How This 69-Year-Old Lady Lost 80lbs Without Exercise! | Barbara O'Neill

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Eternal Health
How This 69-Year-Old Lady Lost 80lbs Without Exercise! | Barbara O'Neil Discover how a 69-year-old ...
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now 63% of Australians are either overweight or obese I think that America's not far behind and I say far behind because I know that Australia has taken over America and I go to the little town of lovelin I have to tell you I think that they're bigger bigger than our big they very large people in in those little towns and it's the high carbohydrate diet that many people are eating today hello I'm Barbara O'Neal and today we're diving into the secrets of weight loss without needing to hit the gym have you been struggling with being
overweight and dealing with the health issues that come with it well that may be a thing of the past in this video I'm going to share my secrets to achieving a healthy body weight and trust me it's not about spending hours at the gym but don't just take my word for it we will look at the inspiring story of a retired judge who managed to lose an incredible 70 kilos all without a single workout as a thank you for joining me today we're giving away 100 free copies of my bestselling book to subscribers so if
you haven't yet hit subscribe like this video and comment why you want to win so I'll give you the story of Henry to show you what he did he was a retired judge he came to our health Retreat few years ago now he was I think 69 and he was on six Medical medication he was on medication for heart for high blood pressure for blood thinning for blood cholesterol for blood sugar for gout and for stomach ulcers so he's on six medications I said are you interested in stopping your medication he said no I'm very
happy with my medication thank you very much I always respect everyone's right for what they choose to put into their body and shouldn't we it's our god-given right but we gave him hawor berry tea day we gave him a liter to drink through the day it's not an unpleasant tea we also gave him a little C pepper he was happy for us to try a few things he took the herbs with him when he went home he he uh he rang me four months later he said Barbara I'd like to visit you and get a
few more hawthor berries I said come for lunch Henry now when I opened the door I did not recognize Henry he had lost 20 kilos in 4 months what's that 40b he said I can close I can do my coat up now all the puffiness had gone out of his face he said I've got a few stories for you he said I went to the doctor recently to have my blood pressure taken and the doctor stood up and left the room he said where are you going he said the machine's broken Henry said why do
you say that he said well your blood pressure is 160 on 95 did you hear that that's on medication he said this machine says your blood pressure is 120 on 80 it must be broken Henry said that's my blood pressure now the doctor took him off all his medication because his blood thinning is normal his blood cholesterol is normal his blood sugars are normal his blood pressure is normal he has no more gout and he does not have stomach ulcers anymore I think this is an incredible story because remember what Henry did Henry went home
on all his medication who took him off his meds his doctor because if the doctor didn't take him off his meds his blood pressure would go too low his blood thinning would go too low he'd start bruising all over the place because drugs come in and say get out of my way I got a job to do whether you need it or not not the herbs the herbs work with the needs of the body I said tell me what you have for breakfast Henry he said I have a spaghetti bowl of whole grain you know
I usually cook some Millet or rice or buckweed I have fruit I have coconut cream did you hear that uh 40 kilos lost on coconut cream he said I have chia seed in the ground flax and I have a slice of sourdough spelt toast with avocado and tomato that's not a light meal is it he said I don't eat until break until lunch he said I have big salad I have steamed vegetables I have some sort of legume protein and I might have another slice of sourdough spelt toast with avocado and tomato and he said
and I do not eat again till breakfast very decisive man so he lost 40b on that diet that's not a light diet I said tell me about your exercise program Henry he said I find I can walk another block every week as he gets smaller as his muscles get stronger as his heart gets stronger he can go further less effort and less time he wrote a letter to me he's of the old school writing letters he wrote a letter to me year later he said 38 kilos lost so what's that nearly nearly 40 kilo that's
nearly 80 pound incredible story of an incredible body that we live in that has an inbuilt ability to heal itself Henry's diet is a prime examp example of how balanced nutrition can promote weight loss a diet focused on whole grains fruits vegetables and healthy fats can be an effective way to support weight loss whole grains such as Millet and buckwheat are rich in fiber fiber helps you feel full and satisfied which can reduce the urge to snack or overeat later in the day additionally fiber slows down digestion and helps stabilize blood sugar levels preventing those
