[Music] I haven't met anyone that wants to have Alzheimer's is that right no one wants to have Alzheimer's and Alzheimer's doesn't develop quickly in fact some people might think it does because they suddenly start to have some lack of memory they start to have a few things but it actually hasn't developed quickly it's developed over a long time see what we do in our 20s is revealed on our 40s what we do in our 40s is revealed in our 60s what we do in our 60s is revealed in our 80s and in my last lecture
I drew our brain and I'm going to draw it again and we're looking at the prefrontal cortex and I'm sure you'll remember that the prefrontal cortex has four functions and these four functions basically go down when someone has Alzheimer's so when someone has Alzheimer's how's their intellect it's not very good is it how how are their reasoning Powers not very good how is their judgment terrible and so as you can see that when someone has Alzheimer's the part of the brain that is directly affected is the prefrontal cortex and because the intellect and reason and
judgment are gone the decisions are terrible in fact I had people come to me saying I wake up in the of the night my my wife was gone I went outside I saw her walking down the main road with no clothes on another man said I I woke up my wife wasn't there she's in the in the next door's yard taking their clothes off the clothes line and putting them on at strange things their reason their intellect and their judgment is not working so the million dooll question is why because Proverbs 26:2 states that the
curse causeless shall not come it's Old English it basically means no problem no depression no Alzheimer's no Dimension happens without a cause there is always a cause and in the little book the ministry of healing I love that formula she says in the case of sickness the cause should be ass aain this is on the second page in the chapter The Physician the educator cause should be ascertained so how do you ascertain the cause there's one way to ascertain the cause and that is the history the history and we are what we are because of
our history so you have a clear look at the exposure to chemicals so we're going to flip backwards and forwards here so we'll look at the sustain me principles because the sustain me principles directly affect the functioning of the brain the brain and the eyes are connected in fact the eyes are an extension of our brain and this is where Sunshine is very important to the brain it needs bra it needs Sunshine the brain needs sunshine and it gets it through the eyes water our brain is a hydroelectric system sleep we're going to have a
look at at 9:30 tomorrow morning all the processes that happen while we sleep but we'll touch on it tonight in its relation to alzheimer's trus in God anxiety depression which is really a lack of trusting God can all contribute abstain there are many things that are damaging the nerve cells in the area of chemicals environmental poisons especially Mercury moles all having a lot an effect to interfere with brain function inhale we looked at the importance of inhaling through our nose nose purifies the a humidifies the air warms the air mouth does not do that when
we when we breathe through our nose we're getting more oxygen in the brain nutrition our brain needs Peak nutrition because we need to supply the building materials of the brain we need to supply the building materials of the neurotransmitters we need to supply the fats that keep the cells Supple and protect the m and sheath as we touched on in a our last lecture moderation in all the good things some things can be great but if you overdo them they can be harmful yes we need to eat but when you overload the stomach the stomach
can't digest it all and it fogs the brain exercise increases the circulation of the blood to the brain so when we look at history we use this is our guideline and often we target that little area of stain has the person been exposed to anything that could damage the brain cells environmental poisons toxic toxic poisons uh heavy metals are there Mercury fillings in the mouth so you investigate investigate investigate and it's the history that will give you an idea so in case of sickness ascertain the cause unhealthful conditions changed how do you know if a
condition is unhealthful get out of the moldy house I've had two men attend our program who got depression six months after moving into a moldy house so how so so now we need to go to our nerve cell here's our nerve cell and here are are our receiving stations and our receiving stations our dendroides are the ones that pick up the neurotransmitters they encapsulate them sent them down the arm and then they go into the little bhon these are the bons and the neurotransmitters flash across to the receiving station the dendroides from the next nerve
cell so I'll show you how this happens so here are the little neurotransmitters they come in they're encapsulated they're sent down the arm into the little bons and then they released out from the bons to the next nerve cells that's basically how it happens and those neurotransmitters can be traveling anywhere between 200 and shouldn't be R 200 and 2 and 200 mil an hour and in a crisis that's about 200 mil an hour so when it says unhealthful conditions changed say there is a mildy house remember that when oxygen is present in the nerve cell
