see any eyes or they were simply empty sockets perhaps I didn't dare move as its face pressed up against the fly screen seemingly looking right at me suddenly
though its face distorted in Terror its eye sockets and mouth opened wide and it just let out this curdling shriek a shriek that sounded like fear and then it just bolted off into the night I lay there silently Frozen in fear and disbelief over what the heck had just happened and also listening intently to make sure that it was actually gone as soon as I dared to move I quickly opened the fly screen and shut and locked that Veranda door I then went back to my room and shut the window and Drew the curtains I
kept peeking through the curtain expecting for it to come back but it never did now I've thought about this encounter ever since then and I've never really been sure what to make of it I've never told anyone about it either I didn't know where to begin and I've never really understood why it reacted in fear when it saw me like that it is still one of the most unexplainable and strangest things that has ever happened to me and I don't know what to think about it so before I get into this story I would like
to affirm that everything said is 100% real in the following months I've been trying to debunk this in any way possible but I've been unsuccessful this story takes place in Charleston South Carolina specifically Isle of the Palms during a family vacation in September of 2023 we stayed in a rental home that I won't name for privacy or potential legal reasons just a few steps away from the ocean though I shared a room with my mother which had two twin-sized beds and to start off the moment that we arrived at this vacation home the door slammed
Shut by itself almost smashing my grandmother's hand now this could be explained by the door being heavy I guess but that doesn't explain why every night we stayed at this location the doors would open and close themselves it didn't matter if the doors were locked had stuff in the way Etc the main culprit of the door opening and closing was my bedroom door and I was sick at this time and had a very poor sleep schedule so I would usually stay up at really odd hours anyway my mother was staying in the same room as
me and she would lock the door every night so I didn't make any noise to wake her up without fail however that door would always slam open I would close it again then an hour or so later it would slam open again this even happened right in front of me a few times as well which really freaked me out please know too that the opening and closing was not limited to that one door every door in the place would do this just mine was more prevalent than the others I guess for example my my grandparents
room opened just a creek and stop the second that I looked at it but anyway at around our fifth day of our stay I was pretty tired after returning from a large dinner I decided that it would be best to try and take a short nap while the rest of my family went out to the beach for a while this would turn out to be a huge mistake everyone left one by one and I could hear the large door open and close as each person left the house was quiet for around 30 minutes I had
not yet fallen asleep but I had covered my head in a blanket something that usually helped me to fall asleep in the day after a short time under this blanket I felt what I can only describe as a depression in the bed a very distinct sensation of someone sitting with their hands on each side of their body keep in mind this is a very small twin-sized bed if there were one of my family members I would be able to feel them brush against my body and however the only thing that I felt was the indentations
on the bed from what I could tell it felt like a small woman sitting down not a lot of weight but just enough to definitely be able to feel them sitting next to me they said nothing did nothing didn't even move and this shocked me obviously after a few minutes whatever it was making the indentation on the bed seemed to stand up and just leave I did end up falling asleep after this by some miracle however my fever had gotten much worse at this point as well and that's pretty much it please do let me
know if you have any ideas or similar experiences I would say that I'm more of a skeptic but honestly this was kind of crazy to me if anyone has any questions then I'd be happy to answer but like I said I've been racking my brain over this for some time now and and I really just cannot explain this so I'm a logger in northern BC Canada I'm an avid Hunter and have spent many a nights hunting alone that being said quite a few years ago I was working on a broken down skitter in the dark
after everyone on the logging block was gone changing a blown hydraulic hose under the cab when I felt like I was being just watched or something the feeling continued to get worse too and so I was sort of on edge and continued to work on replacing the blown hose every trip for tools to the service truck and back I would sort of scan for eyes in the nearby Tree Line maybe about 25 M away with my flashlight there was nothing I continued to work on the pain in the butt hose that you literally have to
dive your head and upper body under the cab to reach until your legs are sort of stuck up in the air and feeling vulnerable and the feeling of being watched gets even more intense all the hairs on my neck are standing and I hear a two-tone whistle from far away almost as if it was the wind it was so far away but it was flat and calm that day also there was about 6 in of fresh snow on the ground but I pushed myself out from under the skitter and looked around quietly with a flashlight
for eyes the tree line and down the road again there's nothing I had one side of the hose fitting to remove still and it was the easiest side and higher up so I wasn't sort of I don't know like butt up in the air trying to remove it I put my head back under the cab and quickly began to spin the fitting loose and the feeling of being watched was now so bad that every hair on my body was standing and then I hear the same two-tone whistle very loud in the tree line directly behind
me I had the hose off at the exact same time so I whipped myself out from under the cab and turned ready to throw down with a a 58 wrench in my hand yelling all right where are you but there was nothing no one there no tracks no eyes no wind either in fact no sound whatsoever which was really strange the flashlight that I had was more of a small floodlight for working on repair stuff so it didn't really light up inside the trees or anything but the next day it had snowed another 6 in
or so so I went up and hiked the tree line with a 12 gauge and 7 3in slugs ready to go but there were no tracks that I could see no perches on the trees where snow had have been pushed off or anything if it was a bird nothing but I definitely heard someone whistle or make a whistling sound of some sort as I said I'm an avid Hunter and animals just don't make that sort of noise I don't know the whole situation was really weird and I don't know what to think about it maybe
I'm just overreacting and maybe it was an animal one that I just haven't come across yet or something in any case years later this all happened about maybe 7 km down the road from the last incident I was out hunting with a friend when we lost legal light so we hiked back to the truck and we hit the road in his parents knew Ford Halon the ones with the senses all over the vehicle we had some music playing as we're just heading back towards town again when the music started acting sort of weird and cutting
in and out with static so me being in the passenger seat disconnected the Bluetooth and reconnected the phone music cleared up and we continued down the road we got up to the kilometer board on the road that my previous encounter took place and I mentioned oh hey that's the whistle block that we logged a couple of years back half jokingly because I couldn't make heads or tails out of it my friend replied great thanks for that as I told him the story before but we continued slowly driving down the road because it gets pretty rough
in a couple of spots and the road has a few sharp turns and an sand as well well we go about a kilometer further and the music starts screeching and doing what we can only describe as like alien noises so I disconnect the Bluetooth again and my friend says oh mom's got a cord in here somewhere so he stops and gets the cord for me I plug the phone in and play the music again another kilometer down the road and the phone just goes absolutely mental I mean like loud alien squealing and sounds similar to
that terrible dial up internet noise from the '90s we had started into the sand when this was happening and we shut the music off completely as we were driving still making the one half of the S turn and then we both look up from the music deck or screen and the headlight illuminates what I can only describe as a figure standing in the middle of the road so we swerve and take the ditch a bit still going probably I don't know like 30 km an hour and get the truck back up on the road we
