if you make music and you want to take your career to the next level then listen up whether you're an independent Artist as a singer songwriter a producer a mix engineer a manager of an artist this video is going to be incredibly powerful for you as some of you guys know I'm retiring from the music marketing space and I'm going to have a video that explains that here in the next few days but I recently did my retirement training the last training that I'm ever going to do for a very small group of people and I realized I didn't tell my YouTube people about it so today what I'm going to do is I'm going to share uh a training that I did just like a week or so ago and with that said this training was so much fun I pulled out all the stops we went for over an hour teaching musicians just like you how to take your passion and turn it into an actual career how to take a skill set and turn it into an actual business so take notes make sure you don't miss a thing and watch all the way through I appreciate you joining me and let's jump in so the artist success blueprint is what you guys are here for not for me showing you my glow up and showing you how I overcame challenges the the reason that I bring this up is to acknowledge the fact that a lot of people think that I was handed things on a you know silver platter not the case whatsoever uh a lot of you guys are in positions where you feel like the world is against you whether it's politics whether it's your environment I grew up at Central Wisconsin very blue collar it was either work at the wood Window Factory which I did for four years right out of high school before I moved to Florida I I say that I escaped uh the wood Window Factory it was working at Green heck fan which was one of the largest manufacturers of these like giant industrial fans that they put in like Amazon warehouses like the big ones that suck the hot air out of the factories like I could have made $30 an hour there like that that was the success path for me in that environment but it's not the success path for you you guys have creativity flowing through you and you can build a business around it but we have to look at the structural components of that we have to look at how artist fan relationship is built now this slide as I was making it kind of cracks me up because it's like a fake Tinder blow chart right you bump into the main profile then you click on that profile to see a little bit more information and then if you connect with them you talk with them in the chat you try to strike up a conversation and you officially match at some point and then you have a list of matches well you guys understand the correlation between you being a musician and actually dating it's it's like exactly the same thing we're building that relationship between you being an artist and you connecting with fans the picture that so-called Jessica Smith has that's her calling card to the world that's the first thing people see and then when somebody clicks on that you need a little bit more information a little bit more context sound familiar maybe a real on Instagram maybe a video on YouTube maybe a a photo on Instagram for that matter then somebody comes to your main profile to see what else you have to offer and then they engage whether it's a comment whether it's a DM whether it's a like whether it's a share whether it's a save might have a conversation just like the Middle with that person back and forth I know at least a dozen of you guys that are in here right now that we've had great conversations in DMS we've had great conversations via email we've had great conversations a couple of you guys on the phone those of you in my accelerator program who I became really good buddies with you know we have the ability to match with people and just like on the far right side where this individual matched with uh one person two per people six people that's how it happens six people turn into 60 people turn into 6,000 people turn into a career if that makes sense but before we jump into that we have to look at how the foundation of all of this plays a huge role rather than the flash side note I'm super proud of me wearing a black turtleneck with a chain but I don't have like a s I'm not like a gigachad I don't have like a super strong neckline so like the turtleneck just kind of Blends into my face anyway Foundation is where we have to start this is the one you need so many of you guys have been lured into a paid ads course you've been lured into like the easy button right sign up for this thing and you'll automatically get 100,000 streams or your money back how many of you guys have fallen for that it's because you didn't get the foundation set up you're just looking at the Flash and as a marketer as a business owner as somebody that's trying to gain your attention it is too easy to be like I'm going to teach you how to get a million streams on Spotify how many people have you followed on YouTube that tell you how to get a million streams on Spotify and have never done it themselves that's why I never did that video I never I've never done a video like that right we have to get the foundation locked in before you go to the flashy stuff so today I'm going to be sharing my 5c framework this is going to get your Foundation Rock Solid this is going to get your foundation so ironed out that your system will now make so much more sense for you as you move forward as a creative entrepreneur as a musician so we're going to jum everybody on board still like let me know in the chat if the audio is good if the the slides are showing correctly if you guys are following along amazing all right so number one is Clarity if you're clear on what you're doing don't expect anybody else to be Clarity eliminates confusion either you know where you're going or you're lost so many people that I've seen I could only speak for personal experience so many people that I've seen come to me and say hey I can't grow on social media I'm not getting any streams you just see from a mile away instantly that they're confused on what they're doing they don't have intention they don't have purpose you go and check out one