High Schooler Dismembers 8 Yr-Old Girl & GIFTS Body Parts To Lover For Role-Play Fantasy

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[Music] Bada Bing badao opilia is a higher up at one of Italy's most powerful mafas and she's got to thing for fingers the way that ofilia loves hands and fingers the way that the fingers curve especially when they're slightly slender they almost feel fragile when ailia is holding them in her hands like you could just snap a finger off like a little carrot when the fingers are slightly bent the knuckles that softly curve I mean everything about about hands just gets ofilia going she loves them she loves hands and she hates the fact that she
only has one her right hand was chopped off during this particularly nasty fight with the Enemy Mafia they're fighting over territory they're fighting over land which is why ofilia is now sitting here sipping a cocktail in the middle of this very busy bar in South Korea yeah hung this person named Kim shows up Kim is part of that enemy Mafia and the two of them I mean I don't know how I would describe them other than enemies that are still enemies but are sometimes sadistically romantically involved with each other they hate each other they're destined
to despise each other they're from opposing mafias but right now Kim is sitting next to ailia and pushes a bag closer to her what is it take a look ofilia appears inside and she smiles this is why she keeps Kim around this is why they get along only k Kim would know that money gold these aren't even good gifts Kim asks sophilia isn't it pretty very pretty ofilia looks up Smiles at Kim and then ofilia uses both of her hands to tuck the gift bag under the table because opilia right hand was never chopped off
opilia is not a mafia boss opilia is not even her real name in fact she's never even been to Italy she is a 17-year-old girl from South Korea that met Kim on a role playing website but then the question is who is Kim why would Kim actually kill for her because inside of that bag are very real chunks of human lungs human thighs as well as a single severed finger a pretty little finger [Music] we would like to thank today's sponsors who have made it possible for rotten mango to support Palestine children's Relief Fund they
are volunteer-based and provide free medical care and humanitarian Aid to thousands of injured abused abandoned children really any child in need this episode's Partnerships have also made it possible to support rotten mingo's growing team and we'd also like to thank you guys for your continued support as as we work on our mission to be worthy Advocates as always full show notes are available at Rotten Mingo podcast.com few quick disclaimers on this case there are mentions of self- exit cannibalism dismemberment other details of graphic crimes they all unfortunately also involve juvenile so please keep that in
mind going into it but with that being said today's case is Korean we had our wonderful Korean translators help assist in the Gathering of data for this case and another thing to note is we only know the last names of the parties involved due to Korea's privacy laws the victim is given an alias so we're going to stick with that with that being said let's get into it there are online communities in South Korea that you can join it's a mixture of the games Dungeons and Dragons Mafia and social media you have the role-play aspect
from Dungeons and Dragons the mystery plot driven game aspect of the game Mafia and it's all combined in social media chat rooms here's how some of them work obviously each Community each chat room plays by different rules and this is just a sub genre of a bigger Community essentially but there are chat rooms you can join with game Masters chat room owners they start the chat room they let anybody that they approve inside the chat room and they're the one guiding this game they've all concocted a plot that you can read up on before you
join or before you apply to join an example would be this chat room plot is a high school that has been shut down during the zombie apocalypse if you are infected Ed with the virus it takes 72 hours before symptoms arise it is up to the students to decide which five students are positive with the virus before the 72 Mark is over meanwhile the five infected students know that they are infected and want to quietly infect as many people as possible the catch here is the ones with the virus they emanate a very specific scent
that scent is very weak in the first few hours of infection but within 72 hours it becomes overpowering but the more people that you infect the less intense your scent becomes it's almost like you are giving away some of that scent to each person that you infect so it would be in every infected person's interest self-interest to infect as many people as quickly as possible mhm if you decide that this is a game that you want to play you likely already have a host of characters that you've been playing like you have a a repertoire
maybe you have 10 characters that you've already recycled in different chat rooms because it takes a lot of energy to come up with every single individual character so maybe you have a high school character a middle-aged character some fantasy characters that have superpowers ready to be recycled maybe a little bit tweaked to be used in different chat rooms however if you want to play then you have to create a character and submit that character to the game master the more thorough the character developing is the more fun the game becomes so let's say you want
to join the zombie chat room you would create a high schooler let's say I'm creating a junior in high school a girl named Susie she's very smart she has a studious personality but that's boring right we got to add more to her character but it's because she's being manipulated by the teachers she has this one teacher that's groomed her since middle school and he helps her get all the exam grades before the tests come around she thinks that she's in love with this teacher but it could also be because her parents are incredibly strict with
her getting the best grades she just found out that not only are they quarantining in this high school with the teacher that's grooming her right there's people infected with the zombie virus but this teacher has essentially manipulated her exerted control over her since she was younger and she just found out that he's been doing this to all these other students as well saying the same things now her objective is to find out who has the virus and somehow without exposing herself in the process to get them to give the teacher the virus because she wants
to kill the teacher yes for example if she finds out that Michelle is infected it would be in her best interest to somehow get Michelle and the teacher constantly in the same room together and to perhaps evolve into something that they shouldn't but she doesn't think that she should die she wants to get out alive she doesn't care if her other peers do all her end goal is get into that dream College still and get that teacher infected so that he can die that's all she cares about she doesn't care about identifying which student so
that they can kill him off she doesn't care about other students getting out carefully she wants to find out who has the virus so they can give it to the teacher so when she's playing basically she's like keep on setting up a scenario for this Michelle and the teacher to be in the same room that's her whole objective yes but first she has to find out which ones have the virus and she has to make sure they don't get killed by the other students who they're probably their best interest is to kill the infected students
right right right okay now I believe in most cases if I'm not mistaken the game master will go through and approve each character's request to be admitted into the game which means they read through all the characters backstories they want to create the most complicated plot they don't want just someone to come in and be like I am a high school girl who's smart but likes Kevin that it's not enough and once the characters are in this chat room they create social media profiles for their character there's one big chat room with the game master
that will narrate the events of that night night one of the high school zombie apocalypse the students have organized a meeting in the stadium where each student was to go up to the podium and explain why they couldn't have been the ones to be infected to try and give Alibis to try and give proof there was a vote with paper slips of names being slipped into a box that would vote off 20 students that seemed the most suspicious the whole process was incredibly tense with the group stopping to argue Non-Stop about how is this Fair
are there better methods who should even be in control of counting the freaking votes the students opted for a public counting each slip would have to have been opened in front of everyone shown the name read and separated into piles those students were then barricaded into a classroom with no way out one of those students happens to be a powerful governor's daughter and now the governor and the police are heavily involved in tracking the movements of every single student inside that school and they have sent a very strong message if the governor's daughter does not
get out alive and uninfected nobody else will but most alarming is last night on floor 5 there is a girl found in one of the bathroom stalls she was drowned in the toilet there is a note in her pocket that reads watch out it's not the virus that can kill you it's in the Water Systems so these are the what this is the setup of the whole game by the game master yes so the game master it's like Mafia where they have to narrate every single sequence of events recap and then give a new Mission
okay so the it's in the water system but the water system control panels is in room 251 the room where the 20 students have been locked in and they're waiting to get out they're waiting to kill beat up or possibly infect everyone that locked them in there to begin with we will all gather by the end of day tonight in the chat rooms to discuss what is the next step what to do and what we have all learned so now each chat room player is then ready to go off into groups you can start a
new chat room with just maybe five people in there almost like you walk into a classroom and there's only five people having a little meeting or you can have oneon-one direct messages with other people and you can trade secrets you can lie to other people and then by the end of the night given in that time period everyone comes into the big chat and they start saying what they know no I was talking to Michelle and she said this I was talking to Kevin and she said this mhmh kind of like Among Us yeah it's
like Among Us yes that's a very good but it's it's such a fun fascinating concept that I think that I would really be into I think I I think I would really enjoy being a game master just depending on how each game is played and how it's set up you can actually be immersed in One Singular roleplay Story one room for days weeks some have gone 6 months there's actually warnings in some of these communities sometimes when your character is killed off in rather graphic ways and since you've been so immersed in these people in
this life in this character with everybody around you in this storyline they say it almost feels jarring there is a sense of almost emotional betrayal many in those communities have said I mean sometimes it can be a lot it feels like someone in you died and then you have to remind yourself that's literally a roleplay chat room why am I crying why do I feel grief why do I feel like I've been broken up with I imagine it's like acting you get attached to your character and when something happens or maybe you get killed off
in the middle of the season and everybody goes on without you you have to disconnect from The Real World emotions of that I think that's why it's up to the game master to make sure that each person is well vetted that's also very important because imagine everyone is playing this well-crafted roleplay and yet there's an immature troll that's like I walk into the room and I kill 20 students with my samurai sword everything everyone has to be immersed in the fantasy interestingly enough I believe some of the bigger web tune authors and game illustrators they've