continue coasting down the road as we're both in awe after just seeing a flash of whatever this thing was and I finally say after what seemed like five quiet minutes man did did you just see that my friend Cuts me off and says a skeleton in the middle of the road I say yeah like a white rib cage and a deer skull for a face almost he finishes I said turn around what was that does someone need our help not thinking that we're in the middle of nowhere with no vehicles around mind you or any
that we had passed from other hunters or anything it was early season and no one bow hanss here anyways my friend said I'm not turning around man I feel sick like I'm about to throw up and he continued driving thankfully without throwing up we didn't see another vehicle until we hit pavement again so whatever this thing was it was taller than the pickup by easily a couple of feet I'm 61 and my forehead is at the top of the window for reference it has black surrounding the white of the bones with sort of long arms
half stretched to its side and it was standing there as if to say try and hit me I watched this thing P the passenger window and stared up at it as we wailed by it and it was definitely three-dimensional tall with long arms and Incredibly dark dead looking sort of like I don't know maybe it was just my eyes but like light was sort of sucked into it without reflecting anything hard to explain but that's the best way I can put it when we hit service again though my friend received a text message from his
mother saying what did you two idiots hit in my brand new truck I guess the new for send near accident reports to the owner when the sensors pick up something I'm an old school Chevy guy so I don't really know much about this but the only thing that I can find online that resembles what we both saw and I know this is pretty cringe but is well a wendigo just without the antlers or just that the headlights perhaps didn't illuminate them or something [Music] so I live with my dog and my roommate in a one-story
duplex I've got a fenced in yard and the private spot where my car parked is accessible via an Alleyway with a bunch of massive signs saying no parking no trespassing private property and whatnot so I was sitting in my bedroom playing games and it was around 12 or 1 in the morning and my dog sitting on the couch in the living room started barking at something outside every now and then she does this because there's a squirrel or a bush moved or something so I get up to go and shush her and I open the
blinds on the window to say see there's nothing outside but actually there is something outside through the fence I can see the headlights of a car idling out in the front of my house and lights sort of bobbing around outside what appears to be people walking around in front of my yard by my car with flashlights looking around in the middle of the night mind you for full disclosure I was also kind of stoned and I'm not sure if it's a reverse effect because my sober self is an anxiety ridden creature living under a blanket
who was too scared to send an email to my manager but my high self is Fred from Scooby-Doo pretty much as in come on gang let's solve the mystery so I decide that I'll just go out there and investigate I let my dog out with my pajama wearing unarmed Bress self out there and my yard is fence so my dog cannot go to them without me opening the gate but she does keep barking and step outside and I go to the gate I can now see it's A well-dressed woman and a man in a sort
of nicer newer model car they're walking around the front yard with flashlights and I go hey this is private property can you please leave the woman seems kind of startled and says oh oh uh sorry our car broke down the man gets in the car and she walks around goes back in the car they talk for a while I'm really not sure what else to do at this point so I just kind of stand there watching for what felt like ages but maybe it was only a minute or two I don't know how long it
actually was but they seem to be deciding what to do and he starts the car back up they pull out proceed to drive around pull into the public Street and behind my neighbor's car instead I decided to sit outside from my porch and kind of watch them to make sure that they didn't get out and start investigating the neighbor's car instead and they never popped the hood of their car mind you or got out which seemed to run fine when they drove off by the way I never saw them come back either a couple of
notes here too is that there are loads of spots you can park in and around my neighborhood that would not be on clearly private property with better lighting and you do not need to be near other cars there too but to get to where my car is parked you've got to drive down an Alleyway and look for a spot like my friends have trouble finding it the car was like a newer model sports car mind you not saying that those can't ever break down but I guess that I'd be less suspect if they just rolled
up in a I don't know like a geom Metro Mini Cooper or an old Subaru hatchback or something and we're like oh man my terrible car broke down when I soed up the next day though I was like I either just politely told some car thieves to stop attempting robbery on me and they did or I made someone's terrible night even worse I mean they didn't seem to be dressed for stealing a car more like a party or a date night the woman was in heels for instance and I really don't know much about cars
so maybe they really did just break down and the spot next to my car was the closest they could find or something then I maybe spooked them even more by taking neighborhood watch a little too far and I guess if I parked in a neighborhood and a a half naked woman and a possibly big scary dog came outside to stare at me in the middle of the night I'd probably get out of there too but I don't know something about the whole situation just didn't sit well with me I mean why did they have tortures
out like that and what were they looking for it just seems really strange and doesn't seem to match up with anything that I can come up with so I'm having some very strange things happening to me lately that are really starting to legitimately scare me now I live on a farm in the middle of SC USA and I'm a cigarette smoker so I go outside at random times at night and I usually am okay with it just usual sounds but every once in a while I'll hear something like strange noises but just sort of brush
it off but lately within the past month it's gotten a heck of a lot worse for instance I'll be sitting on the porch and I can hear voices of people talking which sound very close which is obviously unnerving to say the least but last night it was way worse the voices started sounding like people I know which they don't live anywhere near me they live in other parts of the country or in different countries altogether and well the other night it sounded like someone was approaching me from my right and it kept getting closer until
I stood up and I pulled my pocket knife out and went to the stairs on the porch and as I did that whatever it was ran it sounded like 2 ft running off into the woods last night though it got super close whatever it was like at the end of the porch and I also heard breathing it was terrifying so I just instantly went inside I got curious at this point though and video chatted my girlfriend I went back out and we were listening together and I swear that I heard something that I've never heard
around here at all I heard a little kid singing which eventually turned into an adult laughing and then like 2 minutes of wailing that moved slowly through the woods just out of sight so I couldn't see who it was she didn't hear it which obviously she's on a video chat so maybe she just didn't hear it or I don't know maybe maybe I'm going mad or something I don't know if I'm being messed with by people or something more serious or if it's just my own mental health if any anyone has any ideas of what
this is then please let me know because I'm almost at the point of just getting in my car and leaving and never coming back also I forgot to add too that there's a cemetery at the end of our yard which I believe has two children and two anals judging by the size of the Tombstones whoever they are those tombstones are really old and I don't know if that means anything or if like I said perhaps I'm just losing it [Music] so I a 25-year-old female have always remembered these experiences from my childhood as the most
confusing and scary times growing up my brother is 3 years younger than me and this all started happening when he was around four or five we can call my brother be and be as a child had health problems and needed a lot of different surgeries that he was in and out of Hospital often with the way my mom will retell this is that this all started with my brother having a a horrendous night terrors so bad that he would sit upright in bed with a blood curdling scream thrashing his arms and legs around when bee