energy crashes that often lead to cravings including healthy fats from sources like coconut cream and avocado is also beneficial these fats provide essential nutrients and keep you feeling satisfied which can help control hunger healthy fats support hormonal balance playing a key role in metabolism and energy regulation fruits and vegetables are low in calories but high in volume and nutrients they add bulk to meals without significantly increasing caloric intake making it easier to eat satisfying portions their high water content contributes to hydration and fullness helping you stick to your dietary goals legumes rich in protein and
fiber are another important aspect of this diet protein helps boost metabolism and preserves muscle mass during weight loss maintaining muscle is important because muscle burns more calories than fat even at rest so bread bread is very common cereal there's a whole aisle devoted to cereal and many people having bread and cereal for breakfast by midm morning they're wanting something else so they reach for and we're just going to say cakes Etc because if we say everything um there's not enough room on the board for it when you go into muffins and croissants and donuts and
pasties and pies and past etc etc etc so we're just going to put Etc also uh pasta I'm a fifth generation Australian Scottish descent I didn't know what pasta and pizza was till I was about 18 so what did I grow up with sausages or chops mashed potatoes frozen peas or beans every single night of the week except for Sunday when Mom would do a roast lamb and everyone I knew ate like that our relatives ate like that the neighbors ate like that as a fifth generation Australian I grew up in a little Presbyterian Church
everyone in the church ate like that I came to to the conclusion as a child that everyone in the whole world ate like that but it's not quite true is it and when I was about 16 I had a boyfriend who was about 19 and he had a friend who was a vegetarian I'd never heard of such a thing I'd actually didn't had never even heard of brown bread so this was real traditional Australian rice I'd never had rice I don't think I went to a Chinese restaurant till I was about 18 and that's the
first time I ate rice potatoes well we ate potatoes every meal and last and certainly least in nutritive value is the pure crystallized acid extracted from the sugar cane plant and as we have looked at this we've also acknowledged that I don't think anyone chose to eat that way it's just fast it's just there and we're such a fast society today here it is and we showed how when all of these things break down in the body they break down to the singular structure of glucose a high carbohydrate diet can lead to weight gain primarily
due to the way the body processes and stores the carbohydrates especially when consumed in excess most carbohydrates whether from bread pasta or sugary snacks are broken down into glucose a simple sugar that serves as the body's primary energy source when you eat carbohydrates the digestive system converts them into glucose which then enters the bloodstream this process causes a spike in blood sugar levels prompting the pancreas to release insulin a hormone that helps regulate blood sugar insulin's job is to transport glucose from the blood into the cells where it can be used for energy or stored
for later use however when you consume more carbohydrates than your body needs for immediate energy insulin helps store the excess glucose in the liver and muscles in the form of glycogen here's where weight gain starts to come into play the body can only store a limited amount of glycogen once the glycogen stores are full any additional glucose is converted into fat through a process called lipogenesis this fat is then stored in atopos tissue fat cells leading to an increase in body fat and consequently weight gain additionally a high carb diet can cause frequent blood sugar
spikes which lead to increased insulin production over time consistently High insulin levels can cause cells to become resistant to insulin's effects this condition known as insulin resistance can make it harder for the body to control blood sugar leading to more fat storage and further weight gain carbohydrates also tend to be less filling than protein or fat which means they can lead to overeating foods high in refined carbohydrates like white bread pastries and sugary drinks are rapidly digested causing a quick rise in blood sugar followed by a sharp drop this sudden drop can leave you feeling
hungry again often prompting you to eat more creating a cycle that can lead to over consumption of calories and further fat storage when we put food in our stomach we should now leave it let it do its work after about an hour and a half 2 hours start sipping on some water then you don't water down your hydrochloric acid it takes 3 and 1/ half to 4 hours to digest a meal if a person has a meal of watermelon that's probably gone in about 2 hours but when someone has a balanced Meal which is shown
