The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Fats | How Cooking Oils and Methods Destroy Food @pradipjamnadasmd

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The Galen Foundation
Discover the truth about fats and their impact on your health in this informative video. We break do...
Video Transcript:
[Applause] well thank you very much for that very generous introduction I'm going to dive right into it what's the fuss about fats okay so what is the fuss what is the fuss why is such a big fuss about fats so this going to be two parts I'm going to show you slides but first i'm going to draw you a picture because fats are not just fats okay there's a different kind of fat in different parts of your body and people just think fats are fats but they're not there's different kinds of fats there's all sorts
of different kinds of fats so let's take a artery I'm going to draw you an artery first let's have a better artery than that let's draw a better artery there we go now this artery can be any part of your body and plaque starts growing in it right your cornery arteries let's say and you have hardening of the arteries so you say oh you got all this calcium build up in the walls of the arteries now look where I'm drawing the calcium the build up of plaque it's on the outside but wait a second I
got blocked inside arteries well it do does grow inside too but it only grows a little bit most of it is actually on the outside of the artery okay so what's wrong if it's all growing on the outside of the artery but what's wrong is that it can also grow Inward and when it grows inward once it starts narrowing the artery down now the blood flow gets reduced now this is calcium and that's the calcium score that all of you do but there's something else there are islands of plaque here that are not calcified then
this is a normal part of the artery and then again there's calcium build up over here so what's going on here what's the difference between this part and this part this here is called Soft plaque this is called hard plaque so the problem with this is it causes obstruction the problem with soft one what's in it fat what kind of fat bad fat what is bad fat it's fat that is made up of LDL well you all know about LDL low density lap of proteins but again it's not just your total LDL this thing is
made up of small dense LDL abnormal LDL so you all have a high LDL they have a low LDL is there a difference in your heart attack rates no there isn't in spite of what all the literature will tell you and what your doctors will tell you more than 50% of the patients who have heart attacks have normal ldls then how can they be having heart how can LDL be causing heart attacks what is a heart attack now I'm going to show what is a heart attack this thing ruptures a blood clot forms on it
if the blood clot is small he won't even know it'll get covered over and now he's getting a little bit of plaque formation but if the blood clot is big now he'll start having chest pain because the blood is not moving through and if he's really unlucky the blood clot is a big blood clot and now the arter is completely shut down so this plaque over here the soft one can rupture why would it rupture why would it suddenly crack like a pimple on the inside of the artery is because it's made up of fat
and this fat is the wrong kind of fat it's inflammatory fat think of a pimple it's inflammatory it's got p in it right this is pus in the artery when we do a biopsy of this this is what you're going to find you're going to find in it lots and lots of fat globules and you're going to find in a t cells B cells which are inflammatory cells as part of your white cells right your immune system lots and lots of T cells lots and lots of B cells and you're going to find here macrofagos
that's your white cells your wbcs right that go and kill bacteria and kill viruses and kill foreign particles what are they doing here why are they fighting fighting a war in here why who they fighting against who are the t- cells and the B cells producing cyto kindes that are going to produce M Matrix metall or protein is and break this down and suddenly this thing is going to break open and now a blood clot will form there what's it fighting against it's fighting against something foreign what is that foreign stuff what is it this
forign stuff is this fat here and what's this fat made up of It's Made made up of damaged LDL damaged LDL not regular LDL damaged LDL so if you look at people who have damaged LDL they are going to have this and when there's enough damaged LDL and enough inflammation if you get enough inflammation in here the wall here is going to break down and when that wall breaks down the blood that's going pasture is going to make a blood clot on it so you got to make sure that your plaques don't have inflammation in
it therefore what's going to cause the inflammation is small dense LDL abnormal LDL particles these are abnormal LDL particles so how do you make abnormal LDL particles well if you do the advanced lipid test it will tell you the sizes of your LDL so you you put it through the test and say oh here's a peak of LDL of this size and then you're going to get small dense particles so you're going to get another Peak another Peak and another Peak these are abnormal LDL particles they've been damaged damaged by what what's damaging the LDL
that now instead of having all the LDL particles being of the same size now you're getting smaller ones and even smaller ones what's the difference between these and these and these what's the difference what the difference is is the fats in it so these LDL particles have cholesterol in them they're fatty acids okay and and then they have lipoproteins on them so these are little balls lipoproteins on top of them so they all have cholesterol but what's the difference between these is the constitution of the fatty acids what is a fatty acid it's a glycerol
body with Three fatty acids attached to it Three fatty acids so this is a triglyceride a triglyceride it has three fatty acids on them and this is the glycerol body that's a triglyceride so all these are triglycerides inside the LDL there's cholesterol also what's the culprit the culprit is your triglycerides so if you have large fluffy particles and you're triglycerides the fatty acids are good saturated fatty acids then this molecule is not going to be inflammatory it's not going to be small dense it's not going to be deranged what we now know is that abnormal
LDL is created when these fatty acids are wrong what's wrong with fatty acids first of all you're eating the wrong fatty acids secondly you're oxidizing them inside you I'll show you so you maybe even eating even good ones but then you're ruining it how are you ruining them by eating too much sugar and by overcooking your food overheating your food now these fatty acids which you took in okay I was very good I didn't eat bad fatty A I ate good ones but you destroyed them through the cooking process and you destroyed them because your
glucose was too high what's wrong with glucose well it attaches itself to the fatty acids and these fatty acids change so when you get these abnormal LDL particles now Along Comes A white cell and it wants to gobble it up because to it it's a abnormal particle he wants to take it out of circulation and these are what end up in the soft plaque because it's trying to get out of the circulation so macroasia attach themselves over here they go inside and when the macras die the macras are your white cells that have collected all
these bad ldls and when they die they Liberate the calcium and that's the calcium you see they Liberate the fat and there's the fat it's the bad LDL that's inside the plaque so yes the plaques do contain fat they contain cholesterol but the abnormal thing in it is the fatty acid that either you ate or you created inside you so that's why we're talking today about fats because the type of fat is really important because there's fats in every cell of your body but you want fats that are stable not unstable now you all know
about rancidity right so if a fat is rened what's wrong it's gone bad it's become oxidized right so you want LDL that contains the right type of fat in it so let's talk about those types of fat because that's going to be what's going to generate inflammation because you're going to generate small dense LDL and the small Dena becomes a target of your immune system you're going to get soft plaque when you get soft plaque you can crack it break it and then you get a blood clot now you're having a heart attack or you
can break it but it heals over and you're getting more atic progression so you're getting more and more hardening of the arteries so can we monitor this sure we can we do CT scans you can see how much calcium there is we can also do now fractional flow Reserve that tells us whether the scum is narrowing the artery or not and we can also on the CT scan look for soft plaque so let's say you get a CT scan and you have only calcium only and it's not causing or narrowing your pass your stresses you
feel good but you don't have soft plaque you're better off than that guy over there who has calcium but he also has 50% of his plaque is soft full of fat it's going to break and cause a heart attack he's in trouble you may not be in that much trouble so the plaque characteristics have to be determined until now we didn't have tools to look for plaque character characteristics but now on CT scan using AI finally we have a good use for AI right so finally these images are sent to California and they do a
complete analysis on the arteries and you can tell you you got so much calcified plaque you got so much non-calcified plaque and from that you there's also a term called hyperlucent plaque that means a plaque that has is very loosen so it's got a very very low Hound spill unit on CT what that basically means that it's full of fat and it's the bad kind of fat so those plaques are very vulnerable we've been looking for this Holy Grail for 30 years to find plaques that you know are going to rupture that patient's in trouble