would wake up he would have no recollection of his dream But as time went on Bee started to talk to someone at night and his toy fire trucks would start to light up with the siren going off too my mom would wake up in the morning and the clocks would all be set to 2:15 a.m. which was really weird in our house too we had a storage room under the stairs the storage room was right next to be and ni's playroom bee would always say that John and his mom lived in that storage room and
he would go and knock on the door and say hi John's mom can John come and play with me and my sister I never really thought too much of it being a child and my parents telling bee that he had an imaginary friend bee would want us to set up an extra plate for John at the dinner table Buckle him into the car Etc and would freak out completely if my parents didn't comply we had weird things going on in the house though too my baby dolls would go off nonstop to the point that my
mom took the batteries out and shove the dolls in the bottom of the toy box and one in specific still went off even without batteries which I didn't even know how that's possible we also had this motion sense a big bird plushy that constantly went off when nobody was in the room and the toy would be turned off all the time too this went on for at least a year I think and my mama said that the breaking point was my brother crying in the kitchen saying him and John apparently got into a fight with
be saying I told JN that we can't be friends anymore because I have bones and he doesn't that same night too I woke up to a woman calling my name and standing at the side of my bed when I rolled over and opened my eyes she immediately asked me where's John I didn't reply and she seemed to get upset and asked again where's John I again didn't reply and was so scared that I just rolled over and closed my eyes hoping that it would go away when I rolled back over she was gone I remember
I booked it into my parents' room my mom let me sleep in their bed for the night but the next night I remember my mom talking to a priest and another strange man my mom has since told me that the priest was there to bless the house and the other man was a medium to help John and his mom cross over the medium was able to tell my mom that John and his mom had passed away in a house fire which has always messed with me because the main toy that went off was Beast Fire
Truck remember I mean it was set off almost every night was John trying to tell us something but apparently he had attached himself to be the last time he had surgery after the blessing and the encounter with the medium John and his mom were never encountered again not even by my brother I really don't know what to make of most of it but all I can say is that if Jon and his mom were not just imaginary then I do hope that they found their way to the light [Music] so basically I was raised very
Christian strict Christian and have never really believed in ghosts but I do believe in demonic entities or something that is definitely evil Now That I'm Older I'm still on the fence about believing in ghosts as in things that are spirits of dead people roaming about that have no ill intent even with this belief though I still loved a good horror movie and admitted that a lot of other people's encounters were hard to explain if the Paranormal entity in question seemed harmless it's important to remember this part too because it's a part of the story so
when I was in high school I was best friends with a girl who was a little bit weird and she was the definition of pretty much a pikm girl her name was Amanda and I would stay at Amanda's house basically every weekend and after we graduated I was there pretty much 24/7 but never once did I feel weird in her house or anything thing but one day Amanda calls me basically in tears insisting that someone has broken into her house and that she hears footsteps and banging and I told her that I would come over
and check it out because I lived literally like 2 minutes down the road from her I show up and the doors are all locked I being an idiot jokingly start kicking on the doors yelling out calling for any serial killers to come out it made her laugh and feel better and to be honest it kind of made me feel better too weeks passed though and we forgot about the situation and we just go on with our lives when suddenly amander is telling me how her dad finally fixed the upstairs bathroom shower where her bedroom is
and that every time that she uses the shower she feels like she's being watched and the lights flicker and it really creeps her out I play it off as her just being spooked or trying to creep me out or something but then another time her mom is talking to me and tells me that she got spooked because the door to that bathroom got stuck and she said that it felt like someone was holding it shut again I play it off as just something that can be scientifically explained their house was split level and her parents
basically had the entire downstairs and their kids had the upper level but there were two rooms that suddenly started bothering me and it was the upper living room and the laundry room downstairs every time that I'd go upstairs I would swear that I saw a black figure in the corner of my eye and every time that I would go into the laundry room it was eerily dark even with the lights on and freezing cold even in the middle of summer it was weird but in the end I just sort of avoided those areas and I
had read something about how the sound vibrations can cause people to think that they see something that's not really there or something along those lines point is is that it made me feel better and the laundry room I figured was just cuz it had concrete flooring so it was cooler but one night I had come over late after work and myand went downstairs to take a shower I had laid down on her bed with her door open and my back turned and I just got this awful feeling of being watched all of a sudden you
know how sometimes you can almost hear when someone is sneaking up on you well I had that feeling I immediately sat up and looked at the doorway convinced that it was her brother ING with me or the dog had come upstairs or something but when I did there was nothing there but I just could not shake that feeling though it felt like someone was literally walking in through the doorway and staring holes into me and at any second something scary was about to happen I sat there for probably 2 minutes just staring debating if I
should book it pray or scream it felt like forever but I finally heard Amanda coming out of the bathroom and immediately that feeling just faded I told Amanda straight away about this and when she hears it she kind of brushes it off and says that it's her grandpa's ghost and he likes to mess with people in the house apparently I remind her of all the horrible things that had been happening lately and she tells me that her mom had bought some Sage or something and was going to Sage the house to get rid of it
but had a dream where her dad came came to her and said that it was him just playing and decided that she wouldn't Sage it after all I'm obviously pretty creeped out at this point but decided that it's too late for me to drive home and just decide to sleep in bed with her but that night I have absolutely the worst nightmares I've ever had like being chased in the dark weird voices saying stuff that I don't understand something wanting to kill me type nightmare I wake up tell myself that I'm just freaking out out
but from that day on I just kept getting them and they got worse too it wouldn't be every night but it was often enough to bother me one night I was sleeping at my boyfriend's house and had a sleep paralysis type nightmare too where something opened his bedroom door and crawled in on the ceiling a picture alien but with a human head and long Talons I woke up halfway through unable to move and kept trying to call out for my boyfriend but instead fell back asleep and and the dream picked up right where it left
off I text Amanda's mom and she reaffirms that there's nothing evil in her house it's her dad and he was just playing pranks on all of them a few more weeks passed though and I stopped going to Amanda's house because one well the demons and two Amanda starts acting really shady too she's doing things that I don't like such as sleeping over at my ex's house sending me Snapchats of them together constantly talking of him and just being a jerk she also somehow figures out my new boyfriend's Twitch account and is constantly watching him stream
trying to get him to talk to her asking for his Snapchat number insta Etc and at that point I just sort of lose my mind about it and I cut all ties from her and coincidentally or maybe not I don't know but the nightmares instantly stop I don't know what to think about that but I would like to know if I wasn't just having some kind of psychotic snap and it was at a bad point in my life for sure but the fact that her family knew about it and thought that it was a dead
