it is genuinely impressive how good the average League player is these days and it honestly is just due to the absurd amount of educational content out there just this week I played against the most insane Platinum ELO Darius this guy was zoning me at level one managing the way perfectly he was slow pushing when he needed to he was pressuring me so aggressively under Tower he was bouncing in the freezes he was a legitimate monster I could tell he's watched every aloise Wave Control fundamentals video ever in fact thank God he had a jungle Yumi
and his entire team was trolling I was definitely getting owned that game also anytime I see a midlaner start doran's ring with only one health potion I immediately know they a nemesis viewer that's because I also stole that from him better yet I'm always so happy whenever I see a low ELO ADC split pushing the whole game look at this Platinum Jinx dragon is spawning and she said no thank you I feel like I'm the only Creator who tells adcs to do this and whenever I see it happening I'm so happy play are listening she
got so many jungle camps a ton of pressure and gold in Top Lane totaling around 1,700 gold in just a little over a minute that was genuinely beautiful I love when adcs play like this now I like to call these players content nerds it's just really clear that they either watch streams guides they get coaching or whatever and I always check whether they're Smurfs or not because they impress me so much in the game I'm like they have to be smurfing but no here's that Darius that was was owning me from earlier unfortunately they're always
pretty mediocre win rate hard stuck type of players now I'm not trying to throw shade don't hate me or anything I just find it sad that this player who's clearly playing very well for his ELO I literally thought he was a Smurf he's putting in the due diligence he doesn't have an ego he's looking up Solutions practicing and he's just not climbing that much faster than everyone else who kind of just Wings it I see players like this so often and I just ask myself why why don't they improve faster the issue is that Challenger
players are so much better than we actually realize ourselves we're doing so many little micro things properly that we're not telling you about that's why guides always tell you some super basic thing like just fight with a level lead bro it's not that the advice is wrong but you're missing those crucial details and that's what we constantly try to figure out at skill cap our goal is to better understand the execution that Challengers are using that they're not telling you about to help you climb faster and that's what I want to share with you today
I'm going to be teaching you the little details for the execution of the most repeated advice you always hear without a doubt the most important macro concept to know is simply pushing minion waves you don't need to hear it from me there's hundreds of guides about how you push to get priority you push to get mid- priority you push to go to the objective you push then rotate you push then recall you push then get vision control you push the farm camps you push into yada Yad yada pushing into whatever is 99% of macro in
this game believe me I really wish it wasn't so I would have more ideas for guides but it really is that simple simple but you're missing the most important detail and that's why it doesn't work for you so when you watch an educational guide or commentary this always happens here's a moment from a Smurf commentary on our site I'm playing in diamond and I push a wave and it's like oh my god look how easy this is you just push Force someone to defend and then you teleport and fight look how simple that was wow
you can do that too climbing is so easy huh so now you go and try it you push a wave and someone clears it instantly giving you no time to do anything or your team died while you were pushing or whatever else right like sometimes it works but more often than not it just doesn't do much when you try it right why is that it always works for the Challenger but never for you even when it feels like you're doing the exact same thing it's simple the answer is simpler than you would think you just
have to push faster I've played and reviewed an insane amount of Lowa games and I promise you almost every single one of you is extremely slow at this most players don't think about the value of doing something slightly faster but you actually already kind of know this for example think about the difference between an empowered and a regular recall it's completely different right you're only saving around 4 seconds but it feels like a massive difference or how about when you push a wave into the tower and you need to base the furthest you want to
walk back to is this brush going to the middle brush feels pretty bad and going all the way to the furthest brush is definitely a no-o I would rather die than walk all the way back there these small seconds of waste of time feel like a big deal because your brain is pretty good at recog izing patterns you've all taken a late recall before and been denied a wave or lost a plate because of it there's a reason that Tempo is the most overused word in this game and here's the problem there's three steps to
pushing a wave properly individually they're not a big deal but let's say you lose 4 seconds on step one just 1 second on step two and 2 seconds on step three that's 7 Seconds of wasted time that's almost an entire recall Channel and remember waves spawn every 30 seconds I'm not saying you're always pushing waves but you should be interacting with them very often so think about how much time you're wasting every single game this is why your teammates die when you go push because you were slow this is why assassins kill you when you
go to a sid Lane they got to you in time because you were slow and this is why you never get the value that you see us get with our pushes it's because we were faster and had way more time to do things than you did if you feel like you've watched a t of guides or listen to streamers give you a bunch of tips but you've hit a wall in League of Legends then this guide is for you and I'm very confident it's going to open your eyes to what you may be missing but