so he may be feeling good right now but you better put him on an anti-inflammatory lifestyle anti-inflammatory diet because he's going to Rapture that plaque so you got an idea about LDL it's not your total LDL because if you have large fluffy LDL particles then your risk is not that high but if you have small dense particles then you're in trouble so now the rest of the talk is going to be about what makes those particles small and dense so I'm going to give you a primer here because there are many factors that make that
LDL become small and problematic for you so if you look at that LDL particle LDL floats around the body and here's your gut if foreign materials get through your gut known also colloquially as leaky gut then these things that cross over they call LPS lipopolysaccharides these lipopolysaccharides I'm going to draw them as a little dot they can't free float in the body because they are fat soluble the blood can't have globules of fat floating around right so what they what these little globules do they get taken up by LDL so LDL comes along and it
takes up the lipopolysaccharide the lipopolysaccharide is an abnormal particle this comes from the gut it's part of the bacteria now this LDL has this particle on it what's happened to the size of the LDL is become small and dense you see it it's a deranged LDL particle your LDL became damaged so that's one cause if you have a leaky gut another cause of damaged LDL glucose so this is one scenario scenario number two here's your LDL minding its own business but you go and eat too much sugar cuz you allow of sugar and you're getting
spikes in your blood sugar it Gates the lipids that are in in the LDL so glucose attaches itself to this and you all know about this because you measure your hemoglobin A1c what is hemoglobin A1c it's the hemoglobin and sugar is attached to it now well you think sugar only attaches itself to hemoglobin A1c no it attaches to every cell every protein every LDL molecule the sugar attaches itself that's why sugar is so bad for you look if you want to know how long you're going to live and how healthy going to live you better
know what your sugar levels are your fasting sugar is one of the most predictive of who's going to live a healthy life and how long you're going to live is your fasting sugar if you tell me Oh My fasting sugar is fine it's 110 not bad no it's too high it needs to be less than 95 less than 90 is even better so you you got on say why is glucose bad for you because when the blood sees a lot of glucose every lipid in your body is going to get glycated every protein gets glycated
what do you mean by glycated that means the sugar attaches itself to it that's why glucose is so bad if you really want to know what's going on in your bodies and if you're really concerned about your health you should also do continuous glucose monitoring so that if your glucose is doing this after each meal and say oh my A1C is fine I'm not a diabetic but my sugars are fluctuating all all the time every time it goes up it's glycating the lipid in your LDL and your LDL becomes damaged plus every protein in your
body gets damaged as well everything gets damaged by the high sugar the higher the sugar every molecule in your work can't work properly every protein cannot work properly because it's glycated so glycation also destroys the LDL particle the LDL particle and don't think that glycation only occurs with proteins which is what many people think glycation occurs with lipids as well so a lipid molecule fat gets attached to Sugar now I'll show you why the type of fat is very important because if you take a saturated fat and put sugar on it it's not going to
affect it that much because there's no bonds there that are open for interaction but if you take a bad type of fat and now you put sugar over there now you got double whammy not only is a sugar there but you also got the bad type of fat a fat that's polyunsaturated that's what we're going to talk about in a few minutes so I'm giving you a little clue as to why your ldls get bad and damaged because you got a leaky gut and many people will disagree with me on this but this is a
proven fact number two glycation glycation glycation is really bad and the third thing is oxidation of the LDL oxidation due to oxidative stress so that's heavy metals that cause oxidative stress in the body so there's lots of other reasons too but for the talk tonight I just want you to know that healthy fats they find it very difficult to become oxidized but bad fats which I'm show you today are the ones that get easily damaged by lipopolysaccharides and by glucose so let's dive into the fat and I'll show you that let's put the screens down
for a second now and I'm going to start with the slides and show you the data on the fats and why they're important all right so let's take vegetable oils because that's what today's talk is about you have saturated fat monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat I want you to remember this now saturated fat mono and polys what is polyunsaturated that means they have lots of empty spaces in there that can interact with other things it's not a stable molecule monounsaturated means that they have one Bond available for attachment and interactions so The Good the Bad
and the Ugly The Good the Bad and the Ugly all right so soy beans has 18% saturated fat monounsaturated 24% but look a 58% polyunsaturated fat in it so these fat molecules so now I told you about lipopolysaccharides didn't I I just told you about sugar just now and I told you about oxidative stress that occurs in the body the rusting process the mood reaction all these other things that happen who's which one of these three constitutions of soybean is going to get affected by what I showed you earlier on this one that's what's going
to get damaged so you want your cells your red cells for example or you want your proteins or you want your other molecules your to be to to the ldls especially to be composed of this or this or this if you have a lot of this in your body all your ldls will readily interact readily oxidize and readily become small dense particles and your whole body everything will readily interact you're inflamed your immune system will see that all your fats are deranged oh my God they're so easily damaged because they're full of polyunsaturated fats let's
take canola oil oh very healthy where did this come from this came from Canada thanks Canadians they gave us canola oil okay so canola oil has a lot of monounsaturated fats so you'll say oh it's better than soybean oil yes it is it is in that regard but it's still bad because it has one bond that can still interact and remember something else the processing of these things the processing of be soybean oil and canola oil requires so many chemicals and traces of those chemicals are still in the oil especially things like hexane gases if
you see where they make these oils it you think that you are you are on the coast of India in one of the biggest oil refineries that's what it looks like it looks like an oil refinery so you want to eat those products that are made in a Refinery is that where you're getting your food form a Refinery grape seed oil 70% polyunsaturated yet I know people who say grape seed oil is very healthy for you it's not olive oil 74% monounsaturated still has 9% polyunsaturate and 177% saturated fat so look it's not too different
from canola but olive oil still has monounsaturated fat it's olive oil is not a health oil but given a choice of which poison you're going to choose and put on your plate today because you have to let's say then you'd rather choose some olive oil but it's still a poison and I'll show you lots of studies I have tons of studies to show that people who are divided into olive oil versus saturated fats olive oil did worse olive oil is not a health food now I put it in my salad little bit but I know
people who take 5 tablespoons a day thinking that they're healthy because of the Mediterranean diet look it's a lie the whole Mediterranean diet thing is a lie because if you go back and look at the data those studies were done in creit so in creit at the time it was right after the world war these people were starving they were eating mostly vegetables and scraps left over and a little bit of meat here and there and they had olive oil so the study is these guys come along people like anel keys and them and they
say oh oh they had longevity must be the olive oil it's not the olive oil it was because they were living like popers now if you go to creit today their diet has completely changed it's full of saturated fats they have one of the most obese populations now and they have a very high incidence of coronary artery disease it had nothing to do with olive oil and besides which I want you all to think about it let's say that you come and see me and you say Dr J what kind of diet should I be
on I said you should be on a Mediterranean diet you don't even know what a Mediterranean diet is is because you're Indian how is an Indian supposed to cook like a Mediterranean diet just doesn't make any sense the poor came the other day and he's from China and he's saying I don't know what you're saying doc doesn't make sense coconut oil coconut oil is mostly saturated it has some mono unsaturated very little polyunsaturated oil but I want to tell you something about olive oil I mean about coconut oil coconut comes in two varieties and you
need to know this one is extra virgin and one is refined now when you go get your olive oil you get extra virgin cold pressed why cold pressed because it doesn't take those fats and Destroy them remember when you're making canola oil and soybean oil and grape seed oil it goes up to 280° at least twice in the processing of it all you create a lot of damage to all those particles whereas when you take olive oil it's cold pressed and it's extra virgin it's going to be okay there's not going to be many of