it's going to give us 36 unit of energy but when someone's breathing in moldy house in mold from a moldy house there's not much oxygen there and that top pathway that has no oxygen that only gives two units of energy our brain needs oxygen maybe the person is living underneath the electrical towers and those electrical Towers there's 500 times the electromagnetic field that's usually on the planet that's how much it's increased under the electrical Towers it used to be that houses weren't allowed to be built under those electrical Towers but if you noticed in some
housing Estates they're there and they're the cheapest house on the Estate another one I have found is when there's been landfill and there's been a lot of chemicals dumped and then housing Estates are built and then you'll find that in every house there's sicknesses some houses Alzheimer's some houses depression some houses cancer some houses what they call autoimmune diseases somehow you see arthritis people react in different ways that's why you can never be absolute on the cause there are some common causes but there are also differences in every case unhealthful conditions changed wrong habits corrected
how do you know what the wrong habits are you go through through those laws of Health you drinking adequate water you getting Sunshine every day you going to bed early what sort of food are you eating so that's how you you ascertain whether habits need to be changed and then nature is to be assisted and we're going to have a look at this bit and we're going to have a look at what can be taken to be to assist in the treatment of Alzheimer's and also the prevention so you always look at the history simp
symptoms are your body saying excuse me there's a problem and I need you to do something and as you try simple natural treatments your body will say I like it or your body will say no that's not doing much so you adjust and how you know how to adjust is you watch your body's response and this is how we can be our own doctors yes you might go to a specialist or a doctor or a naturopath or a functional doctor or a nutritionist or a herbalist and get their advice but what do you do with
that advice you try it you take it or leave it and if it doesn't work what's your body saying to you we need to try something else because there's no one like you that's why you're the doctor so what we have found and I'll give you a story to illustrate we had a lady who lived with us for many years she actually approached Michael her name was Anne and she said Michael I want to build a house on your property so when I die it's yours but you look after me marel said well I don't
mind looking after you but he said how do your daughters feel about you putting all your money into that she said I don't care what they I don't care what they think because she said I watch they waste their money she said I worked hard for my money and I believe in what you're doing and I want to support it well it eventually came about Michael spent a lot of evenings talking to her children her daughters and their husbands and eventually he said you know she's going to give it away who do you want to
give it to and they eventually agreed yes we like what you're doing anyway we built her a lovely house on the property and I need to I need to draw you a map to show you what happened so we built her a lovely house on the property our house was here and it was a 1200 acre property her house was there and then the health retreat was over here and sometimes you could drive this way and there was a creek there and there was a creek there and the creek actually went like this and it
had take 10 minutes to drive to the retreat and often we'd stop and have a little chat to an and Michael would often leave his iring there and when I come back in the afternoon she'd have the ironing hanging on the veranda and it worked very well and if we went to town she came with us and sometimes she'd come for a meal and we dropped leftovers from the health center and it all worked very very well and after about 5 years we had a big truck come in so this was the road from outside
a big truck came in with gravel and he stopped at the house and he said to Anne hey lady do you know where I got to take this truck she said I'm not sure ask those three men over there he looked over there got in the truck and went up to the retreat where Michael was and he said is that lady all right she asked me to ask the three stumps there were three tree stumps she said ask these three men that was the first indication we had that that an's mind was starting to slip
and so one of our girls went and sat with an all morning and chattered to her and at one point am was waving and Evelyn said what are you waving at she said look at the nuns running up the hill look at them all and that's when we started to see she was H such a happy Jolly lady that you didn't actually quite see it until things like that happened and so what Evelyn did she uh when when Anne went out on The Veranda she went in looked in her bathroom she looked behind the door
and there's all the food from the last few weeks half eaten and moldy so she was eating moldy food and sometimes when people have Alzheimer is and their reason intellect and judgment starts to slip they're not making good decisions and Evelyn also found the iron still on so she wasn't turning the iron off and that's when we realized we needed to take her to our house and so she lived in a room at our house and because we were so busy running the retreat and several things we got nurse to look after her but the
