It’s a Faith Thing! - Bishop T.D. Jakes

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The Potter’s House of Dallas
What does life look like without faith? It is a life without hope, without reason, and without God. ...
Video Transcript:
[Applause] [Laughter] hebrews 11 1-6 [Applause] my god [Applause] i'm getting ready to see [Applause] something i have never seen hebrews 11 we begin reading in verse one it's a very familiar passage of scripture that does not reduce the redundancy of the text does not reduce the relevance of the text the fact that you have heard it before does not make it less true if i say two plus two is four that doesn't make it less true because you know it or you've heard it before but because the word of god is living every time we
read it we see something we never saw before it is the living word of god it is alive to us like cells and molecules it is alive it is alive it is like tissue it is like spiritual tissue it is alive glory to god you are not a body you are a combination of cells glory to god if something breaks out in your cells it will affect your body because your body is made of cells your skins your organs your tissues your bone your moral your blood is all really broken down to cells if you
cannot digest this entire word if one cell of this word gets into your system it is potent enough that's why the woman said even a crumb that falls from the master's table is enough to change my entire life that's how powerful the word of god is now faith is [Applause] not was not will be not shall be not can be now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence admissible in court of things not seen for by it the elders obtained a good report through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by
the word of god so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear wait hold it right there things that are seen are not made of things which do appear everything that's tangible touchable physical relatable that you can pick up move hold handle feel touch or evaluate did not start from the physical realm everything starts in the spirit everything starts in the spirit that's why the enemy wants to attack your spirit and your mind because that is the birthing room of everything that will material materialize in your life is made of
the cells of your belief as a man thinketh in his heart oh talk to me church [Applause] they were not made of things that do appear let's go on verse 4. by faith abel offered unto god a more excellent sacrifice than cain by which he obtained witness that he was righteous god testifying of his gifts and by it he being dead yet speaketh by faith enoch was translated that he should not see death and was not found couldn't find him with a flashlight because god had translated him for before his translation he had this testimony
[Applause] that he pleased god not that he pleased the crowd not that he pleased his neighbors not that he pleads his friends not that he pleads his husband wife kids none of that that he please god are you spending too much time trying to please people that have no consequence and have no reward but without faith it is impossible to please him see this comes right off of the heels of ina pleasing god and you must understand that the context of but without faith it is impossible to please him is explaining that enoch pleased god
by faith we should live a pure life but it wasn't his purity that did it we should praise god but it wasn't his praise life that did it we should clap our hands but it wasn't clapping his hands it did it the only way we can please god is by uh for he that cometh to god must believe that he is if you don't believe that he is you can't come it's not that you don't come it's not that you won't come you can't come the only way you can come is that he reveals to
you that he is that's a revelation whenever he reveals himself to you that is not because you can see so well it is that he made himself seeable he that cometh to god must first believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him can the church say amen look at your neighbor and say it's the faith thing look at the other name and tell them it's a faith thing it's not a church thing it's not a money thing it's not a game thing it's a faith thing it's a
faith thing until you understand that it's a faith thing you don't understand anything at all can you say amen spirit of the living god we evoke your presence in this place come close hover over us flap your wings over this building transform these lips of clay that they may become the very oracle of god establish your doing in the midst of your people let faith arise in us afresh renewing us preparing us fortifying us strengthening us i thank you in advance for what you're about to do oh god have your way move in the midst
of your people in the name of jesus we pray amen and amen you may be seated [Music] yeah i'm back baby [Applause] it would be erroneous to believe that in the days of christ and the days of the early church that there were just one or two religions jerusalem was flanked with religions of all types and descriptions what made the early church have such a difficult time is that they were in an ideological war what is an ideological war an ideological war is a war of ideas right now without a bomb going off or lightning
flashing or thunder rolling or even ak-47 going off we are at war we are at war in this country right now [Applause] it is an ideological war it is a war of ideas it used to be that you you had a right to have your own opinion [Music] today people think it is their job to impose their opinion upon you and if you disagree they attack you for having a different point of view you have to be strong to stick to your convictions [Applause] because the tidal wave the tsunami wave of public opinion and what