of their social media they're baking a cake over here then they have one like live gig super low lit grainy footage and then they have like a a a a skit or a parody that they're doing and then over here they're working out like we're all guilty of it at some point but why are you making music in the first place is it for fun is it for self-satisfaction is it to share with the world is it to build a fan base around a movement because doing one is not the other is not the other is not the other those of you who will succeed have to have Clarity locked in why are you making music I want to know who uh which of you on this call right now is clear with that let me know in the chat on a one to 10 scale 10 being you are effing super clear and a one being you're completely lost yeah Patrick knows what's up Dan got tens we got sevens be honest guys be honest if you guys feel like you're a two or a three that's we're here right now couple people with threes 10 six having Clarity has nothing to do with ambition having Clarity is having Focus not having the Mind fog when it comes to what you're doing with the intention with going after your purpose and your fulfillment something you need to do you must do this that's a level 10 Joseph is solid six I I respect it Susanna's a nine second C is content I know a lot of people don't like the word content they don't like me talking about it like how many of you guys kind of cringe where you're like H I didn't sign up for this to make content and be an influencer right I get it I've been there but the only way you're influential is by becoming a household name for the people that matter to you the most so instead of being an influencer or influencer why don't you just become an influential Creator an influential entrepreneur does that make sense somebody Patrick can you make sure everybody's muted I keep hearing like random noises thank you so your content isn't just about throwing stuff against the wall and hoping that it sticks it's about creating the right stuff that gets the target audience hooked and makes them want more I used to make beatmaking videos and kind of you know logic tutorials a lot of that stuff is taken down now but it was years ago and that would attract artists or other producers that I could then talk to and start building my email list and I started doing a spreadsheet and I've talked about that before in YouTube videos but here's the thing the content once it got very clear started converting if you ask anybody like my buddy KO you know he's a producer is making easily you healthy six figures and he makes content that is his number one attraction Source his number one traffic Source but once you have the clarity now your content becomes more clear does that make sense your content now makes sense I I said makes sense twice there but you get what I'm saying your your Clarity into your content can now go to your client a lot of you guys might not like the idea of your fan base being a group of potential customers or clients but that's what they are right if you go to a Foo Fighters concert and you buy merch you are a customer and you've already been a customer since the time you bought the ticket our fans our audience are just that they are the people that follow us they're the people that appreciate what we're doing hopefully but they are customers and clients these are the people that we need the most and like it says on the screen you don't need a million followers you just need the right ones you need to speak to your ideal client like you're in their head and you build a that buys a lot of people and I just saw a video I forgot who I think it was my buddy Andrew Southworth talking to Jesse Cannon or something but he's like you know he knew somebody that had a million Tik Tok followers and couldn't sell you know 200 tickets to a show or didn't have 2,000 monthly listeners on Spotify so it doesn't correlate just having people doesn't equate to a successful career having the right people does a lot of people in this room right now understand what I'm talking about you have a thousand people you know Kevin Kelly he has this like famous dissertation little essay it's like thousand true fans if you have a thousand people that pay you what is it $100 a year it's $100,000 he's not he's not equating for churn which is like people that pay you this year and don't pay you next year but if we have a bucket I should I should have brought like a Home Depot bucket up here if we have a bucket and it could hold five gallons of water our career is not like made once the bucket is filled because the the bucket when it once it starts spilling over those are the people that no longer buy so you have to keep putting water in the bucket right so somebody that's rocking with you day one rocking with you 10 years from now rocking with you until they're like old and gray that's like a super fan that's what I call family it's like stranger uh follower friend or stranger follower fan family that's what I call super fans but if you're not putting out the right content to the right people if you're just following Trends if you're just seeing what other people are doing and trying to you know copy that it's going to be a tough road for you it's going to be a tough road for me we got to have an individualized voice and that comes from it's number five you know little uh teaser spoiler alert right number four is conversion so you guys you guys see how we're going here Clarity is mindset understanding having Focus having in detention living within your purpose content is how you attract that attention which we're going to talk about here in a bit the client is who we're serving understanding what you're making for who you're serving and how you're going to convert if your content doesn't have a clear call to action it's just entertainment you're not here to entertain you're here to convert attention into dollars does that make sense are all you guys seeing number four on the screen okay if it freezes up just jump out hop back in anybody want to guess what number five is if you know it if if you if you've talked to me in the last few days and I'm geeking