those bad deranged lipids in it coconut oil is the same way if but it's the opposite you mustn't use uh you need to use extra refined not extra virion CU extra virin has a lot of white stuff in it which are called phytosterol so phytosterols are not good for you they cause coronary artery disease and they crystallize inside your arteries it's not a good idea to have too much phytosterols seeds have a lot of phytosterols I'll show you a slide later on but coconut oil you can get rid of the phytosterols if you get refined
coconut oil so I get refined coconut oil so opposite of olive oil palm oil palm oil is very high in saturated fats it has some monounsaturated fats and only 10% polyunsaturated palm oil is actually a saturated fat lot of people all over the world are beginning to use it now look at beef beef is 50% saturated only now everyone thinks that beef is 100% saturated it's not meat is not 100% saturated it actually contains almost half mono unsaturated how many people know that very few people know that right chicken breast has a lot of polyunsaturated
fats why because they're feeding the chicken the wrong food they give them corn when they're supposed to be eating cockes and other things worms and bugs and all those kinds of stuff so that's why this they have such a high polyan and chicken consumption is gone off the roof and with it they're getting a nice dose of antibiotic give the chicken antibiotics they grow faster and quicker so you're going to get all those antibiotics some of them used to get growth hormones now we don't hopefully we we still don't yeah stop eating it telling look
at fish fish is 40% saturated 39% mon now many people think that oh fish is 80% polyunsaturate I mean monounsaturated or polyunsaturated it's not it's got 40% saturated fat in it look at Homework 62% saturated fat 30% monounsaturated and 4% polyunsaturated so where are the bad boys over here the bad boys are this soybeans terrible grape seed very bad chicken breast bad okay let's look at this one now what is this picture now this picture is complicated but it's quite simple as well glycerol alide Plus gluc glucose plus lipids plus protein combination will produce Advanced
glycation and products it's a big word but just bear with me methy glil plus Protein Plus lipids acid alide Protein Plus lipids notice that in all these bad reactions there's one common thing in all of them is the lipid so when the lipid which is involved in just about everything in your body everything everything lipids are involved and if there's lipids there there's a good chance it's going to be involved in the advanced glycation and products these are not just from glycation only it's also when lipids interact with other molecules such as methy gloal which
is produced in in processed foods acid alide which comes from alcohol so let's say you just drink a lot of alcohol it's a dark I'm on alcohol diet okay fine I'm not getting any fats in me then how did I get all that fat in my artery in my liver and all these things well acid alide combines with proteins and lipids and produces Advanced glycation end products Advanced glycation end products then causes Redux potentials to change it causes the reactive oxygen species and it causes total malfunction in the body every cell in your body becomes
dysfunctional because of this this of course gives you the hangover the next day as well right that's what you're feeling from glycer alide same thing formation of advanced gly and products there are three main ways that these bad boys get created sugar and then fructose look pay attention fructose I'm a fruitarian I eat lots of fruit two fruits for breakfast three fruits for lunch another three fruit in the evening and what happens these people come to see me and they're sick they either have dementia cor AR disease they've had a stroke they obese they have
fatty lever fruit should only be consumed occasionally that to whatever is in season not something that was picked 6 months ago fruit limit your fruit intake fructose fructose major p pathway by which you get Advanced glycation and products so all these all these affect your LDL particles they affect your mitochondria total body dysfunction now look at this one here lipid peroxidation see your fats in your body your fats once they get oxidized they produce Advanced glycation and products so fats don't let your fats get oxidized now which fats get oxidized I showed you right in
the beginning which fats get oxidized polyunsaturated fats monounsaturated fats saturated fats cannot get oxidized you can put a teaspoon of ghee on your on your on your plate and it'll be there a month later it's still okay it's still okay it hasn't become rancid you take a little bit of walnut oil within 1 hour it's rened you take any of the vegetable oils and leave them out in the open in a matter of hours they start going rancid what does rancidity mean that means they're getting oxidized do you want to consume fats that easily get
oxidized because then you're going to get lipid peroxidation that's going to cause Advanced glycation and products or do you want to consume fats that are very stable in your body and are not going to get oxidized oxidation is very important oxidation equals aging oxidation equals rusting you're rusting you want to rust quickly or do you want to rust slowly the difference is oxygenation and oxygenating what lipids you are as old as the rate at which you are oxidizing your lipids so you better be careful what you do with the lipids outside in your kitchen and
which ones you're consuming and putting inside your body and once it's inside your body you got to also prevent oxidation by making sure sugar level are good and keeping that level nice and low all right so you see what I'm trying to give a picture here is you know we think aging is all about other things I'm telling you aging is multifactorial but one of the major issues as to why you get sick and why you getting old quickly and prematurely is because you're rusting and you're rusting because the lipid peroxidation process has been unrecognized
lipid peroxidation is unrecognized now we got to put this on the the map Advanced glycation end products are harmful molecules look what they do in your body once you get these Advanced glycation end products in which fats are playing a huge role causes oxidases inflammation I told you if you have inflammation your plaques are going to rupture it causes apoptosis which is cell injury and destruction premature aging yeah thank you I'm trying to stay young give me some Botox uh cardiovascular disease get heart disease right I get a heart dis fatty liver do you know
right now to third of the population has a fatty liver fatty Li is caused by lot of things we know about this it's either alcohol or you have too much insulin and sugar in your diet right or you have too much fructose in your diet or you have a licky gut causing metabolic endotoxemia these are the four major causes of a fatty liver and you need to know about these things because if the doctor tells you you got a fatty liver you have trouble again fatty fatty you see see it's got to do with fat
fats look don't think that fats are just for Taste and everything fats are an integral part of your Chemistry fats are an integral part of your Chemistry but nobody talks about that everyone talks only about sugar and proteins and minerals and vitamins and blah blah blah blah blah they don't talk about the fats fats are actually very important what P what percentage of my brain is all fat my brain is mostly fat that's what it is but it's a right right type of fat for my brain to work properly saturated fats cholesterol lots of cholesterol
in my brain yeah because if I only have polyunsaturated fats I'm going to get Advanced glycation end products my neurons don't open then I get this early dementia neurod degenerate disease there it is a fast drought if you want to get neurod Degen disease you want to get some Parkinson's you want to get shaking you want to get some dementia fine stuff yourself with polyunsaturated fats tomorrow hypertension renal failure insulin resistance and pancreatic dysfunction all these are caused by Advanced glycation and products they promote mitochondrial dysfunction now your mitochondria let me explain something about your
mitochondria mitochondria found in all cells of your body I'm so tired all the time your mitochondria may not be working well it's not because you're depressed now the mitochondria has a lot of proteins in them inside and they have a lot of fats in them as well so when you get the wrong types of fat in your mitochondria you're going to get mitochondrial dysfunction when you get mitochondrial you have no energy if mitochondria if you don't get good mitochondrial function you're going to get a lot of reactive oxygen species you're going to get epigenetic changes
you're going to age quickly you're going to get disease you need good mitochondria mitochondria the mitochondria use what what do the mitochondria love to use for energy you all going to say sugar sugar sugar glucose it's not it's fat it's fat so reactive oxygen species if you get mitochon dysfunction you also get reactive oxygen species nitrogen reactive species so that makes your blood vessels or you get hypertension get hypertension I see my patients and they have hypertension say oh it's essential hypertension and then I change the fat intake make them change the food what they're