they call culture has bombarded theology to the point that theology has laryngitis and lost its voice in this present age and we are in trouble and as it is now so was it then there was the pharisees who didn't really like the sadducees but they got together to fight jesus each one of them having their own versions and ideas and philosophies that were pervasive in the day and jesus was stood devoured firm in his conviction willing to debate them their doctrines and their philosophies did not intimidate jesus because he understood that it was an ideological
war an ideological war has no bullets has no guns no grenades it is a war of opinions and ideas there was a group there that existed in the early church called gnostics or gnosticism not with the k but with the g but it means the same as if we were to put a k k-n-o this was g-n-o gnosticism it is where we get the word agnostic agnostic is to not know so if somebody says to you i'm agnostic they're not saying that they don't believe in god they just say i'm not true i don't know
gnostic is to know so gnosticism in the early church was the prevailing ideology that suggested that they knew god and that they intellectually ascended up the ladder to god in fact they thought that jesus was just a step up the ladder to god gnosticism to know they thought that the more you know the more you transformed into a type of god the more you know now the problem with that idea is this god cannot be just and be narcissistic because in order to be just we would all have to have the same iq to the
person who is dull of wit or slow to learn or unable to grasp certain ideas god would be beyond their reach if gnosticism was true because if gnosticism was true the smarter you were the more like god you were then god could only be embraced through knowledge the pharisees thought that the way to approach god was through acts of holiness self-righteousness they thought that the more righteous and the more pious they were the closer they were to god so they were known for their long praying and their long garments and their beads and their prayers
and their rituals and their routines because they thought through ritualism and routine was the way to get to god you hear what i'm saying to you in the midst of all of these varying ideas the sadducees for example thought that the spirit of the body didn't leave a man for three days that's why jesus waited till lazarus had been dead four days so that the sadducees couldn't say he didn't really raise him from the dead because he wasn't within the parameters of our theology jesus waited till there was no doubt amongst the skeptics that lazarus
was dead so mary says to him don't go to the grave now because by now he stinketh god has a way of not showing up [Applause] until it's stinky [Applause] god has a way of not giving an old man a baby until he's impotent his wife is past childbearing age and even if she weren't past childbearing age she was barren and when it was totally impossible with man cuts stepped in and said now i'm ready to do something have you ever had have you ever watched god let you wear yourself out trying to do stuff
by yourself and finally when you finally give up and say okay god i can't do it that's when he steps in and shows himself strong hebrews 11 reminds us that faith is not a new testament idea that it is not a result of the crucifixion of jesus christ that from the creation of man forward people have been moved by faith [Applause] the book of hebrews 11 reminds us that faith cannot be confined by dispensations structures or order or to break it out simply it reminds us that faith never goes out of style [Laughter] a lot
of other things would go out of scale by the time i found a pair of skinny jeans that could fit me [Applause] and decided that it might be okay to wear them now they didn't go wildly people change their mind from week to week to get a little bit more of your money by the time you got an apple seven they got an apple eight by the time you got adelaide they got apple 10 but how do you have ten they got about 12. i stopped counting i said this ain't it's working for me faith
never goes out of style it doesn't wait for the transition of time or the coming of moses it exists before moses it exists before the pentatonic it exists before the law faith just is but the reason why faith is is faith is a common denominator that regardless of how intellectual you are or not you have equal access to it because faith is the gateway to everything promised to you now this is deep but you need to understand this you need to understand this because some people who are exceptionally smart are also exceptionally frustrated because they
think that they should be compensated on the level of their intellect and here you come in with less degrees and got paid more money and they can't understand how you got what you got somebody holler it's a faith thing there's a fine woman looking at a woman that's just ordinary saying how did you get a man like that [Applause] it is not by might nor by power but by my spirit saith the lord it is [Music] [Applause] a faith thing now in order to have faith how do i get faith how do i get faith
because today we think faith is willpower so we get sick say i just believe it i believe it i believe it i believe it i confess it i believe it i believe it i believe it i believe i'm healed i believe i'm heal i just believe it i just believe it i believe i i believe i'm gonna hit the lottery i believe i believe i believe i believe they're all in vegas pulling the lottery down i believe i believe i believe but it doesn't say have faith in faith it says have faith in god [Applause]
now faith has nothing to do without hope [Applause] you can have faith all you want but if you don't have hope you can't do anything the the reason that faith is a common denominator let me finish that up the reason that faith is a common denominator jesus says except you become like a little child you should not inherit the kingdom of god that means that he has reduced it down i use this phrase all the time is out of style they don't teach it in school like that anymore but we used to reduce fractions down