out about this stuff don't spoil it for anybody but if you know what the fifth C is I'd love to see it in the chat right now guess Simon nope that's a good one though but that would be linked directly with conversion these are some good guesses we got community customer consistency Community fulfillment commitment consistency I won't leave you guys hanging anymore it's confidence confidence isn't there some magical trait it's earned the more reps you put in the better you get do it over and over again and the confidence becomes your default you guys hear what I said the confidence becomes your default how important is that well have you ever got on camera and you feel kind of weird you ever go for a gig or you're busing and you just feel super uncomfortable you ever jump on a call with someone or call to see if someone will book you at the local cafe and it just feels awkward it's because you haven't put your reps in what good people Adam Ivy making another beat today I'm doing an R&B pop track today um if you want to contact me all my contact information will be on the side it's good people Adam Ivy making another beat today I'm doing an R&B pop track today you guys seeing this this was 0 not knowing what I was doing not having real confidence just kind of Faking it I look like a chubby lesbian sitting in my room hat backwards I never really like wore a fitted cap I'm sitting over here and I have this like big ass Canon printer in in the in the rack mount area because I didn't have any rack mount gear had these little rocket fives the thing was I knew that the repetition is going to get me to where where I need to be so I made the choice and just a few years later you know 14 years later this is exactly how you can release your new music in 2024 and Beyond essentially for free so let's jump in so to start we have to look at distribution you see where the confidence comes into play see how like day and night difference from doing a 100 200 300 different videos your repe becomes your reputation those of you guys who are rocking with me those of you who have been supportive for years and years you have seen the confidence grow you've seen the repetition a lot of people are like Adam do you script your videos it doesn't even seem like you're reading off teleprompter like maybe 5% of all my videos are ever like teleprompter CU if you do it day in and day out if you live the life you're preaching you don't need to read off of a teleprompter does that make sense same goes for turning on a camera recording yourself performing singing talking about your music sharing your passion with the world and getting out of the Shadows I show this not to like embarrass myself or like I show this because when I first started it was you guys a lot of you so I told the story recently when I started doing the videos that that were like teaching musicians how to how to do social media and build a brand and build a business and drive traffic and all that stuff I used to get horrible camera anxiety like like bad on top of that I would usually shoot the videos after I got home from the gym because I was feeling pumped and feeling good about myself and I was also on a ton of pre-workout I'm like too scooping it right I'm going like straight to the mouth so I'm like hyped up on a ton of caffeine and other crap I just get home from the gym so I'm pumped I get in front of a camera that gives me anxiety I'm overthinking everything and I hit record and because of it I'm talking fast but I was still talking see when you jump up in front of a camera when you go to write a song so many times those of you in here that know how to play piano you guys know how to sequence drums you guys know how to do compositions and logic or Protools or FL or ablen or whatever use a microphone understand how to use outboard gear compressor you know all the different plugins I I can go real nerdy here that's why I have slides so I don't get off track you don't expect to be great at it day one if you pick up a Guitar if I pick up a Guitar day one you know it's probably going to be 10 minutes of frustration you're going to feel like you're carpal tunneling it the whole time but you do it over and over again because you know you understand it will become natural you will become good yeah I've had students that come into the program uh over the years that have pretty good voices and now they're phenomenal also had students that have pretty good voices and quit so you guys here I'm hoping you're not the other people that are quitting this is what confidence feeds it's like a garden could sell more merch because you believe in what you're selling you believe in what you're preaching you believe in what you're offering to your audience you can increase more streams because people are more rocking more rocking with you the people are more in line with what you have going on growing on social media obviously a no-brainer the more confident you are the more energy that's genuine the more people are going to resonate with that and building a fan base that cares goes right along with it getting sponsorships and brand deals know a lot of people that have done you know been able to to gather those over the years whether it's for a tour that they're doing whether it's for content for social media or YouTube there's a lot of opportunities out there guys maybe booking more shows like I talked about how many time I mean I I have I'm not going to name him but one of my students uh probably two or three years ago this is just at the tail end of of the co restrictions he's like Adam there's so many different places in town that I want to Gig at that I know has live music but I don't know how to talk to these people so I literally like wrote them out of script I'm like call the you know call and say these things stop in and say these things and he got three shows within the next week or two in fact I'm gonna take that back it's actually a female um shout out to Destiny I'm gonna I'm gonna put her out there anyway shout out to Destiny hey just wanted to pop in and see how you guys are liking the training hopefully so far so good let me know in the comments