7 Productivity Hacks That Made Me a Millionaire

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Iman Gadzhi
After I applied the 7 productivity hacks, this is how I made my millions online: https://www.youtube...
Video Transcript:
so you want to make your first million but let me take a guess of what your day looks like you wake up you grab your phone you open Tick Tock and start scrolling for 30 minutes before you convince yourself to go downstairs you then spend 20 minutes deciding and preparing what you want to eat for breakfast you then sit at your desk and proceed to spend the next three hours watching self-help podcasts thinking that maybe if you just watch one more that maybe you'll finally be successful that is absolute or maybe you're one of those
self-help junkies that's a step above so you wake up at 6am and you start your 15-step morning routine that lasts four hours and by the end of it you're so tired you need a nap ladies and gentlemen both of these are totally wrong so in today's video I'm gonna reveal to you the seven productivity hacks you need to make your first million dollars now I want you to know that I'm coming up on my 10th year as an entrepreneur so I have tried everything whatever Routine Morning Routine all this BS supplement biohacking ball like I've
tried it all so I can genuinely from ball my heart tell you what works and what doesn't work now the first productivity hack is something that I publicly talked about in 2021 when I uploaded a free module from one of my paid programs back then but I've actually been using this tool for many many years and the tool is called unhooked now here's the thing YouTube is entertainment it is not education and you need to view it that way because in life you get ahead by applying not learning listen it is incredibly incredibly important to
learn learn as much as you can but it's far more important to apply that information even my videos I want you to view my videos when you watch one of my videos I don't want you to go away and think oh I accomplished something look at me I'm so happy with myself I want you to view my videos as an interesting Viewpoint and interesting perspective from someone who has walked the path very publicly I've been documenting everything for eight years now on YouTube that has walked the path that you want to walk but none of
it will have any effect whatsoever unless you apply it now the thing is YouTube is a very very smart platform and it can be a very dangerous platform because sure you have interesting educational but remember view my content as entertaining and by the way I want you to view most books out there in the exact same way because most books what it is it's 15 pages of gold and then 300 pages of fluff because they can't sell you a 15-page book and people will pay 12 for that even though it's really only 15 pages that
are valuable but listen that's just the way the world goes so as long as when you watch my YouTube videos when you read a book you look at that as entertainment as downtime stuff really the only thing that I would consider proper learning is when you know exactly what you need to do and you're educating yourself on how to do it let's say there's an aspect of your online business or your Online Career that you know you need to work on in order to get ahead well then immersing yourself in that specific topic that's education
just watching a podcast or reading a book because you think that it might be useful to you that is very dangerous and you need to look at that as entertainment and not education so getting back to YouTube there is some amazing information here on YouTube and in fact some educational content here on YouTube that will help you fix a specific problem in your life you know let's say for example you're running a marathon the best thing you can do of course is get a coach that's going to work with you maybe even get a paid
program that's going to go hey here's the plan in month one you do this month two you do this month three you do that but if you don't have the funds to do it well then you can learn a lot on YouTube but that is real intentional education you're going on YouTube and you're going hey I want to learn the scaler or I want to complete this thing how do I do it can I get as much information about this thing that is intentional whereas when you go on the YouTube home feed that's not intention
at all all that the algorithm is doing is just trying to pull you in and try to grasp and try to take your attention so that's why I've been saying for years and years that people need to download Chrome extensions or applications like unhooked what it does is it hides a lot of the things that are unimportant to you here on YouTube so on the settings I want you to turn on hide home feed so that way when you go on YouTube you won't see your home feed I want you to turn off the side
recommendations so to hide the video sidebar and I also want you to hide the comments so the only thing that is left is your subscription box because once again you need to be very very intentional with that of the people that you subscribe to and once again your subscription box can be a place for light entertainment but I don't want you going on the home page and now all of a sudden you're recommending a video that you think is going to help you but once again it is not intentional education now I also want to
