You are God

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At the core of your being, you are consciousness. Some call it love, energy, or God. In this collect...
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have you ever felt overwhelmed by the noise of life where each day spins faster and your inner voice gets drowned out what if I told you that there is a simple profound practice that can transform your spiritual journey deepen your connection with the Divine and bring unparalleled peace into your life this practice is called Stillness and today we're diving deep into how embracing it can open doors to knowing god and yourself in ways you never imagined imagine standing by a tranquil Lake its surface so calm that it perfectly mirrors the sky above this image is
a metaphor for Stillness a state of complete calmness and Clarity that reflects our truest self and the divine presence but in our fast-paced modern world achieving this Stillness seems almost impossible yet the ancient wisdom embedded in the phrase be still and know that I am God suggests that Through Stillness we can discover profound truths about our existence and our creator what is stillness Stillness is not merely about being quiet it's about surrender derived from the Hebrew word Rafa meaning to let go or to release Stillness involves a deep relinquishment of our own agendas fears and
desires it's in this surrender that we open ourselves up to a deeper more intimate relationship ship with the Divine for Spiritual Seekers Stillness is the Gateway through which God's presence and promise unfold the practice of Stillness finding your Sacred Space Begin by finding a quiet place where interruptions are minimal this could be a designated corner of your room a peaceful garden or anywhere that you feel safe and undisturbed setting the stage create an environment that helps you relax this might include dim lighting a comfortable seat or elements of nature such as plants or water the
goal is to reduce sensory input so you can focus inward breathing techniques start with deep slow breaths to steady your heart rate and calm your mind as you breathe in Envision drawing in peace and Stillness as you exhale imagine letting go of stress and noise mindfulness and meditation use mindfulness to Anchor your thoughts focus on a simple Mantra related to surrender and knowing god such as let go and know allow thoughts to pass without engaging them always returning to your breath or Mantra embracing silence gradually reduce the number of words in your Mantra moving deeper
into silence embrace the quiet and listen intently in this space insights and feelings can Surface providing clarity and connection to the Divine the role of Stillness in Spiritual Awakening for those who have experienced a spiritual awakening Stillness can be particularly transformative it allows for a continuous unfolding of understanding and deepening of spiritual consciousness in the Bible figures like Moses Jeremiah Mary and Esther found their Divine missions not in the chaos of their circumstances but in moments of profound suround surrender to God's will deepening spiritual insights Through Stillness Stillness is not a onetime experience but a
practice to be woven into the fabric of your daily life over time it cultivates a resilience and openness in you making you more receptive to the subtle movements of the spirit it teaches us that God's strength is made perfect in our weakness a paradoxical truth that becomes clearer the more we engage in Stillness over coming challenges with Stillness embracing Stillness can be challenging especially when faced with personal fears and the discomfort of Letting Go however recognizing these challenges as invitations from God to deeper trust and surrender can transform them into steps towards spiritual growth each
moment of surrender is a step closer to a deeper more meaningful understanding of both God and ourselves in a world that prizes action and achievement choosing Stillness might feel counter into intuitive yet it is in These Quiet Moments of surrender that we truly know in the biblical sense gaining deep intuitive understanding of the Divine by integrating Stillness into your life you not only find Refuge from the storm but also gain a clearer vision of who you are meant to be in the eyes of the Divine I invite you to start incorporating Stillness into your daily
routine begin with just 5 minutes a day and gradually increase as you feel comfortable observe the changes not just in your spiritual life but in your overall well-being share your experiences and insights in the comments below or join our community for more discussions on spiritual growth remember in the quietude lies not just knowledge but transformation let's embark on this journey of Stillness together discover the profound peace and understanding that awaits welcome dear Seeker to a moment of profound realization close your eyes for a second and breathe deeply feel the air fill your lungs and as
you exhale let go of any lingering doubts and fears allow yourself to be present right here right now in this Sacred Space we embark on a journey to uncover a truth that has been whispered throughout the ages you are everything imagine standing at the edge of a vast tranquil ocean The Horizon stretching infinitely before you the waves gently lap at your feet and as you gaze out you begin to sense a deep connection with the water the sky and the universe itself this connection is not merely poetic it is the essence of your being in