all at least to some degree have been in role playing communities online so it's not this weird Niche Community it seems pretty common a lot of people enjoy it it's a community that everyone tries to keep up with everybody's fantasies for example if you describe your character's backstory nobody is going to be like okay cool story bro because then no one wants to hang out with them they're going to engage they're going to treat it like it's real they're not going to be like that's gross and immature you're dumb it's going to be very realistic
which also means people have the ability to lie in these chat rooms they can lie about their ages there could be a 25-year-old guy talking to a 17-year-old girl trying to get more information on her in the real world not her character but you would never really know because that's the point of the community you never break the fantasy which if you're not careful it can lead to some very very dangerous situations one of the role-play chat rooms for today's case two separate Italian mafias that hate each other but somehow a higher up boss of
Mafia a and a random henchmen for Mafia B have fallen in this weird angsty seually tense relationship one of the people in the chat room is opilia Clemens her bio reads well do you even know my name she's a higher up in one of the mafias who seems to be interested in dating the henchman named PJ from the enemy mafia they have a bit of an enemies to lover storyline it seems more like they hate like each other their idea of flirting consists of torturing each other and trying to murder one another their messages to
each other are semi threatening semi flirtatious like when one of them does something to harm the other they'll text each other all revenge is beautiful and devastating of course it is then I'll be waiting PJ's profile reads mentally speaking I'm not great male 5' 7 in tall 141 lb now opilia the mafia boss seems to have that character of put together woman that's forced to be harsh considering she's in this male dominated field and everybody's trying to kill her she has to be even more ruthless than her male counterparts for the reason that she has
something to prove as a woman as a Mafia Boss that happens to be a woman she didn't get to the Top by smiling and being nice to boys PJ on the other hand is just an unhinged mentally unwell henchmen for the other Mafia he likes to kill for the thrill of killing he would post on Twitter things like the most pain is to grab a fistful of your own hair and slam your head up against the wall but at least you'll be knocked out doesn't it feel painful to cut your neck before you cut your
nerves off the top of the neck is the most comfortable in terms of cutting the cartilage I've never eaten Brain before have you so the two of them they have this tumultuous relationship where they'll try to kidnap torture each other at one point ofilia kidnaps PJ holds PJ hostage Force feeds him human flesh which results in PJ developing a massive phobia of chewing and swallowing but secretly PJ starts to develop this almost craving for the taste of human meat particularly the lungs and the organs and then ofilia would sa PJ but according to the characters
deep deep deep deep down PJ likes the abuse he likes being abused by opilia so all these are being talked about in the chat room yes so even the kidnapping is narrated it's almost like I kidnap you so I I believe there's asteris or parentheses for actions and they even do like emotes so they'll write something asterisk smirking I don't know if that's all the roleplay chat rooms but I know for this specific one these specific details that's how they do it in the roleplay chat rooms a message goes out from PJ to ofilia the
two mafia members PJ Tex oia I'm going hunting but this is the interesting part PJ sends a real life picture of themselves wearing this Mafia Hitman style outfit so this is becoming like a blending of the roleplay and reality because this is not a fake Internet photo or at least that's what opilia thinks this looks like a very real photo photo of PJ PJ promises to bring ofilia her favorites fingers and lungs that's in the role play that's part of their little role play because remember opilia loves fingers and PJ has a thing for lungs
right now but in the real world March 29th 2017 a little 8-year-old girl named sadang goes missing sadang is her pseudonym by the way her real identity has not been revealed on the wishes of her parents now 8-year-old's hatang goes missing after school but the thing is she goes missing in her apartment complex they call it an apartment forest in South Korea it's a collection of the same apartment building they look identical in this massive Park it's a big giant Circle and there's maybe 12 giant skyscrapers tall buildings scattered around and then on the ground
there's little playgrounds there's little walking areas recreational areas scattered about you could live your whole life in one of these apartment complexes and they all have this massive group chat every every single resident has a group chat and it is becoming overly active March 29th a mom is looking for her child has anybody seen her what's her name sang from complex D maybe the child fell asleep at a friend's house these are real text messages in that group oh I know that child redacted mom is probably taking her in for a snack they're really close
have you guys checked at her friend's house it has been a few hours since the little 8-year-old girls hang has gone missing and it's a very safe relatively wealthy area but why is everybody on edge it doesn't make makes sense there had been recent reports that a cult had been approaching all the kids with coins and snacks promising to take them to an arcade if they follow them and each child would follow them eventually the parents would find them the child would have had so much fun the cult would use this as an opportunity to
lure the parents into joining or at least trying to slowly indoctrinate them through their children yeah there have been reports of that so people are getting freaked out typically nothing happens to the children they have fun at the arcade but we don't know it's not a great feeling for the parents besides Tang's parents know their daughter they're saying she's not the type to go anywhere even an arcade without asking her parents first this doesn't make sense the police are called and they're quick with their search they find the little girl that was last seen playing
with sadang Sang's friend they were playing at the playground and they asked her where did your friends hatang go she asked this adult for their phone to call her mom to tell her mom that she wanted to play more at the playground but the person said that they didn't have any battery on their phone which is why sang followed them to their apartment which apartment that building they pull CCTV cameras of that building and they see wait that's ha no sure enough they see her around 1:00 p.m. following this figure up to a floor 13
of one of the nearby buildings it's good they found her there's nothing about the footage that's alarming it's not like the adult with her is grabbing her hand forcibly pulling her into the apartment it's just the only thing is the figure is a little weird the person in the elevator with her is wearing in a suit with sunglasses they're carrying a large suitcase with them but they won't look at any of the CCTV cameras and it's just something about this person's body movements it's yes their clothes are weird the suitcase is weird the suitcase they're
dragging it but it feels awfully light the way they're dragging it like there's nothing in there is it a big one or I would say about carryon size oh so it's a smaller one yes but it's just whipping around it's not it's just weird I don't think I could ever whip around like that unless it's full empty MH and the way that they move in the clothing it doesn't seem like they're comfortable it doesn't feel right it's just weird they can't really put their finger on it and it almost seems like they're dressed like a
caricature of a mafia Hitman or something but it's fine they get off on the 13th floor they just need to search the 13th floor right the police search the whole floor they turn floor 13 upside down and these two are nowhere to be found they start combing through the rest of the footage to maybe 8-year-old Tang is seen coming back down or maybe she goes to another floor in the elevator but no they just see other residents going about their day they see teenagers in their pajamas throwing out trash moms hauling groceries inside grandmas going
on their afternoon walks they don't see an 8-year-old tatang anywhere so they got out on 13th floor and police checked every single residence on the 13th floor and nothing nothing nothing even a Miss nothing suspicious nothing that looks like the people in the footage one of the lead investigators would later say say along the lines of this is good I mean not that the situation is good but considering the facts this is a very safe area it's a densely packed apartment Forest they call it which is you know and the same apartment building her grandparents
live in them the complex itself is right around the corner from a police station it's incredibly low crime they know which building she was last seen going up to maybe she took the stairs where there's no cameras and clearly she didn't leave the building there's no footage of her coming down which means she's in the building somewhere in some of these 15 floors they just have to find her because how else does an 8-year-old leave the building without the police knowing that same day March 29th 2017 Katie this is a fake name because she wishes
to be anonymous but she does tell authorities and reporters what happened March 29th Katie says she got a text message from one of her distant friends I guess you could call them come to my dinner party I'm slicing up some meat right now it'll be fun tonight night Katie's looking at our phone it's Wednesday night an impromptu dinner party from someone I mean this friend is just it doesn't feel right she flips over on her bed and sends a very polite sorry I can't make it maybe next time she just thought what a weird invite
what a weird person whatever she throws her phone on her nightstand falls asleep but within a few hours Katie says she jerks awake she hears someone punching in the numbers to her door code in Korea most people don't have key locks on their apartment doors but but rather they have door keypads where you input a code to unlock the door but each time you press a number it's it's a noise it's like a beeping noise she hears beep beep beep beep beep and her eyes are wide open she can't see anything the whole room is
dark and she hears someone has come into the apartment she hears loud heavy footsteps and it sounds like it's coming closer and closer to her room the door swings open and Katie says she sees that friend the creepy friend that invited her to the creepy dinner party the one that Katie turned down standing in her doorway holding a knife you didn't come over the friend starts charging towards her with the knife and Katie said she screams wakes up from The Nightmare drenched in sweat she's frantic she's breathing very quickly checks the time middle of the
night thank God this whole thing was a nightmare Katie reaches over grabs her phone but the in invite to that dinner party was very real her strange friend Kim really had invited her to a dinner party Kim is the one from the beginning of the story that givs opilia the fingers the police are stuck they have no idea where 8-year-old Tang has gone inside this building they take the footage of her going up to the 13th floor with this random person and they start asking the residents do you know who this person is with 8-year-olds
Tang I don't know I think that looks like the resident from floor 15 I don't know why they're dressed like that but I think it's them that's strange floor 15 are you sure yeah I'm pretty certain do you see why that's weird they got out on floor 13 yeah and they have a suitcase why would you walk up two levels with a suitcase and get off on floor 13 it just doesn't make sense unless you're hiding something unless you want everyone to think that you live on floor 13 or misguide them what did you say