but real quick if you're an independent artist and you need your music on all the different streaming platforms Spotify Apple music and so forth distr kid is your partner for Success drr discount. com they're going to help you get it up on Spotify and apple music and they have ways to be able to release cover songs and parodies and everything under the sun as well as some incredible marketing tools very very affordable still to this day they have a great track record for that drod discount. com let's jump back into the training I want to teach you guys my arc system those of you who have been writing down the four I'm sorry the five C's let me know in the chat below make sure that we're all following along make sure that it's all making sense Nicholas wrote them down Henry yes yes chayon Anusha got Dan we got Bruno taking notes hopefully not too many technical issues I see some people having that happens every single time do a zoom call unfortunately cool amazing everybody with it okay so my arc system is a bridge just like we're talking about with the relationship right you have to get over the bridge from where you are to where you want to be it starts with The Arc system The Arc system paired with the 5c process is going to give you an unfair Advantage The Arc system stands for a being attract you have to attract the attention that's where the traffic comes from does that make sense so anybody in the history of making music even Beethoven you guys I don't know him intimately obviously but those those of you out there that know who Beethoven or Mozart are do you think they're the only people of that time that played piano no they had really great branding they had great Word of Mouth there's plenty of other people building making playing at a very high level piano but they attracted the right attention for that those works now get me wrong I'm not saying there was 15 other beethovens out there but I'm also not saying that there wasn't we have to attract the attention that's why we talk about social media that's why I'm talking about email marketing that's why I'm talking about getting on camera that's why I'm talking about networking because we need to attract the attention you need to be out in front of the people we cannot become a household name without being in households right so that's how we do it what do people have in households almost all of us a phone right so that's how we get to people people are on Tik Tok people are on Instagram people are still on Facebook people are on YouTube people are on Pinterest people are on fill in the blank and in five years it's going to be a few other ones that are popping up so a from Arc the attract we have to bring people in we have to have our voices heard and that's the different hooks that we're putting out into the world it's fishing we have to put out this bait it's not working put out this bait it's not working put out this bait oh that worked now I have their attention and I bring them to R which is retain a lot of people pop in and look at your social media accounts or look at your website pop over to Spotify check your stuff out but do you have enough to keep them around retain or relationships is so important here um I know that I showed you guys like the online dating flowchart but that's what it is I don't care if you are a 60-year-old jazz musician or a 19-year-old trap rapper you need to be able to make your people feel something and that's relationships why do you think huge names charge out the ass for meet and greets after their concerts because the people care about these artists so much they look up to these artists so much they care to the point where they spend their money for that 30 seconds a photo to be able to solidify that interaction put it up on a shelf tell people about it post it to social media for social proof for status for all different reasons but once we Attract it we have to keep people around and C is the cash baby it's the conversion like we were talking about with the five C's I'm not trying to be the bearer of bad news but um none of us have businesses without money right like if you had a lawn care business and you're mowing people's Lawns and they're not paying you eventually you're going to run out of gas to get there run out of gas in the lawn mower like we need to be able to fuel our growth fuel our business fuel our lives fuel the things that matter to us with the money so as artists we have everything from merch streaming income Partnerships like I said gigging um concert tickets shows obviously and a whole lot of other things such as a patreon you know I have several students that make few thousand bucks a month just from patreon including one of my best friends Zack DJ DeVille shout out to Zach he's the reason I'm here because he introduced me to music production in 2005 and he's making two or three thousand a month with his patreon sharing old remixes that he did like 10 years ago cuz there's that many people that look up to him and want that old Vault content yeah shout out to patreon this is what I'm going back to guys just leaving it there just look at it you got to attract them I don't talk about this a lot but my wife and I met on a dating app called Bumble it's where the dude matches with the girl and the girl gets to decide whether or not she likes you enough to reach out to you otherwise you can't talk to him at all so Bruno said yeah the Dude Looks like he's about to get lucky oh shout out to the guy matched with uh I'm very confused here I believe it's kind of a scammer because Jessica Smith frame one is now Jane in frame four if you guys the bit of sleuth somebody's catfishing somebody here's the thing this is what it is it's attract it's get their attention give them a little bit more information give them a little bit more content give them a little bit something extra that they need that have that conversation whether it be direct whether it be through your content whether it be through your consistency maybe it's you sharing your life on stories something that comes and goes and isn't that serious they go from a complete follower complete stranger that bumps into you