Empowering Your Immune System - Barbara O'Neill

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[Music] I'm a little lady with a little voice so I'm thankful for the microphone we've got two interesting subjects this afternoon one is empowering your immune system and the second one is a interesting subject called a fungus A mushrooming epidemic so the immune system there is one thing all the experts agreed on in 2020 21 22 and there's not many things they agreed on if you notice but there is one thing they agreed on and that is that we need to boost our immune system so what I'd like to look at today and I'd look
like to look at it from Proverbs 16:7 which says knowledge is easy to him that understands when you understand your immune system when you understand what it is how it works you automatically have the knowledge on how to boost it so what is our immune system you know there's a few different opinion on this but you know if our immune system is what we should be boosting to protect ourselves against disease we need to know what it is well it's all through the human body and the front line defense of our immune system it might
surprise you and it might not it's our skin and our skin protects the inside of our body it's a it's a coating over the whole of the body and our skin has millions of little holes in it the skin can breathe the skin can absorb things that can then go into our body our skin also throws off waste in fact Dr Kellog called all of those little pores in our skin millions of little sewers throwing off waste our skin also uh balances our temperature that's why when we perspire we're getting hot and we perspire and
the air touches that moisture it cools us a little bit it's a fascinating organ is the skin and it protects it protects the inside of our body but if we come to the Head we see that there are seven Avenues of access through the skin and into the body there are two ears there are two eyes there are two nose and there's a mouth now let's have a look at the ears is it easy to gain access into the body through the ears no it is not there's an ear canal and there a little hairs
in that ear canal and there's little bit of waxy substance there that can can catch anything that tries to go in but also there's an e drum and that e drum successfully stops anything going in there and nothing should go into the ear canal you've probably heard this that's any point Wier than our elbow you've heard that so there's no qtips you call them qtips there's no Q-tips in my home especially after a guest who was in his 40s who was almost St told me the story of when he was five he was walking around
with two sticking out of his ears why did he have the min's ears cuz who puts them in their ears his parents his mother so you know what they do they copy isn't that true they copy everything we do everything we didn't say and his brother came up and went and that very much damaged those e drums it's very unfortunate do you know if you've got a ear a can you put a cooked onion pus on your ear very good for an ear a and the ear decides that it needs to get rid of the
pus quickly and it makes a hole and you know because it starts coming out the ear the body can heal that very quickly because the body made the hole but if an instrument makes the hole then it it's not as easy to hear let's now come to the eye the eye is quite amazing because you'll notice that there's a bony structure around the eye so that if anything hits the eye the Bony structure will will stop it going into the eye but if it's smaller you'll notice that anytime you put anything near the eye it
blinks and those little eyelashes and the blinking reflex protects the eye but if it happens to get through that and into the eye the eye is surrounded by a watery mucus so if it say it's a barg and it gets in it usually drowns and then if you can make your eye go around the world a few times it'll push it to the corner and it'll flick out so there's a whole process that the eye has to protect itself let's go to nose nose is very interesting the inside of the nose has little caves little
half caves all the way through it and if we breathe in air that is pure it's very light it goes straight to the back into the trachea down into our lungs but if the air has some dust on it it's a little heavier and because it's heavier it comes in lower and it Ricochet all around those little half caves in the nose ricochets backwards and forwards backwards and forwards to to loosen that dust on the air drops it the air becomes lighter then it goes back and it goes down into our trachea into our lungs
but if it so happened that maybe a little bit of dust has kept on that air there are all these little hairs little tiny hairs that that line the trachea and the little bronchials and they are able to catch it and if something goes in notice we we have this coughing reflex that that actually will cough it out and by the way if we've breathed we've been gardening all day and it's very dusty maybe at the end of the day we'll blow our nose and all those little bits of dust that got shaken off the
air we blow them out so there's the mucus lining that area and there are little hairs all contributing to protect the the inside of the body then we come to the mouth but actually the mouth is an external environment the skin is an external environment and remember I talked about and we'll be talking about this a little bit more today the blood the Bible says that the blood is the life of the flesh not sure what I've got here shape maybe someone's had a little play with mm undo right thank you so the life of
the flesh the Bible says is in the blood now the reason why the blood is the life of the flesh it contains red blood cells and it contains white blood cells and the red blood cell we looked at a few times this week carries the oxygen the red blood cells carry water and the red blood cells carry nutrients and it C and the blood also carries away waste and as living machineries there is always waste products so the blood is called the life of the Flesh in Leviticus 1711 and every part of our organism is