relative just I don't know makes my skin [Music] crawl I used to participate in a group that did activities and tended towards children we usually went to neighborhoods to make games for the kids and so on and on Halloween we usually went to give candy to children while in costumes that night I was dressed up as the Joker so I went to the rally point and met the other guys and girls with whom we were going to give candy but we were about 30 or 40 the night went as planned we did some games then
we handed out some candies and then we said goodbye three of my best friends were there and after the activities were over we sort of sat on a bench and talked about random stuff eventually we got to the topic of Halloween parties and how we never went to one we really wanted to go to a Halloween party too dance drink do teenager stuff I'm kind of an introvert but I've always tried to live my life so when I'm old that I don't have to regret not doing stuff and partying was definitely one of them so
I too wanted to go to a Halloween party we called our friends but nobody knew of any party around eventually we got in touch with our friend Lewis who was 18 at the time asking if he wanted to do something he told us that he was going to round up a few people and then we could go out in 20 minutes in those 20 minutes we went to a friend's house we cleaned up changed clothes and then Lewis called us back he told us to go to a park nearby to get together we went and
we reunited with six of his friends before we knew and the other two we didn't but they were nice enough thinking about what to do next because his house was now unavailable we really didn't know what to do so we ended up going to a skate park nearby to see one of them and do some tricks and stuff with his kind of eccentric skateboarding and we were all in a but after a few minutes we got tied down after that we went to the cemetery to tell horror stories disrespectful I know but we were teenagers
doing stupid teenager stuff after that leou said do you guys want to go and drink and we all said yeah let's drink and we went to a convenience store to buy some alcohol I think I have to say that in Chile people from 16 are expected yet not legally allowed to drink unless they with an adult or something and we were with people from 18 to 21 years old legally adult age is 18 here which is also the drinking age but we had the alcohol but we didn't have a place to go and drink it
so we went to a forest that was about 15 minutes outside of town we couldn't really see much so we had our phone flashlights on when we got to a nice quiet spot we lit up a fire we made sure that there was no flammable material nearby obviously and in front of us was an open field behind us was a wall of bushes and as the night went on we spent hours listening to music drinking telling funny stories laughing playing tag at one point it was a really good time that is until until it wasn't
so before I continue I think I have to explain what a flate is in Chile a flate is sort of like a gangster they tend to form gangs and those who are in gangs tend to be really violent and short-tempered they usually carry firearms or knives at least this is a really vague description that I'm giving is not all of them are bad people and some are very friendly in fact but it serves the story so I think that's all you really need to know but anyway after a while of dancing and drinking we were
kind of wasted except for Louis his girlfriend and her sister all okay which decided to remain sober in case something came up we played hide-and seek and tag and it was really fun and a very good time like I said but then while we were dancing we heard something in the bushes at first we thought that it was an animal like a rat or a bird so we didn't think too much of it we continued dancing around and I remember seeing clear as day a stone suddenly coming at me a few centimeters away from my
leg I thought Lewis kicked it at first and I told him dude stop kicking rocks this way he laughed at off and thought that I was drunk and joking I think and while I was kind of wasted I I definitely still had my senses about me but then I saw another rock going in front of my eyes it was like in slow motion this time and I looked up and I saw on ls's face a sheer expression of horror I suddenly got scared as well the only thing that he said to me was run and
I was like what and he screamed at me dude run someone's throwing rocks at us I ran back to town to the houses and the lights behind me people were screaming run and hurry I ran as fast as I could I was kind of drunk like I said and the terrain was really muddy so it was difficult it was also really dark and I couldn't see really where I was going all I knew was that I was running towards the lights I ran until I reached the same spot where we came from in town and
then I waited I was alone and nobody came I didn't know where my friends were but after a while a friend of mine showed up he screamed at me dude give me your jacket or something they hit Fred on the head when they came closer to the light I saw him helping the others walk upon seeing his face blood was running down everywhere and dripping I immediately gave him my jacket and called an ambulance then some of my other friends came one by one they all went to ls's place because it was nearby then Lewis
came where's my girlfriend and my sister-in-law he said I told him that she didn't come through we sent everyone to his house and waited for the two missing people we were ready to go and face the people throwing rocks in case they were doing something to them but then thankfully they appeared his girlfriend was hysterically screaming they hit my sister they hit her she's bleeding we went to her and the whole side of her face was just covered in blood we rushed her to Lewis's house and made sure that we were all there we were
and so we calmed down a bit but when the ambulance came the two who got hit went there with them and we then called the cops now I remember some of us being in shock others were angry and others were kind of in the middle ground Lewis was raging saying those stupid kids and so on and so forth we didn't know who threw the Rocks obviously I thought that we got into the terrain of somebody without knowing and the owner tried to scare us away or something but my friends told me that they saw a
group of people hiding in the bushes we left everything at the bonfire the skateboards the speaker the wallets even for me I had everything safe which I was grateful for but for others they obviously lost stuff but lwis then told me and my friends dude let's go find these guys I was mad but most of all I wanted to try and retrieve some of the stuff that people had left there so I told him that we should go but if there were too many of them then we should turn back he called to of his
friends and in 5 minutes they were with us I knew them because of some school stuff but they were very very loyal and they both went to the gym and were pretty Big Fellas so I felt safe when they came eventually we went out to look for the people who threw the rocks and when we were about a block away from the forest we saw them walking with our speakers the skateboard and other stuff that we left there it was almost like a a Mexican standoff we were a block away from them and we just
sort of stared at each other there were like 15 of them and only six of us so in the end didn't really do anything and just turned back but as we got a good look at them they were clearly gangsters so they probably had guns and knives which was one of the reasons why we didn't confront them but when we got back home we actually ran into the police car and there were two of them one got out of the car and we told them that we called and explained the situation pretty quickly because we
didn't want the guys to run away however the officer told us you're telling me that you're drinking being Miners and then got attacked well we told him yes and then he responded with the most upsetting stuff ever so you miners were drinking having a bonfire in the forest in the middle of the night and now are asking me to give you justice don't you kids realize how hypocritical you guys are I responded with we were in supervision of three adults and not because we were drinking we deserve rocks being thrown in our heads he looked
at me with an expression of just pure hatred I was really scared but angry as well and he then repeated himself we told him the guys were running away as we spoke with all of our stuff but he kept saying that it was our fault that it was our problem that we were in that situation to begin with after a few minutes though the one inside the car told the other hey let's find the other people and then we can question these kids and the other got inside we waited at the house but they never
