A Melhor DIVISÃO DE TREINO Para Ganhar Massa Muscular!

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Laércio Refundini
A melhor divisão de treino de Acordo com Quantas vezes você vai para academia 🔥Meus Cursos na Muscl...
Video Transcript:
Many people make mistakes when setting up their training division, and you will leave this video knowing the best division for the number of days you go to the gym per week. A person who trains 3 times a week divides their training in a completely different way than someone who goes 5 times, 6 times. And our first step will be to find out how many times you can go to the gym per week.
Imagine the worst week happening. That week when everything went wrong, when you had a lot of things to do that you normally don't have, that week, how many times can you go to the gym? If you let yourself simply be carried away by a feeling of excitement, you will make it your list to go to the gym as many times as possible per week.
Let's imagine you told me you're going 5 times. And something happened during your week, and because of that you ended up. .
. What happened here? - It went bad there.
It sucked. - No, the feeling you felt was "I couldn't complete the week", and then thoughts start to arise - which don't help you. - Your chicken.
Let's imagine the same numbers with a different view. I turn to you and say, "How many times can you go? " "For me, it's certain, there could be an earthquake in Brazil, and I can go there 3 times.
" Your plan will be 3 times a week, and if you can go more often, you will do bonus training. I'm going to try to go 5 times, but I promised Lalá 3 times. I'll be happy, I did more than I should have.
You did more than you should have. Always play down. This is what I recommend to you and recommend to all my students.
It is important that you stimulate this muscle more than once a week. Studies show that people who stimulate the muscle, that is, train that muscle more than once a week, have better results than those who stimulate it just once. If you only go 3 times, the best thing you can do is a full body workout.
Exactly because you will stimulate this muscle 3 times a week. If you do an AB workout, for example: ABA. OB was left without the second training session.
Go 3 times: full body. It's basically that training where you will do an exercise for each part of the body. An exercise for the chest, an exercise for the back, one for the arms, one for the legs, and so on.
We've already made a video on the channel, including what are the best exercises for you to do as part of a full body workout. Then you will have the training ready in your hand. And if I want to do an ABC workout these 3 days, can I?
You can, and then you will have less development, because 1: you will only train this muscle once a week, and you also run the great risk of something very catastrophic happening in your life and you missing a day. Many people have the idea that full body training is for beginners. No.
Many advanced people do full body, and even within the Muscle 60D periodization there is full body. We are talking about a program that advances students by 1 year in just 2 months. Full body is a very valid strategy and just to remember that if you have this training system, but you manage to go a 4th time a week, a 5th time a week, I will give you this bonus workout in the video.
Thank you friend. You are a friend. Now, I'm going to tell people who go to the gym 4 times a week.
What is the best training division for her? It is important that you exercise the muscle at least twice a week. Which training system seems to make the most sense to you?
Is it possible to do an ABC now? I'm going to tell you that: ABCA. Training A you repeat twice.
But the other 2, no. What if you do an ABAB workout? - Oops, it works, huh?
- That's what I recommend. You can do an ABAB workout, and we've already made a video on the channel teaching how to assemble, what are the best exercises, but you can do the full body. Because with full body you will train your entire body every day.
"But Lalá, isn't that bad? Doesn't my body need to rest? " "My muscle doesn't grow during rest, during recovery?
" Yes, but what we previously believed that the muscle needed 48 to 72 hours of rest has fallen apart. What science today shows us is: the more the training stimulus, the longer the recovery time. If you do AB training, do you agree with me that you will add more exercises for the same muscle here?
2, 3 exercises? And if you do a full body, you'll do just one. AB training, 2, 3 exercises, more stimulation, more recovery time.
Full body, an exercise. Lower stimulus, lower recovery time. This works.
I'm going to bring you two ways to divide our body in two. That's basically it. You will train one part of your body one day, and the other part the next day.
A simpler option that many gyms use: divide into upper body and lower body. "Wow, Lalá, the top part has a lot of muscle to train, the bottom part has much less. " But the intensity of training on the lower part ends up compensating for the upper part.
You will do an average of two exercises for each muscle group. Now, another way to divide this training would be into all the muscles that push, so let's think about the chest, lateral and anterior part of the shoulder, triceps, quadriceps, and even the calves. In the other, you would do all the muscles that pull, so include the back, back of the shoulder, biceps, back of the thigh.
But I confess that this is more complex to do. It's easier for you to stay at the top and bottom. When I say quadriceps, we mean glutes as well.
