one belong to awardwinning Oscar winning director actor producer Mel Gibson and Mel joins me by phone right now Mel uh I am so sorry to be talking to you under these circumstances I'm looking at video of the ruins of what was once your home I got to ask you how you're doing I'm doing good you know it's just a thing but you know it is obviously it's kind of devastating it's emotional you know you live there for a long time and uh you had all your stuff you remember George Carlin talking about your stuff I
have my stuff there and it's all like uh I've been relieved from the burden of my stuff because it's all in Cinders yeah yeah where were you Mel when the fire broke out gosh I was in Austin I was doing a I was doing the Rogan podcast you know and uh I wasn't I I was kind of ill at ease while we were talking because I knew my neighborhood was on fire so I thought I wonder if my place is still there but uh when I got home sure enough it wasn't there I went home
and I said to myself well at least I haven't got any of those pesky plumbing problems anymore when did you did you drive up did you take this video that we're looking at yeah I was taking some of it my you know Rose took some and uh you know the chickens survived it was amazing that is poop and they were fine so he gave them some grain and some water and they're happy and laying eggs and stuff so there you go they weren't roast chickens and where was Rose during all of this she was she
with you and Austin or no no we we uh we evacuated they Evac see I left on a plane and the winds were picking up and I went to Austin and of course um while I was gone whenever I leave town a fire breaks out it was the same last month I mean it was the same thing the the Flames were like 200 yards away from my house but this time they came from the other direction and really nailed me and I have never seen a place so perfectly burnt it is like it's kind of
you could put it in and earn you know yeah there is nothing there uh what about the rest of the neighborhood Mel your neighbors uh the people you've lived next to for quite some time how did they Fair yeah some of the neighbors really got it hard I know you know Ed Harris the the actor uh who lives down the street I think his place is gone and and many of my friends up and down the street and it was kind of random it wasn't every place but it was uh quite a few places there
was a dozen places to show that were just non existent I mean nothing but a chimney and a a few roof tiles and you dare not walk around for the nails and the whole deal the vehicles were gone everything it was uh it was a real it was a real it was completely toasted I I've never seen such a complete burn it's like someone did it on purpose to really destroy every aspect of it and when you hear that this fire is 0% contained they have still not contained this um they're calling it the worst
fire in La history history well those winds were something else I mean when have we had winds like that I mean that's crazy and uh you know I guess there you know there was the water wasn't doing what it should and you know the the forests weren't cleared like they should have been so you know I don't know it's a it's a perfect Confluence it's the perfect storm of uh the perfect Firestorm I mean my place looked like Dresden yeah it does look like Dresden what are you going to do now are you going to
try and rebuild there um I don't know I mean I'll clean it up because it's toxic and uh of course the land is beautiful it's a beautiful ocean view hey anybody want to buy some land five acres yeah yeah get it cheap haha I don't think so um you know we'll go through the usual motions I guess there some kind of insurance maybe I I can't even tell you anymore but uh you know it's emotional and uh you know I did I lived there for about 14 15 years so it was uh was home to
me and I had a lot of personal things there that uh you know I can't get back and uh like what but oh all kinds of stuff everything from photographs to files to you know um you know just personal things that I had from over the years and clothing you know pretty cool stuff you know but uh you know hey that can all be replaced these are only things and uh the The Good the good news is that uh you know those in my family and those I love are all well and we're all happy
and healthy and out of Harm's Way and that's that's that's all I can I care about really thanks so much for watching go to join to find newsnation on your television provider and don't forget to click the red subscribe button below to get more of news nation's fact driven unbiased coverage