felicitations well done well done say something to everybody listen to me I moved to Romania 10 years ago and I found an amazing country full of beautiful people and I told the whole world about Romania if you mention the name Romania anywhere in the world they'll say Andrew Tate lives there ENT lives there I've done nothing but promote this country I've done nothing but say fantastic things about Romania endlessly and when I did this people would say to me if Romania is so nice if it's so safe it's so beautiful why has it got such
a bad reputation and I said well there's probably a few bad actors a few bad people who destroyed the entire reputation like the few fools at decot who just came along and told us that the mothers of our children are somehow human traffic I've been nice I've been patient I've played the game I've respected the Judiciary I've gone to every appointment on time but they busted my house again and now I've come along saying there's 35 victims you know all 30 of those girls 30 of them have statements in our defense 30 saying we've done
absolutely nothing wrong two up to two more of the mothers of our children and two more I've never even been to Rania I've never even been here they just found random girls you knew in other countries and made them sign pieces of paper this is a setup it's absolutely disgusting fair play to that judge who saw through the [ __ ] and let us free and also one more thing the media is complicit all of you are when they first threw us in [ __ ] jail when they first put us in there you're all
running around saying human traffickers none of you said where's the evidence where's the proof where's the pictures where's the videos none 3 years later they do the same [ __ ] [ __ ] and you're all sitting there going human trafficking I'm not a human trafficker clearly if you human traffic someone there is evidence this is a setup it's a stitch up the three prosecutors at decal in my house I said why are you here there's no case they said there's a case if we make one this is a [ __ ] setup all of
it is listen quiet quiet I'm going talking to you sir be quiet theone be quiet this is a setup it is done on purpose and it is designed to come up with the most heinous possible crimes to slander our name and every single Romanian citizen should be disgusted that they are spending millions of Euros wasting their time trying to put innocent men in jail instead of fixing the roads fixing the hospitals fixing this country you have a beautiful country full of beautiful people and three idiots and decall have [ __ ] everything as for moneya
laundering sure I'll approach that moneya laundering no problem supposedly we're money launderers because we buy luxury goods and we try and hide that we buy luxury goods for other people and hide our money if you buy your girlfriend a handbag in Romania they charge you with [ __ ] money laundering this is disgusting disgusting we have children this is disgusting thank as you can see eventually the truth will will eventually the truth will get out and uh I'm very very happy that they are free happy that the judge was compassionate was understandable because these media
Outlets here are are all about something called engagement Matrix trying to manipulate the situation in the worst way possible compassion compassion and mercy treat everyone with dignity and don't like in the media just for engagement Matrix