Because good exercises for quadriceps, squats and leg presses, work the glutes very well. Lalá, forearm and trapezius, how do they look in this division? I prefer you not to do it for 2 reasons.
You will have to optimize this training as much as you can. Because otherwise, you will spend a long time in the gym, the last exercises you will have no energy to be able to perform well in them. 2nd reason: the forearm already works a lot, especially with back exercises.
The trapezius also works a lot, especially with shoulder exercises. Therefore, these muscles kind of piggyback on the others. It doesn't make sense to put this in now.
"Ah no, but I want to develop my trapezius, I want to have big forearms. " You need to go to the gym more times a week. - And abs, Lalá?
- Abdomen can be used every day, if you want to pay more attention to it. Just one exercise is enough, or don't do it. From the moment you stand up, your abdomen is already pushing.
From the moment you do some exercise, it also uses a lot of force to stabilize your body. Is it interesting to do? Yes.
But when you go to the gym more times per week, it will fit in better. And it's not a "Wow, I need to do this to make my abs appear" thing. It kind of goes into the same story as the trapezius and forearm.
My concern here is to give you the best in science but respecting that you are a human being and live in a world of pure contingency. Things can happen, and do happen, and we have to be prepared for it. - It doesn't happen to you!
- It happens all the time, okay? Training division for those who go 5 times a week. And here, does it make sense for us to do an ABC?
ABC, AB. There's one missing, right? And if I tell you: we can do mixed training.
Yes, you can do an ABC. On these other two days, - you do an AB. - Wow, genius.
Or, you can do an ABC, full body, full body. Guys, there are no rules. This came to me because of a need.
At the time of the pandemic, I was putting together training sessions for people to train at home and my mind started looking for new alternatives. A time came, I said: "Hey, why not mix up the training? " There's no problem with that.
You can do an ABC and put on the full body. In other words, at the beginning of the week, you will divide your body into 3 parts. For example: chest and triceps, a little shoulder; back and biceps, a little shoulder; and leg.
It works. Then you take these two here and place the top and bottom parts. It works very well.
And nothing stops you here from doing an AB, AB, full body. And you can also do full body every day. There's a video here on the channel where I teach you exactly how to choose exercises for ABC and also for AB and full body, but if you're wanting something more targeted, like "it's a bit confusing", you can get it organized in exactly one way to respect the number of times you go to the gym per week, and also within a progression, with everything periodized.
You can be my student and receive all of this assembled by my hands and still have support from our technical team of professionals. Nutritionists, personal trainers, physiotherapists, everyone at your disposal on your WhatsApp. There is a link below for you to learn about Muscle 60D and our entire platform.
Go take a look. When I talk about ABC, there are several ways to make this division. But I will bring you the most common.
We have training A with chest and triceps. I like to put a little shoulder work into this workout. When you train your chest, you already work a little on your shoulders.
Mainly his articulation too. When you do your B workout, which in this case will be back and biceps, you also work your shoulders. That said, I like to put a little shoulder there too.
Leave training C exclusively for the legs. Some people do ABC with leg and shoulder. Why don't I like it?
Two reasons: you've finished your shoulder training, you're already a bit tired to train your legs, or you've finished your leg training, wow, you'll be in shambles. The performance of this subsequent training drops a lot. And another thing that I haven't seen anyone talking about to this day: how much this joint ends up not resting.
Because you train chest, it's there. Costas, she's there. In the third training, you train your leg, you put the shoulder in, it's there again.
I can't take it anymore. The day has come for those who go to the gym practically every day of the week. 6 times a week.
You have an infinite number of possibilities at your fingertips. You can do an ABC, because you will have a day to do it, you can do an AB and repeat your entire body 3 times, you can go to the gym and do a full body. "Laércio, but what do you mean doing a full body every day?
" A very interesting study compared people who did blitz training, Monday was just chest, Tuesday was just back and so on, with another group that did full body. This study took care to equalize the volume. The same training volume that group A had, group B also had.
This group that did full body every day not only had a greater increase in strength, but also had greater hypertrophy. And it was an exact study that showed us that hey, doing a full body is not for beginners. Doing a full body is for everyone, it depends on the strategy.
You can do an infinite number of things. The only thing I ask of you is this: at least get a training system and follow it for a while. Because if you keep changing every week, you may get lost in counting how many sets you are doing for each muscle per week.
This is very complex, very difficult to control, and the less you touch, the better. If you move too much, it becomes easier to make mistakes. - Which one do you recommend for your students?
