7 $1M AI startup ideas you can launch tomorrow with $0

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Greg Isenberg
Join us for an engaging conversation with Cody Schneider, Co-Founder and CEO of Swell AI, as we expl...
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what is the promise that you will deliver on in this episode I promise you you're gonna have like seven AI apps that you can go and build with the data validating all of it and with the trend like all that information and I'm going to give you all the distribution to do the marketing for all of these so you're going to walk away with this with like the idea you just have to build it and I'm going to tell you how to do the distribution and so you just have to execute basically start [Music] yes
and it's not just a distribution hack that worked a year ago when I when I'm talking to Cody he gives you the sauce he he spills the beans that works right now I'm a practitioner baby like that's just what kills me about these course creators right like they're just selling old ideas to people it drives me nuts also it do not like if you want to know anything just like literally send me a DM on Twitter and I will make a public video showing everything on how to do all of this like drives me crazy
man they're like going in they buy this 5K cold email thing and the the data is like two years old that's like a lifetime in this world right like in the last week we had infrastructure changes that we had to make so that we could even do cold email you know like it just anyway just tell me and I will publicly do it whatever they're selling you I will publicly do it for free and give it away to you for free doing God's work okay let's get uh let's get down to business what's idea number
one cool uh idea number one is ugc ADS but using AI for them uh rather than using real people and I'm going to lay out why this is an opportunity why this is happening first off what I want to do is I want to show this data to the audience so this is search volume for ugc ads going absolutely crazy and the bigger thing that's Happening Here is that ugc content traditionally was used for ads but now there's this opportunity to use AI avatars and scripts that are written by uh like Ai and I'm going
to walk through this exact execution and process and then you take those and you can use those both as ads but you can also use that as organic social right so I had a video go viral like literally on Twitter this week and a bunch of other places as well and it's a he Jen AR talking over screenshots of stuff and then basically it like pitches the product so I want to break this down of like why this is working and the opportunity that's here for somebody to build an agency or even a product around
this I think who you just had on the Pod recently is doing this type of work which is super interesting I don't know anything about about it um but I've been you know we've been deep in trying to figure this out for the last like nine months of how do you scale this up because like we we can build out you know these clouds of social accounts that can get these views but the content has to be good so this is how you do that so what we're seeing work right now is you basically do
a problem solution style storytelling that has the product be the hero within that so the best way to do this is you have a human write the initial script and the script can be something like so I was talking to my friend and they were telling me that their email newsletter is just blowing up right and like lit you know the the content is it shows the graph behind it and so the script then goes so I asked them like how are they writing this email newsletter and they're like oh well what I'm doing is
I'm not actually even writing it I just record a minute a 30 minute video of me talking and then I take that transcript and I have it turn it into a newsletter and then I asked them like what how are they doing this and they told me they use this tool called swell Ai and so now I'm thinking about starting my newsletter because it's so much easier than it was before right take that script and you go to chat GPT and you're like create me 10 different scripts similar to this one in the first person
that are in this format it's going to write 10 different variations you take those 10 different variations and you then take them over to something like haen or argil AI um or argal I'm not sure they're French um I think they're based out of Paris but sick their API is awesome um and generate all these then hand these off to like a cracked developer or sorry cracked uh video uh editor and you give them the assets and they crank all of these out right you can literally like do this in the script if you don't
want to use a an editor and at that point you just made 10 variations of the ads what used to take you probably five days of time and uh we'll say you know I mean I think on Billow they charge for a 30 second clip it's now like $80 that AI Avatar just did that for you so you just cut your costs uh so we'll say 500 we'll say it probably cost you like $500 to get one of those ads created and you did 10 of them so you just save yourself five grand and so
basically what you could do and I think there's two probably options here one is an agency that's doing this so building these ads out you these ugc ads all the company has to do is just provide you the background images and photos and then you just basically like yo we'll make you unlimited content and you test all of these variations and formats I was just telling you I talked to Desmond uh who's this like just kid building these social apps or sorry these consumer apps um and all their acquisition is entirely through this process of
like building out content like this so his whole strategies you do you just find Frameworks that are already working you have those Frameworks and then you just like fill in your content into those Frameworks right so this storytelling Arc great one like finding a meme template that everybody's using another great one Etc and so you just use those same Frameworks over and over again for the same clients but the difference is that logistically what used to take you whatever again like 20 emails and hours of time to get the creative back from a a ugc