the teachings of ancient wisdom both biblical and philosophical the concept of you are everything res resonates profoundly consider the words of Jesus in The Gospel of John I and the father are one this statement transcends religious boundaries and invites us to recognize the Divine Essence within ourselves you are not separate from the Divine you are an integral part of it the Bhagavad Gita a sacred text of Hindu philosophy Echoes this sentiment in a conversation between Prince Arjuna and Lord Krishna Krishna Reveals His divine nature stating I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds
everything emanates from me this declaration is not an assertion of ego but a revelation of the interconnectedness of all existence you dear Seeker are a manifestation of this Divine Source pause for a moment and reflect on this Every Breath You Take every heartbeat every thought and emotion is a testament to the intricate Web of Life that binds us all the ancient Greek philosopher heraclitus once said the soul is dyed the color of its thoughts what colors are you painting your soul with are they Hues of fear and separation or are they shades of love and
unity in the realm of spirituality the concept of nonduality or adva of offers a powerful perspective this philosophy asserts that there is no fundamental distinction between the self and the universe the revered Sage Ramana mahashi often taught the mind creates the abyss the heart crosses it when we move beyond the confines of the mind and connect with our heart we begin to see the Oneness that permeates all existence consider the story of Moses and the bir burning bush from the Bible when Moses encounters the bush that burns without being consumed he is told I am
who I am this enigmatic statement reveals the Eternal and unchanging nature of the divine presence it is a reminder that within each of us lies the same Divine spark the same Eternal Essence dear friend as you walk this spiritual path remember that you are not alone the Buddha once said the way is not in the sky the way is in the heart your journey is a journey inward a journey to discover the boundless love and wisdom that reside within you it is a journey to embrace your true nature and recognize that you are a microcosm
of the universe in moments of Doubt when the weight of the world feels heavy on your shoulders turn to the words of roomi the Sufi Mystic you are not a drop in the ocean you are the entire ocean in a drop these words remind us that our Essence is vast and Limitless we are not confined by the physical boundaries of our bodies we are expansive interconnected and eternal let me share a story that illustrates this beautifully in a small village there lived a wise Elder known for her deep understanding of life and spirituality one day
a young man approached her troubled by the chaos and suffering he saw in the world how can I find peace in such a tumultuous world he asked the Elder smiled and handed him a small mirror look into this mirror she said what do you see I see myself the young man replied exactly the Elder said now imagine that this mirror represents the world when you see chaos and suffering it is a reflection of what is within you change your inner world and the outer world will change as well this simple yet profound lesson speaks to
the heart of our journey you are everything the peace love and harmony you seek in the world must first be cultivated within yourself as you transform your inner landscape you will begin to see the world through new eyes as you continue to explore the depths of your being take inspiration from the teachings of Lau the ancient Chinese philosopher in the TA Ching he writes knowing others is intelligence knowing yourself is true wisdom mastering others is strength mastering yourself is true power the path to True power and wisdom lies in self-discovery and self-mastery reflect on the
interconnectedness of all things the air you breathe has been breathed by countless beings before you the water you drink has traveled through rivers oceans and clouds connecting you to every corner of of the Earth the stars that shine above have witnessed the birth and death of galaxies and their light now illuminates your path in the words of the Dalai Lama we are visitors on this planet we are here for 90 or 100 years at the very most during that period we must try to do something good something useful with our lives Your Existence is a
precious gift a unique expression of the Divine embracing it fully and recognize that your presence has the power to bring light and love to the world dear Seeker Let Us return to the image of the ocean as you stand at the water's edge feel the waves gently washing over your feet close your eyes and listen to the rhythmic sound of the waves with each breath imagine yourself merging with the ocean becoming one with its vastness feel the bound Boundless Energy and love that flow through you you are not separate from the universe you are an