then becomes a follower and through these overall or um uh consist interactions now they become somebody who's in a relationship with you passively I don't say this to brag whatsoever but you know I've been at the most random places in my life and people recognize me I've been I've been recognized overseas I've been recognized at an Olive Garden shout out to my server kind of forgot his name but a super cool guy we connected on Instagram afterwards I've been recognized at uh two football games like NFL games like weirdly like hey you're out of my heyy never intended to do any of that my wife hates it every time she's like oh he not going to be able to fit his head in the car when we get back to the parking lot right shout out to my wife for keeping me grounded but here's the thing you have to be able to you have to be able to put that out there you have to put your best foot forward you have to build your brand I actually am just releasing a book that you guys will have access to here uh soon I'll talk about it later called you're not a musician you're a brand and I did that on purpose first and foremost as a marketer yeah you're still a musician but you are a brand the brand needs to be important I did kind of just kind of get people talk and piss them off a little bit but like you're not just a musician if you want to do it for a career if you want to do it for a living the one thing about being a musician is like I said earlier it's too easy to call yourself a musician if you want to become a doctor if you want to become an engineer if you want to become a lawyer if you want to become a firefighter police officer you cannot leg Al just call yourself these things at least not here in America you can go to prison for pretending to be a cop you can definitely somebody up if you tell them you're a doctor but now we can go into a Guitar Center get inspired walk out of that Guitar Center you go to Instagram Adam iy musician yeah take that Dad right now next thing you know you're like in this lump of people that you hate because it's oversaturated right but it's not oversaturated by creative entrepreneurs who happen to be musicians it's oversaturated by the posers the people that call themselves The Musicians and don't take action they would just rather have an social profile that's like an alter ego of theirs but in real real life they're working at a gas station they don't really ever work on their music they don't work on themselves they don't have any systems they like the idea more than the actual integration you know now it's time to address the El in the room I I chose like a cute little elephant I'm like Oh my daughter would love that right my little daughter when we say what does an elephant do she goes she does it's so cute I'll maybe I'll share it with you guys I try not to share her too much on social media because it's weird here's the thing the elephant in the room is that I'm retiring um as I mentioned earlier I've been doing this a long time I've been making content on Instagram as early as 20 5 if not or I'm sorry on YouTube 2015 it was actually before that uh but that video I had I had uh unlisted or went private so think about that February of 2015 is that first video that you see till now it's 10 years and over those 10 years I have poured everything I can into my cell music Master Class everything that we're talking about here is just a blip as far as what we what we teach in that program the reason that I'm retiring from public music marketing content is because you guys don't need any more of that on YouTube you don't need any more of that on social media and I don't need to be making that stuff anymore been teaching it for 10 years there are plenty of folks out there that but you've been talking about the same stuff for 10 years maybe if you would have started doing that stuff 10 years ago you'd be you'd understand because foundational marketing is foundational marketing you don't need the flash in the pan flashy stuff that's not going to work for you just because some douche on an ad says like you want to learn how I got 400,000 followers or 400,000 monthly listeners in two days with 60 bucks you know investment like there's too many of those people I don't want to be the guy who's making content for you guys on social media over and over and over again that's not addressing the root of the issue so my content moving forward I'm going to be doubling down on a business that I have called attention at scale it's helping creative entrepreneurs with their branding their video marketing and a lot of YouTube uh advice as far as like what gear to use how to connect with an audience everything that we work with or work work on together but I'm not going to be doing any more how to get on Spotify playlists how to have 100,000 like I don't I've never really wanted to do that stuff I want to be able to serve you guys in a way that I'm able to because I've scaled three seven figure business businesses two six figure businesses including my own uh music career there's a lot of people out there that teach it that have never done it nobody else in the music marketing space has a capital equipment company that's done $3.
2 million in the last two years nobody has the experience of being a marketing director for a tech company for 10 years I have a level 10 skill set that I don't want to continue to dilute so those of you who've been rocking with me with the cell music master class or want to join in this is a very special training for me because it's the last time that I'm ever opening up enrollment again the cell music master class over 25 modules this is where I'm going to be pouring all my time those of you who've been in the master class you guys can talk about it in the chat right now like we're going to be doing live calls in The Mastermind group that's where I'm going to be if if Adam Ivy is doing any music marketing anything it's going to be within the cell music Mastermind group in that private community of people who have taken action who have joined joined in you're also going to get all these different things I'm pulling out all the stops and I appreciate you