Creator you now can literally get that made in 30 seconds right and I think that there's a huge opportunity for this like right now this is a massive Arbitrage both to build out ads at scale imagine taking you know 100 different ad variations right running those as Facebook ads with to an all Facebook match to a conversion event like you're GNA be able to identify a winning ad out out of all those uh uh permutations so quickly so effectively so I think that's component of this the other side is you take that same content and
if you're doing it right this will get organic views on these social accounts so you go and post these across social accounts so get like five different burner phones and you set this up if you're doing this for your own app and you're trying to figure out how to scale this you get like Sims for each of them or you don't get a sim and you just connect to Wi-Fi and then you've just published directly to reals to this for you page content so I think that there's a larger wave that's happening ugc everybody's trying
to figure out how to make this is a really effective ad format but what you can do is you can use these AI tools because they're now good enough for the first time that when you do this style where it's again like an AI talking head Avatar over a backdrop of something like they're talking about what's behind them almost in that like news style Tik Tok format uh you can it's good enough that it will actually like provide value get views Etc so anyway that's idea number one sh don't tell anyone but I've got 30
plus startup ideas that could make you Millions and I'm giving them away for free these aren't just random guesses they're validated Concepts from entrepreneurs who built hundred million plus businesses I've compiled them into one simple database compiled from hundreds of conversations I've had on my podcast but the main thing is most of these ideas don't need a single investor some cost nothing nothing to start I'm pretty much handing you a cheat sheet the idea bank is your startup shortcut just click below to get access your next cash flowing business is waiting for you I don't
know if people realize how important finding a winning ad is can you just explain to people why that's like 90% of it yeah th% yeah especially so okay so you know early stage companies right like so often they go in and you know the founder turns on ads I've literally I've audited like hundreds of ads accounts doing this they turn on ads they have no idea what they're doing and they just are like spending money and it's it's creating no impact no results so good ads the whole like and I I don't know why people
get so hung up on this developers just like I feel like it's such a a hurdle for them to like get over this idea a good ad when it's running appropriately I put a dollar in and $5 comes out right so every dollar of AD spend that I I put in it turns into $5 of Revenue or customer lifetime value or whatever that ends up being depending on your product type when you look at e-commerce this is literally the game that like this is how e-commerce companies build their existence how they like grow ex like
traditionally Etc so if you're trying to identify a winning ad what it typically comes down to is you do what I call a through z testing instead of AB like one you know one ad versus another ad I'm doing a hundred different ads simultaneously I'm doing all these different permutations all these different variations and then I'm just going to look at the data and be like oh hey these three ads out of the hundred that I tested they're getting cpcs at on10th the cost as the rest as the average okay well what do they have
in common all right they have all of these exact you know like things in common or they're maybe like positioning the product in a different way so immediately what I'm going to go is I'm going to go build out another hundred different variations based off of this insight and what you're going to identify is you can get this down to where what your average cost was you can probably get it down to about 1% of that now when you think about that iteration process that used to include people right like you would have people in
that Logistics so I mean it could be days to get these out and now I can literally do these in like minutes I can get these variations out the door so what this translates into is you can basically optimize your campaign PS more effectively and so with the limited ad budget that you have so say again you have whatever $10,000 a month that you can spend if you optimize an ad from a dollar per click down to 10 cents per click you just 10x that budget impact so again if you say you're getting one you
know uh two $2 in a row as off of that $10,000 that means that you're only making 20 grand off of spending uh 10 grand but if I can get that down to 10 cents per click in comparison that means that I can take that up to 200k or sorry I can take that up to 100K for that 10K that I'm spending so that's the component of this and then the bigger thing here is that Facebook and all of these platforms they've gotten so intelligent that they know the ads to show to which people to
get conversions to happen so you turn on the conversion event and if you spend enough money and run enough ad variations they're going to identify for you automatically this ad is going to make the most money for you for the ad spend that for the action or for whatever it is that you're trying to accomplish and so then your job is as a Creator as an ad you know ad specialist is just make as many different variations of these ad creatives as possible and again what we're talking about here is a a new paradigm a
new way to make these ads at scale that previously was just impossible right like the just the scale that you would need you just have to raise money and I think that this is like an opportunity a massive opportunity both if you're a company right now that's starting out out and you're just beginning and you're like all right how do we figure out ads or if you're uh you know an established company that you know traditionally has used a ton of creators to create uh these these pieces of content for you so such good Alpha