integral part of it you are the Sun that rises each morning the Moon that guides the night the stars that light the sky you are the breath of the wind the song of The Birds The Whisper of the trees you are everything and everything is you as you move forward on your spiritual journey carry this truth in your heart let it guide your actions your thoughts and your relationships when you encounter challenges remember that you possess the strength of the entire universe within you when you experience Joy know that it is a reflection of the
Divine joy that permeates all creation in the words of Meister echart a Christian Mystic the eye with which I see God is the same eye with which God sees me this profound statement invites us to recognize the unity of all existence the divine presence within you is the same presence that animates the entire Cosmos dear friend you are a miracle a testament to the infinite creativity and love of the universe embrace your true nature and let it shine forth in all that you do remember you are everything and everything is you as we conclude this
journey take a moment to sit in Stillness breathe deeply and feel the connection between your heart and the universe carry this awareness with you and let it illuminate your path you are not alone you are a part of something greater than yourself you are everything may you walk in peace love and unity knowing that you are a Divine expression of the universe in the Hidden Truths in the Bible there's a treasure Trove of wisdom within its pages that speaks directly to the profound concepts of nonduality Oneness and the Divine Essence within each of us you
see the Bible isn't just a collection of stories and Commandments it's a spiritual guide that has been interpreted and reinterpreted over Millennia different Traditions have included or excluded certain texts shaping the versions we know today for example the Protestant Bible excludes what are known as the Apocrypha or dutter canonical books 19 fascin ating texts that contain profound spiritual insights let's dive into these hidden gems and explore the transformative messages they hold you are God let's start with one of the most powerful and perhaps controversial ideas the notion that you are God this isn't about blasphemy
or ego it's about recognizing the Divine spark within you one of the most direct references comes from the Gospel of Thomas a text not included in the Standard Bible but revered in Gnostic traditions Jesus is quoted saying he who drinks from my mouth will become like me I myself shall become he and the things that are hidden will be revealed to him the Gospel of Thomas also states in the saying 77 Jesus said I am the light that is over all things I am all from me all came forth and to me all attained split
a piece of wood I am there lift up the stone and you will find me there this saying underscores the omnipresence of the Divine suggesting that Jesus as a manifestation of the Divine is present in all things it reflects the idea of Oneness that everything is imbued with the same Divine Essence and that the Divine can be found in all aspects of the material world this profound statement suggests a deep Unity between Jesus and the Seeker a reflection of the divine within each of us it echoes the idea found in Psalm 82.6 I have said
you are God you are all sons of the most high this isn't a call to arrogance but an invitation to recognize our true nature to see beyond the illusion of Separation creation and Oneness the theme of Oneness and creation is another powerful aspect of these hidden texts the wisdom of Solomon part of the Apocrypha speaks eloquently about the unity of Creation in wisdom 17 it states the spirit of the Lord fills the world and that which holds all things together knows what is said this verse reminds us that a single Divine force permeates all existence
binding everything together in a cosmic dance similarly the book of ecclesiasticus cyak emphasizes the interconnectedness of all life in Sak 42:24 it reads all things are in pairs each the opposite of the other but nothing the Lord made is incomplete everything complements the goodness of the other this Duality and complimentarity point to a greater Unity a Oneness where each part plays a vital role in the harmony of the whole nonduality and Beyond nonduality the idea that all dualities good and evil light and dark self and other are ultimately Illusions is a concept that resonates deeply
with many spiritual Traditions the apocryphal texts also touch on this profound truth in The Book of Enoch an ancient text revered in the Ethiopian Orthodox tradition there's a vision of the Divine that transcends the usual dichotomies Enoch sees a reality where the heavens were opened and I saw visions of God these Visions reveal a realm beyond the dualities of our Earthly existence first Enoch 1:9 States and behold he cometh with 10 thousands of his holy ones to execute judgment upon all and to destroy all the ungodly and to convict All Flesh of all the works
of their ungodliness which they have ungodly committed and of all the hard things which ungodly Sinners have spoken against him this passage highlights the idea of divine presence permeating all of creation bringing together the physical and the spiritual in a unified vision of judgment and restoration first Enoch 39:12 describes a vision of unity and the elect one shall in those days sit on my throne and all the secrets of wisdom and counsel shall be poured forth from the thought of his mouth for the Lord of spirits hath given them to him and hath glorified him
