How to Start Selling Digital Products for Beginners | How I Made My First $100K

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Video Transcript:
have you ever wondered how people really make money selling digital products I know I have and after 5 years of trying to crack the code I finally found the formula which allows me to do it consistently time and time again the truth is it's pretty straightforward and anyone can do it anyone can get started completely for free so in this video I'm going to show you how to go from idea to income on one of my brand new Instagram accounts but this will work on any platform plus I'll be sharing how to get in front
of the Right audience without ever spending money on ads selling digital products can be overwhelming every day countless people are struggling to figure out where to start the reason I decided to do this challenge or this series is because most of the information I've seen out there is outdated and I wouldn't follow it I wouldn't spend any time on these complicated marketing strategies or endless product development instead I'd focus on creating a valuable product and getting it out there as soon as possible and this is exactly what has allowed me to make over 113,000 in
the last 12 months but let's be honest if I just made a video telling you what to do it wouldn't be as impactful right that's why I've decided to document the entire Journey from concept to sales to show you a different way of doing things also stick around for the end of the video as I'm going to show you how I've been able to build an Instagram account from zero to over 50,000 followers in 30 days this is how I'm able to generate sales straight away so you definitely don't want to miss out let's jump
into the video so here's the process that we're going to be going through in this video now I'm doing this live step by step so this is going to be a raw video of me actually doing this and doing it on one of my own Instagram accounts now as I said whether you're on Tik Tok or any other platform you can do the exact same method this is literally how to create digital products in the best way possible and then automate that process to bring you you know recurring income and the beauty of this model
and the research that I've done is this can all be done every single part for free okay so if you like this style of me you know creating kind of raw video step by step then let me know in the comments section as it's something different for me and I love to know your opinion but we're about to jump into this and really really dive into really making money with digital products let's do this so I've split this into two sections so the first phase is basically the creation phase but it's not just about kind
of going on canvin creating something the before that is the key okay and we're going to go really through that then you've got the second phase which is about actually making money and automating this entire process so stay tuned I'm going to be literally diving into everything let's jump into it if you actually want to make money right now the next step is going to change everything for you okay so this is the first kind of phase and this is basically going to be us building our digital products but not just any random digital products
but digital products which actually are going to convert our audience and make us money and get people interested the biggest mistake people make with their digital products is going kind of for broad you know motivational ebooks or whatever it might be and not really thinking about Their audience so instead of me playing a guessing game I'm going to be using chaty PT to really break down who I want to Target and what to create for that now we're going to be using cron which is one of my Instagram accounts which we created about 30 50
days ago and essentially this account is a mindset motivational account okay and we create kind of deep stories and we're based on Instagram if if you are on Pinterest wherever you might be all you need to do is replace my account my guinea pig with your account and you'll be able to build this whole system in exactly the same way this is a proven system that works not just on Instagram not just for this account okay and we're going to be doing this all live right now let's head over to chat gbt and actually start
to break down what digital products we're going to be creating so the first thing is I'm going to type in in you are a social media marketer you have a motivational Instagram page which creates content to inspire and motivate people with storytelling your audience is mostly 30 plus years of age what are what are the reasons people would follow this page and what are their pain points a pain point is essentially something which big companies or anyone who understands Marketing sales with Target so for example if you were a fitness person and you know you
have big biceps there's going to be loads of people that have want big biceps so you would be targeting that pain point and that is a particular pain point now so essentially chat gbt has already started kind of diving into why someone would follow our page so seeking inspiration for career and personal growth Etc looking for stories and perseverance yeah so you know it's literally given us the reasons then is start breaking down that audience and giving us pain points that that audience might be experienced so burnout struggles with work life balance feeling stuck etc
etc So based on the these points what would be 10 digital products which are easy to create that we can sell to this audience So based on this information which we've gathered chat GPT is now going to tell me kind of 10 different digital product ideas which I can use to get my ideas to create this next step okay and I'm going to be creating two digital products so basically I'm going to be creating a free one and a paid one okay and they're going to be very similar but you'll see how I'm going to
do this but this is essentially kind of the first steps that I'm going to take on monetizing this particular account but for anyone doing digital products it's important for you to kind of also have lead magnets you'll see why later on in the video but we're about to actually create these really using free software so let's actually have a look so eBooks on personal growth and success you know most people usually would do that guided journals self-reflection audio books Etc now I don't have too much time I'm doing this live in front of you right
now so you know there's screen savers you can see there's a bunch exclusive membership Community there is a lot of different things we can do but I'm actually going to go for I think guided journals for self-reflection break down number two into different journals we could create so I'm interested in the journals I think journals are pretty simple to make and I'm interested in kind of doing that so daily gratitude Journal you know that's pretty solid goal setting Journal self-reflection Journal okay great so these are some good ones so but you've seen how we've kind
of gone from like understanding our audience breaking it down and now we've got like actual good journals or whatever it might be that is going to actually match our audience and the conversations that we're having with chat GPT is what is going to allow us to get to this point so I'm going to be using canva the free version I do use the pro version or have it but for the purpose of this video you know I want kind of every step to people to be able to do it for free so we're going to