here it takes about 3 and 1 half to 4 hours to digest and then the stomach loves a on hour rest let your stomach have a rest between meals and in that rest time it has time to revive and restore and replace the digestive enzymes it used at the last meal and that's why the time restricted eating we've talked about this a couple of times time restricted eating is basically a modern name for this time restricted eating it's from the uh intermittent fasting the 52 diet a lot of people are familiar with that Dr Michael
MO in his book Fast diet he goes into the into the research showing why this is so effective it's eating twice in a 24-hour period they suggest eating a large meal at one and another meal at 7 but I was talking to one girl and she said I'm fading by 10: in the morning and she said and I can't sleep at night because I've got so much food in my stomach when we go to sleep our stomach wants to sleep so it's far superior to go back to the old adage that's been around for so
many years probably hundreds of years that we eat breakfast as our main meal that we have a main meal in the middle of the day and then if anything's eaten at night make it very light now if a if a worker has a breakfast at 6:00 a.m. and then has a meal at 12:00 they may need something at night but if they have the meal at 8 and at 2 or at 9 and at 3: then it's very easy not to eat at night so you've just got to work out what works for you one
lady said to me she said I give my children a really substantial breakfast and we'll look at a illustration of meals in a minute should I give them a really substantial breakfast she said I just give them an orange for lunch and she said and when they come home at 3:30 and by the way how much lunch do kids eat at school they just want to play don't they so she gives them something light and when they get home they're hungry how many kids get home hungry and want to eat and then they're not wanting
to eat their evening meal and it's too late anyway so she said when I see that school bus come she said I got the table set the kids come in they're hungry and have the meal there she said it works so well she said they never used to eat much at night because they had so much when they got home from school but husband doesn't come home till maybe five or six and often he wants quiet so he's very happy to just eat quietly by himself and maybe the lady who wants to lose weight she'll
sit with her husband and drink a peppermint tea or maybe she'll just have a bowl of salad one lady he said but Barbara that's when my family's together my teenag es my husband I said well just make it a lighter meal make it soup make it a bowl of soup soup and crackers crackers digest easily much easier than bread eating large meals at night especially when your body doesn't need the extra energy can contribute significantly to weight gain at night your body's energy demands are much lower than during the day when you are more active
when you consume a big dinner your body processes the food in a similar way to any other meal breaking it down into glucose for immediate energy or storing it for later use however because the energy demand is lower at night the excess glucose is more likely to be stored as fat here's how it works after eating a large meal the digestive system breaks down carbohydrates into glucose which enters the bloodstream causing a rise in blood sugar levels in response your pancreas releases insulin the hormone that helps move glucose from the blood into your cells for
energy since your body doesn't need much energy at night most of this glucose is stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles however when glycogen stores are full the excess glucose is converted into fat and stored in fat cells leading to weight gain over time additionally eating late at night can disrupt the body's natural Cadian rhythms which are closely tied to metabolism at night your body's metabolism slows down meaning food is processed more slowly this slower metabolism makes it more likely that the calories from a large meal will be stored as fat rather than burned
off for energy moreover consuming large Meals late in the evening can also increase insulin levels for longer periods which can encourage fat storage another factor to consider is that after a large dinner you're likely to be less active many people relax or go to bed shortly after eating meaning the body doesn't have a chance to burn off any of the excess calories consumed this lack of physical activity contributes further to weight gain because there's no energy expenditure to balance out the intake from the large meal in contrast eating smaller lighter meals at night ensures that