eating I make the sugars come down make the insulin levels come down I reduce the entire body fat Constitution and learn people the blood pressures go away we can treat high blood pressure but it's hard work without drugs we can't do it by the way talking about that I told you about polyunsaturated fats right if I give you some poly unag fat right now drink it up or in something how long is that fat going to stay in your body take a guess 600 days so you want a turnover I want all my adipose tissue
to be composed of saturated fat and not polyunsaturated fat lolic acid I don't want linolic acid in my body because that's a polyunsaturated fat you're going to have to work hard and don't think that you can do this in one week and my my ose tissue is now all healthy non-inflamed ose tissue no may take up to two years depend depends how much of it you got and whether the final expression of it depends on how much of it you have in here so don't take it lightly because you may consume polyunsaturated fats and say
yeah but I bunt it up no you didn't you stored it and it's going to be there for 2 years so extracellular damage maturation Pro oh collagen loss oh let me tell you about collagen loss you don't want wrinkles then don't have advanced glycation end products because they destroy the collagen they destroy collagen so people who have a lot of advanced glycation and mean the sugars high they have the wrong types of fats in their body they have small dense particles they get wrinkles they basically getting old the collagen's all gone when the collagen's gone
from your arteries you get hardening of the arteries you get dioic dysfunction you can get hypertension collagen very important elastic tissue loss it's part of the aging process so these are the pathways which I told you about already and these are the chemistries of it and let's move on alcohol consumption I mentioned now look at this endogenous production of advanced look I put down alcohol Li disease cigarettes why are cigarettes so bad for you because they create Advanced gation and products and look what else causes it omega-6 fatty acid diet you have a high fatty
acid diet you're going to get a lot of advanced glycan in products you're going to get all the diseases that I've mentioned so you want to prevent end indous gly glycan products keep your sugar low I already told you that if you have any doubt do continuous glucose monitoring you'll be surprised so let me tell you she came to me and she eats potatoes her blood sugar didn't go up she's not diabetic didn't go up her neighbor was eating the same potato her sugar went up to 200 she's not diabetic either both have the same
hemoglobin A1c what's the difference you react differently to potatoes than she does and vice versa when she was eating when she was drank skim milk her sugars did not go down but yours did so everyone reacts differently why partly because of the microbiome that you have in you and the only way you're going to know these differences is if you do your continuous glucose monitoring so who should do continuous glucose monitoring when you put that little disc over here and you're on your computer you can see it anyone who already has vascular disease anyone who
already has pre-diabetes anyone with hyperinsulinemia anyone with hypertension anyone with the belly anyone with a belly if you have a belly you need continuous glucose monitoring end of story okay there you go because you know that what's driving this is a periodic increase in your glucose which is causing insulin secretion insulin is a storage molecule between the two of them they're going to cause fatty liver and then the fat will go over into your mum and you'll get a big belly you have a big belly you already have insulin resistance you already have it you
cannot afford to have a belly you cannot have a belly I'm just telling you right now you want to stay healthy you got to get rid of it now there are some people who have a belly but they'll also have fat all over their body and that's a small percentage of people about 15% of people are metabolically healthy obese people so they have fat but watch their fat is under the skin and you can grab it that's under the skin but these people The Sheds that have that big belly H their fat is inside so
it's tight tight when what you cannot grab is dangerous so go home and try it out do your grab test or grab it on each [Laughter] other see it's important if you can grab your fat you're in great shape all right uh not great shape but okay at least you're safer now ages from exogenous now this is very important for all of you that means you can make these outside the body and consume it so one you made in your body because of glucose and the wrong types of fats that you consumed and everything now
you made it in your body now you're going to consume it now this got of my interest because a lot of people who came to me and says look my diet is great I'm only eating this now I'm only eating this I I don't and then I look at them and I say you're still sick though you have small dense LDL you still have high blood pressure you're making more disease your calcium score is going up your what's going on why is you why are you still sick because by traditional ways you should be now
healthy and then when I dug into the diet I found out the following things they were making exogenous products ages in the kitchen were still they were paying money to buy it and then go home and consume it now how DFT is that 90% of it ends up in the colon which affects your microbiome which is not a good thing to do 10% is absorbed into the body 30% exed into the urine so what do it goes through your kidney these things go to the kidney and then cause kidney problems 60% of what is absorbed
ends up in all the tissues so let's talk about these um let me script this one I'll come back to it how do you produce exogenous you're frying it you're broiling it you're blackening it you're charring it you're baking it and cereals these things all generate Advanced gation end products think about it think just think about it of course you are cuz you're taking the food you're destroying the food all right got me you're destroying the food humans were not supposed to do these things these activities were not part of human ity so now animal
foods are naturally High because they themselves have advanced cational product we all do so long as you're alive but processed foods full of this because they take it and they're putting it into the oven and they're making something out there in commercial ovens and whatnot they creating at high temperature the union the union of what what fats glucose and protein and when you combine the three of them what you produce Advanced glycan and products look today you learned something new you learned about Advanced glycation end products did you have a how many of you already
heard about it before one two bus bus that's enough now that's a shame no no that's a downright shame because the Damage Done in the body whether it's due to glucose or whether it's due to eating bad inside or outside is all through advanced glycation and products that's the pathway and yet only two people knew about it because they think it's only about other things that they don't they don't realize that it's also what you making in the food in your kitchen or what you bought and paid money for it so all processed foods are
high in advanced glycation and because of the way they process it direct heating the food broiling air frying air fry oh I got an air fryer every Thanksgiving they byy a new one exactly so now now you are forcing those molecules to combine it's like welding you want to weld your food huh so you're taking your protein your your sugar and the fats and you're welding them all together now tell me how smart is is that is that smart does nature do that nature doesn't do that cuz nature doesn't have the ability to go that
high in its temperature either roasting high temperature barbecue high temperature baking high temperature so you're bringing these molecules in close proximity to each other and you're creating Advanced glycation and products now there's one big thing about them that's very good about Advanced gation and PR they taste terrific they do look at it check it out it tastes fantastic but it's deadly it's it's not danger it's deadly it'll kill you it will kill you now what's naturally low is naturally High Cup Foods are very low in advanced glycation end products like for example tubers okay they
come under the ground potatoes they are high carb foods but they very low in advanced Gan end products so if you're not a diabetic you can have carbs naturally high water content Foods so water water is really really important when you take these things the sugar the protein and the oil but if you have water with it you get less Advanced glycation end products so how you going to make your meat with chicken or your vegetables is you toew it what's the maximum temperature of water 100° Centigrade you can't go higher so our ways of
making Curry and cooking was the right way but of course we be much smarter now of course we air fry them we bake everything and we stir fry and we do all these crazy things the so foods that are high in Fon nutrients which are all your polyphenols those are so why are polyphenols so good polyphenols found in vegetables of different colors and everything they're good for two reasons one they feed the good bacteria in your gut the polyphenols and the which are flavonoids and all these bioflavonoids all and the second reason when they get
absorbed into your body they discourage the formation of advanced G and products so the smartness was always there that eat foods that are high in phytonutrients such as what such as putting what's that cilantro on your food and parsley and using spices such as what turmeric curcumin huh what are do what do they do what do they do they discourage the formation of advanced Le and and because they high in phytonutrients you see the wisdom of eating yeah got to eat right with the right condiments that go with it then you can offset some of