the residents names are again oh it's it's the Kim family authorities rush into the apartment in question the Kim house on the 15th floor they Rush past the front door past the kitchen and when they get to the living room they're standing there and they're staring at a completely spotless living room nothing is a Miss nothing is in disarray not a single hair out of place the lead investigator points at the bedroom doors they split off they search the entire house room by room closet by closet bedrooms cleared closets cleared kitchen cleared restroom cleared not
a single drop of blood not a single hair nothing there is absolutely nothing except on the way out the investigators see in the corner of the entryway shoved to the side a pair of shoes tiny tiny small shoes small enough to fit an 8-year-old they bring in the luminol they spray it across the bathroom the kitchen everywhere they turn down the lights and the whole bathroom lights up someone had cleaned up an entire crime scene the bathtub in particular was that one Point recently caked and smeared in blood to the point that this indicates some
kind of dismemberment murder or torture of some sort but one question authorities have is how were they able to clean it up so well it almost seems like a seasoned professional hit job the work of a professional what did you say the Kims do anyway I think the resident said the dad is a doctor a few months later the door of the courtroom pushes open and in walk 12 attorneys from some of the top law firms in South Korea this is the dream team of attorneys they are the best of the best in the criminal
defense attorney field to get them on retainer each one would be at least $10,000 if not more there's 12 of them 12 of them you're talking about lawyers fees close to a million maybe wow they're here to defend their client 8-year-old sadang killer 16-year-old Kim the daughter of a well-established doctor it's not the doctor it's his daughter 16-year-old Kim she was the last one seen on the CCTV footage with sadang she was wearing her mom's oversized suit oversized sunglasses dragging around a suitcase that's why the figure looks so weird it's like a little kid wearing
clothes that they're not comfortable with that are a little too big for them loring's hadang into the house she is the only one that was in the Kim family family apartment the whole time during the murder 16-year-old Kim is now on trial for the murder of 8-year-old sang when Kim was first brought into the police station immediately after her arrest she was arrested I want to say 16 hours after sang went missing or after the Murder She wasn't reported missing until later so maybe like 12 hours after she was reported missing and she the 16-year-old
cleaned up the whole apartment in actually less than 2 hours hours like spotless not a single drop of blood wow 2 hours and the police almost overlooked it if it's not for the shoes if it wasn't for the shoes I think she would have gotten away with it for a while I mean perhaps they would have eventually come down to her but yeah it would have taken longer wow when Kim is first brought into the police station after her arrest she's led into the interrogation room the investigators that aren't maybe working on this case but
they knew that some of their peers were cuzz they're working other cases they're looking at her and they're asking their peers is that another witness you got coming in just from the way she carried herself her look nobody assumed that they caught the killer she looked more like a helpful neighbor that might be able to provide a few more statements a few more insights to the prosecutors not a full-blown killer who dismembered an 8-year-old one of the officers even asked the one that killed and dismembered a child is a child a child killed a child
the interrogators bring her into the room and up close she actually looks even younger than her age she almost has this plush cheeks innocent childlike naive appearance she looks like a fresh-faced maybe 13-year-old but it's chilling the investigator working on the case said her eyes she would just follow you with her eyes observing and staring so intently they said it was very creepy she just looks at them and she bluntly States I don't remember I think I had a dream I don't know my head just hurt so much and it felt like someone had hit
me on the head and then when I woke up I just had a feeling that I had done something bad but I don't remember I really killed her I thought it was a dream I don't remember you don't remember the police are like you don't remember anything let's jog your memory then 10:50 a.m. she goes out hunting with her new disguise on trying very clearly to make herself appear like she does not live at this apartment complex because why else is she lugging around a suitcase it's not like there's a kill kit in there there's
nothing in there it seems like she's trying to misguide people into thinking that she's a visitor rather than a resident and then she gets off on the 13th floor this whole outfit she's wearing sunglasses she's trying to appeared like an adult you don't remember any of that she doesn't remember how 8-year-old sang was playing with her friends on the playground but wanted to call her mom to ask her if she could stay out longer but she doesn't have a phone so she went to the only adult that was at the playground and she specifically even
went to a woman because a lot of kids are taught in South Korea and probably perhaps everywhere you know you don't really approach a male adult for help you approach someone who looks like a mom is typically the advice that's given to children she approaches a female adult Excuse Me Miss I need to call my mother can I borrow your phone the woman in this oversized Blazer AKA Kim leans down gets eye level with hang and smiles my phone battery is dead why don't we go back to my house and you can use my landline
forensic data would later show that Kim's phone was indeed not dead and had a lot of battery 8-year-old sang did not know that sang looked around debating on what to do her friend said that there were no other adults readily available otherwise she would have just been like oh it's okay I'll just go to the next adult and ask for their cell phone and she does have to call her mom before she stays longer that's the rule they have and her friend has seen her talking to this nice woman even if she wasn't eight I
think most people would have been like okay I'm sure this is safe she tells her friend she's going to be right back and she goes with her Kim again is not pressuring her is not creeping her out her voice her attire the fact that she lives in the same apartment complex that Sang's family also Lives In Everything points to the idea that this is a safe thing to do the two walk up to Kim's apartment with no incident if you watch CCTV footage of them in the elevator Kim is neither dragging hatang neither forcing her
to follow she's incredibly nonchalant they even briefly share some small talk in the elevator we don't know what they've said but it seems very casual technically it's like following a neighbor into their house to fetch something for your parents that's the energy here but now Kim is telling the investigators that she doesn't remember getting off with hang on the 13th floor she doesn't remember walking up to flights of stairs to her own apartment on the 15th floor for the sole purpose of trying to mislead whoever's watching the CCTV cameras she doesn't remember then getting the
little girl into the apartment where both of her parents are off at work so she's completely alone with her and then strangling her with a charging cord like a phone charging cord just wrapping it around her neck and strangling her she then proceeds to take off 8-year-old's hung's clothes so to not get blood on them for whatever reason placing her into the bathtub grabbing six of her mom's kitchen knives to dismember her she starts first by severing Sang's right hand pinky finger interestingly the knives were cleaned before being put back in their original spot she
has no memory of that either there though she also doesn't remember pouring bleach down her whole body to wipe off the blood after Sang's dismemberment she poured bleach on her own body to make sure she had none of Sang's blood on her she showered in Bleach again I do want to mention that this whole murder took place over the span of roughly 2 hours that's how long it took for Kim to lure hatang enter her house strangle her dismember her then clean up every single drop of blood in that entire house and then get rid
of her remains in Just 2 hours and she doesn't remember anything because right after the murder that same day when the whole neighborhood is looking for sang she even posts on her social media question mark question mark question mark what question mark the child apparently disappeared in my neighborhood cuz at this point it wasn't just the apartment complex looking for this little girl it seemed like it was the whole town a few hours later right before the arrest she tweets I'm going to be away for a while dot dot dot you don't remember any of
that when she's confronted with with all of this information her parents shut her up and state it's not that she doesn't remember it's the fact that she is not responsible for anything she has done or said because she has schizophrenia and did she is insane oh so parents are in the room with her the parents decide that they're going to have the lawyers plead Insanity oh and they're the parents are very supportive of their daughter I don't know if I want to say supportive but they're very protective of their daughter they're not good people the
parents wow yeah they're not good people and now they're staunchly arguing my child is Innocent by reason of insanity Not Guilty by reason of insanity because she has schizophrenia and did oh the parents so the parents are rich doctors yes the that is and they're the one that hire 12 lawyers for her yes but there's going to be another defendant that also hires 12 like they all hire a bunch of attorneys I'm talking these attorneys aren't even just the best they used to be judges they used to be prosecutors they know the system in and
out these people are experienced and they have connections the family are just very wealthy very wealthy I know that Kim's dad is a doctor some sources state that Kim's mom is also a doctor or she's in the medical field but I don't know what kind of doctors they are I I mean doctors in Korea they do well yeah Kim just bluntly States now there's another me inside of me what this girl is claiming that she has did and schizophrenia Kim is claiming that she has two altars a and j a strangled the victim's neck and
J dismembered the corpse she states that day I heard hallucinations so I went outside and was watching the kids just random kids at the playground and in the midst of my hallucinations I saw the kid harassing a cat hurting a cat on the playground and I got angry seeing that because I have a cat myself and the hallucinations told me to do it I took her home and I committed the crime or at least my ALT her did I'm rolling my eyes because it's ridiculous she further claims that she constantly Hears A ringing in her
ear which actually is a very real condition called ttis I believe where one hears ringing or slight buzzing in one or both of their ears it could be caused by a whole range of issues hearing loss Whiplash head injuries too much ear wax there is no link to ttis and schizophrenia at least not that I could find I will say there is a link interestingly between ttis and anxiety and depression though but none to schizophrenia not that it matters because even if she is schizophrenic that is not link to coldblooded murder most people that suffer