the elect one often interpreted as a Messianic figure or representation of the Divine wisdom embodies the unity of all Divine knowledge and Authority reflecting the Oneness of creation and divine will the concept of nonduality is also subtly present in the canonical texts for instance in John 17:21 Jesus prays for his followers that they all may be one as you father are in me and I in you that they also may be one in us this prayer isn't just for Unity among people but a profound Oneness with the Divine breaking down the barriers between self and
God hidden gems in the Apocrypha now let's take a closer look at some specific books from the Apocrypha and their spiritual insights one erris and two erris these texts also known as Ezra and Nehemiah in the Hebrew Bible include additional material that delves into themes of restoration and divine Justice in second erris 7:42 it says the most high did not make one world but two this intriguing statement hints at the existence of multiple Realms or Dimensions encouraging us to expand our perception of reality Tobit and Judith these historical books offer more than just narrative they
carry deep moral and spiritual lessons in Tobit 12-6 the angel Raphael tells Tobit thank God give him the praise and the glory before all the living acknowledge the many good things he has done for you this reminder to recognize and honor the Divine in our daily lives reinforces the idea of a living breathing connection with the Creator wisdom of Solomon and ecclesiasticus Syra as mentioned earlier these wisdom books are rich with teach teachings on the nature of the Divine and our place in creation the wisdom of Solomon 7:26 describes wisdom as a reflection of eternal
light a spotless mirror of the working of God and an image of his goodness this beautiful imagery invites us to see ourselves as reflections of the Divine Light embodying its goodness in our actions baruk and the letter of Jeremiah these texts focus on the faithfulness of God and the Folly of idolatry in Baro 3:14 it urges learn where there is wisdom where there is strength where there is understanding so that you may at the same time discern where there is length of days and life where there is light for the eyes and peace this call
to seek wisdom and understanding aligns with the spiritual quest for deeper truths and the recognition of divine presence in all aspects of Life in The Quiet Moments of everyday life there lies a profound truth waiting to be discovered the realization that within each of us resides a Divine Essence a spark of the infinite this journey of Discovery is not one of seeking something external but rather an Awakening to what has always been within consider a simple moment perhaps as mundane as watching the sunrise Sam a person like any other stands in awe of the breaking
Dawn it's in this silence this simple Act of being present that Sam begins to feel a connection to something greater this moment of beauty and Stillness Whispers of a deeper truth that the magnificence outside is also within it's an echo of the ancient wisdom that the kingdom of God is within you Luke 17-21 Sam's friend Alex deeply interested in spiritual teachings often speaks of this inner Divinity do you realize Alex says one afternoon that every tradition speaks of this truth that within us lies an ocean of Consciousness a boundless expanse where all Life Begins it's
like what the Bhagavad Gita says I am the self oresha seated in the hearts of All Creatures these conversations between Sam and Alex are not merely exchanged changes of thoughts but are in essence reflections of the Divine dialogue that takes place within each person it's a realization that we are not separate from the Divine but we are expressions of it living embodiments of the universe's creative power this Awakening is beautifully mirrored in nature where every element from The Towering mountains to the flowing Rivers embodies the essence of the Divine just as the universe manifested from
an initial thought so too do our thoughts and dreams hold the power to shape reality it's a realization that we are creators endowed with the same force that gave birth to the stars but what does it mean to live as an awakened being to truly understand you are God Awakening it means seeing the Divine in the mundane recognizing the sacredness in every moment and understanding that our everyday experiences are not separate from our spiritual journey it's finding the extraordinary in the ordinary in Practical terms living this truth transforms how we interact with the world when
faced with challenges instead of reacting from a place of fear or separation we respond from a place of love and unity we see others not as strangers but as reflections of ourselves other facets of the Divine this path of Awakening is not always easy it asks us to let go of deeply ingrained beliefs and to see beyond the illusions of Separation yet it is also a path filled with profound joy peace and a sense of connection that transcends words as we embark on this journey together let us support one another in Remembering our true nature
let us share our stories of Awakening not as a means to convince but as an invitation to explore the depths of our own being for in each of us lies the potential for enlightenment a potential that is realized not by becoming something we are not but by recognizing who we have always been in closing consider the words often shared in moments of reflection in the Stillness of Eternity before the dance of creation I am this is not a statement of ego but a declaration of our shared Essence it's an acknowledgement that we are each of