like changes how I think about so much um because there's just so much stuff you can incubate on the you know the agency piece I think is is interesting like it's a it's a very like okay how do I get to 10 50 100K a month of R but you know the real goats here are going to be just using this strategy to you know incubate their own stuff and use that you know um dude imagine imagine you're a wedding company right and you're like AI Avatar it's like I went to this wedding recently and
they have the cutest plates right they were custom done blah blah blah like it's going to feel like organic social like somebody is literally telling a story of what happened in their life that ad will literally print money for like a custom you know company or whatever custom wedding goods company or something like that um I think that if when again with all of this marketing though like all this Arbitrage is is is fleeting this is not going to work two years from now this is not going to work a year from now you have
this moment to run this Gauntlet and entire companies can be built on on the backs of this just because you can optimize this at a volume and a scale that previously wasn't possible Right like again like you you wanted to make a thousand different ad variations and get all those different takes like we're talking hundreds of thousands of dollars right like literally that's what it was I can do that now in a weekend with $99 or subscriptions of $99 to haen and a subscription to chat GPT and a subscription to descript so 150 like that
is literally what just is is occurring in this moment and I want people to understand like again this is what is what what is on the Forefront like what we're seeing on the front lines from you know being in that you know applying all of this daily there there's quite literally children doing this oh it's insane yeah it's insane I I they're doing it better than the like the old heads in my opinion that's why I'm down here and I'm like in these [ __ ] Discord channels like you know talking to these groms because
they're ripping man like you know I come from an action sports background and like every 10 years you just get Absolut like you're like the things you thought were possible like your your worldview changes where you're literally having a moment like that right now it is the most insane thing I've ever seen and it's all of these kids that are like 20 and degenerate and they're just like doing it out of their dorm rooms or they're like parents basement because they just think it's fun you know and you take that same like ideology and mentality
and level that up into like a traditional organization I mean you're going to be so far ahead of your competition like think about Ecom you know like and all this that they're doing if you're telling me like why did Donald Trump win the election all right he did more variations of ads than Hillary did this is like data that is public from 2016 you're telling me that I can sway the American voter think about that apply to a small scale with just like an e-commerce company and competing against another like if I make 10,000 variations
of ads and you only make a 100 I guarantee I'm going to beat you I guarantee I'm going to win if I have more bats than you do on those ad variations so dude first of all we're gonna get to idea number two but before we do I just love when your heart rate gets to like the 160 to 190 range it literally feeds Loop because it like freaking like it it it it you know beeps at me it's like yo you're too like your your blood pressure is too high and I'm like I quit
eating sodium how is it too hot all right idea number two what do we got so idea number two um this is the larger idea here is AI X and or generator so stumbled on all these keywords lately um so basically like people that are trying to use Ai and then like some type of generator tool so the example the specific example I'm going to give you today and the reason I'm going to do it is because I'm in public going to prove that this is a business and put it on my YouTube channel so
this is my call to action for you go sub to my YouTube Channel right now if you want to see me prove that this is a is a company so the idea is AI infographic generator this is the example 9,000 searches per month Greg 9,000 I got the exact match domain AI infographic generator.com for $10 that's how early we are with all of this okay like that is where we are in this cycle it's not even it it's just beginning people are like it's you know this is hype I'm like no like literally you have
like family fortunes that can be generated in the next five years with this type work so the idea behind this and the larger thing is you they AI is incredible at taking unstructured data and structuring it so with like the AI infographic generator why this is a great idea and like a great tool is because I can give it a blog post I have a predefined template outline for it to like fill the gaps in and I'm like hey I need a like list five key takeaways from this blog post it does that then write
five different paragraphs it does that now generate me five different images that are related to that and do it in this color spectrum here's the hex codes that are that you know are specific to it and this applied to like any category like you know any type of marketing activity that's a regular activity for like generating some type of visual I think is going to be an absolutely massive opportunity for people to get into especially when you're doing these like tools that are very finite scope right like we're going to build this thing out and
it's going to get Revenue in the first month I guarantee it and the reason is because people are just trying like they're what used to take a lot of time building a graphic if I can give this thing to them and have ai again take that unstructured and make it structured that they're GNA pay money for that right a thousand percent so and I think that this is the difference I'm not inventing something new I'm taking an old thing that people have done for forever and I'm just remixing it and all of these ideas I