use canva free now I'm going to Let's so the journal is definitely what we're going to do I think we'll try to do maybe a self-reflection journal or goal setting Journal so let's head over to canva so I'm just going to head over and you can see there on the left it says free I'm going to create a design so I'm going to type in let's see if I can just kind of copy this so goal setting Journal I'm going to put that in there does that help no okay okay let's just put in journal
and see what happens so remember the first one I'm going to create is my free one one okay so you can see so basically in templates you'll get loads of different templates and the ones with crown means it's Pros so if you don't have the pro then you can't use those but that's fine we don't need to for this I'm going to just pick a cover so let's say I want to use this one for example you yeah okay usually it will show me a bunch of different ones you know depending on the style of
page you have this one's paid but let's say this one for I think it suits craon cuz craon kind of has that dark thing Okay cool so that's the first page done I'm going to press that I'm going to add this to this page this belongs to this perfect and then I'm going to actually I could just press apply to all five pages amazing so you know what I'm going to just look at this I think I don't need this page here and the beaut of this is actually I can advertise this as kind of
a printable version as well so I'm just going to do a 7day journal so okay so let's do one 2 3 4 five 6 and I would actually say that this is probably my paid one because it's it's pretty good like you will see it it's not going to be like you know Silly money for it but it it will work so this is going to be my paid one it's literally taking me like I don't know how long not long at all I'm going to download it now just download it as a PDF PDF
print oh no PDF standard perfect so there's my paid uh digital products which is a simple Journal simply using canva okay so that's the paid one done and you've seen how kind of simple that is what I'm going to do now is basically you know it's probably better to always kind of create the paid one first you know make it look good Etc what you want to do is create a kind of leer version which means basically a weaker or less good version and you'll see that when it comes to upselling it will work very
well so we're going to again head over to canva and just create an even simpler version of that journal now of course if I spent longer I could do better there's no question about that but let's type in journal again and again I'm just going to pick one that's free and usually it will give me okay that one's not free so let me let's just say like this one I don't know is it free okay you know what I'm going to do like a morning journal for my free one and then my paid one can
be like kind of a a full one so I'm just going to duplicate this you know multiple times now and then I'm done so that's four 5 6 7 and I'm done obviously I could spend longer making that you know look better Etc and I'm might in the future but for the purpose of this video it's going to be super simple and quick so I'm going to download that and I will see you at the next section I'm about to show you one of the best tools out there to make money on social media and
it's going to change how you do everything people already made thousands upon thousands with it let's jump into it right now and after that I'll be putting the whole automation process and giving you my recommendations and showing you exactly what I'm about to start doing on my account so make sure you watch that part so we've made our digital products and they're ready to go now for this Instagram page I want to just focus on creating content but of course I want to make money and also build something extra which is an email list you
do not own these followers whether it's Tik Tok Pinterest wherever it might be even subscribers you don't own them but an email list you do own and you can build that and generate a lot of money through that now that's going to be one of the methods that we're going to start today but we're also going to have a method where we can start making money today as well so let me show you how we're actually going to start that so this process now is essentially the whole automation phase so I'm generating traffic with posting
content on here what I'm going to do is set up many chat now many chat is sponsoring today's video but for a lot of us we've seen the power of Min chat Min chat essentially allows you to do automations connected to either your Facebook Instagram telegram or Whatsapp but we're focusing on Instagram today it is 100% metav verified meaning that by using this you will not get blocked or there won't be any issues with it now I've already set it up to my account and it's literally took me about 2 minutes so here you can
see cion and what we're going to do is basically set up an automation now the days of Link in BIO are over usually we only get a 1% conversion of people actually pressing it here what we want to do is actually tell people to click our links directly in the DMS and we can automate that whole process so usually you only get 1% here whereas in DMS you get a 46% conversion rate okay so we're going to turn that traffic into money and to leads for our email list and here's exactly how we're going to
do that so I'm going to using the free one you can get one month pro version of mini chat right now the link will be in my description okay but for the purpose of this video I'm just going to set up with the free version now I'm going to go over here to Automation and I'm going to press here new Automation and I'm just going to press start from scratch so that you can all see now here we have basically this and this is the trigger so this is essentially what's going to trigger this automation
now I've got a journal which is one of my digital products so I'm going to press new trigger and essentially what I'm going to press is user comments on your post or real okay so here you can see Cron's post I'm going to press this one I'm going to press continue and I'm going to press comment include these keywords so I'm going to press I'm going to type in journal so anytime anyone comments journal on this post they will automatically get a response from me but will a DM not a comment I'm going to do
a DM the conversions will be so much higher so I'm going to press continue and no I don't need I don't need a reply and then I'm going to press save so that's done so there we go so with the first trigger is done now I'm going to go over to send message and essentially what will happen is once they comment Journal they'll automatically get a DM so I'm going to put hey here is your free jour make sure you check out our email which will be sent to you each week something like that and
then here is the link glad to have you in our community something like that anything can work but essentially as soon as they message Journal they'll get this DM and you know the conversions are going to be so so much higher we'll be building a massive email list which if you're interested in me diving more into emails and you know continuing this series let me know in the comment section but many chat is unbelievable so this is going to be set up now we need to actually set up our kind of where the lead magnet