to its lowest common denominator and then multiply that's how i was taught in school they don't teach it that way anymore they got a whole different method so you had to find the lowest common denominator in order to do it faith is god's lowest common denominator he's brought it down so low that you can be illiterate and still believe if if an illiterate man gets sick beside an intellectual man that gets sick the intellectual man has no more advantage over the illiterate man when it comes to miracles because it is by by faith the gentile
has no more power than the jew because it's by faith if you walk slowly through the book of romans paul will prove to you he teaches you what the jews were and how their history were and he goes all back to the antiquities and their ancestry and he validates who they were and then he counseled all is done said don't mean nothing then he talks about the gentiles and how wild they were and how perverted they were and and and how promiscuous they were and he said it doesn't mean nothing because god has equalized the
playing floor he's brought it down to just by faith there are some righteous women in here you grew up righteous you've always been pure you always been virtuous you always been honorable when you got married you were a virgin and you're sitting right behind a woman who was a [Applause] you don't get no more glory when the glory falls than the woman who was a because it's not by works unless any man should boast is by faith this is why you have haters because haters don't think that you deserve to have whatever you have because
they think that they are better or pure or smarter or better looking or brighter but look at somebody said no no no no no no [Applause] it's a faith thing i know it doesn't make sense to you that i got a promotion i know it doesn't make sense to you that i pastor a church like this i know it doesn't make sense that i'm directing the choir i know it doesn't make sense that god has raised me up i know it doesn't make sense that god put me on the cover time magazine i don't have
no business on the cover time magazine i i didn't make any great discovery i didn't do anything it's not gonna make sense to you because it's uh [Applause] what god is getting ready to do in your life is totally illogical it makes no sense it has no rationale you have no background it's uh [Applause] i don't know who i'm talking to but i'm getting somebody ready to receive it [Applause] the problem with you receiving the promises of god i'm just talking i ain't got started yet the the problem with you receiving the promises of god
is that sometimes god promises you the most illogical stuff [Applause] as long as i've been walking with god god said something to me a few years ago i wrestled with him about three years telling him i don't even know nothing about that how could you give that to me i don't have no background in that i wasn't qualified for that and god was busy building it up it didn't make no sense it scared me when it didn't make sense can i be honest with you the person who's teaching you faith got scared because sometimes god
has something for you that is so mind-boggling can i just be honest with you i've wrestled with him like jacob it was a good thing it was a great blessing it had great purpose but i didn't want to touch it because it didn't make sense and then i thought it didn't make sense for david to be king [Applause] how do you make a separate boy king he has no background he has no protocol his father was a peasant he grew up taking care of sheep he had not been trained he didn't go to school for
it he wasn't prepared for it but god said i found me a man who's after my heart and he's going to be the next king of israel for it is not by might it is not my power it is by my spirit saith the lord and i say this because there are some things that god said to you that are frightening it doesn't make sense you're scary you're reluctant to receive it you don't feel qualified you don't feel ready and yet god's going to do it and he told me to tell you it is a
faith thing whoever i'm talking to give him a praise [Applause] now i got to pick up this point where there is no hope faith has nothing to do hope esteem esteem where there is no hope faith has nothing to do faith is the substance of things hoped for when you have low self-esteem a low esteem for your life faith hands are tired so if i were the enemy and i couldn't stop faith from being true [Music] i would kill your hope [Applause] by showing you what you are not what you don't have and what you
don't and you're too old and you're too young and you're too dark and you're too white and you're too brown and you do this and you to that and you're to the other because if i kill your hope faith has nothing to work with now faith is the substance of the thing you hope for the worst people in the world to preach to are people who have no hope [Applause] who have decided well i guess this is as far as i'm going to go [Applause] and they make themselves happy with mediocrity it's not that they're
happy with it they make themselves happy with it because it is all they can grasp the people i like to preach to are the people who have the audacity of hope the audacity to believe the audacity to believe is possible the audacity to think i could go to school the audacity to think i could own my own house the audacity to think i could preach the gospel the audacity to think i could build the church the audacity didn't think i could build them all the audacity to think i could get up from here the audacity
to think i could make it without you the audacity see in order to leave a woman in an abusive relationship the first thing an abusive man does is take away her hope he comes up for a conversation he doesn't want her to talk to her relatives and then he tells her you're dumb and you're ugly and you're stupid and don't nobody want me but you and you better put up with me i slap you across this kitchen you ain't got nowhere to go you're stupid you know what he's doing he's killing her hope verbal abuse