think that you know we were talking about this right before we started recording but I think there's a huge opportunity to basically disrupt all of the apps that came previously with this like new AI technology and a perfect example of this is like in a category like nutrition huge category in the like like you know the mobile app space right now there's probably a massive opportunity to combine a nutrition AI app and also do that type of content that we were just talking about the ugc AI Avatar generated content at scale and combine those two
things together and you literally like you just like probably can cannibalize a huge industry that you already know is proof and exists and you have the free distribution mechanism on top of that pair those two things together I mean you're going to build a massive company but I think that the the the main takeaway the key idea here is like don't try to invent anything new don't try to change anything that people are doing just take the thing that they're doing and you're going to save them time and save them money by offering whatever this
like longtail like solution is so so I love this idea infographics as a service is already proven so J 3 for example I don't know if you know them but they I don't know them like they're they're like an OG infographics agency I think they do they do like millions of dollars a year why people pay for infographics is because a tweet with no infographic versus a tweet with infographic 10 times out of 10 the Tweet within an infographic is going to hit harder which means more distribution which means more eyeballs which means more sales
so Brands understand that infographics uh sell and they especially sell in B2B where budgets are bigger so this is and the fact that you were able to get this domain like that was a gift from God I have 20 of these and guess what I'm going to throw 10 links back back at this and I'm going to get it to rank for AI infographic generator because it's an exact match domain so all of it's going to just be organic funnel you don't need a 401k I don't know if I I don't even know man like
I don't know what I'm doing anymore but I that like for the first time in a while it's just like very clear what the path is yeah like locked in this is it you know the next 10 years of my life this is all I'm going to be doing basically this and trying to ski as much deep powder as I can sounds like a good life to me okay I like this idea what do you got next yeah so next one um this one is is smaller from a trend standpoint but I think that it's
a very interesting idea and it's a larger Trend that's happening where people like they want to just basically record and I think this is really what like friend was arguing so sorry this is actually not the smaller smaller one of the ones I'm going to talk about this one is actually way bigger so 8,100 searches a month AI journaling going absolutely ballistic and So based off of the searches and what is ranking currently and what people are looking for they basically want a phone application that they can just speak into and it records that and
then transcribes it and then maybe it does summaries or it looks for insights and then also it has like some tracking Habit to it of like hey I'm I'm journaling daily right so like I made one submission daily and then the other component that it looks like people want on the top of it is the ability to basically go and query against that like all that information so it's like they can pull back you know these These Memories Etc whatever that is um again everything we're talking about here I think this is this whole thing
could be just a ugc type content play across organic social same acquisition Channel as all the other ones um but I I I think that this idea of like people wanting to just like brain dump information and then have the AI organize it for them and and bring that back and then incorporate that g you know um that gaming functionality because a lot of these people are like self-help people or they're trying to like make a change it's like a habit tracking app there's a a mechanism for that and I think that you can tap
into this piece and use it's like a totally new way to do journaling right like imagine if like everything that you've ever written you could query against or everything you've ever thought like day after day you could query against and be like yo on August 20th of last year what happened that day right and there's also this probably this mechanism to go and then you like write like you know here's this whole like a a year just how Google does like the year and uh uh like a recap of a year you could do that
exact same thing but like with all of your notes that are stored within this thing um yeah man curious your thoughts and then I'll talk about acquisition like how I would go about getting users on this even deeper quick ad break let me tell you about a business I invested in it's called boring marketing.com so a few years ago I met this group of people that were some of the best SEO experts in the world they were behind getting some of the biggest companies found on Google and the secret sauce is they've got a set
of technology and AI that could help you outrank your competition so for my own businesses I wanted that I didn't want to have to rely on Mark Zuckerberg I didn't want to depend on ads to drive customers to my businesses I wanted to rank high in Google gole that's why I like SEO and that's why I use boring marketing.com and that's why I invested in it they're so confident in their approach that they offer a 30-day Sprint with 100% money back guarantee who does that nowadays so check it out highly recommend boring marketing.com so I
I'm not going to name drop his app but I've got a buddy who's been running a journaling app that has been doing at least 500,000 of profit a year for the last eight nine years so it's just been like running on autopilot he has a full-time job and this thing is just kind of running on autopilot uh I don't know I think it costs like $20 a year $30 a year um and one of the reasons why I like journaling as a category is it's very similar to website Builders when you use Squarespace to build