from schizophrenia or did do not commit violent crimes but because that's the defense's claim now both parties the defense and the prosecutors they got to bring psychologists in to see if she was in fact not in her right mind it's not enough to be schizophrenic and to have did you have to prove that you were in a state of psychosis during the murder the psychiatrists go in and they start reviewing all of Kim's records Kim actually does have a psychiatric record even just last year before the murder Kim was seeing a psychiatrist because she admitted
to her art teacher that she wanted to strangle a cat maybe even hinted that she had she gets reported and the psychiatrist writes in her notes patient states it's not that the violence comes out of me but I think there is a lot of violence inside of me I thought I should strangle a cat once and I watch a ton of gory cruel movies patient also States very bluntly it's better I think that 2/3 of the human population disappear I think it's better for Humanity to survive in smaller numbers just remove the bottom layer it
would be the best some classmates indicate that Kim has this strong air of superiority around her her dad's a doctor and they drive around in these expensive cars and her psychiatrists also worry that she's got some antisocial Tendencies you know she doesn't make a lot of friends one of her favorite pastimes is to just sit at the neighborhood playground watching little kids run around it's a slightly alarming thing to do she often tells her doctor doctor that she's depressed struggling and wants to end it all she said she lies down at home all the time
sometimes she draws sometimes she reads but a lot of times she doesn't have the energy for anything except maybe punching her bed or ripping at her dolls okay she has a lot of builtup anger resentment just boiling inside of her in South Korea every year they do an emotional Behavior test for all students in schools this is very interesting but it's it's supposed to be an early intervention measure I don't know how well it's implemented or executed but the purpose would be to identify the students who are at risk of mental health issues and provide
early help according to Kim's reports she scored higher than normal on the self- exit score meaning she was actually placed in the group of concern for her school kids that might need intervention which is another reason I think she had to undergo therapy now Kim wasn't actually in school at the time of the murder even though she's 16 so I'm not sure if that test is from a year before or right before she dropped out but she drops out of high school which is not that common in South Korea especially for the daughter of a
doctor they even asked her why and she bluntly tells the authorities there's nothing more to learn at school but back then when she was in school she does have a very unapproachable attitude her teachers State she's really smart I will say that she has an IQ of 140 and typically does really well for herself in terms of grades always on top of her class she Aus yeah she's in the gifted education programs for math and sciences one of the comments left by her teacher on the reports reads makes efforts to independently solve problems and tasks
which is pretty good for a 16-year-old but she's what you would call a smartass yeah they said she's a smartass she would ask questions in class which is great yes but a lot of the times they had nothing to do with the subject matter she was so persisting that was what her teacher said about her it's almost like she wants to interrogate her teachers when she asks questions she doesn't want to learn she wants to interrogate them classmates remember her being called a prodigy growing up she learned how to read very quickly when she was
very very young before the average reading age she was also very interested in medicine and Anatomy she would just carry around medical books and tell everyone she's going to be a doctor just like her dad but there does seem to be some trouble at home with her dad one time when classmates said once Kim came to class with this eye patch and like a pirates eye patch multiple days had passed and everyone thought it was so strange so they asked her what's wrong with your eye she lifted up the entire whites of her eyes were
bloody clearly she was injured she said my dad hit me because I missed a single day of Hagan which is after school tutoring she's claiming her dad punched her in the face it was widely agreed upon that yes Kim is smart but she uses all of her smarts to be calculating and persistent more than anything the type of person that uses all their brain capacity for bad that's just the feeling that everyone got from her even before the crime Kim also liked to draw she had a ton of drawings that she would Post online so
the authorities and psychologists had to analyze all of those now there's not too many public observations of each specific drawing but I will say that a lot of those drawings have been made public and right off the bat you can just tell Kim likes to draw very very dark things almost all of her drawings center around cannibalism harm V score weapons death just dark stuff she has one drawing of a person sitting at this dinner table with this plate of food in front of them there's a wine glass on the table and the whole drawing
is in this light blue shaded color except the food except the liquid and the wine glass they're the only ones in color and they're both drawn in this dark deep shade of red I'm going to be blunt I think the person is being forced to eat human flesh and drink human blood that's what this drawing looks like the person in the drawing is holding the knife but also trying to not gag and their other hand is covering their mouth like they're going to throw up everywhere which is very interesting because remember Kim's roleplay character was
PJ and PJ was forced to eat human flesh by ofilia do you remember that so do we can we assume that this is Kim drawing Kim is this a depiction of PJ how closely does she feel with the person that she's drawing it's just very interesting her roleplay drawings in another drawing there's just a decapitated head on a plate half the scalp has been peeled off and opened kind of like a bowl if you will half the head is peeled open and you just see a brain it feels like someone is about to grab a
spoon and start scooping out the brain and eating it it's all very gory and done very specific some people believe that this picture of the brain being eaten is almost a cry for help from Kim to almost indicate that she doesn't know what's going on inside of her head almost like she wants to crack open her head and see what's going on maybe she's got some yeah that a lot of people say that's the analysis that was taken away now it's all very gory but it's done in a very specific almost anime inspired drawing style
that it doesn't feel initially startling there are other drawings with just close-ups of people's necks with ligature marks around them it looks like they had just recently been strangled another one of a scared looking girl that's covered in blood there's drawings of bloody eyeballs cut in half and thrown onto a plate to be consumed one art therapist analyzed Kim's drawings and said the human head is originally quite a symmetrical structure but if you look at this subject's drawings they're all different not symmetrical most of them are not this can be seen as an instable psychological
state of the subject or someone who's not in balance it could also represent someone who has a very aggressive or threatening tendency the drawing of the head is not symmetrical there's always something going wrong with the head to make it asymmetrical okay I don't know how common this is it could just be a me thing or maybe it's girl math but I am the type of person who will convince myself that I need a subscription service for a year because it's cheaper than if I bought it month to month I'll buy that service for the
year and then I will use it maybe the first week of the month listen just the streaming services alone I can honestly tell you that I never get my money's worth because I always forget about them within a month or someone else in the family has it my husband has it or this is my second time getting the subscription it's just so much to keep up with even if I do buy just the monthly subscription again I'll forget and it'll never get cancelled until until that is I got rocket money when I started using rocket
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forget it and you're like oh I didn't even realize that they charged me twice rocket money makes it so easy by letting me see all of my subscriptions in just one place and on top of that if I don't want that subscription anymore they'll help me cancel it with just a few clicks rocket money even helps with managing my budget they give me this clear outline on my spending this month and compare it to last month to give me a clear view of my spending habits and trajectory plus they'll help me create a custom budget
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cancel your unwanted subscriptions by going to Rocket money.com roton that's rocket money.com roten rocket money.com roten and overall most of Kim's drawings they they said that there does seem to be a clear indication of inconsistent psychological States the emotion of xiety and overall emotional agitation seems to be very present another analysis includes and I don't know how they got to this okay based on the way that each stroke is handled and the contents of the drawings just an overview of all the drawings the psychologist said it appears Kim is very self assertive in her personality
even her brush Strokes they don't seem hesitant they don't seem like someone who is erasing and then redoing and contemplating and is unsure of their movements unsure of their ability to draw it shows someone who's very self assured but has somewhat paranoid Tendencies whoa another observation is it appears Kim wants to receive attention from others but there's a clear hesitation and reluctance about it so there does seem to be some reports that children of that age when they're around 16 and they draw a lot of these dark things there might be an inner need to
want to receive attention but also hesitation because maybe the attention that she receives from her parents or is not the type of attention she wants it's unclear now ultimately the psychologist analyzed there's almost no chance however okay regardless of her drawings that she actually has did or schizophrenia all of her symptoms appear to be someone pretending to have such disorders but she may or may not have now side note quick disclaimer here her official records show that she may have Asperger syndrome this is no longer recognized as an actual disorder at least in the United
States I'm not sure about Korea if I'm not mistaken the disorder was no longer formally recognized in the US in 2013 but Kim is diagnosed in 2017 so I don't know if things are just different in South Korea but in the US it would have been diagnosed as autism which is just a diagnosis that again has nothing to do with her crime just like did and schizophrenia it does not make her more or less likely to commit a crime and like I said people with such diagnosis are are more often than not victims of violent
crimes rather than perpetrators but you get what I'm saying she's diagnosed with autism M that doesn't mean anything because she wasn't in a state of psychosis when one pleads Insanity you can't just show proof of any sort of mental health disorder and state that you're insane you're not insane you have to quite literally be in a state of not knowing what you're doing and there is just way too much planning to be involved in this murder to say that I truly don't know what I was doing I wasn't in my right mind there's clear meditation
the disguise the cleanup the disposal everything even before during and after the Kim's got some interesting Google searches she's searching Up Juvenile commits murder find a way to get rid of blood showing up in luminol test duration of blood showing up on luminol test is it illegal to sprinkle corpse cremation remains in the sea puan murder case without a body she doesn't even live in puan so I think she's referencing a former case she lives in inan which is where the airport is that's how most people would recognize the city I think Butchery how to