alive because of blood going through it bringing the nutrients the oxygen the water carrying away waste and if necessary the white blood cells so anything on the outside of the body even if it touches our skin it is not part of us until it's absorbs through and gets into the blood same with the gastrointestinal tract it's called an external environment because if anything goes into that gastrointestinal tract it's not part of you or me till it gets out of the gut and into the blood and when it gets into the blood then it becomes part
of you and me and the gastrointestinal tract it has certain processes to protect as you will see so when we eat food let's say we eat food that has some bacteria on it when it gets down into the stomach there's a line of defense there and that line of defense is called hydrochloric acid and hydrochloric acid yes as we saw when we went on our journey through the gut it connects with pepsinogen releases pepsin breaks down our protein but hydrochloric acid also is a very strong antimicrobial unit I was reading in the book observations on
the physiology of digestion Dr William Bowmont he was doing experiments on this young man who sustained a gunshot W to his stomach it healed but he ever had a hole there this is this is very early 1800s and as he was healing Dr Bowmont started to do experiments he'd get a piece of silk thread put a little bit of food on it put it in the hole pull it out after an hour put it in the hole take it out after a few more hours and he discovered that digestion takes approximately 3 and 1 half
to 4 hours but once he did this a few times you see his book The First third of the book is the story of how this young man sustained this gunshot W how he healed and he actually lived to was I think in his 80s but the last 23s of the book William Bowmont meticulously documented his findings it changed the nutrition World his findings you may have heard the story it's often uh referred to in nutrition books what he did once he extracted hydrochloric acid out of the stomach and he put it into a vile
and then he put a piece of rotten meat into that file and he and he watched and within 20 minutes it had dealt with it do you know what that means the only people that suffer from blood poisoning are people with low hydrochloric acid dogs have 10 times the hydrochloric acid that we have have you seen what they eat it would just about kill us that's because they have 10 times the hydrochloric acid that we do so that that's actually our front line of defense in our gastrointestinal track is our hydrochloric acid it's fairly low
when we wake up in the morning and that's why it's the best time to drink water but as we're getting near breakfast we're thinking uh food smelling food seeing food all of those senses tell us foods are coming and what the brain does then it starts to release the hydrochloric acid I have never met anyone with too much hydrochloric acid it's actually a myth but you certainly can have not enough hydrochloric acid what would deplete hydrochloric acid drinking large amounts with the meal we should be drinking between meals ideally stop half an hour before the
meal and resume about an hour and a half after the meal if you're thirsty with a meal by all means have a couple of mouthfuls couple of mouthfuls not going to greatly dilute the hydrochloric acid but if you sit to your meal well hydrated I can assure you you you will not need to drink with your meal so when people are drinking with their meals it's a real American habit isn't it it's Australian habit and I remember we had a a guest from India she said I was most shocked when I saw Australians drinking with
their men she said don't they know don't they know that it's going to dilute their their gastric juices I said I guess that own not many are sick through ignorance in that little book the ministry of healing the author says in the chapter The Physician the educator she says the only hope of better things is the education of people in the right principles education is power and that's why God said when 2 Timothy 1:7 I've not given you the spirit of fear but of power surely education is power and I love the Proverbs 14:6 knowledge
is easy to him that understands when you understand the stomach when you understand the role of the hydrochloric acid well then you'll take steps to make sure you're well hydrated when you sit to eat the meal what would also exhaust hydrochloric acid stress when someone's stressed it blocks the release of hydrochloric acid eating all day long do you know the current way of eating the uh the experts tell us today is Tim restricted eating Tim restricted eating is called the E6 diet eating 6 hours apart twice a day within 18 hour fast do you know
what I find interesting in that little book the ministry of healing in the mid 1800s she talked about this and we so we've been doing it our health Retreat for 25 years getting great success great success with weight loss great success with improving digestion great success with people conquering their diabetes and what have diabetics been told for the last 30 40 years it every couple hour Psalm 146:3 put not your trust in princes neither in the son of man in whom there is no help so the princes the authorities in the field have been telling
people to eat every couple of hours and now they're saying they don't say sorry we made a mistake ah ah new research reveals well this is not new research that's not new research at all in fact the old saying says we should eat breakfast like a king lunch like a queen tea like or supper like a so what why many people have low hydrochloric acid is that they're eating all day long instead of eating breakfast like a king Lun like a queen and supper like a POA they're eating breakfast like a POA lunch like a
POA and supper is the king and the queen together then the person lies down to sleep and the poor old stomach it can't sleep it's got to keep working because if it stops working that food will begin to rot and the person may die so it's not the odd day that you might have dinner with friends or the odd day you don't have your large meal at night it's just day by day by week by week by month by month by year by year little by little exhausting Hydrochloric acids so hydrochloric acid when we look