your website um once your website is built you're not going to like move it to something else even if Squarespace sucks it's just you're going to pay whatever it cost every single month to host with Squarespace your stuff's already there and the same is true with journaling um it's super retentive um so the fact that there this doesn't exist is or this isn't pop like this is an opportunity no question I just think it's an opportunity I I bet there's stuff out there and like we I've seen some but there hasn't been one that's taken
over this category yet for this younger generation and I think you could R you could basically be with them for the next 10 years right and you know I always try to think about businesses like in this format of it's something I learned from the beauty space like they try to get people at a young age um because they know that they'll use that product for the next 40 years so like they're very willing to pay a high customer acquisition cost because they know that that payout will happen over the next whatever 40 Years of
them using the product and I think there's the same thing to your point with this type of app it's very intimate it's very like you're not going to Port this data out you're just going to keep it running in the background especially if it's like five bucks a month for me to be able to have all of this uh history and all this knowledge you know stored with there um one thing I want to piggyback off of what you said too like so to go back to the AI infographic generator um there was tons that
we found that were oneoff solution like oneoff moments in time that people would use this so an example of this would be like AI logo generation like people don't make logos for their companies every month right but they do make infographics for their companies every month so when you're thinking about these products to build try to incorporate that into your philosophy and your framework like I'm looking for something that people do as like a lifestyle Choice like this is a activity that happens on a Cadence either it's daily monthly weekly and the only products and
like this is the filter we use ex exclusively like the only products we build are the ones that that is occurring where that that thatth that seasonality is happening if it's if it's a one-time thing like again another one like business plan generator that I don't want to touch that right because it's it's it's a oneandone thing which become it's a very hard type of business uh to because you're always having to fill top a funnel if you're very good at that it's a different you know story different question um are you know different challenges
but again the the businesses that I think and what people want to buy as well when you want to exit these things are things that have recurring income or recurring Revenue uh that you know again have in on that Cadence so anyway I just want to throw that in there as well because I think it's important yeah I think uh I wish I knew that earlier in my career you know I'd spend like so much time building an app and then realize that the use cases once every six months when you're coming up with startup
ideas prioritize it by how often are people going to use this product th% a thousand perc and like can I make this a part of their like daily routine right their weekly routine um if you can figure out how to do that I mean like this is actually something that's stolen from toothpaste they made they basically like brainwashed and propagandized a generation to think that like okay this is a part of my daily process this is a part of my daily routine and that's actually when they saw uh um Revenue Skyrock rocket and like toothpaste
as a category explode is when they they positioned it as this um it was an outcome that you could have they basically related it to like you want pearly white teeth like the movie stars who all had veneers use toothpaste to do that and then also making it a daily Cadence that happens something that's you you know a part of their their daily processing systems just take that same concept apply it into the products that you're building so so so wait am am I not supposed to brush my teeth with toothpaste twice a day you
don't actually need to technically and this is like disputed by everybody um it's changed a lot though since our diet has increased with the amount of su Sugar consumption from my understanding I only know this because uh my uh mom side of the family is in the medical space uh in that whole world and you know these long ridiculous longevity doctors that are like doping people up with NAD and ketamine to make them live longer it's [ __ ] insane um but kind of gangster at the same time but anyways long story short the the
uh because we do so much sugar consumption it's actually like uh we need to like brush our teeth regularly but you don't actually need toothpaste to have like good tooth Health uh in reality is what it looks like again this is something that's disputed this is just based off of the knowledge and the data that I know of people that are way smarter than me so come for the startup ideas stay for the dental hygiene tips big toothpaste is sell on your ass all right don't get me started on big sunscreen can I just real
quick while we're on the the subject of toothpaste and then we can get into how you'd grow this idea have you seen the toothpaste that's a cube no but that packaging is probably fascinating it's time to be better it's called bite it's time sorry it's time to brush better clean up your routine with toothpast bit toothpaste bits no plastic No harsh chemicals just a better way to brush your teeth see this how smart is this that's so smart and it's taking off believe it and I think this would be perfect on Tik Tok shop by
the way um it's a novel thing that could easily go viral I'm about to release an episode on the podcast interviewing the dude that's like basically La pioneering this type of like how do I get 2,000 different Tik Tok Affiliates to like post about a product and like zero to one it his whole thing that he told me the entirety of it his name uh I I'll drop it in a second but it basically what what he said to focus on is you have to have like something that people do regularly or is common but
