have you ever felt there's more to the world than meets the eye there's a gift that few possess it's the gift of discernment a rare and Powerful ability those who have it can see the invisible perceive truth and distinguish between what comes from God and what stems from Evil since the time of the prophets discernment has been a direct line to God's heart today we'll explore the biblical L that reveal if you've been chosen to possess it but let's start with the first question what is discernment discernment is a mysterious and often misunderstood gift it's
more than intuition more than mere judgment it's the ability to distinguish truth origin and purpose this gift is a spiritual Compass it allows you to separate the pure from the impure the holy from the corrupt those who receive it must bear a unique burden to see what others cannot see and to feel what others cannot comprehend but this gift isn't earned through human Merit it's a gift from God and can only be received through him in the Bible Paul tells us thanks be to God for his Indescribable gift and only those who are open to
receiving this gift can attain it so write I'm ready in the comment box to show show you're prepared and let's begin with the first sign that reveals the gift of discernment first sign a deep desire for the gift everything begins with desire not a passing wish but a flame that burns deep within the soul those chosen to see the invisible feel this fire even before they understand it it's an urgency an inexplicable impulse to seek something beyond the tangible as if their hearts know there's a gift waiting to be received this desire isn't common it's
a sign that God is planting within them the purpose of his discernment Jesus told us ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find knock and the door will be open to you discernment is a gift from God but like any Divine gift it requires you to desire it and to long for it deeply this isn't a gift for the indifferent or the casually curious only those who truly want it can approach the spirit with the necessary Faith to receive it let's reflect on the Apostle Paul in his letter to the
Corinthians he writes and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit especially prophecy this verse shows us that desire is the first step toward manifesting any spiritual gift it's not just about wanting to see or understand it's about being willing to align your entire life with God's purposes discernment isn't given for personal Comfort but to serve the kingdom those who feel this desire experience an inner transformation suddenly the things that once satisfied them no longer do they crave more more of God more clarity more truth this longing can be so intense that it changes their priorities their
way of thinking and even their manner of praying but this desire doesn't come without challenges it's a struggle a process that requires Faith patience and endurance those who have experienced it know it's not easy Jacob wrestled with the angel all night at pineal refusing to let go until he received a blessing that's the kind of passion needed to receive the gift of discernment it's not enough to ask casually you must cling to God persist persevere the desire for discernment is more than an emotion it's a sign that God is at work in your life this
longing creates a space in the heart a room that the Holy Spirit fills with his presence and when he finally arrives he not only gives you the ability to see the invisible but also the courage to face it this brings us to a powerful truth if you feel this desire you're already on the path toward discernment don't ignore it don't suppress it like a beacon in the darkness this longing is guiding you toward your purpose Pur the holy spirit is at work in your life inviting you to see what others cannot to understand what others
don't comprehend God doesn't Force his gift on anyone he offers it to those who seek him with all their heart if you're ready to search and to ask then you're closer than you imagine desire is the first sign and it's also the first step toward the invisible let's explore the second sign sign number two love for God's presence love for God's presence isn't an ordinary feeling it's a consuming passion a hunger that's never satisfied a need to be with him that goes beyond what the world offers those who possess the gift of discernment feel this
love as an irresistible Force drawing them toward the spirit it's not an obligation or a habit it's a delight that transforms their lives scripture puts it plainly better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere this love isn't a mere whim it's the proof of a heart connected to the Divine those chosen to discern the Unseen know they cannot Thrive away from his presence there they find Clarity strength and direction it's in that Sacred Space where the spiritual takes shape where truths are revealed and shadows fade away let's consider Moses when he was
in the wilderness facing the Monumental task of leading the people of Israel he made a bold request if your presence does not go with us do not send us up from here Moses understood that without God's presence no human plan could succeed this is the kind of love for the divine presence that defines those with discernment they don't seek Earthly solutions they seek the god who guides all things the love for God's presence also reveals itself in actions Jesus himself demonstrated this when before every important decision he withdrew to solitary places to pray for him
being with the father was more important than any activity this is the example the Discerning ones follow their love for the divine presence leads them to prioritize their spiritual lives even when the world pressures them to focus on the material this love however can be a test it's easy to say we love God but living according to that love is a challenge as John wrote let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth those who cherish the presence of God don't merely Proclaim it they demonstrate it through their obedience their