came back and eventually we all just went to our respective homes and Lewis told us the next day that the policeman they never returned and so that was the end of the night it was a really scary moment but when I remember it it kind of makes me smile in a way too because I have a good story to tell in moments like this the two that got sent to the hospital they did have to get some pretty serious stitches in their heads and were hospitalized for a couple of days because of how serious it
was but after a few days we spoke of it like it was nothing but we were really angry at the police to be honest we even speculated about whether or not they were in on it or something because their behavior was really weird but if you got this far then thanks for listening and hopefully I don't ever have to experience anything like this ever again [Music] this is something that I really want to talk about to be sure that everyone is cautious and stays levelheaded at all times for context I live in the middle of
nowhere in Canada it was an Old Town that had quite a few abandoned buildings due to absence of residents me and my friends we were tired of the lack of entertainment options for us so what we did was explore these abandoned buildings prior to the experience that I'm about to talk about we never had anything too crazy happen to us I mean occasionally we'd see a small bit of blood like liquid and we'd see pentagrams on the ground from time to time from someone who went to a house previously but nothing too bad that is
until the last time that i' had gone exploring abandoned buildings when I was younger I used to go to a daycare that was part of a mental hospital a weird combination I know but it was closed down due to a lack of patient and lack of children at the daycare I decided to go back there with my friends a few years ago I was 15 when this happened and most of my friends were the same age when we got there it was a rather cliche I guess but there was fog it was rather dark and
there was a light drizzle of rain too we went to the main gate which was padlock shut we decided to help each other hop over it and we made a ton of noise but we were laughing and giggling the whole time unsuspecting of what was about to happen we looked around the small play or place park with flashlights that we had on our person even with our somewhat powerful flashlights our visibility was rather limited but we decided to enter the decaying building glass and dirt crunched under our feet as we stepped into the daycare section
of the complex there was still old Legos wood chips from previous Furniture old torn dolls and toys strewn about but the further that we walked around the daycare section we naturally became more and more silent until all we could hear was the crunch of dirt under our feet I found some crayons in a plastic container in the corner of the room I walked over to pick them up when all of a sudden we heard a a loud crash coming from behind a metal door leading to the py wward part of the building my friends and
I sort of all looked at each other as a whole we were a group of five most of them were bold cocky but we all looked at each other when my friend Brian suggested that we go and look to see where the sound came from personally I was not too fond of the idea but there was no way anyone was going to decline such a thing we all stacked up on the door and opened it it was rusted to the floor and we sort of heaved to get it open as we walked in the metallic
smells and must became really strong but there was a hint of something else which I just couldn't put my finger on at that moment we walked in with our flashlights pointed in every direction with Brian leading the group the hallways were tight and to the left and the right were the occasional metal doorway some of the doors open I felt slightly claustrophobic too and it felt a little hard to breathe at some points as we continued Brian sha his flashlight into a room and suddenly recoiled we all stopped walk walking as Brian slowly entered the
room what is it I asked I thought I saw someone here it seems all fine now though to be honest I thought that he was just messing with us to increase our anxiety but looking back I think that he was completely honest he backed out of the room and we continued walking deeper into the psych ward when another friend swiftly told us to stop we came to a halt and all listened in the distance ahead of us we heard the subtle pitter patter of footsteps echo through the hallway we all looked at each other fear
in each of our eyes Brian continued walking toward the sounds we considered turning back for a second without Brian wondering if some ghost or something or someone was in the building but we couldn't do that to him and the closer that we got the more that I felt like I was being watched when finally we entered to a room on the right which had the smell of what I can only describe as just rotting meat and in front of us was a dead deer its innards were spilled all over the floor staining the concrete a
friend of mine had a very weak stomach and vomited all over the floor and that's when we heard Whispers from somewhere Ryan quickly shot around and shown his flashlight to the corner of the room where there was a man with short hair standing with his head down he had a bright green t-shirt stained with what I assumed was blood and torn beige pants he didn't have any socks and his feet seemed sort of damaged he was sort of twitching sporadically too and continued to mumble even after we saw him we stared at him for a
solid 30 seconds before he made his first true movement he looked up at us with what I will never forget a haunting grin that just sent shivers immediately down my spine and he said you guys here for the feast this kicked us over the edge and we immediately bolted out of that room all the way back down to the daycare center the door thank God was still open and we decided to try and slam it shut behind us but the rust and the pure weight of the door almost kept it open it took three of
us pulling with all of our might to close it but we eventually got it there and just before we did I could still see the silhouette of the man watching us his white teeth being the only other human feature that I could see in the dark from that distance as we sat behind the metal door catching our breath for a second all looking at each other for confirmation that we all just saw the same thing after a little bit of labored breathing from each of us we heard a a light tapping on the door it
was at that point that we decided it was well and truly time to leave we booked out of the vicinity completely and we pretty much just ran the whole way home police went back to do a routine search of the area and they actually found the man it was stated that this guy used to go to the psych ward before it was closed down he escaped the facility he was transferred to and lived off of the wildlife around the complex when the cops brought him in he had a series of diseases and sicknesses from eating
raw meat apparently and his mental condition was much worse than before there were rumors that he did kill someone in the forest while searching for food but nothing has ever been confirmed but apparently people have gone missing there or something but anyway in the end guys just be careful especially in dangerous areas such as abandoned buildings be smarter than we were especially in dangerous areas such as abandoned buildings [Music] this encounter would have happened a little over 10 years ago now I would guess I would have been 26 27 at the time I'm male but
I cannot 100% remember what year it was now I think it was sometime from 2011 to 2013 at the time though I was frequently going out with my friends to bars and parties and just hanging out until pretty late most weekends the friend's house that I usually hung out at was on a side street just off of a main road where a lot of popular and crowded bars and restaurants were you had to park on the street at his house and during the weekend when it was busy it was pretty common to have to park
a number of blocks away but the street closer to the bars was pretty nice if you went a few blocks in the opposite direction it got a little sketchier at night though anyway after hanging out one particular night I had to walk back to my car pretty late which was parked a number of blocks away towards the slightly sketchier area this was during the winter so I was wearing some kind of heavy sweater or pullover in a beanie or knit hat this detail is only important as you couldn't really gather much idea about what I
looks like from a distance in the dark aside from my general height and build I guess there wasn't much through traffic though as you got further away from the bars and the roads were pretty dark without any street lights too as I was walking down the side walk a car as I was walking down the sidewalk a car started slowly creeping down the street matching my Pace as it pulled up beside me and then stopped the window of the car rolled down and driving the car was an attractive young woman who said that I looked