nurse would last about 2 days and jump in the car and leave because Anne would not do anybody do anything anyone said except for Michael and I and Michael would go to town with her and he'd say are you drinking she said I've drank lots and her bottle's full of water we started to realize she was not drinking any water the brain is a hydroelectric system from the neck up we 85% water from the neck down we 75% water water is essential so we started to see a few a few things and then Marco said
to me do you know I remember Anne and an is well known she never goes to bed before midnight so here is another point and Dr Matthew Walker shows this in his book why we sleep that in the night especially the hours before midnight there's the glymphatic system and the glymphatic system it cleans up waste from neuronal activity it's the brain's vacuum cleaner it cleans up yes Thorns from negative emotions when we forgive it cleans up waste from combusting oxygen and glucose at the cellular level but if and all through our lives It's Not Unusual
that little calcified deposits can build up a little bit here and there in the prefrontal cortex especially if the person's on a high acid diet what's a high acid diet a lot of meat well an was a vegetarian but she ate a lot of carbohydrates she ate a lot of wheat a lot of sugars and those little calcified deposits a few of them build up but when we go to bed early the glymphatic system can mop up those little calcified plaques so they don't develop and what they have found in cases of people with Alzheimer's
they do postmortem on them and they've got calcified deposits called ameloid plaques all built up in the prefrontal cortex so when those ameloid plaques build up there they inhibit intellect they inhibit reason they inhibit judgment so here was another aspect with Anne anyway not long after that we move moved to another property cuz this property this property was very remote and this property was 2 hours from town and we had no electricity we had solar panels and so when a property an hour closer came up we quickly uh negotiated with that and were able to
buy it and move our business over a little bit closer and as we went to the new property we had a little room for for Anne to live in and and we take turns in just keeping an eye on her but I was lecturing one day and an came running up the stairs and says Barbara Barbara marel just been killed in a car accident and all the guests weren't like this but I knew straight away that this was in in Anne's mind and then another time Michael and I were driving home she was lying on
the side of the road crying I said and what are you doing all my family's being killed in a car accident so Michael rang up her three daughters and said Anne's mind is deteriorating so we just suggest you come and visit her well one daughter came and just criticized everything we were doing criticized that we weren't spending enough time with her that she didn't have enough toilet paper in her bath room that oh she didn't like the color of the it was just and then the other daughter you know they just didn't have time and
then the third daughter Michael rang her and she said my mother died 25 years ago and hung the phone up now that told us there were some emotional issues there because Anne only ever talked of two daughters in fact you wouldn't even know she had this daughter so she'd almost cut her off in her mind and then marel and I were going overseas for 2 weeks so we rang the two daughters and we said can you take Anne for two weeks no no we can't so we had to find out what to do with her
and so we decided to put her in rest bite but then we found we had to have a doctor's certificate to assess her so we took her to the doctor and the doctor said said how are you and she said oh my stomach's sore he said why she said every time I go out the front door my sister-in-law shoots me and my stomach's full of bullets and she would say it as if it was just a totally natural thing and that's when we realized here was another emotional Factor she loved her brother Roy and her
poor sister-in-law who was a lovely lady could never do anything right so see there's another emotional tension there so we're starting to see what you call glitches in the Army we're starting to see this is why this is your guideline this will tell you where the problems lie so we easy got her into a rest bite place and we'd say to her and we're just going to leave you in this um accommodation that's what we called it just for 2 weeks and you know they they do your hair and you go on bus trips she
said can't my daughters take me oh they're busy Unfortunately they can't so we took her there she went in and she said this is an aged Care Facility we said Audrey and it's not long it's not long it's just until we get back we're so sorry we'll ring you every day we'll ring you every day so we left feeling terribly bad and we rang a few hours later how is she oh she's laughing she's found a couple of ladies she's become very good friends with we rang every day and we found out that she was
doing very well and she was quite enjoying it so two weeks we flew in we went straight to the to pick her up and we said how did you enjoy that she said it's very good and she said in fact I don't want to go home with you we said a she said no you don't do my hair every week they come and do my hair every week you don't take me on bus trips twice a week I'm staying here we actually thanked God because we just didn't know what to do and she'd had I'd
say nearly 10 years with us and it had been good the last year had been difficult and as anyone who's had a an elderly relative with age with dementia it's very very difficult to look after them because it almost needs 24-hour care we would go and visit her twice a week the staff would go and visit her Michael would take her shopping with him and so we did much and she said she said Michael I want you to spend all my money she said I just want you to leave enough to cover my funeral and