service and their unceasing pursuit of his will discernment blossoms in God's presence it's where the heart is refined where where spiritual senses are sharpened it's as if Divine Light unveils what was once concealed David knew this well before facing any battle he first sought the Lord one thing I ask from the Lord this only do I seek that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life to Gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his Temple this yearning for his presence was the key to
David's wisdom and bravery yet this love can set those who feel it apart from others in a world that values the visible and the immediate loving the Unseen seems odd those with discernment often find themselves isolated misunderstood but this separation isn't a punishment it's a privilege God sets them apart for greater things for a purpose beyond what human eyes can perceive love for God's presence is a mighty sign it's a spark that ignites faith it propels us to seek more to refuse to settle for The Superficial those who feel it know that nothing in this
world compares to the joy of being with him and this love doesn't just transform them it transforms everything they touch because they carry within themselves the essence of the Divine the real question is do you truly love God's presence not just in theory not merely in words but in every aspect of your life if your heart races at the thought of being with him if your spirit Longs for those moments of communion then you're already walking the path of discernment loving his presence isn't Just A Sign it's the bond that connects your soul to his
eternal purpose let's look at the next sign sign number three sensitivity to the spiritual atmosphere some people enter a room and only see Walls Furniture and faces but others perceive something more they feel the invisible weight of the spiritual atmosphere that surrounds every place and every situation this isn't a skill you can learn it's a sensitivity that comes from the spirit of God it's the ability to discern when something isn't right when there's a divine presence or even when the enemy is lurking nearby the Bible shows us that we live in a world of two
realities the physical and the spiritual when Jacob encountered God's angels on his journey he didn't just see them he felt the atmosphere of the Sacred right then and there he named the place mahanaim meaning double Camp his profound sensitivity led him to realize he stood on sacred ground a place where Heaven touches Earth discernment goes beyond merely perceiving the spiritual it's about deeply feeling it those blessed with this gift are like finely tuned instruments resonating with the vibrations of the Unseen when they step into a space heavy with spiritual tension they feel it as a
burden on their very soul in contrast when they're enveloped in an atmosphere of divine peace they experience a lifting lightness they can't ignore these signs because their spirit is attuned to a greater reality David possessed this profound sensitivity before engaging in any battle he didn't rely on his own skills or the weapons of his army he trusted what he sensed in his spirit so when the Philistines prepared to attack him David didn't rush into action instead he sought God's counsel God revealed a specific strategy to him circle around the Philistines and wait to hear the
sound of movement in the tops of the trees only then would he know the Lord was moving ahead of him David didn't just listen he felt the atmosphere of victory that God had prepared for him this gift isn't easy to Bear those sensitive to the spiritual atmosphere often feel the weight others Overlook in environments filled with spiritual conflict they may experience unexplainable anxiety or discomfort but this sensitivity isn't a burdensome weight without purpose it's a call to action those who feel these atmospheres are meant to intercede to pray to to change the environment through the
authority God has given them consider Daniel in Babylon a place steeped in idolatry and spiritual Darkness Daniel remained pure because he could discern the climate surrounding him he knew when to step away and when to confront the influence of that realm his sensitivity kept him connected to God even in a place where everything was designed to pull him away from the Creator this kind of sensitivity can be un settling at first why don't others feel it why does it seem like they're the only ones affected by what's happening in the spiritual world the answer is
simple God has equipped them to see feel and act in ways others cannot this gift isn't a mistake it's a sacred responsibility in everyday life this signal can manifest in unexpected ways perhaps someone enters a conversation and senses that something isn't right even though the words seem appropriate or maybe a meeting that seems normal to others leaves them with a heaviness in their heart this isn't a coincidence it's discernment it's a spiritual alert that prompts them to pray to seek God's guidance and to act according to what he reveals the Apostle John warns us do
not believe every Spirit but test the spirits to see whether they are from God this is the purpose of spiritual sensitivity to distinguish what is from God and what is not not to fear but to take authority God hasn't given you this sensitivity for you to remain silent if you feel the weight of a spiritual atmosphere it's because you have the power to change it you can pray intercede and ask the Holy Spirit to act don't focus on the weight focus on the purpose sensitivity to the spiritual atmosphere isn't Just A Sign it's an invitation