I do want to stress that this guide alone is just one step towards getting over the massive wall that is improving in League these days where everyone is so good that's why I've made a special companion course on our site that will cover way more than I discuss here there I will teach you what is a complete waste of time to learn what to actually focus on how to review your games without spending an hour on it we are playing a video game we're not studying calculus in fact you know how every educational Creator say
says to never autopilot you need to always be disciplined and focused to play your best and improve instead I will tell you why I personally disagree with that and how I think 80% of Challenger gaming is just pure autopilot instincts that's why I put up that personal course on our site I want to teach players how to improve quickly without making League their 9 to5 job on top of that we've also got a ton of other courses I've helped create there's a dedicated course for every single role we have courses for macro trading csing jungle
clearing and so on and all of it is thought out to be as efficient as possible for you to learn if you're interested there's a special discount link below to sign up which specifically helps me out and worst case scenario let's say you don't enjoy the way we teach that's completely fine everyone learns differently I actively encourage you to seek out what works best for you so if you don't improve with our service you get your money back no questions asked in any case let's get back to the video starting with step one this is
the easiest one to fix and probably the most important one too which is good for you all you're doing is deciding to go push 99% of loala players have the problem where you think too much about pushing if you have to think about pushing a wave you've already messed up most of you play with figurative weights on always doubting or questioning any decision you make every fiber of your being in every single game at almost all time should be thinking where is the next wave and how do I push it let me show you what
this looks like by presenting you one of faker's most embarrassing plays of all time watch T1 is fighting in the jungle and he zoned off with gumay Yushi to the side the rest of the team kills real and JX gets out watch Faker at this moment he thinks the fight is over and he's like well time to push and he actually just left and then zus flash engages on kaisa and T1 gets absolutely railed look at Faker showing up super late like a little rat he's just like what's going on here guys I was trying
to push the wave most people would rightfully say he's trolling and I am not defending him that was him griefing his team to the max but there's a good reason he did that if you go back to this Frame it's fair reasonable to say the fight is over at least in this moment let's not hindsight High horem here a good player is always looking for ways to pressure and to do it really fast so the second the fight seemed over Faker went to push this is your issue most of you have doubts that when you
leave to push your team will immediately fight or all die yep that is going to happen you're going to troll and you're going to throw games but you can't be so afraid of losing that you're not willing to take the risk to win if you have this super long 2 to five second delay before every push you will never have the pressure a good player does your pressure is crap because you're always so slow Faker was willing to risk it in a super important series that's how important minion pressure is he lost they went 03
pretty funny actually that they just lost off that but for every game Faker is thrown this way he's won a 100 more in the past by not being afraid and committing to his pushing in fact here's a more casual example featuring Nemesis he teleports in at an awkward time to this fight the enemy disengage gauges and Pike presses W notice how he hovers Kaiser for a bit to defend her but the second literally the millisecond that Pike W runs out he instantly moves to the wave and then he rejoins the fight afterwards the outcome is
usually positive like this one not like fakers to put what I'm saying clearly the biggest issue almost every single one of you has is that you ask the reverse questions I see this all the time in guides commentaries or from people I coach I get asked when should I leave my team to push against what assassins can I split push should I be late to the objective to push this wave because you ask yourself these questions you guys do this little thing where you go uh I don't know I guess I should go push here
yeah that makes sense you spend and waste so much time deciding that you don't actually get the value from the push this is why it never feels good it's because you don't truly believe in it and you're not doing it fast enough you need to completely reverse your mindset you want to ask the opposite questions when do I stop pushing the group against what assassins can't I split against should I ditch this wave for the object active if your default mindset is to always be pushing a wave then you will never waste any time and
you will have so much more pressure every game because you'll actually have the time to get the value out of your waves and the best part is that the less you hesitate even your wrong calls will have better outcomes let's go back to my Oriana game from earlier did I make the wrong call here I should have gone to Herald I didn't think we would go Herald it's kind of weird to fight Herald when we could just take for Third Dragon here but it's a good point okay I made a mistake just commit to the
a mistake and push okay as you heard I acknowledged I messed up the difference is that so many lower ELO players would doubt themselves oh crap I need to go help actually I'm going to be late I don't know what to do I just commit I screwed up it happens whatever some of my team dies because I messed up but because I committed to the wave quickly I can at least trade a tower back also pushing waves is really good there is a reason everyone tells you to do so I forced someone to defend bot
