People have tried to cancel MrBeast many times. The reasons for which vary, but with so many cancell...
Video Transcript:
from people being angry at chris for dressing up as a helicopter to the vegan teacher claiming that mr beast was promoting violence by not having pineapple on his largest slice of pizza these are the absolute dumbest attempts to cancel mr beast and it all begins with an image of a helicopter from back in 2014. remember when people were going around making the joke that they identify as an apache attack helicopter it was a meme that began back in 2014 when a user on reddit posted a deliberately ridiculous paragraph reading i sexually identify as an attack helicopter people say to me that a person being a helicopter is impossible but i don't care i'm beautiful i'm having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades 30 millimeter cannons and amg 114 hellfire missiles on my body if you can't accept me you're a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege thank you for being so understanding well mr beast and chris incorporated this copy past a word for word in a 2016 video people say to me that a person being a helicopter is impossible i'm having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades it's time to live my dream hey girl you want some attack helicopter i was actually born a tank but sadly it wasn't one of our 52 genders and if we take the joke and rank it on a scale from one to ten with one being least offensive and ten being most offensive it probably wouldn't even hit one on the scale because the only thing at the brunt of the joke is a flying metal vehicle yet because they were making a joke about identifying as something other than their normal selves some of twitter's finest would call the video out over four years after it was originally posted mr beast exposed for what some fans have called a transphobic video in a now deleted 2016 video mr b says i was born a tank but sadly it wasn't one of our 52 genders the claim that this was distasteful was clearly ridiculous and the comments supported such where's the transphobia in their imaginations i didn't know about the discrimination attack helicopters faced till now chill the video was obviously a meme don't try to cancel one of the best people on the planet because they made a video about being an attack helicopter literally so many people would be cancelled for nothing what was even funnier was that the people who were supposed to be offended by the video weren't even offended by it as a trans person i found this so funny at the time and i still do it's honestly so sad people get mad over stuff like this it's obviously a joke lmao my transgender sibling was laughing so hard at this after reading the comments i was glad to discover that i'm not the only trans person who thought his joke was funny yet these comments didn't stop the original person who was trying to cancel mr beast who would continue with this excellent piece of investigative journalism by dming mr beast and chris before stating hi mr beast hope you're doing well i was recently sent a video where you and your friend chris tyson make some seemingly transphobic remarks chris says he identifies as a helicopter you make some remarks about gender it's a video from 2016. can you comment the whole thing was best summarized by the commentary channel memify genuine question how are you this sensitive to humor even just a joke about attack helicopters offends them this badly and while this cancellation attempt was extremely petty it was nothing compared to another which would happen at a later date this new one being so dumb that even pewdiepie jumped in to defend mr beast it began in november 2021 after the incredibly popular squid game video was posted a mister bass revealed that the entire production had cost upwards of three and a half million dollars which included a prize of 456 000 for the winner of the video now this meant that the format wasn't much different to any of his other challenge style videos he puts up a bunch of money in the beginning various people compete for it and whoever wins is rewarded with a pretty hefty payday however for some reason in the case of squid game the success of the video seemed to trigger the response that the money should have instead been donated to charity i'm sure that money couldn't possibly have benefited anyone else imagine using this money to actually help those who need that not for fun you could have just donated the 1.