kills hope [Applause] what that man is doing to that woman and nowadays what that woman is doing to that man [Applause] because i have found since i've been in texas that some of these women are just as abusive as men are the way you talk to your husband he'll never get up because you are just as abusive as an abusive man you just shorter [Applause] mean as a starving rattlesnake say anything to him about him to his face about his family about his mama about his kin because you are cutting off all access to anything
for faith to work with oh but i don't care what you say i withstand your ideas i fight your ideas i am somebody i am worth something i can build i can't evolve you think whatever you want to think but you can't change the way i think about myself as a man thinketh in himself [Applause] slap somebody say i think so i think so i don't care what you're right i don't care what you tweet i don't care what your text i don't care what your blog i think so and as long as i think
so what you think don't have nothing to do with what i think i think so [Applause] oh it's gonna get tough in here in a minute i think so hi little tommy jake's gonna be a preacher how is he gonna be a preacher he got a lisp you can't do it i don't care what you think i think so [Applause] and look at me now look at somebody say how you like me now now faith is the substance [Applause] of the thing i hope for if i don't if the day you lose your hope you
lost your life so the devil isn't so much after your faith he's after your hope that he could be better that you could rebuild your life that you could that the second half could be the best half that the best is yet to come that god has more for you that you're important to god that god has a plan for your life then all things are possible to him that believe the enemy is doing everything he can to destroy your hope he always will let somebody bring you some bad news oh but i'm like the
wicked witch don't nobody bring me no bad news that i'll hang up on you i can't let it in i'll cut it off the tv set i'll stop watching it because i know you're trying to infect my faith the devil is alive my faith is the substance of the thing i hope for [Applause] it is the evidence of the thing not yet seen evidence is admitted into court it is proof it is receipts it validates it is the evidence of shunda eyes had not seen ears have not heard neither have entered into the heart of
man the things that god has prepared the things that god has prepared for them that love him this is the evidence of things unseen remember when you were a child how you had imagination you had great imagination you believed you had imagination somebody told me the other day they jumped out of the window because they thought they could fly when you stop dreaming you stop flying i have a question what took away your hope when did you stop dreaming did the voice do that to you did you let the rapist take away your hope did
your mama prefer your sister kill your hope faith is the substance of things hopefully it is the evidence of things not seen for by it the elders obtained a good report they wasn't good they wasn't good but they were able to get a good report [Music] by faith abraham believed god and it was counted unto him as righteousness he wasn't righteous [Applause] abraham wasn't righteous don't make me take you back to bible play abraham was not righteous i'm not saying he wasn't a good man but he was not righteous but he believed god and it
was counted unto him as righteously i have i i go crazy talking to accountants no disrespect to none of you but you drive me crazy because to me i bring the money in i bring it in here it is this is what we got no we we can't account for it like that we have to put it in this column i said just put it in the bank i don't care what column you put it in just put it in the bank well if you borrow it from this column and put it over here it's
all the same money but it's how you account for it that passes the audit [Applause] abraham believed god and it was counted unto him as righteousness he wasn't righteous but that god marked it up on the ledger as righteous because he had faith faith is like food stamps you ain't got no money but we'll take it like money [Applause] come on come on i'm gonna teach it till you get it everybody else walked in the store with money and american express and mastercard and visa and here come miami wilson with a bag full of food
stamps but she got just as much food as everybody else because the food stamp was accounted [Applause] this is why this i want you to understand why people hate you because people hate you because they know something about you and and they know you ain't that righteous and they know you ain't that holy and they know you ain't that good and they saw you do something stupid and they heard you did something stupid and they fussing at you right now saying i ain't gonna listen to her i'm not gonna listen to him because but what
they don't know is god is a bookkeeper and he accounted it as righteousness and what you need to know is once the books say you're righteous stop acting like you ain't [Applause] walk in what god said talk in what god said move in what god said preaching what god said because according to the books [Applause] you think you're waiting on god god is waiting on you god is waiting on you to believe what he said about you not what you remember about you [Applause] for by the illness of pain a good report watch this kind