us a unique expression of the Divine navigating The Human Experience as we go about our daily lives Let Us carry this awareness in our hearts let us see the Divine in each other and honor that sacred presence within ourselves for it is in this recognition that we truly awaken realizing that we are not merely part of the Divine narrative but that we are the Divine experiencing itself through the lens of humanity let me finally shine some light for you beloved listener over the wisdom of ancient texts and spiritual teachings from the mystical passages of the
Bible to the profound insights of Buddhism every tradition hints at a singular truth the Divine Essence within us consider the words of Christ who said the the kingdom of God is within you Luke 17:21 this statement isn't merely metaphorical it's an invitation to discover the boundless luminous nature of our own Consciousness Christ's teachings encourage us to look inward to recognize that the Divine is not something distant or separate from us but is our very essence similarly the ancient wisdom of Hinduism speaks to this truth through the concept of Atman the inner self the chandogya aanisha
declares tatvam ASI which translates to you are that this profound statement reveals that the individual soul Atman and the Universal Soul Brahman are one and the same it's a recognition that at the core of our being lies the infinite the Eternal the very essence of the universe itself Buddhism with its emphasis on enlightenment all so guides us toward this understanding the Buddha nature inherent in every sensient being is a testament to our potential to awaken to our true nature it suggests that Enlightenment the realization of our innate Divinity is not something to be attained but
something to be uncovered it's already here within us waiting to be recognized from these teachings we begin to see a pattern a universal theme that runs through the heart of spiritual Traditions it's the understanding that we are more than just human beings living a temporary existence we are expressions of the Divine participating in the ongoing creation of the universe our every thought every action is imbued with this creative power so what does it mean for us as individuals to awaken to this truth it means living with the awareness that we are not separate from the
life that surrounds us it means seeing others not as others but as reflections of ourselves as manifestations of the same Divine Essence it transforms our understanding of love compassion and empathy allowing us to live from a place of deep connection and unity this Awakening changes how we approach every moment of Our Lives it invites us to live with presence to fully engage with the Here and Now recognizing that in each moment we are expressing the Divine it asks us to listen more deeply not just to the words of others but to the silence between words
where the voice of the Divine Whispers In contemplating these teachings we find ourselves on a path of continuous unfolding a journey of becoming ever more conscious of our divine nature it's a journey that asks us to shed layers of misunderstanding and misidentification to let go of the ego's claims and to embrace the boundless love and wisdom that resides within as we embark on this journey together let us support each other with kindness and compassion let us share our insights and experiences knowing that each of us is a unique expression of the Divine walking a path
that ultimately leads us home to the realization that you are God Awakening in this understanding we find not only peace but a profound sense of purpose we recognize that our lives are a gift an opportunity to explore the depths of our being to contribute to the unfolding of Consciousness in the world this realization is both a Liberation and a call to action a reminder that in each of us lies the power to create to love and to heal let us then live with this awareness embracing the divine within and around us and in doing so
awaken to the truth of who we truly are you are God's way of witnessing creation imagine for a moment that everything you believe defines you disappears your memories the language you speak your past experiences and all your relationships are gone what remains this might seem like a journey into nothingness but it's actually an exploration into the very essence of your true self at the core stripped of all else is the eye not a sense of loneliness or void but the pure you this ey is the raw Consciousness the fundamental fabric from which all existence is
woven this core eye is not just a silent Observer it is the universe itself experiencing and observing its own creation through your senses you are much more than a mere part of the cosmos you are the conduit through which the universe or God comes to know and interact with its creation this profound connection means that your daily experiences your deepest emotions and your insights are not just personal moments but are directly tied to the universal quest to understand and explore itself every moment of your life is a unique instance where the universe or God is
