we came up to this apartment the neighbor said she hadn't seen her neighbor she thinks she's in there so we forced our way in she was in a back bedroom and she was really super sick and I slid across the bed to put an oxygen mask on her she let out this oh thank God and she was so happy to see us and she just exhaled her hot breath just filled my lungs within 12 hours I was sick Medics got me to the hospital they had this thing called nuban it was a synthetic morphine my
system was pretty shot as it was those drugs going in all at once like that it was a knockout punch the next thing I realized I left my body I found myself flying through this star-filled realm it was the most exhilarating feeling that you were just this exuberant overwhelmingly happy joyful being and you were [Music] home my name is Bill Len I grew up in the Central Coast of California I was big in swimming in water polo and surfing it's kind of a idealic life being in the ocean and camping on the beach it couldn't
have been any better after high school I had taken a class at CPO on fire control and it really pequ my interest I was coming back from the beach and there was this huge fire burning up on the mountain so I pulled over in my flipflops and board shorts and scrambled up the hill there was a woman there she had a couple of uh Toddlers and a dog and a bunch of puppies and this fire was coming at her house I didn't know much but I knew I could help got the hose out got a
shovel managed to turn the fire away from the house the fire department showed up and they're like hey dude we could use somebody like you and we got a a hot shot crew and you should check into it so I got a job with Santa Barbara County Fire I was hooked on service to others when somebody's at the end of their rope and they dial 911 and you know you're on the truck going to help it really meant a lot to do that job I would have done every shift for free you know if you
talk to nurses and teachers military people and social workers they'll say the same thing you have a drive to be of service to [Music] others [Music] in 1994 there was a flu going around Santa County and we were running calls we came up to this apartment the neighbor said she hadn't seen her neighbor she thinks she's in there car was in the driveway newspapers were at the front door so we forced our way in she was in a back bedroom and she was really super sick everything was wrong with her and I slid across the
bed to put an oxygen mask on her and so as I was getting this mask on her and tightening it up she realized there were firemen all around her and she let out this oh thank God and she was so happy to see us and she just exhaled her hot breath just filled my lungs and I looked at the Medics they all saw what happened and I said this is not going to turn out good within 12 hours I was sick heart rate had elevated and everything felt bad temperature was up I'd been throwing up
it was hard to get out of bed I was very healthy I was doing Iron Man's and stuff and you never say quit but something told me you need to throw in some kind of a towel here you're you're going down so I called 911 Medics got me to the hospital I had a couple of liters of fluid and the nurse came in you know I said I can go home I think and we'll get some uh you know some antibiotics going or something and she said no you arrived by ambulance and the doctor hasn't
seen you yet and so he's prescribing this to everybody they had this thing called nuan it was a synthetic morphine my system was was pretty shot as it was those drugs going in all at once like that it just it was a knockout out punch Bells went off and everything and everybody came in they couldn't get a blood pressure it was like 40 over zero and they shipped me up to intensive care the next thing I realized somewhere in the middle of the night I left my body I found myself flying through this star-filled realm
moving through these colored Stars and these orbs I felt like I had been released from a dark stuffy closet and I was now this huge expanded balloon it was the most exhilarating feeling like somebody was pouring honey all over my brain and it was running down through all my nerves emotions of acceptance and joy that was your vibration that you were just this exuberant overwhelmingly happy joyful being and you were home it was just absolute ecstasy there was another thing that was going on and it was this knowledge it's like all this knowledge is scripted
on the universe all you have to do is think about a subject and it just floods in I remember as a kid in college you had a thing called a microfish you bring that thing up on a screen and then if you spun it then the pages would just flash by and that's what it was it was just coming super fast and there was just this flood of information the whole script of a human being it's all there on the sky of time nothing was impossible in that realm as I was flying along I remember
one thing that was really powerful was how in the world did I believe I was this dude how did I believe I was Bill I had this whole personality and I had these relationships I had these likes and dislikes all of that had dropped away it was like I was playing a game and I was pretending to be this person this human being we're all just playing these parts it's all a game I think the the object of the game is can we wake up in the game and realize who we are with joy and
kindness and patience so I was flying along and everything was just marvelous everything was wonderful and I just felt so at home and then all of a sudden I landed in a place that was solid right in front of me there were these three little hooded guys and they were overwhelmed to see me and I felt immediately good in their presence they were asking me questions all of a sudden like uh how was it h what did you see what did you learn what can you tell us I was really confused and they were uh
amused by that and one of them stepped forward and he turned to the other too and he said he doesn't remember us and they all started giggling was like I had just gotten off the roller coaster and they were my best friends and they were back at the landing and they all wanted to know how was the roller coaster and I hadn't really gotten my wits about me to tell them this other guy he was like this tall wispy guy he's made out of energy like a swirling tornado or a Whirlpool he moved forward parts