of go a little deeper through faith we understand through faith we understand faith is the truth we stand under through faith we stand under [Applause] it is my covering through faith we understand that the worlds were framed now when you read that in the king james bible it sounds like he's talking about the creation he really isn't because when he says through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of god that is true of the creation but in this particular text he is not using the greek word cosmos he's using the
greek word eons which is aegis [Applause] through faith we understand that the ages were hemmed in [Applause] by the word of god that my future is locked that that he's got a hedge around tomorrow i'll prove it to you by the bible satan lucifer go curse job you know i can't curse joel you got a you got a hedge around him i can't never a curse speaks to how you're going to end up how can i mess with his future when you got a hedge around his future through faith we understand that the eons were
framed by the word your tomorrow is already fixed your tomorrow is already fixed you down on your knees crying about how i'm gonna make it what i'm gonna do how can i get there i don't see no way i don't have enough god said shut up i got it already framed in [Applause] that's enough for somebody to start running right there your future is fixed the witch can't curse you the warlock can't curse you your enemies can't curse you because god's got you hedged in your tomorrow is in his hands your next week is in
his hands your next year is in his hands he's got the whole world it is his whole wide world it is he got the whole world it is [Applause] is [Applause] through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of god now we're going to the creation so that things that do appear were not made of things that do appear honey would you come here for a minute [Applause] nothing you got on not your earrings not your dress not your shoes not your ring nothing you got on started out as a material
it started out as an idea [Applause] then they picked the material according to the idea [Applause] it didn't start out as material it started out as an idea the material didn't pick the idea [Applause] the idea picked the material it passed over wool and passed over cotton it passed over lenin because the idea had a specific idea in mind and said once i find what matches what i'm thinking in here i'm gonna do out there what i'm thinking in here so what would you rather have the dress or the idea that's why i say money
is the cheapest part of me because the money don't make me [Applause] if all you took was my money you didn't get much now if you took my mind i'd be in trouble but as long as i got my right mind i could get me some more money i could make another dress i could create more earrings i'd get more shoes as long as i got the idea so that things that do appear yes sir were not made of things that do appear yes sir did you know god has designed the future for you [Applause]
and he's already got the right material in mind the right weight the right time the right place the right moment the right way and if you would get out of god's way and stop trying to design your own life and plan your own future and manage your own stuff and fix yourself up and just give it all over to god and say whatever you want me to have i'll take it whenever you think i'm ready for it i'll move it to it whatever you design for me i'll go for it if you would step back
that would be faith but because you got your mouth in god's design that's not faith and without faith it is impossible sing all you want to preach all your will dance all you want to you cannot dance your way into favor can i go a little bit further thank you honey so i if faith is so important but so how do i get it faith coming by hearing and hearing by the word of god wait a minute so if i'm gonna have faith i gotta protect what i hear okay so i got to shut down
all these voices external and internal [Applause] because it creates a belief system that either cancels out my blessing or grows my blessing if i'm sick in my system i'm gonna be sick in my substance [Applause] that's why when i talk to you like this i'm talking about how you think because if i'm sick in my thinking i'm going to be sick in my results i'm going to self-sabotage everything god has for me because i'm not clear right here are you hearing what i'm saying by faith abel offered up a more excellent sacrifice than cain yeah
and through it his blood yet speakers by faith noah being wonderful god of things not yet seen building off to the saving of his house so so noah built a boat with no water in his backyard willing to look like a fool and wait on the rain to catch up with what he built [Applause] some of you gonna have to build something that looks like a fool and wait on the rain to catch up with you where are my innovators at [Applause] see most people are building their future around the past and how it used
to be but people who are innovative build around how around the future and how it's gonna be nora built an ark to the saving of his house his whole house got saved because he was willing to look like a fool for a little while and let the rain catch up with it somebody online the rain is gonna catch up with you stay right where you are let them laugh at you let them look at you funny let them talk like your fool let them say it doesn't make any sense you brought that property it don't
make any sense there's nothing around it there's nothing there right now but don't worry the rain's going to catch up with you the rain's going to am i talking to anybody in here am i talking to anybody in here a woman said to my wife this other day said who would ever thought that you would end up being where you are [Applause] she did [Applause] they didn't think i'd end up where i was but during caught up with me young people let the rain catch up with you let the rain catch up with you while