living and experiencing itself through you think about your everyday life you wake up brush your teeth have breakfast and go about your day these actions seem ordinary but each moment is filled with deeper meaning when you see them as experiences of the universe observing itself through you when you drink your morning coffee it's not just you enjoying the coffee it's the universe experiencing the flavor warmth and the morning ritual through through your senses you are the medium through which the universe or God feels its own creation let's delve deeper into this idea with some simple
everyday moments when you listen to your favorite music what's really happening those Melodies and rhythms are more than just sound waves hitting your eardrums they are the universe experiencing Joy Nostalgia sadness and excitement through you the universe crafted those sounds from a complex interaction of physical laws and now it hears and feels them through your ears and heart or consider when you're walking in a park feeling the breeze on your skin smelling the fresh scent of grass and flowers and hearing the laughter of children playing these aren't just sensory inputs they are the ways the
universe touches smells and listens to its own Beauty you are the conduit for the universe's experience of itself even in your interactions with others something profound is happening every conversation hug and shared smile is the universe engaging with itself it's not just people connecting it's the universe using its Creations to understand and experience more of its own diversity and complexity but what about when you face challenges these two are moments the universe uses to experience growth resilience and Innovation your struggle to overcome obstacles and your pursuit of solutions are the ways the universe tests and
expands its own capacities you are not just solving your problems you are the way the universe learns how to evolve through challenges creativity is another beautiful aspect of this when you create whether you're painting writing cooking or even coming up with a new idea at work you you are the universe expressing its infinite creativity your Creations are not separate from the universe they are the way the universe explores its own potential and shares its beauty and ideas in moments of Stillness and quiet this connection deepens when you sit quietly meditating or just being you are
in tune with the vastness of the universe these moments allow you to feel most profoundly that you are more than your thoughts and experiences you are the unchanging awareness in which all thoughts and experiences appear this perspective is powerful and transformative understanding that there is only you where you is this conscious awareness the essence of the universe experiencing itself can change how you live your life you're not just a person moving through the world you are the universe experiencing life in human form this realization can help you feel less alone and more connected to everything
around you your Joys and Sorrows pleasures and pains are the universe's ways of experiencing the variety of Life your happiness is the universe celebrating your sadness is the universe seeking depth and understanding your physical and emotional Sensations are the ways the universe feels itself so the next time you feel overwhelmed or disconnected remember the this there is only you and this you is the Consciousness through which the universe or God experiences itself Your Existence is not a random blip in the vast Cosmos it is a crucial part of the universe's journey of self- exloration take
this understanding into your daily life when you eat let the universe taste through you when you laugh let the universe laugh through you when you cry let the universe feel through you when you love let the universe love through you this is not just a poetic way of seeing life it's the reality of what life is at its most fundamental level you are here to experience and to allow the universe to experience through you this isn't a passive role it's the most active and important role you could possibly play you are the universe's way of
experiencing its own magnificence its challenges its joys and its Sorrows remember Every Breath You Take is a testament to this incredible truth you are not merely a person you are the universe in human form the medium through which all experiences flow your life is the universe's poem its story its Masterpiece As you move through life let this understanding guide you live authentically love deeply and observe carefully be curious be compassionate and be courageous these are not just good Life Strategies they are the ways you allow the universe to fully experience itself in the end there
is only you the unchangeable everpresent awareness that is the essence of all existence and in this realization find the freedom to be truly yourself the peace to embrace each moment and the love to share with all you are the universe expressing itself as a human for a little while and in every moment you have the opportunity to experience and celebrate The Wonder of existence so next time you feel the sun on your face the wind in your hair or the ground Beneath Your Feet remember there is only you the universe experiencing itself and this is