make something very clear I am literally shooting myself in the foot by telling you this but I don't care I want you to get ahead in life and by the way if that means that you watch less of my content or what happens for a lot of people I've noticed is maybe my content is beneficial to you at a beginning stage in life and then you get to more intermediate and my content is a little less applicable and the funny thing I've seen is once you actually get to an exceptional stage of life my content
becomes relevant again because you start to look at what I'm saying in the Viewpoint from a much different perspective of someone who's already made it and now you can kind of start to understand why I say the things that I say so really the reason that I want to make all of this clear to you is that you need to be extremely diligent with where you put your attention so the first productivity hack is I want you to download unhooked and get rid of any stupid recommendations no stupid comments no sidebar reclaim your attention and
your focus now real quick before we get into the next part of the video I get so many people asking for specific Q A's about business about how to start your online career and I'm gonna be honest here on YouTube I don't really speak to people's specific situations and on my personal Instagram like for me that's just like a joke that that's just where I post like Photo dumps from trips and holidays and life basically but that's why I created a separate private Instagram page called talk with Iman it is entirely free and that's actually
where I aim to do a q a so answering your guys's questions once a week as I said it's free so a lot of weeks I miss it I'm human I have a lot of things going on but I try my best to do weekly so if you ever had any more business specific or making money online specific questions go ahead and follow that account so the second and probably most important productivity hack is that I want you to plan the day the night before now I know it sounds too simple to be true but
that's why most people don't do it you know there's something very special that goes on overnight but when you have set your intention you know when you go into the day with true intention when you set your intention the night before something very special happens while you're sleeping I've definitely noticed that now it can be as simple as three tasks three main things for the day now back in the day from 2016 to around 2019 2020 when I was really driving the business for it I didn't have the leadership that I have in my different
companies and the business partners and the CEOs that I have in my different companies I used to plan my day hour by hour so literally hour by hour what am I doing these days of course I've got my calendar I've got my assistant and things are penciled in but apart from that I like to free flow for me the most important thing is looking at my calendar knowing what I have the next day put in place whether that be important business calls important meetings certain duties that I need to tend to and for me it's
as simple as writing down three to five things I need to accomplish that day it's that simple but I promise you it works so try it tonight tonight just very simply write three to five things down tonight before tomorrow starts and you'll see your brain starts working overnight and you go into tomorrow with real intention now the third productivity hack is to wear the same outfits now hear me out I believe that when you leave the house or let's say you're doing uh you know you've got a meeting or you've got some recording or something
like that I believe in dressing the part now by the way dressing the part can mean different things to different people I like to dress smart casual so when I leave the house a lot of times I've got a Blazer maybe Blazer trousers you know some smart casual shoes sometimes I'm even wearing suits you know for meetings and stuff like that now I feel like if I came and recorded YouTube videos and I was wearing a suit people would just find that a little stranger you know when I've got my zoom meetings I feel like
that would be a little strange because I don't have a physical office that I need to go to every day so dressing the park can mean different things to you and I definitely believe that in my early younger years dressing the part and actually over dressing I used to overdress pretty much to everything really helped me because when you're young some people will already try to discredit you in business so if you're there with a you know a hoodie and big graphic tees and this and that you're not doing yourself any favors so definitely especially
when you're younger overdress but when you're home you know when I'm home and I know that all I have is some Zoom meetings I've got calls all day stuff like that I pretty much wear the same thing every single day now variations of it most of the time I don't wear big crazy colors when I'm at the home for me it's simple it's the same few pairs of jeans trousers pretty much the same shoes and the same brand t-shirt in various different colors and this really just makes your life a lot easier and we're gonna
get to another point that I want to talk about a little later on another productivity hack but it's just something that you no longer need to think about when you've just got a simple brand of shoes that you wear at home and by the way I know this sounds funny but I personally prefer to wear shoes in the house I wear shoes in the house and the reason that is is because because I I don't go to an office I feel like when I'm wearing shoes I know that okay it's time to be serious because