make bone powder cremation sea burial whoa this is like long before this is an hour or two before and even during she even searches up very specific elementary schools and their schedules what time they get off that does not seem to be someone who is in a state of psychosis the way she also dismembers hang's body in the bathtub putting her organs and fingers separately in a bucket there's evidence that she cut off the finger first took out all of hang's organs and put them in a bucket of water so that they don't go bad
oh my gosh yeah then she continues to dismember the rest of Sang's body again that doesn't sound like someone who's in a state of psychosis wait what happened to the girl's body though we're going to get there okay she manages to clean the entire bathroom getting rid of every drop and Speck of blood and at the end she stands in the shower herself and pours bleach on her own body to get rid of any blood stains on her again not psychosis in fact the crime scene was so clean that the authorities initially suspected that her
parents must have been involved they were like they must have come home must have seen what happened and helped her clean up there's no way a 16-year-old did this but her parents have an airtight Alibi there's no way anybody else was in that apartment aside from Kim ultimately you can't just say you're crazy and just get a mental health diagnosis in order to be deemed Not Guilty by reason of insanity but apparently Kim doesn't know this one cellmate of Kim said what this is while they're waiting for the trial this is while they're doing all
the tests all the psychiatrists are coming in she's lawyered up the cellmate said this girl is weird very strange the very first day she came into our cell block she sat down joined a group of inmates she didn't even introduce herself she didn't ask anybody else for their names she just sat down stared at each one and said ask me questions about my case like she knew they that her case was famous and she's doing some sort of Q&A but most of the time they said Kim was just very pissy and as if someone had
wronged her like someone did this to her very UD is the feeling UD in Korean is it's a very specific word sadness is your sad oga is sadness due to some sort of Injustice typically like you didn't do anything wrong and why are they doing this to me I'm so sad I'm so upset it's like I just feel pity for myself one day her cellmate said she comes in practically skipping which is a change she's humming she's singing she's laughing and this is after a meeting with her attorney they said that they'd never seen Kim
in such a good mood what's it the High Spirits did your lawyer say something they said if I have a mental illness I'll get 5 to 10 years so I have hope again wow after Kim again another disclaimer this no longer exists after Kim's Asperger's diagnosis her parents sent her books on Asperger syndrome for her to read and the inmate said that she would just every day she would read a page and symptom that she would read up on or that action she would read up on would become her whole personality it's like she's method
acting in prison she was so creepy that the guards and other inmates that have children they would hide their photos of their babies around Kim cuz they're like I I don't want to her to remember my kid's face I don't want her to do anything with my kid I'm scared and the fact that parents gave her a book yeah wow they know what they're doing too oh yeah one of Kim's doctors said the possibility of mental illness is low in terms of the legal letter of the law it would have to just be that she
does not know where she was or what she was doing or what would have been the result of her actions which is not the case here at one point in jail awaiting trial she even turns to her cellmate and says because I'm crazy I'm innocent right nobody agreed with her not after what she did not after how she left Sang's body 10 hours after sang is reported missing before Kim is arrested that night the forensics team of the police department as well as the firefighters are gathered up on the rooftop nobody's saying anything it's pretty
clear nothing is going as planned because just a few hours ago they're like this is good she's somewhere in the building but now it's not looking good the rooftop is not a pleasant space it's not a rooftop bar or lounge area or a communal area it's just a roof with all the air conditioning units and this platform imagine a roof as a rectangle in the center of this rectangle there's a square it's a platform but in order to get to the top of that square you have to walk up a flight of stairs and then
climb up this 10t vertical ladder and on top of this Square in the middle of the roof there's just a water tank so it's a very tall platform for a water tank yes and the only thing on there is a water tank there would be no reason for anyone else to be up there firefighters and Fric teams they're staring at this platform and Kang's family they're not allowed on the rooftop but they can just sense they said that they could just sense their lives were never going to be the same they might have had hope
but when they see these four forensic team Vehicles arrive at the scene they said they were starting to lose everything they just had this terrible feeling they were screaming at the police please can you just tell me what's going on if we can't go up and they said that they knew it was wrong when nobody would say anything and nobody could even hold their eye contact so they're like what's going on in this roof the firefighters start slowly climbing up the platform which side note even for some of the forensic teams climbing up this very
straight vertical ladder even if they were to fall off they're not going to fall off the roof it's not that dangerous but it's just creepy it's scary they said it it was hard and it's crazy to think that someone is coming up here by themselves willingly so they climb all the way up and right next to the ladder on top are two white bags two of them nothing alarming about the bags from the outside there's no blood no dirt clean two white bags that are filled with stuff but then you look to the left of
those bags right next to it is hang's diary that she carries to school every single day it's placed right next to the white bag and this is so weird we don't have an explanation for this you know when you're just little you pick out what outfit you're going to wear to school the next day and you almost lay it out like you're wearing it so you lay out the T-shirt flat on the bed and then the jeans flat on the bed like a little person right that's how Tang's clothes are laid out that is crazy
there's no reasoning for it either that's some really sick Behavior it's almost like a a a sign a signal of something no blood just her clothes are laid out so the forensics teams reach over open up the white bags and they find the dismembered remains of 8-year-old sang obviously the grief of finding her little body is high but these teams are trained to observe and take the emotions out of it until later and they noticed something fascinating on the white bag that The Remains were placed in again not a single drop of blood this is
the cleanest Body Disposal that they had ever seen there's blood inside the body but on the outside how did they get the remains in without getting any it's just done like a professional hit and when you say dismembered body what do you mean a lot of pieces like big chunky chunks yeah and that takes a lot of effort a lot six knives were used and a lot of blood it's yeah yeah and the fact that there's no blood on the outside of the bags considering how many separate pieces of body parts were in the bags
is just a lot now the second thing that the forensic teams notice is the full body of the little girl is not in this bag there are parts of her that are missing her organs some of them and interestingly her right hand pinky is missing the police turn to each other and they say search the food waste bins now now there's a lot of context needed here the first being we mentioned earlier that the entire apartment for the Kims was spotless not even a single drop of blood is found which means there's no way that
there are any human remains left hiding inside that apartment which means the only other place that there could be human remains is the food waste bins of this apartment complex so in the US there's usually two trash shoots in apartment buildings regular trash and recyclables there's a bit of an honor System here I believe you sort your trash yourself you throw it into the according bins that shared with other residents of your apartment complex the those massive bins or dumpsters then get picked up by the corresponding Waste Management teams regular trash I'm sure usually ends
up getting burned or in the landfills recycling bin typically ends up hopefully in a recycling facility but all of it is pretty optional for the residents you know there's no law that you have to sort your trash like that you could just throw all your trash including your recyclables into the general trash it's morally not great but legally nothing's going to happen to you in South Korea that is not the case all the trash has to be sorted by each citizen there's rule books General waste includes all non-recyclables tissues sanitary pads mixed material and packaging
you have to purchase specific waste bags at supermarkets for all in different sizes and different colors based on the district you're in the districts have their own labeling then you can also throw into General waste food waste that can't be digested by animals so you're talking shells really thick bones certain vegetable peels that they can't compost and feed livestock now those are sorted separately then you have food waste that can be turned into compost for Animals then you have recyclables oversized waste like furniture and appliances they have special waste Electronics light bulbs batteries those are
all separate the trash then gets sorted Once More by waste management and because South Korea's cameras near trash bins are so high if you are resident number 365 out of 1,000 residents from that apartment building and you throw a recyclable into the general wastebin you're going to get a text message and you're going to get a fine they're going to know it's you even if there's no identifying features in that waste bag there's no address there's no letter mail that you accidentally slipped in there they're going to find you like we have family friends who
have a place in South Korea and they'll get text messages while they're in America and they're like hey you didn't sort your trash well so we're going to find you yeah it's crazy yeah now if you were to put human organs into the general waist bin they're going to track it to you they track a recyclable water bottle in there to you and they find you they're going to track it to you the only reasonable place to put it in would be to chop it up to make it appear like compostable food waste animal liver
stuff like that and throw it into the food waste bins those are not as heavily regulated because you're not going through each one you can't tell either yeah they're usually just scanned to make sure there's no metals and Plastics in there and then turned into animal feed wow the forensic team te were able to find Sang's organs in the food waste bins yeah I guess she did not cut them up so they were just like Globs of human oh my God it just seemed like Kim had gutted her like an animal for consumption when they
run through the CCTV cameras again they see a teenager Kim wearing her pajamas appearing as if she'd been rolling around in bed all day bringing down a baggie of food waste and placing it in the bin yeah I don't know how Kim left her apartment the day of the murder I don't know if she took the stairs but she gets out of her building she's wearing a disguise then she gets out on floor 13 with tang there's no CCTV cameras in the hallways or the stairwells she takes the stairs up to the 15th floor with
hadang mhm kills her takes her dismembered remains takes the stairs to the 16th floor again no cameras disposes of her body parts goes back to the 15th floor changes into pajamas and walks out and gets on the elevator like she's just throwing out some food waste wa didn't didn't you say she brought a finger to oh we're going to get there so she throws out some of the organs into the food waste and she even text her mom before that she texts her mom I'm taking out the food waste I deserve a bonus when investigators