- For those who train 6 times a week? Do the ABC. A study that made this comparison between the group that trained once and the group that trained 2 times, 3 times, 4 times, did not notice a difference here.
Those who trained 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 had the same answer. Bigger than the group that trained just once. And when you train ABC, you will have less muscle per day to train, you will be able to pay more attention to it, and then the greater intensity will result in a greater response, both in terms of increased strength and increased muscle mass.
Just do an ABC and repeat it the same way? The famous ABC twice works very well. Where do I put a rest day?
After completing an ABC? "I can go to the gym 7 times. Can I?
" You can, but I don't recommend it. It's interesting that you always take a rest day . If you're super active and want to do something, I don't know, go to the park, do something more free, because your body needs to rest.
Now, bringing this question, Ranizito. You have two ways of working. The old bodybuilders did a lot, which was: after you train your entire body, give yourself a rest day.
In other words, I would do ABC, and rest for a day. You take Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday; I would rest Thursday; Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Some gyms don't even open on Sundays.
This training system was used by bodybuilders, and in the mind of a professional bodybuilding athlete, it doesn't matter which day of the week, it matters to him what the day's training is. What is more common and more "commercial" is to go to the gym from Monday to Saturday and rest on Sunday. Sunday, day to relax, day on the couch, day to eat at your mother-in-law's or mother's house, enjoy it and don't even go to the gym, enjoy your rest.
Among all these times, number of times, for an average person, what do you feel is the ideal number of times for them to go to the gym? It will depend on what level of training she is at. If she is a very beginner, 3 times a week, and then it will escalate.
It started 3 times a week, after 2 weeks it started going 4 times, after 2 weeks, 5 times. It goes up. Now, if you've been training for at least 2 months, go to the gym as often as you can.
Can you do it 6 times? Go 6 times. Always as many times as possible.
Two reasons: when we analyze hypertrophy, studies show that it doesn't matter how many times you go. And yes, the training volume. If a person goes to the gym 3 times a week and trains for an hour, it's the same thing as going to the gym 6 times and training for half an hour.
That's for hypertrophy. If the volume is the same, it will be the same. If you think about fat reduction, the more often you go, the better.
If a person goes to the gym 3 times a week and does it for an hour, they will lose X amount of weight . If they take that one hour and divide it into 6 times a week, half an hour, they will lose more weight. Now, another one, which for me is much more important, is that if you go to the gym every day, it starts to become part of your life.
This behavioral factor is more important than anything else. Get into your routine, it will be part of your day. Every day you train.
It's the best of all worlds. Your health will be better, your aesthetics will improve more every day, - and your head, too. - Lalá, I asked you this question because when I trained, at the time I trained, from Monday to Friday.
When Thursday arrived, with a day of work, everything, on Thursday and Friday I was already tired, I felt that my training wasn't going so well. What would be the best combination for me in this case? You answered it yourself.
Did you notice how interesting it is? You have to look at your routine and see what works. Monday you would go.
Did it work? Yes, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday were wonderful. - Thursday?
- By then I was tired. - On Friday, then. .
. - No way. Within this, we begin to understand that for you, the best of all worlds is to go to the gym 3 times a week on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
If you asked me "I have to go to the gym 3 times a week. " "Which days do you consider to be the best? " I was going to speak Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
I would space it out more, but you are a human being. And the idea is to fit this training in the best way for you. Remember that plus training I mentioned?
Let's assume, Ranizito. You're there training 3 times a week, but then you went Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and on Thursday you say "Wow, I'm fine. I feel like training.
" So, what do you do? Full body. The full body is your bonus workout.
- It's the joker! - He's the joker. So, whenever you can go an extra day, you will do a full body.
Always remember this. The stimulus, when it is small, needs little recovery time. And the full body exists exactly to fit this.
It doesn't exist for that, we put it there. Everything I'm bringing you is based on scientific studies. And the studies are done with natural people.
Before anyone says "Ah, no, but training 5 times a week, training 6 times a week, is a lot for a natural. " Stop it. There is no such question.
You can train 4, 5, 6 times a week being natural, and you will get great results. These issues of lower training volumes for natural ones have arisen now, and it's interesting: science has been studying this for a long time. The big question is: a hormonal drug could do some different things.
And even so, great coaches still question some things. Now, I recommend to you this video in which we put together exactly an ABC workout, going through all the exercises, series volume, rest time, etc. , and this one, which has the full body workout.
So, you will choose between these two, which one makes more sense to you, and click.
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