at our immune system is our front line defense in my book self-heal by Design I have a chapter called the stomach's secret weapon hydrochloric acid it's our front line of defense but if someone's eating all day long eating the largest meal at the end of the day drinking with their meals stressed out all the time and hydrochloric acid doesn't kill off the bacteria or Yeast that may be on food and their microscopic substances as we will see in our next lecture where we're going to go in and look in detail at that little microorganisms we
can't see them so we don't know and let's say the hydrochloric acid's low and it gets past that well God's got another line of defense and this line of defense is in our small intestine and in our small intestine we have Villi and all through the Villi we have a blood capillary Network and I'll use my finger ah yes say red and this Blood capillary Network remember what I said anything that goes into the gastone test or track is not part of your or me till it gets out of the gut and into the blood
and this is where it gets out of the gut and into the blood and lining the gastrointestinal tract is a thick Turf wall and this thick Turf wall is made up of those little microorganisms that we're going to look at in detail in the next class which is predominantly lactobacillus acidophilus and bius bacterium it forms a thick Turf wall around our gut and I was watching um it was a it was a presentation on microorganisms and it's becoming a topic it's called a microbiome and they had a obstetrician there and he said he was in
his 70s he said we always thought God made a mistake when he put the birth canal in the anus so close he said in fact 40 50 years ago if a woman came in to have a baby we gave her an enim because when the birth canal stretches open the an stretches open when that little baby comes out of there we don't want them having anything to do what's coming out of the next Canal so we always used to give them an enema notice what he said we always thought God made a mistake he said
we now know it's a perfect design God D make mistakes does it it's a perfect design you see when we were in our mother's womb our gut was sterile no microorganisms but when we were born we were literally showered with our mother's microorganisms so that first breath that the baby takes it's pretty heavily Laden with the microorganisms from the next Canal notice what the obstat said we now know it's our Perfect Design and the first 3 days of life that baby is put to the breast and that baby is getting a thick creamy substance called
colostrum and that colostrum is rich in the mother's microorganisms so how important that the mother be rich in microorganism so she can give a rich Supply to her baby a rich supply of microorganism M let me show you why these microorganisms yes they are responsible for the absorption and also the breakdown the final breakdown of our Foods these microorganisms and we looked at that in detail we went on our journey through the gut they also nourish the cells that line the gastrointestinal tract but what I'm particularly looking at now is their protective so these microorganism
they form a thick Turf Wall playing protective role to protect the blood against any harmful pathogens that might be in the gut so these microorganisms and as some writers are claiming they are the foundation for 70% of our immune system is that gut and hypocrates 400 years BC called the father of medicine he didn't know what I've told her there but he said all disease begins in the so important to look after our gut flora and I was talking to a farmer he said if a cow dies in in the birth of the calf he
said if that calf doesn't get that colostrum we may as well put that calf down because that calf will ever be sickly an indication of how important that colostrum is in the first few days of life in the building up of our immune system so it's this protective role that these microorganisms play in the maintenance of our gastrointestinal tract don't know where I am now let's look at the C so barar I thought we're looking at our immune system why we're looking at our colon you will understand why we've got some amazing systems in our
body and one of our systems is our colon and what happens in the colon but the system that a lot of people are not familiar with is our lymphatic system and our lymphatic system is a network of capillaries all through the body particularly the front part of the body and our lymphatic system sweeps away waste from the tissues and it sweeps away was waste from the tissues and then the waste it dumps into the lymph nodes under our arm the lymph nodes in our groins the lymph nodes in our neck and there are two places
where the waist is thrown straight out if it goes into the lymph nodes under our arms in our grin or in our neck then it's broken down a little bit there and there is a white blood cell that is made in the lymph nodes and it's called lymphocytes that's one of our white blood cells so the lymphocytes ah yes they're produced in the in the lymph nodes but and and by the way what the lymphocytes do is they deal with them break them down dump them into the blood and then the blood throws the waist
out fire our skin out fire our urine out fire our our colon It's amazing system but there are two places where the lymph nodes throw straight out one is our tonsils did you know that your tonsils were part of your lymphatic system and if the tonsils swell up what should we be asking why if they're swelling up they're doing a great job they're actually telling you something's wrong you see the the um the tonsils are the Watchmen at the gate and in the old days there were big fenced walls around the city and there were
Watchmen going up and down and let's say they see the enemy and they blow the trumpet but someone's trying to sleep so they get the bow and arrow out and shoot the Watchmen Watchman falls down now we can sleep that's actually what you're doing when you take the con tonsils out if you're shot the Watchman at the gate see Newton's third law of motion states to every action there's an equal and an opposite reaction there is always a reason and when the tonsils swell you know what we must do listen it's trying to tell you