the poison right by using this and of course uncooked vegetables are very low in advanced gation and product because you you've uncooked them there there's no Advanced gation you creating the advanced gation and product when you take your bendy and you you burn the heck out of it black the B is black and now you're saying oh yeah I'm a vegetarian you know I have no problem by the way 70% of Indians are vegetarians and yet they are the kings of coronary artery disease India is now the capital for coronary artery disease and 70% of
them are vegetarians what are they doing two wrong things sugar and wrong fats cuz they're having VES ghee vegetable oils because we don't eat gear anymore because we follow the Americans saturated fats are bad for you all that bad propaganda that you heard about and you're still concerned about cuz people come to my office all the time and say yeah well I did what you did but my LDL went high and I said yeah but your particle sizes are all big and fluffy now your trid have come down your HDL has gone up your hemoglobin
A1c has come down to less than 5.4 your blood pressure is gone you're not on sugar diabetes medicines your fatty Li is gone you feel better you look better but your LDL went up now I'm going to tell you something there's articles that just came up in the last 3 months of course we can talk for hours on this but I don't have time for this but the Articles came out showing that the higher the LDL the longer you're going to live now you're going to say but Dr J that's impossible because every time I
go to my doctor he looks at my ldr and tells me I need to be on a stattin to bring it down and don't tell me that hasn't happened it's probably happened to half of you over here and in fact you probably threatened to get rid of you if you don't follow his advice but there's more to it that meets the eye it's not just a total LDL you should be looking at the whole picture is my LDL damaged if it is damaged it's not the LDL that's that needs to come down it's the cause
of the damage that needs to come down do you see how I look at an advanced lipid panel how does Dr J look at an advanced lipid panel if you have small dense LDL you have pattern B that means you have deranged LDL so you don't go and Chase the LDL to make it come down no you chase the cause of what made that LDL become small dense I told you there's a number of things one is sugar so I'm going to be doing a craft test on you check your sugar and your insulin levels
number two I'm going to be seeing how much polyunsaturated fat so in the advanced liid panel I get this test called your LOL Lake acid level and if your LOL Lake acid level is very high you've been cheating you got vegetable seed oils in you now the upper limits for lolik acid the thank goodness you know what the government did they raised your levels because when they look at the average population they're all eating vegetable seed oils today at the turn of the century less than 3% of your entire energies would come from polyunsaturated fats
today 20 to 30% of the calories in many of the populations in America is coming from fats the bad ones the polyunsaturated fats it's terrible see so it's very important that you understand what I'm saying because it's going to change your whole future how you shop how you cook and look at the overall picture when you look at the advanced lipid pan you must ask for that in your doctor's office when you look at your Advanced lipid panel you got to look at your particle sizes you got to look at your omega-3 lipoprotein little a
CRP level to get a better idea where you and your LOL acid then you make a decision and usually reducing LDL is not the solution the solution is to improve your triglycerides so if you look at the risk of heart disease you know we talk about Hazard ratios right the hazard ratio for high LDL is 1.29 that means you have a 29% increases compared to the other people around you high triglycerides it's 1.8 so which one do you want to bring under control your triglycerides and how do you bring triglyceride what is triglyceride I told
you in the beginning if you all paid attention Tri gdes are the glycerol with Three fatty acids they right you got to get those boys down and you got to make sure that the right boys are on that triglyceride right the right type of fatty acids all right so let's look at this burgers and chicken nuts this is the units of advanced cation of processed cheese look how much by the way your daily recommended allowance that the government is telling us is 15,000 well all you have to do is you go eat some Kentucky Fried
Chicken and you'll get 8,000 right right there poach is less than ,100 raw chicken is less than 800 actually I don't know if Kentucky fries is but all Fried Chicken is very high because you're generating you're forcing that reaction high temperature high temperature plus oil plus Protein Plus sugar the sugar and everything you're making these reactions margarine margarine 7,000 why because that's already hydrogenated you've already made that under high pressure you created Advanced glycation end products butter has a lot in 3 oz but who has 3 o i mean good God I'm not going to
eat that much butter breakfast bar your healthy breakfast bar oh yeah I'm I'm staying at this hotel and in the morning I went down I was so good I just had a breakfast bar you know I took one of those I got to go for my meeting now took my computer and off I went how smart was that processed cheese burgers chicken nuggets all of these look in order to keep everything together processed foods have to use methods to make it together how do you make a cookie you got to use polyunsaturated fats and you
got to put the the dough in it and lots of sugar in it and then you bake it hard so it all combines together otherwise it's just going to fall apart it's intentional except you don't know about it you don't know about it you think it's just fine those cookies are just fine here we go cooking method broiling a piece of beef gives you that much roasting grilling now come on what did you learn you um take poultry you're making your chicken I heard a lot of Chicken Lovers In This audience all right your chicken
lovers go ahead and roast your roast your roast your chicken and see what happens pan frying is also not good poaching is the best but how many of you know how how to post chicken but you can make a chicken curry that's okay that's like poaching so you'd rather make a chicken curry than roast it so now when you go to your favorite friend or restaurant got be careful how you how they cook that chicken you know salmon same thing you although not as much as poultry so why why is that why is that why
is salmon less compared to this because poultry itself innately I showed you has more polyunsaturated fats in it the more polyunsaturated fats they are the more they can interact the more saturated fats the food has the less they can interact eggs a fried egg 2,700 versus 90 when you poach it now if you're going to make if you're going to make um scrambled eggs you do it very lightly you just put in there as soon as that white has become solidifi and okay just take it off the plate and put it in your plate see
so you light don't wait don't Brown it don't once you see Browning once you see Browning that's all advanced glycation and products the bread take your bread the crust fantastic right full of advanced glycation and products CU they Brown the Ancients were very smart if the royal families they used to cut this crust out and only make sandwiches with the white portions inside they were smart they knew something we didn't know see next grains now look at this chips biscuits very high grilled eggplant very high evaporated milk very high so these are all processed processed
foods are no good for you the worst with the oils are with polyunsaturated fats because they break down I told you that earlier on they break down they break down into an alahh I told you how alahh participate in advanced end products that was one of my first slides I showed you so polyan satures break down into alahh easily oxidized in the body very easily oxidized and from the best to the worst is olive oil peanut canola corn soy sunflower safflower now when you go to your favorite restaurant maybe tonight you never know are you
going to how do you know which oil they used how do you know they use the cheapest oil possible right and that's going to be either safflower sunflower or soy oil I'll tell you that right now right now and they're going to put lots of that in your food the best temperature for frying is only 180 to 190° Centigrade so you got to watch your temperatures when you're cooking avoid the smoke point because it breaks the fats and the triglycerols into free fatty acids and glycerol the free the free fatty acids broken away from the
from the backbone the three of them when they break away they react more easily with everything in the body acryline is a toxic substance produced at high temperatures bottom line what did you learn today avoid high temperatures avoid baking avoid frying avoid grilling avoid Browning avoid make it with water moist moist heating right you'll produce less less these Advanced glycation and products reheating oil very bad for you right because you're going to create more trans fats also and you're going to break down the oil see creates free fatty acids and it lowers the spoke Point
even further so once you've heated that oil next time you heat it the smoke point is lower and the next time you heat it again that same oil because you you kept it you kept it you Jal you cannot you cannot get rid of that oil am I right am I right or wrong j CH so there you go all right bad for frying soybean corn Cola con so what are you going to use what are you going to use G is the best food trans fets are created by repeated thing so you're going to