to to be an instrument of God in this world if you sense this sign don't ignore it it's a calling a privilege and a powerful tool to bring God's light where it's needed most let's move on to the next sign sign number four feeling different from others in life there are times when you simply don't fit in it's not rejection it's not inability it's something deeper something you can't explain it's as if you were designed for a different purpose one that others don't understand feeling different from others isn't a weakness it's a sign that God
is setting you apart for something greater the Bible is filled with stories of men and women who walked this path like Daniel taken to Babylon as a prisoner but set apart to serve God in a foreign land Daniel and his friends found themselves in an environment completely opposed to their faith they were compelled to adopt the Customs language and laws of an idolatrous Kingdom yet amid that Darkness Daniel made a bold Choice he resolved not to defile himself with the King's food and wine this was no minor act it was a declaration a reminder to
himself that though he was in Babylon he did not belong to Babylon Daniel knew he was different and he embraced that distinction God honored his decision by granting him wisdom and discernment making him 10 times wiser than anyone else in the realm those blessed with the gift of discernment often find themselves feeling like Daniel they may be surrounded by others yet still feel alone not because they're antisocial but because they perceive things others cannot they glimps spiritual battles in everyday situations sensing the weight of divine purposes within the mundane this difference can be unsettling at
first it's easy to ask why am I this way why can't I be like everyone else but this difference is no accident it's God's Mark upon your life a reminder that you are set apart for something greater in Peter 2 we read the following but you are a chosen people a royal priesthood a holy nation God's special possession you may declare the Praises of him who called you out of Darkness into his wonderful light being different isn't a curse it's a calling consider Joseph sold into slavery by his own Brothers falsely accused and imprisoned Joseph
could have thought that his uniqueness was a curse yet that very uniqueness led him to interpret Pharaoh's dreams and rise to become second in command over Egypt his gift for Discerning the times and circumstances made him stand out even amidst suffering his path wasn't easy but it was necessary to fulfill God's purpose this feeling of being different can also lead to isolation often those with the gift of discernment feel misunderstood even within their own communities they perceive things others don't see ask questions others Overlook or make choices that seem strange to those around them but
this isolation isn't the end it's it's a place of preparation God is molding their character sharpening their spiritual sensitivity to use them in ways others can't imagine Jesus himself experienced this difference though he walked among men he was not like them his words his actions and his mission set him apart Jesus told his disciples if you belong to the world it would love you as its own you do not belong to the world but I have chosen you out of the world that is why the world hates you those who are called to discernment are
not of the world and that separation is felt in every aspect of their lives the challenge for those who sense this calling is to embrace their difference rather than resisting it embrace it as a gift you're not meant to fit in you're destined to lead to guide to shine a light for others like Daniel Joseph and Jesus your difference isn't a weakness it's your greatest strength feeling different isn't just a sign of discernment it's a signal that you're aligned with something Eternal something that surpasses what this world can offer it's a constant reminder that while
you're in the world you don't belong to it now let's continue to the next sign sign number five sensitivity to God's voice God's voice doesn't always Thunder from the heavens often it's a whisper a gentle nudge in the heart an idea burning with purpose but not everyone hears it being sensitive to God's voice is a special gift an unmistakable sign that the spirit is at work in your life those with this discernment don't just hear they perceive understand and obey the Bible offers a powerful example in the story of Samuel he was just a young
boy when God Called to him for the first time while sleeping in the temple he heard a voice calling his name Samuel believing it was Eli he ran to him this happened three times until Eli with his spiritual wisdom realized it was God calling the boy he instructed Samuel to reply Speak Lord for your servant is listening that moment transformed Samuel's life forever his Keen sensitivity to God voice propelled him to become one of Israel's most influential prophets a man capable of conveying Divine will amidst a nation in turmoil this story unveils a profound truth
being attuned to God's voice doesn't happen by accident it's both a gift and a responsibility those who bear this sign often feel an inner urgency a restlessness they can't ignore they might not hear God constantly but when he speaks they unmistakably know it his voice pierces through the clamor of daily life with undeniable Clarity it's like a distant Bell echoing within their Spirit consider Elijah another Prophet with an intimate bond with God after a Monumental victory over the prophets of Baal he found himself fleeing discouraged and Afraid in that vulnerable state God summoned him to
a mountain for a conversation but as he Elijah waited he didn't find God in the powerful wind nor in the earthquake nor in the fire it was in a gentle whisper that he recognized his voice this episode illustrates that hearing God requires Stillness patience and a willing heart sensitivity to God's voice can also reveal itself in everyday choices it's not always about Grand Revelations or prophecies sometimes it's a subtle warning a clear direction or even a silence prompting us to wait Jesus himself modeled this before making important decisions like choosing the 12 disciples he would