it's like very Visual and it's like a different way to do that so for example if it's like a supplement there's like a it's like a you know a a goo tube right that you eat so it's like oh here's the supplement that's like you know what it is like maybe it's for like migraines or some [ __ ] and you have a unique way to to consume that and I think that this is like a prime example of of something that is what people are doing daily but that they could basically uh use like
in a novel way they could show it in a novel way so so people listening to this they are charging $32 for toothpaste okay insane I think that this idea around no plastic No harsh chemicals people like clean Living Clean like Google Trends that Living Clean that's like what people want clean is the new healthy so I think that b bite for X like okay how do we break down why this is working it's like a new and interesting format that works for Tik Tok like it's going to go viral on Tik Tok it's clean
living and it's like a very very you know modern looking brand in a space that people uh has like a daily a daily uh us right y yeah exact daily Cadence so yep I I think two things there I want to uh like drill deeper down on is one thinking about what is the media before I even make the product so uh his name is Mike Rama who I had on his company is like Brands meet creators and literally all they do is like pair this right like there's a pair of brands that are trying
to do this and he's worked with just gangster companies but anyways he like he's more and more he's like yo you got to make a product that is specific for the media channel like it's built so that it's like ticktock right and then on top of that again you're trying to your point like especially with this consumer type stuff how really that's just like top of funnel to get into a repeat purchase right like if you look at Native deodorant and like there's great documentation on this like case study wise like he talks about this
in public the co-founder is the the reason he chose the categor is because it's consumable and the best companies for D Toc are consumables right because it's a repeat purchase that happens it's got to have some novelty it's got a bit a a bigger wave to your point that clean like living you're riding that larger wave and you're just taking something that people are already doing and you're you're modifying that you're remixing that and those are the best types of DDC Brands it's very hard to do a close brand where somebody just does one purchase
and bounce right like it's way easier when it's like cool all we do is sell toothpaste and every month you're going to buy toothpaste from us or every two weeks you're gonna you know or whatever every two months you're gonna buy toothpaste from us because it Cates it creates a Cadence it creates a a future revenues that you know are going to happen so going back to AI journaling how would you grow that thing yeah so tons of longtail keywords related to AI journaling um I think I would go after all of those uh the
I think the bigger opportunity probably though is there's tons uh there's a whole sub you like YouTube ER like subculture around journaling it's like journaling Aesthetics and journal like it's they like they almost use the it's like a you know it's like book talk it's like it's like you know one of these subg genres that you just don't know exists I would reach out to every one of them go and scrape their emails from uh YouTube and be like hey I want to do a sponsored post with you and have them literally just like demo
the app pitch the app and that's probably your whole your whole strategy and then do an affiliate commission with them so structurally what you do is come in and be like hey we're going to pay 200 a video I want to get three videos out of you to start with and then we're gonna also give you a 20% to 30% you know fil it commission whatever makes sense for the brand and so what you're going going to do is you're going to get lock in with them because they want to continue to promote this thing
because they're seeing this re monthly Revenue that's coming off of it and then if they actually get sales happen you typically like people don't buy a lot of the times from what we've seen datawise off of one video that a Creator makes it's actually off of like three videos it's because there's like more trust built into that they like you know if somebody talks about it like three times they're way more they're way more close uh or way more likely to make that purchasing decision and so that's how you know you can create this symbiotic
relationship between you and the Creator and I think I would just go ham on that I think you could just do that channel entirely probably there and then do the same thing on Tik Tok and and Instagram from a um a Creator uh uh sponsorship standpoint so beautiful cool yeah and and let us know in the comment section like some competitors to this I'm actually curious um obviously people are doing AI journaling but yeah I think that it's probably AI journaling for XYZ uh is like probably the idea so thinking about who who the customer
is um who who the community is um but this is this is a good idea um what's your next what's your next idea yeah so this one I don't have data on but I just am seeing this and we're doing this and I just want to get it out in public more because I think it's a huge opportunity so like creators don't really make a lot of money like actually like they make a living but it's like it's very hard to do extremely well but I think that they're approaching it in a wrong like the
incorrect way and what I'm seeing these like kind of early sign that there's an opportunity for is like this new Creator business model so what this looks like is you basically figure out how to game short form and that's just like go as broad as you can top of funnel right pick some category do that you get them into a lead magnet so that lead magnet is some type of downloadable asset that's super valuable to that same audience that lead magnet is then the way that you do email collection to build it out an email