then she was there for about 2 years and we found out that she was in a coma we discovered that she had a tumor and it had blocked off her colon so she was in a coma we also discovered they called her the ice cream Queen she just lived on ice cream now Anne when she was younger was very very fussy on on uh on not eating things like ice cream but you know when when someone's got dementia and their reason intellect and judgment goes to this point it's very difficult to get a turnaround anyway
we're thankful that she passed within the next week I think she was in her late 80s when she finally passed but it's an illustration to show and many people would say how could that lady have dementia she lived at your retreat that is true but when you have a look at this guy sideline you start to see an did not like the sunshine she never went out there she said no I'll just get burnt do you know if you get burned you're only out there for 5 minutes you might be out there for 5 minutes
in the morning 5 minutes in the afternoon and your skin will be able to handle it we could not get her to drink water and you're not going to hold the person down and force it in it's very difficult and she just insisted that she'd had water so that's very difficult Marco would say well an we're not going anywhere until you drink half that bottle then she'd begrudgingly drink it but it's really hard to be on top of someone like that all the time sleep she'd been a terror for sleep now that we see what
lack of sleep does you see there are two very famous people that boasted that they only needed 5 hours sleep a night one is Margaret Thatcher the other is Ronald Reagan and how did they spend the last 20 years of their life with severe Alzheimers severe dementia so lack of sleep is a big one and we also find that even though someone might love God and trust God when they get dementia they find it very hard because it's like their mind is not in the right place we also find when someone has dementia they'll just
eat anything they'll just drink anything like Anne in her lat years she ate and drank things she would never have considered in her right mind so it gets in this Vicious Circle nutrition wasn't very good at all exercise that wasn't happening and so we see why Anne suffered from dementia and you can see also that it didn't happen overnight and and whenever we tried to talk to her about her daughter and her sister-in-law she would not she would not go there and a man convinced against his will will be of the same opinion still you
see God's government is a government of Freedom he never forces and so we of course cannot force so there were some areas that it was almost impossible for us to resolve but we look at that because we don't want to go there and then we had the a lady come and attend our program she came with her mother she's 45 her mother was about 75 and her mother had dementia and I remember going into the bedroom and the mother was just looking straight through me she you almost couldn't connect with her she just stood there
and as we investigated we discovered the lady wasn't drinking any water we discovered she hadn't opened a bows for 6 hours so for little by little we encouraged her to drink water we found that she would drink um some hot peppermint tea and we encouraged her to have that little bit of salt we gave her some herbs to get the bowels moving within 48 Hours her mind was clear she was looking straight at us and she was talking to us and on Wednesday night when we did the pus demonstration she was telling us about all
the things that her mother did to her when she was a little girl her daughter was so excited about the turnaround in her mother she booked in for a second week and in that second week she spent most of her time on the phone um arranging to get her mother out of aged care and she brought her mother back home because she didn't have to micromanage her mother anymore because her mother's mind became clear her mother started to make decisions that were were good for her body and her mind and her mother lived with her
for another 10 years until she she finally passed so as you can see in both those stories there are different factors to come together in in different situations but what I think is really alarming is the amount of people who are coming down with dementia and we come into this area here abstain who are on the cholesterol lowering medication because the side effect of cholesterol lowering Med medication we'll just call them the cholesterol meds the side effect is Alzheimer's and Dementia how many in aged care facilities are showing Alzheimer's and Dementia who are on the
cholesterol lower medications and as I showed you when we looked at the heart cholesterol is not the cause of heart disease the cause of heart disease is damage to the arterial walls and because the damage is happening to the arterial walls the liver releases cholesterol to actually patch up the holes so to say that cholesterol causes heart disease is like saying the fire tracks are causing the fire now what we should be asking if there is cholesterol buildup why why why is the body doing that because it doesn't do it for no reason and so