use ghee you can use coconut oil you can use some avocado oil now let's look at the smoke points for butter it's 150 coconut 150 peanut 150 lad 190 olive oil 200 ghee 250 and avocado you see very high smoke points that's why ghee will not break down smoke points means you can heat ghee up to 250 it's not going to break down all the others will break down real fast and you can see it in your pan when you put it in there you put a piece of butter and it's all Smoky and it's
already changed it's already breaking down epidemic today is because of our increased intake of vegetable oils mostly due to process food industry so you can avoid these by just not eating processed foods anything that's readymade anything comes in a packet anything that needs to be opened anything with the barcode anything that comes in a box just get rid of it just get rid of it this epidemic is because we not only eating the wrong stuff and we eating too frequently so my solution is always eating the right food and number two if you cut of
meals down to one meal a day which is what I tell most of my patients to do I've already reduced my intake of Ages by how much 2/3 right cuz two meals are gone right there so do more fasting you get less poison because eating is dangerous now polyunsaturated come in two flavors right they come in Omega 6 and Omega 3 omega 3 is found in fish oils and in some vegetable foods but Omega 6 is found in all the vegetable seed oils and high levels of arachadonic acid very bad for you so this ratio
of omega3 to Omega 6 is very important it should be one: one you get that on your Advanced lipid panel and you can tell how much omega-3 is in your body you need omega-3 because Omega-3 and six compete for the same enzyme to go to the next step so when you have a lot of Omega 6 you don't give omega3 a chance to be metabolized in your body omega-3 is very important it's anti-inflammatory Omega 6 is pro-inflammatory you need to that you must know your ratio do you know your omega3 Omega 6 Rao ratio you
don't why not next time you go to your family doctor you ask him doc I need to know my omega3 Omega 6 ratio he might shake his head but ask him so composition of cell membranes in all the organs LDL WPC all of them get affected by Omega 6 LOL Lake acid it goes into every cell and I just told you how long it stays in your fat pads how many days did I say 600 days boy you're smart guys so six you want something to stain your body for 600 days heck I don't even
want anything to stain me for one day next day it should be out composition of cell membranes lolic acid is found in all the seed oils normal levels used to be less than 20 now it's less than 30 because everyone's got it in 1990 okay this trans fat stuff all started right I'm not going to go into into this too much detail because you all know you're not supposed to have Crisco and you're not supposed to have all these polyunsaturated fats right um they did it because it can preserve the food for long shelf life
are you interested in the food shelf FL I'm not the Ancients are smart they go shopping every day but nowadays we buy stuff and you want to still have it on your shelf two months later well the only way that food's still going to be there 2 months later is if it's full of Omega 6 and other preservatives in it that's why you can buy any processed food I promise you put it in your kitchen leave it open over there two months later it'll still look the same if it goes rotten eat it it doesn't
have preservatives in it it's good it's Nature's Way so they cause Vaso constriction lucite adhesion platelet Activation so this is this is a huge problem this why am I interested in all this because these poor patients come in here they get coron Ary disease and then they keep getting it keep getting it keep getting it and every year they get another stent or they get bypass and even after bypass and bypass doesn't make you live more longer stems don't make you live longer you take away your angina but if you really look at the details
of the of the studies they take away your angina sure sure they do they take away and they may help reduce aymas and they may help preserve left ventricular function but there's no robust data to show that oh yeah yeah these things actually make you live longer what's actually making you live longer is what you're learning today about your Chemistry about your metabolism so let's talk about uh uh these things oh yeah K2 deficiency now you know I talk a lot about K2 deficiency and one reason why you get vitamin K2 deficiency is because of
seed oils seed oils cause endogenous vitamin K2 deficiency which causes calcification of the arteries okay and osteopenia in women who eat a lot of vegetable oils they get osteopenia living in Florida why do they get otopia because they have lack of of vitamin K2 see and dihydro K1 inhibits testosterone production heck every other guy that comes to my office it says on the way out by the way my testosterone LS are low can you help me what's all that all about lots of reasons that's a whole new topic I can talk about including things like
high fructose diets high glycemic index Foods ages all these things lower your testosterone levels and you can improve your testosterone level just by making simple changes there's not a single patient whose testosterone level has not gone up if he abided by these changes get rid of his fatty liver get rid of his insulin resistance get rid of his high blood pressure through diet get rid of the belly and the dnovo lipogenesis that's occurring in the liver all the time right dnovo lipogenesis what is that that means new fat formation but I I don't eat fat
where did that fat come from it's from insulin and sugar that's get converted to that fat and that fat is bad fat made up of all these horrible things and then they get oxygenated they get oxidated and then now you have a real perfect stor for advanced glycation and products so phytosterols I did mentioned in the beginning I'm showing you the slide because these oils have a lot of phytosterols these phytosterols mimic your cholesterol levels and they replace your cholesterol in your body and when they do that it's not good physiology for you you want
your cholesterol you don't want plants cholesterol in you why would you want a plant cholesterol in you but this was sold to you as a health product by having margarine with high phytosteroids remember those that you buy the Flora and all those makes that they used to make with phytosterols in it phytosterol are no good so let me just move on because we running out of time so I'm going to show you some studies just a few just a couple so this one was a the Sydney diet heart study what they did in this study
this is a very interesting study in this study they took men who already had a heart attack right and they took them and they gave them corn oil very healthy corn oil vegetable oil versus regular diet including lots of saturated fats and everything they did this in Australia and they looked at the follow-up data and they found that there was a 62% increase risk of dying if you're on the corn oil I hope I said that right 62% increased risk of dying on corn oil so the study was completed in 1973 but it was only
published in 2013 because it was An Inconvenient Truth then let me show you another oh so here it is so basically this is just a rundown La means LOL acid right that's the bad one right lol acid we don't want linol acid right LOL lenic is an omega3 so don't get lost in the details the bottom line is lolic acid is Omega 6 Bad Boy that's a bad boy but in this studies clearly it showed that cholesterol actually went down in the cor oil group look cholesterols PV value is 0.09 went down minus went down
the other group there on Saturday their cholesterols went up their alals went up but they didn't die so what are we trying to do here so you want to look good with a nice number in your casket yeah so this was the same in the same study breakdown this shows you the cholesterol I can go into these in detail if you had more time I me look at that cholesterol in the intervention group it went down to 243 in of 281 P value was significant whereas in the control group there was no significant drop these
are just further breakdowns look at this study this was a very interesting study the Minnesota con sty now when you do a dietary study if I asked you what you ate yesterday would you remember it and but I give you a survey let's do a study on food consumption and how it you're not going to remember half the time you are just bluffing you just you are so those studies are not very good study but in this study what they did is these were all inmates in the hos in the hospital they all in the
mental Asylum so they had in this study they had 7,000 patients all over Minnesota they had a lot of inmates or sick people rather I should say and they they could control what they ate so one group they gave them seed oils and the other group they gave them whatever else they wanted to eat whatever you wanted you know meaning normal saturated food normal diet but this group can only have the food looked the same tasted the same same but these was made from vegetable oils these was made from lad lad lad beautiful very nice
the stuff that McDonald's used to fry the french fries in until they got forced to change to vegetable oils but in order to do that now and preserve it there to add more ingredients to it and change the whole thing and anyway so they they did the study and what the study showed this study showed that those who are on on seed oils that group died prematurely they had a very high incidence of death and this study was also completed in 1973 but only published in 2016 and when the when the guys were asked how