something your body can tell you more than any test your body can tell you more than any doctor any naturopath so how do you know what's causing it to swell you investigate you investigate you breathe brething in mold you breathe in mold the the tonsils will react um breathing in chemicals or maybe there's something going into the body that we have a reaction to and the five most common allergen foods are dairy cow's milk's excellent milk for baby cows wheat wheat was hybridized in the 1950s this isn't the wheat that God made can you still
buy wheat that that God made you can it's called spelt it's called anen Kut because it was hybridized it changed the Strat structure it was hybridized didn't go through any any safety testing and so by the end of the 1970s this whe went worldwide and the reason why the farmers love it they get 10 times sometimes maybe six maybe eight times more grain per acre they love it it it just exploded everyone wanted it see understand the farmer he's getting six to eight times more grain per acre that's six to eight times more money per
acre he's got to pay his bills but it's only now they're starting to see that this hybridized wheat is one of the basis for many allergy things we're seeing today oats are very high in a plant chemical called lectin but if oats are soaked well cooked sorry quick oats there's no such thing as quick quick oats are all the same you're not breaking down the starch structure unless it has a great soak and a great cook and that disarms the elans but if someone has any inflammatory problem in their body the oats must stop peanuts
are commonly contaminated with M they're not a nut they're a legume and refined sugar is just like putting kerosene on a fire and I thank God that we don't have to do MCR fine sugar he gave us some beautiful sweeteners like maple syrup honey palm sugar which is really just the crystallized nectar of the Palm flow I find when someone's got swollen swollen tonsils and they stop these Foods the tonsils go down they keep their tonsils once the tonsils go down can they eat that food maybe a little now and then who will tell them
they're tonsils so that's one area where our lymphatic system throws waste straight out and that is the tonsils they're a wonderful organ God didn't make a mistake and he didn't make a mistake here either what's this little organ down here it's called the appendix appendix is a very important organ the appendix does too things it lubricates the colon and it also releases antibacterial fluid in the colon if what's coming out of the small intestine is toxic so try and keep on to try and hold on to your appendix but what's happening in this part of
the colon this is the ascending colon transverse colon descending colon isn't it important to know something about the house we live in my father's an inventor I'm the eldest daughter second eldest child well I wanted to get my license my father said I had to learn how engine works I was not happy none of my girlfriends had to learn how an engine works I had to sit with Dad every night for five nights I learned about spark plugs going off and pistons going up and down but you know it makes a lot of sense to
know a little bit about the car you're driving you don't have to be a mechanic but to know a little bit about it and how to change a tie all the basics I had to learn how to check the oil check the water but it makes sense if you're going to drive a car you need to know a little bit about it how much more important the human body how much more the important of of knowing how the human body works because we're living in it and we need to know how it works to know
how to treat it when it's treated right guess what it works well and if it's not working well you got to put your detective hat on and find out why it's not working well so in the transverse colon there are some little patches called the payers patches and the pay patches are also part of the lymphatic system and the payers patches also can throw waste from the body into the colon and then it can be released out but they have found in this P patches as part of the lymphatic system there are lymphocytes there and
the interaction between the lymphocytes and also the gut Flora is an important part of their establishment so let's say the person has low hydrochloric acid and some bacteria that was on the third got ped well we've got another line of defense and that is our gut Flora well let's say there's a compromise in the gut Flora how would there be why would there be a compromise in gut Flora antibiotics do a wonderful job at killing off gut Flora you see this is what drugs do they're like robots I must kill whether you need it or
not they're just programmed whereas herbs the Bible says in Psalm 104:14 that God gave herbs for the service of man herbs come in and say where would you like me what would you like me to do they work with the needs of the human body they're called synergistic let me give you an example I met a man who was on ah he was on rat poison sorry wolin that's what it is and he was on a high dose of it and every time he had bruises all over his body every time he touched his arm
it bruised it bruised and he said blood is just dripping out of my nose you see this this drug is just saying I got to thin the blood whether you need it or not he said what can I do and he didn't want to take he didn't want to stop because of this wrong fear and what did God say in second Timothy 1 verse 7 I have not given you the spirit of fear but of power love and a sound mind it's important to investigate because knowledge is power knowledge enables us to make the right
decisions I said if I were you I can't tell you what to do only you and your doctor have authority over your medication but I can tell you what I would do I would take two capsules of C pepper three times a day he said is that safe I think you know my answer in the book back to Eden by Jethro Claus he devotes half a page to every herb and he devotes 10 pages to can pepper and he quotes two doctors in there one doctor says it's it's impossible to abuse C pepper do you
