watch this if you feel like a failure

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Ruri Ohama
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Video Transcript:
have you ever felt like a failure after scrolling on social media and seeing somebody that is significantly younger than you achieve so much than you that you ever maybe did in your whole life they have everything you have ever wanted success money respect and power they live in your dream house they drive your dream car they are collaborating with brands that you can't even afford with your fully monthly income he was just a baby in diapers when he started correcting other people's grammar at the age of six years old i became named one of the
youngest self-made millionaires in the u.s now i'm 15 and i have three companies i don't want to fit into a box i don't want to be a genre you can get any inspiration from anything to write a song to make a shirt to like come up with a video at the beginning it was all about admiring them and taking them as an inspiration and being motivated by seeing them you start to follow them on social media you start to check their content and you follow them maybe in daily basis and since they motivate you in
a very good way you start to work harder and harder so that you can be maybe like them in one day but after a while you start to realize that results won't show up maybe there's some small results but when you compare to them there is nothing like their success you start to compare your achievements to theirs and you see the significant difference between you and them you might feel start to feel jealous or you might start to feel like a failure or you might even start to feel like very left behind in life i'm
sorry to tell you but if you have this mindset right now you're likely to fail i'm going to explain in this video why and how to change this mindset this video is probably going to be the most important video that i ever uploaded on this platform so i literally beg you to watch this video until the end the society put us a pressure to be constantly successful we have to know what to do with our life even if we are significantly young we have to know what to do and who to contact and the exact
action plan and all that stuff but when talking realistically about this circumstance it's completely normal for you to not to know what to do next everybody has moments in their life that they feel lost and left behind maybe not even moments though maybe decades or something and that's completely normal when talking about the pressure that society puts us to be constantly successful let's start from here what is success how do we define success what is the meaning of being successful in most of the cases being successful means that you achieving your dreams goals having the
money being respected from the people who are around you and being maybe good for the society and enjoying your life to fully potential when we start to compare ourselves to people who are successful we are likely to overlook two things unfair advantages and the iceberg illusion let's talk about unfair advantages i'm gonna take a lot of quotes from my all-time favorite book unfair advantages so if you haven't read the book yet i beg you to stop this video and order that book and read it immediately because that book is gonna change your life and your
mindset like it did to mine okay promise so a little question before starting to talk about it do you believe that life is fair stop this video and please comment i'm going to tell you my opinion and life is unfair life is unfair af and i'm not the only one who thinks in this way i'm a young white educated male i got really really lucky and life isn't fair those are the words of evan spigen the billionaire co-founder of snapchat so basically evan spiegel grew up in a multi-million dollar house in los angeles his parents
were very successful and famous lawyers who were dealing with very big and global countries in dealing with their issues and he got the best education in this world and his mentor was co-founder of youtube scott cook he had the best education his parents were also educated they had money they were multi-millionaires he had the networking he was healthy and he had every single opportunity in his life and he used these unfair advantages and he became successful in life after hearing his background you might think that of course he's going to be successful i don't have
these unfair advantages i can never ever be like him and that is not true actually there is a way for everyone to be successful you might still thinking that life is so unfair and it's gonna never change yes that's true life is always gonna be unfair we should always increase the amount of the fairness in the society but when we think about the humans and the human condition and biases that we have life is probably will never ever be fair so how can we be successful in this such an unfair world please don't tell me
that you still believe that hard work is only way to achieve success because it's not and it's time to change your mind on that success is not simply awarded to the hardest workers it is awarded to those who develop and use their unfair advantages this is a quote from the unfair advantages book by unfair advantage we do not mean an unethical or illegal advantage an unfair advantage is competitive upper hand and your set of unfair advantages that is unique to you and sometimes it's not one that is earned or worked for so let's take a
very simple example from social media from influencers maybe being pretty is a significant unfair advantage that you can use it does not necessarily mean that if you don't fit into current beauty standards you cannot be successful as an influencer or something but if you're pretty if you're considered to be pretty it's more likely for you to succeed because you have that unfair advantage it seems like being told as a basketball player of course there are short basketball players that are very successful but if you are tall you have that unfair advantage in that in that
area you know life isn't fair but if you use the unfairness of the life as an excuse to have a victim mindset to stop yourself from striving to achieve your goals to make your dreams a reality then you're only shooting yourself in the food if you want to be successful in our lives we have to find our unfair advantages and we have to work the system instead so how can we exactly do that actually in the unfair advantage book they're explaining the miles framework so these are the unfair advantages that you can use in your