piece together as hung's remains they realize that there are still a few pieces missing most notably her lungs and her right pinky finger the police traced Kim's full day from disposing of Sang's body parts on the Rooftop at 300 p.m. the murder took place around 12:50 p.m. so truly 2 hours is till her arrest that was around midnight that same night there about 9 hours of where did she take the pinky and lungs for the 9 hours that are unaccounted for did she hide them somewhere did she dispose of them somewhere where the hell are
they a friend of Kim's comes forward she told me that she was going to meet up with a Twitter friend I don't know an online friend that she met on Twitter I I don't know they were going to grab drinks in the city so with that investigators track Kim's movements she gets on a subway goes all the way from Inon South Korea which is where the main airport is down to hung in the city of H it's about a 40-minute subway ride when authorities watch her through CCTV cameras getting off at around 550 p.m. she
meets up with somebody and what is she carrying what is that she's carrying a small little shopping bag like a gift bag on camera she hands it over to the Twitter friend who accepts it and inside wears hang's lungs pieces of her flesh and her right pinky finger you know those skincare dropper bottles like you squeeze the top and then you apply it mhm mhm the finger was placed in a glass dropper bottle in liquid oh my oh my gosh the friend takes the gift and they link arms and start walking the two of them
then go go on to order fried chicken bites and they walk around swinging around this gift bag with no care in the world that a little 8-year-old girl's body parts are in that bag so now the next question is who the hell is this Twitter friend and does she know what's in the bag and does she know that just a few hours ago Kim was dismembering a little 8-year-old girl in her bathroom yeah the Twitter friend is 18-year-old Park and park always had a thing for hands I mean at first glance Park is a very
ordinary girl she graduated high SCH school but she has to retake the college entrance exam so she's apparently studying for that her personality is very someone describes her as she's always calm quiet no laughing but she's also not wild but also not depressed and crying just like very in between I don't know just no feeling is that how I should say that it's very clear that her parents were strict her mom is an elementary school teacher and her dad is a higher up at a big Corporation they said very wealthy I another wealthy girl yes
they live in tungu in kangam which is very expensive so two very wealthy girl yes they said it's Park is weird I've never seen her get emotional or even raise her voice not even once she's just very Bland well-mannered polite the only extraordinary thing about Park is like I said her family's wealthy very wealthy other than that nothing stands out well one of her former classmates in high school said she's she's really sweet very quiet always either sleeping or on her phone nothing else but sometimes she would caress your hand while talking if you're telling
her about your weekend very naturally slowly she'll grab your hand and start stroking your fingers while you're talking and just interrupt you you have very pretty hands the classmate said for sure it seemed like she had some kind of hand fetish but having a hand fetish is not something abnormal or something that would indicate criminality in somebody so what does this very normal girl that has nothing to do with Kim and the gruesome murder of an 8-year-old Tang how are they connected I mean if she has this strong liking for hands could it be possible
that she was purchasing the finger from Kim is that what's going on because Park is kind of the Wild Card Kim from the beginning of the investigation it's very clear that Kim's got a lot of plans and none of them are good it is believed that Kim strangled multiple cats during her childhood not she stated she thought about it but people believe she did There's stories that she even fully dismembered and pulled part a bird on one occasion which is wild considering earlier she tried to argue that she was having that hallucination and killed satang
because she saw satang harming a cat which I don't even believe first of all and second of all it's like you've been accused of killing cats and birds so you can't really stay on on this moral High Ground of animal abuse is bad anyway Kim constantly lurks on the character community's frequently creating all sorts of characters one time she's a teenage girl that self- exited and I guess she's telling Grim stories on social media now other times she's an unemployed alcoholic in her 30s or a mafia henchmen that's unhinged every character that Kim develops seems
to only escalate in their dark background lore and even the types of chat rooms that she starts joining apparently they're just getting more and more gory and violent maybe the crime is her way of living out her fantasies her interest in life clearly skew darker classmates of Kim said that girl liked anything that had to do with cannibalism she would quite literally eat it up anything bizarre gory that freaks other people out dismemberment stories she's always reading them she even joked about how much she loves the American TV show Hannibal about a brilliant psychiatrist Dr
Hannibal Lecter who happens to be a serial killer and a Serial cannibal on the side he's being hunted down by an equally brilliant FBI profiler Will Graham who happens to be Dr lecter's patient so the FBI agent hunting down the serial killer needs therapy and his therapist is the very serial killer that he's hunting because his therapist is sick and twisted he starts playing mind games with will even attempting to slowly make this FBI agent insane she's obsessed with that show now one fascinating part of the show Hannibal is that all the cannibalistic scenes all
the human flesh is prepared by the seral killer Hannibal himself but he prepares his meals like he's Gordon Ramsey like a Michelin starred Chef listening to classical music spending hours crafting the perfect taste profile it's a visual experience the concept of cannibalism mixed with the highly meticulous delicate culinary art is good but Kim would write I really crave cannibalism after watching that show I keep trying to download more episodes of Hannibal it's an American drama where he cooks with dismembered bodies and even shares them with acquaintances Kim had met park or should I say opilia
online 2 months before the murder and instantly Kim is attracted to Parks tweets and messages about her fascination with hands Park was sending anybody on these character chat rooms just videos of people massaging hands sensually slowly writing messages like someday I want to touch your fingers like this too this video might actually be too much for our kids yeah they were I don't know it's just a lot now later the authorities ask Park about the gift that she received because it's such an odd part of the the body to be missing the right hand Pinky
and they also ask Kim and Kim says I thought the fingers were pretty I thought it'd make a really good gift why did you also bring a knife when you went to meet with Park oh to eat with it wait there's a knife in the back too she brought a knife separately not in the bag but inside the bag there's thigh flesh there's lungs and the finger so she's trying to go eat the thighs and the lungs because remember Kim's character was forced to eat lungs mhm and they developed a weird craving for it oia's
right hand was chopped off so she gets a right severed pinky right so they're still like role playing more or less before all of this yeah I I don't know if I want to say they're role playing cuz I wonder if it almost gives the connotation that they're insane but I think they want to bring role playing to the real world yeah they're really like sick and twisted yeah they want to make it so after the murder Kim brings Park fingers in human flesh to consume together as a gift but again why would anyone take
mutilated organs and corpse pieces as a gift Park is brought in and she looks at the investigators in this creepy interrogation room and she tells them about the gift bag she received and how she just thought it was a gift from an online friend but she never even looked inside in fact she said she didn't even know there were body parts in there until just now what what do you mean okay she said I just took it home and I got rid of it the next day without ever checking what's in the bag I threw
it away because it was a week day and I was scared that my mom would find it and realize that I was out hanging with friends and I just took it and threw it out without even opening it that does not even remotely make sense as something that somebody would do maybe you throw out the packaging but you're going to at least look you're going to at least keep the gift and act like what are you talking about mom I've always had this when the authorities confront her with that she changes her mind and she
says okay yes I did open the bag but I felt like you would think I'm genuinely guilty if I told you that let me tell you what really happened what really happened was she states she was role playing with Kim Kim told her she was going to bring her some organs in the role play she opens up the bag thinking you know they look like organs yeah they do but they can't obviously be organs that's insane so she's like they're props Park is like I thought they were props really really good props like you use
in the movies okay then where are these really good highquality props now and park says I threw them away the next morning when I woke up I opened the shopping bag and I still thought it was a prop and I wanted to get rid of it and I was about to throw it away but I thought it looked so real that I was scared it would shock the waste management teams I just thought if I threw it away even though it is a prop I felt like they would still freak out I'm not an expert
but I touched it and it looked like it was made out of some sort of high quality protein I thought the protein is food waste so I just cut the lungs and fingers into really small pieces put them into a plastic bag and threw them out with the food waste she also states that she put on plastic gloves and used kitchen scissors to finally chop up the pieces of the finger to throw them into the food waste as to not alarm them what the authorities know first of all there's no prop that looks that real
which even if there is once you start touching it and you start finally chopping it dicing it mincing it up you're going to have a clear idea that this is not a prop before Kim is even arrested both Kim and park had deleted their conversations on social media networks they had deleted their Kaka messages which is like WhatsApp of South Korea their Twitter DMS all deleted before Kim's arrest in the beginning so it's like they're clearly trying to delete something the police in South Korea were able to reach out to the US justice department who
reached out to Twitter to recover some of those deleted messages and these are just things that they've been able to get back and have also been made public and some of these phone call contents were later revealed by Kim but just keep keep in mind at the time she doesn't reveal them so there's a phone call plac between Kim and Park from 10:56 a.m. to 11:07 on the day of the murder we don't know what they talked about how long was the call from 10:56 to 11:07 so that's like um 20 minutes yeah not that
long maybe they talked about the weather maybe they talked about murdering someone we don't know earlier that week Kim texted Park I'm planning to commit a crime this week and I'll meet you with your favorites fingers and lungs right Park text be sure to check the CCTV cameras around the crime scene send me a picture of your disguise so I know you're not exposing yourself Park claims again she was just role playing the morning of the murder sure enough Kim sends Park a picture of herself wearing the disguise her mom's oversized clothes pants suit sunglasses