come you didn't publish this is well because the results were not what we quite expected it's An Inconvenient Truth again reevaluation of this okay this is a reevaluation so look at the conclusion available evidence in randomized control trials show that replacement of saturated fat which is what you all taught to do replace your saturated fat with lolic acid will lower cholesterol and it does I showed you that it lowers your cholesterol but does not support the hypothesis that translate to a lower risk and or cause mortality so you cannot do this you cannot do it
so I can give you something that'll bring your LDL really low try some arenic or some stuff like that it'll come right down give you some nice poison you'll come down now associations of this this this okay oh in this well actually I'm going to skip this one basically came to the same conclusion that moving to vegetable oils did not improve outcomes this is a fascinating study the women's heart initiative said now you know how much this costed almost just over half a billion dollars I believe it's one of the largest studies ever done the
women's health initiative and when they broke down the studies in this one they showed 48,000 females that those who were on a lowfat diet low saturated fat diet they looked at those women those who on a low saturated fat diet the diet that you all want to be on a had a 47 to 61% increased risk of having heart disease on a lowfat diet now that goes completely Against the Grain right that's not what you've been taught because it's the polyunsaturated fats that gets you it's not the saturated fats so when you're on low saturated
fat diet you're going to be eating more cars more polyunsaturated fats more readymade foods and all these things because oh Satur now saturated fat intake in the United States since 1940 is pretty much flat hasn't changed much yet Cor disease death rates are going up and up and up and up why saturated fat didn't go up what went up was polyunsaturated fats seed oils they went up sugar intake let me tell you something about sugar sugar did go up a little bit but you know what since World War II sugar intake hasn't increased drastically not
in keeping with the slope that you're seeing for cor arric disease that is why I think from all the literature I've seen and all this I think that polyunsaturated fats are the new sugar the new sugar that's where your risk really is today so that doesn't mean you should go to need sugar I'm just saying that this is the real problem that we have right now why we still not getting better we watching our sugar we watching all the stuff it's still not getting better it's the vegetable oils it's the vegetable oils so this was
uh the Women's Health Initiative study over 8.1 years you see looking that increased intake of vegetables fruits and Grains did not significantly reduce the risk of heart disease stroke or cardiovas disas in women it didn't because the problem is not that the problem is eating the wrong fats wrong sugars plus we didn't process things we forcing these molecules together nature did not en want these molecules together and force them under high heat and we are producing those ages in our body so I hope that today you all learn about Advanced cation and end products and
why what you do to your food in your kitchen destroying it in the cooking process is really going to kill you you may get nice food and destroy it make it into a poison you're converting it in your kitchen stop converting good food into poison in your kitchen pay attention to this what your cooking methods now if you take a piece of meat and you marinate it in lemon and vinegar it reduces the amount of advanced glycation in products now you all know that marinating is very good now you know why eating certain foods with
certain types of condiments are very good there was a slide earlier on which I passed over which showed the natural agents that prevent Advanced cation end products there's some artificial ones as well but the natural ones because they prevent that that interaction so watch your food it more garnishing with with herbs and use vinegar lemon don't overcook the food and you're going to have a much healthier food on your plate and understand that it's not just glucose is glucose and fats and fats are in every cell of your body and make sure that they can
they have the right fat no seed oils no seed oils you need saturated fat in your diet okay so I'm going to stop right there very long [Applause] lecture oh great question pressure cooking now pressure cooking yes because all you're doing is increasing the barometric pressure inside the cooker but it's still Steam and steam cannot go more than 100 degrees right so you're fine with that no you're not does it come out blackened does it come out brown no as long as you're not burning it in there you're fine any moist heat is good so
all lentils need to be pressure cooked because you get rid of all the lectins in it h you get rid of all the lectins also whatever you put in fresh cooker you should soak it the night before as well because that also lessens the amount of lectin in it yeah ghee so ghee is the the choice the the the ghee for vagar and for cooking should be ghee ghee is your oil that you should go for and you should make ghee at home from grass finished butter and that's it and the second part was the
U dry fruits dry fruit WN okay so dried frood you know you can consume so much dried fruit if I gave you those real fruit like that you'll never be able to eat it it's all empty calories it's going to get a lot of sugar in it dry food is not a good idea you should not almonds and walnuts almonds and walnuts okay good question walnuts have oil in it that rapidly becomes rancid so your oils that are in the Walnut you got to be careful they very easily become rancid so I walnuts you can
have just a few the bad ones are actually what you think is almonds almonds have a lot of oxalates in it and most of the almonds and nuts that you guys are eating if you look at the Box it'll tell you it's got cotton seed oil so they put cotton seed oil they douse it in and then they put in the oven and they roast it so if you're going to have nuts try to eat raw nuts and if you're going to roast it roast it yourself at home so you know what you're putting in
it but nuts should not be roasted it what the high temperature roasting causes Advanced gation and products so all those nuts have them eat raw nuts which is what we were taught back home also like all the knowledge like you soak Alm overnight yes you soak almond overnight you will be reducing the amount of oxalates in it and other lectin IE so vegan diet vegan diet in general is very hard and not a very healthy diet now if you look at it strictly from the IAL standpoint the most nutrient dense food is actually meat chicken
fish so vegan diets can be done but it's hard work and you got to make sure you're getting the full complement of minerals but more importantly vitamin B12 you got to be make sure that you're getting a lot of vitamin B12 in a vegan diet so veganism also unfortunately has a lot of processed foods in it so a lot of vegans come to me and when I ask them give me a list of all the foods you eat it's all processed foods so veganism is possible but it's a tough diet to do vegetarianism probably a
little bit better probably a little bit better because you are allowed some animal products but again you know if you're going to do these diets you really need to get your blood tested you really need to make sure you're not eating processed foods make sure you're doing nutritional assessment these are nutritional assessment test you can do it's a blood test what amino acids are missing which antioxidants are missing which minerals are missing in my body which vitamins are missing in my body and you need to do that the people who I see that have the
best profile are those who are actually eating some meat because they they have they get just about everything they eat liver they eat um they eat meat so it's a it's it's different it's not what you want to hear but it is true that the best medically directed diet is actually one that contains meat in it so you can do vegetarianism but I told you already 70% of Indians are V and they have a very high inance of corat disease why because they're eating the wrong Foods they're eating processed foods as well and the dairy
oh Dairy so dairy dairy you know okay fermented dairy hands down the best thing you can do is ferment Dairy and you should probably have that every day because in the fermentation process you're getting rid of lactose as well and you're generating a lot of postbiotics and you're getting probiotics in it as well so the Ancients always told us you don't have to drink milk when you're in a but you can have D you know the you can have yogurt which is very healthy so I have no problems with that but don't drink milk you
don't need to be drinking milk now there's also other caveats about Dairy which you can go into one day because goat milk is much better goat cheese is much better than cow's milk uh A2 is better than A1 um and if you're really concerned about milk there's a test you can do which breaks it down into which kinds of milk products you can and cannot have so some people they do do that blood test one question okay the the fruits that you want to avoid are high sugary fruits because they and low fiber in them
for example grapes grapes have hardly any fiber in them they're full of sugar so you have a handful of grapes your sugar level is going to bounce right up okay now his may not but your physiology is different right so so high glycemic index fruits are like grapes um then mangoes will drive your sugar up very high it's the fructose you see fructose fructose is metabolized only in one organ in your body basically it's your liver and it gets converted into fat right away and then it produces uric acid as well it produces also the