know what that means you could have a bucket a day then it will not hurt you but I don't know anyone who has a bucket of what the C pepper will do it will keep the blood nice and thin but please drink adequate water that's the best blood thinner and if there's any bleeding in the body it'll seal it it'll seal it and stop the bleeding how could C pepper do that on one hand thin the blood and on the other hand seal off any bleeding areas well Psalm 104:14 tells you God gave him herbs
for the service of man the herbs come in and say where do you need me off in the blood here I'll seal the bleeding blood vessels there you see if the human body was designed to heal itself the most intelligent way to bring about healing is to work with that system and that's what C pepper does but unfortunately there are many things that are breaking down this gut Flora antibotics one writer said taking an antibiotic is like dropping an atomic balm in the body I'm not against antibiotics they have saved lives they do save lives
they will save lives but if we know about the human body body and we know the simple little remedies that we can use when things happen then there's usually no need to go to antibiotics because you've nipped it in the bat what's the old saying it's stitching time saves nine so when my grandson Trot on a rusty nail I acted immediately I put him in a bath got all the dirt out put a greater potato pus on the bottom of his foot wrapped him up he was happy with that we put a greater potato pulled
us on the bottom of his foot for three days there was no pass there was no inflammation and that hit that foot healed very very nicely but if I hadn't done that what would happen would have sealed would have swollen up rushed to hospital uh Teta shot antibiotics so when I broke my arm in now 8th of December I could see it needed more than a pus it was a very weird shape and it was extremely pale and the X-ray showed that the radius had totally broken and it was out of alignment and I'm thankful
for the skill of the orthopedic surgeon I'm so thankful for the painkilling medication that allowed him to pull it into place but the reason I'm telling you this is that I sat in emergency for 6 hours because the whole system was blocked up with people that don't know how to fix a sore finger a sore elbow my child's got gastric my heart rat's gone up my blood pressure's increased I'm feeling sick have you had anything to drink today oh only a few beers so I'm sitting there for 6 hours and I was confronted with the
fact that people don't know how to look after themselves anymore I'm sitting there thinking I could fix him I could fix her I could fix him I could fix her I could to fix them all I didn't hear of one situation that I didn't know how to fix so I was confronted with the fact too that now I know why I do what I do and I was confronted with the fact they say we're an lightened age I think we're a dumb age we don't even know how to look after our bodies isn't that one
of the most important areas of Education how to look after the bodies so I raised eight children they're all still alive and they didn't have antibiotics and they raised children too I think there's about 25 now grandchild I'm not against antibiotics yes they can be that some sometimes they are needed to save a life but in most cases they're unnecessary and even the World Health Organization is pushing for the doctors to stop prescribing so many antibiotics because people are becoming immune to it we're going to explore that in the next lecture when we look at
microorganisms what an antibiotic does yes it'll kill bacteria but it'll also kill your bacteria it quills the body the good and the bad alike what also knocks back the microorganisms is long-term painkillers do you know there might be a situation where a painkiller might be necessary like me when I broke my arm there was one day just one day also statin drugs we looked at the importance of not taking Staten drugs we looked at the fact that cholesterol isn't causing heart disease it's the result of damaged arterial wols we looked at the fact that statin
drugs have side effects like Alzheimers dementia memory loss muscle wasting breast cancer cuz our sex hormones are made from cholesterol and those Statin DRS also effectively eat away at our gut bacteria refined sugar it can do it too so whenever a person has compromise gut Flo they've got a compromise in the breakdown of their food they've got a compromise in the absorption of their food things are getting through they shouldn't be getting through the cells that line the gastrointestinal tract are losing their nourishment especially in this area here these cells aren't getting the nourishment so
we're starting to get brags in the wall in fact it's given a name called leaky gut you've heard of but what I want to particularly look at now is we've lost our protection we've lost our protection so what's happening now things are getting into the blood that should not be in the blood God gave us an incredible body with an incredible defense system but if we're not giving the body the right condition that defense system will break down and so now it's in the blood we have five different white blood cells and the most profuse
or most common white blood cell is called neutrophils the neutrophils make up approximately 60% of our immune system neutrophils are the ones that are called when whenever there's maybe there's a scrape and maybe some dirt gets in like the little boy who was playing with his Matchbox cars in the dirt with a broken blister so what's going to happen now dirt goes in and immediately the nutrifil are called on they're able to move out of the blood and into the tissues they surround the bacteria or the pathogen they enclose it and then they release hydrogen