withdraw to pray and seek the father's will however this sensitivity doesn't come without challenges those who Listen for God's voice often face moments of Doubt was that really God speaking or was it just my own thoughts but over time they learn to discern the difference they recognize is that God's voice always guides toward truth always aligns with scripture and always brings peace even amid uncertainty they also confront the weight of obedience hearing God isn't enough true discernment is demonstrated by acting on what he says think of Abraham when God asked him to sacrifice his son
Isaac Abraham obeyed without hesitation even when he didn't understand why his sensitivity to God's voice allowed him to trust and that trust led to one of the greatest demonstrations of divine provision in Biblical history the challenge of this sign is learning to filter out distractions in a world filled with noise it's easy to lose sight of God's voice but those who are sensitive to it know they must seek moments of Stillness times of prayer and remain constantly in his word it's in that space of communion that their spiritual hearing is sharpened so the key question
is this are you listening God's voice won't always be what you expect but it will always be what you need if you feel that stirring that impression calling you to something greater don't ignore it God doesn't speak just to fill the silence he speaks to transform lives being attuned to his voice is more than a sign of discernment it's an invitation to journey into a deeper relationship with him a constant reminder that even amid chaos his word is the compass guiding the soul toward its Eternal purpose let's move on to the next sign sign number
six confirmation of the gift by spiritual leaders the gift of discernment doesn't operate in a vacuum God grants it to build his kingdom and one way he confirms his work is through spiritual leaders this sign might seem simple but it carries immense weight when someone with Spiritual Authority recognizes the gift in you it's not just validation it's a Divine seal that you're on the right path we see this in the story of Samuel when he thought he was hearing God's voice he went to Eli with his experience and Spiritual Authority Eli discerned that it was
God speaking he instructed Samuel if he calls you again say Speak Lord for your servant is listening here we see the vital role of spiritual leaders in developing our gifts without Eli Samuel might have ignored God's voice thinking it was just his imagination yet it was Eli's discernment that helped Samuel recognize God's call and respond in faith this pattern Echoes throughout the history of the church spiritual gifts aren't just for personal benefit they're meant to strengthen the Community of Faith when a spiritual leader affirms your gift it's not based on emotions but Guided by the
holy spirit this confirmation is a testament that your discernment is not only real but also essential for God's work the Apostle Paul emphasized the importance of this recognition in his relationship with Timothy do not neglect your gift which was given you through prophecy when the body of Elders laid their hand hands on you the laying on of hands wasn't an empty symbolic act it was a public declaration that Timothy had been called and equipped by God those who possess the gift of discernment often face internal doubts is this really from God or is it just
my imagination such questions are natural especially when the gift begins to manifest but confirmation from spiritual leaders dispels those doubts it's as if God uses their voices to tell you yes this is mine and I've placed it in you for a purpose consider the life of Joseph although his brothers hated him for his dreams his gift was recognized by leaders at pivotal moments in prison Pharaoh's cup Bearer and Baker trusted him to interpret their dreams later on Pharaoh himself summoned Joseph and upon hearing his interpretation he declared can we find anyone like this man one
in whom is the spirit of God this confirmation LED Joseph to his Destiny as a leader in Egypt however this sign isn't just about receiving praise it also involves being guided and corrected spiritual leaders aren't there to inflate your ego but to help you refine your gift and use it wisely sometimes this means accepting advice that's hard to swallow but such correction is necessary for your discernment to grow in maturity and Effectiveness confirming your gift also serves a practical purpose protecting the church Paul tells us two or three prophets should speak and the others should
weigh carefully what is said this shows that even the most powerful gifts need to be evaluated within the community of Faith a Discerning spiritual leader can help you recognize when you're using your gift properly and when you need to adjust your focus and what if you haven't received this confirmation yet don't be discouraged God works in his perfect timing while you wait keep seeking his presence developing your gift and serving Faithfully when the right time comes he will use the leaders he has placed in your life to affirm what he has already planted in your
spirit it's a sign that you're not alone that your gift isn't an accident but part of a greater a plan to build the kingdom Embrace this sign for what it truly is an invitation to walk confidently in the purpose God has prepared for you let's move on to the final sign sign number seven the universal calling of God's children not everyone hears God's voice but all his children are called to discern this isn't a gift reserved for a select few it's a a universal calling everyone who belongs to God's people has access to the Holy