for me to walk around the house with like flip-flops or sandals or shoeless I feel like that's stuff I like to do when I'm not working or I'm in my off time or whatever but when I'm in flow when I'm in the zone I like to wear shoes in the house because for me it just means that okay I know I'm doing some serious work here make sure it's not sweatpants and make sure it's not sloppy clothing you know take yourself seriously now when you have external meetings or even if it's a zoom call then
you can kind of dress up a little bit more depending on the situation but when you're just at your computer for eight hours working grinding on a singular task or a few tasks and you know you're not really interacting too much with the outside world just have sort of your plain uniform that you go to every day now the fourth productivity hack Falls in line with the same philosophy as the last one you know this whole philosophy of consistency so the fourth productivity hack is to meal prep at the beginning of the week and what
you want to do is you want to have the same meals for the entire week now I'm in the fortunate position where I have a full-time Chef in pretty much every single one of my homes you know obviously if I'm traveling sometimes and I'm staying in a hotel in a different country it's different story but apart from that I have that luxury and that was something that I was always really looking forward to once I started making serious money but well before that when I was first starting out my businesses at the beginning of the
week I would meal prep the same breakfast lunch and dinner for the entire week in fact actually back then I didn't even eat breakfast I was doing intermittent fasting for a few years now what I would do to keep it a little bit more interesting is each week I might cycle a different thing so like each week the breakfast or the lunch or the dinner would be different so I would cycle that week to week but day to day within that week it was all the same now I generally think way too many people look
at food as Leisure or some fun thing but listen to me unless you're on holiday you're retired or you are rich as food is fuel that is it food is literally just there to fuel you nothing else nothing more and from day to day for me when I eat food because I still don't really eat exciting food I pretty much just lots of meat fish healthy fats lots of avocado day to day when I'm eating that all I see is fuel now when I go to restaurants it's a totally different story then you can eat
for enjoyment when you're on holiday once again totally different story but day to day all it is is fuel and maybe this is kind of my Russian side coming out you know I'm from a place in Russia called Dagestan and I grew up there for the early part of my life and I guess in Russia and that you sound like food is just fuel like we don't we're not very romantic about food I don't know if you've ever had Russian food maybe some Russian people would disagree but it's not very tasty it's just it's just
practical that's all it is so just make sure food does not take up a crazy amount of your life meal prep at the beginning of the week and just make sure it's the same food for the entire week and then the next week you can cycle to something different now the fifth productivity hack is another one where I'm shooting myself in the foot and that is I want you to delete Tech talk right now unless it has a direct correlation to your line of work listen if you're a short form editor let's say you know
you're an affiliate marketer for a certain product and the way you do that is through short form content on Tick Tock or let's say you get leads through your business through Tick Tock which very few people do so let's say you are the one in 50 people that actually makes money through Tick Tock then of course don't delete it but if you're anyone else you know 49 of those 50 other people just delete it there's no point for it whatsoever this is just another thing that is here to Rob your attention and that's it that's
really it and listen you may even be following me on Tick Tock and the funny thing is I think I got to 1.5 or 2 million followers on Tick Tock without ever having downloaded the app in my entire life my team just posts a bunch of stuff if right now if you wanted me to create a tick tock I wouldn't even know how to do it like I only downloaded it three or four months ago because I'm like okay this is crazy we're getting like 200 million views a month on short form between Tick Tock
and uh insta reels and what's the other YouTube shorts so I was like you know maybe I should download it at least every once while check in and kind of understand the platform and what people are posting but once again that is related to work so listen I am deeply honored if you follow me on Tick Tock but like just don't the small benefit that you get from short form Clips on Tick Tock because as I said That's Entertainment more than anything I mean the wisdom is great but the issue is the little upside that
you get isn't worth the complete downside because you know maybe you see one of my tech talks and it's great and you get a new perspective but that's one Tick Tock out of maybe 10 BS ones and 10 BS Tech talks that take you into a mental spiral that you don't want to be in nor should you be in so that's number one the other thing is I want you to mute everyone on Instagram now I understand for a lot of people Instagram is sort of like their social CV whether that be dating whether that