peroxide did you know that your body makes its own hydrogen peroxide and kills it and in the process they die and if enough of them are doing that then those those dead nutrifil is called pass that's what pass is a whole lot of dead neutrals there's another white blood cell it's called the lymphocytes oh we've got lymph ites here already drawn lymphocytes and the lymphocytes make up 15% of the white blood cells and the lymphocytes are like the scouts so they're constantly zooming around the blood looking looking looking and there's a communication system where when
they see a problem when they see a pathogen they contact the nutrifil and they come in large amounts to deal with the problem there's also monocytes and monocytes make up about 20% of our white blood cells and the monos sides they take away the dead they're like the cleanup team but like this little boy I just mentioned who was playing with his Matchbox cars in the dirt and the blister on his finger had broken and the dirt gets into his finger immediately the SWAT team's called up immediately wow we got a problem over in that
finger the lymphocytes contact the nutrifil the nutrifil come the monocytes come it's quite an amazing system our immune system is an amazing system and when my sister who's a senior science teacher when she teaches her students about the immune system the last thing she says to them is see the body was designed to heal itself we've got all these defense systems but if it does get into the blood we've got our white blood cells it's probably what most people know as our immune system is our white blood cells there are two others that are in
M mounts one is basophils and basophils make up uh 3% and E cils and eosinophils they make up 2% so there's our five white blood cells our white blood cells predominantly are made in our bone marrow our blood our red blood cells and white blood cells are made in our bone marrow except for the lymphocytes some lymphocytes are made in the lymph nodes and also some in the pay's patches when I was uh the health director at Misty Mountain Health Retreat probably 5 years ago now I used to do a live blood analysis I take
a drop of blood I put it on the slide I put it under the microscope and I would look at it and I would flash it up onto the television screen so the guest could look at their blood and if I saw in one drop of blood about two EOS cils and it's easy to see the Enos cils because it's a dark field condenser which means they're against a dark background probably like this screen here and they light up like a bright light and those eosinophils they have a couple of nucleuses in them and inside
there are like little dots and these little dots jump around you can see them all moving and they are histamine granules if I see two eosinophils in a drop of blood that's about the right amount if I see five or six eosinophils that tells me there's an allergy because these two white blood cells they increase when there's an ology and what I usually ask is um do you eat Wheats yes do you eat dairy oh little can you handle it well no always blow yeah I know I'm not good on it it's a sensitivity but
if I see 8 to 10 I know there's an intolerance that means maybe if they eat wheat they'll get more serious problems like irritable bow uh eczema psorasis hay fever swollen tonsils they they're probably a little bit more serious and then if I see on the blood slide 19 to 2021 eosinophils that tells me Celiac and Celiac is a severe gluten intolerance severe also de intolerance usually if some someone's gluten intolerance they're also D intolerance so I had a couple in front of me I looked at the lady's blood and I already knew that she
had severe intolerance because she gets uh diarrhea she gets rashes and I said aha you have an intolerance to DAR and we she said I know I know and then I looked at her husband's blood now this couple was probably about 35 36 and I looked at his blood and I saw 20 eils and I said you've also got an increase in EO cils he said oh what a load of rubbish he said I don't have diarrhea I don't have rashes and his wife looked at him and said yeah but you fall asleep in the
restaurant you can have 20 people with an intolerance and different symptoms in every case sometimes it can be diarrhea sometimes it be can be Crohn's disease irritable B and if someone's got Crone disease what are they told they've got an autoimmune disease if you've ever been told you've got an autoimmune disease reject that diagnosis I don't believe in autoimmune diseases that defies Newton's third law of motion to every action there's an equal and an opposite reaction there's always a reason and we've seen people will totally heal from socalled autoimmune diseases and God didn't make the
body to eat itself something has come in that has caused this reaction sometimes it can be IR readable Bal sometimes it can be uh rashes on the skin and I have found all skin rashes whether it be hives whether it be rosacea whether it be eczema whether it be sisis whether it just be itching I have found they all respond when these foods are stopped you can stop that food you can eat a slice of bread it'll be out of your body in 24 hours but the effect can remain for 2 months so it can
take at least 2 months before you do it if you want to try it and it's a good idea for everyone to try it don't start until you've got your cupboards well stocked cuz the strongest urge in the human body is hunger and if you come home and you're hungry it's quite possible you're going to you're going to reach for the quick and what's the quick the Quick's the bread is the pastors the cereals so this couple they of course at our Retreat none of those foods are St served at our Retreat we do a
2 days juice fast steams every at the end of every day and they learned how to eat lots of vegetables fruits they learned exciting ways to make legum the grains like kimoa like Miller little Bryce using nuts and seeds they were unable to have children one year later I get a photo of their newborn baby once they gave the body the right conditions and the lady went on the wild yam cream to balance the hormones they were able to have their babies so these are the two white blood cells that increase whenever there's an allergy