Spirit who empowers them to discern truth in a world full of deception this calling isn't optional it's a Divine responsibility that comes with the privilege of being part of his kingdom from the very beginning God has made it clear that his people should be different set apart equipped to understand his will in the Bible the spirit of God is described as a spirit of wisdom understanding counsel strength knowledge and fear of the Lord these attributes aren't reserved for just a handful of prophets they characterize all who live under the power of the Holy Spirit consider
Jesus the son of God who walked the Earth fully human yet filled with the spirit even though he was perfect he didn't act on his own he constantly depended on the father's guidance Jesus declared the son can do nothing by himself he only does what he sees the father doing this is the model for all of God's children to live in complete dependence on the Spirit by Discerning his will at every moment the universal call to discernment isn't so we can see what the enemy is doing but so we can understand what God is doing
too often we focus on detecting evil on identifying spiritual attacks but the true purpose of discernment is to align ourselves with God's plans it's knowing when to speak when to be silent when to move forward and when to wait the disciples faced this same calling before Jesus ascended into heaven he promised to send them the Holy Spirit who would teach them all things and remind them of everything he had said and that's exactly what happened on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit descended the disciples were transformed they didn't just speak in tongues they
perceived the power to discern how to advance Jesus's mission in a hostile world this calling isn't easy it requires a constant connection with God a willingness to Listen and Obey it also means bearing the weight of being different in a world that operates in darkness but the Holy Spirit doesn't just give discernment he grants strength courage and a peace that surpasses all understanding Paul paints a vivid picture of the Fruit of the Spirit listing them as love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness and self-control these qualities aren't optional they're the Hallmarks of those who
live by the spirit discernment Springs forth from a life enriched with these fruits a life where every action mirrors the character of God but what does this calling mean for you it means you can't Overlook the gift of discernment you can't can't live passively expecting others to make decisions for you as God's child you're called to seek his presence to sharpen your spiritual hearing and to use discernment to fulfill the purpose for which you were created consider Nehemiah an ordinary man who answered God's call when he learned that Jerusalem's walls lay in Ruins he didn't
stand idly by he wept he prayed and he discerned that God was urging him to to act facing opposition deceit and danger his discernment guided him to complete the work God had entrusted to him the universal call to discernment reminds us that God doesn't just save us he equips us to be light in a dark world if you're his child discernment already resides within you waiting to be awakened the question is are you willing to answer the call this isn't a call to comfort but to action it's an in invitation to see through God's eyes
to listen with his ears to act with his wisdom this is an invitation to walk in the Eternal purpose for which you were created discernment isn't just a privilege for a select few it's a Hallmark of God's children if your answer is yes you might be asking yourself how do I use this gift of discernment discernment isn't some abstract concept or a gift reserved only for extraordinary moments it's a practical tool in your life a beacon guiding every decision every word every action those who have it should use it not only to identify the spiritual
but to live in obedience turning everyday moments into Holy Ground discernment isn't a spiritual ornament it's a powerful weapon in the daily battles of life in the Bible we read do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves do what it says this principle applies to discernment it's not enough to perceive what's from God and what isn't we must act accordingly practical discernment involves three fundamental pillars seek act and remain first pillar seek a life of prayer and communion with God discernment begins in the secret place there are no shortcuts those who wish
to walk in spiritual wisdom must remain constantly connected with God God Jesus himself left us this example before facing crucial decisions such as choosing his disciples Jesus spent the entire night in prayer prayer doesn't just sharpen our spiritual ears it aligns our hearts with God's purposes it is in that intimate space where discernment is strengthened where doubts are clarified and where Divine guidance becomes evident without a consistent prayer life discernment loses its power consider Daniel even under the threat of death he continued praying three times a day his prayer life not only kept him connected
to God but also equipped him to face the challenges of a hostile environment his discernment was a direct result of his unwavering relationship with the Creator second pillar act obey without hesitation true discernment doesn't end with reflection it compels us to act when God speaks when his direction is revealed we must respond immediately even if obedience seems risky or incomprehensible think of Abraham when God asked him to sacrifice Isaac he didn't hesitate even though he didn't fully understand the divine plan he trusted and acted his obedience not only resulted in God's provision but also affirmed