5 million now this argument makes a lot of sense as an extremely basic surface level idea however when you factor in a little thing known as reality it crumbles pretty damn quickly firstly it's infuriating because it can be applied to any amount of money oh you got ice cream on the weekend and got two scoops why didn't you get one scoop and donate the rest to charity oh you bought a new car why didn't you buy a secondhand car and donate the rest to charity the fact that it's valid in all situations with any amount of money makes it a never-ending loop of why didn't you just spend less and donate the rest to charity and to say that it's different in mr b's case just because it's a larger sum of money shows immaturity and that the people making these claims haven't thought through the problem in its entirety the claim also displays an embarrassing level of ignorance about mr beast's long-term vision as it fails to take into account that the money invested in the squid game video will go on to earn more money which over the long run will more than likely end up in the hands of the quote-unquote less fortunate in the month that the squid game video was posted mr base gained close to 10 million subscribers and with mr beast's main message being one of helping others how can we be so sure that those inspired by his message wouldn't donate more than three and a half million to charity themselves over the long run so sure he could take the whole 3. 5 million and dump it into a charity but at the end of the day it's simply a poor short-term strategy the other problem with these people putting pressure on mr base to give money to charity is that they probably don't even donate money themselves getting to the point where you're comfortable giving money away requires an unbelievable amount of personal development that's why it's a respectable thing to do and the people who have reached this point of being charitable and not the same people who spend their life on twitter calling out mr beast for being a bad person thankfully almost everyone echoed this sentiment he gives a lot of money away and through this method he can generate future revenue to help more people i think he's done a hell of a lot more for the people than you have grow up look at his channel and tell me he doesn't help people grow up let this man spend his money however he pleases the cancellation attempt was so pathetic that even pewdiepie uploaded a stream highlight in defense of mr beast people were like oh you spent all this money like doing this when you could have just like fed the hungry or some like that he spent two two million building squid game and people are like well he's not doing enough this is the problem with twitter like people shouldn't have opinions yet neither pewdiepie or mr beast was safe from the next person who would attempt the most brain-dead cancellation attempt of them all that vegan teacher it began on the 2nd of august 2021 when out of the blue that vegan teacher would upload a new video titled mr bass no amount you give to charity can undo the damage you are causing by promoting eating meat now we need to preface this section by explaining that being provocative is the vegan teacher's main method of growth her formula is simple she picks a beloved influencer such as gordon ramsay pewdiepie or darman then goes out of her way to frame them as anti-vegan in any way possible this in turn gives the commentary community a reason to talk about her providing her with growth through controversy in a similar way to jelly bean or wings of redemption and with this in mind it's hardly surprising that the vegan teacher would eventually come for mr beast she'll begin by reviewing his i ate a 70 000 golden pizza video by stating that there are millions of children starving around the globe and that instead of buying an expensive pizza the 70 000 would have been better spent solving world hunger but before we watch him eat a 70 dollar pizza let's look into the eyes of this child there are millions of children around the world who are starving to death seventy thousand dollars could buy a lot of food only this started the vegan teachers argument on poor footing as it failed to include the fact that five months prior mr beast had begun based philanthropy with the first four out of five videos on the channel doing exactly what the vegan teacher was complaining about feeding people without access to food do more research he has donated millions to the hungry and the homeless he's also one of the biggest philanthropists on here vegan teacher those 70 000 could have gone towards feeding starving children also her he bought everything in a store and donated it to charity or whatever but that doesn't matter he literally has a food bank to give food to families that can't afford it meanwhile the vegan teacher was doing absolutely nothing to help solve world hunger herself when you search up that vegan teacher charity unsurprisingly nothing comes up with her only attempt at feeding the hungry being her complaining about others not feeding the hungry upon visiting her patreon it states each donation big or small helps to sustain me so i can devote more time and resources to helping save the animals by educating others about not eating wearing or using them which roughly translates to something like the money will go directly into my bank account and i'll continue to make videos framing decent people as evil anti-vegans which is what she would do to mr beast as her first video continued to roll the vegan teacher's next criticism was that mr base didn't specify whether or not each item of food was vegan five thousand dollar taco are they vegan tacos made with beans and vegan cheese this is one dollar pizza is that vegan cheese this is a two dollar hot dog is that a vegan hot dog yeah when you think about it for a couple of minutes this would actually be an incredibly dumb thing for mr beast to do as it would set an impossibly high standard for future videos for example if mr beast attempted to appeal to the vegans once by stating that he was eating vegan food he'd run the risk of backlash in future videos as the audience could now use leverage against him by stating oh you were eating vegan food before why didn't you continue doing so ironically making the consumption of meat less controversial additionally while vegans have a reputation for being quite vocal according to the data only two percent of the us population is vegetarian and out of that only 0. 5 percent of the population is vegan and therefore making content to appeal to vegans would be a poor strategy when mr beast has stated on numerous occasions that his goal is to simply reach the widest audience possible the vegan teacher would then go on to state the mrbase video of him eating different foods worth different amounts of money was promoting violence and destroying the environment mr beast unfortunately i have given you so many exes here for promoting the violence for not talking about the environment before going on to state that he needed to become a vegan animal rights activist in order to undo the non-existent damage you need to go back and undo the damage that you've done the first thing that you can do mr beast number one is become vegan number two become an animal rights activist for the rest of your life tell people that the videos that you've done in the past including this one that you're ashamed of and that you wish you had never done them which was concluded by the vegan teacher demanding mr beast apologize in her comment section mr beast knows about my my channel here make sure that he subscribes and that he joins me in the comment section to tell me that he's going to change unsurprisingly the vegan teacher never got the apology however one thing she did receive on the video was an impressive dislike ratio of 96.