cold and that I should let her give me a ride to where I was going she seemed friendly enough I indicated that I wasn't parked far away and appreciated the offer but was going to just keep walking anyways she then tried really hard to convince me to get into the car with her since it was so cold no small talk to establish any information about me mind you to make sure that I wasn't a weirdo just asking me to get into the car pretty aggressively based on what I was wearing and how dark it was
there was no way that she could really have had much idea about what I actually look like to possibly find me attractive and even if she did I didn't know many women who would pick up a male stranger after midnight when alone in the car like that there were about 10 cars nearby she could have gone to if she just wanted to pick up a guy there was no reason that I could think of that she would have to resort to driving around offering to pick up strangers she continued to drive alongside me though and
offered me a ride again which I declined and just kept going I picked up my pace and she eventually drove off but as soon as she was a few blocks away I quickly got to my car and made sure that there was nobody looking around or close by but I don't know the whole scenario just felt so off and didn't make sense to me I asked my friends about it later and all of the women agreed they wouldn't offer a random guy a ride at nighttime they wouldn't offer a random guy a ride at nighttime
in that kind of scenario even if the guy did look like Ryan goling my suspicion is that there was someone laid back in the back seat or something of the car out of view with a weapon waiting to rob anyone who accepted the ride I couldn't really figure out any reason that she would be offering rides like that to complete strangers in the middle of the night as it would be very unsafe for her to just pick up random strangers like that I just assumed that there had to be something nefarious going on in that
car and I do wonder what would have happened if anyone would have just hopped in there with her [Music] this story happened to me back when I still lived at my parents house I was commuting to college at the time and had three siblings that also lived at home my brother and two sisters for some context we lived on 5 acres in rural Ohio surrounded on both sides by woods and farm Fields additionally during the week my dad normally left for work at like 2:00 in the morning so I had always felt like it was
my job to be the man of the house because he was gone during the times when you would imagine something sketchy happening however on this night because it was the weekend my dad was home I woke up to the sound of my brother's voice trying to get my attention but we had separate rooms upstairs and coming out of our rooms you would sort of look down over the banister to see our front door and when I woke up it took me a few moments to get out of the haze and realized what was going on
I looked at the clock and it was around 2:30 in the morning and my brother told me that there were two men at our front door of course now this is a real wakeup call obviously so I was pretty much awake now but we quietly walk out of my room and peek over to look down at the front door when we looked there was no one at the door but I noticed my parents off to the side at a view of the glass on the front door I whispered down to my dad and I whispered
down to my dad and he told me that there were two guys who had been talking to each other and knocking on the door hearing my dad say this freaked me out even more I went back into my room and grabbed my pistol quickly shuffling down the stairs after looking to make sure that they weren't at the door anymore if they had been they would have easily seen me coming down the stairs as it is in direct view of the door my brother is right behind me as we sort of head over to where my
parents are whispering to try and find out what was going on my parents had woken up to our dog barking apparently and come out to see these two men knocking loudly at the door at this point we see the Men return and they begin knocking again despite the fact that nobody had come to the door and our dog is still actively barking the fact that they were there at this time in a location where houses are spread out hundreds of yards and still knocking while the dog was barking made the situation even more terrifying after
a couple of minutes the men walk away and we all Shuffle across the kitchen in into the family room to peek out of the windows into our driveway which is lit up by our outside light there was a a black Cadillac sitting there but nobody inside from what we could see immediately the question was where did those guys go that they weren't in their car and they were no longer at the front door unfortunately we figured out the answer when the handles on our back French doors started jiggling they were actively trying to enter the
back of our house with she enters into the kitchen at this point I just remember my mom frantically saying David as pure Terror overwhelmed her two things happened as well adrenaline filled my body as I prepared my handgun horrified at the very real possibility that I might actually have to shoot these men secondly my dad finally grabbed the phone called the police and calmly told them what was happening thankfully after a minute of jiggling they stopped at the back door and disappeared it again only to return to their knocking at the front door however at
this point several minutes had gone by and suddenly we saw the local police fly up in multiple Cruisers with their lights on as they whipped into our driveway in front yard the two men bolted away attempting to run the long way around the house across the driveway one of them disappeared out of view but the other one was intercepted by an officer yelling for him to get on the ground he didn't and he was immediately tazed and F on the ground some of the officers went around the house after the other guy and one of
them came to talk to my dad as we came out of the front they ended up finding the other man hiding in my sister's little playhouse in the backyard and it appears that both of them were drunk or high or something as one of them had actually hid cocaine on himself and while they were both arrested that night we actually never did find out what they were charged with or what happened to them in the end needless to say the whole experience was not fun and it's definitely something that I do not want to go
through ever [Music] again so I a 26-year-old male have had what I believe is either two paranormal experiences or maybe my mind is playing tricks on me when I was in year 10 around 15 years of age around 2011 is I was staying up late on a Saturday night I was chilling in the lounge watching Comedy Central on TV under a blanket it was winter in New Zealand around midnight as I was watching TV I saw what resembled a a young boy with a bow styled haircut and what I can assume is eyess sockets just
pop out by the front door which was maybe 10 ft from where I was sitting I won't deny that my heart was wearing its brown pants that night I slowly got up wrapped my duvet around like it was going to protect me then this little person disappeared in front of my eyes I proceeded to basically put the light switch through the wall as I turned the lounge light on for protection I slowly peaked around the corner to see if he was still there but no he was gone I'm not sure why I slowly searched the
house looking for him as my family leftt but in the end I I found nothing the next day as I was in the lounge with my family I saw in the corner of my eye at the end of the hallway that same little boy go from what was our Wash House walk into what was our cupboards yes like a full body Apparition I told my mother who was sitting next to me about it but she told me that she saw him a few days prior and had invited him into the lounge at one point apparently
and well we moved shortly a few months mon after that the second experience though was around Co my family and I had to move from a house that we lived in for nearly 10 years because the landlords were selling it again I was watching TV late at night and I decided to go to bed at around 1: in the morning so I walked to where my room was at the end of the house in total darkness I knew the layout of the house like the back of my hand and as I turned I go into
my room I bumped into something I suddenly looked in front of me and there was what I can only describe as a a shadow of a person that was kind of well darkness that was blacker than the Blackness of the night the odd thing though about this Shadow was that it was taller than I am for context I'm 6'2 and I weighed about 90 kilos and this Shadow was huge it wasn't like I was mistaking it for something either I for some reason just apologized for bumping into it and I said sorry mate not thinking