to come in with cholesterol lowering medications actually is not helping the problem because our body needs cholesterol and one of the reasons our body needs cholesterol is that this little fatty sheath around the nerve cell is predominantly cholesterol you see cholesterol plays a protective role and that's why I mentioned earlier if someone on a fat-free diet they got Mercury fillings in their mouth they're having the flu injection every year which has mercury in it they're feeding eating fish every day and maybe on top of that they're not drinking enough water and on top of that
they're going to bed at midnight every night there's a recipe for dementia that's a recipe for for Alzheimer's but for some people they might react in something like Parkinson's Parkinson's Alzheimer's dementia hunting career are multiple sclerosis are all indications of damage to different parts of the nerve cell so then the question is well what's caused the damage so the Muhammad Ali the boxer he also had Dementia in his latter years but I think it was purely just physical damage you see our skull is a is a was created by God to be a protective armor
notice with our sceletal system it is an internal structure causing us to stand upright but when it comes to the Head it becomes an external structure protecting the most delicate and yet most important organ in the body which is headquarters which is the brain but around that brain there are seven layers of fascia what's fascia it's Bon type material and in in between each layer of fascia there's fluid so if we do fall and you know I had a crash a few nights ago and yes I was encouraged to get a CT scan just because
it was right at my temple where it's quite thin there and the CT San showed that my brain's working very well and there is no damage so some of my close friends are a little bit concerned I said all right and it showed that there there was no damage because there are seven layers of fascia and there's that fluid around but if that happened to me every single day day after day after week after week after month after month after year after year then that protective covering would actually start to be the cause of damage
there's a movie SL documentary called concussion I don't know if you've seen it but it's a true story on football in America and the the leading actor I think it's Will Smith that plays it he um he does a a postmortem on a famous football player that took his life I think he was in his 60s he was hearing voices and and and getting noises in his brain that he couldn't bear it and he'd gone to test after test after test but it showed that there was nothing wrong so coming away and being told there's
nothing wrong with you that's very frustrating and so what Will Smith who was a neurologist did he opened his brain but what he did was he spliced up the brain and when he spliced it up he started to see all the little Scar Tissue all all the damage that those other tests hadn't picked up and when he revealed this these this scarring in this famous football's brain do you know football America rose up they closed his Clinic he lost his job he actually had to leave the country and one of the team on on the
organization that rules that in the football 10 years later same thing happened to him he was getting noises voices he he could not rest he could not sleep he took his own life and he left a paper there he wanted this neurologist to do a postmortem on his brain and he did and he found the same thing and it was because of that it was it was revealed do you know it's often called um football migraine but everyone knows it's damaged to the brain and I know in Australia there's rugby league and you know they
do scrums where they've got their heads down and they're barging against each other in this scrums and sometimes I'll see a footballer just walking around the fields like this it's just been one tackle too many I don't know I I don't watch football but sometimes if you watch the news you got to look through the little shorts on the sports to get to the to the to the weather and sometimes you'll see a tackle and you'll think oh how do they survive they survive one and two and three but the damage Bang by Bang's being
done and so that's what basically is with um Muhammad Ali it was just too much damage on the brain and so the damage in the brain can be caused by various things but I'm sure if Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher had known what I'm going to show you tomorrow night and what I touched on tonight that the vacuum cleaner system that is the most active in the early part of the night made up of gly cells one of its roles is to clean up any little ameloid plaques that might start to surface in the early
parts of the night so going to bed early protects the brain against that happening and so to prevent Alzheimer's to prevent Alzheimer's we need sunshine every day we need to keep well hydrated and to help with hydration we have the whole salt before every glass of water just a tiny little Crystal to prevent Alzheimer's we make sure sure we go to bed early and I showed you in the last lecture how you can rewire your brain one lady said I go to bed at midnight every night and I know that if I lay down at
9:00 I'm not going to sleep so you know what she did she started to go bed at 11:30 2 weeks later she started to go at 11:00 2 weeks later she started to go bed at 10:30 2 weeks later she started to go to bed at 10: and little by little she trained her brain back into sleep but but I'll show you in more detail tomorrow abstain if you stop cholesterol AR medications tonight tomorrow you will have a side effect your memory will return it's one of the side effects memory loss there is absolutely no