guys being here but number one is the music funnel framework I shared this with one of my accelerator program students and his I mean his his streams went from less than a thousand streams to over 10,000 streams in like two or three weeks from just doing this so that's a bonus I'm not going to be doing like the whole like this is worth like uh $80,000 like I they're reasonable right but this is all bonuses that we're going to be joining uh are going to be joining the curriculum of the cell music Master Class you're also going to get the art of selling Beats online for those producers the cell music master class is all about building a successful music career but I don't want my music producers to be left in the dark so I went on a deep dive a wild ride on exactly how to do that as a producer is trying to sell Beats online number three it's the seven-step music selling cycle this is uh essentially a funnel for how to gain attention how to talk to your audience how to build Intrigue and get them to take action bonus number four is the Spotify launch blueprint I show you all the standard operating procedures as far as the best practices to be able to get on uh get get your footing when it comes to Spotify we talk about playlisting we talk about the different playlists we talk about strategies and tactics but also the principles and foundational stuff bonus number five is guiding sorry a guide I atun lch like right before this so I apologize number five is a guy demonetizing your music I break down over a dozen different ways on how you could start making money with your music because again if you're not making money it's not a real business quite yet and that's my goal for all of you guys AI for Indie artists I'm not talking about Adam Ivy I'm talking about artificial intelligence this is a whole breakdown of different prompts that I've used not only myself but used with students in my $5,000 programs that uh have really helped them kind of get into Flow State and build momentum number seven is accelerator sessions this is something that I was really on the fence about adding but I feel like now that I'm retiring from this I'm going to just pull the plug and just give you everything accelerator sessions are very very special because these are handpicked question and answers that I've had with my top level students my $5,000 three-month accelerator program in Inner Circle members these are recorded they're very to the point there's over 120 question and answers uh this alone could be its own like thousand program um in fact what the heck is his name uh God I feel so bad anyway one of my students On A call came in he's like a mild mannered dude and Daniel and he goes Adam um you you did a really bad job of like selling those uh accelerator sessions to me because uh I just spent the weekend watching them and like that's worth the price of admission to begin with and he he had paid me $5,000 like that was his feedback right bonus number eight is a sync licensing Workshop um there's going to be more sync licensing content that is within the program from near and dear friends of mine who are masters of their art we're going to be able to show you how to get into the world how it works because the sync licensing space is not the music industry it's the TV and film industry so it's two different things but we show you how to get into it how to build momentum and how to possibly take off with a career in sync licensing and number nine is what I mentioned earlier it's my private cell music Mastermind group this is where you're going to find me this is where you can ask me questions you can ask the team you can be around like-minded people that support you like I was talking about in the first few slides that's what it's all about my mom like is super supportive but my mom's been supportive of anything I could I could sell like blueberry infused pickles at a craft fair and she would just think it's amazing you need people around you that understand what you're doing understand you're crazy and understand how frustrating it can be and that's where the cell music Mastermind group is I'm not saying everybody's frustrated but we get it right now lifetime access I'm not the guy who's like going to charge you for a year and then you have to like reup every year if you join in the cell music Master Class 1. 0 back in 2018 you still have all of the updates you are now in the most current version ever it's like the best investment you ever made right but the thing is over the years I've charged $99. 97 for Lifetime access um I understand the economy is right now A lot of people are struggling I get a lot of DMS a lot of emails um and with me offering this for the final time I don't want to give you guys any reason to hesitate so what I'm doing is I'm not charging 9.
97 I'm giving you lifetime access at $4. 97 it's the lowest I've ever offered including all the bonuses there is a payment like a split pay um on the enrollment page but this is how you join hey so as you heard in the training I'm opening up my cell music master class for the final time I'm calling it my retirement sale I'm going to be serving the cell music masterclass students in that private group and that's the only place that I'm going to be talking about deep diving strategies on music career development that's where I'm going to be interviewing my close friends that are music industry I don't want to call them gods or anything but like Superstars they're really crushing it and that's where I'm going to be nerding out about everything music marketing music branding music business music career so giving it away for 50% off best price I will ever offer and this is the last time I will ever offer it so I'll put a link on the screen I'll also have a link in the description box below guys go to the page check it out I'm have I have so many bonuses that I'm throwing in here I've literally searched all my hard drives things that I developed for high tick students meaning I have had an accelerator program that was $5,000 for 3 months built out this entire bundle of bonuses that you guys will not want to miss just go to cell musicmaster class.