lane and then I rotated to flank the surviving enemy team and that's all for me playing bad but it worked because I did it quickly without hesitation your bad plays can actually turn out to be good if you just commit and do them quickly oh and does that situation look familiar once I realize I have nothing more to contribute to the fight I instantly go find another wave to push every single Challenger player including me has a minion wave addiction because we know it matters we are always looking for the next wave to push trust
me stop thinking so much about your pushing your default mindset at all times should be to push waves stop thinking about it you will see so many more good opportunities if you actually Master this mindset all right let's move on to step two this is a weird one because it's the least important but also where the most skill expression is by far and it's just the act of actually killing the minions sometimes interacting with a minion wave is pretty straightforward I'm civer I'm going to press W and Q and The Wave dies instantly cool but
you have to consider that waves come in all shapes and sizes sometimes there's a massive wave you have to clear or sometimes some of the minions are damaged sometimes they're in Tower range or sometimes you have to kill the wave in front of your opponent sometimes you're pretty fed and all your spells do way more damage in some games you're weak and your spells do nothing and sometimes you only have enough Mana for two spells yada yada y the variables are endless so killing minion waves as quickly and efficiently as possible in every single situation
is not easy especially because you have to do it every single time you interact with a wave it's not just doing it well one time it's doing it well every single time you touch a wave let's look at an example by chovi you don't have to learn what I'm about to say just watch and then I'll give you a simple takeaway as he clears the residual of this previous wave chovi was scouting and saw the control Ward ahead he makes sure to walk past his own wave so that he agrs the incoming enemy one and
he does something odd he doesn't Auto the minions while moving up he just rushes to the control Ward this is because wasting mini Nar AOS is pointless he just wants his megaform chovi knows that at this point in the game he's got his qw breakpoint his Q one shots casters and leaves melees low enough for his W to finish them off and he's also got his Trinity Force breakpoint where One auto can kill a Caster at the same time he allowed his wave to kill the melee that didn't follow him this was about as quickly
as you could possibly kill all the minions and the ward let me be clear that was a really really smart way to kill that wave and that Ward quickly the reason this mattered so much is that his team was on a timer for Harold look how close the enemy team was to contest tting if chovy had cleared that wave one or two seconds slower maybe they get there in time to contest things were that close and every little second can matter in Challenger you cannot be a top player unless you constantly minmax your time in
this game now believe me I was really tempted when making this video to go down the rabbit hole that is clearing waves when I say this takes skill I mean it there's so many layers and so many specific situations you can find yourself in that I didn't know if there's even something simple to teach you but then I realized wait a minute I'll almost every situation falls under one simple concept you don't want to Overkill minions to put it simply if you deal more than a minions total health bar that means you're wasting damage in
some way which technically means you're probably wasting time and the way to get good at not overkilling minions is by thinking about your damage in terms of percentages or fractions whatever floats your boat whenever you base level up or whatever always look at how much damage you're dealing with your spells or Autos to specific minions so for example let's say you're ADC and your auto attack is dealing 40% of a Millie Minion's HP what you would want to avoid is auto attacking that minion three times to kill it that would be a 20% Overkill which
would obviously slow you down that's right we're doing some math there's a few ways to do this you could do two Autos Plus a source that deals 20% of the minions HP that could be one of your spells or something or you could simply do an auto plus a 60% Source or one Auto Plus 2 30% sources it doesn't matter how you do it you you simply want to get as close to 100% as possible before you think this is too hard and way too much effort trust me it's not first let's just look at
an example again we're going to take a look at chovi he's clearing a Ward and stacked this Kraken Slayer he Autos this melee minion and does about 50% of its HP to me that suspiciously doesn't look like 50% it's maybe more like 48% so two Kraken Slayer Autos might not kill it I'd be careful here and I think he had the same Vibe I do based on how he played this next is a regular Auto that dealt about 20% of the melee's HP he does another on this melee and then a kraken Auto on the
Caster that barely doesn't kill it so immediately we've established three different percentages Kraken Autos do 48 percentage of a melea's HP regular Autos do 20% of melees and a kraken Auto will nearly kill a Caster with like 95% so he Autos the initial minion dealing 20% damage then finishes off this Caster stacking his Kraken Slayer now he uses his Kraken Auto to finish off the first melee due to his passive these are now at like 50ish per HP again a bit deceptive so he Stacks his Kraken Slayer while his own wave deals a little bit
of damage to the melees notice how he focuses the one that took damage to be safe and it dies he does make a final mistake he thought an auto would kill this but the ideal play would have been to Auto the caster and let his minions damage the melee but whatever I chose this example for a reason I don't want you guys to think you have to do some perfect calculations on every single wave based on his current items that was actually a very tricky wave to kill perfectly I would not have done done that