the most profound beautiful and meaningful truth you can ever know as you continue to explore the Myriad ways in which you interact with the world remember that each step each breath each thought is part of a grand dance with the cosmos every tree every cloud every Star You observe is observing you back in a mutual celebration of existence in your quietest moments you may discover that the voices in your head those endless thoughts and worries are not truly yours they are the universe's way of exploring the infinite possibilities within its own mind your ability to
witness these thoughts rather than identifying with them shows that you are the Observer the pure Consciousness not the fleeting thoughts or emotions imagine the ocean you are not the waves fluctuating on the surface but the vast deep water that is the foundation of all those waves your true nature is like this deep water stable deep and tranquil unaffected by the surface turmoil when you realize that there is only you and this you is the Eternal witness life becomes a play a Divine Leela where every event no matter how significant or trivial is a scene in
the grand performance you stop clinging to the highs and escaping the lows instead you see them as part of the spectrum of experiences as you embody this knowledge you become a beacon of peace and stability people around you sense this depth this calmness that you carry your presence becomes healing a space where others can encounter their own Universal Essence this understanding also enhances your empathy and compassion knowing that you are the universe experiencing itself you see others not as separate beings but as other facets of the universe's experience this makes your interactions more meaningful and
filled with love as you recognize the same Essence in everyone you meet so take this journey Inward and discover that there is only you The Unbroken expansive awareness in which the entire universe unfolds this journey is not about reaching a destination it is about recognizing what you have always been and always will be the Eternal unchanging essence of all that exists this realization is not the end but the beginning of a life lived with deeper awareness greater peace and boundless love remember every moment is an opportunity to connect with this profound truth and allow the
universe to manifest its beauty through you you minus something equals God you are closer to God than you think let me explain all about this prepare to discover a profound truth that will bring you closer to God than you've ever imagined imagine for a moment that your identity your name gender language memories your place in the family and among friends is like a heavy backpack that you've been carrying around without even realizing it each element of who you think you are shapes how you perceive the world and interact with it but what if you could
set down that backpack for a moment what would remain in this context you refers to the sum of your experiences and relationships with things and people encompassing all aspects of your identity what remains when these layers are momentarily shed is the essence of your being unburdened and free from the moment of your birth you entered the world free of any predefined sense of self initially there was just an unfiltered experience of seeing seeing hearing smelling tasting and feeling imagine a newborn there's no thought of I am looking at a red toy there's just the pure
vibrant experience of redness and the shape of the toy as you grew your parents and the world around you started to label these experiences and you began to see yourself as separate there's me and there's everything else you were born without a sense of I it was just your senses that existed a world that was seen heard smelled tasted and felt after a year or so when your parents called you by your name several times you started to divide existence into I here inside my body and other things and people out there outside my body
during this time your identity was built and your so-called ego was formed as you adopted your name and began to identify with various aspects of your life your gender your roles your preferences your ego a construct of your identity began to solidify this ego isn't just a static thing it's Dynamic fed by constant interactions and experiences think about a day in your life from the moment you wake up your identity is affirmed by your surroundings your choices and even your thoughts you are the sum of all this the energy held together every day in your
body as a sort of sum of thoughts memories experiences that are rendered out in an inexplicable feeling of vague tension in your body this energy is maintained in your entire body as soon as you wake up in the morning until you fall asleep at night this ongoing sense of self or ego can often be like a buzzing background noise so constant that you hardly notice it but it's this very noise that can distance you from the experience of life as it truly is a direct unfiltered interaction with the world When You Subtract these accumulations the
labels the history the ego what remains is a deeper more expansive sense of being that is connected to everything which some might call God by setting aside what you think defines you even momentarily you can tap into a universal Truth where the separation between you and the world Fades here in this space of clarity and lightness you meet the Divine you aren't just close to God you realize that you minus your accumulated identities and stories are an expression of the Divine itself the phrase the less of you the more of God Echoes a sentiment found