of him would separate and then catch up and he had this big smile on his face you could tell he was super happy and more than that you could feel his love um and as he got Clos closer to me my throat just tightened and my chest was like overinflating I felt like I was going to drop to my knees and break down crying uncontrollably from [Music] love historically our our ancestors they have names for them they're these non-physical beings that bounce between our ability to uh perceive them and and they called them things like
helpers guides Angels you I do think this is some sort of connection to a higher self so I said what's next a review of my life well you guys want to get started with that something in me that fire captain experience or something was okay there's a procedure here and you let's let's get busy with it the tall wispy guy he just cracked backed up when he stopped chuckling he said okay sure let's do that this wasn't a review of life this was a show and tell it was like a a tour of the dimensions
of our situation here I didn't have any huge regrets I told a few stories about jobs I wish I'd taken and uh a couple other things and then he just it was almost comical he just stepped forward like a father like picking a toddler off the ground you know he says okay that's enough time to go back that just shocked the heck out of me I was like go back you got to be kidding me and he goes no you got to go back I said no way I uh you know there's no reason for
me to go back I knew there was more out there and I I didn't have any fear about but where I was or where I was going I said you know I really won't be that missed my wife and my parents they'll be pretty sad for a couple of weeks but they'll come out of it and uh they're strong people he's like look you're going back you got things to do and they're important the room just started to break up it just started to come apart and he just kind of evaporated in front of me
and I could feel a falling sensation and I dropped away from that in between place and I fell away Into Darkness I found myself back in my body and I had this automatic blood pressure cuff and I think that the squeezing of that would wake me up to some degree and I could notice that the blood pressure was each time it fired up that the numbers were higher and it was climbing when I got in the 70s 70 over 40 or something like that I could stay awake nurse came by and she saw my little
face peering back at her and she's startled and she's like you're awake and I'm like yes I am she said I have to tell the doctor immediately because we've been so worried and I was like okay yeah that's cool you can tell the doctor but first what am I doing back here I wanted answers to that I said I was home I was home with my best bros how is it that I came back to this place I was pissed I was absolutely convinced that my body was behind me and I was pretending to be
Bill Lon and and I wasn't any longer now I was back in leton and she was one of these old gum chewing nurses and she said honey you've been an escro but you fell out of escrow and now you're back with us and you're going to have to get your head around [Music] that I spent probably few days being depressed not clinical or anything just very very sad I saw that Heavenly realm I saw that in between place I was ready to move on you come to this realization that I'm not going back there when
I was back on duty everyone wanted to know we heard you had this thing happened you know in the hospital and I was like yes I did sit down and I would tell them I was full of the other side and um I wanted to pass it on to everybody I told that story for a week or two and then uh one of the guys from the office said hey they're starting to talk about you up there in the chief's office so you better you know put that story away so I dummied up and I
zipped it um for about 15 years I didn't forget it and I didn't dismiss it it had to cook with me over all those years and when I retired um it came roaring [Music] back I was getting whispered to this is how our soul talks to us it was like I was being nudged just to explore Central America and to hang out with shamans and to pay attention to what Native Americans knew these ancient civilizations like the Mayans what they knew about this place and our place in it I was told to go look go
into these places where everything's slowed down there's no Wi-fi there's no routers and get back to the Stillness and if you get quiet enough uh the soul can speak to you and most of us are not in an environment where we can become that that still that meditative state that open something up to experience [Music] more we don't have to fly to Pluto it's all right here you need to raise your vibration through that great spirit Source energy the sun and the veil starts to break down in front of you this is a earth school
it's a School of Hard Knocks uh where we learn by experiences we signed up for all the joy and all the adventures and all the fun that goes on with this place and we also signed up for three or four big tsunamis coming through our lives it's all about growing in our capacity to love regardless of the circumstances choosing the higher vibration I think every second every moment every now is a a new opportunity how you going to choose you know as soon as I get in my car is that guy that's tailgating me am
I going to get ticked off or am I going to be oh well I just get over it's your choice it's always your choice people get overwhelmed with the self the physical world self the illusion of being this being be nice be patient be kind in all circumstances there are thousands of souls watching all of us all the time our loved ones are ancestors are pets and they're not judging they're hoping will make the higher vibrational decisions that will evolve will grow as Souls that's our whole point point of being [Music] here and when it
becomes selfless and helping others and sweetness and kindness and compassion you get to leave we're being groomed to be Gods basically and uh to go out into the universe that's ever expanding and continue the work of creation [Music]