any better he messed up and he could have cleared that with maybe two less Autos probably what matters more here is that you could see how clearly he was playing around damage percentages that's all I want from you don't strive for Perfection just try to use the concept and for those of you who think this is way too tedious for a little benefit believe me once you practice it a bit you start doing it subconsciously in the same way that when you're driving you don't think about braking anymore it's the same thing trust me I
am not busting out a calculator every time I interact with wave I just do it you start to see patterns and you get decent at it pretty quick I'd say so don't worry about try Harding every second of every game once you actually learn the skill it's going to become pure autopilot for you and don't think most situations are going to be extremely complicated most of them will be pretty straightforward such as this one so as chovy hits his melee his Auto does 60 to 65% of the melee's HP as you should know two Autos
would be Overkill in that situation so he kills that melee then focuses the casters first this way his own wave gets the melees into kill range of one Auto attack see simple percentages and not overkilling is usually kind of easy and it saved them two Autos there towards the end you can also see why this matters if he wasted some time here chovy may not get the tower Lucian was pretty close to getting there to defend it finally as I mentioned at the start this is the step that requires the most amount of skill for
the least reward I oversimplified this pretty hard even playing perfectly you will save a second or two at most on every wave Challenger players to this day continue to practice this regularly I can just clear cly tell when someone is practicing how to kill Minions on a champion they're not comfortable on I can literally see their intentions in real time like them you're not going to be perfect at this that's completely fine whenever you interact with a wave just ask yourself if you could have killed it faster did you Overkill any minions if you do
this you will get better at it over time and it's not a skill you ever stop practicing it is 100% impossible to be perfect at it so just keep practicing and trying to be better a little by little all right moving on to step three which is a another biggie like step one let me present to you a situation let's say a dragon fight is brewing and you're Ari you've watched this guide and you're like okay I'm not going to hesitate I'm going to go clear that way before fighting a dragon cool again you are
Ari see if you can get it what is the problem you're facing here that's going to slow you down if you got it nice Ari only has one good spell to clear waves and it doesn't work when she's standing horizontally like this you'd have to choose between them and the casters so to clear the wave you'd have to walk all the way over here Q wait for your Q to return then walk back towards the fight that is yucky and very slow I'm on a time crunch I need to push to get back to Dragon
fast and that is the problem we need to solve in step three as you clear waves you want to have your next move already in mind whenever I watch low ELO games I see players very often clear wave and then they're like now what they have to think about it and then they go to their next destination it's not not always this bad but yeah that was pretty bad right technically this should be an easy fix okay I'm going to clear this wave but I'm going here next so I clear the wave while moving that
way simple but this can get a bit complex in certain cases especially when paired with step two trying to kill minions optimally while moving to your destination might be a bit tricky so for example I'm playing Zia here I know that I want to keep pushing bot after this wave so you can see how I'm clearing the wave trying to optimize how quickly I kill the minions while simultaneously moving up that was not clean I am not that good at Z that's the point though it can be complicated there's a lot of layers to this
concept like this example as well Choy knows he's going to TP mid soon but he's committed to pushing first he qws chains the cannon but his Q is now on cool down and this would take like two to three more seconds to finish he decides that these two final minions aren't worth it so he inputs one last Auto attack before teleporting the reason is so that the minion would die during his TP so he'd get experience for it that's how hard he's trying to minmax again don't feel like I'm trying to overwhelm you I just
want you to see the type of things Challenger players do because well they think it matters what I expect from you though is just the simple stuff I want you to posture towards your next destination whenever killing a wave Viper here wants to move forward so he's killing the minions as he moves up then when he wants to go to the Jungle he's killing the Minions on the way there okay but here's a concern you may have have what if I'm not very good I don't know where to go next all the time this is
surely only possible for people with good macro in the first place no actually it's perfectly okay to not know where to go just pick somewhere and posture towards that destination here Viper thought I'm going top so he postured to kill the wave to go top afterwards but this wasn't the best decision the play was over that's fine he just goes back the reason you posture is that if you're correct you will get to your destination faster and if you're wrong and you change your mind mind you don't lose too much so you may as well
do it practice it get better at it and be faster now that you understand these steps let's show you what it looks like when people are slow and I'm not going to use iron ELO cherry-picked examples I looked at one Master's ELO game Masters are pretty top tier players despite what Challengers want you to believe they're pretty good every example here will be from one single game I'm not going to go look through 20 vods to give you perfect examples to prove my point let's start here take a look at the Koga he's pushing top
