How To Be A Successful Entrepreneur In 2017

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Iman Gadzhi
How To Start & Scale A Profitable Marketing Agency: Six Fi...
Video Transcript:
goddammit I love business coming close party game tell me closed party yeah so look you just got started in entrepreneurship maybe digital marketing so I would say that there is really only one thing that sets apart that entrepreneurs that win compared to the ones that don't and that one thing is persistence so as you guys can tell I'm having a rather good day it is Monday and I have a bunch of client meetings this week obviously that's actually why I'm here in Amsterdam right now the whole purpose of this trip was for my marketing agency
now this trip hasn't gone completely to plan I had to cancel all of my first week's meetings but now at least I have this week and I can be grateful for that and once again these meetings aren't to inquire or anything like that these meetings are to sign the dotted line and for them to get start as clients of mine so business is booming as well as that got some affiliate Commission's that have rolled through always fun to get some passive income apart from that influencer ignited it is launching very very soon as you guys
know and that is exciting as [ __ ] for me anyways my point is with all of this there are days in business where it is genuinely like taking a drug the high that you get from business or entrepreneurship is incomparable to anything else in the world trust me I know I've tried pretty much every other high I'm not exactly proud to say it but hey you know we're very transparent on this channel so look I can honestly say that when you have your good days in business it is the most fulfilling rewarding thing in
the world you know because you go into business you go into entrepreneurship and there's no roadmap you know people can help you people can guide you you can you can take courses coaches stuff like that but at the end of the day this thing is confusing as [ __ ] when you go into a job there's a clear path when you go into university school there's a clear path you just follow it with business you have no idea what the [ __ ] you're doing like the people at the highest level they still with most
things that they have no idea what the [ __ ] they're doing I know cuz right now I'm sitting in my business mentors house he's a millionaire and to this day there are projects that roll through he has no idea how the [ __ ] he's are gonna pull it off the point is he stays persistent now obviously he's been an entrepreneur for 15 years now I've been an entrepreneur for I guess you could say three years but realistically more along the lines of a year properly the thing you guys don't realize is that I
get [ __ ] thrown in my face all the time but the only reason I keep pushing forward is because I have this delusional persistence and that's what I recommend you guys have like look let me give you guys a couple examples I dropped out of high school like yes it was a calculated move but at the end the day I dropped out of high school everyone around me including my business mentor was like 'hey man what the [ __ ] are you doing like you are delusional you are ridiculous and hey I had to
stay persistent when even my own business mentor someone who has been an entrepreneur for 15 years even he was telling me dude like it's cool what you're doing but dropping out of high school at 17 you're [ __ ] out of your mind I persisted through all of that then the two three months after that I took all of that [ __ ] that was thrown at me and I channeled it into my business and then what happened I got big-headed you know business was going great so what do I do I hire someone with
a salary of $50,000 a year I'm 17 years old I decide to hire someone and you guys probably know him Ryan incredible guy you saw him on the channel briefly you know so I decided to hire him I decide hey it doesn't make sense to have someone local in the United Kingdom why don't you bring someone over from America so I bring over someone from America with a salary of $50,000 a year I get super [ __ ] big-headed then I decide hey you know what why don't I get a swanky 4 K a month
apartment so you know now we got an employee we got our apartment he comes over here and I have not set any structure at all the structural integrity of my marketing agency at that point was [ __ ] so Ryan he leaves after seven days and you know I like I don't even blame him because I had not been experienced enough as an entrepreneur and all those this sweet arrangement you know and we worked well together it wasn't anywhere near what I thought it would be so you know he goes back to America that month
I lost 50% of my clients cuz I said I could deliver on stuff which I couldn't actually deliver on so here we go my first employee stays only for a week and then he besides you you have no idea what the [ __ ] you're doing I'm out of here obviously that's not the exact reason his heart wasn't really in it it wasn't sort of the work he wanted to do but you get my point so you know he goes back to America I lose 50% of my total revenue my apartment that falls through because
now I have to put all my money and focus back into rebuilding in business that was early June then in August I lose 50% of my clients now if any of you guys haven't been in business long enough August is just like no matter what industry you're in August is just a ship on I end up losing 50% of my clients and once again I take full responsibility for that because I would say that I got complacent eivol complacent I didn't stay on the cutting edge of things and for that reason a few of my
clients actually dropped me and I'm more than happy to admit my fault there my point is well no [ __ ] you guys see the highlights I actually still document all of my lows but like of course you guys remember the highlights you guys don't go back and you remember the times where I had to stay persistent then in general every single day I have doubts like I doubt myself and that's normal like the funny thing is uh you're on the other side of this and you're doubting yourself and you have fear inside of you
and you think you're the only one you're not the only one we're all scared I need you to understand that we're all scared we all have no idea what the [ __ ] we're doing but the beautiful thing is if you stay persistent and you stay strong you always figure it out so for any of you guys out there who are having your low day right now in your entrepreneurial journey what I really want to say to you is that you're not alone you're generally not you know and I really really do mean that I
really hope you take that to heart and outside of that I just want you to like take a deep breath in right now and I just want you to be grateful I know this sounds weird I know a lawyer guys aren't into meditation or Eastern philosophy in the same way that I am but like I I really just want you to take a deep breath in and I want you to feel the gratitude just flow through your body because you need to understand maybe you're working 8 to 10 hours a day but you are working
8 to 10 hours a day for you you're working for your future you know you're not working 8 to 10 hours a day for someone else to make someone else you're doing it for yourself and the beautiful thing is I know most of you guys watching this you're probably doing some sort of digital marketing you know in the same position as my business mentors and you know when he started his business for three years he didn't take a salary for three years he wasn't making any money you know and then obviously it got to a
point where it starts making a lot of money and he's done very well that's beside the point if you're in digital marketing in your first year if you're dedicated if you stay persistent I think you should be making at least $50,000 probably more along the lines of $100,000 dude people go to university and they [ __ ] study and they will go up the corporate ladder and the whole process takes in ten years you can do it in one and you can do it for yourself not for someone else so really the only difference between
the wannabe entrepreneurs and the real ones is the fact that when times get tough the real ones stay persistent the wannabe entrepreneurs they go on Instagram they go look at some more motivational quotes go watch a rah-rah video they do that when [ __ ] hits the wall the real entrepreneurs they [ __ ] pull up their boots they get their elbows in the dirt and they [ __ ] make [ __ ] happen because that is what an entrepreneur does an entrepreneur finds solutions when everything is [ __ ] scrambled and there is no
light visible and they find that light anyways little rent over I'm hoping that this helped one of you guys out there time to get back to work I need to work on a few funnels print out some contracts and continue being delusionally persistent and working on my business when there is no light at the end so anyways you guys get the point I'll see you guys tomorrow
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