response and when there when there's an allergy response often the person will go to a doctor and what would he give them antihistamines because when there's an allergy response these two white blood cells increase particularly the eosinophils they've got these little histamine granules so we don't need to make an antihistamine all we need to do is drink lots of water cuz when we're dehydrated histamine is what is used to balance um drought Management in the body drink more water eliminate these foods and you can bring these white blood cells back into the area that they
should be what is the best way to boost our immune system the best way to boost our immune system is to make sure we're supplying all the nutrients that we need for good blood what does that mean breathe in and out through your nose you get better at it it's a very good illustration if we don't use it we will lose it the more you breathe through your nose the more the little canals at the back of your nose will open a lot of people don't breathe through their nose because they've got sinus problems do
you know that's an allergy if there's excess mucus in your ustation tubes you're exposed to something that the body don't like and so it creates this excess mucus to protect it and it can be exposure to chemicals it be exposure to moldes can be exposed to environmental poisons may be in the food may be on your skin maybe in your clothes or it can be these Foods oops in the next screen so to make sure we've got good blood make sure you're breathing through your nose make sure you're drinking adequate water we need to be
having eight glasses a day at least start early the earlier you start drinking then the less you need to take at the end of the day and that's what I a for cuz I don't want to be up every couple of hours nutrients we've looked at the three essential food groups I've got a bit of section here the three essential food groups are fiber fiber all plants have fiber especially your dark green leafies we should be eating dark green leafy vegetables every day and if you don't eat dark green leafy vegetables every day you should
be having a couple of doses of green barley a day or chlorop fall and I personally would rather eat a dark green leafy salad protein the best and the cleanest burning fuels are found in your legumes lentils chig peeas limma beans blacko beans fats good fats these are the three essential food groups you see the membrane around every cell in the body is 50% protein 50% fat they're essential nutrients carb hydrate is actually a non-essential nutrient now carbohydrates aren't bad of course they're not bad we love them my husband wouldn't forgive me if the potato
stopped I'd be thrown out of Asia if I said the rice had to stop no we like carbs carbs are only a problem if they're overdone and refined and most carbohydrates that people are eating today is from that common allergen which is which I've met some people are eating cereal and toast for breakfast sandwich for lunch Pastor for tea it's almost 100% wheat in the Garden of Eden God said to Adam and Eve behold I've given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of the Earth they all your grains all your legumes
on your on your seeds God didn't say to Adam and Eve behold I've given you wheat no there's a whole variety that we are to eat and what the research is showing today the more variety of fiber you eat the more variety of microorganisms you have in your gut and when you understand that 70% of our immune system is established from our gut Flora we we want to boost that gut Flora we should be having at least seven to eight different types of fiber every meal and if you have seven different types of grapes you're
getting seven different types of fiber every single food has a slightly different type of fiber and every single different type of fiber feeds a microorganism to boost the immune ime system make sure you're breathing well adequate water adequate nutrients and when you're drinking adequate water your Bloods nice and thin and you're able to throw the waist away and the waist comes out via our skin the waist comes out via our urine the waist comes out via our column we're drinking adequate water then your urine is not thick yellow and irritating our kidneys it's nice and
clear and when you're drinking adequate water it means that the colon this in the colon the stools are softer and you can pass with these Dr Kellogg famous doctor who wrote many books on health he said three intakes of food a day should equal three evacuations a day in my book sustained me I have a whole chapter on the colon where you can see what you can do to ensure regularity but what I a Target here before I close is water and water using water in hydrotherapy is one of the most powerful ways to boost
the immune system I had a little boy you know the little one that's playing with his Matchbox cars in the dirt when I saw him his finger was twice the size and it was all red and there was p on top and I said to the mother what's the matter with his finger she said he's got cellulitis well that's not rocket science is it what's cellulitis inflammation of the cell yeah we can see that but I wanted to know more why is it so inflamed you see we don't wake up with a finger like that
we need to investigate and one of the best ways to investigate is to look at the history look at the last week the last 24 hours the last week Something's Happened yes playing in the dirt with his Matchbox cars well no wonder his immune system had really gone there hard I said what have you been doing she said this is his second course of antibiotics 10 days ago she first went to the doctor 10 days on antibiotic is it working what's the definition of insanity do what have always done expect different results I'm not criticizing
the mother he does not know and as I sat in Cas in emergency for 6 hours I'm so glad I didn't know I was going to be there for 6 hours God is good not to show us the future I thought I was going to be seen any minute any minute as I sat there for 6 hours I was confronted with that fact most people have no idea on how to look after their bodies so this mother didn't know she did what we're all taught to do as children what's that when you're sick go straight
