CAMPANHA POLÍTICA (Debate Político - ao vivo)

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O embate final entre Álvaro Campos e Ricardo Reis com mediação extremamente imparcial e correta. -...
Video Transcript:
Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like for you to put on the clown noses you got when you entered the theater. The producers gave a clown nose to every one of you. We know it because there are more than a thousand clown noses.
Shall we begin? Good evening! Welcome to another presidential debate.
An example of democracy in our country. So let's call the opposition candidate, from the PPPPPPPPdoP party, the candidate Álvaro Campos. Please, candidate.
I'd like the audience not to get excited during the debate. - Thank you. Mr Alves, you can make your initial considerations.
- Álvaro. First I'd like to thank you for the invitation and the opportunity to be in this debate, such an important tool to the empowerment of democracy. .
. Democracy. .
. - C'mon, focus! - I can do it.
Of democracy. . .
Enough. Let's go. Second, I'd like to reject my adversary's attitude of not coming to such an important debate, which shows he does not care.
. . Mr candidate, I just didn't call him yet!
- So he's here? - He's right over there. In that case.
. . Hi, mom.
Let's move on calling the government candidate, trying to be reelected, from the PPPPPPPPQP party, Ricardo Reis, please, mr. candidate. Please, don't get excited during the debate, let's try to keep a polite discussion.
Thank you. Mr candidate, you can make your initial considerations. I'm good.
Let's go to the first round of questions, the themes will be randomly drawn, so is the candidate who will answer. Let's draw the first theme which will be. .
. I don't know, education! Let's see who's going to answer the first question.
. . Ricardo Reis!
How do you intend to solve the problem of the automatic approval in public schools? I'm glad you asked this, because education will be the priority of our government. Just like we did in the current mandate, we invested more than 45% of the 15% destined to 90% of the budget, which was 12% of the budget for education, on education.
Therefore we proved the the education in my government was amazing. And with your help, I'll keep doing it! - Thank you for the answer, now Mr Alves has the right to reply.
. . - Álvaro!
You have just a little time, be quick, one, two, three. . .
He only faffed around and didn't answer the question! Cool. Mr candidate, you now can do the rejoinder, please.
- I'm glad the candidate said that. . .
- I didn't say anything. . .
Because it's easy to say what I didn't say, when I actually said that. Right? Because we proved that the education was amazing in my government, we invested an annual rate of 12% more than the opposition government were investing!
- This way, we were getting to. . .
- Mr candidate, your time. . .
- We were getting to. . .
- Sorry to interrupt. . .
- We were getting to. . .
- The rejoinder time is up. . .
- In a moment, we were getting to. . .
- There's nothing more to say! We were getting, we were getting! With your help, I'll keep.
. . Let's now draw the second theme, which will be.
. . I don't know, public transportation!
And who must answer the question. . .
Ricardo Reis again. Excuse me. Didn't I just answered a question?
Yes, but this is a random draw. We can't predict this kind of thing. What are your projects to improve the public transportation?
I'm glad you asked that, because one of my government's priorities will be public transportation. In the current mandate, we created the Citizen Transport. What is Citizen Transport?
We hired a number of employees to drive huge cars with capacity for 50 or 60 passengers. These cars go on established routes through the cities, even between towns, and people can enter or leave in certain "stops" on these routes, making the locomotion much more simple. And with your help, the Citizen Transport will be in the whole country.
- Thank you for the answer, Mr Alves, you have. . .
- Álvaro. A very short time for the reply, even less than before, say anything. .
. This is a bus, right? Mr candidate, because of your intemperance, I will give an extra minute for Ricardo Reis's rejoinder.
Please, mr. candidate. - I thank you for this justice.
- It's the media's role. And I'm glad the candidate said that. Because it's easy for him, - Mr Alves, to reduce it to a simple bus.
. . - Álvaro.
As if it were a machine. It's a project. And with your help, these projects will go on.
Mr candidate, you still have on more minute. - From the. .
. - Right, you can talk for one more minute. With this we close the first part of the debate, and now we will talk about a very important issue, which is health.
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br and come to Restel Health too! Come to Restel. .
. Let's get back to the debate. In this second part, the candidates will ask questions to each other.
We will begin with Ricardo Reis, who will ask questions to Alves Campos. - Remember that in this part. .
. - Álvaro, Álvaro! What do you mean?
He will ask questions to you. But I don't answer questions! I'm the opposition!
I only badmouth his projects! Well, mr. candidate, you will have to answer his questions anyway.
Remembering the rules of this part of the debate: The question must have two seconds, the answer and the reply will have one second and the rejoinder will have half a second. Mr Ricardo, you can ask the question. I'm glad you said that, because I'd like to ask.
. . - Answer.
- He didn't ask. . .
- Reply. - Neither did he. .
. Rejoinder. Enlightening.
- Now we will move to a question from Mr Alves Campos. - Álvaro. Remember that now the question has one second, the same for the answer and the reply, and just a bit of rejoinder.
You can ask the question. - But why do I have. .
. - Answer. - He didn't get.
. . - Reply.
Bit of rejoinder. With that we close this part of the debate, but don't miss the next part, where questions are worth 200 points, and in the last one whoever takes the medal doubles up and takes it all. See you!
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