other people are adding the food build something that don't make no sense and let the rain catch up with you let the rain catch up with you who am i talking to if i'm talking to you make some noise in here [Applause] i'm gonna stop in a minute i'm gonna hurry this along you remember when the woman came down to the well and she says to jesus jesus sitting at the well you know he's just chilling he's he he's chilling out hanging out at the well being cool looking fly and he says woman give me
the drink she said you player [Applause] if you really wanted water who comes to a well with nothing to draw with all i want is nothing to draw with if you have faith if you do not have faith you have nothing to draw see the woman was right who sits by well [Music] with nothing to draw with so you come to church [Applause] but if you don't have faith santa you don't have nothing to draw with so you you scrolling around on your instagram right now and you think about what you're gonna cook for dinner
did you cut the stove off it and where are we gonna go eat when this is over all of that says you have nothing to draw with you're sitting by a well you're sitting in the presence of a miracle you're sitting in your destiny you're sitting in your future you're sitting in the thirst quenching power of god but if your mind is somewhere else you won't get it not because the water is not in the well you don't have nothing to draw with [Applause] how many people in here got something to draw with have you
ever gone to church that really really a service that really really blessed you and you rode with somebody that that didn't pay no attention to it that means that we can be at the same place at the same time but if you don't have faith you don't have nothing to draw with so you went home dry i went home wet not because we didn't go to the same church but i had something to draw with you didn't have nothing to draw with do you not know that your faith controls my message do you do you
not know that you can draw the preacher out of me you can draw the teacher out of me that certain crowds draw things out of you that other people don't draw out of you because when they make a demand on the anointing the anointing shows up in a greater way i wish i had a thousand people that would provoke me right now when you come to church you ought to say i'm gonna draw it out of my man of god i don't care what he feels like i don't care what it looks like i don't
care what kind of week he had i came here with something to draw with and i'm not gonna leave this well until i get this water that i flush no more somebody say draw it out draw it out draw it out draw it out come on come on draw it out draw it out draw it out draw it out draw it out draw it yeah i want to give it to me throw it out draw it out draw it out throw it out draw it out [Applause] [Music] [Applause] watch this y'all ain't gonna like me
for this you're gonna sit down so you might just sit down now because there's another woman in your woman and if you had something to draw with you could draw it out if you don't believe it wait to the next guy there's another man and the man you got and the only reason his ex didn't get it is that she didn't have that to draw with and if you come in and you know how to draw it out of him she won't even recognize him when she sees him again i wish i had some drawers
in here draw it out draw it out draw it out draw it out draw it out draw it out draw it out [Applause] [Music] [Applause] touch three people say it's a faith thing [Applause] i'm gonna prove it i'm gonna prove it i'm gonna prove it i'm gonna prove it i'm gonna prove it i'm gonna prove it i'm gonna prove it somebody's getting healed right now somebody's getting healed while somebody's sitting around looking somebody's being healed somebody's getting a breakthrough while somebody's sitting around playing with the phone somebody's getting a breakthrough while somebody's sitting around looking
out the window somebody's being delivered don't let that somebody be you i want the person that's getting something from god to leap up on your feet and praise god like you ever will [Applause] praise god like you just got wet praise god like you just dropped your bucket down into his promises and pulled up your healing and pulled up your deliverance and pulled up your breakthrough somebody start pulling it up i'm gonna pull it out of this well i'm gonna pull it out of this moment i'm gonna pull it out i don't care if i
look funny i'm gonna pull it out right now god's got something for me and i'm not gonna leave this well till i pull it out i got something to draw with you understand the words i'm saying i said do you understand the words that i'm saying do you understand the words that i'm saying do you understand the words that i'm saying do you understand it do you understand it do you receive it draw it out make the devil mad and draw it out make hell nervous and draw it out break every yoke and draw it
out break generational curses and draw it out [Applause] i'm gonna quote this scripture and i'm gonna close right here that's why i had to stand up the word the bible says in hebrews 4 1 let us there for fear lest a promise being left us of entering into his rest any of you should seem to come short of it let's let's be scared let us let us let us have fear go back to verse one let us therefore fear lest the promise being left us of entering into his rest any should seem to come short
of it come on verse 2 for unto us was the gospel preached as well as unto them but the word preach did not profit them not being mixed with [Applause] your profit is tied to your faith no faith no profit no faith no profit the word did not profit as strong as god's word is it did not profit them not mixed with faith in them that heard it there were certain cities that jews jesus could not do miracles in because they had nothing to draw with this morning as i close i'm gonna stop there i