to the doctor and the doctor gives a tablet and you go home but you know drugs never heal disease in the book the ministry of healing that sentence the only hope better things is the education of people in the right principles the next sentence says Let The Physicians teach the people did you know that physician means teacher let the Physicians teach the people that restorative power lies not not in drugs but in nature it's the body and the body alone that can heal so this mother was only doing what what she was told to do
she didn't know what else to do she said he's having painkillers now and sleeping tablets he's seven I said can I try something she said please I got two two mugs and in one mug I put hot water and when hot water touches the body it it has a stimulating effect what does it stimulate blood and when you stimulate the blood to the area you're getting more oxygen more water more nutrients more waste is being taken away and more white blood cells but it takes about three minutes before that hot starts to slow down and
so before it's got a chance to slow down I put it in the cold and when cold touches our body it stimulates am I right absolutely cold stimulates the difference is it only takes 30 seconds before we get to a Slowdown and that's what you're doing what you're doing is you're using the stimulating effect of hot and the stimulating effect of cold hot cold hot cold you keep moving them before they've got a chance to slow down and you do that three times how long does that take let's be generous and say 15 minutes every
time his finger was in the cold I put a little bit more hot in there to keep it hot by the time he'd gone out of the second hot into the second cold a smile came on his face what did the smile say I saw his whole body relax in fact by the third cold you see cold equalizes circulation and prevents chilling so you always in with the cold where warm-blooded creatures are always s with the hot and that's why we don't like cold water because we're warm of creatures and that's why when you put
cold water on the body it has a stimulating effect it's a reaction cuz we're warmblood creatures when I was drawing his finger he was just looking at me smiling I knew straight away from just watching his body language that he had 50% reduction in pain and this simple treatment has been used for centuries in the area of pain relief it's without equal how long does it take Ty andon to have an effect 30 minutes 15 15 minutes it's powerful did you know nurses used to use this I have their textbook it's called Abbott's hydrotherapy for
nurses 10 years ago I met an 80-year-old lady she trained in Sydney in the Adventist Hospital there and she said I was trained in hydrotherapy how nice that there was a time when nurses were taught hydrotherapy but it takes a lot of effort takes a lot of work and in that page on the ministry of healing she says the use of natural remedies requires an amount of care and effort that many are not prepared to give choose your heart giving a tablet's easy but what's it doing to the to the kidneys what's it doing to
the liver setting this up it's a little bit of hard work but only takes 15 minutes then I grated a little bit of potato wrapped it on his finger in a cloth put a bit of plastic around it covered it asked him if I could pray for him and I said thank you Father in heaven for this human watch and its ability to heal thank you for water thank you for the greater potato peace blessed this palus do you know when they went home 4 hours later the little boy say can we do that again
why did he say that because he got relief you see your body will speak to you it'll say yes or it'll say please don't do that the next morning cuz I did they did a fresh grer potato each time the next morning when they took the grer potato ped us off all the waist came out the finger was back to all no need for antibiotics no need for painkillers that little boy had the best night sleep he'd had for 10 days and what do we do we just used simple water treatments so simple in fact
when he put his finger in the heart I got him to put his good finger in it was right put his sore finger in so what do you do make it a bit cool you got to work with the person because I know after he's been in the ice cold he can handle a bit more hot that little boy got an education that day his mother's got an education in my book sustain sustain me I have a whole chapter on hydrotherapy simple water treatments I also have a chapter on pus therapy simple Gra potato potheses
that you can use for things like this such simple treatments that our grandmothers and our great grandmothers knew but has been lost today I thank God for our immune system and I thank God for the simple way that we can boost it and the simple water treatments that we can do so what can you do to prepare for the winter you can finish every hot shower with cold the lady said barara you say we should listen to our body my body doesn't want to do the cold I said yeah but how do you feel after
the cold I think it was about six weeks ago we're in Maryland and I found a lake and there was ice on the ground and I did my high intensity yes exercise will certainly boost your immune system I thre the w close off died into that Lake dived out of the lake quickly dried put my nice warm Willies on again and as I'm walking away I feel like I've had an injection of power that's when you assess how do you feel after you've done it we will never like the cold water cuz we're warm blooded
creature but that simple thing of turning the hot off and just ending with a quick cold is probably one of the best things that you can do as you go into the winter months to boost your immune system and prepare for the winter such a tiny little tip and yet such a powerful one I'm going to give everyone a break now please have a breath of fresh air have a drink of water and when we come back we're going to put we're going to look at the little microorganisms in our bodies [Music]
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