his faith as an eternal example for all believers acting with discernment also means confronting our fears often what God asks of us defies human logic but those who trust his voice know he never fails Proverbs teaches us trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight third pillar remain steadfast avoid distractions and persevere in your purpose discernment also requires perseverance in a world overflowing with distractions and deception it's easy to lose our way but those who
stay focused on God strengthen their gift and avoid spiritual exhaustion the Apostle Paul urged Believers to stay awake and Vigilant knowing the enemy seeks to lead God's children astray persevering in discernment means not being swayed by fleeting emotions or societal pressures it's choosing God's will even when it's tough consider Nehemiah despite opposition and distractions he stood firm in his mission to rebuild Jerusalem's walls his discernment enabled him to recognize the deceit of his enemies and remain focused on the Divine Purpose applying discernment doesn't just transform you it impacts those around you Jesus said it clearly
you are the light of the world ATT Town built on a hill cannot be hidden those who walk in discernment illuminate the path for others guiding with wisdom and reflecting God's glory in all they do practicing discernment isn't a luxury it's a necessity it involves constantly seeking God obeying without hesitation and standing firm in your purpose it's living with the assurance that every decision no matter how small can be an opportunity to to glorify God so here's the question are you willing to take discernment beyond the spiritual and make it part of your daily life
it's not easy but those who do discover a life Guided by the spirit filled with purpose peace and divine power discernment isn't an ordinary gift it's a Divine privilege a Heavenly tool that turns the invisible into the understandable those who possess it don't walk like everyone else they see what others can't and act with wisdom that isn't of this world but this gift isn't meant to be admired from afar or kept in silence it's a living flame that should illuminate the way a beacon to guide through the darkness scripture reminds us each of you should
use whatever gift you have received to serve others as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms discernment isn't a gift meant for personal benefit it's a call to serve to protect to build the kingdom it's the key that unlocks answers others can't find guiding with Precision in moments of uncertainty consider Jesus the Supreme example of discernment in action in every decision every word every deed he reflected the father's perfect will when the Pharisees tried to trap him with their questions he perceived their intentions and responded with authority and Truth when the crowd surrounded
him he sensed the hidden needs in their hearts healing not only their bodies but their souls as well his life teaches us that discernment isn't just about knowing it's about doing acting with courage and love throughout this video we've explored the signs of a gift that shouldn't be ignored we've seen how deep desire love for God's presence spiritual sensitivity confirmation from leaders and connection with his voice are indications that discernment is at work in your life but now the most important question stands before you what will you do with this knowledge discernment like any gift
requires development it's not enough to recognize the signs you need to cultivate it exercise it and use it Paul urges us for this reason I remind you to Fan into Flame the gift of God which is in you this is the challenge for all who've been called to Fan the flame this means praying without ceasing studying the word fervently and seeking opportunities to apply what the spirit shows you don't wait for circumstances to be perfect don't let fear or doubt stop you if you feel God's call begin today sometimes the first step is as simple
as saying Here I Am Lord use me just as young Samuel responded this act of Readiness opens the door for God to guide you into the purpose for which you were created with discernment comes responsibility in a world filled with countless voices and where truth seems relative those who can distinguish the Divine from the false carry a special weight on their shoulders they must be Guardians Of Truth champions of justice and bearers of hope it's not an easy task but with the Holy Spirit you're not alone he strengthens you guides you and equips you for
every challenge if you've felt the invitation answer the call if you've recognized these signs don't ignore them the holy spirit is speaking to you guiding you toward a greater purpose pray seek act be the light in the darkness The Watchman on the tower the heart that listens and responds and remember the words of Jesus in the same way let your light shine before others that they may see your good deeds and glorify your father in Heaven this is the ultimate purpose of discernment to reflect God's glory impact lives and build his kingdom if this message
has resonated in your spirit I encourage you to commit today pray for greater discernment seek his presence like never before and be faithful to what God reveals to you in the end it's those who see the invisible visible who transform the visible and you with the spirit working within you are called to be one of them are you ready then Begin by manifesting it if you haven't already type I'm ready in the comments and don't forget to like the video but this knowledge doesn't stop here it continues in the video appearing on your screen because
you need to know how to communicate with the Holy Spirit did you know there are powerful words that can invite the presence of the Holy Spirit into your daily life you must learn these words the Holy Spirit loves to hear they capable of opening spiritual doors and allowing the presence of the Holy Spirit to manifest in your life click on the video to discover these powerful words