life so m is money money is the capital you have or that you can easily raise i is intelligence and insight intelligence and insight includes book smarts social and emotional intelligence as well as creativity l is location and luck but i would also add looks and because in today's world and in like some businesses it's really important to have good looks location and luck is all about being in the right place at the right time and the e is education and expertise education and expertise is both your formal schooling and also your self-learning which gives
the intellectual and technical know-how as is status such as is your social status including your network and connections it's your personal brand in other words how you're perceived it also includes your inner studies which is your confidence and self-esteem while listening to these you might think like i do not have any unfair advantage in my life but first thing first that is impossible because everything can be your unfair advantage these are just like the main things that you can consider as an unfair advantage but if you know how to create and use your unfair advantages
everything can be your unfair advantage but the thing is unfair advantages are double-edged sword if you know how to use it it can be beneficial for you it can be life-changing for you but if you don't know how to use it it can also damage your life too if you guys want a detailed video about unfair advantages and how to find your own unfair advantage and how to use them i can make a detailed video about it so let me know in the comments down below so other thing that people overlook is the iceberg lesion
all people see is the success of someone so the tip of the iceberg but do not see all the stages of mistakes persistence failures etc so the lower half of the iceberg under the water we do not see what people go through to achieve the success which is the stages of a growth mindset so let me give an example from myself this channel grew over 300k subscribers in only 10 months we made over 21k revenue only from youtube adsense in overall more than 51k in only 10 months for an average channel it takes 152 videos
to reach 1000 to 10k subs and 171 videos to hit 100k to 1 million do you know how many videos i published on this channel only 100 videos to hit 300k so it's 10 times maybe more than 100 times faster than average channel after learning about the unfair advantages and you know categorizing them you might think oh that's because you knew your unfair advantages and you use them and that's the only thing that you have done right the answer is gonna be yes and no yes because before starting this channel and starting to upload frequently
on this channel i identified every single of my unfair advantage and i decided to use them and i used them and were pretty good right now no because that is not the only thing that i have done it took me hundred videos that you are currently able to see on this channel you might be confused right now but this is not my first channel this is actually my fifth channel and i started making videos in 2015. my [Music] review [Music] hi i'm rudy welcome to or welcome back to my channel [Music] hi guys what's up
it's me judy you are currently watching the first episode of med school diaries it took me seven years to reach this point i still remember the days people telling me that i can never ever succeed as a youtuber make money out of it and all that stuff people were making fun of my videos and i'm not trying to brag or you know show off my success or something obviously there are people who have like 10 million subscribers or something so if you compare myself to them it's not about the bragging i'm just literally explaining you
the mindset so that you can use this mindset too if i wouldn't mention that this is my fifth channel you would still believe that we achieved the hit 300k videos in only 10 months with 100 videos but the reality is there is a dedication of seven years me not giving up on my dreams taking multiple courses and spending more than 10k on youtube online courses marketing social media courses and analyzing every single youtuber that i watch i remember the days that i would take a screenshot of every single video that had over 1 million views
and analyze and write in my youtube notebook i literally had a youtube notebook where i would write what makes this video special what makes this youtuber special why people are watching these people what is the value that they give is it really entertaining or is it giving a very valuable information i would write down all of these things and i continued to do that for seven years and in my brain i literally have a greatest viral video library and every single time when we talk with my friends izzy and mad i would say oh there
was like this viral video and they're like how do you remember all these things because it took me seven years to reach this point and that's how i created my first viral video what it's like to be half japanese half turkish i saw two three years ago a viral video from asian boss where they were talking about what is like to be biracial in japan and after seeing that video you know two years ago i took a screenshot and i told myself i'm gonna make this video and this video is probably gonna blew up and
change this channel and i did it and it really did i remember how many times i was crying after getting only five views and being ultimately happy after getting 46 views or something those stages were basically the bottom of the iceberg that you never saw you don't know those but i remember and know all of these stages maybe in your current life you're only seeing the tip of the iceberg and maybe you don't know the bottom of the iceberg that people struggled or maybe you didn't know anything about unfair advantages and maybe you didn't know
how to use your unfair advantages and that's completely normal but i hope that you can change your mindset in this way and start work on yourself because you can create unfair advantages you can use your unfair advantages and maximize your success in life the last thing that i would say is never give up on your dreams don't work only hard work hard and smart thank you for 300k subscribers and happy new year bye [Music]
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