that maybe this shadow person could have been a person who entered the house unlawfully or something but after said realization my heart put on its brown pants again I wasn't as Brave to go looking for said shadow person on this encounter and I proceeded to hide in my bed under the covers like the big coward that I am [Music] so for this I'm going to refer to my friends as bridemaid of honor and niece because this was a bachelorette trip it will be a year in March when my friends and I went to Chattanooga ten
to celebrate my childhood best friend's marriage it was a beautiful house on the Tennessee River very private and peaceful atmosphere it was on a nature trail so it felt very isolated though it was close enough to the city for us to go out and have some fun too anyway we all had a great time in the city then came back and started a fire in the fire pit we hung out until we got tired and eventually we went to bed we all decided to Bunk in the same room that had three double bunks and one
full bed it was a large room and we thought that we could all watch a movie together in there but ended up all deciding that we needed sleep to drive back the next day as my friends are used to falling asleep early I'm not so I was still Wide Awake as they were sleeping I got my phone and I started scrolling I I know it's a bad habit but I had really no other options of reading a book or anything as I'm laying there I just get this feeling all of a sudden and it's not
a good one I have had one paranormal experience before this and it didn't make me feel scared I just felt a bit confused I guess but this was different I felt my hair stand up like that feeling of something with ill intent was near me I look up at the other bunks my friends look fine so I continue scrolling and then I get the feeling again and I look up and this time I look towards the full-size bed where the bride and her little niece who tagged along were and I see a a dark Figure
Head bent down looking down at the niece but my heart stopped I couldn't move I kept thinking to myself that it's just a shadow from the stairway light coming in the room surely I looked down at my phone and eventually I get the courage to move my thumbs to text my boyfriend how scared I was which didn't help considering that he's not a believer in anything of that nature so he just says that you're just seeing things but after this I look up and the figure is gone which didn't make me feel any better only
worse because it only confirmed that what I saw was in fact a shadow from something and not a light in the stairway or anything so I jumped off from my bunk and bolted up the stairs and crashed on the couch and I just felt like a small kid who just watched a horror movie I also kept hearing what sounded like creaking from the stairs I thought of the old phrase it's just the house settling to try and calm myself then I called my boyfriend and he talked me down and I thought that he was probably
right but I was still shaking up eventually I I fell asleep at around 4: in the morning when the creaking stopped but woke up at around 6:00 and I got the courage to go downstairs to get into my bag for clothes and a few minutes after the maid of honor comes up and she looks confused and kind of freaked out and then says hey did the Bride come up here at all I said when because I only slept 2 hours and I've been up since like 6:00 she then says well I mean about that time
I could have sworn that I saw her up and go up the stairs I said uh no I don't think she came up here she says well I know I saw someone go up the stairs her face was white with fear and I said did you check the bed she then goes back down and looks and says in confusion she's in bed and so I just stood in confusion and said well what time did you you say you saw her again and she said that well only a couple of minutes ago it's just 6:05 and
I said maybe you just heard me I mean I've been up here since last night and she goes well I thought that I saw someone standing between their suitcases in the bed over her niece that was when my heart dropped and she knew that I hadn't been there and I didn't have to say anything at all my face said it she knew that I saw it too and needless to say we were happy to get out and not investigate I did feel guilty that I didn't stay downstairs with them to make sure that they were
okay after she confirmed what I saw however I was convinced that it was just my anxiety and my boyfriend being very skeptical made me think maybe I was just reacting but the look on my friend's face of pure confusion and fear it confirmed it for me I don't know if it's related but a few months later I learned one of the supposed most haunted places in Tennessee hail's bar is located just 2 mil on the River from this location also there was this really old cabin from the 1800s and they had decorated it for looks
on the property and it definitely had some weird Vibes to it it didn't help too that they had these old pictures inside of it of the owners I wish I'd remembered the name so I could see if they had any correlation to the hailes bomb Marena or something but in any case I won't be going back there anytime soon that's for sure when I was in high school I took a glass blowing course at a remote craft school called snow Farm it was located on the foothills of the birkshire mountains it was a twoe course
and our instructor was this guy in his early to mid 40s who was really nice and actually quite ripped as well well but also very friendly he wore glasses and a tank top to class every day which revealed these thick scars on the back of his neck and shoulder as well as a fully tattooed back the most interesting thing about his appearance however was this sort of I don't know like super villain esque scar running from the top of his forehead down across his right eye and ending at the bottom of his cheek as the
class got more friendly with him a few fellow classmates and I asked him what his back piece looked like he took off his shirt and revealed a vibrantly colorful tattoo of a dragon holding a box cutter when we asked him about the significance of the box cutter he told us an incredible story that I honestly wouldn't have believed had he not had the scars to prove it he began by telling us that he was an amateur boxer for many years and was quite familiar with fighting one day he was approached by a crackhead that started
screaming at him and trying to fight the CRA crackhead was apparently trying to rob him our instructor at the time punched the crackhead and knocked him unconscious he explained to us though that when someone is under the influence of crack cocaine meth or other intense stimulants they develop almost superhuman abilities I have heard stories like this since that corroborate this and after knocking him out he got right back up and kept at it he knocked him out a third time and this time the crackhead pulled out a box cutter and started SL flashing in our
instructor's face arms and back I'm not sure if the crackhead first attacked him from behind or maybe as he was walking away or something because the scars on his back of his neck made it seem like he was sliced by surprise but he knocked the crackhead out again this time grabbing the box cutter and stabbing him over and over in the chest with it he took off his shirt and tied it around his head to prevent the bleeding and he told us that every time his heart would beat blood would spurt out from his head
and and he then hopped on his bike and rode 20 minutes to the nearest hospital this story truly sounds like it's out of a movie but our instructor later explained to me privately that he too was smoking and selling crack at the time the fight was the result of a crackhead trying to steal his crack apparently and I asked him if he thinks that he killed the guy and he said that he had no idea because he left immediately afterward I got to thinking about how deep of a blade one would need to pierce internal
organs I'm not really sure but regardless I thought that it was the most valid story behind a tattoo that i' had ever heard he's been clean for years and he even has a wife and kids now apparently and him and his wife are quite successful in the glass blowing or metal working [Music] industry so to protect my client I'll be calling her Mrs spooky because I'm too lazy to come up with a better name but I a 21-year-old female started this job being an atome healthcare worker back in September the job at first was your
pretty average job all I basically had to do was to make sure my client was well taken care for and make sure that she had someone to talk to everything was very normal up until I started picking up more shifts at night I'm a college student and one morning I was getting my client's medication ready when her grandson who lives with her is about to walk out to go to work because he kept knocking over this can of for Breeze he then put the can of for Breeze in between the couch cushions so it couldn't