feel like going into a outright crazy spanked uranium preaching fit wow [Applause] there is something that god has for you [Applause] and you're gonna need faith to draw it out it's not a dancing thing it's not a shouting thing it's not a scripture quoting thing this has come down to a faith fight [Applause] and you got to stand still and steady yourself and strengthen your backbone and stand up against the enemy and this way you gotta talk to him like this you gotta walk right up to him say though he's slaying yet shall i trust
you [Applause] and you gotta walk up to mr devil and introduce yourself to mr devil and say mr devil i'm the head i'm the head and knock the tail i'm above and not beneath i'm more than a conqueror i'm blessed in the city i'm blessed in the field i'm blessed in my uprising i'm blessed in my down city if i'm blessed in charleston i'll be blessed in dallas if i go to chicago i'll be blessed in chicago because the blessing is not on the city the blessing is on me and everywhere my feet drawn god's
going to give it to me you know why devil you know why devil let me tell you why you can't stop me it's a faithful it's a fake thing you're gonna have my coat but you can't have my faith you're gonna have my shoes but you can't have my faith you can take my car but you can't take my faith make some noise in this place [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me and my wife got married we moved to elvira road in dunbar a little tiny wood frame simple two-bedroom house she said it was nice that's love
the kitchen was so small that if you make something you didn't have nothing nowhere to cut up nothing it was it was just like a a little cubicle and and i can't remember how i got but i got a little bit of money wasn't a whole lot but a little bit instead of buying a bigger place of doing something smart with it i bought a satellite dish you remember that i said like this man you remember how big it was it was one that back to the old timey sat like this is about 12 feet
it was bigger than the house it looked absolutely ridiculous when it moved you couldn't even sit out there but i could get all kind of stations we didn't have central air but we had a dish [Applause] we didn't have a dishwasher but we had a dish here's what's funny to me every station that i picked up was already in the air all the discs do it was make it possible for me to receive [Applause] what was already there i didn't need the stations to be created i needed the dish so i could draw down what
was already there whatsoever you're praying about right now you already got it it's already done it's already there it's already available to healing is the children's bread whatever you need is already there if i can get you to have faith you'll receive you shall receive power after that the holy ghost has come upon you but you got to have some to receive it with [Applause] your faith don't create the power it just makes it possible for you to receive the power throw your hands up i want you to have a receiving week this week i
want you to receive on a level that will blow your mind i want you to start walking in faith and not in fear not in doubt and not in worry and not in frustration i want you to receive right now in your spirit in your spirit in your heart right now you're watching online the anointing is in this place i want you to receive it right now in the name of jesus it's a faith thing it's a faith thing it's a faith thing it's the faith that somebody the holy ghost got you sewn online right
now cause you want to get the faith thing it's a faith thing it's happening right now it's a faith thing it's moving right now it's faith it's not gonna be my works it's not gonna be an ingenuity it's not gonna be about trickery and scam and you think you're so split and you're so smart but that's why you lose all the time because you don't understand it's by faith this is a faith thing everybody in here that got faith makes some noise [Applause] this is so cool [Applause] this is so cool that if you believe
god right now you could be a drug dealer a gang banger be strung out on cocaine crack i don't care what it is you've had hiv positive breast cancer look at me i don't care what it is you could be a cross-dresser cross-liver whatever you want to call yourself if you believe god he will set you free [Applause] now wait a minute people still don't talk about you they still don't say whatever they want to say but god will set you free right now it's about eyes closed if you're in this place and you don't
know jesus if you're in him and you know church but you don't know jesus if you're in here and you drifted away and now you see something you never saw before god is making known unto you the mysteries that were hidden from the foundations of the world he's showing them to you right now now you don't come down to this well and you just sat through this service and it boils down to one thing do you have something to draw with there's no question that there's water in the well but have you got a bucket
now is the time for you to get something to draw with now either clothes and hands about and nobody's looking at you but god ain't you thirsty aren't you hungry for more don't you wonder what you could pull down in your own backyard if you had a satellite it ain't nothing wrong with the yard you don't have nothing to draw it down with you don't come to the altar because you're so much worse than anybody else all of us got some mess you come down to the altar so that you can have faith in god
and it can be counted unto you as righteousness and i'm gonna dismiss you in a minute and i'm scared that you're gonna sit by the well and die of thirst because you didn't get the faith you need to draw down into your life what you need to find out who you are and i'm going to give you a chance now you can play me you can play me and i'ma let you play me because a few minutes i'm gonna walk off the stage whether you're coming up and so if you play in this game of
being hard to get you're going to win the prize is hell hell after earth and hell on earth you
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