carrying a suitcase she sends the selfie with the text message I'm going hunting Miss Park you're Dr very pretty quite flashy the little kids's playground is visible from my apartment then one of them is going to die like she literally does a killing spells it out like you know how you go she spells it out yeah one of them is going to today what time does Elementary School finish again remember Park's mom is an elementary school teacher so she tells Kim lunch starts at 12:00 the lower grades probably go straight home after eating later Kim
text Park I caught one the situation was good I brought her home saying she could use my phone did you check the CCTV footage yeah I checked I haven't been caught is she still alive she's still alive but I'm going to wrap a cord around her neck we know that little hang followed Kim to her apartment around 1:00 p.m. and there's a series of phone calls placed between the two during that time frame that sang is in Kim's apartment and before her body is disposed of one call at 1:00 p.m. 1:37 p.m. 1:38 p.m. we
don't know the exact details of these three calls but we do know at 2:20 P.M there's a phone call placed from Kim to park where Kim tells her I cleaned up the body let's meet up after I clean up the restroom soon a string of text messages gets sent from Kim to park please save me there's a dead person in front of my eyes H there's so much blood it's terrible should I bring you human organs Park just fingers or lungs would be good then one last call before Kim disposes of Sang's Body On The
Rooftop at 2:52 p.m. where apparently Kim asks Park to meet she says let's meet I'll give you something as a gift then if we follow the security cameras and the clear timeline we know that the two girls meet up in hung the exchanging of the gift happens when both of them part ways at 600 p.m. is they get back from their outing Kim texts again are your fingers pretty because she gifted it to park it's pretty good job then around 8:00 p.m. it seems that the news of hanang going missing and the police are just
stressing them out especially Park the one that received the fingers she text Kim there would have CCTV of you meeting me and giving me the gift let's say it was cookies in the bag a little while after that Kim tells Park that her mom called to let her know that the police are looking for Kim Kim is like I'm about to go down she's she's about to get arrested when Kim tells Park that Park responds am I going to get involved in this what's going to happen to me I'm so anxious I could die I'm
throwing up I guarantee to keep you out of it you will not have a criminal record Park conveniently responds I really like you do you believe me I believe you I'll buy you flowers one day park then Kim sends another message for now I'm stating that I have mental issues this is crazy all these text messages have been very clearly proving that Park indeed knew what was going on and she indeed was not phased At All by the fact that Kim killed a little girl because in one of the last text messages Park sends Kim
she writes I think it's going to be a Pity that I can't see you so once the police uncover these messages and texts they realize okay clearly both both these girls are involved they both know way more than what they're saying Kim just kept arguing that she always she has fake memories that were planted inside her brain she's got all these mental health disorders she doesn't remember she felt like she was in a dream she was killing the cat but then she states for park park did not know those were real organs she's sticking by
that she's like Park had nothing to do with this how does that even make sense how could she have not known it feels like Kim is covering for Park but it's so curious isn't it a 16-year-old girl from inchan an 18-year-old girl from they've only met each other a few times in person have only been online friends for a month or two it's not like they're best friends why on Earth would Kim cover for Park would there be a reason does Park have something on Kim police go through more data more accounts and they find
Kim messaging a friend of hers about an incident recently between her and park and how they met up went into a dark alleyway and started making out 10 days before the murder the police state that they were shocked to find out that Kim and park were quote lovers netizens start going crazy when this new development breaks they start commenting what kind of Third Rate low-level krama soap op our plot is this we don't care if their lovers or not give them the death penalty but most netizens felt a sense of a sense of unease during
this time they said it feels just like a sick onion the more we peel the more and more we're uncovering what else are we going to discover side note this seems to be a pattern for Kim another witness comes forward to authorities to state that she was actually chatting with a guy that she met on one of these role playing communities and she really liked the guy they're getting along so well she thought okay you know what maybe I'll meet up with them in person they arranged to meet up at a very public Cafe but
when she gets there it's not a guy it's Kim which fine I mean the two of them had so much in common for a reason there's no reason that they can't be friends right they grab a coffee and since that day forward for the next however long Kim would call her every single day before school right after school if she didn't pick up Kim would bombard her with angry cursing messages and when she ignored those Kim would call back apologizing and crying it would just be 25 different emotions back to back one time she even
came to the girl's house without notice or even being invited the girl's parents put Kim back on a bus and sent her home she was very possessive another time she was hanging out with another friend of hers when they noticed wait something something just moved behind you she goes back behind the display stand in the cafe looks and Kim is crouching behind and hiding it was alarming just emotional mood swings were a lot in one single text message Kim would say things like how are you doing baby but also I want to bang my head
on a piece of wood and die because you're not responding for the investigators yes all of this is new information but they need to use it to their advantage so they think we're going to drive a wedge between them two because as of right now Kim is stating she has mental disorders that impair her understanding from right and wrong which is an unbelievable defense however she comes from a wealthy family in most countries money can buy you innocence or at least it can buy you less time time add to the fact that she's a minor
in South Korea with crazy juvenile sentencing protection laws the investigators need a slam dunk as for Park she's not a juvenile she's 18 when the crime took place but she's arguing that it's roleplay they don't even have the pieces missing in their possession to try to see if it could be even considered a prop right it could technically be argued that she was in character during all of that and she had nothing to do with any of this again a very unbelievable defense but Park also comes from a wealthy family so the best way to
proce is when you have two perpetrators that turn on each other cuz they almost sounds like they could get away with this yes which is what they do the interrogator sits down with Kim we just talked to your friend Park she's not involved in any of this oh yeah we know she told us she's not she said I don't know why I was hanging out with such trash in the first place yeah I mean obviously the police thought she was guilty for a reason she must be trash yeah she told us the time that she
spent with you was quite unpleasant and it just made her uncomfortable so they talk each other to them the interrogator said right when those words came out Kim's entire face expression changed that girl has no reason to speak so badly of me she should pay for her crimes too did you know that Park knew about the murders and actually conspired with me those were her words what do you mean how could she ever really think that finger is a prop do you really believe that there's no way that she did that okay she knew they
were real body parts and with that the two girls quote lovers they turn on each other Kim's new story is that they were playing the murder game that Park is the mafia boss cuz that's what her character is and Kim is a henchman and the two were going to throw a Hannibal themed human flesh party but they needed to acquire the flesh first and park was the one giving her instructions she said Park ordered it and because I'm mentally ill I felt a compulsion to listen to whatever Park told me to do because I was
scared of Park yeah she said if Kim ever wanted to back out Park would instigate her push her and say things like if killing people is nothing to you if you kill someone give me their pinky finger and lungs just egging her on she said even when she gave Park the gift while they were out eating fried chicken park opened the bag checked inside and they talked about how pretty the finger was so she's like Park's lying Park knows about all of this and park wanted me to do this and they asked Kim why would
you protect Park in the beginning and she said I wanted Park not to be punished so if I'm punished because I did everything alone then Park could still visit and be my friend as to why she's confessing about park being involved now she says well I tried to protect park for a while but my parents and relatives told me that it's best to change my mind on that and do what's right for the victim which is to tell the full truth wow now there's going to be two trials with two defenses and two stories if
you will Kim who claims that Park ordered this and then Park who claims the whole time she thought this was a role playing game she didn't realize any of this is real she argued I had no idea Kim would actually commit murder I thought we were playing like we usually do interestingly enough in court though Park was the picture of remorse I think she had a lot of training and guidance from her attorneys but she behaved in the way that the public at least maybe wanted her to that she couldn't that moment she's bowing her
head she's apologizing she's trying to appear like she's reflecting on her actions Kim on the other hand she's very blunt when she answers question she doesn't seem embarrassed or feel an ounce of guilt one of the trial Specialists present said it was fascinating when she sat down she would look at everybody in the courtroom like this her expression side eying everyone yeah like just looking at them like what what her expression could only be interpreted as one that feels no guilt when Witnesses would take the stand to speak her face always had the expression of
okay then let's see what you have to say about me at one point the prosecutor's side was going to call Sang's mother as a witness to testify on the stand during Kim's trial Kim's defense team tried to block that by stating why do we have to call the victim's mother to court and hurt her twice as if they care about anything but getting Kim last time because if the mother comes it's you know it's going to be more depressing and everybody is going to see the impact and it's going to make Kim look worse additionally
if you think it's that bad a jailhouse informant came forward to say that in jail Kim was complaining about how everybody's forcing her to apologize to Sang's parents she said to her cellmates I'm having a hard time too why do I have to keep apologizing she said I keep having to think about the incident and it's very scary I just want to forget but I'm told I need to remember all these details I mean I'm a person who deserves to suffer yeah but I'm going crazy I just hope this is all over very soon it's
hard to be alive I want to die but if I die then there's still going to be people sad when I'm gone so I can't die I don't know who you're talking about overall the way Kim was handling herself in court was just startling she's very Brazen even when someone would ask her a question about the crime she would just say could you repeat that I didn't understand could you speak clear please one time her attorney was speaking in a microphone and I guess the court couldn't hear him and they were like can you please