you consume only the calories you need and reduce the likelihood of storing extra energy as fat this approach aligns with your body's natural rhythms promoting better digestion and reducing the chances of overeating by eating lighter in the evening you can help manage weight more effectively and prevent unnecessary fat storage and this is what his this is his story Dr Atkins he said he was a GP uh late 40s putting on a bit of excess weight he knew his sence he knew that carbohydrates stored his fat so he decided to do an experiment on himself he
decided to stop all carbohydrates and he theorized that if he stopped all carbohydrates his body would start to live on his fat stores so what did he eat he chose foods that had no carbohydrate so his diet was uh Hine protein meat butter cream cheese eggs that's a lot of protein fat meat butter cream cheese eggs that's a lot but something else surprised me that you never hear about he ate three cups of vegetables a day and one cup had to be greens and so there was the fiber the weight just fell off him he
theorized right he wasn't giving carbohydrates to his body so well hardly any little bit in the vegetables so his body started to live on his fat stores the weight started to drop off him he was never hungry because these are the three foods that give the give the feeling of satiation satisfaction he had lots of energy because your liver can convert protein and fat to glucose if it needs it and it can break down your fat stores to give you glucose it's called G glucon neogenesis creating glucose from the fat stores has he found the
perfect diet never hungry ah lots of energy weights falling off him so he started put some of his patience on this it is estimated that 11 million people were helped by his died his book was number one on the New York Times bestselling book list four years running this guy demands some attention but the problem is that after a while some of his patients were developing uh arthritis because this is a high acid food in fact I had a man come to me wanting a consultation when I was in New York a few years ago
he said I used to be one of Dr Atkins patients he said I'm a I'm a vegetarian I'm an Adventist but I was getting overweight I was getting diabetes heart disease so I went to Dr Atkins because very famous doctor and Dr Atkins he said was a very gracious man he said I'm sorry but you're going to have to stop this high c hydrate diet so he said I started eating meat I didn't eat a lot I had a lot of vegetables he said I didn't get diabetes he said my heart problems all resolved he
said the weight dropped but he said I'm getting arthritis and he said you are the first nutritionist that hasn't totally slammed Atkins I'm interested I said well Atkins theory was correct it's it's what I have shown you today but what you can do you can do Superior to Atkins you can do the plant proteins you can do the plant fats Dr Atkins on his first stage he got people down to 20 grams of protein of uh starch carbohydrates a day do you know there's no need to go that low all you need to do is
greatly reduce the carbohydrates ideally stop the weight eat more veg vegetables eat more legumes nuts and seeds and you can get a similar result Dr Atkins diet focuses on significantly reducing carbohydrate intake which triggers a process in the body known as ketosis when carbohydrates are drastically limited the body is forced to switch from using glucose sugar as its primary energy source to burning stored fat for fuel normally carbohydrates are broken down into glucose which provides quick energy however when you stop consuming carbohydrates the body turns to Fat stores breaking them down into ketones which then
supply energy in Atkin's diet foods like meat eggs cheese butter and cream are high in protein and fat but contain little to no carbohydrates these macronutrients help with satiety meaning people feel Fuller for longer periods which naturally reduces overall calorie intake without the constant feeling of hunger high protein Foods in particular promote a feeling of fullness and prevent overeating moreover protein requires more energy to digest compared to fats and carbohydrates leading to a slight boost in calorie expenditure through digestion by including low carb vegetables Atkins also ensures the body receives fiber which is essential for
Digestive Health fiber also AIDS in feeling full without adding extra calories vegetables contain minimal carbohydrates allowing the body to remain in ketosis as the body burns fat stores for energy weight loss tends to happen more rapidly in the early stages of the diet people can see visible reductions in body fat while maintaining lean muscle mass thanks to the high protein intake this shift in the body's metabolism allows for consistent weight loss without the typical fatigue and hunger that come with low calorie diets thanks for watching I hope you found these weight loss secrets inspiring and
that they Empower you to take charge of your health remember you don't need a rigorous workout routine to achieve your goals sometimes small lifestyle changes can lead to remarkable results if you enjoyed this video please like share and subscribe for more health tips and inspiring stories until next time take care and embrace your journey toward a healthier you
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