advanced glycation end products fructose is only supposed to be consumed in the fall ready to go into habitation but you don't go into Hab ation so why do you need something that prepares you for hibernation so leave it for the Bears so I say you you can have some fruit but eat it seasonally seasonally and eat Foods I mean fruit in its original state so don't juice it cuz when you juice that thing you you basically put it in that thingamajigger and now all that fiber is gone basically it gets cut into tiny tiny pieces
so now when it goes in the K cells in the dadum sees all that stuff coming in produces a bunch of insulin and that insulin is going to make you get a fatty liver and gain a lot of weight so you must always eat your fruit never drink your fuit so do I juice I stopped juicing many many many years ago juicing is unnatural because first of all there was no power sources in the caves they didn't have 110 volts so there's no way we could have evolved with it one question intimate F you all
should be on it it's the natural way to live I'm going to say that again the natural way to live is to be doing intermittent fasting on a daily basis and more aggressive fasts intermittently to be done that means every day you're supposed to become glucocentric and then turnover of your fat cells unless you want them to stay there for 600 days you getting the idea you have to do this on a daily basis because ketogenesis is going to give you m mitogenesis it's going to give you brain derived neurotropic fact it's going to give
you stem cell mobilization you have to do intermittent fasting every day your insulin sensitivity will be really really good if you do intermittent now what kind of intermittent fasting 186 that's to start with if you can't do 186 then try you can do 12 hours better than that after you do it is to do 24 hours so if you just eat once a day Ohad eating once a day now unless you're pregnant and you you know you're a growing child then of course that's a different story and then depending on your condition if you have
diabetes hypertension choni arric disease dementia uh dyslipidemia these conditions then you need to do more fasting that means you do this and on top of that every 2 three weeks give me a 3-day water fast 3day water fast 3 days of water fast every two three until all that visal fat is gone the stomach is gone the fatty liver is gone then you can start going back to either omed or 186 if you do intermittent fasting for medical conditions it's the it's better than any drug hands down yeah use GE for everything if you're going
to do any frying then I prefer that you use the avocado oil because has a very high high uh smoke point yeah so nobody says that nobody say breakfast is the one meal you can afford to miss and who said that Kelloggs said that they want to sell it Cal on the list okay so there's two types of fasting you can do water fasting as well I don't advise that on my patients um I haven't studied the details on that so I can't even comment too much all I know that if you become dehydrated then
it actually causes more neuro hormonal activation inside you your blood pressure will even go even high because you your body is trying to maintain his blood pressure catac Colin go up your blood gets thing your viscosity increases all bad things so I always tell people no you must drink water and the data that I have that shows that this chemistry that I'm talking but it gets better you get ketogenesis you get all the things I mentioned are all on water fasts so I would not say I would not advise because you get dry your kidneys
may pack up and you get acute tub necrosis I would not advise dehydration dehydration is not healthy is's the har black coffee is infinitely better because milk will break your fast because it still has some sugar in it so if you really want to do a fast it's black tea black coffee little bit of MCT oil uh green tea black uh that's it but you know if you absolutely have to put something in your milk I mean in your black coffee you can put a little bit of heavy whipping cream really just a little because
that is so fatty and very little calories so you're not really breaking your fast so you can put a little bit of heavy whipping cream it also gives you more sedation you feel more you know your hunger goes away because you had that but preferably half and half you go heavy whipping heavy whipping cream or MCT oil all we had one more question you know what MCT oil is Right MCT is made from coconuts right medium chain triglycerides it sedates you and it it's a fuel for ketogenesis so now you're burning that in form of
ketones ketones are wonderful they're absolutely wonderful if you really want to know how you're doing you all should go out and buy some keto sticks for yourself and measure your urine ketones a lot more than when you're not fasting because now you're not getting water from your food as well so normally if you have six glasses you should have 12 so just double up what whatever you normally have just double it that's what you should be doing thank you Dr okay terrible that's about that's a one word terrible okay I'm going to tell you a
few things next time you go you go to your house take out your oatmeal Carton and look on it and you know what you're going to find polyunsaturated fats in it you're going to I guarantee you'll have polyunsaturated fats in it number one number two you know how many oats it takes to make a glass of oatmeal uh oat milk see same thing with soy it's all very unnatural it's an unnatural food oats also are very high in oxalates so they have sugar they have the bad fats and they have oxalates that's why I don't
use oat oat uh stuff it's not a good idea stairway same thing with soy soy milk who needs soy milk but regular oats is good right regular oats a small amount if you eat it that's okay if you don't have kidney stones arthritis and sugar problems then it's okay or or glucose in tolerance or things like that then it's okay it's all right artificial he's still trying okay so he wants to know the science the science is that it won't hurt you but kill your bacteria in your gut so what happens that your microbiome consumes
it now you changed the microbiome so the whole ecosystem in your gut has been changed and number two is the sweetness of The Taste there's a spalc phase of insulin secretion and your dopamine Center also so you mess with all that where your body is still making insulin even though it's it's artificial sweetener and it does cause problems so my answer is absolutely not no artificial s the only one I do allow in some people especially if you're desperate is a little bit of Mong fruit you can have Mong fruit just a little otherwise don't
do which no that's basically molasses is still the same thing except it's got more minerals but still not a good idea still sugar yeah who who who invented sugar the Indians did yeah who invented sugar is Indians from Gore because Gore would turn bad after a while so they couldn't transport it everywhere so then he made crystals and then he gave it to the Persians who came who took it to Persia Persians sold it to the Romans and the Greeks and they gave it to the Europeans and now the whole world become addicts to sugar
right yeah probiotic capsules very good question they are for the gut bacteria the problem is that some of them get killed in the acid of the stomach but they are still helpful because some will go down further they can repopulate the gut if you need those but the best way to bring them in the good bacteria is to give them food wherever you have food everybody comes all colors races religions they all come wherever there's food same thing in your gut they all come there so give yourself lots of fiber give yourself a lot of
polyphenols phytonutrients then the good bacteria come because you see your appendix is a storehouse of all your keystone species so even if you did a stool test for example and he shows that certain species are missing the way to bring them back or grow them them in because you want the right ecosystem is to feed them right now there are some cases where I do give probiotic but they very specific strains for example acania mycophilia or lactobacilus rout DS number number I I have it all written down but those are only for specific cases but
as a general rule if you want a probiotic eat fermented foods look you eat Keir you're going to get 16 strains of bacteria in it regular yogurt will have 6 to8 you eat sauerkraut you eat pickled things you eat balsamic vinegar you're going to eat some drink some some kombucha or or lassi every day or something like that that's much better for you but the capsules not really right right now we haven't reached that phase yet we haven't reached it that we are not that sophisticated yet if you have a leaky gut then it's not
only gluten-free you should be wheat free because gluten are only two molecules out of 600 different proteins that are found in wheat as a general rule if I was going to tell you all to skip one grain it's going to be wheat we not supposed to have wheat none of us are supposed to have wheat we should stay away from wheat wheat is very very very bad bad for you wheat just remember your answer to your question is wheat wheight is an enemy you shouldn't if you're getting okay if you have the following symptoms if
you have autoimmune disease anyone with autoimmune disease they should not be eating wheat if you have joint problems you have Lupus you have rheumatoid arthritis you have um even thyroid Hashimoto you you shouldn't be eating wheat at all just cut it out cut it out even diabetes you should cut it out and do that as a trial just become wheat free very healthy to be wheat free if you have a fatty liver you can't lose weight just get cut out the wheat so when next time we if you cutting out wheat means you go to
you go to bajri or jar you know and mix it up a little bit and make make that you much healthier bread bread bread no bread bread leave it to the British [Laughter]
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