newsletter and then you do long form YouTube videos that are deeper dives into whatever your short forms are and then you combine the email newsletter as a way to promote the long form video and why you're doing the long form video like why do you do this podcast Greg is because you can have like six different mid roll ads throughout it right and if say for example you're doing business content average RPM so views or Revenue per thousand views is about like five to7 depending and so if you can get you know these ads occur
more often Within These longer form videos you can actually make like decent money off of this right for with it depending on the category that you're in so I think that's a component I think the layer the other piece of this is you can do brand deals right as a monetization but the bigger play is this email newsletter and there's this natural uh funnel that happens there and it's there's a flywheel that starts to like go to basically to be able to grow this email newsletter so you have that top of funnel with the lead
magnet side but also every time that you're promoting this YouTube video you're also going to have a call to action to go sub and there's going to be percentages of people that start to discover those videos on YouTube you're getting paid so the revenue is coming from YouTube you're getting paid from the brand deals you're also getting more subs to happen to the newsletter and then you're selling ads on the newsletter and you're selling ads on the YouTube video and so when I think about that like that's a really brilliant business model but let's scale
that up even further let's do that with five channels let's do that with 10 different YouTube channels same formula I pick a category business I take a I pick a category content marketing I pick a category email marketing whatever that is and all I do is content related to that top of funnel down to uh you know that ebook Channel That's dedicated to it entirely specific do that flywheel like I think that this is like a half you know this is a three qus of a million to a million dollar a year type of company
that I think that these creators can run and I can think you could probably do it with like a team of like maybe two or three Vas and you know one and a video editor that's like doing all the the long format video editing and I think you could absolutely crush it and this this to me is like the new the business model then you go sell Community you know you run you run the Greg Playbook sell access to a community um and then the other piece is like that Community is basically the inception for
what products you should build for that audience right because they're going to talk about their problems they're L they're literally paying you to tell you what product you should build them like that's what's happening here right but the value that's added is because they're in a group of like-minded people that like have are trying to solve all these issues together right and I think that if you did that like multiple channels like pathway I think there's a huge business opportunity like that to me is the actually the Creator business model that is the path to
get to this really uh you know profitable uh kind of you Creator style business you know how I feel about this this is like this is top of mind for me um I actually I I only have one ad for my podcast sometimes a lot of times I have no ad so I'm I'm doing a horrible job at monetizing my my podcast but um my belief is like build the audience and then sort of you know if you give enough value at some point people want to work with you in some ways Greg's just Facebooking
you I want you to know that every person that's listening to this all right he's about to Zuck you all right and that is what is really going down here okay I'll do a quick plug while you know I never do these plugs so here's the plugs if you want to work with Greg Eisenberg and and our companies here are some places here's some ways you can do it if you need a dope app you need a figure out AI you need a website late checkout. agency although we're very expensive but it is literally the
best team on the planet to go do it uh engineering you know build zero to1 lay check. agency boring marketing.com AI assisted SEO boring ads.com ads and AI to ads those are some plugs for today thanks for that opportunity thanks for listening but yeah you're right no this this idea is is going to play out in quite literally tens of thousands of different niches and there's there's room like this is a good opportunity for people who also don't want to work in really big teams thousand per yeah if you just want to like this is
like a different play for solopreneurship right like it's like and it and it's and it's like you can make good money doing that combining all those things but what I see so many creators do is they just focus on one of these components right like they're just like focusing on short form and then it's just like you're it's just what deals can you secure that's super super hard to do sustainably right and to not burn out but if you're like getting all of these different monetization checkpoints like you know throughout this whole process also that's
an asset that people want to buy right like if you have an email newsletter with like 100,000 Subs on it and like good open rates and like it's a very specific audience right like we're like you know whatever every heads every head of growth in the US is on that email newsletter like that thing is worth millions of dollars especially if they're like tuning into it on a weekly basis and watching your thing stuff right oh not only that it's pretty liquid so the good news about newsletters is people know what a subscriber is worth
and people who buy newsletters know what a subscriber is worth so you can sell it relatively quickly um it's almost like real estate right like of course you can sell real estate tomorrow sometimes it takes time but you know there's intrinsic value to real estate just like there's intrinsic value to newsletters th% and I think that that's something that like again this so we're doing this for creators this is my [ __ ] called action for anybody that's listening if you want to do this and you're making great long form YouTube content and there's a