like move the microphone and she just reaches over and pulls the microphone closer to his mouth to the lawyer's mouth yeah just like come on you don't even know how to do your job like that's her energy wow yeah it's very clear she does not care another example the prosecutors had Kim on the stand and they're asking her for the community name that she and park met online in and she just stares and responds I mean I have the name but I don't know why that's important the community chat room is just the place that
I met Park nothing more nothing less wow I mean yeah but that must have been to a prosecutor she didn't find attractive at one point during the trial she stated that one of the prosecutors was very handsome and afterwards when he was in the courthouse she would keep fixing her hair and looking at herself in the mirror crazy someone that was present at Kim's trial wrote on a forum her face looked more innocent and nice than I would think if you pass through a busy part of horr she has the type of face that you'll
see every 10 seconds I would ask to borrow her phone if I needed to it's the kind of face that I would follow without any doubt if they asked me to quickly follow them home and the voice her voice is so kind so in Korea there's two types of teenagers there's teenagers who look like law abiding teenagers and then there's teenagers that even as adult you just know to stay away from and you can tell you go into a store and there's usually three groups of teenagers and just their they're like yeah and then they
start cussing and then you're like okay I don't think I would ever ask them to their phone but she looks like she'd be in her school uniform and very soft and kind is kind of the what she's trying to say here mhm for most of Kim's trial she just spent it throwing all the blame on Park even though she's the one that physically murdered Tang she just kept saying things like I have Aspergers Park was exploiting me Park would then have a chance to refute those statements and she would argue she doesn't have Aspergers she's
just a cruel person I know nothing about any of this at one point the two of them Kim and park they just start screaming at each other in the courthouse during the middle of the tri they would call each other sons of yeah for most of Park's trials she did seem a bit more like I said apologetic right but um I don't know if this is a reflection of people overanalyzing or skinny culture but I thought it was fascinating that a lot of news headlines read Park is gaining weight during the trial so it must
mean she's comfortable what yeah which I just feel like you would never say in America like that is such a weird observation to make because people stressy like that yeah but but they were like it seems like she's comfortable enough to digest food it's weird so then you have these two trials for these two girls pointing the finger at each other but one interesting thing to note and I don't know how to decipher this okay like I don't know how to understand it Kim is 16 she's the one that physically kills T yeah Park is
18 and even their roles in the role-play fantasies Park is the mafia boss she's the older one she's the mafia boss Kim is a Hench man however in their text messages Park is using honorifics to Kim which is formal Korean that indicates respect Kim does not use honorifics for Park which doesn't make sense so usually both parties will use honorifics if it's in like a workplace setting or if they don't feel comfortable or only the younger person uses honorifics or both people speak casually yeah so that that's weird what does that mean that means Kim
is in a higher status certain kind of St status don't know what but one prosecutor thinks this actually they think that Park is smart Park gives off a very very calming impression however she's the type to try to control the situation without ever engaging and getting her hands dirty so they believe even her using honorifics is a way to make Kim feel like she's in control make it appear like Kim is the one doing everything but she's probably through phone calls and other messages emotionally manipulating her into doing something right okay but because her language
is very like oh I'm I'm not the one in charge here yeah it's she's doing all of this without getting her hands dirty I see the the prosecutors also believe that park has a lot more to do with the crime just the phone calls in the middle of the crime really Kim is in this High intense emotional state where there is a dead body in her house and she's just calling you to talk about the weather yeah people actually believe that Park was guiding her giving her instruction during those phone calls Sang's grandparents that live
in the same building they can't even sleep without medicating themselves Sang's parents were recommended by their doctors to take psychiatric medications but they both said they're scared cuz they read online that sometimes you can have strong visual things pop up in your mind when you're on these meds and they're scared of what they'll see sat's grandmother would later cry and this is hang's Dad's mother she cries my granddaughter what do I do I'm here asking every Korean will the perpetrator not be found guilty please save us please my poor son my son Sang's Uncle cried
to reporters why why would they take someone else's pretty child and kill her why would they do that I want to know why why just tell me why Sang's mom said during the trial although it's hard to even breathe after losing a child whose mere existence brought happiness and strength I have to bring up this uncomfortable story again because I know it's a parents duty to reveal the truth and the end for their child as you've seen through the broadcast and newspapers the perpetrators have put together a 12p person defense team claiming it was an
impulsive crime mental disorders however they conspired with the words let's hunt to plan this incident and brutally murdered mutilated and abandoned an innocent 8-year-old child how can they argue this was impulsive my heart is torn by the behavior of trying to cover up such a crime with social status and money without ethics or morality I plead to all the parents of this land I am the mother of sadang the victim of the inan 8-year-old murder case she begged parents to sign a petition to abolish the juvenile sentencing law during the end of the trial Sang's
mom had to go and give a victim impact statement she says about the day everyone was looking for sadang the police went silent no one would say anything and my husband was crying what do we do what do we do that's when I realized my child wasn't coming back I couldn't sleep or breathe I so I just moved as if I was running away I thought if I could just Escape just keep moving I might be able to breathe I went to see my daughter's body in the morg I didn't expect her face to be
like that my daughter couldn't close her eyes half of her face was dark red with blood I wanted to see my daughter and pretty closeth to send her off but she wasn't in a state for that so I had to cut up one dress into different pieces because she was dismembered so that I could dress her she continues they said they were going hunting how can they say that they're not human please hold the defendants accountable for their crimes and deliver a verdict befitting the price for their sins please impose a severe punishment Sang's father
testified saying really just because of this one reason of mental illness she killed and even abandoned the body does that even make sense they're trying to get the offenders out by any means using the juvenile's mental illness trying to reduce the sentence even just by a little that's all I can think of I can't forgive them really even if they're 20 years older even if they serve 15 years 30 years they're going to be out and then what you're going to let her be free until she attacks someone else again it's been said frequently about
these two inan child Killers these are people who commit murder simply because they want to experience committing murder other child trial Specialists have stated about Park even though technically she was an adult at the time of the crime how do you eat fried chicken while carrying parts of a victim's body part of a little child the judge announced the verdict and sentence Kim 16-year-old Kim would be sentenced to 20 years in prison that is maximum allowed under the juvenile sentencing law she was technically given life but because she's 16 life can only be 20 years
she'll be 36 yes that is crazy Park was given life in prison but it's don't smile it's not going to be good okay it's going to get bad Park allegedly turns to our attorneys and states in the court why is that that who did the murder gets 20 years and I get life in prison her attorneys immediately appealed the sentencing which Park was deemed an accessory and cons like a conspired her to commit murder but now they're trying to appeal it and say that she was an accessory after the murder the court States they will
be reducing her sentence from life in prison to 13 years Kim is going to be released in 2037 where she will be 36 Park is going to be released in 2030 where she will be 31 some netizens have stated they actually think Park is the scarier of the two others just resort to expressing their frustration by commenting these crazy these should die they should go through the same thing cut off their fingers but one big thing is before the two are released netizens want their full identities disclosed they state if they can't get punished harshly
at least let everyone know who they are so the general public can protect themselves one nzen wrote why can't their identities be disclosed disclose it for the safety of the nation the crazy part is it's alleged that Kim threatened some of the people working on her case even she allegedly looked at one of the investigators and said I'll come find you when my sentence is over but she could argue it's interpreted as to thank you for teaching me about remorse I didn't mean it as a threat yeah now side note there was one journalist who
did release a blurred image of Kim's face Kim's mom her yeah her mom calls the media company her voice sounds very agitated and she screamed my child is not someone who would do that she was manipulated into committing the crime what did our child do that was so wrong do you know how hard it is for us right now and you post that picture we can't even go home to feed the cat right now because I guess their house was being hounded by reporters the journalist said it was so ridiculous wow wow wow Kim also
sent a letter to a journalist that reads I have no plans for what kind of life I'm going to live after my release I think it's premature after continuing my studies a bit more I hope to do something that can help others using that has a stepping Zone you I hope that various studies I'm doing here now will serve as a foundation for that someday I dream of becoming a small light that shines on those living shadowed lives so that they can make choices that they won't regret with my help Sang's mother was interviewed after
the trial and she said one of the biggest things Weighing on her heart was the fact that she had recently purchased a phone for sang so that she wouldn't have to ask adults for their phone at the playground and she was just holding on to it waiting for the perfect time to surpr her with it and she feels a lot of guilt looking at that phone and she said quote I didn't know all of this would happen because of a cell phone which I think she's putting a lot of blame on herself it's I don't
think it was a cell phone it's clearly Kim and park but what are your thoughts on this case I mean just the fact that their identities are protected the fact that Kim got 20 years and the fact that she's 16 and that good at covering up a crime scene who knows if she goes on to commit more crimes when she gets out will they even find out but that's it for today's case please stay safe and I will see you in the next one
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