danger in stopping the cholesterol lowering medications immediately in my book suain me I've got a chapter it's called love your heart with all your heart and at the end of that chapter I list all the books the great cholesteral con the great cholesteral lie the great cholesterol deception great cholesterol hoax great cholesterol myth we're running out of names I'm not a doctor but they've all been written by doctors and Specialists that are blowing the whistle on it that's why we need to know for ourselves that's why God gave us this brain this prefrontal cortex reason
intellect and judgment so that every decision we make be made according to that because our decisions determine our destiny so there are some some things that absolutely must stop if you're a coffee drinker my suggestion is start easing off it ease off it little by little by little there's a book called caffeine blues and he all his subtitles are become aware to America's number one One Drug that's what he calls it when a person has a cup of coffee it's like they've created a crisis in the body that's why they like it ah just gets
my brain going just makes me feel good that's right it's created a crisis people say to me do you drink coffee barara I say no I just watch the people suffer day one at our health Retreats people suffer more from caffeine with drink caffeine withdrawals than any other withdrawal we've had people come off methamphetamines which is Ice uh heroin methadone alcohol cigarettes marijuana no one suffers like the coffee drinker I'm talking about short term they recover quicker usually by the third day they're feeling very good but those other addictions can take a little bit longer
that's how I know that the the two days on juicing the sweating the steam baths every afternoon it's a great way to detox to get off stimulant so it's important to stop anything that's interfering with brain function wheat gets the blood sugar level up high and then a com corresponding dump sugar and wheat both do that the hybridize wheat and our brain wants a steady consistent delivery of fuel that's when your prefrontal cortex works well but the quick highs producing the lows then the highs again no that interferes with proper function of prefrontal Cortex inhale
through the nose so your brain cells get more oxygen when you give the body full nutrition it can prevent Alzheimer's and what they're showing now is another contributing to Alzheimer is his lack of B vitamin B vitamins are often called the brain vitamins so where do we get our B vitamins our raw nuts and seeds are probably the highest Source also some in your whole grains and legumes so your B B vitamins are your brain vitamins that helps to protect your brain what also helps protect the brain is fat what's also important for the B
vitamins to function is minerals and you get your minerals in your dark green leafy vegetables and also your Celtic salt so once again we get to the three essential nutrients fibers proteins and good fats moderation in all the good things if you overeat I can tell you right now you'll be falling asleep all afternoon the office you want a Sparky brain don't overeat exercise increases the circulation of the blood to the brain and so these sustain me principles will sustain us and protect us from alheim that's the good news but there's one more aspect of
exercise and that is exercising the brain challenge it learn new things we should be learning new things right up until the day we die AA mil the poet he said the world is full of so many things we all should be as Happ Kings so it's learning new things my husband learned to fly a helicopter I think he grew a lot of new dendrites in that time because he learned to fly a manual Bell 47 and he told me that you have to do five different things at once the right foot the left foot the
left hand and the right hand is doing two things I think when he leared to fly the helicopter he drew a he grew a lot of extra dendroides every time we learn something new we develop more dendroides do you know God designed the human body with an incredible capacity he designed the brain with an incredible capacity and it was never God's design that we human beings spend the last 1020 years of our life with Alzheimer's or dementia that is not God's design God's designed is that we have an abundant life he said I've come that
you might have life but have it more abundantly so we can do much to prevent Alzheimer's by implementing these simple Lifestyle Changes making sure we do get Daily Sun that we're well hydrated that way we can train ourselves back into more sleep I did I'll show you how I did it tomorrow morning trus in God he's worthy to be trusted he's faithful abstain from anything if there are things that you're taking that you'd like to stop ease off them try a couple of days Fast book into Eden Valley Health Retreat or Living Springs in Alabama
Eden Valley's in Colorado they have the two-day juice fast you can stay there for a week so that's an easy way to actually come off your stimulants start looking at more nourishing food eating breakfast like a king lunch like a queen do all good things in moderation and look at implementing an exercise program and I thank God every day that it is that simple and that it is within the reach of each one of us so I trust you've learned a few things I trust you're encouraged and inspired to look after this incredible brain we've
got and also to start challenging it learning new things I look forward to seeing you tomorrow morning at 9:30 where we explore in detail sleep thank you [Music]