specific Niche that you're like going after and you're seeing success in reach out to me we're really excited to work with you what we do is we basically take that long form content we use that as Source material and then we write and manage newsletters for you and grow those for you so we basically handle that whole component it it creates this like growth flywheel where your channel grows faster but also creates this other way for you to do uh basically like Revenue generation for whatever this thing is that you're building and probably what this
evolves into is we'll handle the sales of like ad sales as we build out this network so anyways I want to work with you reach out to me let's do one last idea dude there's too many man I know you got to jump but it's um let me uh let me go find my my favorite one um all right cool I want to do I want to do this one so AI receptionist have you seen this data yet no I haven't oh my God I'm so excited to show you this you're gonna just freak out
Greg you're gonna freak out because you know what this means look at this absolutely crazy right so early early days the kicker though the thing that's more wild with this is that people are searching for longtail versions of this so like AI receptionists for dentists AI receptionists for you know whatever category right so what is this and why is this happening it's getting and so my brother works in the medical space so I have like Insider knowledge on this it's getting harder and harder to hire like just front desk people that just like answer questions
and we're I'm like working with the company right now that um uh we're doing some growth for them that is like one of these tools that's like specific like Niche down and the receptiveness that people have to this is just like insane because there is just literally no like they can't hire people to do these roles and so what these are so an AI receptionist that's trained off of your data and can have a conversation with the person that's calling because a lot of the times it's the same questions over and over again imagine you
just create like a PDF of like the information and then it's just like answering questions when people call and then the thing that's people are doing that's going further is then they're plugging into the crms of the companies so that like say for example like they want to schedule an appointment they can schedule that through that and I think the thing here that people need to think about is like these receptionists already exist and the outcomes and then really just like the uh how effective they are is lower than what these tools are starting to
get to like from a quality standpoint point so you're doing it at a cheaper cost more effectively of course you're going to win of course there's going to be a massive opportunity in this space and the latency now is getting so low that when you call these things it's becoming just like so like responsive that it's actually a good experience right it's better than it would be like you know calling uh a human at times especially since they're more knowledgeable so I'm curious your thoughts here and I know you have a ton about like you
been talking about this in particular about like the chat and like how chat interfaces like voice you know chat interfaces with AI or like this new product uh category but I'm curious where your head's at through the lay checkout agency I've been able to just to pipe in on a lot of this thinking around how to how this next wave of AI software is sort of replacing labor and receptionists is one of the first places there's a have you heard of vapi no I haven't so so basically uh I mean you can use open AI
voice stuff but a lot of people are using this it's a way to it's an API to manage inbound calls and outbound calls so like they you know they show here like Barber Shop availability bookings and queries dentist office schedule appointments patient FAQs restaurants SAS websites realtor offices you can even do outbound calls like qualifying leads debt collection like how like amazing right so I'm literally texting this to my brother as we talk about this because their big thing that they're trying to figure out is how do we do collections of payments that people owe
like the clinics right so it's like basically how do I outbound call you know a thousand people that all owe money totally so this is a game Cher and I think it's going to transform businesses we're already sort of thinking about this and and think you know in a lot of ways selling this to to clients from our agency but you can go and build um and they've gotone and raise like 20 30 million bucks um I think what they're doing is really interesting and you can just you could just build this and build a
wrap around it and sell it to like start like cold calling your local dentist office and start selling it straight up straight up you know don't reinvent the wheel people don't reinvent the wheel that's the biggest thing if you can take anything away from this conversation today it's that it's like don't be creative find a category that has existed for forever and will exist for forever and then just go and do something in that space that there's like you know an opportunity to remix now that this new technology has entered the market has entered the
field play so yeah yeah I think it's tap into things that are validated there's a moment in time right now with a lot a lot of consumer interest around things like AI um there's new llms and new apis that didn't exist a few years ago that you can build on top of uh and and just experiment have fun with it th% th% so that's it man I know you need to jump thank you for hosting as always Cody it's been real um folks comment like this if you enjoyed Cody you know if you have distribution
questions literally I will answer them comment what they are and I will make videos about them in public so there you go so take take him up on the offer why not dude I'll see you next time thanks again for coming coming on thanks as always G always a pleasure we'll talk to you soon later [Music]
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