while a fight Bru the mid lane that's fine but watch his execution he's overkilling minions failing step two and he's not posturing towards mid as he does it kgma can finish off minions from pretty far away with his ultimate why is he finishing the wave from So Close imagine he was in mid lane 2 or 3 seconds earlier here Gwen wouldn't have this much pressure and maybe his Aurora Wouldn't Die in the river a little later on or maybe he doesn't lose his midtower at the end of everything this is what I'm talking about the
whole guide his initial push was good he forced Lux to stay Top Lane that's why you push in the first place but the reason it never feels good for you is because you're pushing is slow so you don't get the benefit you never know how things might change if you're a little faster and that was just a couple of seconds Master Zelo players are already kind of efficient at pushing waves but imagine what you're missing when you waste even more time than this and lower brackets okay okay but that's a bit of a stretch though
we're not sure what would have happened if if he was 2 or 3 seconds earlier fair enough well in the exact same game take a look at the enemy Misfortune later on a fight is going on bot Lane she kills Aurora and then decides to push okay that wasn't bad in fact it was pretty good but she overkilled this melee minion and then she postured towards the top side of the map not towards the fight and could you believe it she gets there 2 or 3 seconds late look qu e is on cool down right
now but because she's late she doesn't kill him and she ends up dying instead look at her Gwen she tpd into the wave MF pushed in earlier this was amazing setup that's why you push before fighting imagine if a MEF had been faster stayed alive and killed way she would force the enemy team to chase her and Gwen takes the inhibitor her earlier push would have been game-winning it was genuinely perfect Instead The Blue Team barely loses anything and they eventually killed Gwen on top of that a game-winning play went bad because MF was 2
seconds late moving from forward again from the same game qu is bought later on he's waiting a bit but he does see almost everyone on the map he should move to push now and now thank you if he' been faster he'd be a little further up here letting him push this next wave quicker then look again he had vision from before he should know he's completely safe why is he moving towards the right he should be posturing left ready to rejoin his team I will say that I do like how he QED the wave and
left the minions behind again this is Master Zelo these players are genuinely good and that was a solid decision but his other mistakes do result in him being a little delayed and as a result let's pause here if he was just 1 second earlier 1 second he would be in this brush his positioning would be beautiful the enemy team would have seen him coming but whatever he would have brush control and he'd be pins and Graves also Lux had to defend his push this is why pushing is op instead watch what happens he enters the
brush light so vision is really awkward Braves is on him immediately Quay panics and instantly dies another game-winning moment lost just like that great please consider what I did here for a moment I reviewed a single Master Zillo game and found three examples of players not pushing well and there being consequences to be honest there's probably more in this one game I just barely looked now imagine how slow the average gold or platinum player is multiple times per game when pushing waves and posturing afterwards this is one of my annoyances with coaching and hindsight reviewing
games I'm sure someone coaching Cog here would be like cogma man you should have seen the fight going on Mid bro you didn't have time to push here you should have just rotated instead bro MF the fight was over why did you rotate bottom you should have just stayed mid with your wave dude if you just stayed you get afraid tier 2 stop tunneling on kills you need to macro bro way man I keep telling you to buy control Awards cuz of this brush vision is so op if you just had a war you win
the game here come on dude look I'm not saying this hypothetical coach's advice is bad but why spend so much time overthinking every decision in every game I feel like there's not enough emphasis on execution from low low players if you just push faster all of your actual good decisions become infinitely better you will simply win more games because you have way more wave pressure on the other hand your bad decisions will become less bad or in some cases they'll even be good all three of those plays would have worked if the players had been
faster just like my Oriana example from earlier personally I'd rather practice a skill that will help me in every minute of every game I ever play of League also you don't even know if your decision- making is good or not unless you're actually executing on pushing quickly sometimes decisions you made that didn't work out might have actually been good and you just never know because you did it slowly so in my opinion I do believe this is the number one skill everyone should work on to improve before wrapping things up let me remind you of
the course I made over at skillcap I'm someone very committed to figuring out what actually helps people improve not just these same old advice you hear time and time again in that course you will learn what to actually work on what I think is a waste of time tips for improving much faster than the average player and so on and then on top of that you will have access to all of our other courses as well there's detailed courses dedicated to every single role macro mechanics and so on if you really want to improve I
highly suggest just signing up again there's a special discount link below and if you don't improve using our service you simply get your money back all right that's going to be it for this one see you next time