move 10 minutes after he leaves the can of for Breeze jumps out of the couch cushions does a flip and lands straight upwards I freak out for a second but then I play it off and tell myself that there's a reasonable explanation but it keeps continuing frames falling off of walls people talking in the kitchen and hallway when nobody is home but me and my client things being thrown at me even the figure of a face smeared against the kitchen window and even shadow people at times but last night was definitely the worst of it
you see I got there early yesterday because my client had a food package waiting to be put in the fridge my client greets me with a smile and I make her some mac and cheese after I put the the food up my client dropped a fork and asked me to wash it so I did while cleaning off the fork I hear a can fall behind me so I go to pick it up and the scrub Rush from the sink goes flying at me obviously I'm spooked by that but it's not the first time that this
has happened so I go back to hanging out with Mrs spooky things are pretty back to normal until I hear more things start to fall in the kitchen I think to my myself maybe a a cat snuck in again so I go and turn on the kitchen light but the light bulb bursts and the house goes from a good 94 my client gets cold easy to a cool 60-ish de at this point I'm hoping that there was just a weird power surch that has just turned everything off but I rush back to my client everything
is fine no power outages and it's still pretty hot in the living room but then a shadow moves in the kitchen and this time my client jumps back luckily her grandson pulled up right after this and even he was pretty spooked when I told him what had just happened but that was one of the first times that I've ever seen her react like that and that to me gave me confirmation that I'm not going crazy and that there's something in here maybe it's a a ghost or a demon or maybe someone has been in the
house without anyone knowing it [Music] the storage room that I mentioned earlier Creeks open ever so slightly not completely but just enough to see a a slid of darkness and plain as day I hear my mom call me from what sounded like the furthest corner of the storage room saying that she needed help putting something away my mom wasn't home at the time and I knew this but I didn't turn anything off and I just bolted upstairs and laid on the couch until my uncle got home from school he asked why I left the Xbox
on and he thought that I was sick and laughed at me and I just laughed back and said my bad won't happen again the only other time this happened was actually during a family dinner that we had cousins and pretty much our entire family over for a holiday my cousins and I were playing with Nerf guns in the living room and they got hungry at one point and went to get some more food so I sat by myself in the living room reloading my magazines with darts when something caught my eye upstairs same year as
the last encounter mind you I'm still eight or nine in this scenario it was my mom's room door and it had opened and because it was like 8:00 p.m. it was dark upstairs because no one was up there so there were no lights on but my mom had walked out from the darkness and kind of waved me over to her with a weird smile on her face I yelled to her why and she just kept waving me over not saying a word but I clearly really saw my mom so I didn't question her again and
started walking over but as I got to the start of the stairs I looked to my right and I saw my mom talking with my aunt at the dinner table so I walked over there and asked her what she wanted and if she'd been upstairs and she said no I immediately went back to the living room looked up the stairs and her door was closed again nothing like that ever happened again after that but it still gives me the chills when I think about [Music] it when I was a kid my little sister and I
were visiting my dad my older brother and sister that lived with him his new wife and her kids two girls and a boy in a small country town in southern Western Australia called MIM up there was only three bedrooms in the house two at the front of the house and one at the back my dad and his wife were in one of the front rooms and my brother and Stepbrother were in the other which left the last room at the very back of the house away from the others for us five girls this first night
that we were there it was a very hot summmer night and the house didn't have any air conditioning so being too hot to sleep we were just sitting in our beds just talking and catching up since it had been a few month since we had seen each other we had opened the bedroom window to catch the small Breeze that was blowing in the hopes of cooling the room down a little bit so that we could eventually sleep somewhat comfortably we're all chatting away and giggling around 1 in the morning and the rest of the household
seemed to be sound asleep when suddenly my big sister Sandy told us to all be quiet and listen when we did we all heard what I can only describe as a very loud rubber band being snapped over and over again it sounded like it was on a I don't know like a loudspeaker as well and what was even weirder was all the other night sounds that had stopped and the breeze was gone too it was so still apart from this rubber band noise we started whispering to each other about what it could be but really
couldn't explain it Sandy decided that we should go outside and see if we could see what it was since it sounded so close stupid kids I know but we all agreed and we headed out into the backyard once there the sound seemed to get louder for just a minute then it started to fade away or even kind of mve towards the front of the house the backyard joined to the driveway without any fence or gate so without saying anything to each other we all kind of just started following the sound down the driveway I honestly
don't know why I think we were all just very curious once we were out the front of the house the sound suddenly stopped and it was suddenly eerily still for just a second and then a baby started crying somewhere out past the front yard on the other side of the road which was Bushland at least when we talked about it later this is where we agreed that it sounded like it was coming from again we followed but when we got into the middle of the road it started sounding like it was coming from sort of
all around us my little sisters wanted to go back inside at this point but Sandy was worried that one of our neighbors toddlers had got out onto the Road somehow I don't know why this made sense to us but we started walking up and down the road a few hundred meters each way looking for any baby or toddler in the drainage ditches on the other side of the road or the edge of the Bush but we just never seemed to get any closer or further away from the crying after a few minutes the crying just
stopped and again it was silence we all stopped in our tracks and just looked at each other I was holding my breath but after a couple of seconds all the normal night sounds and the breeze just started again like nothing had happened suddenly though we were all absolutely terrified and ran home as fast as we could not stopping until we were back in bed and my sister Sandy had slammed the window closed too after a little bit we were able to kind of shake off what had just happened and go back to talking but we
never turned off the light or open the window again that night night we also didn't get much sleep too for the rest of our visit we never opened that window at night no matter how hot it was which made our dad finally go by a fan for the room and we also brought in a lamp that we kept on all night just to make us feel a little bit better my dad stepmom and brothers never woke up and never heard anything like what we did none of the neighbors kids had got out or were missing
so they kind of dismissed what we had said happened apart from telling us off for leaving the house at night I think they thought that we had just scared ourselves telling spooky stories or something we never heard either noise again mind you and my dad moved the family to another house about 6 months later so we eventually stopped talking about it this happened when I was about 12 or 13 I'm 43 now and to this day I still have no idea what the original sound was from while we felt like we needed to follow it
or if the baby crying was even related to it but when I think about it I still get freaked out I mean I just can't help but think that something was trying to lure us out of the house and if so why didn't anything happen when we did go outside if anyone has any ideas on how to explain my experience or even just what the rubber band noise might have been then I would love to know and please do share
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