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My Story Time
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wife suspects something is wrong with husband so she comes home early and what she sees hello welcome enjoy subscribe and activate notifications Sarah was a determined and caring woman known to all as someone who always prioritized family she worked as a nurse in a City Hospital a career she chose early on due to her passion for helping others her days were full but she always made time for her loved ones her husband James was a dedicated and hardworking man working as a civil engineer and spending much of his time on construction sites ensuring everything when is planned known for his work ethic and the kind way he treated those around him James was deeply respected Sarah and James met under quirky circumstances that seemed faded on a sunny weekend Sarah decided to visit an animal adoption fair being an animal lover she couldn't resist the opportunity to provide a needy pet with a home as she walked through the fair her eyes met James's who was there with the same intention he was holding a puppy and seemed utterly Enchanted Sarah approached and they started talking about their shared love for Animals the interaction was so natural that by the end of their conversation they were planning to meet again this chance meeting at the adoption Fair blossomed into a beautiful love story over time Sarah and James became Inseparable eventually marrying in a simple yet emotional ceremony surrounded by family and friends the union seemed perfect with James continuing his career in engineering and Sarah dedicated to nursing they shared a harmonious routine always finding ways to support each other during both joyful and challenging times however despite the seeming Perfection something began to change Sarah's mother Linda a naturally beautiful woman known for her elegance and vivacity had been a widow for 4 years she found comfort in the closeness with her daughter and son in-law at 40 Linda was a constant presence in their lives always ready to help out whenever needed from the beginning Linda supported Sarah and James's marriage often expressing how she thought James was a perfect match for her daughter one day as usual Linda arrived at the couple's home she entered through the kitchen door with a warm smile greeting good morning my dears I brought some fresh fruit from the market thought you might enjoy it Sarah embracing her mother replied mom you're an angel thank you for always helping us so much James hugging Linda added good morning Linda you always bring such wonderful energy into our home Linda smiling and winking at James responded H James you know I love being here besides someone needs to take care of you too how's work going it's a bit hectic but nothing I can't handle and you Sarah how was your shift EX exhaustive but I'm happy to be helping people mom will you stay for dinner tonight Linda smiling replied of course if you don't mind James then remarked I still find it amazing how you handle so much stress at work and still manage to be so caring at home I'm lucky to have you too in my life Sarah looking affectionately at James said mom always said I chose a great match and I agree and Linda admiringly looking at James added I continue to think you are a handsome and excellent husband for my daughter I'm proud to see how happy you are together the three continued their Lively conversation as Linda began to prepare something in the kitchen as she always did to help her daughter and son-in-law however in recent months Sarah began to notice small but significant changes in James's Behavior the once affectionate and attentive husband now seemed increasingly distant he started spending more time away from home claiming work was more demanding than ever Sarah sitting in the living room waiting for James to come home glanced at the clock anxiously it was late at night and James had said he would be home by 7:00 p. m. it was now 10 p.
m. and there was no sign of him finally James entered through the door looking exhausted sorry for the delay love work has been crazy lately he apologized Sarah trying to hide her concern replied I know it's busy but you've been working so many extra hours lately is everything all right James avoiding her gaze said yes just very busy we have tight deadlines and I can't let the team down I understand I just miss spending more time with you Sarah expressed with James forcing a smile and promising I miss it too I promise things will get better soon as time passed James's excuses began to sound repetitive and empty Sarah started to notice other signs that heightened her suspicions James was distracted often on his phone while Sarah prepared breakfast barely engaging in conversations about plans for the weekend or upcoming social Gatherings with friends one evening Sarah approached James who was sitting on the couch and sat beside him James can we talk for a bit of course love what about he asked about us I feel like you've been distant lately are you really okay it's just work right James reassured her it's nothing really I know work can be tough but I'm concerned about us I promise I'll try to improve I just need some time to deal with everything okay Sarah replied though still concerned she decided to seek advice from her mother Linda who was helping prepare dinner mom can I talk to you about something that's bothering me of course dear what's wrong it's James he's been so distant lately I don't know what to do to help it seems seems like he's always busy with work but I feel there might be something more Linda pausing for a moment looking nervous responded ah Sarah sometimes men are just like that it must be the work stressing him out don't worry too much Sarah noticing her mother's discomfort countered but Mom he wasn't like this before I'm really worried Linda trying to change the subject suggested maybe you should give him a bit more time sometimes all they need is a bit of space and besides you've been working so much how was your shift today it was tiring but I'm more worried about James Sarah insisted as Linda forced a smile and assured I'm sure everything will be fine men sometimes shut down when they're stressed now let's finish dinner James must be starving after such a long day Sarah felt that her mother was uncomfortable but decided not to press the issue further at that moment she continued helping her mother though her mind was troubled perhaps thinking her mother might be right and it could just be work related but the bad feeling in her stomach didn't disappear and she knew she needed to find out the truth in the days following her conversation with Linda Sarah began to notice even more troubling changes her mother Linda seemed to be at her and James's house more frequently and without prior notice which especially bothered her since James seemed more present at home arriving punctually every day one day Sarah opened the front door and was greeted by the sound of laughter coming from the living room as she entered she saw Linda and James chatting animatedly on the sofa mom you're here again I didn't know you were coming today Sarah said surprised Linda smiling replied ah I decided to stop by to keep James company while you weren't here I thought you'd like to come home and find everything ready James standing up to hug Sarah added hi love your mom brought some new recipes to try out I think you'll like them that's great thanks Mom Sarah replied trying to join the conversation but feeling somewhat displaced as Linda and James continued talking as if she wasn't there determined to observe the situation more closely Sarah decided to come home earlier than usual the next day upon entering she found Linda and James in the kitchen laughing and cooking together mom you again you didn't tell me you were coming Sarah remarked a bit annoyed Linda avoiding her gaze replied awkwardly Oh I thought you wouldn't mind James and I were talking about a new recipe and wanted to try it out relax love your mom just wants to help she even brought dessert James chimed in trying to ease the tension of course no problem Sarah said observing the interaction between them feeling increasingly uncomfortable with their growing closeness in the following days Linda's presence in Sarah and James's home became even more constant whenever Sarah came home Linda was already there always seeming to be having a great time with James one evening Sarah arrived home and again found Linda and James in the living room chatting mom you're here again Sarah asked perplexed yes dear I thought I could help out with a few things around here and believe me she's been a great help we're having a lot of fun James responded as Linda nodded in agreement Sarah thought to herself this is strange why is she coming every day without telling me as the days passed she couldn't shake the feeling that something was deeply wrong the frequency of her mother's visits and the way James seemed to be more present at home left her uneasy I need to find out what's going on tomorrow I'll come home even earlier Sarah decided that night after another day of discomfort and doubt she determined that it was time to discover the truth she needed to know if her suspicions were real or if she was just imagining things with resolve she began to plan her approach the next day while in the living room with James and Linda Sarah tried to Act Naturally as she laid the groundwork for her plan so tomorrow I'll have to stay later at work I probably won't be home before 10 p. m.
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