is going to be the upselling ETC and we're going to go into that very shortly but essentially this is how many chat works and I really Rec recommend having this automated set set up you've probably seen this all over Instagram right now and trust me it works people are making thousands with their digital products by using these types of automations remember if you want to use Min chat the pro version for 1 month instead of 14 days go through the link in my description but let's move over to the next section we'll still be looking
at Min chat later but let's move over to the next section you do not want to miss the next part which is going to transform the way you do your whole process of selling digital products okay so the Final Phase now is basically connecting everything and you know essentially we have many chat set up but we need to actually give a link to our audience and the goal is to make money and to build our email list now for this we're going to use Beacon AI now you can use a bunch of different ones from
gun Road Etc but for this one I think beacons is pretty good in terms of the free option and I wanted to be able to provide everyone with a kind of free option and I think the best thing to do is once you start making money from this method then to reinvest it into for example you know the Crea of pro Etc so to get started I think Beacon's AI free version is great which is why we're going to be using it you know and I do this for kind of all of my accounts as
once they start become profitable then I can reinvest that so let's head over to beacons now you'll see here this is kind of how it looks at the start just sets up you know it does it automatically literally took me like 2 minutes but there's loads of different options now essentially the first thing that we want to do is to add our kind of free product so we're going to press store and I'm going to press digital product now my digital product is a 7day journal and I'm going to go and chat give me a
product Des description for this journal so whilst I'm that's happening I'm going to put 7 Day journal for the price here I'm going to literally put zero and it will you'll see it will say get for free okay yeah perfect oh no actually it says make free make product product free lead magnet perfect okay so now we'll go back and what we want to do is essentially just make this look good now I prepared two like covers for this for the free one it doesn't need to be complicated so here I've got 7day gratitude Journal
you know it literally took me about a minute to make with the premium one you make it look slightly more premium so adding the color gold keeping it minimalistic and you're good to go so this is giving me some massive kind of thing I'm going to make it much shorter yes perfect so let's go back on beacons and I will add my image so add image upload an image okay so upload your image like this accept perfect then here I'm going to go on chat gbt and I'm going to copy this I'm going to go
here I'm going to just make it look a bit better okay perfect so that's basically done and I'm going to then you want to add your product file so this is obviously you know the this is obviously my file and I need to change the name but for the purpose of this video I will keep that there so you can see it so right there and then I will press publish essentially now my 7day journal is there perfect so that's done now what I'm going to do is add one more product so what I'm going
to do now is add my premium product now for that one I'm going to start selling that one at like $5 and this is just going to be a bonus you know I want you to remember that the main thing we're doing here is building our email list from email lists you can advertise in that list you can advertise other products other people like I can go so deep into how you can monetize an email list this is just to kind of kick things off whilst I'm even building this so that I can start generating
money from my digital products but let me show you how this is going to work I'm just going to basically now you know and some people will see you know if they've really liked my content for example you know for $5 it could be worth it so I'm going to delete that image and add my premium one upload image go back here okay so we've essentially kind of done all of this now what we want to do is just press publish and I'm just going to show you something so that's fine payment not set up
I need to set that up obviously but I'm going to go back to this one I'm going to press okay for free so people know it's completely free and then I'm just going to go back okay so I'm going to go back to here now and I'm going to press order bump and then add product and then this is where I'm going to add my buy together and save right here and that's where I'm going to press done and then on here I'm actually going to remove from my link in BIO my priority is not
that so let me just show you how this is going to look now so basically through this process here people are going to get the DM saying you know get this free Journal so what they'll see is this so they'll come on here get for free and some people will be interested in buying the premium version so this is a free version some people will be interested in buying that premium version obviously I've done this so quickly I can make this much better much smoother but they'll just simply add it you know they get both
versions for example if I was you know I could turn it into a 14-day for example free version but this is how you start building your kind of brand small deals and it just starts building and building especially if you're getting a lot of traffic like that so you know many chat is just going to automate this process and I would literally just kind of go onto you know my mini chat right here just add the link right here so for example share press that and obviously I can beacons do affiliate marketing as as well
so I had could even do like affiliate marketing thing here as well so even there you kind of like just getting as many in one go and then I would add the link so now people will get that DM press that this will appear so even I can just test this right now so I can put that there and this is what they all see get for free and it will say sign up to newsletter obviously get for free so they'll and then they'll have to put in their email address I will then start collecting
this data and this will be how I begin my business guys this is a great way to start doing digital products properly so now you should know what product to make how to make it and how to sell it but let's not ignore the elephant in the room which is the fact that I use an account with over 60,000 followers but that account is brand new and if you want to learn how to build an Instagram account from zero to thousands of followers watch this video right here right now and you can use the exact
same strategy build an account that's going to sell these digital products and the beauty of this account is that I did it all without showing my face and recording a single video this is the key to generating sales let's grow
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