be career listen I'm not gonna lie Instagram is important in today's day and age but that doesn't mean you need to watch everyone's stories or everyone posts like I pretty much have I would say 90 percent of people muted on Instagram because to be honest I just don't give a sh like unless it's like a close friend of mine or like c-suite level of one of my companies like really top managerial people in my companies the CEOs or CMOS or whatever like I just I don't need to know what you're doing day to day I'm
gonna be honest and you need to have that exact same focus and that exact same protection around your attention now the next productivity hack is to create a simple three-step morning routine listen most morning routines are absolute BS and by the way I was one of those people who used to have that 10-step routine that would take four hours so by the way when I say all of the stuff I'm not judging because I've been there like I told you I'm coming up to my 10th year as an entrepreneur when I first made my first
penny online I have done everything I've tried everything so I'm not sitting here judging you I'm just trying to relay really what actually works and what's fluff so when you see all these 15-step morning routine blah blah and by the way when you see all these morning routines where they wake up at 5am it's all Bs wait wake up whatever time you want to wake up it doesn't matter trust me now here's the thing if you have work or you have school then yeah you should be an early riser I'm sure most of you guys
know I dropped out at 17 because I was already making crazy money I had an employee like I had a proper business so I dropped out of school at 17. I also had to take care of me and my single mom so you know my life story was a little different but before that when I was still in school I used to be an early riser I hated it I'm not really a morning person I hate it but for me it was getting those early hours of working before school and those early hours of exercise
a lot of times before school it really helped me make sure that I got important things done so if you fall under that category then yeah of course maybe waking up earlier makes a lot of sense to make sure you get everything done always but listen if you're not in that category wake up whatever time you want I've used to wake up at 5am I used to wake up at 6am I used to wake up at 7 30 am now I wake up at 8 30 because I also spend majority of my year in Dubai
and most of my employees and most of my team are in America and Europe so for me it doesn't make sense to wake up at 5 30 knowing that I have calls most days up until 9 pm most of my leadership calls start at 5 30 and end at 9 between the different companies so find a simple three-step routine you know my old routine in London let's say for example three years ago I would wake up at 6 30 I would do a little bit of journaling while drinking a coffee and then my personal trainer
would show up at my doorstep we'd walk two minutes to the gym and I would start my training session for the day that was my three-step morning routine now my morning routine is a little different I wake up and the first thing I do is I go jump in the cold plunge so I go down to my home gym garage I jump in the cold plunge after that I have a shower and get ready and the third thing is I make myself a coffee and I sit down at this desk and I just have 30
minutes of me time I just jot down ideas vision for my companies I look up my overall corporate structure my investments where my investments fall into within my different entities within my different holding companies and my different trusts and as I said it's a lot to manage these days and then I get started with the day so whatever fits best in your life now I'm very lucky where I train at 4 P.M every day I like that that works for me but back in the day really the only practical time to work out was first
thing in the morning so just find whatever works for you but just make sure it's a three-step morning routine no 10-step or 12 step and nothing that takes four hours it really generally should take you no more than an hour hour and a half from the moment that you wake up to the moment that you get to your desk and you're getting to work now last hack may seem simple but once again that is the beauty of it and that is that I want you to lay out your clothes the night before the worst thing
in the morning that you can have is the decision fatigue of deciding okay what am I going to wear today now I've already told you you should have your sort of homework uniform which is just very simple very easy to put together but still nonetheless you should lay it out the night before and you especially want to lay out your clothes if you're working out in the morning now for me I'm gonna be honest it's more difficult not training than it is like I love training whatever it is whether that's running whether that's boxing whether
that's functional CrossFit training whatever it is like I just enjoy it but nonetheless you want to lay out your clothes especially if that's something that you struggle with in your life or especially if you struggle to wake up in the morning trust me it takes two minutes a night but it makes the morning so much more seamless so ladies and gentlemen I say all of this with love because as I said I have tried so much stuff and especially in my early days I saw so many things that I thought were important to success and
they just weren't so this is just me being honest of what has worked for me over the last 10 years and what hasn't I hope it was useful to you and as always I'm watching from afar and I'm rooting for you
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