in many spiritual Traditions emphasizing humility self trans ascendance and the diminution of the ego to experience a greater connection with the Divine this concept is reminiscent of a famous saying attributed to John the Baptist in the Christian New Testament where he speaks about Jesus Christ he must increase but I must decrease John 3:30 this isn't just a thought experiment it's a doorway to a new way of being in the world where every moment is infused with a sacred Simplicity this realization that you are inherently connected to everything is both liberating and profound you minus ego
truly equals God God in the equation can represent many terms depending on who you ask it could also be called Consciousness love Bliss the universe your higher self the all or nonduality among others but what does the um minus the question mark represent the simple answer is you before your ego was created so in other words you were God when you were born you were just pure Consciousness as non-judgmental as the bed you lay on or the clothes on your body neither the bed nor the clothes had any opinion or judgment about their place on
Earth they simply existed just as your body was simply existing your body the bed and your clothes happened to be in the same place in the same room but isolated these objects were just three collections of atoms it would require a Consciousness with an ego to distinguish them from each other an ego that also labels and judges as good bad warm cold soft or hard and so on let's delve deeper into this concept when we speak of uus something equals God we're really talking about subtracting those layers of identity that you've accumulated over the years
your beliefs labels roles and The Narrative of who you think you are each of these is like a veil obscuring the Luminous Essence beneath now imagine a day in your life devoid of these accumulated layers without the roles you play be it a parent employee friend or even a citizen what remains there's a silent Observer a part of you that simply watches experiences and exists without judgment or attachment this Observer is your connection to something greater a boundless presence that resonates with the essence of all things consider the nature of the universe vast interconnected constantly
INF flux yet fundamentally stable and unified your true Essence when free from ego reflects these qualities you are not merely a bystander in the universe you are a part of its endless dance by recognizing this you come closer to understanding the divine nature within this realization isn't just theoretical it has practical implications for your daily life when you start to see yourself as more than just your personal history or your future Ambitions you open up a space of immense peace and possibility this space allows for True compassion love and joy to arise qualities that are
often attributed to a higher power or Divine Essence in essence recognizing you minus ego equals God is about seeing the divine nature that is already a part of you simply obscured by the non-essential by peeling back these layers you not only come closer to your true self but also to the universal truths that bind us all welcome home to your Divine self welcome to the dance of Eternity thank you for being here if you resonate with this subscribe comment and give a like until next time love light and blessings to you
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This Video Might Trigger Enlightenment
Trust the universe to give you what you need | Eckhart Tolle (Meditation)
Trust the universe to give you what you ne...
Evan Carmichael
Neville Goddard - God And I Are One - 1972 Lecture - Own Voice - Full Transcription - Subtitles 🙏 -
Neville Goddard - God And I Are One - 1972...
Spiritual Mind
Meister Eckhart - 𝐀𝐧 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞 - Christian Mystics
Meister Eckhart - 𝐀𝐧 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐢...
Samaneri Jayasāra - Wisdom of the Masters
Awakening Mind Part 1, "Know Thyself" (2023) - Complete HD Film
Awakening Mind Part 1, "Know Thyself" (202...
One Truth, One Law:  I Am, I Create by Erin Werley - Full Audiobook
One Truth, One Law: I Am, I Create by Eri...
Erin Werley | I Am, I Create
Library of Tehuti
7 Truth Only the Spiritually Awakened Understand
7 Truth Only the Spiritually Awakened Unde...
Wisdom Nuggets
If You Wake Up Between 3AM & 5AM, DO THESE 3 THINGS! | C.S Lewis 2024
If You Wake Up Between 3AM & 5AM, DO THESE...
C.S. Lewis Legends
You Are God Awakening
You Are God Awakening
Brian Scott
The Secret Teachings Of Jesus To Activate The Pineal Gland (Christ Consciousness)
The Secret Teachings Of Jesus To Activate ...
The Power Of You
6 Things Highly Spiritual People Quit Slowly | Spiritual Awakening
6 Things Highly Spiritual People Quit Slow...
GOD WithIn
THIS IS SHOCKING 🚨 Before It's Too Late: Use Your GOD Gifted Power (Manipulate Reality Forever)
THIS IS SHOCKING 🚨 Before It's Too Late: ...
Philosophical Essence
JESUS' Secret Teachings, The Lost Wisdom of Jesus
JESUS' Secret Teachings, The Lost Wisdom o...
Awakening Wisdom
Once you know this formula, no one can stop you
Once you know this formula, no one can sto...
Solace Owl
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